Arlington Public Schools Social Studies Curriculum 2010 Curriculum Guide- Grade 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

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1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Social Studies Department acknowledges the contributions made to the development of these materials by all social studies staff and especially the following people. 5 th GRADE Donna Barnette Ricky Hamilton Mitch Pascal Echo Rue Lynn Rohrs Kyra Wohlford Diana Hasuly-Ackman Social Studies Supervisor

2 Grade Five Introduction to History and Social Science The course of study for grade five is ancient civilizations. This course allows students to develop a greater understanding of selected ancient cultures, including Prehistory, The Fertile Crescent, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India & China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Mesoamerica. The course is organized around four main objectives, based on the following strands: Geography, History, Economics, and Civics. The objectives are repeated at the beginning of each unit, with the name of the ancient civilization being studied filled in at the end. APS 5.1 Geography: The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of APS 5.2 History: The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events of APS 5.3 Economics: The student will define the economic systems of APS 5.4 Civics: The student will identify the political systems of

3 COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course study for grade five is ancient civilizations. This course allows students to develop a greater understanding of selected ancient cultures including; Prehistory, The Fertile Crescent, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India and China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Mesoamerica. THEME: The organizing them for grade five is SYSTEMS. KEY CONCEPTS: Students will learn that SYSTEMS constitute the seven elements of a civilization; government, religion, social structure, surplus food, the arts,technology and writing (form of formal communication). succeed or fail based upon cooperation or conflict among people, the effects of geography, the acts of an individual or group and the achievement of humankind. operate or function according to written, legal, religious and social rules, beliefs or values. change as a result of conquest, trade, religion and geograph UNITS and UNIT SECTIONS: I. Prehistory the effects of geographical location hunter/gatherer clans agrarian societies archeological findings II. The Fertile Crescent development of civilizations forms of writing farming and irrigation methods development of barter systems III. Ancient Egypt the interconnectedness of social systems religious beliefs the effect of the Nile River on the development of Egypt great pharaohs and their beliefs IV. Ancient India & China development of empires and dynasties social structure and civil service trading and economic systems technological innovations

4 V. Ancient Greece forms of government philosophers key figures battles VI. Ancient Rome forms of government key figures architecture geographic advantage VII. Mesoamerica the effects of geography daily life and rituals Olmecs, Mayas, Aztecs and Incas organization and conquest Introduction to the Middle Ages Extension Activity

5 UNIT I: Prehistory STANDARDS OF LEARNING: This unit will address the following objectives: APS 5.1 Geography: The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities during Prehistory. APS 5.2 History: The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events during Prehistory. APS 5.3 Economics: The student will define the economic systems during Prehistory. APS 5.4 Civics: The student will identify the political systems during Prehistory. ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand that scientists have systems for interpreting artifacts and fossils to understand how people lived in the past. CONCEPTUAL UNIT QUESTION: What are the best ways to figure out how people lived in the past? PREVIEW ACTIVITY: Investigating the Past Source: History Alive! The Ancient World. Lesson Guide 1. pp SUMMARY OF KEY TERMS/PEOPLE: The following list of terms reflects some of the important vocabulary and individuals students should know to successfully understand course content. * indicates words not included in text and/or would need supplemental materials/additional discussion agriculture Catal Hoyuk harvest migrate social division ancient history climate historian Neanderthal society anthropology community Homo Erectus New Stone Age (Neolithic) surplus archaeologist culture Homo Habilis nomad technology artifact domesticate Homo Sapien Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) biped excavation site Hominids prehistory carbon dating* geographer land bridge ritual APS ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS, QUESTIONS, CONTENT and SKILLS: The following pages outline the essential understandings, questions, knowledge, and skills related to the APS curriculum. They provide the base from which the content in this unit is studied.

6 APS 5.1 GEOGRAPHY The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities during Prehistory. Early humans moved from East Africa to Europe, Asia and the Americas in search of land for planting, food sources, and animal grazing. What is the believed migration path of early humans? How did geography effect human migration? Early humans migrated across land bridges. Trace the migration patterns of early humans. Describe the factors that make a particular geographic location advantageous for settlement.

7 APS 5.2 HISTORY The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events during Prehistory. In the absence of written records, we use artifacts and fossils to examine Prehistory. What artifacts did Stone Age people leave behind? What have archaeologists discovered about early humans from the study of artifacts and fossils? Social Structure System Old Stone Age people had limited community involvement; New Stone Age people developed rudimentary divisions of labor: skilled hunters, craftspeople, weavers. System of Writing: Early humans communicated via hand prints and cave art. Distinguish fact from opinion in the history of early humans. Create a poster depicting the problems and solutions early humans faced. Compare and contrast the Old Stone Age with the New Stone Age. Cave art was the first attempt at a complex language. System of Religion: Neanderthals practiced burial rituals. System of the Arts: Cave art provides information about the emotional expressions of early humans. Science and Technology: Fire was first discovered. Neanderthals became skilled tool makers using bone, wood and stones. Weapons were developed using natural resources. Shelters were built leading to the domestication of plants and animals.

8 APS 5.3 ECONOMICS The student will define the economic systems during Prehistory. Stone Age people interacted with their environment to meet their basic needs. How did early humans interact to meet their basic needs? Earth s resources provided early humans the tools needed to survive. Old Stone Age (3.5 million years 8000 B.C.E.). Tools included stone, wood, bone, antler, and horn. New Stone Age (8000 B.C.E B.C.E.). Farming began, and polished stone tools were used. Explain how the domestication of plants and animals leads to surplus ad the division of labor. Compare and contrast the supply and demand chain of hunter / gathers to agrarians. Early people were hunters and gatherers. Early humans migrated following their food supply of ripening plants and herds of animals. Plants and animals were domesticated.

9 APS 5.4 CIVICS The student will identify the political systems during Prehistory. Stone Age people lived and worked in groups to meet their basic needs. What are the basic needs of all people? What are the characteristics of a huntergatherer society? What are the characteristics of early agrarian societies? ll people have physical needs such as: Food Water Shelter Clothing People have social and spiritual needs such as: Companionship Desire to share information Traditions Creativity Religious beliefs Compare and contrast the nomadic and agrarian cultures of early humans. Analyze the positive and negative effects of the shift from food collecting to food producing. Most hunter-gatherers traveled in small cooperative groups. Early people changed from a nomadic way of life to living in permanent settlements.

10 SAMPLE LESSON TITLE: From Hunters and Gatherers to Farmers UNIT I: Prehistory ENDURING UNDERSTANDING(s): Students will understand that scientists have systems for interpreting artifacts and fossils to understand how people lived in the past. CONCEPTUAL UNIT QUESTION: What are the best ways to figure out how people lived in the past? KEY CONCEPT(s): economics ESSENTIAL QUESTION(s): How did having a stable food supply effect the people in the Old and New Stone Ages? APS OBJECTIVES: 5.2 History, 5.3 Economics LESSON DESCRIPTION: This lesson helps students identify the important changes between the Old and New Stone Ages. Materials/Resources: History Alive! The Ancient World. Lesson Guide 1. pp History Alive! The Ancient World textbook sections 3.1 through 3.7. Interactive Student Notebooks, Image 3, Student Handouts 3A,3B, and 3D (1 per pair), Student handout 3C (3 per pair), scissors, glue, colored pencils Strategies: Compare and Contrast Student Action: read for meaning create a comic book complete reading notes participate in a peer read-around Teacher Action: place students in mixed-ability pairs and pre Notes. direct students to read Section 3.3 and work with their partner to complete the accompanying Reading Notes pages. direct students to read and take notes for sections 3.4 to 3.7 distribute a copy of Student Handout 3A: Creating a Comic Book project Image 3: Sample Comic Book Story Page distribute templates

11 conduct a peer read-around and wrap-up discussion Assessment: Student comic strips are the performance assessment for this lesson. Give students Assessment 3 History Alive! The Ancient World. Lesson Guide 1. pp Adaptation: For advanced learners, include additional story / comic pages to elaborate on the narrative suggesting further specialization by Neolithic Nic or Nel. For students with Special Needs, modify the comic pages to a large layout and supply premade dialogue starters that students may then complete, cut, and glue onto their comic strip.

12 Unit II: The Fertile Crescent STANDARDS of LEARNING: This unit will address the following objectives: APS 5.1 Geography: The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of the Fertile Crescent. APS 5.2 History: The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events that took place in the Fertile Crescent. APS 5.3 Economics: The student will define the economic system of the Fertile Crescent. APS 5.4 Civics: The student will identify the political system of the Fertile Crescent. ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand that civilizations develop with advances in societal systems. CONCEPTUAL UNIT QUESTION: What systems needed to be in place to advance the rise of civilization? PREVIEW ACTIVITY: Preview in Lesson 5: Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization? Scientists sometimes describe a society or group of humans as highly civilized. What do you think this means? Use graphic organizer in Interactive Student Notebook. Source: History Alive!: The Ancient World. Lesson Guide 1. p SUMMARY OF KEY TERMS/PEOPLE: The following list of terms reflects some of the important vocabulary and/or individuals students should know to successfully understand course content. * indicate words not included in text which would need supplemental materials/additional discussion Akkadian city-state Gilgamesh* Persian Gulf stele arch civilization Hammurabi Phoenicia Sumer Assyrian culture Hanging Gardens pictograph surplus* aqueducts cuneiform irrigation Sargon Syrian Desert Babylonian economy* levees scribe Taurus Mountains bas-relief empire Mediterranean Sea siege Tigris River capital Euphrates River Mesopotamia social structure tribute Canaan fertile natural resources* stable food supply Zagros Mountains chariot Fertile Crescent Nebuchadnezzar II status ziggurat APS ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS, QUESTIONS, CONTENT and SKILLS: The following pages outline the essential understandings, questions, knowledge, and skills related to the APS curriculum. They provide the base from which the content in this unit is studied.

13 APS 5.1 GEOGRAPHY The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of the Fertile Crescent. The natural resources of the Fertile Crescent were instrumental in the settlement of the region and eventually led to the development of civilization. What were the geographic features of the Fertile Crescent? What were the geographic advantages/disadvantages for the development of civilization in Mesopotamia? How did the natural resources of the Fertile Crescent affect the development of civilization? The Fertile Crescent from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf; Taurus Mountains to the north; Zagros Mountains to the east; Syrian Desert to the west. The Mediterranean region, northwest area, of the Fertile Crescent -located in modern day Jordan, Lebanon, Israel; hills and plains; seasonal rains and water from mountain streams made the land fertile; timber, metals, and stone for building. Make an illustrated map of important geographic features of the Fertile Crescent. Use a graphic organizer to describe the problems/solutions (causal chain) encountered as the people of the Fertile Crescent worked to survive with the resources they had. Eastern and southern region- Tigris and Euphrates rivers; modern day Iraq, parts of Syria and Turkey; land between the rivers referred to as Mesopotamia; barren plain with few natural resources; some areas marshy land, most dry desert; melting snows from the mountains caused flooding in the spring and early summer which enriched the land with silt, very fertile for farming.; sometimes severe flooding or droughts caused famine.

14 APS 5.2 HISTORY The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events that took place in the Fertile Crescent. Advances in the seven systems of government, religion, writing, arts, technology, social structure, and stable food supply helped civilization evolve and develop complexity in Mesopotamia between 3500 BCE and 539 BCE. As society became more complex, what changes occurred in the city-state of Sumer to advance development of civilization? Who were the important historical figures of this time period, and what were their accomplishments? The people of the Mesopotamia had many firsts. What innovations were each of the 4 empires credited with? History 3500 B.C.-Civilization evolved in the Fertile Crescent as Sumerians move from small farming villages to large cities, eventually creating city-states About 2330 B.C.E.-Sargon, an Akkadian ruler, conquered and united the city-states Sumer; ruler of the first empire; greatly expanded trade 1792 to 1750 B.C.E.- Hammurabi writes the code of laws to unite the Babylonian empire (Code of Hammurabi); Babylon center of culture and learning Use a graphic organizer to show information about the four empires of Mesopotamia, their lives and their accomplishments. Evaluate and describe the reasons for selection of which of the empires may have accomplished the most. Create a timeline showing advancements towards more complex civilizations. Around 900 BCE Assyrians rise to power with military might and siege warfare; capital city of Nineveh; empire lasts about 300 years 605 B.C.- Nebuchadrezzar II reestablished Babylonian empire; center of learning and trade; Tower of Babel, Hanging Gardens 539 B.C. Cyrus, leader of Persians, conquers Babylon

15 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events that took place in the Fertile Crescent. Social Structure System: Different jobs and social levels carry varied levels of status. Sumerian High Class: priests, land owners and government officials Sumerian Middle Class/common class: merchants, craftspeople, farmers, fishermen. Bottom of social structure were slaves who owned no property. System of Writing Cuneiform developed around 2400 BCE by Sumerians; record trade transactions; based on pictographs; scribes used a stylus to write on clay tablets; about 700 symbols to stand for ideas and sounds. Sumerians were first to develop a written system of laws. System of Religion Ziggurats tiered temples with long stairway, shrine on top; honor gods with daily offerings of food, drink, incense by priests; made of mud bricks. Sumerian s believed kings chosen by gods to rule

16 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events that took place in the Fertile Crescent. System of the Arts Harps, lyres, drums, tambourines, reed and metal pipes. Gold, lapis lazuli, shells, red limestone, glass, blue glazed bricks for jewelry Gilgamesh- first known written epic; adventures of legendary Sumerian king searching for immortality Science and Technology Systems Invented wheel, chariot, sailboat, arch, chisel, saw, lever, pulley, sun dial Base 60 number system; place value but no zero Calendar based on phases of the moon; divided year into months and 7 day weeks; hour 60 minutes and 60 seconds Astronomers studied sun, moon, star, planets; predicted solar and lunar eclipses

17 APS 5.3 ECONOMICS The student will define the economic system of the Fertile Crescent. Farming created food surpluses that were used to trade for scarce resources. Specialized goods added to a region s wealth and power. What economic cause-and-effect relationships occurred that were important to the development of civilization? Economy was based on farming; barley was main crop; surplus saved in storage bins Trade expands under establishment of organized empires Domesticated animals were used for food and farming. Farmers worked together to irrigate with canals and levees which were cleaned regularly to remove collections of silt. Describe cause-and-effect relationships that affected the economy of the Fertile Crescent Make a chart that reflects the advantages and disadvantages of bartering and a money economy. Evaluate whether a barter system would be successful today. Specialization resulted in textile workers, carpenters, potters, basket weavers, jewelers, metal and leather workers. Bartering was a means of exchange. Irrigation methods were developed to water crops. River was the source for mud bricks, fishing and transportation.

18 APS 5.4 CIVICS The student will identify the political system of the Fertile Crescent. As civilization developed in the Fertile Crescent, some form of government was needed to maintain order and oversee activities such as irrigation and building projects How did the political system of the Fertile Crescent evolve as the needs of society change? What does the Code of Hammurabi tell us about Babylonian society? As civilization developed, there was a need for planning, organizing, and cooperation among people By 3500 B.C., some villages developed into city-states; walled city and surrounding villages and farmland including Sumer, Babylon, Ur. Sumerian kings enforced laws and collected taxes; believed to be chosen by the gods to rule. Discuss the different emperors and how the rulers maintained control over their empires. Apply the Code of Hammurabi to scenarios acted out and judge if a person is guilty based on the laws as they were written. Evaluate the fairness of these laws. Later strong conquerors united large areas of Mesopotamia to form empires. Sargon built his Akkadian capital of Agade using tributes from those he conquered. Assyrians ruled with ruthless military might and the conviction that even kings had to obey the gods. Code of Hammurabi was one of the first recorded set of laws, was written on a stele and set in a public place.

19 SAMPLE LESSON TITLE: Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization? UNIT II: The Fertile Crescent ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand that civilizations develop with advances in societal systems. CONCEPTUAL UNIT QUESTION: What systems needed to be in place to advance the rise of civilization? KEY CONCEPT: The systems that brought about the rise of civilizations can be found in modern civilizations as well. ESSENTIAL QUESTION(s): As society became more complex, what changes occurred in the city-state of Sumer to advance development of civilization? APS OBJECTIVES: 5.2 LESSON DESCRIPTION: This lesson provides students with knowledge of the characteristics of civilization and an opportunity to apply this to analysis of artifacts of ancient Sumer to determine if it was indeed a civilization. Materials/Resources: History Alive! The Ancient World Lesson Guide 1 pages 64-77, text book pages 41-49, Interactive Student notebooks, Transparencies 5A and B, Information Masters 5A (several copies) and 5B (as overhead), 2 sets of Placards 5A-5H, CD track 6, transparent tape Strategies: Social Studies Skill Builder Student Action: identify characteristics of civilization analyze artifacts from ancient Sumer and explain how they are examples of the various characteristics of civilization identify modern-day artifacts that are examples of characteristics of civilization Teacher Action: prepare classroom for activity with placards 5A-%G along walls of the room and placard 5H with CD Track 6 and several Info Master 5A Die for student use group students in mixed-ability pairs explain objectives of the activity is to determine if Sumer had each characteristic of civilization by analyzing and drawing conclusions from artifiacts that archaeologists unearthed explain the activity and review steps for completion practice and model steps for analyzing an ancient Sumerian artifact as a class by reading section 5.3 and completing steps on Master 5B and sharing notes with class.

20 conduct the skill builder with Info Master 5B overhead as a reference and check pairs as they finish the first two sections of the reading notes. ensure students play track 6 on the CD when they examine placard 5H conduct wrap up activity by having each pair determine who will be their first stander, then select an artifact placard at random and show it to the class. have pairs check their notes to see if they used this artifact as evidence of one or more of the characteristics of civilization and if so their stander, stands up to share their explanation of how it is evidence for one characteristic ask the standers who used this artifact as evidence for two or more to remain standing while others sit down and ask them to share how it is evidence for a different characteristic continue this process until one students is the last one standing. select a new placard and repeat sufficient to do this for only a few of the 8 placards Assessment: Class discussion, written notes and processing spoke diagram in Student Interactive Notebook and/or written assessment included in History Alive! The Ancient World, Lesson Guide 1, p Adaptation: The teacher, to ensure comprehension, can direct the reading of the text pages as a whole class activity. The written summary on the reading notes worksheet can be done as a whole class activity where the teacher records sentences suggested by students on an overhead Image.

21 UNIT III: Ancient Egypt STANDARDS OF LEARNING: This unit will address the following objectives: APS 5.1 Geography: The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of ancient Egypt. APS 5.2 History: The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events of ancient Egypt. APS 5.3 Economics: The student will define the economic systems of ancient Egypt. APS 5.4 Civics: The student will identify the political systems of ancient Egypt ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand that societal systems within a civilization are interconnected. CONCEPTUAL UNIT QUESTION: In what ways can one system of civilization be connected to another? PREVIEW ACTIVITY: Postcard of Mount Rushmore Preview 8 Carefully analyze the postcard. As your teacher reveals each question, discuss it with your partners and write your answers below. (Interactive Student Notebook p 59). Questions are on Image 8A: What interesting details do you see on the image on this postcard? In whose honor is this monument built? Do you think these were the same presidents who had this monument built? Why or why not? Why do you think this was built to honor these particular presidents? What other monuments do you know of that honors people or a group of people? Source: History Alive!: The Ancient World.. Lesson Guide 1. p SUMMARY OF KEY TERMS/PEOPLE: The following list of terms reflects some of the important vocabulary and individuals students should know to successfully understand course content. * indicate words not included in text which would need supplemental materials/additional discussion alliance geography Nile River sanctuary vegetation ankh Giza obelisk sarcophagus vizier artisan Hatshepsut papyrus Senusret I White Chapel census hieroglyphs peasant social classes delta Hittites pharaoh social pyramid embalming King Khufu polytheism sphinx environmental factors King Tutankhamen pyramid temple famine monotheism* Ramses II topography fertilization mummy Rosetta Stone* Valley of the Kings* APS ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS, QUESTIONS, CONTENT and SKILLS: The following pages outline the essential understandings, questions, knowledge, and skills related to the APS curriculum. They provide the base from which the content in this unit is studied.

22 APS 5.1 GEOGRAPHY The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of ancient Egypt. Environmental factors (water, topography and vegetation) are dependent on an area s geography and greatly determine why people settled in certain areas in ancient times. What were the environmental factors that influenced ancient Egyptian settlements? The Greek historian Herodotus called ancient Egypt the gift of the Nile. What is the meaning of this phrase? Water s importance for drinking, source of food, washing to prevent disease, transportation of people and goods. Topography (shape of the land) as farmers usually settled in flat open areas as opposed to dealing with challenges of mountains and deserts. On a map, locate important geographic features of the Nile River Valley. Vegetation as food source or to make products or tools; kinds are determined by weather and topography. The Nile River flows through fertile valley from the mountains of east Africa northward to the Mediterranean Sea; about 4,000 miles long; longest river in the world desert on either side kept out invaders Egypt is a desert except for fertile land along Nile; early flooding brought silt that enriched the soil, created the delta at the mouth; rich soil for farming, food, transportation. Papyrus, a tough water plant, grew along Nile, very useful to be made into baskets, rope, and paper.

23 APS 5.2 HISTORY The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient Egypt. Advanced civilizations have: an economic system that included a food surplus, specialization of jobs, and trading cities a system of government a system of writing a complex system of religious beliefs a cultural system with advances in the arts, science, and technology What is the importance of writing in the development of civilization? How were religious beliefs involved in most aspects of Egyptian life? Egyptian civilization lasted from around 3100 BCE to 350 CE. 3 Periods of ancient Egyptian history Old Kingdom ~ BCE Age of Pyramids Middle Kingdom ~ BCE Period of Reunification New Kingdom ~ BCE Golden Age Social Structure/System Social pyramid-supreme ruler, pharaoh at the top, followed by government officials, then priests, then scribes, followed by artisans and finally peasants. Fewer people at highest status, more at bottom with lower status. Complete a graphic organizer/social pyramid with details describing daily life at each social level. Make a chart that compares and contrasts Ancient Egypt s system of writing with that of the United States. Role of women: could inherit, buy and sell land, perform business transactions; some became doctors, government officials or priestesses; often managed home and children; higher class enjoyed better quality of life; Children highly valued, sons trained to continue father s work; usually stayed within social group of parents.

24 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient Egypt. Pharaoh Supreme ruler, considered a god and word = law Government Officials Many inherited positions though some rose to power Vizier advisor for pharaoh and chief judge Chief treasurer collect taxes and manage government wealth General of Armies- advised on warfare and alliances with other kingdoms Priests Various types from High Priest advisor of pharaoh to temple priests that look after specific god s temples. Oversee mummification process. Scribes Only men could serve as official writers and record keepers. Come from all classes and allows rising from parent s class to higher status Artisans Specialized craftspeople, upper classes often looked down on these as common workers Peasants Unskilled labor/farmers largest class

25 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient Egypt. System of Writing: Hieroglyphics picture writing 700 symbols no spaces or puncutation written on papyrus pen called stylus, made from reed Few could read, hieroglyphics; job of the scribe considered very important; recorded taxes collected, kept records of the pharaoh s business, recorded the grain and food supply, census. Record of rituals.

26 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient Egypt. In 1799 in Rosetta, a town in the western Nile delta; Napoleon s men discovered the Rosetta Stone. The same inscription was written in hieroglyphics, Greek, and another form of Egyptian writing. System of Religion Worshiped hundreds of gods (polytheism); many with human body and animal head; major gods included Ra (Re), sun god; Osiris, god of dead and ruler of underworld; Isis, wife of Osiris, protective goddess; Anubus, god of embalming Believed in an afterlife; to live in afterlife, person s identity had to be preserved through mummification; Believed soul of dead went to the Underworld

27 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient Egypt. The dead were buried in pits dug in sand; hot, arid climate naturally preserved bodies; they later, buried in coffins to protect from wild animals; wealthy more elaborate tombs; pharaohs built pyramids filled with food, clothing, everything needed in afterlife System of Arts Enjoyed parties; singing, dancing, Wrote adventure and love stories, poems, fairy tales, and proverbs. Brightly colored paintings decorated walls of tombs and temples; scenes of daily life; believed scenes on walls of tombs would come to life in afterworld. Drawings of people showed head and neck in profile view with one eye that looked as if it would be seen from a front perspective. Largest pyramid, the Great Pyramid at Giza; built for King Khufu (Cheops) about 4,500 years ago; took twenty years to build.

28 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient Egypt. The tomb of King Tutankhamen located in the Valley of the Kings found by Howard Carter in Great Sphinx located along Nile in Giza; body of lion, head (believed to be) of Khafre, one of Khufu s sons; built over 4,500 years ago; soft sandstone. Astronomers studied sky; devised 365 day calendar with 12 months;three seasons Decimal system; symbols for powers of ten; no zero. Studied geometry; able to calculate area of rectangle, circle. Used precise measurement to build pyramids; aligned to cardinal directions. Animals and magic spells were used to cure illnesses

29 APS 5.3 ECONOMICS The student will define the economic systems of ancient Egypt. Organization of workers created a more effective economy in Ancient Egypt. How was cooperation among workers important in the development of the ancient Egyptian economy? What changes in the economic system helped lead to the development of a civilization in ancient Egypt? Economic system based on farming; wheat, barley, and vegetables. Farming and irrigating required organization and cooperation; one person plowed land, another threw seed, then animals trampled over soil which was then raked. Make an illustrated flowchart showing economic changes that were instrumental in the development of civilization in ancient Egypt. Egyptians traded grain, gold, copper, linen, papyrus, jewelry, gemstones for timber, iron, silver, tin, lead. Craftsmen specialized; carpentry, metal, jewelry, and glass making, pottery, sculpting, painting, and weaving. Old Kingdom, Egypt invaded Nubia to the south for resources; gold, ivory, cattle, ostrich feathers, granite. Middle Kingdom: canal dug connecting Red Sea and Nile; facilitated trading. New Kingdom, Egyptian Empire reached its height; stretched from Kush in south to Euphrates River in east. Rule of Hatshepsut, first powerful woman ruler who greatly enriched wealth of Egypt by trading with Punt, in northeastern Africa, and Asia for gold, ivory, spices.

30 APS 5.4 CIVICS The student will identify the political systems of ancient Egypt. The pharaoh had total political power in ancient Egypt. What evidence indicates that the pharaoh had total power in ancient Egypt? What were the political responsibilities of the pharaoh? 3150 B.C., Menes (from Upper Egypt) united Upper and Lower Egypt; built new capital at Memphis. Very little is known about Egypt before this time. Pharaoh Khufu: The Pyramid Builder Ruled ~ BCE Built the Great Pyramid at Giza, a wonder of ancient world, took 20 yrs to complete Strict control over food supply Explain the major accomplishments of four Egyptian pharaohs. Pharaoh Senusret I:Patron of the Arts Ruled ~ BCE Strong leader with emphasis on religious architecture: temples shrines, monuments Built White Chapel (alabaster temple) in Karnak Story of Sinuhe written during his reign Pharaoh Hatshepsut: Promoter of Egyptian Trade Ruled ~ BCE First female pharaoh Pharaoh Ramses II: Military Leader & Master Builder Ruled ~ BCE Built Abu Simbel temple complex Many military campaigns against Hittite and signed first peace treaty His mummy is one of best preserved.

31 SAMPLE LESSON TITLE: The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs UNIT III: Ancient Egypt ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand that societal systems within a civilization are interconnected. CONCEPTUAL UNIT QUESTION: In what ways can one system of civilization be connected to another? KEY CONCEPT(s): Religion as a crucial system throughout ancient Egypt s history ESSENTIAL QUESTION(s): How were religious beliefs involved in most aspects of Egyptian life throughout the three major periods of ancient Egyptian history? APS OBJECTIVES: 5.2 LESSON DESCRIPTION: Students tour monuments to learn about accomplishments of four pharaohs and their emphasis on the afterlife. Materials/Resources: History Alive! The Ancient World Lesson Guide 1 pages , Interactive Student Notebooks, text book p 73-79, Transparencies 8A- 8G, Station Directions 8A-8D (1 per each group of 3) Station Materials 8B, Info Master 8 (1 Image), CD tracks 7-15, masking tape Strategies: Writing for Understanding Student Action: identify the three major periods of ancient Egyptian history explain the major accomplishments of 4 Egyptian pharaohs, including Hatshepsut and Ramses the Great write a personal letter describing the accomplishments of these pharaohs and important information about the monuments they built discuss the connecting element of religion/afterlife in each of the pharaoh s accomplishments as well as their role as a ruler Teacher Action: Introduce Chapter 8 with graphic organizer on p 73 and key terms create a large outline of a felucca on the floor with masking tape and tourist sites around the room put students in mixed ability groups of 3 introduce the activity, explaining they will provide and distribute handouts review steps for completing tour monitor groups as they work ensure students check accuracy and completion of notes wrap up activity with discussion of how each pharaoh added to strengthening beliefs in afterlife, reinforcing their complex, cohesive civilization assess student performance and processing activity

32 Assessment: Performance and processing in notebooks and/or Lesson 8 written assessment in Lesson Guide 1 pages Adaptation: Struggling learners preteach concepts and vocabulary, with more focus on preview activity and use of postcards. For those with less background knowledge, a more recognizable and local image may be chosen instead of Mt Rushmore for the preview, ie Lincoln Memorial. Extension students can make graphic organizing webs with religion as the center and show how each spoke of civilization relates back to religion.

33 UNIT IV: Ancient Asia: India and China STANDARDS OF LEARNING: This unit will address the following objectives: APS 5.1 Geography: The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of ancient India and ancient China. APS 5.2 History: The student will analyze the effects of the people, places, and events of ancient India and ancient China. APS 5.3 Economics: The student will define the economic systems of ancient India and ancient China. APS 5.4 Civics: The student will identify the political systems of ancient India and ancient China. ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Students will understand that a leader s belief system influences government systems. CONCEPTUAL UNIT QUESTION: In what ways did the belief system of India s and China s leaders influence their government? PREVIEW ACTIVITY: My Golden Age, Preview 18 Historians often call a specific time period in a country s history its golden age. This is usually a time when great accomplishments are made. Write a short paragraph about a period in your life that you would describe as your golden age. Explain why you chose this period. This might be a time when you were very successful at school, you really enjoyed what you were doing, your sports team was usually winning, or you won an art or a musical competition. It can be any period you are proud of. (Page 119 in Interactive Student Notebook.) Source: History Alive! The Ancient World.. Lesson Guide 1. p SUMMARY OF KEY TERMS/PEOPLE: The following list of terms reflects some of the important vocabulary and individuals students should know to successfully understand course content. * indicate words not included in text which would need supplemental materials/additional discussion India Key Terms/People India Key Terms/People China Key Terms/People China Key Terms/People China Key Terms/People Aryabhata Indus River bureaucracy Legalism Wu Di Buddhism King Ashoka civil servants logographs Zhou Dynasty caste system Mauryan Empire Confucianism oracle bones edicts Sanskrit Daoism Qin Dynasty Gupta Empire Great Wall Qin Shiuangdi Gangus River Gobi Desert Shang Dynasty Himalaya Mountains Han Dynasty Silk Road Hinduism Huang He River standardize APS ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS, QUESTIONS, CONTENT and SKILLS: The following pages outline the essential understandings, questions, knowledge, and skills related to the APS curriculum. They provide the base from which the content in this unit is studied.

34 APS 5.1 GEOGRAPHY The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of ancient India and ancient China. The geography of India and China created diverse societies. How did India and China s varied geography affect its people, economy and history in ancient times? India: The Brahmaputra River starts in the Himalayas and meets with the Ganges river on the plains, leaving behind rich sediment and fertile farmland on the northern plains. On a map, locate important geographic features of Ancient India and China. The Deccan Plateau is an elevated area of raised flat land between two mountain ranges in southern India. Large granite rocks cover the land and are among the worlds oldest, more than 600 million years old. The Eastern and Western Ghats are long mountain chains. In the Western Ghats, the wet climate encourages growth of tropical plants. The Himalayas are the tallest mountains in the world. Mount Everest is part of this chain of mountains. Himalaya s means home of the snows. Glaciers from these mountains feed the many rivers of India. The 28 mile Khyber Pass is located in the Hindu Kush Mountains. It connects Asia to the Indian subcontinent and traders used it to pass to the Indus River Valley.

35 APS 5.1 continued The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of ancient India and ancient China. The Thar Desert in northern India is mostly sand and desert. It is home to many animals and birds. China: Modern China is the third largest country in the world. Currently, more people live in China than in any other country. The Tibet-Qinghai Plateau is the world s largest plateau and is bound by the Himalaya Mountains. This area is called the roof of the world. Yaks and other livestock are herded in this area, as it is too dry and cold to grow other crops. China s geography includes the Taklimakan and Gobi Deserts. The Taklimakan desert has huge sand dunes and is considered one of the most dangerous deserts in the world. The Gobi desert is made mostly of stone. The Northeastern Plain is an area of great contrast. It has short, warm summers and is dry and cold in the winters. In general, the plain is too dry and cold to be good for growing crops.

36 APS 5.1 continued The student will understand the effects of geography on the location, development, and activities of ancient India and ancient China. The North China Plain is sometimes called the Land of the Yellow Earth. The Huang He River is also called the Yellow River. The area along the river banks is a good place to settle down and grow crops. Although the Huang He River helps farmers it has also been the cause of many disasters. Located along the Chang Jian river the Chang Jiang Basin has a mild, wet climate. The surrounding lands are very fertile and are very good for growing rice. Middle Kingdom ~ BCE Period of Reunification New Kingdom ~ BCE Golden Age Social Structure/System Social pyramid-supreme ruler, pharaoh at the top, followed by government officials, then priests, then scribes, followed by artisans and finally peasants. Fewer people at highest status, more at bottom with lower status. Role of women, could inherit, buy and sell land, perform business transactions; some became doctors, government officials or priestesses; often managed home and children; higher class enjoyed better quality of life; Children highly valued, sons trained to continue father s work; usually stayed within social group of parents. Married within social group.

37 APS 5.2 HISTORY The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient India and China. Advanced civilizations have: an economic system that included a food surplus, specialization of jobs, and trading cities a system of government a system of writing a complex system of religious beliefs a cultural system with advances in the arts, science, and technology How were the lives of people in Early India and China affected by the introduction of new technology, philosophies, innovations, empires or dynasties? Understanding of the following empires and dynasties: Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, Shang Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty, Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty. India: Mauryan Empire: 322 to 187 B.C.E. First leaders to unify India. Series of wars and conquest ended, focusing on Buddhist teachings. King Ashoka posted edicts for all to see in public places promoting general welfare, justice and security. Gupta Empire: 320 to 550 C.E. Many colleges and universities were built. Primarily for boys. Medicine practices were taught and Hindu doctors were especially skilled at surgery. Many pieces of Sanskrit literature were written. Sacred texts including the Bhagavad Gita, teaching Hindu values was written. Cave paintings, scrolls and statues were created. Gupta Kings controlled mines of gold, copper and iron. Advanced metal working skills were shown with iron gates and gold and copper coins. Arabic numbers we use today were learned from Indian system of numbers. Identify technology, innovations and ideas of the early Indian and Chinese. Create a timeline of empires and dynasties. Explain how technology, innovations and philosophies changed life in early India and China. Discuss how life for the average Indian and Chinese person would have changed based on which empire or dynasty they lived under.

38 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient India and China. Hindu mathematicians were the first to treat zero as a number. Used decimal system to write numbers. Mathematician, Aryabhata gigured out a year was exactly days long and calculated appromixmate size of the Earth. Engineers built a vaste system of roads, including distance markers, rest houses and wells for water and cooking. China: The Shang Dynasty: 1700 to 1122 B.C.E. : Shang craftsman excelled in working with tools and everyday items made in bronze. They also worked with jade. Rituals were important to people. Oracle bones helped to predict the future and human sacrifices were made to serve kings in the afterlife. Shang society was divided up into six social classes; The King s clan, nobles, craftspeople, traders, farmers and slaves. First to leave written records in China, using both logograpsh and pictographs. The Zhou Dynasty: 1045 to 256 B.C.E. Zhou claimed they had been given the Mandate of Heaven or a divine right to rule China.

39 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient India and China. Used a system of feudalism, in which the king owned all the land and gave large pieces to lords and their tenants in return of loyalty and soldiers. The Zhou Dynasty was a time on instability. Rulers hired scholars to advise them. This time period was called The Hundred Schools of Thought. The three most influential schools of thought were: Confucianism: Confucius taught that peace and order depended on proper behavior. Leaders must lead by example and followers must obey. Daoism: Believed peole should live simply and in harmony with nature. They believe rulers who ruled the least were the best. Legalism: Believed that order could be created by strict laws and harsh punishments. The Qin Dynasty: B.C.E. Qin Shihuangdi was China s first emperor. Used legalism to control and unify China and centralize the government.

40 APS 5.2 continued The student will analyze the effects of people, places, and effects on the development of civilization in ancient India and China. He standardized laws, money, weights, measures and writing. The Great Wall of China was constructed. The Han Dynasty: 206 B.C.E.-220 C.E. Ruled for more than 400 years. Organized into a bureaucracy. Civil servants were created and given jobs based on their abilities. Many inventions were made including: The wheel barrow, paper, ink, the chain pump, anesthetics, the seismograph and compass. Salt mining was used. The Silk Road was used for trade.

41 APS 5.3 ECONOMICS The student will define the economic systems of ancient India and China. Trade and technological innovations impacted the economics of early Indian and Chinese civilizations. How did different empires and dynasties effect trade? India: During the Mauryan empire agriculture was important. Roads over 1,000 miles long were built. Farmers were insured water for their crops. Make illustrated billboards showing how trade practices changed or developed in early India and China The Gupta Empire encouraged trade by creating a huge system of roads. These roads allowed traders to move from city to city, to important waterways and connected India to China and lands east of the Medeiterranean Sea. This empire was considered a golden age, a time of great prosperity and achievement. China: During the Shang dynasty people traded goods. They used cowrie shells as money. Agriculture and localized trading dominated the economy of the Shang dynasty. Trade expanded and silkbecame the most important Chinese product during the Zhou Dynasty. Systems of money, weights and measures were standardized during the Qin dynasty which helped trade between the regions.

42 APS 5.3 continued The student will define the economic systems of ancient India and China. During the Han dynasty the silk trade with other countries began. The salt industry began. Taxes, roads and new technology improved trade. The Silk Road was made possible by the Han. Many goods were traded along the Silk Road: The Chinese traded silk, fine dishware, ornaments, jewelry, cast-iron products and decorative boxes. The Chinese valued: Horses, jade, furs and gold from Central Asia. Cotton, spices, pearls and ivory from India. Glassware and gold from Rome. Beyond good, many cultural exchanges took place. Buddhism was introduced to China. Many new plants were introduced to different areas.

43 APS 5.4 CIVICS The student will identify the political systems of ancient India and ancient China. Empirical and dynastic rule throughout early India and China affected everyday lives of its people. Which of the empires and dynasties that ruled early India and China was best for its people? India: Under the Mauryan empire India was unified. After a series of wars and conquest ended, King Ashoka embraced Buddhism and reigned focusing on Buddhist teachings. King Ashoka posted edicts for all to see in public places promoting general welfare, justice and security. Welfare focused on good health, shelter, clean water and enough food. Justice was concerned with fair laws, court and jail systems. Security focused on issues of peace and conquest. Kind Ashoka believed in laws, allowed slavery and permitted people to be executed for serious crimes. Create flip books to explain the major contributions of early Indian and Chinese dynasties. The Guptas united northern kingdoms and built alliances by arranging marriages through rulers. They set up a central government. A council made up of advisors and royal family members helped the king to make decisions. The empire was divided into provinces. Provinces were ruled by royal governors and town leaders. A great deal of independence was given to the provinces allowing for prosperity and a golden age in the Gupta Empire.


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