riċetti minn għawdex vol. 1 gozitan recipes

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1 riċetti minn vol. 1 għawdex gozitan recipes

2 Dak li dari kien magħruf bħala l-kċina fqira, illum huwa meqjus bħala ikel sustanzjuż u ġenwin ta bosta riċetti Maltin u Għawdxin What used to be know as Cucina povera, poor man s dinner, is today the basis of a healthy Mediterranean diet. merħba welcome 10g 15g 25g 50g 75g 100g 150g 200g 225g WEIGHT ¼oz ½oz 1 oz 1¾oz 2¾oz 3½oz 5½oz 7oz 8oz WEIGHTS & MEASURES 1.25ml 2.5ml 5ml 15ml 150ml 300ml 600ml 1ltr 1.2ltr VOLUME ¼ teaspoon ½ teaspoon 1 teaspoon 1 tablespoon ¼ pint ½ pint 1 pint 1¾ pints 2 pints OVEN TEMPERATURES MEASUREMENT 5mm 1cm 2cm 2.5cm 5cm 10cm 15cm 20cm 25cm ¼ inch ½ inch ¾ inch 1 inch 2 inches 4 inches 6 inches 8 inches 10 inches CELSIUS FAHRENHEIT GAS DESCRIPTION 110ºC 225ºF ¼ Cool 140ºC 275ºF 1 Very Low 150ºC 300ºF 2 Very Low 170ºC 325ºF 3 Low 180ºC 350ºF 4 Moderate 190ºC 375ºF 5 Moderate/Hot 200ºC 400ºF 6 Hot 220ºC 425ºF 7 Hot 230ºC 455ºF 8 Very Hot for fan assisted ovens reduce temperatures by 20ºC L-għan ta dan il-ktieb tar-riċetti huwa li jagħti spinta lil tradizzjonijiet u drawwiet tal-kċina tradizzjonali Maltija. Għand Magro Brothers, aħna nemmnu bissħiħ fil-folklor u l-wirt gastronomiku tagħna. Għal ħafna snin stinkajna biex nibnu sensiela ta` prodotti li jagħmluna kburin għax joffru kwalità għolja u togħmiet bnini u differenti. Eżempji bħall-kunserva THREE HILLS, prodotti friski tad-delì THREE HILLS, it-tadam tal-mayor u l-irkotta u l-ġibniet tal-ħanini, huma kollha xhieda tal-wirt kulinari ta` gżiritna. Ir-riċetti li jinsabu f dan il-ktieb jinkludu wkoll informazzjoni dwar il-valuri ta nutrizzjoni, pass ieħor fl-impenn tagħna li noħolqu prodotti li huma tajbin għas-saħħa u sustanzjuzi. L-informazzjoni mogħtija hija applikabbli għallingredjenti u użin mogħti fir-riċetti bidla flingredjenti bla dubju ġġib tibdil fit-tabella tassustanzi f kull porzjon. Nittamaw illi tieħu gost tuża dan il-ktieb u taqsam it-togħma bnina ta dawn ir-riċetti malgħeżież tiegħek. The aim of this recipe book is to revive the traditions and customs of Maltese, homemade cuisine. At Magro Brothers, we strongly believe in the folklore of our gastronomic inheritance. For years we have strived to build up a basket of products that not only make us proud but also ensure quality and diversification. Our products, such as THREE HILLS BRAND Kunserva and fresh Deli products, MAYOR Tomato Pulp and Juice, and ĦANINI S range of Ġibniet (we named them just the way we Gozitan pronounce the word!) are reminiscent of our island s culinary heritage. The recipes enclosed in this book also include nutritional information values, another step towards our commitment to creating products that are healthy and nutritious. The information given is applicable to the ingredients and weights given in the recipes - a change in the ingredients will obviously change the nutrition table per serving. We hope that you will enjoy using this book and share the great taste of these recipes with your loved ones. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. Text and design copyright: Magro Brothers (Foods) Limited, Xewkija - Gozo Malta Maltese Specialities

3 Dan il-platt tipikament sajfi jagħmel parti kbira mid-dieta Mediterranja - frisk, bnin u ġenwin! This typical summer platter gives evidence to our fresh, healthy and nutritious Mediterranean diet! antipast għawdxi gozitan antipasto platter Għal 6 Persuni Dan il-platt jinżel għasel ma biċċa ħobż tal-malti bil-kunserva tat-three Hills tewma ħadra friska mqatta 3 tadamiet friski mqattgħin 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 2 x 220g Three Hills Deli Fażola bit-tewm 1 x 225g Three Hills Deli Bigilla 8 Three Hills Deli Żebbuġ Mimli 4 Three Hills Deli Tadam Imqadded bil- Ħabaq 2 mgħaref kappar 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Friski 4 Ħanini Ġibniet tal-bżar 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin borża gallett 4 kisriet ħobż tal-malti (70g il-waħda) tursina friska mqatta fina 3 mgħaref Three Hills Kunserva għal malħobż ftit bżar Fi skutella, qatta t-tewma ħadra friska, flimkien mat-tadam u ħallat maż-żejt tażżebbuġa. Qatta kollox u servi fuq platt. Żejjen bit-tursina friska. Itfa ftit bżar u servi. Dan il-platt idealment jiġi servut qabel l-ikla prinċipali jew għal xi festin. Serves 6 Crunchy Maltese bread with Three Hills Kunserva served with this dish just makes your mouth water! fresh garlic, finely chopped 3 fresh tomatoes, sliced 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 x 220g Three Hills Deli Butter Beans with Fresh Garlic 1 x 225g Three Hills Deli Broad Bean & Parsley Dip 8 Three Hills Deli Stuffed Olives with Tuna and Anchovies 4 Three Hills Deli Sun-dried Tomatoes with Basil 2 tablespoons capers 2 Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets 4 Ħanini Mature Peppered Cheeselets 2 Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets packet of galletti - water biscuits 4 slices hard crust Maltese bread (70g each slice) fresh parsley, finely chopped 3 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva to spread on the bread fresh ground pepper In a bowl, place the chopped garlic with the fresh tomatoes and olive oil and mix well. Prepare all the ingredients and present on a platter. Garnish with parsley. Season to taste. This plate is normally served before the main meal or as a party platter. 741kcal Carbohydrate 68.3g Sugars 11.2g Fat 39.5g

4 Din is-soppa tradizzjonalment tissajjar fiż-żmien ir-randan, meta l-ful ikun fl-istaġun. Il-ġbejniet huma popolari ħafna fil-kċina għawdxija. Traditionally this wholesome soup is cooked during lent when broad beans are in season. The fresh cheeselets are commonly used in Gozitan cooking. kusksu bil-ful bean & pasta soup Għal 4 Persuni Għall-platt aktar bnin ipprova l-kunserva tat-three Hills mingħajr Melħ Miżjud jew b anqas zokkor. mgħarfa żejt 2 basliet imqattgħin 2 sinniet tewm imqattgħin f biċċiet żgħar 2 mgħaref Three Hills Kunserva 3 litri ilma 4 patatiet imqaxxrin u maqsumin f erbgħa 300g ful aħdar 2 karrotti mqattgħin biċċiet ftit bżar u melħ 4 Ħanini Ġibniet Friski 200g kusksu Saħħan iz-żejt ġo borma u qalli l-basla u t-tewma sakemm jiħmaru ftit. Żid il-kunserva tat-three Hills u l-ilma. Ħalli jagħli u itfa l-patata, l-ful u l-karrotti, kif ukoll ftit melħ u bżar. Kompli sajjar fuq nar moderat għal 30 minuta. Itfa l-ġibniet Friski tal-ħanini u ftit wara itfa l-kusku ġol-borma, ħawwad sew u għatti. Sajjar għal 10 minuti u servi sħun. 1 tablespoon cooking oil 2 onions, chopped 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva 3 litres water 4 potatoes, peeled and quartered 300g broad beans 2 carrots, chopped salt and pepper 4 Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets 200g kusksu (small pasta balls) In a pot, gently heat the oil and fry the onions and garlic until golden. Add the Three Hills Kunserva For a healthier option, substitute the traditional Three Hills Kunserva with the No Salt Added or Less Sugar Added varieties and the water. Once the water boils, add the potatoes, carrots and the broad beans. Season to taste. Cook on moderate heat for around 30 minutes. Add Ħanini s Fresh Cheeselets followed by the kusksu pasta. Stir well and continue simmering for a further 10 minutes or until the pasta has cooked. Serve warm. 746kcal Carbohydrate 117.5g Sugars 14.3g Fat 12.5g

5 Il-kawlata tinżel għasel, ma kisra ħobż tqarmeċ fil-ġranet kesħin tax-xitwa. L-Għawdxin normalment iservu s-soppa għaliha u wara jservu l-laħam bħala t-tieni platt. This soup is delicious, served with crunchy oven-baked bread during the cold winter months. Gozitans normally serve the soup on its own and the meat served separately as a main course. Għal 6 Persuni 150g għads 4 litri ilma mgħarfa żejt 2 mgħaref Three Hills Kunserva 300g pastard imqatta 300g kaboċċi mqattgħin 200g qara ħamra mqatta basla mqatta 200g ġidra żgħira mqatta 2 karrotti mqattgħin 400g qara bagħlija mqatta 400g qatgħat majjal tal-koxxa 4 Ħanini Ġibniet Friski ftit bżar u melħ 30g Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkuka Jekk trid tagħmel dan il-platt veġetarjan, elimina l-majjal mir-riċetta. Xarrab l-għads mill-ġurnata ta qabel fi ftit ilma fietel. L-għada, imla borma b 4 litri ilma u magħha żid l-għads imħallat li tkun xarrabt. Itfa l-imgħarfa żejt u l-kunserva tat-three Hills. Ħalli fuq nar għoli għal madwar nofs siegħa. Wara, itfa l-ħaxix imqatta u l-majjal. Ħalli fuq nar għoli sakemm tagħli u wara ħalli l-ħaxix itektek fuq nar baxx għal madwar siegħa. Żid il-ġibniet Friski tal-ħanini u ħalli għal nofs siegħa oħra. Żid il-melħ u l-bżar u servi sħun bi ftit Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkukin. Serves 6 150g lentils This recipe is also delicious as a 4 litres water vegetarian dish if you tablespoon cooking oil eliminate the pork from the ingredients. 2 tbs Three Hills Kunserva 300g cauliflower, chopped 300g white cabbage, chopped 200g pumpkin, chopped 1 onion, chopped 200g turnip, peeled and chopped 2 carrots, chopped 400g marrow, chopped 400g sliced pork shank 4 Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets salt and pepper 30g Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets, grated Soak the lentils overnight in luke warm water. Fill a deep pot with the water, add the soaked lentils, the cooking oil and Three Hills Kunserva. Bring to the boil. Add all the vegetables and pork and simmer for around an hour. Add the Fresh Ħanini Cheeselets and continue cooking for another 30 minutes. Season to taste and serve with grated Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets. kawlata pork & vegetable soup 657 kcal Carbohydrate 76.6g Sugars 16.7g Fat 23.4g

6 L-aljotta tradizzjonalment kienet tissajjar nhar ta Ġimgħa, meta l-laħam ma kienx permess. Kull tip ta ħut żgħir bix-xewk jista jintuża għal din ir-riċetta. Traditionally this fish soup was consumed on Fridays when the eating of meat was forbidden. All kinds of small bony fish can be used for this dish. aljotta fish soup Għal 4 Persuni 2 basliet imqattgħin fini 2 tewmiet ħodor imqattgħin roti jew 6 rjus tewm mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa ftit merqtux frisk mqatta fin ftit ħabaq frisk imqatta fin ftit nagħniegħ frisk imqatta fin 400g bott Mayor Pelati mgħarfa Three Hills Kunserva ħut għall-aljotta (approx 600g) dada tal-ħut 2 litri ilma 4 patatiet żgħar imqaxxrin u sħaħ melħ u bżar Poġġi l-ħut ġo filoxx (net) biex tkun tista toħroġhom millborma faċilment u tneħħi x-xewk Ġo borma, qalli l-basla u t-tewm fiż-żejt taż-żebbuga u wara żid il-ħxejjex, il-pelati Mayor, il-kunserva tat-three Hills, il-ħut u l-istokk. Itfa l-patata u ħalli jtektek għal madwar 45 minuti sakemm il-ħut ikun sar. Tista sservi ftit ross mgħolli ma l-aljotta. 2 onions, finely chopped 2 fresh garlic cloves 1 tablespoon olive oil fresh marjoram, finely cut fresh basil, finely cut fresh mint, finely cut 400g can Mayor Pelati 1 tablespoon Three Hills Kunserva 600g small, bony fish fish stock cube 2 litres water 4 small whole potatoes, peeled salt and pepper Put the fish inside a mesh so that you can extract them from the pot and remove the bones easily In a pot, shallow fry the onion and garlic in olive oil until golden. Add the water, fresh herbs, Mayor Pelati, Three Hills Kunserva, the fish and fish stock cube. Add the potatoes and simmer for around 45 minutes or until fish is tender and comes off the bone easily. You can serve this soup with some boiled rice. 276kcal Carbohydrate 44.1g Sugars 8.0g Fat 8.1g

7 Dan il-platt tipikament Għawdxi kien normalment jibda l-ikla ta nofs in-nhar tal-ħadd u mhux l-ewwel darba li kien joħloq ġlied bejn it-tfal għal min se jieħu l-aktar għaġin maħruq u jqarmeċ! This typical Gozitan dish was very often the start of Sunday s lunch and frequently the start of children s squabbles as to who will get the top, crispy, crunchy pasta! Għal 6 Persuni 2 mgħaref żejt 2 basliet imqattgħin fini 4 sinniet tewm imqattgħin żgħar 400g ikkappuljat tal-majjal u ċanga dada tat-tiġieġ ma 100ml ilma fietel nofs kuċċarina kari nofs kuċċarina mixed spice 410g bott Mayor Zalza Bolognese 400g Mayor Provista Sugu 3 mgħaref Three Hills Kunserva 400g imqarrun 4 bajdiet imħabbtin 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkukin ftit melħ u bżar Ġo taġen, qalli l-basal u t-tewm u wara ftit żid l-ikkappuljat. Kif il-laħam jibdel il-kulur, żid iddada, il-kari u l-mixed spice. Hekk kif il-laħam isir sewwa, żid l-mayor Zalza Bolognese u l-mayor Provista Sugu u ħawwad sew. Żid 3 mgħaref Kunserva Three Hills u ħalli jtektek għal madwar 10 minuti. Sadanittant għalli l-għaġin u x ħin isir, ħallat l-għaġin imsoffi mat-taħlita tal-laħam. Żid il-bajd imħabbat mal-għaġin u ferrex il-ġibniet Nixfin maħkukin tal-ħanini ma ftit melħ u bżar għall-gosti tiegħek. Itfa l-għaġin f reċipjent u sajjar għal madwar 60 minuta f temperatura ta madwar 225ºC, sakemm l-għaġin talwiċċ jibda jiħmar. Servi ma ftit ieħor ġibniet maħkukin. Serves 6 2 tablespoons oil 2 onions, finely chopped 4 garlic cloves, finely cut 400g pork and beef mince chicken stock cube dissolved in 100ml warm water half teaspoon curry powder half teaspoon mixed spice 410g can Mayor Zalza Bolognese 400g Mayor Provista Sugu 3 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva 400g macaroni pasta 4 eggs, beaten 2 Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets, grated salt and pepper In a pan, shallow fry the onion and garlic until golden. After add the mince. When the mince starts turning brown, add the stock cube, curry powder and mixed spice. When the mince is thoroughly cooked, add the Mayor Zalza Bolognese and Mayor Provista Sugu and stir into the meat. Add the Three Hills Kunserva and simmer for around 10 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the pasta according to the packet s instructions, strain and mix with the meat sauce. Add the beaten eggs and grated Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets. Season to taste. Place the mixture in a greased oven dish and cook for around 60 minutes at 225ºC or until the top of the pasta is crispy. Serve with some more grated cheese on top. 710kcal Carbohydrate 71.0g Sugars 12.0g Fat 30.3g imqarrun il-forn baked pasta

8 Għalkemm dan il-platt mhux tradizzjonali, huwa appetituż ħafna, speċjalment fis-sajf meta r-rukola tkun fl-istaġun. Although this is not a traditional dish, it is nonetheless delicious especially during the summer months when rucola is in season. għaġin bil-ġibniet u r-rukola pasta with gozitan cheeselets and rucola Għal 4 Persuni Dan il-platt jista 280g għaġin rigatoni jittiekel ukoll kiesaħ 3 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa tewma mqatta 120g Three Hills Deli Tadam Imqadded bil- Ħabaq, imqatta f biċċiet żgħar 195g vażett Three Hills Stukku taż-żebbuġ 2 Ħanini Ġibniet tal-bżar imqatta f biċċiet żgħar 250g Ħanini Irkotta, mgħaffġa 200g rukola mqatta f biċċiet 40g pine nuts mixwijin ftit bżar u melħ F borma, għalli l-għaġin, skond l-istruzzjonijiet ta fuq il-pakkett. F taġen, saħħan iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa u qalli t-tewma. Żid it-tadam imqadded tat-three Hills Deli imqatta f biċċiet żgħar u l-istukku taż- Żebbuġ ma ftit misħun mill-borma ta l-għaġin. Saffi l-għaġin mill-misħun u żidu fit-taġen mat-toqlija. Żid il-ġobon imqatta f biċċiet żgħar u l-irkotta tal-ħanini, irrukola u l-pine nuts. Itfa ftit bżar u melħ u servi. This dish may also be served cold 280g pasta, rigatoni 3 tablespoons olive oil garlic clove, chopped 120g Three Hills Deli Sun-dried Tomatoes with Basil, finely chopped 195g Three Hills Olive Stukku 2 Ħanini Mature Peppered Cheeselets, chopped 250g Ħanini Ircotta, mashed 200g rucola, roughly chopped 40g toasted pine nuts salt and pepper Boil the pasta according to the packet s directions. In a pan, heat the olive oil and fry the garlic. Add the Three Hills Deli Sundried Tomatoes with Basil and the Three Hills Olive Stukku with a little warm water from the pasta pot. Drain the pasta and add to the mixture in the pan. Add the Ħanini Mature Peppered Cheeselets and the Ħanini Irkotta, the rucola and pine nuts. Season to taste and serve. 811kcal Carbohydrate 72.4g Sugars 9.5g Fat 45.8g

9 Il-pastard kien jitkabbar minn bosta familji Għawdxin u għalhekk insibu ħafna riċetti bil-pastard speċjalment fix-xhur tax-xitwa. Most Gozitan families grew their own cauliflower at home so the versatility of the vegetable is evident in the different recipes created, especially in the cold winter months. Għal 4 Persuni 225g għaġin rigatoni 225g pastard imqatta f biċċiet mgħarfa żejt 2 basliet mqattgħin żgħar tewma 200g tadam żgħir, frisk Jekk trid tista żżid il-bacon mat-taħlita qabel taħmi 2x185g Ħanini Peppered Spreadable Cheese 200ml ħalib xkumat 3 imgħaref ġobon maħkuk Saħħan l-forn b temperatura ta 200 C/Gas 6. Għalli l-għaġin skond l-istruzzjonjiet ta fuq il-pakkett. Qatta l-pastard f biċċiet żgħar u għallihom f borma separata. Sadanittant qalli l-basla, it-tewma u t-tadam fiż-żejt. Saffi l-għaġin u ħallat mat-toqlija. Poġġi t-taħlita f reċipjent. Ġo taġen separat, ħallat l-ispreading cheese malħalib sakemm l-ispreading cheese jirtab u żid fuq l-għaġin. Ferrex il-ġobon maħkuk fil-wiċċ u aħmi għal madwar 25 minuta. As an alternative you may also add 225g pasta, rigatoni bacon bits to the 225g cauliflower, chopped dish 1 tablespoon oil 2 onions, finely chopped garlic clove 200g cherry tomatoes 2 x 185g Ħanini Peppered Spreadable Cheese 200ml skimmed milk 3 tablespoons grated cheese Heat the oven at 200 C/Gas 6. Boil the pasta according to the packet s directions. In a pot boil the cauliflower. Meanwhile fry the onion, garlic and cherry tomatoes in the oil. Drain the pasta and mix well with the tomato mixture and drained cauliflower. Place in a greased baking dish. In a pan, mix the Ħanini Peppered Spreadable Cheese with the milk until the cheese spread softens. Pour over the pasta in the dish. Sprinkle the grated cheese over the top and bake in the oven for around 25 minutes. għaġin il-forn bil-pastard baked pasta with cauliflower 445kcal Carbohydrate 61.5g Sugars 11.7g Fat 14.6g

10 Din il-froġa hija popolari ħafna mat-tfal u ideali għal xi piknik jew għal ħdejn il-baħar. Faċli ħafna biex tagħmilha u normalment tinqasam f slices bħal biċċa kejk. This omelette is very popular with children and is ideal for picnics or days at the beach. It is very easy to prepare and is normally served in slices. froġa tarja fried pasta omelette Għal 4 Persuni 400g tarja 250g Ħanini Irkotta mgħaffġa 2 bajdiet imħabbtin sew ftit bżar u melħ ponn tursin imqatta 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkuka Bħala alternattiva tista żżid ukoll bott Mayor Sliced Mushrooms mattaħlita F borma għalli l-għaġin skond l-istruzzjonijiet ta fuq il-pakkett. Għaffeġ l-irkotta tal-ħanini u ħallat sew mal-bajd imħabbat. X ħin l-għagin isir, saffi u poġġi ġo taġen u itfa t-taħlita tal-bajd u l-irkotta. Żid ftit melħ u bżar, ftit tursin imqatta u l-ġibniet Nixfin tal-ħanini. Xħin it-toqlija tal-bajd u tarja tkun kważi lesta, aqleb ta taħt fuq. Servi sħuna jew kiesħa. As an alternative recipe you may also try adding a can of Mayor Sliced Mushrooms to the mixture 400g angel hair pasta 250g Ħanini Irkotta, mashed 2 eggs, beaten salt and pepper handful of roughly chopped parsley 2 Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets, grated Boil the pasta according to the packet s directions. Mix thoroughly the Ħanini Irkotta with the beaten eggs. Drain the pasta and mix well with the ricotta and egg mixture. Pour into a greased pan, season to taste, add the parsley and the grated Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets. When the mixture on the pan side turns golden, flip over and continue cooking until the pan side turns golden too. May be served hot or cold. 418kcal Carbohydrate 36.4g Sugars 5.0g Fat 20.1g

11 Fil-kċina Għawdxija din it-torta ssir bil-ġbejniet friski filwaqt li f Malta din it-torta ssir bl-irkotta. Kif jgħidu hemm baħar jaqsam lil gżejjer... u dan ma jonqosx fit-togħma ta din it-torta! In Gozo, this pie is still done using fresh cheeselets unlike in Malta where fresh ricotta is used. Like the two islands, miles apart... this is also reflected in the taste of this pie! torta tal-ġobon u l-ful gozitan cheeselets & bean pie Għal 4 Persuni 400g għagina shortcrust* 6 Ħanini Ġibniet Friski, mgħaffġin Minflok il-ful tista tagħmel bott Piżelli patata mqatta biċċiet żgħar tal-mayor 2 bajdiet sħaħ friski imħabbtin melħ u bżar 250g ful frisk imqaxxar miż-żewġ qoxriet 60g passolina 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkukin * Għall- għaġina shortcrust: 250g dqiq plejn 100g marġerina ftit ilma Aħmi l-forn b temperatura ta 200 C. Idlek turtiera bi ftit marġerina. Iftaħ l-għaġina fuq ftit dqiq, gerbibha fuq lembuba u qiegħdha ġo turtiera bil-mod. Ġo skutella separata, b furketta, għaffeġ il-ġibniet Friski tal-ħanini. Żid il-patata mqatta żgħira, il-bajd, il-bżar u ħawwad flimkien. Flaħħar itfa l-ful, il-passolina u l-ġobon niexef maħkuk tal-ħanini. Poġġi t-taħlita tal-ġobon fuq l-għaġina ġot-turtiera. Wara, iftaħ biċċa għaġina oħra ftit akbar mill-qies tal-għatu tat-turtiera. Poġġi fuq il-mili tat-torta, aqta t-truf u agħfas it-truf tal-għaġina b furketta. Dellek il-wiċċ tattorta bi ftit bajd jew ħalib u aqta ftit sinjali fuq l-għaġina. Aħmi t-torta għal madwar 50 minuta. Itfa ftit bżar u melħ u servi. 400g shortcrust pastry* As an alternative, 6 Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets, you may add a can of mashed Mayor Processed Peas instead of the beans potato cut into small pieces 2 eggs, beaten salt and pepper 250g broad beans, peeled from outer and inner skin 60g raisins 2 grated Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets *For the shortcrust pastry: 250g plain flour 100g margarine water, as necessary Heat the oven at 200 C. Grease a round oven dish with margarine. Roll out part of the dough, leaving enough pastry to cover the top. Even out the dough, roll onto a rolling pin and open it over the greased dish to line the bottom. In a separate bowl, mash the Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets, add the potato, eggs, salt & pepper and mix well together. Continue by adding the broad beans, raisins and Ħanini Mature White grated Cheeselets. Pour the mixture over the dough-lined dish. Roll out the remaining dough and cover the dish. Press the edges of the pie with the tines of a fork. Brush the top of the pie with egg or milk and score the dough with fine slits. Bake for around 50 minutes and serve. 794kcal Carbohydrate 80.2g Sugars 16.6g Fat 38.8g

12 Ir-riċetta tal-ftira Għawdxija li normalment insibu għallbejgħ tkun bil-patata, basal, tadam frisk u nċova... hawn taħt issibu verżjoni differenti! The conventional Gozitan ftira (open pie) is normally found with potatoes, onions, fresh tomatoes and anchovies... below is a different version of the norm! Għal 4 Persuni ftira għawdxija gozitan pizza 400g għaġina tal-ħobż (jew tal-pizza) magħrfa Three Hills Brand Kunserva 200g Mayor Kapunata 120g tonn taż-żejt tewma ħadra mqatta zgħira 2 biċċiet inċova 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkukin ftit bżar u melħ Din il-ftira tista żżidilha l-ingredjenti friski wkoll, bħal biċċiet tal-brunġiel, bżar aħdar, basal u tadam frisk Saħħan il-forn b temperatura ta 200 C. Idlek turtiera bi ftit żejt. Iftaħ l-għagina fuq ftit dqiq u poġġiha fuq it-turtiera li taqbeż l barra mix-xifer tat-turtiera. Ħallat il-three Hills Brand Kunserva mal-kapunata tal- Mayor, u ferrex fuq l-għaġina. Żid it-tonn taż-żejt, tewma ħadra mqatta rqiqa u ftit ġobon maħkuk. Żid ftit bżar u melħ għallgosti tiegħek. Itni it-truf ta l-għaġina għal fuq il-mili. Sajjar għal madwar 45 minuta, jew sakemm l-għaġina tieħu l-kulur. This open pie may also be garnished with fresh ingredients such as cubed aubergines, sliced green peppers or diced fresh tomaotes 400g bread or pizza dough 1 tablespoon Three Hills Brand Kunserva 200g Mayor Caponata 120g tuna chunks in olive oil fresh green garlic clove, finely chopped 2 anchovy fillets 2 Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets, grated salt and pepper Heat the oven at 200 C. Grease a round oven dish with oil. Roll out the dough on some flour and line the oven dish, leaving the edges further out than the rim of the dish. Mix the Three Hills Brand Kunserva with the Mayor Caponata and pour the mixture over the dough. Add the tuna, garlic, anchovy and the grated Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets. Season to taste. Fold over the edges of the dough over the filling. Bake for around 45 minutes or until the pastry turns golden. 528kcal Carbohydrate 76.4g Sugars 4.8g Fat 15.4g

13 Il-pastard bikri li nsibu għall-bejgħ ikun f Novembru u jgħidulu tal-qaddisin kollha u dak li nsibu f Diċembru jgħidulu tal-milied. Il-pastard li jiġi aktar tard, f Marzu u April, jgħidulu tal-fjuri. The first cauliflower of the season found in November is called all-saints cauliflower, that of December is called Christmas cauliflower and the ones that come later, in March and April, are called flower cauliflowers. stuffat tal-pastard cauliflower stew Għal 6 Persuni 2 basliet imqaxxrin 2 karrotti mqaxxrin tewma ħadra friska mqatta roti mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa 3 mgħaref Three Hills Kunserva dada għal maz-zlazi f 150ml ilma fietel 1 litru ilma fietel 8 patatiet imqattgħin f biċċiet kbar 600g pastarda mqatta f biċċiet żgħar 300g bott Mayor Piżelli 6 bajdiet 6 Ħanini Ġibniet Friski ftit bżar u melħ Jekk iżżid ftit meraq tal-lumi meta tkun qed tgħalli l-pastard, dawn jibqgħu bojod Qatta l-basla, il-karrotti u t-tewma. Saħħan iż-żejt u żid l-ingredjenti mqattgħin u qalli għal ftit. Żid il-kunserva, id-dada taz-zalza u l-ilma fietel mat-toqlija. Ħalli jagħli għal madwar 20 minuta. Żid il-patata u wara ftit żid ukoll il-pastarda mqatta biċċiet żgħar. X ħin jagħli, baxxi n-nar u ħalli jtektek għal madwar 30 minuta. Itfa l-ġibniet Friski tal- Ħanini, l-piżelli tal-mayor u l-bajd u ħalli jtektek sakemm tara li l-bajd ikun ibbies. Servi ma ftit ħobż. Serves 6 Adding lemon juice to the boiling water of the cauliflower will keep the florets white 2 onions, peeled 2 carrots, peeled fresh garlic, cut in thin rings 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva 1 gravy cube dissolved in 150ml warm water 1 litre warm water 8 potatoes, roughly cubed 600g cauliflower cut into florets 300g can Mayor Processed Peas 6 eggs 6 Ħanini Fresh Gozitan Cheeselets salt and pepper to taste Chop the onions, carrots and fresh garlic. Heat the olive oil in a pan, add the chopped vegetables and fry till onion softens. Add the Three Hills Kunserva, the gravy cube and warm water to the mixture. When the water starts boiling, add the potatoes and the cauliflower florets. Simmer for around 30 minutes. Add the Ħanini Fresh Cheeselets, the can of Mayor Processed Peas and the eggs and continue simmering until the eggs are set. Serve with crunchy local bread. 406kcal Carbohydrate 38.3g Sugars 9.9g Fat 21.5g

14 Għal 4 Persuni mgħarfa żejt 5 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkuka tewma ħadra mqatta fina tursina mqatta fina 2 bajdiet friski mħabbta 4 werqiet spinaċi friski 4 biċċiet rqaq laħam taċ-ċanga ftit bżar u melħ Għaz-zalza basla kbira mqatta żgħira 2 karrotti mqattgħin f roti żgħar tewma ħadra mqatta 410g bott Mayor Zalza Bolognese nofs mgħarfa Three Hills Kunserva 200g bott Mayor Mushrooms Sliced 200ml ilma 300g bott Mayor Piżelli ftit bżar u melħ Ġo skutella, poġġi l-ġobon Ħanini maħkuk, ittewma, it-tursin u l-bajd imħabbat u ħawwad sew flimkien. Iftaħ iċ-ċanga fejn xulxin u ifrex werqa spinaċi fuq kull waħda u qassam il-mili fuqhom. Agħlaq il-laħam u ehmeż b toothpick. Qalli l-braġjoli f taġen fond mikxuf, sakemm ilbraġjoli jiħmaru. Qalleb kultant. Neħħi l-braġjoli u ġot-taġen qalli l-basla, karrotti u tewma u ħalli jtektek għal madwar 5 minuti. Erġa itfa l-braġjoli u żid il-mayor Zalza Bolognese, it-three Hills Kunserva, il-mayor Sliced Mushrooms u ħalli jtektek għal 45 minuta. Żid l-ilma ftit ftit sabiex ma jixxuttax. Fl-aħħar żid il-mayor Piżelli, il-melħ u l-bżar. Servi sħun ma patata msajra skond ilgosti tiegħek. Dan il-platt delizjuż jittektek fuq in-nar biex it-togħma tallaħam toħroġ fi z-zalza u l-laħam jiġi tari ħafna. This delicious dish is slow cooked to create a full-flavoured, tender meat stew. Sawwat il-laħam b martell tal-kċina jew lembuba biex il-braġioli jiġu aktar tarja fis-sajran 632kcal Carbohydrate 24.3g Sugars 14.7g Fat 38.0g 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 5 Ħanini Mature White Cheeselets, grated fresh garlic, finely chopped parsley, finely chopped 2 eggs, beaten 4 fresh spinach leaves 4 thinly sliced beef salt and pepper to taste For the sauce 1 large onion, chopped 2 carrots, sliced fresh garlic, finely chopped 410g can Mayor Zalza Bolognese Sauce half tablespoon Three Hills Kunserva 200g can Mayor Mushrooms Sliced 200ml water 300g can Mayor Processed Peas salt and pepper to taste Beat the meat with a mallet or rolling pin so as to tenderise the beef whilst cooking In a bowl mix the grated Ħanini Cheeselets, fresh garlic, parsley and beaten eggs. Roll out the beef slices and place a spinach leaf on each slice. Spread out the filling over them. Roll the beef slices and close with toothpicks. Fry the beef rolls in a deep pan rolling over until they brown. Remove from the pan and fry the onion, carrots and garlic and simmer for around 5 minutes. Place the beef in the pan and add the Mayor Zalza Bolognese Sauce, Three Hills Kunserva, Mayor Sliced Mushrooms and allow to simmer for 45 minutes. Gradually add the water making sure that the sauce does not dry up. Add the Mayor Processed Peas and season to taste. Serve hot with potatoes cooked to your liking. braġjoli beef olives

15 Tul iż-żmien, il-fenek ġie msajjar b ħafna modi, hawnhekk qed nuru riċetta popolari, imsajra bil-mod u mħawra bi ħwawar tradizzjonali. Over the years, the Maltese rabbit has been cooked in a variety of ways. Here we are showing a popular slow-cooked recipe, infused with traditional local herbs. fenek moqli fried rabbit in gravy Għal 4 Persuni fenek sħiħ imqatta biċċiet (approx 850g) 300ml inbid aħmar 3 mgħaref żejt 4 werqiet rand 2 basliet imqattgħin 4 sinniet tewm sħaħ 1 karotta, mqatta roti 435g bott Mayor Piżelli Melħ u bżar Qabel ma tpoġġi l-fenek fl-inbid, laħalħu fil-ħall aħmar biex b hekk toħroġlu t-togħma u isirlek aktar tari fis-sajran Qatta l-fenek f porzjonijiet u mmarinah ġo l-inbid għall-inqas sagħtejn qabel it-tisjir. Meta tiġi biex issajjar il-fenek, saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen u itfa l-fenek u l-weraq tar-rand. Ħallih itektek għal madwar 30 minuta. Żid ilbasal u t-tewm u xħin ikunu kważi saru żid il-karrotti u itfa l-inbid li tkun immarinajt illaħam ġo fih. Ħalli l-laħam itektek għal iktar minn siegħa fuq nar baxx ħafna. Fl-aħħar 5 minuti, żid il-piżelli Mayor u ftit melħ u bżar. Servi ma patata skond il-gosti tiegħek. 1 whole rabbit portioned (approx 850g) 300ml red table wine 3 tablespoons oil 4 bay leaves 2 onions, chopped 4 whole garlic cloves 1 carrot, sliced 435g can Mayor Processed Peas salt and pepper Before marinating the rabbit in wine, wash the rabbit with red wine vinegar to enhance its flavour and make it more tender when cooking Marinate the rabbit in the red wine for at least 2 hours. Remove the rabbit from the marinade and put aside. Heat the oil in a pan and add the rabbit pieces and bay leaves, turning over to brown. Add the onion and garlic and when cooked add the carrot and the marinade. Simmer for around an hour on very low heat. At the end of the cooking time, add the Mayor Processed Peas and season to taste. Serve with potatoes to your liking. 378kcal Carbohydrate 19.1g Sugars 6.3g Fat 16.0g

16 dan il-platt komuni ħafna f Settembru meta l-lampuki jkunu fiżżmienhom... tista xxomm ir-riħa tal-baħar meta taqlihom friski! this dish is very popular in September when lampuki are in season... you can actually savour the smell of the Mediterranean sea when frying fresh lampuki! lampuki moqlija fried lampuki Għal 4 Persuni 800g lampuki mqattgħin f porzjonijiet 50g smid 4 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa bżar u melħ lumija magħsura Għaz-zalza basla mqaxxra u mqatta 2 sinniet tewm imqattgħin mgħarfa Three Hills Kunserva 400g bott Mayor Polpa 100g żebbuġ iswed tal-għadma 30g mgħarfa kappar ħabaq mqatta żgħir nagħniegħa mqatta żgħira dada għal mal-ħut ġo 100ml ilma fietel ftit bżar il-lampuka hija ħuta versatili ħafna. Tista tuża fit-torot, malpatata l-forn, mixwija fil-lumi jew nejja mmarinata fil-ħal u t-tewm Saħħan taġen sew u wara żid iż-żejt. Sadanittant, gerbeb l-lampuki mqattgħin minn ġos-smid u qalli fit-taġen. Żid il-bżar u melħ u ftit meraq tallumija. Qalli sakemm jiħmaru. Ġo borma, saħħan iż-żejt u qalli l-basla u t-tewma sakemm jiħmaru. Żid il- Kunserva tat-three Hills, il-polpa Mayor u l-istokk tal-ħut, u ħalli jtektek għal ftit ħin. Wara itfa ż-żebbuġ, il-kappar, il-ħabqa u n-nagħniegħa. Servi sħun maz-zalza. 800g lampuki, cut into portions 50g semolina 4 tablespoons olive oil salt and pepper juice of one lemon For the Sauce 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, chopped 1 tablespoon, Three Hills Kunserva 400g can Mayor Tomato Pulp 100g whole black olives with stone 30g capers basil, finely chopped mint, finely chopped fish stock cube dissolved in 100ml warm water freshly ground pepper Heat the oil in a pan. Meanwhile, roll the lampuki fillets in the semolina and fry in the heated oil. Season to taste and add the lemon juice. Fry until brown on both sides. In a pot, heat a little oil and fry the onion and garlic. Add the Three Hills Kunserva the Mayor Tomato Pulp and fish stock, and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the olives, capers, basil and mint. Serve hot with the sauce. lampuki are very versatile fish to cook. They make delicious pies or baked in the oven with potatoes, grilled in lemon juice or even marinated raw in vinegar and garlic 399kcal Carbohydrate 18.4g Sugars 5.8g Fat 17.6g

17 Il-klamari ta madwar xtutna huma iżgħar u aktar tarjin minn dawk ta pajjiżi oħra. The calamari caught locally are small and very tender in comparison to other nieghbouring countries. klamari mimlija stuffed calamari Għal 4 Persuni 600g klamari żgħar mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa 2 basliet tewma friska mgħarfa Three Hills Kunserva 400g bott Mayor Polpa 100ml inbid abjad nofs dada għal mal-ħut go 100ml ilma fietel 100g żebbuġ iswed bl-għadma ftit ħabaq ftit nagħniegħ ftit bżar Għall-mili 225g Three Hills Deli Dipp tat-tonn 100g frak tal-ħobż ftit tursin ftit bżar Meta tixtri l-klamari għażel dawk li jkunu żgħar għax il-laħam tagħhom ikun aktar teneru Naddaf il-klamari u ġo skutella, ħallat l-ingredjenti kollha tal-mili u imla l-klamari b din it-taħlita. Agħlaq it-truf tal-klamari b toothpick. Ġo borma, saħħan iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa u qalli ftit il-klamari. Żid il-basla u t-tewma mqatta, it-three Hills Kunserva u l-mayor Polpa u l-inbid. Żid l-istokk tal-ħut, iż-żebbuġ, il-ħwawar u ftit bżar għall-gosti tiegħek. Ħalli jtektek għal madwar 30 minuta. 600g calamari 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 onions, chopped fresh garlic, finely chopped 1 tablespoon Three Hills Kunserva 400g can Mayor Tomato Pulp 100ml white wine half a fish stock cube dissolved in 100ml warm water 100g whole black olives with stone basil mint pepper For the filling 225g Three Hills Deli Tuna Dip with Anchovies 100g breadcrumbs parsley pepper Clean the calamari. In a bowl mix together the filling ingredients and stuff the calamari with the mixture, closing them with toothpicks. In a pan, heat the olive oil and gently fry the calamari. Add the chopped onion and garlic, the Three Hills Kunserva, the Mayor Tomato Pulp and the wine and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and season with pepper to taste. Simmer for around 30 minutes. When buyingcalamari choose the smaller variety as they will be more tender to cook 545kcal Carbohydrate 31.2g Sugars 8.0g Fat 27.7g

18 Il-bakkaljaw kien jinqabad fil-ħarifa u jiġi ppreservat għall-ġranet kesħin tax-xitwa meta s-sajjieda ma kinux jistgħu joħorġu jistadu. Salted cod was preserved when caught, in the autumn months, to be used throughout winter when it was impossible to catch fish. Għal 6 Persuni sfineġ tal-bakkaljaw cod fritters 700g bakkaljaw 300ml ilma 200g dqiq self raising tewma ħadra mqatta fina tursina mqatta fina ftit bżar 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa Għaz-zalza 1 mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa basla kbira, imqatta rqiqa 410g bott Zalza Maltese tal-mayor 100g żebbuġ iswed bl-għadma 30g kappar ħabqa friska mqatta nagħniegħa friska mqatta Qatta l-bakkaljaw u xarrbu fl-ilma mil-lejl ta qabel ma tkun se ssajru. L-għada, għalli l-ħut f borma għal madwar 30 minuta. Sadanittant, ġo borma, saħħan iż-żejt u qalli l-basla sakemm tirtab. Żid il-mayor Zalza Maltese u ħalli jtektek għal 3 minuti. Wara itfa ż-żebbuġ, il-kappar, il-ħabqa u n-nagħniegħa. Ġo recipjent separat, agħrbel id-dqiq u żid it-tewm, it-tursin, l-ilma u l-bżar u ħawwad sew sakemm it-taħlita tirtab u ssir likwida. Saħħan iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, għaddi l-ħut minn ġot-taħlita u qalli sakemm jiħmaru. Servi l-ħut u z-zalza ma ftit patata u ħaxix għall-gosti tiegħek. Dawn l-isfineġ tista tiffurmhom fi blalen żgħar u sservihom f xi party ma dipp pikkanti jew bl-aljoli 567kcal Carbohydrate 33.5g Sugars 5.7g Fat 12.2g Serves 6 700g salted cod 300ml water 200g self raising flour fresh garlic, finely chopped fresh parsely, finely chopped pepper 2 tablespoons olive oil For the sauce 1 tablespoons olive oil 1 large onion, finely chopped 410g can Mayor Zalza Maltese 100g whole black olives with stone 30g capers fresh basil, chopped fresh mint, chopped These fritters may also be served at parties formed as balls and served with a picquant sauce or aioli Cut the salted cod into portions and soak in water overnight. Boil the fish in boiling water for around 30 minutes and remove from the pot. Meanwhile, in another pot, heat the oil and fry the onion and garlic until brown. Add the Mayor Zalza Maltese and simmer for 3 minutes. Add the olives, capers, basil and mint. In a bowl, sift the flour and add the garlic, parsley, water and pepper and mix thoroughly until the mixture turns into a batter. Heat the olive oil, coat the cod with the batter and fry until both sides turn brown. Serve the fish with the sauce, vegetables and potatoes.

19 L-irkotta tradizzjonalment tintuża f ħafna deżerti. Biex tagħmel xi ħaġa differenti tista żżejjen bi frott li ssib fl-istaġun jew bi krema friska. Ricotta is traditionally used in many dessert recipes. As a variation of this recipe you may use any seasonal fruits or fresh cream as topping. Għal 6 Persuni Serves 6 1kg tuffieħ imqaxxar u mqatta f biċċiet żgħar 4 bajdiet, misfuqa 150g zokkor, abjad kuċċarina melħ meraq ta nofs lumija lumija maħkuka 550g Ħanini Irkotta Ħelwa 125g smid mgħarfa baking powder ftit marġerina biex iddellek ir-reċipjenti Għal deżerta individwali tista tuża bowls żgħar, dejjem tidlikhom qabel bilmarġerina Saħħan il-forn 200 C, 400 F, gas 6. Ħabbat l-abjad tal-bajd sakemm ittella xkuma. Żid ftit melħ u meraq tal-lumi u ħabbat sew. Fi skutella separata, ħallat l-isfar tal-bajd maz-zokkor u l-qxur tal-lumija. Ħawwad sew flimkien u wara żid il-ħanini Irkotta Ħelwa, is-smid u l-baking powder. Wara żid l-ixkuma tal-bajd u fl-aħħar żid it-tuffieħ. Dellek reċipjenti żgħar bi ftit marġerina u itfa t-taħlita fir-reċipjenti. Aħmi għal 40 minuta. Servi sħuna ma ftit frott skond il-gosti tiegħek, jew ma xi krema. 1kg apples, peeled and chopped in small pieces 4 eggs, separated 150g white sugar teaspoon salt juice of half a lemon zest of one lemon 550g Ħanini Sweet Irkotta 125g semolina tablespoon baking powder margarine to grease dish This recipe can also be served in individual ramekins, which need to be greased with margarine before filling. Heat the oven at a temperature of 200 C, 400 F, gas mark 6. Beat the egg whites until they peak. Add the salt and lemon juice and mix well. In a separate bowl, mix the egg yolks with the sugar and lemon zest. Mix well together until all the ingredients are amalgamated. Add the Ħanini Sweet Ricotta, semolina and baking powder. Add the beaten egg whites and finally the apples. Grease a small baking dish with the margarine and pour the mixture in the dish. Bake for around 40 minutes. Serve hot with seasonal fruits or fresh cream to your liking. pudina bl-irkotta u t-tuffieħ apple & ricotta pudding 400kcal Carbohydrate 57.1g Sugars 34.7g Fat 12.0g

20 Il-kannoli tal-irkotta minn dejjem kienu deżerta speċjali għal wara xi ikla tal-okkażjoni. Il-kannoli vojta kienu jinqlew fiż-żejt u fittaħlita kienu jżidu ftit vermut għall-kulur u t-togħma. This dessert has always been a family favourite especially after special occasion dinners. The tubes were fried and a little vermouth was added to the mixture for taste and colour. kannoli bl-irkotta ricotta-filled cannoli Għal 12-il kannol 25g konfettura 25g biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata 550g Ħanini Irkotta ħelwa 25g karawett imfarrak 25g icing sugar 12 kannoli kbar (issibhom lesti) Jekk m għandekx piping bag tista tuża borża tal-plastik u taqtalha l-ponta biex tkun tista timla l-kannoli aħjar Żid il-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata u l-konfettura mal-ħanini Irkotta Ħelwa, skond il-gosti tiegħek. Itfa t-taħlita f piping bag u imla l-kannoli. Bill it-truf tal-kannoli fil-karawett imfarrak. Ferrex l-icing sugar fuq il-kannoli u servi ma frott tal-gosti tiegħek. For 12 cannoli 25g candied peel, chopped 25g chocolate chips 550g Ħanini Sweet Irkotta 25g peanuts, crushed 25g icing sugar 12 cannoli, ready made If you do not have a piping bag you can cut off the tip of one of the ends of a plastic bag so as to facilitate filling the cannoli Add the candied peel and chocolate chips to the Ħanini Sweet Irkotta and mix well. Put the mixture in a piping bag and fill the cannoli. Coat the ends of the tubes with the crushed peanuts and sift some icing sugar over the tops. May be served on their own or with fresh fruit. per Cannol 250kcal Carbohydrate 29.9g Sugars 16.0g Fat 10.8g

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