gful/s kqsfl/tf kqsf/ gf/fo0f sfsl{sf] 3/ -k5fl8 b]lvpsf]_ Go"/f]8 d"n ;8sdf hf]8]/ /flvpsf] sjf8l

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1 + { cff6 tkfo{sf] ;fy xfd f] artdf jflif{s Aofhb/ ^=%)Ü sf:sl kmfogfg; lnld6]8 KASKI FINANCE LIMITED New Road, Pokhara Ph: , Fax: , P.B.: tkfo{sf] e/kbf] { ljqlo ;xofql x]/fnf] sf:sl lhnnf btf{ )^$, x'nfs btf{ g+= )^$ l;6l 8]enkd]G6 a} +sdf=== gful/s kqsfl/tf ;'grffbl shf{ ljb]zaf6 k7fpsf] /sd t'?gt / ;lhn} k fkt ug{ ;lsg] cfsif{s Aofhb/ d'2tl vftfdf *=%)Ü jflif{s ;Dd l;6l 8]enkd]G6 a} +s lnld6]8 CITY DEVELOPMENT BANK LIMITED g]kfn /fi6«a} +saf6 v ju{sf] Ohfht k fkt ;+:yf ;fktflxs Pokhara-4, Chipledhunga, P.O.Box No. 372 Tel: , , Fax: 'Your Bank Your Partner' mjif{ x]/fnf]! ;fktflxs mc+s #^ m@)^$ kf}if!# ut] z'qmaf/ mheralo Weekly mfriday, Dec. 28, 2007 mk[i7 * md"no =%. leql kftf] sf:sl sjf8laf6 (! nfv /fhzj Uofn/L dxftdfufgwln] blif0f ef/tdf cjl:yt vh'/fj dlgb/df clznn b[zox?sf lznfx? /flvpsf] egb} To;nfO{ 9fSg'kg]{ eg]kl5 6]uf]/n] ef/t jif{sf To:tf dxfg\ wfld{s dxtj af]s]sf snfs[ltx?nfo{ gi6 gu/l wfld{s Oltxf;sf?kdf /fvg'kg]{ egb} d"lt{x?sf] ;+/If0f u/]sf lyp. l;/f]h sf]o/fnf pgl cfkm\gf zabx?df kf]lvb} uog\. d df}gtfdf ;'lg/x]f. ol ;a} zabx?df, jfsox?df pgl cl8u lyog\. ;ffemsf] a]nf lyof], ldld{/] phofnf], b]z / /fhg}lts kf6l{x?df epsf] /fhg}lts ult/f]wsf] cgto x'g nfu]sf] ;+3f/ / ;+qmd0fsf] l:ylt lyof]. gsf s'/fx? g} pkxf/ lbg'k5{. ;lgbk kf}8]n cledt g]kfn 6]lnsddf eg] o'un] NofPsf] kl/jt{gnfo{ klg :jlsfg]{ k j[lq b]lv+b}g. ;fy;fy} ToxfF b]lvg] nfkjf{lx / hgrf;f] Pj+ hg ;/f]sf/k lt cffvf lrdn]/ 6]lnsdnfO{ lgtfgt Jofkf/ ug]{ ;+:yfsf]?kdf lrgfpg] k j[lqdf s'g} kl/jt{g cfpg ;s]sf] 5}g. kl/jt{gnfo{ cftd;ft gug] { xf] eg] cj To:tf] lgsfonfo{ hg:t/jf6 :jlsfg] { l:ylt klg /xfb}g. cf]d/fh kf}8]n ofjt o;n] b]vfpf5 ls xfdln] lz/df 9fsf 6f]kL nufp/ P]gf x]/]sf 5f} jf 5}gf}+. o;}n] b]vfpf5 dgdg} ;d'ggt /fi6«sf] ;kgf b]v]sf 5f} + ls 5}gf} +. obl ;kgf Pp6} xf], t lxf8\g] uf]/]6f]x km/s x'g ;S5g\. ugtjo Pp6} xf], af6f] km/s 5 t s] ef] < e]l6fbf 5'l6Fbf bf]af6f] rf}af6f]x df Psn] csf{nfo{ lsg luyf]ng] < ugtjodf k'ubf t Pp6} b]zsf] gful/s, Pp6} efiff, / lha f]n] Pp6} gfd km6sf5{ g]kfn /fhg uf]bf/ zflgt;]gfsf?kdf ljzjsf o'4u :t cgo b]zx?df ;xeful x'fbf d}n] slxno} ;f] +r]sf] lyog ls d]/f] b]zdf klg Ps lbg cgo b]zx?af6 zflgt ;]gfsf] x'n lelqg]5 / d Ps lg/lx gful/s b]zdf zflgt axfn x'g] cfzfdf ltgsf x/]s Jojxf/x?nfO{ u x0f ug{ afwo x'g]5'. dx]zljqmd zfx Heralo English Analysis of each core components of sports tourism has revealed that nature has made Pokhara a mini heaven... - Ramji Sharma The high Robin Hood-like principles of the samurai, which early... - Rajesh Shrestha Why Guys Lie - Neel Shah Welcome - Shravya Parajuli * Karina on Saif's Harley * Have you ever been in love qs]gb Lo ;8s / lgjf; If]qdf Jofks sjf8l k b'if{0f kqsf/ gf/fo0f sfsl{sf] 3/ -k5fl8 b]lvpsf]_ Go"/f]8 d"n ;8sdf hf]8]/ /flvpsf] sjf8l wx]/fnf] Ao"/f] kf]v/f kf]v/f e d0f cyjf g]kfns} ;aegbf ;'Gb/ dflgg] zx/ k s[ltsf] j/bfg t epsf] 5 t/ k zf;lgs ;':ttfsf] sf/0f dfgj l;lh{t w]/} k b'if0fn] o;nfo{ s'?k agfo;s]sf] 5. af]nlrfnlsf] efiffdf kf]v/fnfo{ ;'Gb/ zx/ elgptfklg d'vo ;8s, rf]s / cfjf; If]qdf 7"nf] ;+Vofdf /x]sf sjf8l vfgfsf sf/0f k'/} lhnnfsf s'gfsfkrfaf6 ;+sng ul/p/ NofOPsf l6gf, kmnfd, Knfli6s, /a/ jf 5l/P/ /x]sf c:ktfnn] lj/fdlsf k]6 / gfsdf k of]u ul/psf ;fwgx? zx/sf] alr efudf /x]sf sjf8l ;+snsx?n] v'nf?kdf ;+sng ug]{ x'fbf kf]v/faf;lx? k b'if0fdf affrg ljjz epsf 5g\. d'votom kf]v/fsf] j8f g+= (, $,!) / ;fwf/0fto s]gb Lo j8fx? ;a}df sjf8lx?n] k'/} zx/af6 ;+sng u/]sf k of]ulxg / b'u{lgwt ;fdfgx? ;+sng ug] { u/]sf 5g\. ef/tsf] ljxf/ /fhoaf6 cfpsf lgdg Joj;flos :t/sf ef/tlox?n] z'?jft u/]sf] o; Joj;fodf xfn cfp/ k ltli7t kl/jf/sf JolQmTjx?, /fhgllts g]tfu0f / ck/flws lqmofsnfkdf nfu]sf o'jfx?sf] ;+nugtf b]lvg5. k ltli7t / g]tfu0fx? eg] Joj;foaf6 7"nf] /sd kmfobf lng] t/ cfkm\gf] gfd sjf8l vfgf ;~rfnssf?kdf aflx/ k sfzdf Nofpg] ub} {gg\. cfly{s )^% df sjf8l lgsf;l s/ cz'nl ug{sf nflu an/fd aufn]n] (! nfvdf lhlj; sf:slaf6 6]08/ kfg{ ;kmn epsf lyp. lgsf;l s/ dfq} (! nfv /fhzj a'emfpg ;Sg] sjf8l Joj;fosf] sqf] cfly{s sf/f]jf/ 5 egg] af/]df lzlift dfg5]n] g} /fd };Fu lx;fa lstfa ug'{kg]{ b]lvg5. ;DejtM sf:slleqsf ;a} pbf]uwgbfx?n] a'emfpg] /fhzjdf sjf8l Joj;fosf] /fhzj prrtd epsf] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsg5. t/ o:tf ;+j]bgzln Jofkf/ sxff / s;n] s'g cj:yfdf ul//x]sf 5g\ g t gu/kflnsfn] g} btf{ u/fpsf] 5 g t lhlj;;fu s'g} tyof 5. zx/el/s} k'gm k of]u ug{ ;lsg] kmf]xf]/ kmfng] sg6]g/af6 ;+sng ul/psf, gu/af;ln] k b'lift eg]/ kf]sf] kf/]/ kmfn]sf / k of]udf Nofpg g;lsg] j:t'x? jftfj/0flo lx;fan] slt ;'/lift 5g\ egg] s'/f s'g} klg ;+:yfn] cfhsf] ldlt;dd cwoog u/]sf] kfopsf] 5}g. rf]/lsf ;fdfgx? kf]v/fdf upsf] rf/ kffr jif{df 9ndf k of]u ul/psf 9sgLx?, vfg]kfgln] k of]u u/]sf u]6jnjx?, b'/;~rf/n] k of]udf NofPsf 6]lnkmf]gsf tf/x?, s]j'n g]6js{sf tf/x? / g]kfn ljb't k flws/0fsf lah'nlsf tf/x? ;d]t rf]/l epsf] k6s k6s ;'Gg kfopsf] 5. /ftlsf] ;dodf rf]l/psf Knfli6ssf kfokx?, aflx/ /flvpsf eff8fx?, 9f]sf aflx/ vf]lnpsf rkkn h'qfx? jf af]/fdf ol ;a} af]s]/ laxfglkv efub} u/]sf ;8s afnsx? jf ef/tlo d"nsf sjf8l ;+snsx?sf] clgtd ljgb' sjf8l ;+sng s]gb g} x'g] u/]sf 5g\. sjf8lsf sf/0f ;8s afnaflnsfsf] j[l4 ljut s]xl jif{b]lv sjf8lsf] j[l4;fu} ;8s afnaflnsfsf] klg Jofks?kdf j[l4 epsf] kfopsf] 5. w]/}h;f] 8]g/fO6 ;' F g] / nfu' cf}ifw ;]jg ug] sjf8ln] tfnfagb sf]7fdf /fv]sf tfdfsf eff8fx? afgl kl/;s]sf o:tf ;8s afnsx? sjf8l ;lhn} gkfog] x' Fbf /ftlsf] ;dodf rf]/l u/]/ sjf8lnfo{ ;fdfg ljqml ug] {, ToxL a:g] / nfu' cf}ifw lng] u/]s]f kfopsf] 5. sltko ;8s afnsx?n] lrkn]9' f dx]gb k'n If]qdf kfs]6 dfg] { / sjf8ldf ;]N6/ lng] u/]sf] kfopsf] 5. k b'if0f ;a} h:tf] sjf8lx? jftfj/0flo lx;fan] ctogt sdhf]/ cj:yfaf6 ;+sng u/]/ NofOg] x' Fbf b'u{lgwt / ;Defljt /f]ux?af6 vt/f x'g] x'g5g\. ax';+vos t/fo{ / ef/tlo d"nsf gful/sx? ctogt kftfnf] sk8f nufpg] x' Fbf ;+sng ul/psf Knfli6s / /a/sf rkknx? afn]/ hf8f]sf /ftx? s6fpg] u5{g\. h;sf sf/0f l5d]sdf /x]sf Joj;fo x'g\ of lgjf;lx?nfo{ pqm w'fjfn] hljg si6s/ agfpf5. /a/ / Knfli6ssf w'fjfn] cf]hg n]o/ a9fpg'sf ;fy} dflg;sf] :d/0f zlqm 36fpg] / d'6' / kmf]s;f]sf] SofG;/ x'g] ;Defjgf x'g5. gu/k d'vsf] egfo{ x]/fnf]n] kf]v/f pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf k d'v pqd s'df/ gflunf;fu sjf8lsf jftfj/0flo vt/f / Joj:yfkgsf ljifodf k Zg /fvbf pgl eg5g\ xfn;dd gu/kflnsfn] sjf8l Joj:yfkgsf ljifodf s'g} lsl;dsf] of]hgf gnfptfklg o; Joj;fosf sf/0f Jofks?kdf k b'if0fsf] vt/f / hgu'gf;f] cfpsf sf/0f rff8f]egbf rff8f] cg'udg u/l o;nfo{ Jojl:yt u/fog] atfpf5g\. pgl eg5g\ o:tf sjf8l Joj;fox?n] gu/kflnsfdf cfkm\gf] Joj;fo btf{ gu/fpsf sf/0f loglx? sxff / s'g cj:yfdf 5g\ eg]/ lgsof]{n ug{ ;lspsf] 5}g. t/ cfufdl lbgdf loglx?nfo{ btf{ k lqmofdf NofP/ Jojl:yt ul/g] 5. pgl yk5g\ kf]v/f pktosfsf] sjf8l /fhzj ;d]t lhlj;n] lng] t/ p;n] pktosf ljsf;df s'g} klg ah]6 g5'6\ofpg], sjf8l Joj;fosf] Joj:yfkg eg] gu/kflnsfn] ug' {kg] { epsf] 5. gu/kflnsfleqsf] lhdd]jf/ldf kg]{ x'fbf xfdl o;df ;+j]bgzln ep/ cufl8 a9\g]5f}+ gflunfn] eg]. k d'v lhnnf clwsf/lsf] egfo{ jftfj/0f / Joj:yfkgsf ljifodf g} x]/fnf]n] k d'v lhnnf clwsf/l ef]nfk ;fb lzjfsf]6lnfo{ k Zg /fvbf lzjfsf]6l eg5g\ of] ;d:of hl6n alg;s]sf] b]lvg5. xfdlnfo{ ljlegg 7fpFaf6 o; ljifodf u'gf;f] cfpsf 5g\. gu/kflnsfsf / lhnnf ljsf;sf k d'vx? xfn sf7df08f} sfuhdf upsfn] pglx? kms{g] lalqs} pglx? nufot gful/s ;dfh, kqsf/ / dfgjclwsf/sdl{sf /f]xj/df o;sf ;dfwfgsf] af6f] vf]lhg] pgn] atfp. sjf8l Joj;fon] k ToIf?kdf c;/ u/]sf kqsf/ gf/fo0f sfsl{n] cfkm\gf] 3/;Fu} hf]l8p/ /fv]sf] sjf8ln] jftfj/0f k b'if0f u/]sfn] cfkm"n] gu/kflnsfdf ;d]t lj/f]w hgfo;s]sf] / sjf8l ;~rflnsf zf/bf kf}8]n;fu Ps jif{leqdf sjf8l x6fpg] eg]/ ;Demf}tf u/]tfklg pqm lnlvt ;Demf}tfnfO{ j]jf:tf ub} { xfn t]; f] jif{df sjf8l Are you worried about your career? hxf kqsf/x? e i6frf/, ul/al / qf;df af r]sf x'g5g\ Toxf k ]; :jtgqtf ;Dej x' b}g. ;~rfng ul//fv]sf] u'gf;f] x]/fnf]nfo{ u/]. u0f]z6f]n lgjf;l zflns/fd l3ld/]n] ut ^ jif{b]lv cfkm\gf] 3/sf] leqfdf r'nl agfp/ /flvpsf sjf8l ;fwg / ltgn] km}nfpsf] b'u{gwsf ljifodf huufwgl / sjf8l ;~rfns -ljxf/ lgjf;l_ ;Fu k6s k6s hfgsf/l u/fpfbf klg gx6fpsf] a? x/]s /ft 6fo/ / rkknsf] w' Fjf ;' F g afwo epsf] #) hgf sjf8l ;+snsn] v'nf?kdf k of]u ug] { v'nf 6\jfOn]6sf] b'u{gw / aflx/} nueu gfª\u} g'xfpg] x'fbf kfl/jfl/s?kd} c;/ kg]{ u/]sf] atfp. Go"/f]8df a;f]af; ug]{ lszf]/ cf]emf eg5g\ ko{6g / jftfj/0f ;+/If0fsf ljifodf 7"nf 7"nf xjnf lbg] / cfkm}leq jftfj/0f ;+/If0fsf] 5' } sfof{no :yfkgf u/]sf] gu/kflnsfn] g} o:tf blk]gb ;efu[x glhs}!@ hgfn] k of]u ug] { sjf8lsf] 6\jfOn]6;Fu} ldg/n jf6/sf / :nfogsf a fx? ;+j]bgzln ljifodf sf/jfxl cufl8 a9fpg' k5{ x}g eg] gu/af;lsf] kl/>daf6 ;+slnt s/ v'jfp/ ltglx?nfo{ lsg /fvg'k of] < xfd f] ;dfhsf] ljsf;qmd;fu} /a/, Knfli6ssf ;fdfgx?sf] k of]u Jofks?kdf a9\b} cfpsf] 5. ;fdfgotom gi6 ug{ g;lsg] ol j:t'x?sf] ;xl ;b'kof]u eg]sf] k'gm k of]u g} xf]. k'gm k of]usf nflu sjf8l ;+sng s]gb x? ctogt h?/l 5g\. t/ ljzjs} ;'Gb/ zx/sf d'vo ;8s / lgjf; If]qdf s]xl huufwgl / sjf8l ;+snsnfo{ kmfobf x'g]u/l /flvpsf o:tf sjf8l s]gb n] jftfj/0flo / ;fdflhs kifaf6 ;fdfhnfo{ xfgl ul//x]sf] kfopsf] 5. c;'/lift ;+sng, v'nf 6\jfOn]6, v'nf afy?d, b'u{lgwt ;fdfgx? / kf]lnpsf 6fo/ / Knfli6sn] :yfglo hljgofkgdf k ToIf?kdf c;/ u/]sf] 5. To;}n] ;DalGwt lgsfon] o:tf sjf8l ;+sng s]gb x? kf]v/fdf klxn] Jojl:yt ul/psf] kmnkm"n tyf t/sf/l ahf/ h;/l g} sjf8ldf rfn' cj:yfdf l;=8l= / Sof;]6 :yfglo a:tlaf6 s]xl aflx/ cfjzos k/]s]f ;do k zf;gn] ;xof]u / lg/lif0f ug{ ;Sg]u/L Pp6f lglzrt 7fpFdf Jojl:yt ug'{ kg]{ 68\sf/f] cfjzostf b]lvg5.

2 x]/fnf] kf}if!# ut] kfls:tfgl g]ql e' f]sf] d[to kfls:tfgl ljkifl g]ql e' f]sf] laxlaf/ ;ffem cftd3ftl cfqmd0fdf pgl ;lxt hgfsf] d[to' epsf] 5. /fx'n lkg8ldf ofnldf ;xeful x' Fbf pqm cfqmd0f ul/psf] xf]. k ToIfbzL{sf cg';f/ pglnfo{ 5f]6f] b'/laf6 uf]nl xflgpsf] lyof] eg] To;sf] nuq} ljikmf]6 u/fopsf] lyof]. 3fF6Ldf uf]nl nfu]sl e' f]nfo{ nuq} cftd3ftl cfqmd0fsf/lsf] ljikmf]6n] c? al9 3fOt] agfopsf] lyof]. ;dfrf/ ;+:yfx?n] pgsf] ;ffem & ah]/! ldg]6 hffbf d[to' epsf] kf]v/f #! xhf/ # ;o!* hgf dfcf]jfblsf 5fkfdf/x?sf] /lhi6«]zg ul/ptfklg cgldgn] hddf!( xhf/ ^ hgfnfo{ ;xl 5fkfdf/ epsf] k dfl0ft u/]sf] 5. h;dwo] # xhf/ * ;o $^ dlxnf 5fkfdf/x? 5g\. laxlaf/ k ]; sgk m]g;sf] cfof]hgf u/l cgldgsf clwsf/ln] bf]; f] 5gf}6 k lqmofdf!* xhf/ ( hgf k df0fls/0f ul/psf] eptfklg ( ;o #@ hgf klxnf /lhi6«/ gu/]sfnfo{ df}sf lbfb} pglx? dwo] ^ ;o &( hgfnfo{ 5gf}6 u/]s]f lyof]. sf]l/og efiffdf egf{ v'nof] g]kfn ;/sf/ cgtu{t EPS KLT df ;"lrs[t -g+=!&)_ o; Institute df sf]l/ofdf sfd ug{ hfg rfxg]x?sf] nflu EPS KLT kf7\oqmd cg';f/ sf]l/og efiffsf] goff siffx? ;~rfng e}/x]sf] 5. l;ldt l;6df egf{ lnog] epsf]n] t'?gt cfkm\gf] l;6 ;'/lift /fvg'xf]nf. xfd f ljz]iftfx?m g]kfn ;/sf/af6 dfgotf k fkt EPS sf]if{sf] nflu dfgotf k fkt (EPS KLT ;"lrs[t g+=!&)) EPS k 0ffnLsf] kf7\oqmd cg';f/ >Job[Zo ;lxt :jr5 zfgt jftfj/0fdf k9fog] bif tyf cg'ejl lzifsx?åf/f sf]l/ofsf] ;+:s[lt, rfnrng / cgo Jojxfl/s s'/fsf] 1fg lbog] Asia Pacific Training Institute (P) Ltd. Pokhara Branch, Chipledhunga -kgyl 8]/L hfg]af6f]df_ Namaste Education Institute epsf] Building sf] klxnf] tnnfdf Phone No.: :t/lo 5kfO{sf nflu xfd f ;]jfx? lstfa, kqklqsf, kdkn]6, ljjfx, j tjgwsf] sf8{, j f];/, Sofn]08/, lan, n]6/ Kof8 tyf cgo :t/lo /+ulg tyf ;fbf 5kfO{sf nflu ;Dk"0f{ sfd ug' { k/]df xfdlnfo{ ;Demg'xf];\. ;'ne ckm;]6 k ]; kf]v/f!), OGb rf]s kmf]gm)^! $#)**! hgfpsf 5g\. l;=pg=pg=n] k ToIfbzL{l;t lnpsf] hfgsf/l cg';f/ klxn] pgsf] 3fF6Ldf / To;kl5 5ftLdf uf]nl xfg] nuq} cfkm}nfo{ ljikmf]6 u/fpsf] lyof]. P;f]lzo6 k ];sf cg';f/ e' f]nfo{ /fx'nlkg8l c:ktfn nu] nuq} pgsf ;dy{sx?n] d';/km s's'/ egg] gf/f nufpsf lyp, hf] kfls:tfgsf /fi6«klt k/j]h d';/kmnfo{ ;+s]t ul/psf] lyof]. e' f]sf ;dy{sx? cffvfel/ cffz' lnp/ a;]sf lyp. ut cs6'a/df nfdf] k jf;af6 kms]{ nuq} klg pgnfo{ cftd3ftl cfqmd0f ul/psf] lyof].!( xhf/ ^ 5fkfdf/ cgldgåf/f k dfl0ft cgldg k d'v Oog dfl6{gsf cg';f/ * xhf/ ^ ;o $) /lhi6«/ ul/p dwo]sf 5fkfdf/x?n] cgtjf{tf{ lbg gcfpsfn] pglx? 5gf}6 k lqmofaf6 :jtm aflxl/psf lyp. cgldgsf] 5gf}6 k xhf/ ( ;o &# 5fkfdf/!* jif{d'lgsf e]l6psf lyp. h;sf] /lhi6«]zg /2 ul/psf] lyof]. klxnf] k df0fls/0fsf] ;dodf ;/sf/n] 5fkfdf/x?sf] ;+Vof cg';f/ vr{ lbfb} cfpsf] lyof]. kqsf/ ;Dd]ngdf ;ft kf6l{n] k'gm cgtl/d ;/sf/df a:g] lgwf] u/]sf]df awfo{ lbp. lh1f;fsf] nflu kmf]gm (*%^)@^#(& tkfo{sf] of] ;ftf ;fdfgo s;/tn] gk'ug ;S5. ;+3{if w]/} ug' { kg] {5. vl6p/ d]if nfug ;s] gaj] k ltzt sfddf ;kmntf ldng]5. dxtjk"0f{ sfd klg agg]5g\. lj/f]wlsf ;kgf tkfo{k lt nlift x'g]x' Fbf rgfvf]/xg'xf]nf. goff of]hgfn] ;sf/?k lng]5. Aofkf/ Joj;fodf klg ;'wf/ cfpg]5. sfddf w]/} em} emd]nf cfpg] b]lvg5. cfˆgf s'/f cfkm'df g} l;ldt a[if /fvg' xf]nf. ;xof]u ug] { egbf v' f tfgg vf]hg] al9 ;lqmo x'g]5g\. zf/ll/s ysfg dxz'; x'g]5. k otg u/]df ;f7l k ltzt sfd agg]5g\. z'qmaf/ / zglaf/ 3/sf] sfddf al9 Jo:t x'g' knf{. vr{ ljjfb a9\g]5. ===ca d'b fsf] cefj nuftf/ ef/tlo?k}offsf] lgsf;l a9\g yfn]sfn] g]kfnsf] s]gb Lo a}+sn] cd]l/sg 8n/ lbp/ 7"nf] kl/df0fdf ef/tlo?k}off vl/b ug'{kg]{ cj:yf cfpsf] 5. 1fg]Gb sflng ;dodf /fi6«a} +ssf ueg{/ ljhogfy e /fo{nfo{ cfly{s clglzrttf u/]sf] cleof]udf d'2f nufopsf] lyof]. l/kf]6{;sf cg';f/ sfo{sf/l lgb]{zs dgdf]xg >]i7n] cfly{s cj:yfdf Jofks ;':ttf cfpg] epsfn] cfufdl ;+ljwfg ;ef cufl8 g} k};f 5fKg'kg]{ atfpsf 5g\. kf]v/f e]/l gbldf emf]n' ] k'n v;]sf] t]; f] lbg klg b'3{6gfdf slthgf ltyf{n'x? k/] egg] s'/fsf] olsg x'g ;s]sf] 5}g. lhnnf k zf;g sfof{no e]/ln] b'3{6gf If]qsf jl/k/lsf ufpfx?df ;Defljt x/fpsf] dfg5]sf] tyof ;+sng ug]{ lx;fan] sd{rf/l v6fpsf] 5. g]kfnl ;]gfsf hjfgx?, k x/l / ;j{;fwf/0f :jo+;]jsx? k'ifsf] s7\ofª\lu Psf] e]/lsf] kfgldf a]kqf epsf dflg;x?sf] vf]hldf Jofks?kdf nfluk/]sf 5g\. gblsf ljlegg If]qdf ;+o'qm 6f]nLsf SofDkx? vf]nfsf lsgf/df v8f ul/psf 5g\. pqm SofDkn] a]kqf epsfsf] vf]hl gu/]/ d[tsx?sf zjx? ;d]t vf]hg] clwsf/lx?n] atfpsf 5g\. s]xl d[tsx?sf] zj b'3{6gf e i6frf/ lj?4 ofnl kf]v/f ;dfhdf JofKt 3';vf]/L, clgoldttf, e i6frf/ / l9nf;':tlsf] lj?4 n8\g gful/s ;dfh g} Psh'6 eo{ nfug'kg]{ ;Gb]zsf ;fy cfof]hgf ul/psf] ofnl s[l:t uflj; ejgaf6 ;'? eo{ gfrg]rf}/, efbufpf xf'b} s[l:t ;f ]ts]gb df ;dfkt epsf] lyof]. pqm ofnldf k f] klanssf ladnf u'?ªn] e i6frf/ lgogq0fsf nflu lsg ;+:s[lt / z'go ;xgzlntfsf] ljsf;df hf]8 lbg' kg]{ s'/f JoQm ul/g\. k f] klans, e i6frf/ lj?4 gful/s ;dfh kl/of]hgf, sf:slsf] cfof]hgf / dfnflu/l c;n zf;g Snasf] ;xsfo{df s[l:t uflj;df e i6frf/ lj?4 ofnl k b{zg ul/psf] xf]. goff sfo{ k j]z Tolt /fd f] 5}g. ep u/]sf sfddf /fd f] ug] { k otg ss{6 ug' {xf]nf. wg nufgldf hf]8 glbg' xf]nf. >d nufgl al9 cfj:os ;+emg' xf]nf. ;du df x]bf{ ;ftfsf] dwo efu lt/ s]lx sfd agg]5g\. hf]z hfu/ klg a9\g]5. bof dfoff ug] { sd g} x'g]5g\.cfj]udf cfp/ lg0f{o glng'xf]nf. sfd ubf{slq klg ljrlnt gx'g'xf]nf. sfddf lg/gt/tf lbg ;s] l;+x w]/} pknljw xfl;n x'g]5. ;ftfsf] z'? / cgto al9 cg's'n /x]sf]5. Oi6ldq ;fly efo{af6 ;xof]u kfo{g]5. cfly{s sf/f]af/df klg ;'wf/ cfpg]5. Jofkf/ Joj;foaf6 cfdbfgl a9\g]5. of] ;ftf c;l k ltzt ;kmntf ldng]5. ; f]tsf cg';f/ gf]6 5fKgsf nflu ueg{/sf] l;ug]r/ rflxg] x'fbf k :tfj Soflag]6df k7fopsf] 5. nfdf] ;do;dd k]6«f]n, Uof; / cgo w]/} j:t'x?sf] cefj em]nb} cfpsf] g]kfnn] ca eg] goff t/ ctogt hl6n d'b fsf] cefj em]ng] ;Defjgf b]v]sf] 5. cy{zf:qlsf cg';f/ g]kfnsf] a}+sx?n] lng] Aofhb/ egbf ef/tlo a}+sx?n] lbg] Aofhb/ cgt/ 7"nf] epsfn] g]kfnl / ef/tlo Jofkf/L g]kfnl a}+saf6 k};f lnp/ ef/tlo a}+sdf /fv]/ alrsf] k ltzt vfg] u/]sf] kfopsf] 5. d"no j[l4df ljbfyl{sf] lj/f]w kf]v/f sf7df08f}sf] k'tnl;8sdf ljbfyl{x?n] d"no j[l4sf] lj/f]wdf ofnlsf] cfof]hgf u/]. ;of} + SofDk;sf ljbfyl{x?n] pqm ofnldf ;xeflutf hgfpfb} k'tnl;8sdf laxfg g]kfn cfon lgudsf lj?4df gf/fafhl ub}{ k]6«f]ndf ul/psf] d"no j[l4 t'?gt lkmtf{ lng cfjxfg\ u/]. ljbfyl{x?n] sf7df08f}sf] d"n ;8sdf 6fo/ afnb} lj/f]w u/]sf lyp h;n] sf7df08f}sf] 6«flkms Ps 306fsf nflu c:tjo:t /x\of]. g]kfn cfon lgudsf cg';f/ cgt/f{li6«o ahf/sf] t]nsf] d"no;fu ;dfof]hg ug{ &#=%?k}offaf6 *)?k}off k lt ln6/ a'waf/ dwogxb]lv sfod ul/psf] atfopsf] 5. d"no j[l4n] g]kfndf x'fb} cfpsf] k]6«f]lnod kbfy{sf] cefj rff8} g} ;dfwfg x'g] s'/f atfopsf] 5. t]; f] lbg klg e]/ldf p2f/ sfo{ hf/l If]qb]lv tlg lsnf]ld6/ tnaf6 lgsflnpsf] lyof]. s7\ofª\lu Psf] kfgldf p2f/ sfo{ ug{ ctogt sl7g eo/x]sf] s'/f clwsf/ln] atfpsf 5g\. a'waf/ ef]o;/f 3tL{sf] zj;fu} d[tsx?sf] ;+Vof!^ k'u]sf] lyof]. a'waf/ ;/sf/n] hf/l u/]sf] kqdf 36gfsf] ljj/0fsf] nflu prr :t/lo k fljlws 6f]nLsf] u7g ul/g] / 36gfsf] ljifodf kqf nufo{ cfjzos sf/jfxl ul/g] nufot :yfglo lgsfonfo{ d[tssf kl/jf/nfo{ xhf/?k}off pknaw u/fpg eg]sf] 5. ;ftf ;du df /fd f] /x]sf] 5. ;xf;,w}o{tf / k/fqmd a9\g]5. t'nf ;fyl efo{af6 ;xof]u kfo{g]5. ;f]djf/ / d+unaf/ u/]sf sfd vr{fn' /xg]5g\ eg] cgo lbg u/]sf sfd nfebfos /xg]5g\. tkfo{sf sfdaf6 c? klg k efljt x'g]5g\. Jofkf/ Joj;foaf6 nfe lng ;lsg]5. k'/fgf] asof}tf p7\g]5.!& ut] ;Dd ;don] k"0f{ ;fy lbg] b]lvg5. u/]sf clwsffz sfd j[lzrs agg]5g\. ;dosf] ;b'kof]u ug{ kl5 gkg' {xf]nf. goff cj;/ k fkt x'g ;S5. Jofkf/ Joj;foaf6 cfdbfgl a9\g]5. hljg;fylsf];xof]udf sfd agg]5g\. a'waf/ / ljlxaf/ efuodf cj/f]w, lrgtf / ljjfb a9\g]5 b]lvg5. lsns b df]d]g6 hdd' slzd/ cfd k'ln;sf dlxnfx? xltof/ k bz{g ub} { nbfv /+uzfnfdf. t:jl/m l;/f]h sf]o/fnf jfgsld'gåf/f ;ft kf6l{ u7agbgnfo{ :jfut ;+o'q /fi6«;+3sf dxf;lrj jfgsld'gn] g]kfnsf ;ft kf6l{n] zflgt ;Demf}tf / cfufdl ;+ljwfg ;efsf nflu u/]sf] ;Demf]tfsf] :jfut u/]sf 5g\. pgsf k jqmfsf cg';f/ jfgsld'gn] dfcf]jfbl k'gm ;/sf/df ;Dd]lnt epsf]df :jfut u/]sf 5g\. ;+o'qm /fi6«;+3sf] g]kfndf /x]sf] sfof{no hlxn] klg g]kfnsf] zflgt k lqmof / ;+ljwfg ;ef r'gfjsf] kifdf cfjzos ;xof]u ug{sf nflu tof/ /x]sf] klg pgn] atfp. ;ft kf6l{ u7agbgn] a'fb] ;dembf/ln] dwo ck ]ndf g]kfndf k hftflgqs u0f/fho x'g] cfzf JoQm u/]sf] 5. x]/fnf] gful/s kqsfl/tf ;fktflxs cfjzostf o; x]/fnf] ;fktflxssf nflu b]xfosf sd{rf/lx? cfjzostf kf}if!@ ut] laxlaf/;dddf l/t k'u]sf pdd]bjf/x?n] bvf{:t kmfd e/l cfj]bg lbg ;Sg]5g\. ljt/s hgf -OdfGb/, nugzln / ;fosn epsf]_ If]q M dem]/lkf6g l5g]8f 8f ;Dks{M x]/fnf] ;fktflxssf] sfof{no kf]v/f $, u}x fkf6g, ;f 3'sf] d'v, kmf]gm )^! %@@%## ;fd'bflos a' b] cfrf/;lx+tf kf]v/f ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]gb Pj+ ;fd'bflos k x/l ;]jf s]gb a}bfdn] ko{6slo If]qdf x'g] u/]sf] ljs[lt lj;+ult Go"lgs/0f ug]{ p2]zo ;b:olo cg'udg ;ldlt u7g u of]. pqm ;ldltn] :s"n a;x?sf] ult / xg{ lgogq0f ug]{, dfoqmf]a; lgif]w 7fpFdf la;fpg' kg]{, 6\ofS;L lgwf{l/t 7fpFdf dfq kfls{ª ug{ kfpg], 6«s 6\ofS6/x? lbgsf]!@ b]lv!% ah];dd dfq} cfjfthfjft ug{ kfpg], ;fo6 l;ª a;x? lkm:6]n u]6 cufl8 kfls{ª ug'{kg]{, 6'l/i6 a; / k[yjl/fhdfu{sf a; 6'l/i6 a;kfs{df dfq /f]sg'kg]{, ltaatl, ;f/f L, v's'/l tyf cgo emf]n] Jofkf/Lx? lxf88'n u/l a]rg gkfpg], /ftsf]!!m#) ah] 8fG; /]i6'/]06 k"0f{?kdf agb ug'{kg]{, sfdbf/ /fvbf!* jif{ k'u]sf] x'g'kg] {, sfdbf/sf] tlgk':t] ;fd'bflos ;]jf s]gb a}bfddf k7fpg' kg] {, Ps k]zf ubf{ cgo k]zfsdl{x?nfo{ c;/ kfg{ gkfpg] a'fb] cfrf/;lx+tf k sflzt u/]sf] 5. u'0f:t/lo kmlg{r/sf nflu r08]zj/l kmlg{r/ Go"/f]8, kf]v/fnfo{ ;Demg'xf];\. u'0f:t/sf] klxrfg r08]zj/l kmlg{r/ Go"/f]8, kf]v/f, kmf]g M %@@*)* -:6\of088{ rf6{8 a} +s egbf Ps 3/ blif0f_ z'?df unt ljrf/n] 7fFp kfpg]5. sfddf ljlegg vfnsf ;d:of ds/ cfpg]5g\. :jf:yodf klg ;d:of cfpg ;S5. ;ftfsf] cgtolt/ up/ sfd agg]5g\. cfdbfglsf goff If]q km]nf kg] {5g\. vr{sf] Jofn]G; ldng]5. lj/f]waf6 sfddf afwf cj/f]w v8f ug{ vf]hg]5g\. Jofkf/df Joj;fodf ;'wf/ cfpg]5. of] ;ftf tkfo{sf] nflu ptf/ r9fjdf cfpg] b]lvg5. goff lg0f{o s'de gug' { xf]nf. olb ug' { k of] eg] /fd f] ;Fu 7DofP/ ug' {xf]nf. z'?sf] lbgdf s]lx goff ;Defjgf b]lvg]5g\. ;dosf] ;b'kof]u ug{ kl5 gkg' {xf]nf. /ljaf/ b]lv ;don] Tolt ;fy lbg] 5}g. Joy{ e d0f, vr{, ljjfb / si6 ldng]5. z'qmaf/ / zglaf/ pbf]u k/fqmd a9\g]5. pknljw klg xf]nf. ldy'g ;f]daf/ / d+unaf/ ;d:of a9\g]5g\. cfdbfgl egbf vr{ Hofbf x'g]5. a'waf/ / ljlxaf/ sfddf ;fdfgo k ult x'g]5. sfd ubf{ :yfoltjnfo{ Wofg lbg'xf]nf. cgoyf nfe lng ;lsg]5}g. ;Q/L k ltzt sfd x'g]5g\. cgfj:os vr{ a9\g]5. ljz]if u/]/ z'qmaf/ / zlgaf/ al9 sgof k lts'n b]lvg5. cgfj:os ljjfbn] dfgl;s tgfj a9fpg]5. cgo lbg ;fdfgotof z'e /x]sf5g\. zf/ll/s :km"lt{ a9\g]5. cfod'ns sfo{df nufgl a9\g]5. Jofkf/ Joj;foaf6 d'gfkmf /fd } xf]nf. ;Ddfg ldng ;S5. w]/} dxtjk"0f{ sfddf ;kmntf ldng]5. ;fdfgo k of;af6 g} wg' sfddf ;kmntf ldng]'/f sfdsf] l5gf]kmfgf] xf]nf. cfkmgtx? ;s/ftds agg]5g\. Jofkf/ Joj;fodf k ult x'g]5. cfly{s sf/f]jf/df klg ;'wf/ cfpg]5. sd{ k flktsf] of]u /x]sf]5. ofqf x'g ;Sg] s'/fnfo{ gsfg{ ;lsgg. ldl>t kmn ldng]5. z'? /fd f] /x]sf]5. cgto Tolt /fd f] b]lvgg. ldg z'?df sfd ug] { hf]z hfu/ a9\g]5. cfot lgof{t Jofkf/ Joj;foaf6 nfe lng ;lsg]5. bfdkto hljg klg ;'vl agg]5. lj/fwl dfly ljho k fkt x'g]5. ljz]if u/]/ a'waf/ / laxlaf/ k lts'n b]lvg5. 3'dfO{ lkm/fo{ al9 x'g]5.

3 { Uofn/L x]/fnf] kf}if!# ut] z'qmaf/ # 6]uf]/ -pkgfd /lj_ hlljt t]x ;Gtfg dwo]sf sfg5f ;Gtfg lyp. pgsf] hgd b]j]gb gfy 6]uf]/ / zf/bfb]jlsf] sf]vaf6 ef/tsf] snsqfdf epsf] lyof]. 6]uf]/ P3f/ jif{ x'fbf pgsf] a tjgb ;s]/ /ljgb gfynfo{ lnp/ pgsf a'af dlxgf}sf] ef/t e d0fsf nflu lgl:sp. of] ;dodf 6]uf]/n] hljgl, Oltxf;, Hof]ltif zf:q, cfw'lgs lj1fg, zf:qlo, / sfnlbf;sf sljtfx?sf] ulx/f] cwoog u/]. pgn] ljs/fgl, dlxnf lesf/l -a+ufnldf n]lvpsf] 5f]6f] syf_, ;GWof ;+ult / k Voft sljtf lg/emx/l/ :jkga+uf -5ª\5ª\ u/]sf] em/gf_, ;/sf/l clws[t x'g] OR5fdf 6]uf]/!*&* df a]nfotsf] a fo6g klans :s"ndf egf{ ep. cwoog cufl8 a9\b} hffbf o'lgel;{6l sn]h n08gaf6 la=pn= cwoog u/] t/ ljgf l8u L pgl!**) df a+ufn kmls{p. ( l8;]da/!**# df pgn] d[gflnglb]jl;fu ljjfx agwgdf uffl;p.!(*) b]lvg} a'afsf] ckf/ ;DklQ l;nfobfx xfn a+unfb]zdf /x]sf] 7fp df hldgbf/l ug{ a;fof ;/]. pgnfo{ Tof] :yfgdf hldgbf/afa'sf gfdn] lrgy]. of] a;fofnfo{ 6]uf]/sf] ;fwgfsf] ;do eg]/ klg lrlgg5. oxl ;dodf pgn] unku'r5f gfds tlg c+sdf ^$ j6f 5f]6f syf epsf] k':ts k sfl;t u/]. w]/}h;f] ol syfx?df a+ufnl hljgz}nl / u fdl0f hljgz}nlsf] ulx/f] ;Dj]bgzLntf / Jo+UofTds k :t'tls/0f /x]sf] 5.!(!! df 6]uf]/ l;nfobfxaf6 zflgtlgs]tg -klzrd a+ufn_ df cf>d v8f ug{sf nflu k :yfg u/]. hxff pgn] WofgsIf, cg';gwgftds :s"n, 7"nf?vx?sf au}rf / nfoa ]/L agfp. cfdbfglsf?kdf pgsf] lj/f;taf6 cfpg] cfdbfgl lqk'/fsf dxf/fhfsf tkm{af6 cfpg] /sd cfkm\gf kl/jf/sf dxtjk"0f{ uxgfx? a]r]/ cfpsf] k};f, k'/lsf] ;d'b t6sf] a+ufnf]sf] ef8f, d]l/sf]/sf] s/ -pgsf] cfkm\g} ptkfbg_ cflb lyp. ol ;a} s'/fn] 6]uf]/nfO{ cfkm"n] n]v]sf /rgfx? a+ufn, k'/} ef/t / cgt/f{li6«o :t/df ;'ne agfpg ;xof]u k'uof]. g}j]b\o, lvof h:tf dxfg s[ltx? n]vb}!(!# df 6]uf]/nfO{ ;flxtosf nflu 6]uf]/sf] hljg dxftdfufgwln] blif0f ef/tdf cjl:yt vh'/fj dlgb/df clznn b[zox?sf lznfx? /flvpsf] egb} To;nfO{ 9fSg'kg] { eg]kl5 6]uf]/n] ef/t jif{sf To:tf dxfg\ wfld{s dxtj af]s]sf snfs[ltx?nfo{ gi6 gu/l wfld{s Oltxf;sf?kdf gf]en zflgt k'/:sf/n] ;Ddflgt u of]. a]nfotl ;/sf/n] gfo6 x'6sf] ;Ddfg klg 6]uf]/nfO{ u/].!(@! df 6]uf]/ / s[lif cy{zf:ql lnof] gf6 cfnd lx;{6\n] u fdl0f k'glgdf{0fsf] sfd ;'?n ufpfdf z'? u/]. h;sf] gfd kl5 >Llgs]tg /flvof]. pgn] ljlegg b]zx?af6 lziffljb\, rgbfbftf / clws[tx? >Llgs]tgsf] ef}lts / cwofltds ljsf;sf nflu af]nfp.!(#) df 6]uf]/ ef/tdf hfltjfbn] g/fd f];fu hul8psf] c5't dgf]j[lqsf ljkifdf ljlegg :yfgx?df cfkm\gf efif0fdfkm{t, sljtf, gf6ssf] /rgf u/]/ hflt lje]b ug]{x?nfo{ Ps /fif;sf] ;+1f lbp. pgn] ;/sf/nfo{ eg]/ u'? eof]/ dlgb/df blntx?nfo{ k j]z u/fp. 6]uf]/ cfkm\gf] clgtd bzsdf ef/tlo blntx?sf xs clwsf/sf nflu phhjn lbof]sf?kdf /x]. dxftdfufgwln] blif0f ef/tdf cjl:yt vh'/fj dlgb/df clznn b[zox?sf lznfx? /flvpsf] egb} To;nfO{ 9fSg'kg] { eg]kl5 6]uf]/n] ef/t jif{sf To:tf dxfg\ wfld{s dxtj af]s]sf snfs[ltx?nfo{ gi6 gu/l wfld{s Oltxf;sf?kdf /fvg'kg] { egb} d"lt{x?sf] ;+/If0f u/]sf lyp. ljzjs} ;jf] {Ts[i6 n]vssf?kdf lrlgpsf 6]uf]/sf d'vo s[ltx? ultf~hnl, ;fwgf, of]u, tlg ;+ul, unk;nk, ljzj kl/ro, b'o{ jf]g, dnf~r, rf/ cwofo cflb x'g\. 6]uf]/n] cfkm\gf] hljgdf tl; b]z nufot kffr dxfb]zsf] e d0f u/]/ u}/ef/tlo ; f]tfx?nfo{ k"jl{o, /fhgllt / ;flxtosf ljifodf hfgsf/l u/fpsf lyp. c+u ]hldf cg'jfb ul/psf s[ltx? lnp/ upsf 6]uf]/n] cgt/f{li6«o :t/sf slj ;flxtosfx?nfo{ rlst agfp. ljlnod a6n/ O6\;, Oh kfp08, /f]a6{ la h]h, c8g]; /foh, yf]d; O:6h{ d'/ / cgo w]/} klzrdl ;flxtosf/x? pgsf] s[ltn] k efljt epsf] lyp. OUNof08, ;+o'qm /fi6«cd]l/sf, k]?sf] ;/sf/sf] lgdgq0fdf k]?, hfkfg, DoflS;sf], clh{lg6gf, Ao"gf];{ cfo;{, g]kfn, hd{gl, O6nL -hxff pgsf] kmfl;:6 a]lg6f] d';f]lng];fu e]6 eof]. h'nfo{df 6]uf]/n] d';f]lng]sf] k ltkifdf ;fj{hlgs?kdf efif0f u/]_ To:t} pgl blif0f k"j{sf afnl, hfef, SjfnfDk'/, dfnfsf, k]gf, l;ofd / l;+ufk'/ /fvg'kg] { egb} d"lt{x?sf] ;+/If0f u/]sf lyp. kj{df k ]d / ;lx+i0f'tf x'g'k5{ /ljgb gfy 6]uf]/ cgt/f{li6«o JolQmTj h:tf b]zx?sf] e d0f u/]. pgn] u/]sf] lhj lj1fg, ef}lts lj1fg, Hof]ltif zf:qx?n] pgsf sljtfx?df Jofks 5fk 5f]8]sf 5g\. pgsf sljtfdf k s[ltjfbnfo{ j}1flgs ts{x?åf/f k dfl0ft ul/psf] x'g5. 6]uf]/sf] clgtd rf/ jif{ ctogt lk8fbfos / nfdf] ;dosf] c:j:ydf latof]. h;n] pgnfo{ ulx/f] lk8f / d[to'sf] bf]wf/df affrg afwo agfof]. of] qmd tlg jif{;dd rnof]. ol jif{x?df 6]uf]/n] n]v]sf sljtfx? d[to'nfo{ ;+3f/df /fv]/ n]lvpsf x'gfn] ctogt dd{:kwl{ / prr:t/sf /x]. lk8fsf] bb{gfs ndaofo{;fu} /ljgb gfy 6]uf]/sf] & cui6!($! df pgl hgd]/ x's]{s} 3/sf] dflynnf] tnfdf lgwg eof]. xfn klg a+ufndf pgsf] :d[ltlbj; a+ufnl efiffdf ;fj{hlgs If]qx?df dgfpg] ul/g5. ;+sng l;/f]h sf]o/fnf uhn l;h{gf lhgbuln] g]6f] sf6\of] yfls;s] v' fx? lxf8\bf lxf8\b} bf]af6f]df Roflt;s] h'qfx? lbg} lkr5] a9\g yfnof] goff goff ;f] +r afnssfndf xf];\ kfog ;w} + v]ny] u'rrfx? ;w}+el/ xff;l lbg5g\ ;'ugwsf km"n hxff upgl ukm lbg] asdkm";] km'rrfx? cfo cfh{g s]xl 5}g ;jf/l r9\g' kg] htftt} 7Ub} lxf8\g] o'jf x' F egg] n'rrfx? dg;'g / eg;'gdf c8\of] xfd f] b]z bfgf l6kbf lvo;s] Rofv'/fsf r'rrfx? d'lqm k/fh'nl, l;4fy{dfu{ $, kf]v/f clgtd x:tfif/ of] lgb{ol O{Zj/n] s] n]v5 d]/f] lgwf/leq l;:df]u fkm < ToxfF t Pp6f lk o x:tfif/ 5 c?n] ul/lbpsf] 8fS6/x?n] ;'g'g\ d]/f] d'6'sf] sfnhol ;+ult / hfg'g\ sfl8{of]u fkmdf h] b]lvg5 Tof] p;sf] clgtd x:tfif/ xf] p;n] cfj]zdf ul/lbpsf] hljgsf] ;fbf r]sa'sdf d}n] ToxL x:tfif/ rnfpsf] 5' hljgsf ;fgf 7"nf lg0f{ox?df d}n] ToxL x:tfif/ ul/lbpsf] 5' nfu5 d :jo+ p;n] ul/lbpsf] Pp6f x:tfif/ x'f Û d]/f] d[to'kl5 d]/f] lgwf/ / d'6' ;+u fxnodf /flvof];\ s'g} k'/ftfltjs j:t' em}+ / n]lvof];\ SofK;gdf of] Pp6f c/fhs k ]dlsf] gd"gf d'6' xf] Pp6f x:tfif/n] rn]sf] Aofs'n k e' o]z'lv i6sf] hgdlbg, ahf/sf k;nx?df lukm\6 lsgg]x?sf], z'esfdgf lbg]x?sf] hdft e]l GYof]. clxn] ;do;fu} dflg;sf] ;f]+r ablnpsf] 5. ToxL klg ;dfhdf ljefhg, lje]bls/0f, x}sdjfbn] eg] h/f ufl8/x]sf] 5. tl lukm6\x?df, tl z'esfdgfsf ;Gb]zx?df k"fhljfbsf], lje]bls/0fsf], x}sdjfbsf] /f}gstfsf] sl; e]6]f e}n]. zx/, ahf/ hxff n08gdf ul/psf] km]zg zf], Go"of]s{df ul/psf] sg;6{sf] b]vfl;sl ldg]6e/d} x'g5, To:tf 7fpFx?df dfq o:tf kj{x?n] x}sd hdfpsf] k i6;fu emlnsg5. o]z'lv i6sf] hgdsf] b'o{ xhf/ ;ft ;o jif{ kl5sf] of] ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/n] cfsfz wtl{ 9kSs 9fls;Sbf klg g]kfnl ;dfhsf ufpfx? / ToxfFsf afl;gbfx?nfo{ s'g} k"fhljfbsf] xfjfn] 5f]Pg, ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ / lziffdf cem} klg x':;' / t'fxfnf]sf] x}sdjfb rln/x\of]. k ]d, eft[tj, ;lx+i0f'tf, zflgt, d]nldnfksf cg'gofol Pj+ nfo6 ckm b jn8{ gfdn] lrlgg] o]z'sf] af6f]nfo{ k5\ofpg ;dfgtf, ;lx+i0f'tf, ;dfj]zl, cfltdotf, eft[tj / k ]dnfo{ k5\ofpg' k5{. rf8kj{x?, ljb]zl -klzrd]nl_ gssnx? Tof] kl/jf/ / o'jfk':tfdf al9 xfjl epsf] b]lvg5 hxff cfly{s kif cln ;'wfl/psf] 5. O;fO{x?n] lqm;d;nfo{ 7"nf] kj{sf?kdf dfgg' :jefljs?kdf lng'k5{ t/ u}/ O;fO{x?n] cfly{s :t/ sdhf]/ eo{ laxfg a]n'sf xftd'v hf]8\g sl7g x'g] kl/jf/sf o'jfk':tfx?, cfly{s Psrf]l6sf] nufgl jiff} { tftf] kfgl. Stainles Steel sf] lvof gnfugl.. SOLAR WATER HEATER 3'dfp b}g ld6/.. ljz]if 5'6sf ;fy ç ;Gtf]if OG6/k foh]h kf]v/f, kmf]gm %#%&#!, df]=m (*%^)@)^%& A complite destination for youth cyber Chill out Center Point for recreation Club 10 ef/n] y]lupsf afa'cfdfnfo{ c? C0fsf] ef/ln] lyr]/ s;/l lukm\6 k;n, l8kf6{d]g6n :6f]/x? / sg;6{df uo{ cfkm\gf] cfdfafa'sf] C0fsf] ef/nfo{ s;/l ;+ult;fu}, l8:sf];fu} xn'sf;fu af]s]/ gfrg ;S5g\, /dfpg ;S5g\ / la;fpg ;S5g\ < x'gt pgl cfkm\gf zabx?df kf]lvb} uog\. d df}gtfdf ;'lg/x] F. ol ;a} zabx?df, jfsox?df pgl cl8u lyog\. ;ffemsf] a]nf lyof], ldld{/] phofnf], b]z / /fhg}lts kf6l{x?df epsf] /fhg}lts ult/f]wsf] cgto x'g nfu]sf] ;+3f/ / ;+qmd0fsf] l:ylt lyof]. pgl egb} lyog\ tkfof vrf{n' x'g'x'g5 ;do / k};fsf]. tkfof t8se8s g]kfnl ;dfhsf] o'jf xf]. art ug{ l;sg'k5{ ;do / cy{ b'j} / vrf{n' x'g'k5{ 1fgsf s'/fdf / 1fgsf s'/fx? g} pkxf/ lbg'k5{. ;+ult dflg;sf] hljg xf] t/ sfun] sfg nuof] egb}df cfkm\gf] sfg g5fdl To;}sf] kl5 nfug' cjzo klg /fd f] xf]og. y]ug} g;sg] ef/lnfo{ 8«d;]6, tjnf, efof]lngsf w'gx?;fu} cfsfzdf ss{zep/ u'l~hgsf nflu Do'lhsn nfo6n] af6f] vf]hg'?vsf] 6'Kkf]df a;]/ km]blt/ sf6\g vf]hg' xf]. xl/of] ;n{ss k/]sf] ds}sf] 3f]jfnfO{ e'tnofpfbf leq ;a} s'lxpsf ds} e]6\g] syfn] xfdlnfo{ k5\ofpsf] 5. O;fO{x?n] lqm;d;nfo{ wfld{stf;fu hf]8]/ x]5{g\ t/ u}/ O;fO{x?n] dgf]/~hgsf?kdf t8se8s / b]vfl;slsf] gssn] Ifl0fs ;Gt'li6sf] pkxf/ :j?k lng5g\. b]zn] km8\sf] df/]sf] 5 clxn]. hg;+vofsf] cfwf/df )=$% k ltzt cf]u6]sf O;fO{x?sf] dgsf] s'/f u/]sf] 5 clxn] ;/sf/n] klg. g]kfnnfo{ wd{ lg/k]if /fi6«eg]/ ;+;baf6 jul{s[t lj1fkg For all kinds of CD, VCD, Music, Movies & more, Music Mania Chipledhunga, Pokhara OlGhlgol/ sg;n6]g;lsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;dfwfgsf nflu xfdlnfo{ ;Demg'xf];\. kmf]y{ 8fOd]Gzg sg;n6]g;l Go"/f]8, kf]v/f -pk dxfgu/kflnsf; u}_ 3f]if0ff u/l sfuhl?kdf dfq /fvg' cjzo klg a'l4dtf xf]og. ;a}n] cfkm"nfo{ ;'wfg'{ k5{. ;lx+i0f'tf, ;dfgtf / ;dfj]zlsf] gf/fnfo{ 3Gsfpg' k5{. pgl cfkm\gf zabx?df kf]lvb} uog\. d df}gtfdf ;'lg/x]f. ol ;a} zabx?df, jfsox?df pgl cl8u lyog\. ;ffemsf] a]nf lyof], ldld{/] phofnf], b]z / q;lgbk kf}8]n /fhg}lts kf6l{x?df epsf] /fhg}lts ult/f]wsf] cgto x'g nfu]sf] ;+3f/ / ;+qmd0fsf] l:ylt lyof]. pgl egb} lyog\ tkfof vrf{n' x'g'x'g5 ;do / k};fsf]. tkfof t8se8s g]kfnl ;dfhsf] o'jf xf]. art ug{ l;sg'k5{ ;do / cy{ b'j} / vrf{n' x'g'k5{ 1fgsf s'/fdf / 1fgsf s'/fx? g} pkxf/ lbg'k5{. pgldf d}n] ;fg6f Snh b]v]f. ;fg6f Snh, Ps kfb/l ;]G6 lgsf]n;, ctogt} bofn' / nhfn'. ;fg6f Snhsf] ;]tf] bfx Lsf] emnsf]nfo{ d]6fpg] pglsf] ;]tf] 8«]; lyof]. clg Pp6f emf]nf h;df lqm;d; l6«sf] a' f el/psf] lyof]. emf]nfe/l 1fgsf] pkxf/ af]s]/ lxf8]sl pd]/ / lziffdf kl/ksjtf gkfo;s]tf klg a'l4, ljj]s / 1fgåf/f kl/ksjtfsf] s;ln] afflw;s]sf] lyof] pgldf. d}n] pgldf kl/ksjtf kfpf. bofn' / nhfn' efj emnsg] pgl pq/ cfw'lgssfnsf] ;]G6 lgsf]n; x'g\. Tolt dfq km/s 5 ;]G6 lgsf]n; materilism ;Fu ;DalGwt 5g\, pgsf] pkxf/ Ps commodity xf] t/ pglsf] Tof] pkxf/, tl zabx?, tl 1fgx? ;a} spiritualism / mentalism ;Fu ;DalGwt 5g\. g]kfnl ;dfhdf, o'jfk':tfdf ;]G6 lgsf]n;sf] vffrf] 5. pglsf] cfjzostf 5. vffrf] 5. To;}n] pgl g]kfnl o'jfk':tf agg'k5{. o'jfk':tfn] pglsf] k ltlglwtj ug'{k5{ / pq/ cfw'lgssfnsf c? lgsf]n;x? hgdg'k5{. cfwof/f]nfo{ 5]8\b} phofnf]tkm{ nfug===============. kmf]gm )^! $$)*!^ (*%^)@)((^ sgof d]6n Plnu]G; P08 On]S6«f]Kn]l6u O{= tnnf] lbk hf]uldl0f!^, kf]v/f kf]v/fdf klxnf]k6s ctofw'lgs d]lzgaf6 kmnfd] kfok, kmnfd] rfb/, u Ln kftf / cfo/g /8df lgsn 8]sf]/]l6d qmf]d, sk/, a Sof/]6 uf]n8sf] hnksf] sfd ul/g5. ( (Res) Mob: TATTOO & Piercing Godar Chowk (Panti Dairy Line), Pokhara, Nepal Remember us: Locket, Braslet, Poster, Hemp Item, Live DVD, Ring, Top & etc. d]/f] d[to'kl5 b]vf];\ s;}n] d]/f] d'6'df cfkm\gf] x:tfif/ Û e/tk'/ cfhsf] ksjfg bfn dvgl cfjzos ;fdu L M rgfsf] bfn!)) u fd, l;+uf] df;sf] u fd, /fhdf!)) u fd, ln6/, Kofh rk u/]sf] %) u fd, n;'g rk u/]sf] $) u fd, cb'jf rk u fd, u fd, lqmd %) ld=ln=, o" %) ld=ln=, u]fne]+8f rk u/]sf] %) u fd, 6f]d]6f] ld=ln=, g'g / a];f/ :jfb cg';f/, s;'/l d]yl % u fd. agfpg] ljlw M s's/ dgtftf] x'g]u/l ttfpg] / To;df l3p xfnl t]hkqf, a];f/ / bfn xfng] ;fy} g'g klg /fvg] / o;nfo{ agb u/]/ l7sssf] cfuf]df ksfpg]. k mfok]gdf l3p xfng] ;fy} a6/, ;'s]sf] v';f{gl, n;'g, cb'jf, Kofh xfnl Psl5g k mfo{ ug]{. To;kl5 rk u/]sf] uf]ne]+8f, a];f/ v';f{glsf] w"nf], g'g, s;'/l d]yl xfnl rnfpg]. To;df km]l/ 6f]df6f] Ko'/L / ksfpsf] bfn xfn]/ /fd f];fu km]6\g]. cgtodf lqmd /fvg]. o;/l dvgl bfn tof/ ug{ ;lsg5. gfg cfjzos ;fdu L M d}bf %)) u fd, c08f! j6f, a]ls kfp8/ % u fd, bxl!)) ld=ln=, b"w!%) ld=ln=, g'g :jfb cg';f/, lrgl :jfb cg';f/, t]n %) ld=ln=, dndn sk8f - 9fSgsf] nflu_, OR5f cg';f/ sfnf] tln, rk u/]sf] n;'g cflb. agfpg] ljlw M dgtftf] b"wdf a]ls kfp8/ g'g, c08f, bxl, lrgl xfnl s]xl a]/ 3f]Ng] / d}bf xfn]/ d'5\g]. xftdf g6ffl;g] epkl5 cfwf 306fkl5 dndn sk8fn] 9fsL /]i6 lbg] /!$) u fdsf] 8Nnf agfo{ t]nsf] ;fx/f lnp/ b'o{ xftn] lk6l kftnf] agfp/ lqsf]0f cfsf/ agfo{ ul2sf] ;fx/fn] tgb'/l k6sf] leqfdf 6fF:g] / of] kfs]kl5 sn/ cfpf5 / plssg5. pqm gfg, ufln{s gfg, lsdf gfg, sfzdl/l gfg cflb agfpg ;lsg5. k :t'tl M sflgtk'/ xf]6n 6] «lgª ;]G6/ lrkn]9' f, kf]v/f *, kmf]g M )^! %#&(!% u'0f:t/lo tyf cg'ejl k lzifsåf/f tflnd lngsf] nflu sflgtk'/ xf]6n 6]«lgª ;]G6/nfO{ ;Demg'xf];\.

4 { { { x]/fnf] gful/s kqsfl/tf x]/fnf] ;fktflxs ;fktflxs sf:sl lhnnf btf{ )^$, x'nfs btf{ g+= )^$ k sfzs ;DkfbsM l;/f]h sf]o/fnf Joj:yfkgM df]xg lu/l ;Nnfxsf/M x]d/fh kfxf/l tly{ >]i7 uf]ljgb axfb'/ e08f/l lat/0f Joj:yfksM /fdrgb /fgfef6 sfof{nom kf]v/f $, u}x fkf6g, ;f 3'sf] d'v kf]=a=g+=m $#!, kf]v/f, kmf]gm)^! %@@%##, %#@*$@ Od], d'b 0fM;'ne ckm;]6 k ];, kf]v/f!), OGb rf]s, kmf]gm)^! $#)**! sfg"g / gful/s eg]sf a'vofrf xf]ogg\ hgdtn] sfd u/ ljut!( lbg] hgcfgbf]ng kzrft\ /fi6«df epsf ;Dk"0f{ ;+j}wflgs lg0f{ox? g]kfnl hgtfsf] k ToIf ;xeflutf ljgf g} epsf] dxz'; ul/psf] 5. s'g} klg cfgbf]ng cyjf qmflgt s'g} lglzrt kf6l{ jf ljlegg kf6l{n] u/]sf] geo{ gful/sx?sf] kl/jt{gd'vl hf]8sf sf/0f x'g5. Pp6f d'vo k Zg s] xf] eg]!( lbgsf] hgcfgbf]ngdf lgl:spsf ;tk ltzt dflg;x? log} ;8s hfd ug] {, efif0faf6 em'6sf] v]tl ug] { / cfkm\gf] b'gf] ;f]em\ofpg] kf6l{s} cfjxfg\df ;8sdf cfpsf x'g\ t egg] xf] < s'g} klg ;Qfwf/L kf6l{, kl/jf/ cyjf JolQmn] /fi6«sf] pgglt gu/l cfkm\gf] x7df /fho rnfpg] ;f] +r hlta]nf /fv5 Tolta]nf ;8sdf cfd?kdf Tof] ;/sf/l ;+/rgfk lt c;gt'li6 /fvg] gful/sx? aflx/ lg:sg5g\ / To;nfO{ h/}b]lv n8folbg5g\. ol g]kfnl gful/sn] /fh;+:yfn] hgtfnfo{ /}tl ;Dem]/ pglx?nfo{ uf]? agfp/ bfo ug{ vf]hbf lbpsf pbfx/0f x'g\. hgcfgbf]ng kzrft\ cunf em08f lnp/ 7"nf :j/df cfkm"nfo{ gfos] k :t't ug] { /fhg}lts kf6l{sf k5fl8 pglx?n] dgk/l tfnn] sfg"g x]/km]/ ug] { clwsf/ ;f Rr}sf] jt{dfgsf] hgdtn] lbpsf] 5 t < xfdl snkgf u/f} + olb g]kfn /fhodf ljzjsf] jt{dfg kl/k ]IonfO{ cftd;fy ub} { d g]kfnl hgtf / g]kfn /fi6«sf] lxtsf nflu h] klg ug{ tof/ 5' / o; /fi6«sf] :jfledfg, /fli6«otf / cfgtl/s k2ltdf vnan k' ofpg] s'g} klg b]zl / ljb]zl JolQm, ;+:yf / /fi6«nfo{ 5'6 lbg] 5}g egg] goff ;d"x hgtfn] ljzjf; ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf lnp/ cfof] eg] s] ol jt{dfgsf /fhg}lts kf6l{sf] cl:ttj /xnf < s'/f /fhf 1fg]Gb nfo{ dfq x6fpg] xf]og s'/f hgdtn] xfnsf] /fhg}lts kf6l{nfo{ klg s'g >]0fLdf /fv5 egg] xf]. g]kfnsf] jt{dfg cj:yf Aaf ;f]nfo{ wkfp/ :ofnx?n] lzsf/sf] d:tl u/] h:tf] efg x'g5. jt{dfg ;dodf ;ft kf6l{sf] dgv'zln] ;+ljwfg, sfg"g kl/jt{g ug] {, dg nfu] hlt ;f+;b dgql /fvg], dg nfu] sfg"g Nofpg] dg gk/] sfg"g km\of Sg] h:tf u}/ lhdd]jf/k"0f{ lqmofsnfkx? x' Fb} cfpsf 5g\. xfnsf] ;ft kf6l{;fu s'g} klg To:tf] g}lts w/ftn 5}g h;n] pglx?nfo{ ol ;a s'/f ug]{ 5'6 lbof];\. of] t hgcfgbf]ng kzrft\ cfkm}n] d's'6 klxl/p/ efu j08f nufpsf] ;/sf/ xf]. loglx?;fu sfg"g kl/jt{g ug]{ / r'gfj ;fg]{ s'g} klg DofG8]8 5}g. t;y{, /fho ;~rfns kf6l{x?sf] r'gfj kzrft\ s:tf] x}l;ot /xg] xf] egg] s'/fsf] pglx?n] dgg u/]/ clxn]b]lv cfkm\gf] 7fpFdf a:g h?/l 5. olb 5f]6f] ;dod} nfdf] ;dob]lv cfkm"nfo{ /fi6«sf] akmfbf/ kx/]bf/ xf} + eg]/ kl/ro lbo;s]sf ljåt\ ju{sf] /fhg}lts j[qdf k j]z eof] eg] cfkm\gf] s:tf] cj:yf cfpnf egg] ljrf/ k' ofp/ ;ft kf6l{n] b]z agfpg] ;ffrr}sf] c7f]6 ug{ h?/l 5. cledt x]/fnf] kf}if!# ut] z'qmaf/ $ ;DkfbsLo 6]lnsdsf] Ifdtf / gful/ssf] ;f:tl lxhf] cfh o"jfx?df jl9 df]jfon qm]h b]lvpsf] 5. o"jfx?df dfq geo{ lszf]/ lszf]/l / k f}9 cj:yfsf dflg;x? klg df]jfon k lt x'?ss} x'g yfn]sf 5g\. df]jfon qm]hsf] olx kmfobf p7fp/ g]kfn 6]lnsdn] clxn] gful/snfo{ 7Ug] Pp6f alnof] jf6f] /fd f];fu km]nf kf/]sf] 5. lgod sfg"g gepsf] b]zdf h] u/] klg epsf] 5. hgtfnfo{ 7u]/ ;/sf/nfo{ ;j} egbf jl9 /fhzj j'emfpg] ;+:yfg cgtu{t k/]sf] 5 g]kfn 6]lnsd clxn]. d'n'sl P]g 7uLsf] dxndf s'g} nfe lng] p2]zon] s'g} sfd u5'{ egl em'sofo nnfo{ kmsfo{ k efjdf kf/l cg'lrt nfe lng] sfo{ 7uLsf] kl/efiffdf k5{. g]kfn 6]lnsdn] 7uLsf] Tolx kl/efiffnfo{ l;/f]wfo{ u/]sf] 5. tkfo{ h;n] g]kfn 6]lnsdsf] df]jfon ;]jf k of]u ul//xg'epsf] 5, ;DejtM tkfo{ x}/fg kg'{epsf] xf]nf. ;]jf lbg5' eg]/ l;d sf8{ a]rb} k To]s snsf] /sd c;'ng] sfo{ tbf?vtfsf ul/;s]kl5 ;]jfsf] k'/f u'0f:t/ lbg'kg]{ bflotj g]kfn 6]lnsdsf] xf] ls xf]og < t/ clxn] x]bf{ % k ltzt u'0f:t/ klg sfod ug{ ;s]sf] 5}g. % k ltzt egg] ljlqs} tkfo{n] ljzjf; ul/;sg'epsf] xf]nf. cfh ef]ln tkfo{ cfˆgf] df]jfonjf6 k6s kmf]g xfgg'xf];\,! sn klg ;kmn x'fb}g. clg of] t % k ltzt klg epg gl Û sy+sbflrt kmf]g uoxfnof] eg] klg ptf kmf]g pl7;s]sf] x'g5, kmf]g l/l;e epsf] ;+s]t cfˆgf] ;]6df cfo;s]sf] x'g5, nuftf/ ;do rl9/x]sf] x'g5, t/ g ptfjf6 s]lx cfjfh cfpf5, g cfkm" otfjf6 jf]n]sf] g} ptf ;'lgpsf] x'g5. ;do r9\g] ljlqs} g]kfn 6]lnsdsf] sdko'6/df klg To;} cg'?k /sd rl9/x]sf] x'g5. clg of] ;/f;/ 7uL wgbf gep s] xf] t < ls ;+:yfut?kdf 7Ug kfog] xf] eg] gful/s :t/jf6 klg To:t} To:t} 7uL wgbf ug] { ;+:yfx? vf]nb} lj:tf/ ub} { hfg'k/\of] / hgtfnfo{ ;j}lt/jf6 7u]/ ;f:tl lbg'k/\of]. olb To;f] xf]og eg] s] xf] t < o;sf] hjfkm 5 clxn] g]kfn 6]lnsd;Fu < clxn] g]kfn 6]lnsd ;/sf/l nfo;]g; k fkt 7u ;+:yfsf]?kdf :ki7 b]lvpsf] 5. a'9f] :ofn cfkm" klg j:b}g / c?nfo{ klg j:g lb+b}gú eg] h:tf] g]kfn 6]lnsdn] cfkm"n] klg u'0f:t/o'qm ;]jf lbg ;Sb}g / c?nfo{ klg 7fpF lbfb}g. g]kfn 6]lnsdnfO{ lglhs/0f ug]{ s'/f rrf{df cfpfbf ToxfFsf sd{rf/lx? cfgbf]ng u5{g. hgtf 7Ugsf nflu / Psflwsf/ sfod u/fpgsf nflu cfgbf]ng ub{} hfg] xf] eg] cl:t s]lx ;do cufl8 dfq k ltjgw nufopsf g]6jls{ë Jojzfo gfdsf 7u ;+:yfx?n] klg cfgbf]ng rsf{pfb} km]l/ hgtf 7Ug] sfd ;'? ug]{ ls < olb g]kfn kl/dfh{g ug' {k5{ syfdf gf/l rl/q q zflgtagbgf kf}8]n k/dk/fut nf]ssyfx n] dlxnfnfo{ /fd L, ;'zln, ;xgzln / cf1fsf/l x'g'kg] {h:tf kfqsf] kdf k :t't u/]sf] kfog5. ca ltgnfo{ k'gn] {vg jf kl/dfh{g u/]/ n} +lus d}ql agfpg'k5{. DofUbL ax'd'vl SofDk;df al=p= k9\g] c7f/jif]{ lszf]/ln] kffr siffdf k9\bfsf] s'/f cfkm\gf] 8fo/Ldf o;/l n]v]sl l5g\, cª\u ]hl lstfadf epsf] Pp6f bgtosyf k9]kl5 ddf PsfPs kl/jt{g cfof]. Tof] ofk'gh]n gfd u/]sl ;'Gb/Lsf] syf lyof]. d cgf}7f];fu Psf]xf]l/GyF]. cfkm"nfo{ ofk'gh]n;fu t'ngf ug{ yfn]f. ofk'gh]nh:t} ;'Gb/ agg kfp x'gyof] egg] efjgf hfuyof]. p;sf] h:t} nfdf] skfn d]/f] slxn] x'g]xf]nf egg] s'/fn] dg x'f8ln/xgyof]. ;fflrr clxn] ;DemFbf klg nfh nfu5, t/ Ps ;do d}n] xf]djs{ ug]{ k"/} ;do P]gf x]/]/} latfolbgy]f.ú k'/fgf 8fo/Lx vf]tng';\ t tkfo+{;fu klg o:t} sxfglx 5g\ ls < gfd gn]vg] jfrf u/fp/ dfq 8fo/L b]vfpg tof/ epsl lyog\ pgl. elg5g\, To;a]nf d ofk'gh]nsl km\ofg ag]sl lypf.ú w]/}h;f] nf]ssyfdf dlxnf kfqnfo{ ls t b'i6, af]s;l, /fif;gl jf ;f}t]gl cfdfsf] kdf b]vfog5. csf]{lt/ k'?if kfqx rflxf axfb'/, hjfg, /fhs'df/, ljåfg\ n8fs' jf o:t} e"ldsfdf b]vfog5. DofUbL ax'd'vl SofDk;sf k fwofks 6Lsf/fd ;fksf]6f eg5g\, o:tf nf]ssyfn] lszf]/lx sf] cftdljzjf;df ghflgfbf] kf/fn] 7]; k' ofpf5g\.ú dw'dfntlsf] syf k9]/?g] s]6lx dwo] Ps x'g\ ;l/tf zdf{. dw''s/ / dfntlsf] ljof]udf ;f]xjif]{ ;l/tf g/fd /L 56k6fPsf] cg'ej ;'gfpfl5g\. dfntlnfo{ jfo'k+vfl 3f]8fdf /fv]/ ;d'b sf] dflydfly p8\b} ubf{ PSsfl; 3f]8fsf] k'r5/ ;dftg k'u]sf /fif;glx ;Dem]/ ;l/tf Ps lbg ;kgfd} lrrofog\. ptf axfb'/ /fhs'df/ lbskfnsf] syfn] t]x jif]{ afns ;fu/nfo{ hf]:ofof]. anjfg\ lbskfnn] /fif;x nfo{ df/]/ b/af/ kms]{kl5 ;fu/ / pgsf ;fylx gfr]. 6]lnsdsf] :jfldtjnfo{ lglhs/0fdf n}hfg] xf] eg] clxn]sf] egbf w]/} u'0ff ;:tf] / w]/} u'0ff u'0f:t/ sfod u/]/ gful/sn] ;]jf pkef]u ug{ kfpg] lglzrt 5. of] s'/f :ki6 x'fbfx'fb} klg ;/sf/n] g]kfn 6]lnsdnfO{ lglhs/0fsf] k lqmoflt/ n}hfg ;s]sf] 5}g. k'flhjfbl cy{ Joj:yf / v'nf jhf/ k 0ffnLn] ljzj ;d"bfo 9fls;Sof]. v'nf jhf/ k 0fflns} dfgotf cg'?k ljzj Jofkf/ ;+3 -WTO_ n] cfˆgf] ;b:otf ljzje/ g} lkmfhfo;sof]. g]kfn klg WTO sf] ;b:o /fi6«eo;s]sf] 5. oxff klg ldl>t cy{ Joj:yf sfod 5 / of] klg lglzrt 5 ls j? k'flhjfbl cy{joj:yf nfu' x'g ;Snf, t/ ;fdjfbl cy{ Joj:yf nfu' x'g cj ;Dej 5}g. lziff, :jf:yo h:tf hgtfsf cfwf/e"t Pj+ g};lu{s cfjzostf h:tf s'/fx? t lglhs/0fsf] k lqmofdf uo;s] eg] clxn]sf] o'udf ;+rf/ klg csf] { cfwf/e"t cfjzostf jlg;s]sf] ep klg jffrgs} nflu geo gx'g] ;fwgdf of] kb} {g. of] t]>f] bhf{sf] cfwf/e"t cfjzostf cgtu{t kb{5. To;f] ep ;+rf/ If]q lglhs/0f ug{ lsg gx'g] < g]kfn 6]lnlehg, /]l8of] g]kfn, uf]vf{kq ;+:yfg h:tf ;+:yfsf] klg Psflwsf/ ;dfkt eo;sof]. 6]lnsdtkm{ lgs} sl7gfo{sf jfjh'b :kfo; g]kfn k f=ln= gfds ;+:yfnfo{ d]/f] df]jfon ;+rfng ug{ lbopsf] 5, t/ To;nfO{ klg w]/} l;ldttfx?df jfflwpsf] 5. p;n] rfx] cg'?k cfˆgf] ;]jf, If]q / u'0f:t/ lj:tf/ ug{ kfpfb} kfpfb}g. ;fdojfbl cy{joj:yfdf em} + g]kfn 6]lnsdn] cfˆgf] Psflwsf/ sfod /fvg] lbzfdf cufl8 al9/x]sf] 5 eg] g]kfn ;/sf/ 6'n'6'n /ldtf x]/]/ al;/x]sf] 5. Ifdtf lj:tf/ ug'{ stf xf] stf, wdf wd df]jfonsf] ;+Vof lj:tf/ ug]{ sfd dfq u/]sf] 5 g]kfn 6]lnsdn]. clxn] b]ze/ gd:t] lk k]8 df]jfonsf] l;dsf8{ ljt/0f ug]{ s'/fnfo{ r/d pts;{df k'/\ofpsf] 5, t/ tbg'?k Ifdtf lj:tf/ ug]{, 6fj/ ykg] sfo{ u/]sf] 5}g. To;f] t df]jfondf ;d:of clxn] dfq xf]og. hj df]jfon ;]jf z'? u/\of] g]kfn 6]lnsdn], Tolx j]nfb]lv df]jfondf ;d:of b]lvpsf] b]lvps} 5. To;j]nfb]lv g} u'0f:t/df Wofg lbg] s'/f g]kfn 6]lnsdsf] k fyldstfdf k/]g, s]jn ;+Vof ykg] / Jofkf/ j9fpg] s'/fdf dfq Pstlkm{ Wofg upsf] b]lvg5. ls t g]kfn 6]lnsdnfO{ k"0f{ ;/sf/l :jfldtjdf n}hfg'k/\of], gq eg] lglhs/0fdf 5fl8lbg'k5{. k ltikwf{sf] k 0fflndf cfpg] Joj:yf eof] eg] dfq o;sf] u'0f:t/ / ;]jf k jfx k efjsf/l x'g5, cgoyf ;w}+ o:t} g} xf]. k flws/0f cyjf ;+:yfg cgtu{t g]kfn 6]lnsdnfO{ cj Ps lbg klg /fvg' x'fb}g egg] b]lvg5. klqsf k;n, xf6jhf/, sfof{no, ;8s, ulnn, rf]s cflb hxff tlx+f df]jfon xftdf lnfb}, sfgdf 6fF:b}, a'9lcf}fnfn] ls Kof8 lyrb}, cg'xf/ ljufb}{ g]kfn 6]lnsdnfO{ xqf];/fk ul//x]sf b[zox? cfh ef]ln lgs} pk m]. lbskfnsf] syfaf6 s] l;sof} afa' < ;fu/n] eg], d klg 7"nf] ep/ lbskfn bfbfn] h:t} /fif;nfo{ dfg'{k5{ egg] s'/f l;s]f.ú nf]ssyf xfd f nf]s;+:s[lt x'g\, ;DklQ x'g\. o;nfo{ afn;flxtocgtu{t x]l/psf] 5. ;fdfgotof kffrb]lv!^ jif{;ddsf afnaflnsf nf]ssyfsf kf/vl x'g5g\. k'/fgf] / goff k':tfsf alrdf ;'dw'/tf Nofpg logsf] 7"nf] dxtj /xg5.ú syfsf/ nidl kf}8]n elg5g\, k'/fgf] / goff ;+:s[ltsf] t'ngftds cwoog ug{ klg ol syf pkof]ul x'g ;S5g\.Ú nf]ssyf ;'Ggsf nflu 3/sf] lkf9ldf, rf}tf/ldf / v'nnf rf}/df s]6fs]6lx a"9fa"9lnfo{ 3]/]/ a;]sf b[zox ufpf3/df cem} b]vg ;lsg5. syf ;'gfo;s]kl5 syf egg] xh'/cfdf, xh'/afn] s]6fsf] lrpf8f] d';fb}{ eg5g\, ltdl klg ef]ln o:t} axfb'/ agg'k5{ x} afa'.ú t/, s]6lnfo{ slxno} klg b'i6x ;Fu n8fof ug]{ pkb]z lbfb}gg\. syfsf/ nidln] ylkg\, oxlfg]/af6 s]6lx sf] cftdljzjf; 9ndnfpg ;'? x'g5.ú s]6lx sf] cufl8 s]6fx nfo{ axfb'/ x'g] cfzljf{b lbpkl5 s]6fx sf] x]kfxf k j[lq ;'? x'g] nidlsf] 7x/ 5. afnaflnsfx ctogt} ;+j]bgzln x'g5g\. pglx sf] dl:tisnfo{ s:tf] cfsf/ lbg] egg] s'/f 3/, kl/jf/, ;dfh / ljbfnosf] jftfj/0fdf e/ k5{. JolQmsf] zf/ll/s, dfgl;s tyf ;fdflhs ljsf;sf lx;fan] klg of] pd]/ dxtjk"0f{ x'g5. afnsyfsf/ eqm sfsl{ eg5g\, afnaflnsfnfo{ ;+:sf/ l;sfpg] xft nf]ssyfx df klg plqs} 5.Ú t/, s]6lx nfo{ k'/fg} z}nldf affrg] bafa ol syfn] kfg{ ;Sg]df syfsf/ sfsl{ klg ;xdt 5g\. eg5g\, nf]ssyfdf /fd f / g/fd f b'j} kif plqs} 5g\.Ú Psfb]zdf Pp6L ;'Gb/ 6'x'/L s]6l lyo{. pm s8f kl/>d uyl{, abnfdf kfpfyl ;f}t]gl cfdfsf] 6f]s;f]. Ps lbg pm jgdf 3fF; sf6\b} ;'l/nf] :j/df ult ufpfb} lyo{. st}af6 Pp6f ;'Gb/ hjfg 6'Kn'Ss cfok'uof]===.ú tkfo{+nfo{ yfx} 5 of] syfsf] cgto s;/l x'g5. kss} klg To; 6'x'/L s]6ln] ;a} kl8f Tof] hjfg s]6f]nfo{ egnl. s]6f] s]6lsf] k b]v]/ df]lxt agnf. pglx k ]ddf knf{g\. lax] unf{g\. clg Tof] s]6lsf ;'vsf lbg ;'? xf]nfg\ xf]og t < o:tf syfdf gflosfn] hlt;'s} ljklq k/] klg cftd/iffsf] s'g} sbd rflnbg. b'mvkbf{ /f]olbg5]. Psbd} yf]/} t/ Hofb} dl7f] af]n5]. pm 3/leqsf sfdx h:t} vfgf ksfpg], n'uf w'g], sf]7f ;hfpg] sfddf Jo:t /xg5]. 3/b]lv aflx/ e]l6g5g\. slxn]sflxf t ctogt} Odh]{G;L kbf{ klg df]jfonjf6 kmf]g gnfubf bf}8]/ g]kfn 6]lnsdsf] sfof{nodf uo{ ToxfFsf] k d'vnfo{ s'l;{jf6 s7fnf] ;dftb} lgsfn]/ ;8sdf NofO sfnf] df];f] bn]/ jhf/ 3'dfOlbg]] xf] ls egg] emf]s klg p7\5. gful/ssf] k ToIf ;/f]sf/;fu uffl;psf] ljifonfo{ dful vfg] eff8f]] dfq jgfpg kfo{b}g. cfhsf] o'u ;"rgfsf] o'u xf]. ;+;f/n] ;"rgfdf w]/} g} rdtsf/ NofO;Sof]. ;]s08e/d} k[yjlsf] Pp6f w' jjf6 csf]{ w 'j;dd ;"rgf cfbfg k bfg x'g yfln;sof]. ljgf ;~rf/ dfgj hljg g} ckfë h:t} dfq xf]og, cj t lhpg} d'lzsn kg]{ eo;sof]. To;}sf] k efjn] ubf{ g]kfnn] klg ;~rf/sf If]qdf 7"n} km8\sf] dfl;;sof]. ;fndf k hftgq k'g:yfkgf ep otfsf] ;j}egbf 7"nf] pknjwl klg ;~rf/ If]qd} b]lvpsf] 5. t/ g]kfn 6]lnsddf eg] o'un] NofPsf] kl/jt{gnfo{ klg :jlsfg]{ k j[lq b]lv+b}g. ;fy;fy} ToxfF b]lvg] nfkjf{lx / hgrf;f] Pj+ hg ;/f]sf/k lt cffvf lrdn]/ 6]lnsdnfO{ clwjqmf cf]d/fh kf}8]n g]kfn 6]lnsddf eg] o'un] NofPsf] kl/jt{gnfo{ klg :jlsfg] k j[lq b]lv+b}g. ;fy;fy} ToxfF b]lvg] nfkjf{lx / hgrf;f] Pj+ hg ;/f]sf/k lt cffvf lrdn]/ 6]lnsdnfO{ lgtfgt Jofkf/ ug] ;+:yfsf]?kdf lrgfpg] k j[lqdf s'g} kl/jt{g cfpg ;s]sf] 5}g. kl/jt{gnfo{ cftd;ft gug] { xf] eg] cj To:tf] lgsfonfo{ hg:t/jf6 :jlsfg] { l:ylt klg /xfb}g. lgtfgt Jofkf/ ug] { ;+:yfsf]?kdf lrgfpg] k j[lqdf s'g} kl/jt{g cfpg ;s]sf] 5}g. kl/jt{gnfo{ cftd;ft gug] xf] eg] cj To:tf] lgsfonfo{ hg:t/jf6 :jlsfg] { l:ylt klg /xfb}g. To;}n] cj g]kfn 6]lnsdsf] df]jfon x}/fgljf6 To;sf k of]ustf{ gful/s lgs} tl;{;s]sfn] g]kfn 6]lnsdn] o;tkm{ j]n}df ;r]t x'g' j'l4dfgl b]lvg5. h;l/ l;dsf8{ lng /ftl!@=)) jh] b]lv nfog j;,] To;l/ 6]lnsd k lt g} hfo nfug] u/l csf]{ nfog j:g klg hgtfn] j]/ dfgb}gg\. hgcfqmf]z 5tf5'Nn x'g uof] eg] l:ylt s;}sf] lgogq0fdf x' Fb}g egg] j'em]/ g} g]kfn 6]lnsdn] cfkm"nfo{ ;do ;fk]if agfpg' g} p;sf] j'l4dfgl x'g]5. slxno} lg:sgg. lg0f{o lng] sfd slxno} p;sf] x'fb}g. gfosn] h] eg5 / rfxg5 r'krfk :jlsfl/lbg5]. syfdf gflosfsf] o:tf] e"ldsf ;'g]sf lszf]/lx df s:tf] c;/ knf{ <Ú g]kfn k fwofks ;ª\3 PsfO ;ldlt DofUbLsf ;efklt tf/fgfy zdf{ eg5g\, s]6l olb ;'Gb/, zfgt / lgliqmo 5] eg] p;sf] d"v{tf / cifdtf klg :jlsfo{ x'g;s5 egg] ;Gb]z ol syfn] lbo/fv]sf 5g\, o;n] ubf{ lszf]/lx Ifdtfsf] ljsf;df egbf klg ;'zln, zfgt / ;'Gb/ agglt/ Jo:t x'g ;S5g\.Ú gflosfsf] nhfn' :jefjsf] syfdf ;w}f k ;+zf x'g5. p;sf] cf1fsfl/tfsf] sb/ ul/psf] x'g5. gflosf?g'nfo{ ;fdfgo dflgg5. cyf{t\ p;sf sdhf]/lnfo{ tfl/km ul/g5. DofUbL ax'd'vl SofDk;df k9fpg] /]vf /]UdL elg5g\ of] s]6lx nfo{ sdhf]/ kfg{ ;dfhn] /r]sf] v]n xf], lszf]/lnfo{ k'/fg} ;+:sf/n] afflw/fvg] 8f]/L xf].ú To;f] ep ca s] ug] { t < nf]ssyfsf] cgto lxtsf/l xf]nf t < cf xfú afnsyfsf/ sfsl{ eg5g\, of] t emg} b'mvbfol s'/f eof]. nf]s;+:s[ltsf] ;+/If0f kf] ug' {k5{.ú a? o:tf syf kl/dfh{g ug' { a'l4dfgl x'g] sfsl{sf] ts{ 5. To;f] t rfx]/ klg nf]ssyfsf] cgto c;dej b]lvg5. sfsl{ eg5g\, ca k/dk/fut nf]ssyfnfo{ k'gn] {vg ug' {k5{.ú klxn]-klxn] nf]ssyf syo kdf dfq cfpfy]. t/, ca 5flkg yfn]sf 5g\. syfsf/ nidl elg5g\, ca nf]ssyfnfo{ o;/l df]8\g'k5{ h;n] n}ª\lus ;dfgtfsf] af6f]df ;xof]u u g\.ú dlxnfnfo{ sdhf]/ kfg]{, xf]rofpg] vfnsf syf kf7\oqmdaf6} x6fpg'kg]{ a]gl ;fd'bflos dfljsf k wfgfwofks tly{ >]i7 atfpf5g\. >]i7 eg5g\, kf7\ok':tsd} o:tf syf k9fpg'k5{ clg s] ug]{ <Ú ljz]ifu/l siff $ / % sf] cª\u ]hl ljifo / siff ( sf] g]kfnl ljifodf o:tf syf 5g\. sltko af]l8{ªn] cª\u ]hl efiffdf o:tf syfnfo{ cltl/qm ljifosf kdf ;d]t /fvg] u/]sf] kfog5. kf7\oqmddf ;dfj]z epsf To:tf syf grfx]/ klg rrf{ ug'{kg]{ atfpf5g\ lzifs-lzlifsf. kf7\oqmdd} epsfn] gflosfsf] ;'zln, zfgt :jefjsf] rrf{ ug'{kg]{ cj:yf 5,Ú /]UdL elg5g\, goff kf7\oqmddf goff syfx /flvg'k5{, nf]ssyfnfo{ dlxnfsf] kifdf df]8\g ;s] pglx sf] ;zqmls/0fdf ltg} syf alnof c:q x'g]5g\.ú -;fe/ ;~rfl/sf n]vdfnf ;~rfl/sf ;d"x_

5 ««F ofjt x]/fnf] kf}if!# ut] z'qmaf/ % lha f]n] Pp6} gfd km6sf5{ g]kfn ld;g Og g]kfn o;n] b]vfpf5 ls xfdln] lz/df 9fsf 6f]kL nufp/ P]gf x]/]sf 5f}+ jf 5}gf}+. o;}n] b]vfpf5 dgdg} ;d'ggt /fi6«««sf] ;kgf b]v]sf 5f}+ ls 5}gf}+. obl ;kgf Pp6} xf], t lxf8\g] uf]/]6f]x km/s x'g ;S5g\. ugtjo Pp6} xf], af6f] km/s 5 t s] ef] < e]l6fbf 5'l6Fbf bf]af6f] rf}af6f]x df Psn] csf{nfo{ lsg luyf]ng] < ugtjodf k'ubf t Pp6} b]zsf] gful/s, Pp6} efiff, / lha f]n] Pp6} gfd km6sf5{ g]kfnú Û dfcf]jfbsf] lg/k]if bz{g af]s]/ d km]/l af}nxfpg rfxgg. Oltxf;df c;kmn n]lvo;s]sf] gfy] bz{gdfly d]/f] b]zsf] ;Dk'0f{tfsf] ljzjf; u/]/ d 9'ls/xg ;lsbg. 9'ls/xg ;Sg] Tof] cff6 klg 5}g. d'n'ssf] ljsf; / ;Dk'0f{tfsf] lglzrttf ug]{ goff bz{gsf] vffrf] 5 dnfo{. d cfhsf] o'jf lxhf]sf cif/x nfo{ cfh lhjgt?k lbg vf]hg] b':k of; ug{ ;Sb} ;lsbg. cxf, ;Sb} ;lsbg. / Tof] goff bz{g egg' g} of] eb uf]ndf lglzrttfsf] jsfnt u/f];\. ;Dk'0f{tfsf] pb\3f]if u/f];\ Û ;fyl, goff g]kfnsf] gfd lbp/ Oltxf; /Rgsf nflu goff snd xf]og, goff ljrf/ rflxg5. b]z cg';f/sf] e]if rflxg5. ab\lnfbf] o'udf affrgsf nflu k ljwlsf] qmflgt rflxg5. ;fyl ltdl hldgsf] s'/f u5f}{, d k ljwlsf] s'/f u5{'. ltdl df]xlofgl xssf] s'/f u5f}{, d x/ gful/sn] ctofjzos rlhx sf] vffrf] dxz'z ug{' x'fb}g eg5'. ltdl / dalrsf] km/s oxl xf] ls ltdl ;Fw} qmflgt u5f}{ / d ;do ;do lj>fd u5'{. ;+l3otfdf /fho 6'qmFb}g eg]/ jsfnt ug]{ dfgl;stfsf] a]r}gl lnp/ d glgbfpg rfxgg. ;d:ofn] u :t epsf] s'g} klg /fhodf ;kgf b]vfpg ;lhnf] x'g5. hxff hxff ;d:of, ;kgfx km'n5g\ d5{g\, km'n5g\ d5{g\. gkm'nb} d/]sf s}+og ;kgfx sf] bfx;+:sf/ u/]sf] cg'ej 5, xfdl;fu. /fho g]tfx sf] cfjfh lnp/ slxn] k'j{ au5, slxn] klzrd. k'j}{ au5f}+, klzrd g} au5f}+ xfdl. xfd f] lgotl g} t/n x'g' xf]. xfdlnfo{ cfsf/ lbg] g]tfx 5g\, xfdlnfo{ /+u lbg] g]tfx 5g\. cfsf/ xfd f] xf], xfdl;fu cfˆgf] cfsf/ cffkm} sf]g]{ ;+:s[lt 5}g. Tof] ljj]s 5}g, xfd f] /fi6«jfbsf] JofVof xfdl cffkm} u/f}+. gkm"nb} d/]sf t/ ;DejtM c;n kl/0ffd lbg] lrgtgx t af6f]d} 5f]8]/ xfdl cfh bf; 5f}+, ljlegg c;kmn bz{gx sf]. dxtjfsffiffnfo{ arfp/ pglx xfdlnfo{ bf; agfpf5g\, xfdl ag5f}+. pglx ;kgf lbg5g\, xfdl af]s5f}+. x'g5 s] t, ;kgfsf] ef/l af]s]/. cfh ;kgfx s} a]rlavg 5. ;kgf lsg]/ cfkm}nfo{ a]rg' /fi6«3ft xf]. Pp6f bz{gsf] rzdf nufp/ /fi6«lxtsf nflu x'g}kg]{ s'/fnfo{ ;w}+ gfdnfo{ sffw xfn]/ lxf8\g] ;j{gfdn] cf}wl ;'v lbpsf 5g\. ck7\of/f] To;a]nf k5{ ha logn] sfd ug{ kfpfb}gg\ cyjf s;nfo{ sffw xfng'kg]{ xf] egg] yfxf x'fb}g. hfkfgl km'6an l6d lxhf] sf7df08f} cfok'uof]. pglx? ;a}n] lgnf] Hofs]6 / ;]tf] 6«fph/ nufpsf lyp. pglx? eg]sf] sf] < km'6an l6d Pp6f xf], To;nfO{ pglx? egg ldnb}g. egg'k5{ l6dsf ;a} ;b:on] lgnf] Hofs]6 / ;]tf] 6«fph/ nufpsf lyp. dfcf]jfbln] ef]nl Ps lbg td3f; ahf/ agb ug]{ lg0f{o u/]sf] 5. pglx?sf cg';f/, k x/l HofbtLsf] lj/f]wdf ;f] sbd p7fopsf] xf]. klxnf] jfsodf dfcf]jfbl zab ;d"xafrs?kdf Psargdf cfpsf] 5. To;nfO{ pglx?sf cg';f/ egg ldnb}g. p;sf cg';f/ egg'k5{. cyjf, klxnf] jfsodf dfcf]jfblx?n]===========lg0f{o u/]sf 5g\ eg]/ dfq bf]; f] jfsodf pglx?sf cg';f/ egg'k5{. kqsf/x?n] cfkm\gf] b]zsf af/]df /fd /L a'em]s]f x'g'k5{. clg dfq p;n] /fd f] kqsfl/tf ug{ ;S5. egg'k5{ clg dfq ltgn] pglx?n] /fd f] kqsfl/tf ug{ ;S5g\. s]zj vfb ;+:yfgdf sfd u5{. ;'/]z klg ToxL zfvf clws[t 5. Pslbg p;sf] 3/df /df cfpsl lyo{. oxff s]zjsf] 3/df /df cfpsl lyo{ egg vf]lhpsf] xf]. t/ ;j{gfdn] ;fdfgotm ;a}egbf glhssf] gfdnfo{ ;dftg] epsfn] ;'/]zsf] 3/df /df cfpsl lyog egg] cy{ lg:sg5. pn6f] cy{af6 arg p;sf] 3/df geg]/ s]zjsf] 3/df g} egg'k5{. u[xdgql;fu} pleg'epsf] lyof]. ;~rf/dgqln] pxffsf] af/]df Pp6f em'l;lns/f] lxl8/x]sf] b]vg'eof]. s;sf] sf]6df < u[xdgqlsf] ls ;~rf/dgqlsf] < pxffsf] sf]6df n] u[xdgqlsf] sf]6df egg] cy{ a'lemg5. jfsosf] cfzo rflxf Tof] xf]og. cfzo :ki6 kfg{ egg'k5{ ;~rf/dgqln] cfkm\gf] sf]6df Pp6f em'l;lns/f] b]vg'eof]. cndnn ;'zln / ;'/]zn] ;Fu;Fu} hflu/ vfg yfn]sf x'g\. t/ pm kffr jif{d} dxfk agws eof]. oxff ;'zln / ;'/]zsf] gfd Pp6} lqmof;fu ;Da4 ep/ ;Fu;Fu} cfpsfn] pm eg]sf] sf] eg]/ em'lssog5. o:tf] cj:yfaf6 arg ;j{gfdsf] ; f gfd g} k of]u ug'{ pko'qm x'g5. egg'k5{ t/ ;'zln ;'/]z kffr jif{d} dxfk agws eof]. xf];\ gu/l ;j{gfdsf] k of]u ubf{ To;n] s;nfo{ OGsf/ ug{' h:tf] /fi6«3ft csf] { s]xl 8]8 nfog 5}g. ;do cfpsf] 5 j:t'ut ljzn]if0fsf]. ljzn]if0f / uf]bf/ xfdl ;a}sf] cf cfˆgf] clwsf/sf] s'/f xf]. / /fi6" arfpg] clwsf/ xfdl;fu x/kn 5. /fi6«arfpg] clwsf/sf nflu xfdln] cg'dlt lno/xg'kg]{ s'g} lgsfo g} 5}g. x'g5, /fi6«hf]lug5 / /fi6«sf] d'n h8sf] 7]6 klxrfg e};s]sf] 5 eg] u0ftgqsf] :jfut u/f} +. d'n h8sf] 7]6 klxrfg cfj]udf gu/f} +, sd;]sd JolQmut pbfl;gtfdf gu/f} +. csf] { s'/f rsf] { 5 hldgúsf]. x'g5, g]kfnsf] ;Dk'0f{ hldg x/]s hgtfnfo{ a/fa/ aff8f}. 7 f xf]og, ;fflrrs} aff8f} +. x/ gful/s dflns 5. x/ gful/s hldgbf/ 5. b'vsf] t s'g} dfxf}n g} 5}g. t/ sltcf} + jif{;dd of] l6sl/xnf < km]/l ef]nl ToxL lbg cfpg] 5 / s]xl dfg5]x sf] xftdf Tof] hldg x'g]5. csf] { s'/f /Xof], sfo{ifdtfsf] cfwf/df k ltkmnsf] c+z aff8\g]. s'g dfg5]sf] s'g b/sf] sfo{ifdtfnfo{ slt k ltzt c+z lbg] < nf}, tyof+s zfzqn] to u/f];\ of] b'/l. cy{ ;fgf] 5, /fi6«;k G5 eg], /fi6«n] ult lng5 eg] gfy] dfgotf / bz{gx sf] ;Demf}tf ug} {k5{. lgtl / lgod, bz{g / l;4fgtx /fi6«sf nflu x'g\ /fi6«hfaf] d]/f] bz{gsf] nflu xf]og. /fi6«, k r08n] xf];\ jf lu/lhfn] cyf{t s;}n] klg cfˆgf] dxtjfsffiffsf] k of]u ug] { k of]uzfnf xf]og. t lsg oxff o'jfx sf] km/s km/s em'08 Pscfk;df le8\5 < gfy] bz{g / dfgotfsf] nflu < jf b]zsf vflt/ < cfhsf] pd]/;dd lj/n b]v]sf] 5', ljlegg /fhgllts r]tgfn] u l;t o'jfx sf] km/s km/s em'08 ldn]/ tfnl lk6]sf]. /fi6«sf vflt/ oxff ;Demf}tf lsg x' Fb}g < pbfx/0fsf nflu jfol;pnsf Ps o'jfn] /fi6«lxtsf nflu s'g} lqmof jf k ltlqmof u/]df csf{ kifsfnfo{ cfklq lsg x'g5 < Voflt sdfcf];\ t s] km/s k5{ < b]zsf vflt/ sfd u of] / Voflt sdfof]. csf{ kifsfn] u/]sf] :ki6 /fi6«lxtsf] sfddf jfol;pnnfo{ cyf{t cgo s'g} kifsfnfo{ v]b ug{'kg]{ sf/0f s] 5 < o;n] b]vfpf5 ls xfdln] lz/df 9fsf 6f]kL nufp/ P]gf x]/]sf 5f}+ jf 5}gf}+. o;}n] b]vfpf5 dgdg} ;d'ggt /fi6«sf] ;kgf b]v]sf 5f}+ ls 5}gf}+. olb ;kgf Pp6} xf], t lxf8\g] uf]/]6f]x km/s x'g ;S5g\. ugtjo Pp6} xf], af6f] km/s 5 t s] ef] < e]l6fbf 5'l6Fbf bf]af6f] rf}af6f]x df Psn] csf{nfo{ lsg luyf]ng] < ugtjodf k'ubf t Pp6} b]zsf] gful/s, Pp6} efiff, / lha f]n] Pp6} gfd km6sf5{ g]kfnú Û cufl8 a9f}+, a9\g lbcf}+. t/ ;Demf}tf ToFxf u/ hxff /fi6«lxtsf] lg/k]if ;Defjgf 5. xf], sf]xl klg /fi6«sf nflu c;nl ;Defjgf af]s]/ cfpf5 eg], d ;dy{gsf nflu ttk/ 5', lsg Tof] k r08 gxf];\ jf /fhf 1fg]Gb. ;j{gfd a'emfpg vf]h]sf] xf] egg] ga'em]/ ;w} + cndnn kg'{k5{. h:t}m pgn] k m]daf6 t:jl/ lgsfn] / Tof] /fdnfo{ lbp. Tof] eg]sf] s], k ]md ls t:jl/ < pgn] 6fpsfaf6 6f]kL lems] / To;df kfgl 5s]{. To;df eg]sf] s]df, 6fpsfdf ls 6f]kLdf < glhs} Pp6f xl/g / Pp6f d'h'/ b]lvp. Zofdn] To;nfO{ b]vfpfb} egof] cfxf, of] slt /fd f] /x]5. To;nfO{ eg]sf] s;nfo{, xl/gnfo{ ls d'h'/nfo{ < xl/n] cfkm" j}1flgs gep klg To;df cfkm\gf]?lr /x]sf] atfp. To;df eg]sf] s]df, j}1flgsdf ls lj1fgdf < lj1fgsf] t pnn]v} 5}g Û klqsfdf cfkm\gf] gfd 5flkg yfn]kl5 d o;k lt cfslif{t x'g yfn]f. o;k ltn] cfkm\g} gfdk lt egg] a'emfpf5. jfsosf] cfzo Tof] xf]og. To;}n] egg'k5{ d kqsfl/tfk lt cfslif{t x'g yfn]f. ufpfn]x?n] dfbs kbfy{ ;]jg u/]/ emu8f u/]sf] b]vbf dnfo{ ;fx } b'mv nfuyof]. d o;nfo{ x6fpg rfxgy]f. s]nfo{ x6fpg rfx]sf], ;j{gfdn] a'emfo/x]sf] 5}g. s'/f af]n]/ egg'k5{ d pglx?sf] Tof] afgl x6fpg rfxgy]f. ;+:yfsf] k of;n] ubf{ cfh;dd klx/f]af6 ufpfn]x? ;'/lift 5g\ / eljiodf klg of] h?/l 5. ToxfF k wfgfwofkssf] t:jl/ 6fFluPsf] lyof] h;af6 pgn] cl3nnf] lbg b'o{ xhf/?k}off k fkt u/]sf lyp. s;af6?k}off kfpsf < k wfgfwofksaf6 ls t:jl/af6 < o; jfson] t t:jl/af6 egg] kf] a'emfpf5. xfjfdf v]tl l/s;frfnsx? zltnx/af6 ctolws k efljt epsf] atfpf5g\. sf] k efljt epsf] < egg'k5{ cfkm" ctolws k efljt epsf]. g]dlskfn] hgdf]rf{sf] ;f] sfo{qmddf k"0f{ ;dy{g /xg] hgfpsf] 5. s;sf] ;dy{g /xg] < egg'k5{ cfkm\gf] k"0f{ ;dy{g /xg]. gq ;f] sfo{qmddf hgdf]rf{sf] k"0f{ ;dy{g /xg] e d klg kg{ ;S5. ;efklt sf]o/fnfn] /fhf k hftgqsf] kifdf gplep /fhtgq lj?4 pqg] r]tfjgl lbg'eof]. /fhtgq lj?4 sf] pqg] < egg'k5{ cfkm" cfkm"x? cfkm\gf] kf6l{ pqg]. qz/rrgb j:tl pglx?n] n'6kf6 ul/;s]kl5 xjfo{ kmfo/ ub}{ efu]sf] kll8tx?n] atfp. sf] efu]sf] < cfzo :ki6 kfg{ pglx?n] af6 ljelqm -n]_ x6fpg'k5{. ;Ltfn] /fd;fu elgg\ d ToxLF hfg5', tkfo{ hxff hfg'x'g5. pkjfsosf] qmd pn6f] 5. egg'k5{ tkfo{ hxff hfg'x'g5, d ToxLF hfg5'. o:tf 7fpFx?df ;fdfgotm h af6 z'? x'g] ;j{gfd epsf] pkjfso klxn] cfpf5. h:t}m ToxL vfg5', h] e]l6g5. x'g'kg]{ h] e]l6g5, ToxL vfg5'. ljgf]b ToxL dg k/fpf5, d~h' h] dg k/fpf5]. x'g'kg]{ d~h' h] dg k/fpf5], ljgf]b ToxL dg k/fpf5. p7\ hf]ul km6\sf/\ 5fnf, ToxLF vfnf hxff hfnf. s'/f pn6f] eof]. pvfg l7s 5 p7\ hf]ul km6\sf/\ 5fnf, hxff hfnf ToxLF vfnf. cfb/ ls cgfb/ < kfls:tfgl uhn ufos u'nfd cnl cfh sf7df08f} cfok'u]. o;cl3 pxff tlgk6s sf7df08f} cfo;sg'epsf] 5. h'g txsf] cfb/ lbg] xf] To;df Ps?ktf x'g'k5{. Pp6} JolQmnfO{ st} prr txsf] cf}krfl/s -tkfo{_ / st} dwod txsf] cgf}krfl/s -ltdl_ cfb/ lbg'x'fb}g. - ;fy} hft, ln+u, kb, wg;dklq h:tf cfwf/df cfb/sf] km/s ug'{x'fb}g._ u'nfd cnlnfo{ klg ls cfok'u] cfo;s]sf 5g\ egg'k5{ ls cfok'ug'eof] cfo;sg'epsf] 5 egg'k5{. cgo s]xl pbfx/0fm e"lk z]/rg ctogt nf]slk o slj x'g\. pxffsf sljtf Hofb} dd{:kzl{ x'g5g\. -pgsf sljtf===_ pxff hn; f]t ;Nnfxsf/ x'g'x'g5. g]kfnsf] hn; f]taf/] pgsf ^ j6f k':ts k sflzt 5g\. -pxffsf ^ j6f k':ts===_ sfo{kq ljj]s cfn]n] k :t't ug'{x'g]5. pgl eujtl df=lj=sf k wfgfwofks x'g\. -pxff=== k wfgfwofks x'g'x'g5._ p;sf a'af dgql x'g\. t/ pgl klqsf a]r]/ k9fo{ vr{ h'6fpf5g\. -t/ pm klqsf a]r]/=== h'6fpf5._ u fxsju{sf] c;'ljwfsf nflu o; ;+:yfg v]b k s6 ub{5. of], Tof] h:tf ;j{gfd cfkm}df cyjf ltgsf] ljz]iodf ljelqm nfubf dfq o;, To; h:tf?ksf] k of]u x'g5. c? a]nf To;f] ug'{x'fb}g. oxff klg ===of] ;+:yfg v]b k s6 ub{5 dfq egg' l7s x'g5.-;fe/ xfd f] efiffaf6_ sf7df08f}sf] Pp6f /]i6'/]06df d d]/f] df]hfldasg ;fyl lngf];fu al;/x]sf] lypf. pm cfkm\gf] b]zsf] kmf}hl abl{df lyof]. p;n] lz/df ;+o'qm /fi6«;+3, zflgt;]gfsf] cfsfz] lgnf] /+usf] Aof/]6 Sofk nufpsf] lyof] eg] 3fF6Ldf cfsfz] lgnf] /+us} :sfkm{ a]/]sf] lyof]. pm pt;flxt b]lvgyof]. pm klxnf] k6s zflgt;]gfsf] ;b:osf?kdf ljb]zdf cfpsf] lyof]. sl/a Ps bzskl5 d]/f] df]hfldasg ;fyl lngf]nfo{ cfkm\gf] cufl8 kfpfbf d klg xlif{t lypf, t/ d]/f] dg leqleq} /f]o/x]sf] lyof]. lngf]sf ;fd'gg] d cfkm" o'4n] IftljIft agfpsf] b]zsf] Ps gful/ssf?kdf k :t't x'g ck7\of/f] dflg/x]sf] lypf. dnfo{ cem} klg ljzjf; nflu/x]sf] lypg ls lngf] o'=pg=sf] zflgt;]gfsf] Ps ;b:osf?kdf d]/f] b]zdf cfok'u]sf] 5. dnfo{ ljzjf; ug{ ufx f] ep klg of] s'/f ;To lyof] ls o'4u :t g]kfndf zflgt :yfkgf ug{ ;+o'qm /fi6«;+3n] æcgldgæ (United Nations Mission in Nepal-UNMIN) sf] :yfkgf u/]sf] lyof]. cgldgsf] x]8sjf6{/ sf7df08f}df /x]sf] lyof]. ;+o'qm /fi6«;+3sf ;b:o /fi6«sf ;]gf k x/l / lghfdlt sd{rf/lx?sf] ;+nugtf /x]sf] cgldgdf ;xeflutf hgfpg lbgx' F 8km\kmfsf 8km\kmf zflgt;]gfx? o'=pg=sf] xs' {n; h]6ljdfgaf6 lqe'jg cgt/f{li6«o ljdfg:yndf pqg yfn]sf lyp. zflgt;]gfsf?kdf oxl ld;g cgtu{t g} lngf] df]hfldasgaf6 o'4 / cft+ssf] ljleiflsfn] IftljIft ljzjsf o'4u :t cgo ag]sf] d]/f] b]z g]kfn cfok'u]sf] lyof]. zflgt;]gfsf?kdf ljzjsf o'4u :t cgo b]zx?df ;xeful x' Fbf d}n] slxno} ;f] +r]sf] lyog ls d]/f] b]zdf klg Ps lbg cgo b]zx?df ;xeful x' Fbf d}n] b]zx?af6 zflgt ;]gfsf] x'n lelqg]5 / d Ps lg/lx gful/s b]zdf zflgt axfn x'g] cfzfdf ltgsf x/]s Jojxf/x?nfO{ u x0f ug{ afwo x'g]5'. o'4u :t /fi6«3f]lift epsf] g]kfnsf] /fhwfgl sf7df08f}sf ;8s, rf]s / unnlx?df cfsfz] lgnf] /+udf c+u ]hl cif/ o'=pg= n]lvpsf / o'=pg=sf] lrgx epsf] em08f af]s]sf ;]tf uf8lx? au ]NtL s'b\g yfn]sf lyp. b]zsf x/]s efux?df cfsfz] lgnf] 6f]kL / :sfkm{ nufpsf zflgt ;]gfx?sf] 3'OFrf] lbgx' F a9\b} lyof]. g]kfnl hgtf zflgt;]gfsf] rxnkxnaf6 crlddt, cfzro{rlst / ;z+lst lyp. b]zdf d'b fl:kmlt a9]/ Ps ;o?k}offdf Ps lsnf] df]6f] rfdn lsgg klg xdd] kg{ yfn]sf] lyof]. /f;gk;negbf kfp/f]6l a]rg] k;ndf dfg5]sf] nfd a9\bf] lyof]. rf/}lt/ xfxfsf/, clgzro / cgwsf/ JofKt lyof] / d o; b]zsf] gful/s cfkm\g} b]zdf z/0ffyl{ epsf] lypf. 6]a'ndf skmlsf] nfh{ k6 cfo;s]sf] lyof]. Ps csf{;fusf] e]6af6 xfdl olt /flkpsf lyof}+ ls xfdlnfo{ skmlsf] tftf]n] aflkmg' cfjzos lypg. dnfo{ r'k nfu]sf] b]v]/ xf]nf lngf] em\ofnaflx/ lrofpg yfn]sf] lyof]. d}n] klg em\ofnaflx/ x]/]f. pq/ lbzftkm{ cunfcunf ;]tf lxdfnsf] >[+vnf xfd f cffvf ;fd' pbfl Psf] lyof]. ltdln] dnfo{ klxn] eg] em}+ ltd f] b]z ;fx } ;'Gb/ /x]5 clduf] -;fyl_. p;sf] cg'xf/ ;]tf lxdfnx? b]v]/ /dfpsf] lyof]. oxl e dn] g} xfdlnfo{ ;w} + kll8t t'nofpsf] 5 lngf] d}n] cg'xf/ dlng kfb} { hjfkm lbpsf] lypf. p;n] cfzro{ dfgb} dlt/ x]/]sf] lyof]. lngf], ltd f] b]zsf] a]/f zx/ klg t slt ;'Gb/ lyof] x} < d]/f] bf]; f] jfson] lngf]sf] dd{df k xf/ u/]]sf] lyof]. p;n] lxdfn x]g{ 5f8]sf] lyof]. p;sf] cg'xf/df clxn] uf9f pbf;l 5fPsf] lyof]. ;DejtM pm bz jif{ klxn]sf] Tof] b[zosf] :d/0f ul//x]s]f lyof] ha xfdl o'4n] eugfjz]if ag]sf] df]hfldassf] k d'v zx/ a]/fsf] ;d'b L lsgf/df a;]/ dgdf pn]{sf nx/x?nfo{ ;d'b sf nx/x?;fu cftd;ft ul//x]sf lyof}+. d}n] eugfjz]if ag]sf] a]/f zx/nfo{ uf]w'nlsf] /+ullj/+ul 56fdf ;'Gb/ b]v]/ eg]sf] lypf ltd f] of] a]/f zx/ slt ;'Gb/ 5 x} lngf] p;n] dnfo{ t'?gt hjfkm lbpsf] lyof] of] ltd f] cfkm\g} b]z epsf] ep ltdl yfxf kfpg] lyof} o'4n] s'?k ag]sf] of] a]/f zx/ slt ;'Gb/ 5. d}n] lngf]sf cffvfdf x]/]f. pm klg cffvfleq y'k } efjx? pdf/]/ dnfo{ x]l//x]sf] lyof]. ;fob, lngf]sf cffvfdf u[xo'4sf] ;dodf hh{/ ag]sf] cfkm\gf] b]z df]hfldassf eofjx b[zox? t/+lut epsf lyp. p;sf cffvfdf o'4n] v08x/ agfpsf dfk'tf], a]/f / gfdk'nf zx/sf uugr'dal ejgx? k ltljldat ep xf]nfg\. p;n] ;Dem\of] xf]nf slxno} ;f] +r]sf] lyog ls d]/f] b]zdf klg Ps lbg cgo b]zx?af6 zflgt ;]gfsf] x'n lelqg]5 / d Ps lg/lx gful/s b]zdf zflgt axfn x'g] cfzfdf ltgsf x/]s Jojxf/x?nfO{ u x0f ug{ afwo x'g]5'. o'4u :t /fi6«3f]lift epsf] g]kfnsf] /fhwfgl sf7df08f}sf ;8s, rf]s / unnlx?df cfsfz] lgnf] /+udf c+u ]hl cif/ o'=pg= n]lvpsf / o'=pg=sf] lrgx epsf] em08f af]s]sf ;]tf uf8lx? au ]NtL s'b\g yfn]sf lyp. b]zsf x/]s efux?df cfsfz] lgnf] 6f]kL / :sfkm{ nufpsf zflgt ;]gfx?sf] 3'OFrf] lbgx' a9\b} lyof]. g]kfnl hgtf zflgt;]gfsf] rxnkxnaf6 crlddt, cfzro{rlst / ;z+lst lyp. nfvf} + dfg5]sf nf;x?n] /Qm/l~ht clk msfsf] k l;4 hda]hl gbl / p;n] e'ng rfx]/ klg e'ng g;s]sf o'4n] 6'x'/f ag]sf nfvf} + afnaflnsfx? h;sf] s?0f lrtsf/n] df]hfldassf] ;d'b df Hjf/ef6fx? pn{g] uy]{. p;n] ;'Gof] xf]nf r/d ul/al / ef]sd/ln] z'is epsf df]hfldasg z/0ffyl{x?sf cft{gfbx? p;sf] x[bon] lrtsf/ u of] xf]nf ls ;f]x jif{;dd b]znfo{ dfg5]sf] cfnf] /utsf] cfxfndf r'n{ 'Dd 8'afP/ dxfljgfzsf] tf08jg[to ug] {x?n] cflv/ s] kfp < nfvf} + hgtfsf] hljg lu8\g]x?n] cflv/ s] xfl;n u/] r/d 3[0ff / k ltzf]w afx]s. xfdln] df}gtfdf g} Ps csf{sf cffvfleq lgofn]/ x] of}+. pm d]/f] j]bgfnfo{ dgg\ ul//x]sf] lyof]. d p;sf] JoyfnfO{ x[bou+d ul//x]sf] lypf. Psl5gsf] df}gtfleq g} xfdln] cfkm\gf] kl8fnfo{ ;f6f;f6 ul/;s]sf lyof}+. cfkm\gf] b]zsf] wtl{df zflgt;]gfsf] Ps ;b:osf?kdf lngf]nfo{ e]6\bf lxgtfaf]wn] u l;t x'g' k/] klg d pt;flxt lypf, lsgls lngf] ToxL o'js lyof] hf] clk msl /fi6«df]hfldasdf zflgt;]gfsf?kdf d sfo{/t /xfbf z'?sf lbgx?df d]/f] bf]ef;] -ufo8_ lyof] / kl5 pm kmf}hdf etl{ epsf] lyof]. lngf]n] cfkm\gf cffvfdf ckgtjsf] efj pdfb}{ dnfo{ egof] ltd f] efjgfnfo{ d a'em\5' d]/f] ldq. d klg t ;f]x jif{;dd rn]sf] u[xo'4n] tx;gx; ag]sf] b]zsf] l;kfxl x'f. p;n] ca lghl{j lxdfnsf] ;'Gb/tfsf] avfg ug{ 5f8]/ o'4n] rkfpsf g]kfnlsf cg'xf/sf] kl8f cg'e"t ug{ yfn]sf] lyof]. ;ffrr} eg'f lngf]. x'gt of] e]6 d]/f nflu cljid/0flo / cfx\nfbsf/l xf] t/ ltdlnfo{ zflgt;]gfsf?kdf cfkm\gf] b]zdf :jfut ug'{kbf{ dnfo{ lxgtfaf]w eo/x]sf] 5. d]/f] dg To;/L g} essfgf] 5f]8L?g rflx/x]sf] 5 h;/l xfdl df]hfldasdf 5Fbf o'4n] v08x/ ag]sf] ltd f] ufpf x]bf{ /f]psf lyof}+. cfkm\gf] 3/kl/jf/ / ufpfsf] b'u{ltsf af/]df ltdln] ;'gfpfbf dnfo{ nfu]sf] lyof] ls ltdl h:tf] b'mvl o'js of] ;+;f/df c? sf]xl 5}g. t/ s:tf] 3f]/ lj8dagf d]/f] ;fyl, cfh ltd f] 7fpFdf d plepsf] 5' / dnfo{ of] s6' oyfy{ :jlsf/ ug{ ufx f] eo/x]sf] 5. d}n] lngf]sf] xft a];/l c7\offpsf] lypf. ;Dj]bgfsf] r/d cfj]un] d sfflk/x]sf] lypf. p;n] klg ToxL cfj]udf d]/f] xft cfkm\gf] xftdf lnfb} c7\ofpsf] lyof]. ;fgtjgf lbo/x]sf] lyof] pm dnfo{. d]/f] ;fyl, b]zdf zflgt :yfkgf ug]{ ltd f] cleofgnfo{ an k' ofpg d cfpsf] x'f oxff. ltd f] b]zdf s] g} epsf] 5 / hlt xfd f] b]zdf epsf] lyof]. ltdlnfo{ yfx} 5, u[xo'4sf] cfuf]df gxf]ldpsf] s'g} 3/, s'g} kl/jf/ 5}g df]hfldasdf. u[xo'4sf] cfuf] ;Nsfpg]x?nfO{, ;Qfsf nflu agb'sn] dfgj;+xf/ ug] { /Qmlkkf;'x?nfO{ cgttm df]hfldassf hgtfn] nv]6]sf lyp / ;w}+ nv]l6/xg]5g\. cfh xfdln] nfvf}+ hgtfsf] alnkl5 zflgtsf] ;f; km]g{ kfpsf 5f}+. cfh xfd f] b]zn] lbg b'u'gf /ft rf}u'gf k ult ul//x]sf] 5. b]zdf u[xo'4sf] Hjfnf bgsfp/ nfvf}+ hgtfsf] /utn] cfkm\gf] cg'xf/ kf]tg]x? cfh Oltxf;sf] kfgfaf6 dfq xf]og, hgtfsf] dgaf6 ;d]t x/fpsf 5g\. ltdl w}o{ u/ d]/f ldq, ltd f] b]zn] zflgtsf nflu d]/f] b]z df]hfldasn] h:tf] d"no r'sfpg' kg]{ 5}g. xfdlx?n] zflgtsf nflu Pslqt x'g nfdf] ;do nufof}+, t/ oxffsf hgtf xfd f] Oltxf;af6 lziff lnfb} l56\6} hfu?s x'g]5g\. olt egb} lngf]n] d]/f] xftnfo{ ykykfof]. 6]a'ndf /flvpsf] skml lr;f] eo/x]sf] lyof], t/ xfdldf skmlnfo{ skdf vgofp/ lkpg] hffu/ lypg. /]i6'/]06sf] skmlxndf /flvpsf] l6=el=df l;=pg=pg=n] g]kfn ;DaGwL ;dfrf/sf] k ToIf k ;f/0f ul//x]s]f lyof]. l;=pg=pg=n] b]vfo/x]sf] lyof] g]kfnsf] r/d ul/al, ;fdflhs b'/fj:yf, ;ff:s[lts?l9jfb, hflte]b\, ln+ue]b\ / o'4sf] k xf/af6 IftljIft epsf ef}lts ;+/rgfx?. l;=pg=pg=n] cfk\mgf] k ToIf k ;f/0f of] k ;f/0f ul//x]sf] lypg ls g]kfn ;u/dfyf / a'4sf] b]z xf], g]kfn jl/ uf]vf{nlx?sf] zf}o{ / jl/tfn] lrlgpsf] b]z xf], ;fgf] d'n's ep klg ljzjsf] ;fª\lu nf xf] g]kfn, k s[ltsf] cg'kd ;'Gb/tfsf] vfgl xf] g]kfn. g t p;n] g]kfnsf] cv08tf, ;fj{ef}d;qf, :jtgqtf / g]kfnlsf] :jfledfgsf af/]df g} s'g} rrf{ u/]sf] lyof]. ;fob ol pkdfx? k'/fgf / yf]qf epsf lyp. g]kfnl d'xf/sf lgd{n d':sfgx?nfo{ o'4sf] lrtsf/ / qmgbgn] k"0f{tof 5f]k]]sf] lyof]. g]kfn ca ad, agb's, ljikmf]6 / nfzx?n] lrlgg yfn]sf] lyof]. s;n] hldgdf slt nfz lj5\ofpg] egg] xf]8df lnkt lyp g]kfnl. l;=pg=pg= / la=la=;l=sf Go"h Rofgnsf ;+jfbbftfx? o;/l xf}l;p/ ;dfrf/ k ;f/0f ul//x]sf lyp, dfgf} + g]kfn ltglx?sf nflu ;dfrf/sf] x6 s]s ag]sf] 5. l6=el=df eo/x]sf] k ToIf k ;f/0fn] d]/f] d'6' 6]a'ndf /flvpsf] sfnf] skmlegbf klg lr;f] eo/x]sf] lyof]. xfdl a;]sf] /]i6'/]06df o'=pg=sf] lgnf] 6f]kL nufpsf ljlegg /+u9+u / cg'xf/sf zflgt;]gfx? cf]o/x]sf lyp. ltglx?nfo{ b]v]/ d]/f] dg emg\emg\ s'fl8b} uo/x]sf] lyof]. /]i6'/]06sf] dflns Ps g]kfnl lyof]. pm ljb]zl u fxsx?nfo{ ;fdfgx?sf] efpsf af/]df hfgsf/l lbo/x]sf] lyof] 6' 8n/ km/ jg sk ckm skml, P08 6]g 8n/ km/ nfh{ k6 ckm ANofs skml. /]i6'/]06 dflnssf] lr;f] cfjfhn] d]/f] z/l/df lhl/ª\u sff8fx? pd ]sf lyp. d}n] cfkm\gf cufl8 6]a'ndf /flvpsf] nfh{ k6 skmlsf] ;]6dfly b[li6 uf8] F. of] skmlsf] d"no ltg{ ;Sg] cj:yfdf d lyogf. d]/f] vntldf dfq kffr ;o?k}off lyof]. d}n] lngf]sf] ;Ddfgdf dufpsf] skmlsf nflu bz 8n/ ltg'{kg]{ lyof] h'g d]/f] pqm cf}sftegbf s}of}+ u'gf a];l lyof]. d]/f] cg'xf/ lgnf]sfnf] x'fb} uof]. dnfo{ lvgg d'b fdf b]v]/ xf]nf lngf]n] xfdlalrsf] df}gtfnfo{ tf]8\b} egof] d w]/} lbg sf7df08f}df a:g kfpgg ;fyl. xfd f c? ;fylx? g]kfnsf ljlegg 7fpFdf vl6p/ uo;s]. d klg Psb'O{ lbgkl5 sf]nkf hfg5' xf]nf. sxff k5{ 'sf]nkf' clduf] < p;sf] cg'xf/df pt;'stf / lh1f;fsf] efj b]lvpsf] lyof]. sf]nkf xf]og, /f]nkf hfg5f} xf]nf ltdl. ToxL t xf] ljb f]xlx?sf] 3f]lift /fhwfgl. ToxfF ltdln] klg d]/f] v08x/ ag]sf] 3/nfO{ x]g{ ge'ng'. ;DejtM clxn] To; 7fpFdf h+unl emf/x? pd ]sf xf]nfg\. p;n] o'4n] Wj:t kf/]sf] df]hfldassf] cfkm\gf] 3/ ;Dem\of] ;fob, p;sf cffvfdf kl8fsf] 5fof nx/fof]. xfd f lr;f cg'e"ltx?n] xfdlnfo{ o;/l uffhof] ls 6]a'ndfly /flvpsf] lr;f] skml lkpg] lxddt klg xfdln] h'6fpg ;s]gf} +. dnfo{ skmlsf] k};f s;/l lt?f egg] lk/nf]n] ufflh/x]sf] lyof]. crfgs aflx/af6 dfg5]x?sf] xf] xnnf ;'lgof]. xfdl b'j}n] em\ofnaf6 x] of} +. aflx/ ;8sdf xftxltof/o'qm zflgt;]gfsf 6\ofª\s/x? dfr{ ul//x]sf lyp. sdaof6 6\ofª\sx? b]v]/ cft+lst ag]sf lg/lx g]kfnl gful/sx? lrrofpfb} otfptf eflu/x]sf lyp. l7s ToxL a]nf xfdl a;]sf] /]i6'/]06df 7"nf] ljikmf]6 eof]. xfd f z/l/x? es'08f] em} + xfjfdf pk ]m. d hf]8n] lrrofpf lngf]=== t/ lngf]sf] cfjfh ;'Gg ;lsg d}n]. d ;kgfaf6 Ao" Fem]sf] lypf. d]/f] z/l/ kl;gfn] lgy' Ss leh]sf] lyof]. d'6'sf] ult c;fdfgo lyof]. slt ljet; lyof] d}n] b]v]sf] ;kgf. ;fob o:t} eofjx ;kgfx? cgo g]kfnlx? klg lbgxf' b]lv/x]sf 5g\. xfd f k flrg plqmx? eg5g\ slxn] sflxf ;kgfx? klg ;ffrf x'g5g\. t/ ol ljet; ;kgfx? slxno} ;To geolbpmg\. of] d]/f] dfq geo{ ;DejtM ;a} g]kfnlsf] xflb{s OR5f xf]. -;fe/ 5fkfdf/sf] 5f]/f]af6_ dx]zljqmd zfx

6 Heralo Weekly Friday, Dec.28, Career-Concern ABOUT CHRISTMAS Christmas is a big festival of christians. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born in Jerusalem in a stable. He was very loving and kind. His father's name was Jeseph and mother's name was Mary. Christmas is celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. It is celebrated for 5 days from 25 th to 30 th Dec. 26 th December is known as 'Boxing Day' in which people donate things to the poor. Christmas is a very important festival which comes once in a year. People become very happy during the time of Christmas. People decorate the Christmas tree very beautifully and sing many different songs. They wear new clothes and give presents to others. It makes people very happy exited. - Bonita Pradhan, Class- 8 'B' O Christmas Father O Christmas father I ask you this christmas Joy to the sorrowful And let their sorrows pass Shower love to the lonely, And peace where there is war And let all loosers emerge victorious O Christmas father I ask you to bring To those who experience winter A bit of spring To those who are in sorrow A little bit of joy To those who are in despair A little bit of hope To those who are suffering A little relief To those who are separated Reunite them in love O Christmas father Gift these to them as a special gift - Ila Gurung BIRTH OF THE CHRIST... Long long time ago, evils ruled the earth God thought if it could be removed by his birth God with the help of sweet fairies Came to the dream of virgin Mary Asked Mary if she could give birth to the son of lord and that was how she was rejected for the sake of god Joseph was forced to move to the capital, couldn't leave Mary alone Mary being helpless and weak, couldn't leave Joseph alone They both left for Bethlehem, as the holy bible told In the might of December, shivering because of bitter cold Mary doors they knocked, for they wanted a sheltee to live & but, people had become so selfish that Mary and Joseph had to leave Walking slowly an slowly they knocked the last door, being hopeful and able but, instead of getting a room, they got a stable At the cold might of December, Jesus was born the son of god The message of birth of Jesus was known to the king With the breaking of down, came the three kings of orient in the pitch cold dark, following a yonder star Following them came everyone-everyone with gifts but nothing was there with the drummer boy to give except his drum beat - Shailee Shrestha, Class-10 Aesthetics Art Gallery Lakeside-6, Pokhara (Opposite to Standard Chartered Bank) Service: State of the art exhibition and sales Hall Contemparary paintings sculpture Art events Art classes Art related service Contact: Cell Mob: Indifferentx5590 as Help & Advice 1. How much shampoo and conditioner should you use? You need an amount the size of a walnut of each. Any more than that is too much. On a side note, using conditioner on your scalp because it affects the oil produced up there. So you should only be conditioning the middle & ends of your hair. Shampooing is extremely important because it will safely clean your scalp without stripping your hair of its natural oils. 2. Should you wash and condition your hair every day? Wash your hair every 2-3 days. Washing it every day, once again, strips your hair of its natural oils. Those oils are what will give you healthy and shiny hair so take care of them. Better yet, styling your hair will be much easier if you only wash it every couple of days. Tip: if your hair feels very greasy between washings, just give it a little heat from your blowdryer to freshen it up a bit. 3. What's the difference between drug store shampoo and salon shampoo? Salon shampoo is made from more expensive ingredients. Drug store shampoo is made from cheaper ingredients. That is the main difference between the two. Obviously, that is why it is cheaper to buy your shampoo from the drug store than from a salon. If you like our blog post then please consider subscribing to our full rss feed. You may also subscribe by and have new posts sent directly to your inbox. Musicians and Back Pain Posted by indifferentx5590 as Health Issues Back pain is one of the most common problems a traveling musician has. It can become so severe, that it could potentially threaten their career. (And being stuffed into a tour bus isn't exactly the best thing for the human body.) One of the causes is that musicians do not stretch before going on stage to perform. It may seem weird, but it is true. If they don't stretch, just moving the wrong way while performing could send them down a bad road. Another source of back pain is carrying the equipment. Some equipment is obviously very heavy (drums, amps, to name a few). There aren't always enough people to carry these things. Its not just the instrument-its the total lifestyle. Being cramped in a tour van is bad for posture. Vans are not made for good posture. Sitting in one position for long periods of time can really affect your back. Musicians should pull over to stretch every three hours for ten to fifteen minutes. (according to Dr. Alice Brandfornbrener.) If you like our blog post then please consider subscribing to our full rss feed. You may also subscribe by and have new posts sent directly to your inbox. Illegal Music? Posted by indifferentx5590 as Music This may seem like it is an old issue to bring up, but it is still very new. Illegally downloading music: the controversial issue. Against it: It is perfectly fine to go online and listen to a band's music to see if you like their sound. Its a completely different story when you download their music without paying for it (i.e. limewire and other similar sights). There are sites that charge you for downloads, (i.e., and those sites are legitimate. The problem is, it is getting more difficult for artists to earn money. Most of the time, the money they earned goes back into the band. Gas for tour busses, plane tickets, and other transportation costs need to be paid for somehow. It is the same with their meals while they are traveling-they cost money. If the artist can not afford to travel, how are they going to keep playing shows for you? What's the point of someone spending so much time and effort on a piece of music when their listeners aren't going to appreciate it? Musicians work hard at what they do. If you think about it, downloading free music is like stealing from an online store. You wouldn't steal a CD from a CD store, would you? It would be hard, plus they have security devices. The internet is no different-they can track where the music is being downloaded to. So not only are you sacrificing the future of your favorite musician, you are risking yourself by sending out your identity to whatever downloading host you use. (If you're really into computers you'd understand better.) Point is, if you really like an artist, why not buy their CD to not only support them, but to have the satisfaction of owning it. For It: For most young teenagers, getting to a CD store can be a problem. I'm from Jersey, and here, you have to be 17 to drive if you have a car. And in my area, the closest CD store is ten miles away, and you'd have to be crazy to walk there. So that right there makes it more difficult. Another idea people are going by, is that you can buy CDs, T-Shirts, or other miscellaneous merchandise at a show. This is very true, but why would someone buy a CD they already downloaded for free? Bands do not see much of their record sales-most of it comes from merch. So what's the purpose of buying a cd? (It does count as merch by the way ) Some use the money saved by downloading to pay for tickets to shows, and then purchase t-shirts to support the band. There are ways of peacefully getting around illegal downloading, but you have to do it right. If you're going to download free music for a band you love, at least go to a show or buy some merch from their site. Support them somehow. (Hey, some bands, especially smaller ones, have their own street teams. Join one. Or two.) If you like our blog post then please consider subscribing to our full rss feed. You may also subscribe by and have new posts sent directly to your inbox. Are people pressured into believing racial stereotypes? Posted by indifferentx5590 as General We've all heard about them-racial stereotypes. Maybe not using that title. I want you to sit here right now and think about all the stereotypes you have seen or heard of. It is surprising how many they are, and how untrue most of them are. Now, I'm not writing this article as a racist. I am writing it to prove a point, so no person of any background should be offended by what I'm saying. Here are a few that come to mind: black (okay, let's do it right-african Americans) people are loud and obnoxious, only listen to rap music, are "ghetto," and love attention; Asian, Chinese, Korean, Oriental, and other similar backgrounds are all smart and read those books that are written backwards in japanese.i dont know what they are manga?; all white girls who walk around in revealing clothing must be sluts; all Indians must own a gas station; and that's just naming a few. Now I'm going to explain myself. My understanding is, that "ghetto" is not a type of person. It could possibly be a style of clothing, but it is not a person. Not all African Americans listen to rap music. I have AA friends who go to heavy metal shows with me, and they are no different from anyone else. And quite honestly, not all AA people are loud-i know pleanty of white people who are just as loud, if not louder. Asians, Koreans, and all other cultures (i dont know what they all are ) are not always smart. There are pleanty of smart African American, white, Indian, smart people. Just as there are pleanty of Asians and similar people who are not very bright. We have Indian doctors. Sorry, did you not think they would give a medical degree to someone who could potentially own a gas station? Times have definitely changed. Most people do not realize that stereotypes are just that-stereotypes. It is natural for us to judge others, however, our judges are extremely innacurate. How a person is stereotyped is how peers see them-not how they really are. Every person is different and no two people are alike.unless of course you're identical twins. So, are we forced into believing them? Or do we believe them on our own? My take on this, is that people believe what their friends say. If a friend says, "Oh, do you know how many guys that girl has slept with?" And the truth may be that the girl never did sleep with anyone. But you are still going to listen to your friend's word-just because she is your friend. We feel like we are going to be rejected by our peers if we do not agree to the flow of our world with its stereotypes. But I am against that. People need to have their own opinions about things. That is what makes us who we are, and our own person. If we continue to follow in our friend's footsteps about judging others, we will not be creating a better world with better educated people-it will just be the same old world, with a bunch of clones of everyone else. So think about it: do you think you are pressured into believing racial stereotypes? Are you a cause of racial stereotypes, or do you promote them? Hopefully this article has opened up some eyes and allowed people to see that stereotypes are just words that are used to judge-not how an entire race is reflected. One person is one person, not their entire race. If you like our blog post then please consider subscribing to our full rss feed. You may also subscribe by and have new posts sent directly to your inbox. Self Harm Posted by Whitestripes9805 as Health Issues Self inflicted pain has been plaguing our generation more so then any other. This article is not meant to judge, exclude, condemn, nor praise anyone whom has tried this. So what is making our generation more prone to self harm then the generations before us? Well to be honest I don't really have an answer for that, all I have is my opinion. In today's world, especially in high school, teens are confronted with more and more problems each day. In previous years, back in the day, the amount of judgment or peer pressure put on a classmate was significantly less. As done in a study by the university of Virginia, 74% of students in 2004 said that they felt peer pressure from teachers and/or fellow classmates. This is compared to 58% in Over these few couple years the amount teens that feel pressured has risen 16%! I believe in schools today so much of what we look like, act like, do, say, and even think is being judged by our fellow peers. This judgment forces us to be "the same" as everyone else, or to be "cool". A way for these teens to vent or make the pain go away is through a number of things, mostly cutting. Now we all know what cutting is and I'm sure every single one of us would have a different opinion on what causes this. Personally I have never cut, however I have many close friends who have and I asked them what made them do it and why. One said that "I was so stressed, causing physical pain made me focus less on my crying and more on an emotion I can control." If your one of those people that sit back and say "Wow cutters are just emo kids looking for attention" NEWS FLASH Your probably one of the people that make them cut in the first place,by judging them on other then who they are on the inside. If you like our blog post then please consider subscribing to our full rss feed. You may also subscribe by and have new posts sent directly to your inbox.

7 Heralo Weekly Friday, Dec.28, An Assessment of Sports Tourism in Pokhara The destination itself is a fundamental constituent of most tourists' holiday experiences, whether they visit a costal resort or rural hills for wilderness experience possibly with the isolation and tranquility. In essence, a destination is a place where visitors spend time as part of their touristic trip. Every destination has some discerning elements that hook up to make it a place to visit and stay. In this respect, a destination comprises a number of core components that help to opt for a destination. Some would like to refer to these components as the 4As - Attractions, Amenities, Access and Ancillary services. Even so, 4As may not be sufficient or may require to re-define when the destination is to be assessed in terms of sports tourism. In this article, eight core components have been synthesized to review the prospect of sports tourism in case of Pokhara. 1.Sports Attractions: Attractions perhaps may well be the initial reason for visiting any destination. Pokhara predominantly a beautiful spot on earth, sometime called a mini heaven, with fabulous fusion of nature and culture. However, a lot has to be done to switch other remaining constituents - viz sports, recreation and entertainment - to the strengths of the valley. The valley itself is endowed with splendid natural attractions parallel to none. Three lakes of crystal-clear water namely Fewa, Begnas and Rupa are wonderful natural amphitheaters for water sports such as boat regattas, natural water swimming, scuba diving, angling/fishing, water polo, motor boat race, canoeing competition and so on. Hills surrounding the valley such as Sarangkot, Kahundanda, Anadudanda and Mattikhan are not only the excellent vantage points to admire the sceneries of high looming Himalayan ranges but also serve as the strategic settings for paragliding competitions Pokhara is considered one of the best places in Asia to organize international level triathlon (swimming, cycling and running). The success story of previous similar events has already proved it. The craze of golf has been growing as a striking phenomenon among the recreational tourists. The golf competition can be a good product of sports tourism in Pokhara. The report of probability study conducted by Mr. Eric Lon - a Ski teacher and physiotherapist, in 2003 at an altitude of 5,400 m regarding rock/mountain ski has proved that Nepalese mountains are good enough for ski activities. In the expression of cricketers, Pokhara is the best place in South Asia to play cricket match. It is even better than Sharjha of India. 2. Amenities: Sport-tourism encompasses both active-sports tourists like participants of the events or the passive-sports tourists who might be the fans, friends, family, relatives, officials or media persons. Therefore, the facilities like communication services, information centers, , internet, retailing in a shopping mall or availability of food and beverage outlets all play a vital role in the development of sports tourism. These services, although appear secondary, either make it possible to visit the destination or boost up the experience of that visit. 3. Accessibility: Accessibility is acknowledged as one of the most important supplementary factors of sports tourism. Transport provides both the essential link between the tourism origin and destination area and thus facilitates the movements of any visitors - be it holidaymaker, business traveler or event tourists. Pokhara as a site of sports tourism has a good connection with capital city Kathmandu via land and air. The only half an hour flight from Kathmandu, the capital city may be a plus point for the sports tourism in Pokhara. Driving can also be enjoyable from Kathmandu. 4. Accommodation: Accommodation is a fundamental requirement for visitors who stay overnight in a locality. Pokhara has about 500 tourist-standard hotels with more than 8,500 accommodation capacity at a time from The Fulbari Resort - one of the best five star hotels in South Asia to low budget hotels around lake side. 5. Entertainment: Another powerful tourism magnet is entertainment. Every tourist wants to have fun, fantasy, entertainment and escape from the reality of daily life. It might be the major motivational factor for the passive sports tourists to visit the destination. Pokhara possesses fantastic capacity to accommodate all these wants through - Casino to discothèque, museum to jungle walk, swimming to fishing, boating to gliding, nature cure to yoga & meditation, shopping to cinema, hiking to cycling etc. Besides Fulbari, another Casino is coming up in Hotel Pokhara Grand. 6. Infrastructure: Infrastructure may not be the strength of Pokhara for sports and events. A stadium with fewer facilities may only be suitable for regional level sporting activities. But natural endowments to organize events and sports in Pokhara can be rated as excellent so far as such activities are concerned with touristic purposes. 7. Climate: It is obvious that amateur athletes and sportspersons all have a common desire - to enjoy high quality, healthy sports activities in a pleasant atmosphere with sportsmanship.the moderate climatic condition with temperature normally above 80C during winter and below 340C during summer is a vital factor to enhance the level of entertainment in sports and recreation endeavors in Pokhara. Due to its pleasant temperature all the year round and appropriate geographical altitude, the valley is considered the perfect place for any sports or events except in the rainy season that stretches from mid June to mid August. 8. Ancillary Services: The careful management of tourist destination is crucial if tourism is to be maintained at acceptable levels. The technical support of Nepal Tourism Board with its branch office in Pokhara, formation of Pokhara Tourism Council and the enthusiasm of local stakeholders are certainly the supporting evidences to develop Pokhara valley as a destination of sports tourism. Conclusion Analysis of each core components of sports tourism has revealed that nature has made Pokhara a mini heaven which is well equipped for tourism - sports tourism as a major constituent of the whole industry. The valley has a huge prospect and potentiality to be a best sports tourism destination in Asia. But quality product alone can not do much in the age of strategic marketing because, in a true sense, marketing is not a battle of product. In fact, it is a battle of perceptions. Owning a position in someone's mind is better than owning a better product. Therefore, strategic marketing with simultaneous internal development is a must to make Pokhara a destination for sports tourism.

8 sf:sl lhnnf btf{ )^$, x'nfs btf{ g+= )^$ Heralo Weekly ROCK POKHARA Friday, Dec.28, Why Guys Lie Movie Review Shravya Parajuli WELCOME By Neel Shah At last! The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the reasons behind those big ol' whoppers. Photo by: Marc Deymonaz You know that urge you get to strangle your boyfriend after he's fed you some lame excuse for why he didn't call? Well, there's something you should know: While being lied to definitely doesn't feel good, it doesn't necessarily mean your guy is trying to cover up something horgirls, when guys lie, we're not really thinking about the benefits or consequences to what we're saying. It just happens in the moment - we haven't sat and thought about the lie for hours. And often, the reason we're not doing as we're saying (or saying as we're doing) is fairly innocent. So before you inflict bodily harm on your guy, check out the most common reasons that guys lie. Then maybe (just maybe!) you'll forgive him? BECAUSE WE DON'T LIKE BEING WRONG If there's one thing every girl should know about guys, it's that we're wrong - a lot. But we'd much rather insist that our shortcut to your house is 15 minutes faster (even after you clock us in 15 minutes late) than admit that we're off base. We have egos, and we'll stop at nothing to keep them intact! BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT YOU TO YELL Believe it or not, we generally don't like arguing with people we care about (e.g., you). It's much easier for us to say we fell asleep early than to admit we were at a friend's house playing Halo all night. We're hardwired to avoid conflict - it's our way of keeping things hassle-free. And since girls are pros at verbal arguments, we know that getting into a heated debate with you will be a long, uphill battle - one that we'll never win. So we'd rather not even go there. BECAUSE WE'RE AVOIDING HUMILIATION When it comes down to it, we're pretty fragile creatures. So if we feel like an idiot for some reason, we start making up stories. It's a defense mechanism we use when we're feeling hurt and/or embarrassed. Why did your guy say he was flirting with some girl at a party (when he actually didn't talk to a single girl all night)? Because he saw you chatting up some guy earlier in the evening - and got jealous. A little make-believe flirtation simply makes him feel less like a loser. Have you ever been in love Getting a boyfriend is a pretty big deal, but staying with one is even bigger - especially once you've managed to stay with one long enough to fall in love. Once you're in love, though, you face an important question: How do you let him know how you feel? One of my friends shared her first "I love you" with her boyfriend in a text message. This is pretty safe, since it's a lot easier to handle if he doesn't say it back, but I think it can also be impersonal and can make such a big moment less special. Going for it in person may be nerveracking, especially if you're not positive he feels the same way, but I feel like it's worth it. If he loves you too, the moment when he tells you will be one you'll remember forever-especially if you can think of a creative and romantic way to do it. The best ways I can think of don't come from my friends, or even personal experience, but from the movies. Given that it's the holiday season, I somehow keep getting reminded of that scene in "Love Actually" when Andrew Lincoln holds up signs for Keira Knightley to tell her he loves her, since, "at Christmas you tell the truth". I just think it's so romantic, and I've been known to tear up while watching it! So, CGs!, have you ever been in love? How did you tell the guy? Has anyone ever confessed his feelings for you? I want to hear all about it! Pinky Cast: Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif, Nana Patekar, Anil Kapoor, Feroz Khan, Paresh Rawal, Mallika Sherawat; Director: Director: Aneez Bazmee; Rating: ** Exit from the hall at the end of the movie was the better part of watching Welcome, director Anees Bazmee's latest comedy film. The movie falls way short of expectations. Firstly, the film does gross injustice to an actor like Akshay Kumar, someone who has time and again proved his prowess at comedy. In the crowd of characters in the story, Akshay's seedha saadha Rajiv gets lost somewhere. Not because Akshay is incapable of holding his own, but because the writers do not care to give more meat to him. Secondly, the comedy in the film is so childish that I felt embarrassed watching most it. Please bear this sample: Katrina tries to make an April fool out of Akshay and pretends that she has lost her priceless necklace somewhere. Akshay spots the necklace next to a teddy dog alongside a pool. As he is about to pick the trinket, the stuffed dog lets out a bark, and scared Akshay falls into the pool while Katrina laughs at him and wins the April fool contest. Now, this was supposed to be funny. But it left me with my jaw dropped disappointedly. There is not much to write about the film's story. Rajiv (Akshay Kumar), a handsome, robust and eligible man has remained bachelor so long, thanks to his uncle Dr. Ghungroo ( Paresh Rawal ), who wants a bahu from a decent family in which no one has ever been to a police station. But Rajiv falls for Sanjana ( Katrina Kaif ) without knowing that she is the younger sister of the biggest don in the city - Uday Shetty ( Nana Patekar ). And there is also Uday's henchman Majnubhai ( Anil Kapoor ), a toughie who likes to hold people still at gunpoint and then paint their portraits. "Live Painting" is what he calls it. While the two don bhais try to make the match between their sister Sanjana and Rajiv, there is a strong opposition from Rajiv's uncle. So the two lovers decide to reform the dons. Following their plan, Ishika ( Mallika Sherawat ) enters the lives of Uday Shetty and Majnubhai. Expectedly, the two dons fall in love with the bimbo, and their crime business takes a backseat. But then comes in the biggest don of them - RDX ( Feroz Khan ) to set things right. Anees Bazmee pulls every possible string to make you laugh. But he fails to give the right strokes. He concentrates only on providing one hilarious sequence after another, but he completely ignores relating the sequences together. As a result, 'Welcome' ends up like a poor collage of comedy scenes, lifted shamelessly from Hollywood film 'Mickey Blue Eyes'. The saddest part in this purportedly humorous film is that Akshay Kumar has been denied the punchy lines and funny sequences he is best known for. The actor has been used like a prop in the huge cast ensemble. Still, he makes you grin ear-to-ear whenever his Rajiv blushes. Rather, Nana Patekar's role has more meat. And the actor does make you chuckle with his impulsive don who once aspired to be an actor. Anil Kapoor, too, is funny at times, playing a somewhat caricaturish Majnubhai. Paresh Rawal is just about okay. Katrina Kaif looks terrific and hasn't been burdened with scenes that require her to act. The same goes for Mallika Sherawat, who plays a bimbo without getting to flaunt what she is best known for. The two ladies, however, do add glamour to the film. Feroz Khan does the same for men. The less spoken of the film's music the better it is. With the exception of a Himesh Reshammiya track, the songs come and go like mandatory eyesores in this directionless film. Anees Bazmee has done nothing but put several assorted funny sequences back-to-back in the name of directing this unoriginal movie. And he goes completely over the top in his attempt to make you laugh at the end of the film - in the dangling-house-on-a-cliff sequence, lifted straight from a Charlie Chaplin classic. To see 'the end' of Bazmee's film was a welcome relief for me. And when the movie's after-effects faded away, I felt my sense of humour returning back to me. Karina on Saif's Harley Kareena Kapoor is clearly demonstrating that she has moved on after her reported breakoff with Shahid Kapur. While Kareena is busy painting the town red with Saif Ali Khan, Shahid now ex is still trying his best to get back together. Kareena, however, is not in a mood to indulge any efforts on Shahid's part, and clearly demonstrates that she has moved on - her recent birthday celebrations with Saif being the latest slap on Shahid's sorrowful face. Shahid is currently in Toronto, shooting for Aziz Mirza 's movie, but he is expected to return to Mumbai soon. A source, on condition of anonymity said, "Shahid is hopeful that Kareena will get back to him. He has been sending her messages and e- mails, but she has not responded as yet to any of them." This has led to Shahid withdrawing into a shell, and he has been unusually quiet and reserved on his sets. Rumours earlier had it that Shahid was planning a surprise birthday party for Kareena, and had even made arrangements with her sister, Karisma Kapoor. According to the source, Shahid dropped the idea when he saw the photographs of Kareena and Saif, splashed all across the media. Apparently, Kareena has gone back to her non-vegetarian diet, something she had given up for Shahid. In fact, she is not even speaking with him at present. "Kareena may soon ask, 'Shahid, who?' We never thought the relationship would die so soon," the source continues. Shahid, however, has not given up, adds the source. Kareena and Shahid will be seen in Jab We Met, a film by Imtiyaz Ali, due for release soon. There can be no press freedom if journalists exist in conditions of corruption poverty or fear.

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