Newsletter. July/August Club Events: Racing Fixtures: Message from Club Manager 會所經理的話

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1 July/August 2017 Newsletter Message from Club Manager 會所經理的話 On a vibrant summer day, the time has finally come to harvest the tasty, healthy fruits and vegetables. Our Chef continues to create refreshing and savory dishes with season s finest ingredients. The Club would launch a new Sunday semi-buffet lunch with more new delights. The lunch kicks off with the organic salad bar, following choices for the freshly made main courses and ends the meal with tempting dessert creations to indulge your sweet tooth. As always, I look forward to seeing you around the Clubhouse. 在這個充滿活力的夏日, 是水果及蔬菜的豐收時節, 它們既鮮甜多汁而有著高度的營養價值 大廚們不斷以最時令食材入饌, 製作令人醒神開胃及賞心悅目的菜式, 使您唇齒留香 本會將推出新的週日半自助午餐為會員帶來全新喜悅, 豐富繽紛的自助有機沙律吧會為這場午宴打開序幕, 另備即叫即製的優質主菜以供選擇, 最後以甜入心的精彩甜品作結 本會熱切期待你的光臨 C.C. Wong 黃俊文 Club Manager 會所經理 Club Events: 1 st 31 st July 1 st 31 st August Monthly All-In-One Chinese Menus Every Monday to Saturday Executive Luncheon 1 st 31 st July A Tour of Portuguese Cuisine 1 st 31 st July Summer Sensation 23 rd / 30 th July 6 th / 13 th / 20 th / 27 th August Surf & Turf Parade - Sunday Semi-Buffet Lunch Meeting Packages - Dedicated to Your Success 為您成就無限商機的會議套餐 World Trade Centre Club HK offers a variety of meeting packages and a wealth of experience in setting up meetings and events for local and international executives. We offer dedicated assistance with a team of experienced staff to work with you every step of the way. Our private function rooms can accommodate meetings for any size from minimum 10 persons to up to 200 persons. We aim to make your guests feel welcomed and your meeting a great success. Racing Fixtures: Sha Tin: 1 st / 9 th / 16 th July Happy Valley: 12 th July 香港世界貿易中心會提供各類型的會議套餐, 旨為本地及海外行政人員策劃不同會議及活動, 我們擁有專業及資深經驗的團隊協助您邁向成功每一步 會所內的會議室可容納 10 位至 200 位會議嘉賓, 本會務求令您的客人有賓至如歸的感覺及舉辦成功順暢的會議 For enquiries, please contact our Catering Department at or at 如有查詢, 請致電本會宴會部 或電郵至 Club Address: 38/F, World Trade Centre, 280 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong General Line / Reservations: Website: Marketing & Membership Department: / Catering Department:

2 Reciprocal Club in Shanghai 上海聯繫會所 The Club members can access an additional Reciprocal Club located in Shanghai. The Club was developed by Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited in the luxury Shanghai Arch development and named as S Shanghai Arch. The Clubhouse includes an indoor swimming pool, spa, ballroom, children s playroom, boxing ring, multi-purpose indoor ball court, karaoke and music rooms, billiards, a rooftop garden and more. In addition, members can access the dining and entertainment facilities to unwind you a leisurely pace of life in this fast paced city. When visiting a reciprocal Club, members are required to present the membership card and a letter of introduction. Please contact our Marketing and Membership Department at or to arrange for the letter five days in advance of the Club visit. Members are required to settle payment in accordance with official price lists provided by S Shanghai Arch before departure and note advance reservation is highly recommended. 本會會員可享用多一間位於上海的海外聯繫會所, 由新鴻基地產發展有限公司建造的大型豪華住宅區項目濱江凱旋門內的大型會所 濱江凱旋門 會所設有室內泳池 SPA 宴會廳 兒童遊樂室 拳擊健身室 室內多功能球場 卡拉 OK 室 音樂室 桌球室 頂層室外花園等 另外, 會員也可享用消閒餐飲 設施, 讓您在繁忙都市節奏中, 隨時可享愜意無憂的品味生活 每次到訪時請攜帶有效的會員證和介紹信 會員在前往聯繫會所之前, 請於出發前 5 天致電 或 聯繫本會市場推廣及會員部申請介紹信 會員需根據 濱江凱旋門 的官方價目表付帳, 並在離開會所前繳付有關帳目及敬請預先訂座 Club Address: 會所地址 : Opening Hours: 開放時間 : No.688, Pu Ming Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China 上海市浦東新區, 浦明路 688 弄 8am-9pm (Monday to Friday) 9am-9pm (Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday) 早上 8 時至晚上 9 時 ( 星期一至五 ) 早上 9 時至晚上 9 點 ( 星期六 日及公眾假期 ) For table reservation, please contact S Shanghai Arch at 如需訂座, 請致電 濱江凱旋門 New Access to The Gymnasium & Sky Club at The Royal Garden Hotel 新開放使用帝苑酒店健身室及泳池 From 1st August, Full Access Members can access the following facilities at The Royal Garden hotel. The Gymnasium The new state-of-the-art gymnasium includes the latest equipment on the market Kinesis Personal Heritage and Vario Unity, with an assortment of different machines for body toning instructed by professional trainers to improve general fitness level. Sky Pool Measuring at 25 meters, the Sky Pool provides sufficient room for swimmers to train their body and cleanse their mind. Panoramas of Victoria Harbor are available from the poolside lounge chairs, an ideal spot to bathe in sunlight or spend a carefree afternoon. Booking Arrangement Members are required to call our Reception at to make booking at least one day in advance. There is a quota for daily use. The Club staff would confirm the availability by phone. 由八月一日開始, 本會全費會員可使用帝苑酒店以下設施 : 健身室健身室新增了近期流行的運動器械, 包括具備多功能性的 Kinesis Personal Heritage 及 Vario Unity 多功能跑步踏步機, 由專業健身教練指導客人適當地運用各項健體設施來鍛鍊體魄 泳池 Sky Pool 泳池長度達 25 米, 給人充足空間盡展筋骨, 洗滌身心 從池畔遠眺, 維多利亞港景緻一覽無遺, 客人可在旁邊的躺椅享受日光浴鬆弛神經, 如置身假日小島般過一個恬靜無憂的下午 預約安排會員須於一天前致電本會接待處 以預訂服務, 每天有配額的限制 會所職員會以電話確定安排 Usage Time 使用時間 Monday to Friday 星期一至星期五 Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays 星期六 星期日及公眾假期 6:30am 10:30pm 6:30am 5:00pm Hotel Address: 69 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon 酒店地址 : 香港九龍尖沙咀東部麼地道 69 號 For more information or any enquires, please feel free to contact our Marketing & Membership Department at or 如有任何查詢及需更多資訊, 請致電 或 與本會市場推廣及會員部聯絡 Smart Tips: Please note that usage of Reciprocal Clubs is a benefit available to Full Access Members only. The membership cards are non-transferable. Members must abide by the Bye-law and dress code while using its facilities. 溫馨提示 : 互惠會所設施只供全費會員做用 會員咭不能轉用 會員使用會所設施時, 請留意衣著準則, 並遵守會所規則及受其約束

3 Deluxe Special All-In-One Menus for the month of July, 2017 七月精選全包宴 菜譜 MENU A $5,550 $450 per additional guest 菜譜 MENU B $7,980 $650 per additional guest 菜譜 MENU C $12,880 $1,000 per additional guest 香芒煙鴨胸沙律 Fresh Mango & Smoked Duck Breast Salad 原炖八寶冬瓜盅 Double Boiled Whole Winter Melon in Soup 柚子黃金鮮斑球 Deep Fried Garoupa Fillet with Pomelo 豉蒜翠瓜珊瑚蚌 Sautéed Pink Clams & Jade Marrow with Garlic Black Bean 魚湯木耳泡菜苗 Poached Vegetables & Fungus in Fish Broth 菜胆上湯鷄 Poached Chicken with Vegetables 鮮茄蝦粒炒飯 Fried Rice with Diced Shrimps & Tomato 薑葱撈麵 Braised Noodles with Spring Onion & Ginger 鮮時果拼盆 Seasonal Fruit Platter 美點雙輝映 Chinese Petits Fours 醬烤依比利亞橡果黑毛豬伴秋葵 Baked Iberico Meat with Okura 紅燒牙揀勾鮑翅 Braised Superior Shark s Fin in Brown Sauce 清蒸海星斑 Steamed Garoupa 菜苗原隻鮑魚 Braised Whole Abalone with Vegetables 黑椒猴頭菇炒翠瓜 Sautéed Jade Marrow & Monkey Head Mushrooms with Black Pepper Sauce 脆皮豉油鷄 Deep Fried Soya Sauce Chicken 飄香荷葉飯 Fried Rice with Shrimps Wrapped in Lotus Leaves 雪菜火鴨絲炆米粉 Braised Rice Noodles with Shredded Roast Duck 鮮時果拼盆 Seasonal Fruit Platter 美點雙輝映 Chinese Petits Fours 鮮果大蝦沙律 Fresh Fruit & King Prawn Salad 紅燒牙揀勾鮑翅 Braised Superior Shark s Fin in Brown Sauce 清蒸老鼠斑 Steamed King of the Sea 蠔皇二十頭南非吉品鮑 Braised African Dried Abalone with Oyster Sauce 米湯鮮淮山菜苗 Poached Fresh Yam & Vegetables in Rice Broth 脆皮江南百花鷄 Deep Fried Stuffed Chicken with Shrimp Paste 五色米炒飯 Fried Five Grain Rice 雪菜肉絲炆米粉 Braised Rice Noodles with Shredded Meat & Preserved Vegetables 鮮時果拼盆 Seasonal Fruit Platter 美點雙輝映 Chinese Petits Fours 1. 席金足 12 位用 (Menu price for a table of twelve) 2. 每席送壹枝法國紅酒及壹打生力啤酒或汽水 (Inclusive of one bottle of French red wine and one dozen of San Miguel beers or soft drinks) 3. 每席送鵲片壹檯 (One table of mahjong is free-of-charge for each table) 4. 自來洋酒, 每席壹瓶免開瓶費 (Free corkage, one bottle for each table) 5. 本會所有食物不含味之素 (No MSG is used in our food) Summer Sensation 夏日迷情 The Club creates a selection of refreshing dishes made of healthy seasonal fruits including lychee, pomelo, strawberry and cherry to refresh the palate. A variety of fruits are combined perfectly with premium ingredients including garoupa fillet, king prawns, scallops and seafood. Let us celebrate the colours of summer with a healthy and tasty menu. 本會精心挑選多款夏日時令鮮果如荔枝 柚子 士多啤梨及櫻桃等入饌, 配搭斑球 蝦球 帶子及海鮮等上乘材料炮製精緻菜式, 讓您透過這個健康美味菜單, 盡情享受繽紛夏日的魅力 燕液百花荔枝球 Steamed Minced Shrimp Stuffed with Bird s Nest & Lychee... $268 夜香花櫻桃炒蝦仁 Sautéed Shrimps with Telosma Cordata & Cherry... $148 柚子黃金斑塊 Deep Fried Garoupa Fillet with Pomelo...$328 橙花上肉排 Sautéed Pork Ribs in Orange Sauce... $138 紫蘿炒牛肉 Sautéed Sliced of Beef with Spring Ginger & Pineapple... $138 鳳梨咕嚕猴頭菇 Sweet & Sour Hericium Erinaceus with Pineapple...$98 香荔翠蝦球 Sautéed King Prawns with Lychee... $298 西檸芝麻雞 Pan Fried Chicken Fillet in Lemon Sauce Topped with Sesame.. $138 士多啤利淮山炒帶子 Sautéed Scallops with Strawberry & Fresh Yam...$328 香芒滑雞柳 Sautéed Shredded of Chicken with Mango... $128 沙葛荔枝珊瑚蚌 Sautéed Pink Clams with Lychee & Yam... $198 香芒彩椒牛柳絲 Sautéed Shredded Beef with Mango & Bell Peppers... $138

4 A Tour of Portuguese Cuisine 葡國菜之旅 The Chef is ready to showcase a tantalising selection of Portugal s dishes prepared with high-quality ingredients, careful flavour pairing, and imaginative presentation to ensure the best taste and temperature for you. 大廚們以優質的食材 精細的味道配對及創新的演繹手法, 準備了一系列葡國佳餚, 保證以最貼心的溫度和味度獻上給您 葡式煎大蝦莎莎 ( 位 ) $108 Grilled King Prawn de Salsa (each) 欖油扒沙甸魚 ( 位 ) $108 Seared Sardines with Olive Oil in Portuguese Style (each) 蒜子一口安格斯牛柳 ( 位 ) $118 Angus Beef Cubes with Garlic in Portuguese Style (each) 焗葡國雞伴香蒜飽 $168 Baked Chicken Fillet in Portuguese Style 葡式烤豬仔脾 ( 寸骨 )( 位 ) $108 Roasted Baby Pork Leg (bone-in) in Portuguese Style (each) Surf & Turf Parade - Sunday Semi-Buffet Lunch 海陸巡禮 週日半自助午餐 The Club would launch a delectable Sunday semi-buffet lunch to satisfy your taste buds. The lunch is an all you can eat affair with a wide range of organic greens. The Chefs have also created special choices of fresh seafood and mouthwatering meaty main courses, all freshly made to order. 本會將推出滋味誘人的半自助午餐, 首先, 客人可盡情享受沙律吧琳琅滿目的有機蔬菜, 大廚們會即席炮製主菜, 豐腴濃郁的鮮肉或生猛鮮甜的海鮮皆能滿足您味覺的享受 The main courses are served on a rotation basis and subject to seasonality. 主菜菜式將輪流供應及按時令不時更改 Date 日期 : Time 時間 : 23 rd & 30 th July 2017, Sunday 6 th, 13 th, 20 th & 27 th August 2017, Sunday 12:00noon 2:30pm 中午 12 時至下午 2 時 30 分 Price 價錢 : From $178 起 (Adult 成人 ) $98 (Child 小童 ) (aged between 4-12)

5 Members Benefits 會員優惠 The Royal Garden will offer dining privileges for our members between 1st July st January Please simply present your membership card and you will be entitled for the following exclusive offers: 由 2017 年 7 月 1 日至 2018 年 1 月 31 日, 帝苑酒店提供多項餐飲優惠給本會會員, 請出示會員卡以享有以下獨家優惠 : Fine Foods Shop 帝苑餅店 Restaurant Feature 餐廳特色 Festive Delicacies, Pastries and Fine Wines 節日食品, 糕點及酒 Location 地點 Lobby, Royal Garden 帝苑酒店大堂 Opening Hours 營業時間 11:00am to 9:00pm 早上十一時至晚上九時 Discount 折扣優惠 15% discount on home-made items with over $200 spending 購買自家製產品滿 $200 可享八五折優惠 Reservation Telephone 訂座電話 Martini Bar Martini 酒吧 Cocktails, drinks & snacks 雞尾酒 餐前飲料及小食 Basement 1, Royal Garden 帝苑酒店地庫 1 層 4:00pm to 1:00am 下午四時至零晨一時 15% discount (excluding happy hours from 5:00pm to 8:00) 八五折優惠 ( 歡樂時光由下午五時至八時除外 ) The Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant 帝苑軒 Dong Lai Shun 東來順 Cantonese Cuisines and Dim Sum 廣東粵菜及點心 Beijing & Huaiyang Cuisines 北京菜及淮揚菜 Basement 2, Royal Garden 帝苑酒店地庫 2 層 Basement 2, Royal Garden 帝苑酒店地庫 2 層 (Monday to Saturday) 10:00am to 3:00pm & 6:00pm to 11:00pm (Sunday & Public Holidays) 上午十一時三十分至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 ( 星期一至星期六 ) 上午十時至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 ( 星期日及公眾假期 ) 上午十一時三十分至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 Inagiku Japanese Restaurant, Kowloon Branch 稻菊日本餐廳 Japanese Cuisines 日本菜式 1/F, Royal Garden 帝苑酒店 1 樓 12:00noon to 3:00pm & 6:00pm to 11:00pm 中午十二時至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 Sabatini Ristorante Italiano Sabatini 意大利餐廳 Italian Cuisines 意大利菜式 3/F, Royal Garden 帝苑酒店 3 樓 12:00noon to 2:30pm & 6:00pm to 11:00pm 中午十二時至下午二時三十分及晚上六時至十一時 The Greenery 雅苑座 International Cuisines 國際美食 3/F, Royal Garden 帝苑酒店 3 樓 6:00am to 1:00am 早上六時至零晨一時 Le Soleil 越南餐廳 Vietnamese Cuisines 越南美食 3/F, Royal Garden 帝苑酒店 3 樓 12:00noon to 3:00pm & 6:00pm to 11:00pm 中午十二時至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 JIN Cuisine 晉薈 Cantonese Cuisines 廣東粵菜 2/F, Kowloon East Holiday Inn Express 九龍東智選假日酒店 2 樓 11:00am to 3:00pm & 6:00pm to 11:00pm 上午十一時至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 ( 星期一至星期六 ) 10:30am to 3:00pm & 6:00pm to 11:00pm (Sunday & Public Holidays) 上午十時三十分至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 ( 星期日及公眾假期 ) 20% discount during lunch & dinner period (Monday to Friday) 午餐及晚餐時段五折優惠 ( 星期一至星期五 ) (Saturday & Sunday) ( 星期六及星期日 ) INA by Inagiku 稻 Inagiku Grande Japanese Restaurant 稻菊日本餐廳 Japanese Cuisines 日本菜式 Japanese Cuisines 日本菜式 2/F, Kowloon East Holiday Inn Express 九龍東智選假日酒店 2 樓 4/F, Four Seasons Hotel 四季酒店 4 樓 上午十一時三十分至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 上午十一時三十分至下午三時及晚上六時至十一時 20% discount during lunch & dinner period (Monday to Friday) 午餐及晚餐時段八折優惠 ( 星期一至星期五 ) (Saturday & Sunday) ( 星期六及星期日 ) 10% discount during lunch & dinner period for A-La-Carte Menu 自選菜譜於午餐及晚餐時段可享九折優惠 Terms & Conditions 條款及細則 : - The booking is subject to space availability and advanced reservation is required; 敬請預先訂座, 座位供應將根據當天情況而定 - The booking is restricted to 10 persons per table per visit; 優惠只限每檯最多十人享用 - This is not applicable to banquets and private functions; 優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用 - The benefit is not applicable to 10% service charge; 優惠不適用於加一服務費 - Discount on beverage bills is only applicable at Martini Bar; 酒水優惠只適用於 Martini 酒吧 - The offer is not applicable to ticket sales, festive goodies & hampers; 優惠不適用購買節日門票 節日食品及禮物籃 - The offers are not valid on Mid-Autumn Festival; firework display evenings; eve of public holidays, public holidays and; Winter Solstice; 10th to 31st December. New Year s Day; 優惠不適用於中秋節及前夕 煙花匯演晚上 公眾假期及前夕 冬至 2017 年 12 月 10 日至 31 日及元旦 - The offers are not valid to VIP rooms, wedding events, banqueting, meetings and promotional menus. 優惠不適用於貴賓房 婚宴 宴會 會議及特別套餐 - The offers cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. 優惠不可於其他優惠一併使用 - The offers cannot be exchanged for cash or other products. 優惠不可兌換現金或其他產品 - The Royal Garden & World Trade Centre Club Hong Kong reserve the right for final decision in case of any dispute. 如有任何爭議, 帝苑酒店及香港世界貿易中心會保留最終決定權利 Terms and conditions apply. The Club reserves the right to alter or cancel the promotion without prior notice. 本會有權隨時修訂此條款與細則, 或終止或暫停此優惠而不作事先通知

6 15th year of SHKP staff coaching young academic underachievers 扶植弱勢青年 15 載新地師傅與青年同行探索職場 由新鴻基地產 ( 新地 ) 贊助 突破機構 ( 突破 ) 合辦的 見 造未來 - 師徒創路學堂 今年踏入 15 週年, 新地執行董事郭基煇先生及突破總幹事萬樂人女士, 於早前舉行的新一屆誓師禮上, 為 2017 年度活動揭開序幕,26 位新鮮人會完成一系列的生涯規劃活動及個人成長訓練課程, 並在新地進行為期十星期的工作實習, 期間由新地員工擔任師傅, 陪伴學員面對職場種種挑戰 SHKP Executive Director Adam Kwok (front, fifth left) and Breakthrough General Secretary Joyce Man (front, fourth right) announcing the 2017 Modern Apprenticeship Programme with participants, mentors and guests 新地執董郭基煇先生 ( 前排左五 ) 與突破總幹事萬樂人女士 ( 前排右四 ) 為 見 造未來 - 師徒創路學堂 2017 主持誓師禮, 並與一眾學員 師傅和嘉賓合照 The 15th Modern Apprenticeship Programme organized by Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited (SHKP) and Breakthrough and sponsored by SHKP began recently, offering onthe-job training for young people in SHKP Executive Director Adam Kwok and Breakthrough General Secretary Joyce Man welcomed the 26 apprentices to a series of life planning and personal development courses leading to 10-week apprenticeships under the guidance of SHKP mentors as they tackle different workplace challenges. The Modern Apprenticeship Programme has helped about 300 young people with uncertain academic futures, and this year s crop of 26 will get training in construction, property management, hospitality or project monitoring in respective SHKP construction, property management and hotel subsidiaries or Noah s Ark. Apprentices will learn about their jobs, life skills and the value of teamwork under the guidance of mentors, with the possibility of employment with SHKP if they pass an assessment upon completion of the programme. 師徒創路學堂 多年來與約 300 名在學業上遇到挫折, 對前路感到迷惘的青年人同行 今屆 師徒創路學堂 的 26 個工作實習崗位, 遍及新地建築業務 物業管理 酒店服務及工程監察等不同範疇, 讓學員有機會到集團旗下的建築公司 物業管理公司 酒店及挪亞方舟, 體驗職場生活 學員會在新地師傅的指導下, 學習工作知識, 而師傅亦會以言傳身教, 傳授工作上的軟技巧, 如待人接物技巧, 處事態度和團隊精神等等 畢業後, 通過考核的學員有機會獲聘 First Modern Apprenticeship Programme candidates Timothy Koo (first left), Agnes Wong (first right), Agnes mentor John Wong (second right), SHKP Executive Director Adam Kwok (centre) and Breakthrough General Secretary Joyce Man (second left) at the 15th commencement 第一屆學員顧建輝 ( 左一 ) 汪蔚宗 ( 右一 ) 及師傅黃天厚 ( 右二 ) 到場為新一屆學員打氣, 與新地執董郭基煇先生 ( 中 ) 及突破總幹事萬樂人女士 ( 左二 ) 一同見證 師徒創路學堂 邁進 15 週年 SHKP Reading Club summer reading fun Announcement of Sixth Young Writers Debut Competition winners 新閱會喜 閱 夏日第六屆 年輕作家創作比賽 優勝者誕生 The SHKP Reading Club and Joint Publishing will have seminars and talks with the latest Young Writers Debut Competition winners telling of their creative journeys. The Club will also launch a new online reading platform during the Hong Kong Book Fair. Seminars will be organized with cultural celebrities at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre to promote the latest trends in the book world, with gifts for people joining the Club at the fair. Don t miss it! SHKP Executive Director Allen Fung (sixth from right) met with the New Young Writers 新地執行董事馮玉麟 ( 右六 ) 與新一屆年輕作家會面及交流 The eight winning entries of the sixth Young Writers Debut Competition staged by the SHKP Reading Club and Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) will appear at the Hong Kong Book Fair and in bookstores in July. Entries this year covered a wide range of genres from fiction to reality on subjects including personal development, culture, the environment, an expat s experience and cities, highlighting the life and creativity in the young generation. Visit the SHKP Reading Club and Young Writers Debut Competition Facebook page for the latest information and don t forget to give the page a like! 由新地新閱會與香港三聯書店合辦的第六屆 年輕作家創作比賽, 八本優勝作品於七月在香港書展及各大書店登場 今屆作品題材廣泛, 紀實與虛構並有, 內容包括個人成長經歷 文化及環境保育 異地生活見聞及城市面貌等, 流露年輕人的氣息和創意活力 配合新一屆年輕作家的誕生, 新地新閱會及三聯將舉辦講座及對談活動, 邀請優勝作家與大家近距離分享這一次奇妙的創作歷程, 請留意 年輕作家創作比賽 的 Facebook 專頁, 緊貼最新活動資訊! 此外, 新閱會於香港書展期間推出全新網上閱讀平台, 並在會展舉行講座, 邀請文化界名人暢談閱讀潮流 ; 亦會設書展攤位, 即場加入成為新閱會會員, 更可獲精美迎新禮物, 萬勿錯過! SHKP Reading Club at the Hong Kong Book Fair: 新閱會書展攤位 1D-B24, Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre 會展 Hall 1, 1D-B

在著所有美味的背後, 是我們擁有兩名超過 30 年烹飪經驗的粵菜大廚以及後廚超過 30 人的團隊一起合作, 給您帶來真正海鮮粵菜藝術

在著所有美味的背後, 是我們擁有兩名超過 30 年烹飪經驗的粵菜大廚以及後廚超過 30 人的團隊一起合作, 給您帶來真正海鮮粵菜藝術 最完美的食材要用最完美的態度與技術去對待, 正是我們漁膳房的大廚們所奉行的原則 料理對我們來說, 不單單隻是把食物做到美味, 更是一門精深的學問和藝術 從處理食材 烹飪到擺盤, 我們們都追求盡善盡美 除了調製出最美味的 符合華人飲食習慣的口味, 我們更是注重不破壞食材本身的美味之處, 並讓人從食中感悟養生之道 我們注重菜品的多樣化, 從早茶點心 午餐套餐到正餐, 應有盡有, 隻為了滿足消費者們不同的飲食需求

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