EUROPE. N genene umntu akalili6ali iwa6o nokuya se kudala esezizweni.

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1 ( 16 JERUSALEM we6ala elondon ngesizathu scmfazwe yama J amani ekwathi kwafika imikhosi emininzi yamajoni amhlope asesouth Africa nawase America. Ndid'e ndayibaqa se kuse6usuku ~ndll! yenkosikazi eno6u6ele ethe yandiqejisela tbedt yodwa nge 4/- ngo6usuku ukuze ndi6e nokuphumla zonke ezo ntsuku ndandise London. Enye into eyandithwalisa u6unzima yimali endandiyiphethe yaseafrika ku6a ayamk~lwa kwelo ; kufuneka umntu eye ku6aguquli malt ayananise ngeyaseengland, umcimbi ke lowo, ku6a iibanki zikude le, zaye nazo zixhuzula kano6om ngaloo nguqulo. Exe J eni ndihambele nomafrika ongu Nkosi Albert Makaula, inkosi yamabaca eyazeka intokazi enwele zinde yasey.i6a ngummi waphe J eya. N difike sele lixhego umhlekazi lo elila ngokufuna ukugoduka, koko iimeko zingamvumeli. Namhla nje ndibalayo rna ndithi lo mnumzana usweleke nyakenye. Intombi yakhe uprincess Irene Nomabaca Makaula isekho yona; lugcadalala oluqhelezelayo, oluphila ngokuvuma (actress) ingoma eqongeni (stage). Inkosazana le income amace6o anoncedo emse6enzini wayo eyawafumana k11 Dr. W. B. Rubusana u 'Diza 'dala kade 6e lukhwahlaza, 'Thambo 'dala kade 6emqongqotl a, Mfene zandakhel' umkhanya, Ndad' andayazi neyona Indondele ngaphezu kwezinye ; Ndiyeken' ndifundis' imfen' am ukuhlakula, Ndiyay' dela lendinyana kathikoloje, Jombora likanopanyaza. EUROPE 17 N genene umntu akalili6ali iwa6o nokuya se kudala esezizweni. EUROPE Lide lafika ilixa loku6a ndimke eengland ndingene endleleni eya ej erusalem. Sisuke e6usuku elondon kwivictoria Station sava en ewhaven, sakhwela apho enqanaweni ecanda ulwandle lwesi6ini kolu hambo, ienglish Channel, sahamba ngayo umgama weemayile ezima35sayakuhlaedieppe,francengentsimbi yesi6ini ekuseni. Kule nqanawa ku6e kho nama-afrika amnyama angasaziyo isingesi, ethetha isifrentji sodwa ku6a ikhaya lise French Cameroons, eliya lizwe lisekhwapheni leafrika entjonalanga. Kuthe kanti ndiya sigqi6elisa ukusiva isingesi, kwanyanzeleka uku6a ndiphutha-phuthe entloko isifrentji endaphumelela ngaso ib.a. kudala, kodwa ndafika se silele izigcawu. Injalo yonke into engasetyenziswayo;isukeigqole,is,inye,noku6a wawukhe walichule layo. Nd'amana ndihlekwa xa ndizama ukuthetha olu lwimi, ndiphelela ngokuqhothoza ngokwesitiya-tiya seqa6a lizama ukukhumj a. Yayawa goqululwa yonke impahla yethu ngamapolisa afuna a6athwele amacu6a, notywala, nemipu, ingqele yenz'e into yanye ngecala layo uku6anda oku. Eku6eni 6e siyure ntathu emanzini, senz'e ezintlanu ngololiwe ukungena eparis, ikomkhulu lamafrentji,

2 18 JERUSALEM idolophu e6antu 6azigidi ezihlanu (5,000,000), apho umntu omnyama athandwayo nga6elungu. Andi6anga saphuma esitijini ngokoyikela ukuduka, naku6eni sasimelwe ukulinda uloliwe onduluka emini emaqanda. Ku6 1 e lithu6a elide ukuyifumana indawo yokulinda (waiting room) ku6a asi6anzi ngako esi sitiji, sising' ang~amfu sento engathi yidolophu okuno'kwayo, ndalikhumbula se kudala igama lesifrentsi elithi "La salle," elithetha i "waiting room," sendigodole nd luthiniko, ndafika lifufu kamnandi igumbi eli, ndazuza nethu6a elide lokubalela usapho lwam ekhaya nala manqaku enz 1 e le ncwadi. Nditheng'e namaphephaenda6a amaninzi esifrentsi ngenjongo yokuhlaziya ulwazi lolu lwimi. U de wanduluka uloliwe i Continental Express, wanga uya phapha uku6aleka oku, esima ku6e kanye emva kweeyure ezintathu nezine, i6e simanga ukusela kwakhe amanzi ku6a akemi, koko uwasezelela esiswini egalelwe ezithe6eni zeentsimbi ezi6ekwe endleleni le yakhe. Idolophu ezininzi ezinkulu uzidlul'e eqinisile njalo, ku6e manyumnyezi uku6etha-6ethana kwamavili akhe neziphambuka ezininzi zeenkasayiya (rails) zesitifi, ku6onakale ukuthi angathi ekhe wakhu6eka sife ngephanyazo sonke si6eyintlama edi6eneyo. Sim 1 e kwiidolophu ezimbini kuphela yonke loo mini, ela Roche, nasedijon igama elindikhumbuze iculo lesisuthu elabalwa nga6efundisi 6amaFrentsi. Ngokuswela urn- EUROPE 19 phako wendlela, ndizam 'e ukuthenga ukutya kwezi zitifi ima kuzo le nq\velo, kodwa a6athengisi 6aala ukundinika ngemali yase-england, Bona 6efuna eyelizwe la6o, mna nding 1 enayo, ndalamba ndayinketyenga. Ingqele iy'e ikhula ngokukhula sakusondela ezinta6eni ezimalunga nomda welo lizwe, saya kungena e6usuku kwesikabadakazi eswitzerland (izwe leenta6a, ekude kwathiwa kuselusuthu nga6abali 6eencwadi) apho sifike ikhephu liwambathise ngengu6o emhlophe wonke umhla6a. Umisiwe uloliwe kwisitifi somda (frontier) ivallorbe, k\vaphithizela kwa ngoko phakathi kwethu amapolisa axho6e imipu neesa6ile, ememeza esithi "Passports, votre passport, votre billet s'il vous plais,'' oko kukuthi Passports,JYourpassports, your ticket if you please,'' a6anye 6avuswe ngetfho6a 6esalele. Inde ke wena into yala matikiti ku6a oonka6i a6asazi kakuhle isingesi, 6afunda 6ephinda-phinda, 6etolika, 6ephatha kuq,valasela no6uso 6akho uku6a 6uyafana na nalo mfanekiso wakho usetikitini, 6ange 6akholwa 6engakholwa. Ukusuka apho silifiye kwingalo yokunene idike lasegeneva, isixeko esidume ngama6ali eemfazwe zikajulius Ceasar (zaphambi kokuzalwa kwenkosi), nendawo ekuxoxwa kuyo uxolo zizizwe zanamhla, sadlula elausanne isixeko esaziwa ngentlanganiso enkulu ya6efundisi 6aseT fhetfhi, sayakungena ekuseni emdeni waseltaly, edomodossola, wema uloliwe. Kungene amapolisa amataliyana enxi6e iibatyi ezinamaqhofa amakhulu

3 20 JERUSALEM a6omvu, ~~~"! ngamag:unya awoyikekayo ~fun~ kwa.uttklt~ ze~hu. Sthambe imini yonke tmah endtnayo 1sahwa xa ndithenga ukutya kusithiwa kufuneka eyase-italy ngoku. Kuth~ ukuze ndik~uh:~iwe.kul~o ndlala kwangena umlungukazt ohngestkazt owendele e-austria wandi6~~a imvelaphi 1?-empilo, ndaphendula ngokuzt6tka ukuswela tnto etyiwayo ngenxa yokukway.wa kwemali yam ; wandivela usizi wandlpha iinkozo ezilijumi ezifana neejeleni phofu zingenaluqoqo. Ezi nkozo mna ndi6'~ ziijeleni ka~ti,;ii~iki,zamataliyana ezi6izwa ngoku6a Zll Lua. Okunene ndifumene izi9.hamo ne~zonka nenyama ngale mali, ndaphtla. Ukujtkakwelanga sidluleeveronasehla evenice ukulinda omnye uloliwe. Esi sixeko s~~el"!e pha~athi kolwandle oluneziqithi eztntnzt ezthanjelwa ngamaphenyane a6izwa ngegama elithi " gondola." LeV enice ngumzi o6ukekayo kanye ngenxa yezitrata ezinemilambo neebuloro ezininzi ekuhanjwa ngazo. ~ di~ujikelez~.kunene ndaqala ngokuguqula ~~ah ebanktnt ukuze ndi6e nokuthenga nntwana-~twana eziv~nkil~ni ndithet~a. ngezan~la, nj~ngoku6a stngaztwa mntu tstngesi ne.stfrentst. Uk':lsukaaphasihamb'engololiwe ostnga echwe6ent lasetrieste, ekuthe sisahamba kwangena kule khareji yam amantombazana ayiqa6e 6omvu imilomo, athetha ngesi Taliyane yayingxaki. ukuxakana ngentetho, ada emka kukweso stntsopothi sokungavani ngolwimi, andijiya engathi athi sisiqihela EUROPE 21 esingazi nto esi, akukho ngqondo, x~ ezithethela. Singen'e se kuhlwile etrieste isixeko ~apa ngo6ukhulu nesimgama uztmaytle ezth 1,064 ukusuka elondon. Isikhephe e6endisiya kuso 6esi6onakala apha esitijini, kodwa iindleko zokufuduselwa kuso zi6'e li 15 leejeleni ngenxa yo6unin7.i 6a~athut~i Bempahla. Em:va kokutya (supper) ndiphumtle enqanawent ngokunqwenela uku6ona eyeli lizwe ibayaskopu, ndahamba ithu6a elide ndada ndayifumana. Phakathi imifanekiso i6'e nenkcazelo ebalwe ngeelwimi endingazaziyo, kodwa IatJho ndachulumacha igu6u lamaaustria elali6etha zonke iingoma n~entloko Iinga jonganga ncwadini, into enqa- 6tleyo loo nte. Ndiphum'e apho sendiyili6ele ~ c indlela e6endize ngayo, ndaza nokwenza ndanduluka ngezitrata eziya kwicala elilimbi kunelo Bendifanele ukuya kulo; ndaduka l!_gokulihlazo iiyure zombini ndingazi noku6a ndiphi na kuwanga-wanga Iwedolophu engaphele ndawo ezitrata ziyimityondyololo engenamijiko. Kuthe xa se ndiza kudinwa, ndathana nqwakaqhwa namapolisa, nda6uza isikhephe sam, a6'andtva intetho yam, kwayiloo nto nakwamanye, de ekugqi6eleni nda6onana nepolisa elisaziyo isifrentsi, landikhulula, landijikisa umva ukuya kwicala lenqanawa endiyifumene ngelinge-ni, se ndiphelelwe libongo lemifanekiso yebayaskophu. Sinduluke etrieste emini ngomhla we 17 kumarch sangena kulwandle lwesithathu kolu-

4 22 JERUSALEM hambo, iadriatic Sea, eyahlula izwe laseitaly kwawasealbania, Yugo-Slavia negreece. I qanawa yayiyeyamataliyane, ixinene nga6ahambi, kodwa isonwa6isa ku6a umvalo we6ala awukho kuyo; ndaziva ndingumntu ke ngoko. E~umbini endanda6elwe kulo sasingamadoda asttho6a kungekho namnye kuwo othetha intetho endiyivayo ku6a yayingamajuda nama Jamani, iyinkohla ukuncokola kodwa sithandana ngomphunga. U6uninzi 6a6antu apha enqanaweni yayingamabinqa, iinkulu kuwo intsini le mihla emini xa sin co kola ngezandla ukwenzelel~ i nt~~na yesifrentsi endandisayikhumbula. ~stnye tstmanga kuku6a a6antu 6asety hini kwezi ztzwe a6ahlulwa-hlulwa kuya phi ezindlwini zokuhlamba, into leyo eyamana indothusa njengomntu owondliwe ngamasiko amangesi. Ngecala lokupheka ezi ntlanga ziwajiya kude amawethu asemangesini, ndaye ndisitya izinto endingazaziyo ngamagama namhla ku6a yonke into ibalwe ngesitaliyane ephepheni lokutya (menu): Idinala i6izwa ngoku6a yicolazione; iintlo6o zesophu izezi, Spaghetti palomodoro, Consumato, di pastina, Taglierini alia bolognese, zuppad'uova filate, Maccheroni; inyama iyipetto di viletto farcito, Trancio di pesce fritto' manzo spiccato, spallato glasato ; imifino iyipalate arrote, legumi assortiti, insalata mista; isopolo iyi Pranzo. Yonke loo nto iyatyeka nkqi, ngokukodwa into apha a6ayenza ngenqholowa i6eyimityululu yemitya emide emhlophe enecheese EGYPT 23 phakathi, ethi yakutjhizwa ngetyuwa -yekka! Ulwandl~ I<:>I~a lulwe_yonke le ndlela ngolon\ CL hlo6o lugqtthtstleyo kwuhambo zangaphambili. N gecawa )!Omhla we 18 (Ma!ch) simise ebrindis~.v ukukwheltsa a Bantu, kwatht xa simalunga nezwe lasegreece sayi6onela kude imount Olympus engase-athens, sanyathela umkhondo kapawulose o~ gc~ele a~ho waphukelwa ziinqanawa eha~btsa tvangeh. Ngomvulo singen 1 e kwi Medtterranean Sea, ulwandle lwesine kolu ~ambo, sa6ona isiqithi icandia nedolophu yaso t:'<-rete (Crete), sonke sigutyungelwe tu hkhephll:, nomoya ovela khona usiza nengqele ~tjhutjhtsayo. Kwezi ntsuku z 1 in 1 e inqanawa ~phethuphethuk~ ngohlo6o oloyikisayo, ngathi J~a. k~!jho~a? tphath~ kuwa ngelicala itjho zttyt6thke.!ztty.a neztt~lo ~iye ngapho, ithi ~k':l6uya t~tbekt~e ngehnye tcala ezo nto, ize ~tht kunjalo tngene ngentloko emanzini ~wakhe kano6?m.amanzi, ithi yaku6uya apho tngene ngomstla tnge ayiku6uya iphinde ime ngohlo6o lwayo; kwagulwa nga6antu kwa- SJ ku6i. / EGYPT. Siy'e sangena ukumka kwomhla ngolwesi Eini (20 March) ealexandria yasejiphethe, idolophu e6anzi kakhulu, e6antu 6akuma inga6eentlanga ngeentlanga: Ama-Arab, ~rna~ c

5 JERUSALEM Slamsi, amafrentsi, amaphuthukezi, njalo-njalo. Ndifikele kwihotele yodidi, ekuthiwa yi Hotel Canal de Suez etsala iponti ngemini, apho kungekho lucalulo. Kuphawuleke apha uku6a a6antu a6anqula umahomet a6a6useli utywala ngenxa yomthetho wengqoboko ya6o; ngoko ke awakho amanxila. Ndiv'e se ndithetha ndedw 1 ndisithi akwa6a u6ukrestu o6afakwa kuthi 6a6ungeniswe kunye nomthetho o... ivalelayo entselweni; ngeyisindileyonke inyambalala yamadoda amaafrika ano6uchopho neziphiwo eziqwelileyo a the aphelela e6ungenini, afa engayenzelanga nto iafrika ngenxa yesi si6etho. Izinxi6o zama}iphethe yimibinqo ngokufanayo ku6afazi nakumadoda, phofu amanye amadodaanxi6eintoaphaengathizi6ubulukhwe eno6unkonty,o 6engwatyt.! ehlekisayo wakuyi- 6ona. Um6ala wesi sizwe ngowamalawu; yimilazinge (6am6alwa) nje a6antu a6amnyama njengathi na6o i6engamasudani (Negro) awayevele kumazwe asezantsi ngasenigeria. Ma ndingali6ali ukuthi apha ealexandria ndigul'e iintsuku zorn bini kwa ndisangena ehotel Canal de Suez yingqele enkulu esifu6eni nasemqaleni, ndalala nzima kungekho nomntu wokundivelela nokundinceda. Kude kwa6onakala ukuthi rna ndiziyele edolophini ndifune iyeza kwi Chemist ethile, kwathi ngokungavani ngentctho ndanyanzeleka uku6a ndithethe ngezandla ukuyichaza imilimokhwe yokuxinana kwesifu6a, kanti Bandiqondisisile, 6andinika inqo6o yeyeza eliyincangathi e6omvu, ndakhululeka. Ndi- EGYPT 25 nduluk'e ealexandria ngenjikalanga ngomhla wama. 2~ ~umarch ngololiwe ojonge kwicala lasen1 l:; z mu (South) onxusa umlambo inile es~ya ec iro.. Ngumlambo osimanga lo ; uhwaka leemaytle u6ude, uphuma kufuphi nedik~.laku6ag~nda eliyivictoria Nyanza apho kuna umvula ez1nkulu ukuze echwe6eni lase Alexandria ku6onwe amanzi ay o sel' ehamba phandle kweendonga zawo kuhl, rayelwc phezu kwawo inq holowa eyakuvutwa ~kuwutha amanzi. Yiloo nto ibayibile inendawo ethi "Lahla isonka sakho phezu kwamanzi amaninzi, waye uya kusivuna emva k\veentsuku ezininzi.'' Xa ukhangele emapini uyaku6ona uku6a lo mlambo ungena elwandle ealexandria sowunezibaxa eziliqela; zizonke zisekhulwini zikwangako neebloro zawo esiziwelileyo: Kuth'e singaneno kwecairo sangena komnye uloliwe osinga kulwandle olueomvu (Red Sea), ulwandle lwesihlanu koluhambo ku6a olwesine 6eluyiMediterranean Sea. Idolophu csihle kuyo e6usuku yikantara West, ekufuneke i6uye yahluzwa impahla yethu njengoko ingumda wokuphela kwejiphethe ukuya epalestina (Palestine). Siliwe]ile ke ulwandle ol'?eomvu ngcnqanawa, isithu6a esizimayile ez~m6alwa, saya kuhla kwenye idolophu eytkantara East, apho sifike silindelwe nga6antu a6aninzi a6aya kwa kule ntlanganiso siya kuyo ej erusalem, 6ona Bevela ngecala eliphuma emonti, njengoko 6e ndixelile ekuqaleni kweli Bali, nakumazwe

6 26 ase-indiya, njalo-njalo. JERUSALEM Japan, Singapore, China, PALESTINE. Uloliwe uphum'e ebusuku ekantara ebaleka ezweni lasepalestine sixinene ngendlela embi kanye. Ekuseni liqal'e 1aBonakala izwe lom Sindisi wethu elimhla 6a uthandeukuba mhlophe ngokwekalika, sabona imihlambi yeenkamela neembongolo ezithwele impahla, zimbi zingamaqegu abahambi, sabona nabalima umhlaba ngeepuluwa zemithi. Into ebe mbi kum kukungaphili lumfixane nesifu6a nokudinwa kwomzimba luhambo, ndiqonda ukuba ndingxamele ukuphelelwa libongo naligugu. Ummo weli lizwe uyelele kakhulu kwelase NxuBa nelasefafu (Graaff Reinet) ngemixawuka, nomragala, norexe, nokunyuka, njengakwiinta6a zokhahlamba (Drakensberg Mountains) ukusinga kwethu eziyone; yacaca apha inyaniso ethethwa yibayibile kwindumiso 122, ivesi 3, ethi Jerusalem wena wakhiweyo Ngokomzi ohlangeneyo wamnye Apho zinyuka ziye khona izizwe, Izizwe zika Yehova" ku6a wonke lo mhla6a sikuwo uyanyuka kanye. Okunene sid 'e sangena esitijini sasej erusalem ngentsimbi yesitho6a kusasa, igama lesitiji libalwe ngeelwimi ezintathu, isi-arab, nesi Yiddish (isijuda sanamhla) nesingesi. ABa- PALESTINE 27 phuthumi abasihlangabezileyo sifike Be6aninzi, 6asikhwelisa ezimotweni eziye kusifaka kwihotele egama liyinotre Dame edla ama 25 eejeleni ngemini. NgomGqiBelo (24 March) sifudukele kwintaba yeminquma (Mount of Olives) leyaa ikhankanywa futhi ezibalweni ezin gcwele njenge ndawo awayethanda ukuthi-gu Bucala u Y esu aphumle~thandazt-uyo. YintaBa enemithi emininzi yetninquma efana twaa nale yase South Africa, ekuthe ndakuqhawula amagqa6i ayo ndafika efana kanye nawasekhaya, eku6eni ndigoduk'e ndawathelekisa nawo. Loo nto yodwa i6'e nkulu kum njengobungqina Bezinto ezisezibalweni. ABathunywa Bale ntlanganiso 6eBonke Bafikile kuma 250, iingabeentlanganiso neelwimi ezikumajumi amahlanu, kukho nama-afrika aphuma enigeria naseluganda, izinxibo zabo nezamalndiya ziingamabala-bala abukekayo. Kule ndawo siyi6onele ingase NtJonalanga ijerusalem, isixeko esibantu Bangama 75,000, esizindlu zakhhve ngamatye, kwizitrata ezixinene kakhulu. Isitena asaziwa apha konke-na. La matye enza ukuba indlu idle imali eninzi; rna ndithi ukuzekelisa, indlu yomntu onjenge gqira ama 5,000 ukwakhiwa; yiloo nto ininzi njd' imali yeehotele. Ndifumene enqa6ile amakrestu; a6ona Bantu 6aninzi ngabanqula umahomete namaj uda kamosisi, achaseneyo namakrestu. Andiwali- 6ali amandla a6antu abanga6athwali 6eempahla kweli, Beyithwala ngomqolo, ama-arab nama Juda. Kwa impahla yam ezi "trunks" nee I I

7 28 JERUSALEM "suit-cases" ezinkulu ezifuna amadoda amafiini ekhaya, okanye inqwedlana, apha umntu us~ka afake intsontelo emiqhe6eni yayo yonke aytthwale l?la ngomhlana aye noku6a ku-phi ~ayo.. N~tncame xa kuphethwe ipiyane (n~geytyo 1-organ), le yona i6unzima 6uziponti eztma 800, oko kukuthi elingana neenxhowa ~z!ne ~om bona; ith'y~lwa yindoda enye emhlana ~Y;,se tyod~~ apho ts~wa khona noku6a inyuka 1- opstezt (up-statrs) yendlu. Ekucingeni ~warn Ia mancu~ avela kwisik~o lokulinganisa tnk~ mela y~ne. _Ith~a~a. ~onke i~to yeli lizwe ~.mtse6enztnt: uboktst, tztkhotjht ezinempahla, nnxhowa, kude kuye ematyeni okwakha izindlu endawa6ona ejingiswe ngeentsontelo macaleni oma6ini esi silo. Ngethamsanqa ndifionen'e apha nomntu endimaziyo udoctor Hamilton Dyke endamgqi6ela engumntwana oko ndandifunda esinaleni yasemorija elusuthu, engunyana wo~phathi wet~u khona ngonyaka we NJengoku6a ndtbala nje namhla {1940) sel'cfiuyele k\veli lizwe waligqira kwela6a TJwana; ngoko (1928) wayeligqira ejerusalem. N go6u6ele?fiukhulu undijikelezise ngemoto yakhe wandtsa egetsemane, nasebetani nase ~e~e~ehem?gomgqi.6~lo ngomhla we 7 'April, tmtnt endtya kuyth6ala ka-de. Siphum'e ngesango ekuthiwa yij affa Gate sehlela entia kwentlamboyehinome edume ngomlilo omkhulu wak~dala, sa6ona kufuphi apho indawo a6a~emt kuyo a6athunywa 6akaSenakerib 6e6tza a6akahezekiya ezindongeni (11 Kum. PALESTINE 18) nen duli yebunga lenkohlakalo (Hill of Evil Counsel) apho ukayafasi wayenendlu awathi amajuda a6ungela kuyo ukucefia uyesu. Ekusukeni apho sidlupe kumfula wezigefienga apho oonyana BakaAnaki 6a6emi khona(num. 13) nalapho udavide walwa amada6i amafiini namafilistiya (11 Sam. 5). Ngasekhohlo kwalathw'e intlambo ezahamba ngayo izilumko ezazilandela inkwenkwezi yo sana u Y esu nalapho zadi6ana khona na6alusi, kwa n'echi6i ezathi zisela kulo za6ona isithunzi saloo nkwenkwezi yasempumalanga eyayizikhokela zada zafi~a ejerusalem (Mat. 2). Kwa lapho naantso tndawo awaphuma kuyo uelija oko wayefialekela ehorebe, inta6a kathixo; ithi gqi ke ibeteleheme ikhazimla, kumi phambi kwayo induli yeparadesi apho uherode aku6a oyis'e uantigone (ngomnyaka 42 phambi kokuzalwa kwenkosi) wazakhela idolophu nobotwe lebongo, wangcwtyelwa kulo. Ukusuka ap~o.yi.ntsi~i awathi ~ Yesu edlula kuyo ngenye tmtnt ezthaml,ela (htfho kambe ifiali lafiantu noko lingekhoyo ebayibileni) wafiona indoda ihlwayela ii-ertyisi, wathi, "Uhlwayela nto ni na apho, mhlo6o warn?" Impendulo yathi "amatye." Wathi uyesu, "Uya kuvuna amatye ke." Okunene yathi loo ndoda mhla yaza kuvuna, yafika zonke iinkozo, e6izigqi6ele z~lungile, zijike zangamatye! Ngasekunene stkhe sema sondela inchwa6a likarakeli apho wafela khona umfazi kay ako6i esenimbeni -yokuzala ubenjamin, ekumkeni kwa6o ebethel

8 30 JERUSALEM 6efudukela ehebron (Gen. 35). Le ndawo inqulwa nga6antu 6eenkolo zonke, amaj uda kamosisi,amaslamsi kamahomete,namakholwa kakrestu, a6afazi 6alile esimantjiyane 6atJho ngesimbonono lusizi lokuvelana nomnye umfazi. Singen 1 ile ebeteleheme siy'e kundawo awazalelwa kuyo u Y esu, safika kumi phezu kwayo inzwana yetyalike e6izwa ngoku6a yi " Tyalike yokuzalwa kwe~,l{osi " (" Church of the Nativity"). Yeyona tyalike indala kuzo zonke ezikhoyo epalestina, ku6a y 1 akhiwa ngexeja likakumkanikazi uhelena, ngomnyaka 380, yaye ikuphela kwecawa esemi njengoko yakhiwa anj'alo. Ineentsika ezili 16 eziqingqwe zalingana zaphakama iinyawo ezima 20 iinye,ngelityeeli6uthelezi, elimhlophe, eligude ngokweglasi (marble). Ngango6ukhulu no- 6unzima 6azo andazi uku6a z 1 athwalwa njani na ukusiwa khona nokugxunyekwa? U6udala 6azo yiminyaka eli 1,400; isimanga som6ono, esi. Sifikexa ziphakathiiinkonzozesikhumbuzo sokufa kwenkosi ku6a yayilusuku olulandela ulwesihlanu olungcwele. Ngenxa yokufumbelana komhla6a iminyaka ngeminyaka oko yazalwayo inkosi, le tyalike se imi phezulu l 1 e kuyona ndawo zenzeka kuyo iziganeko ekungazo. Ngoko ke sinikw 1 e izi6ane zoku6a sihle sikhanyisa f!:gazo e6umnyame~ ngazo e6umnyameni kuinanyathelo (steps) ahlayo amatye ukuya esitalini kanye eso wa6elekeiwa kuso umntwana, sa6oniswa umkhumbi (manger) wamahaje apho wayesongelwe khona

9 PALESTINE 31 ngunina, 6aye a6afazi 6ethe gqolo ukulaanga ngeziphokolo (kisses) elo litye. Salathiswe nalapho iizaazi zasempumalanga zazihleli khona mhla zajiya izipho zegolide nentlaka'mhlophe. Eso si6ane ndisa sigcinile njenge sikhumbuzo sohambelo lwam apho. IBeteleheme le ya6e isisixeko sakwaj uda apho 6azalelwa khona oonkosi Elimeleki, nonaomi, nobohazi, noobede,nojesse, nodavide, noyesu. Funda ebayibileni kurute 1; 1 Sam. 16, 17; 11 Sam. 2; 23; 1 Kron. 11; Mika 5; Luka 2; Mat. 1; uzanelise. A6afazi 6aseBeteleheme, phantsi kweeqhiya zentloko 6anxi6a umnqwazana onamaqhoja athile athungelweyo ekuthiwa alatha inani lekhazi a6alotyolwe ngalo. La maqhoja 6awagcina ngenkathalo enkulu kunene. Kuthelekelelwa uku6a inkosi yayicinga ngawo mhla yathetha umzekeliso othi _;Pguwuphi na umfazi ongathi enamaqhoja akhe esilivere elijumi, elahlakelwe lelinye lawo, angancumeki isifiane, ayitjhayele indlu, alifune ngenzondelelo ade alifumane? K" akhona ama-arab alapha anesiko lawo lokuthi, xa a6antwana 6ese6ancinci, 6avule into enkulu efana nengu6o engqingqwa 6angenekuyo 6onke 6alalekunye a6azali o., na6antwana a6o 6ezisongele ngayo. Kuthiwa ke u Y esu wayecinga ngale nto ngokuya aze enze umzekeliso othi, wathi umntu akunqonqoza endlwini yothile, waala uthile lowo ukumvulela, ekhala ngelithi umnyango sel' ewuvalile, 6aye a6antwana 6akhe 6elele kuye esililini sakhe. )

10 32 JERUSALEM JERUSALEM 33 Indlela ephuma ebeteleheme iya ehebrone indawo cyaziwa nge6ali lika-abraham owathi efuna ukunchwa6a umkakhe usara wathenga umqolomba wak\vesikamakhaphela (Machpelah} owasuka wase wu6a yindawo yokunchwa- 6ela yena ngokwakhe, no Yisaka, norebeka, no Leya, no YakoBi omzimba waziswa apha uvela ejiphethe. Phezu kwalo mqolomba, namhla kumi iqakatye elikhulu letyalike yamasiamsi eyiwa nangamaj uda, aye kulila isimbonono kuyo yonke le minyaka imakhulu mahlanu imi. I-Hebron le liziko lamajijini awaye kho kwa kwixeja likadavide: ukwenziwa kweglasi, ukuluka u6oya 6ebokwe, ukuphaalwa kwezikhumba, uku6unjwa kweengqayi, urwe6o lweziqhamo (Funda kwinum. 13, ivesi 23). Xa ulapha sowukufuphi eberej eba (Beersheba), idolophu yokugqi6ela ngecala lasezantsi (South} lelizwe lamasirayeli, njengoko intetho eqhelekileyo yebayibile iye ithethe ngokusuka entia kwesikadan kuye eberej e6a, kodwa apha kuseluqayini ku6a yindawo eyodwa enohlaza (oasis) olurawulwe ngumqwe6edu wentlango. JERUSALEM. THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING. ISIXEKO SOKUMKANI OMKHULU. Ukuze le mbali ihambe kakuhle rna khe sichaze inkqu Jerusalem ngokupheleleyo, sandule uku6uya siphumele emaphandleni ayo. " Ee sesith 'e iilwimi zintathu ezisetyenziswa apha; kanti ke zazintath~. kw~ kudala ku6a umvangeli ujohane (19, nvest uthi "Kekaloku upilato wabala nombalo, wawu6eka phezu komnqamlezo. Kwaye ke kubaliwe kwathiwa: uyesu wase-nazarethe, ukumkani wamajuda. Lombalo ngoko into eninzi yamaj uda yawulesa; ngoku6a indawo u Y esu awaye6ethelelwe kuyo emnqamlezweni yayikufuphi n?m~i; kwaye ~e kubaliwe ngesihebere nangestgnke nangest Roma." ITEMPILE KASOLOMON. NgolwesiEini (3 April) si~ikw'e imbeko yoku6oniswa isikhundla setemptl~ kasolomon: IziBalo zithi eyakudala yayaakhtwe ngomtht waselebanone, koko ayisekho ley? ; namhla un1i ityalike (mosque) yamaslamst kamahomete (Mosque of Omar}, inzwana ekuth~w31 yenye yezona zakhiwo zihle ehla6athtnt. I6onakala ngokucacileyo na~haya phez.u kwe Ntaba yeminquma. Kwa. stsangena s~khululiswe izixathula kwathtwa rna sthambe ngeenyawo okanye siqeje ezamasl~~si, n~endaliso umntu ngamnye, hleze stytnchohse ngo6ukrestu 6ethu. U6u6anzi Bale ndawo yale Tempile (Temple Area) ngun1~la6a ozii-akile zima 35, phezu kwezo ndult ze Morija. Ama6ali ayo alijumi elina~ye, angumangaliso onke. Naanga: (1) Ytlaa ndawo uabraham wathunywa nguthixo oko-?

11 JERUSALEM ku6a atha6athe unyana wakhe amenze idini kuyo. Funda kwigenesis 22, iivesi {2) Yayisisanda sokubula inqholowa yamajebusi. (3) Yayisiikhundla seta6anekele yamhlamnene. (4) Kulapho udavide wamisa isi6ingelelo sakhe phezu kolo lwalwa lukhulu lukhoyo nang<:>ku. (5) USolomon waakha i Tempile yakhe apha eya6uya yatjhatyalaliswa ngamababilone ngomnyaka we 1,000 phambi kozalwo lwenkosi yethu. (6) Emva koko uzerubabeli waakha eyakhe itempile. (7) Wamisa eyakhe uherode wexeja lika Yesu emva koko. (8) Yadilizwa leyo ngutitusi. (9) Y avuswa nguhadriane, yena eyimisela isithixo esingu}upitere, kodwa yadilizwa ziintj a6a zakhe ngomnyaka wama 277 ezelwe uyesu. (10) Kwaakhiwa ityalike ngoku ngu- J ustiniane ngomnyaka wama 530, umfo owayevela ebyzantiume, kodwa (II) amasiamsi kamahomete ayithimba ngomnyaka wama 600 yayeyawo unanamhla, ku6a elawo i6ango lithi umahomete umnt' akathixo wayelapha, wada ekupheleni ko6omi 6akhe wanyuselwa ezulwini ehleli, ekhwel 1 e phezu kwenka6i yakhe e6omvu yehaje lo6u-gqi (magic), waza watjhonela phezulu emafini unangoku. Naaso ke isiz~ e,k~i soku6a thina sifike kuphethe wona kule ndawo, nomnqu6a ingowawo. Ngenxa yokufumbelela kwomhla6a ethu6eni leminyaka ngeminyaka, neenkulungwane ngeenkulungwane, ulwalwa lwamhla-mnene lwesi6ingelelo sika Abraham selukwindawo esezantsi emakuhliwe INCHWAEA LENKOSI 35 ngezi6ane kuma6anga (steps) amatye, lu6onakale ulwalwa olu lusesithoko-thokweni so6umnyama. Yayilapha laa Tempile uyesu wayesakujumayela futhi kuyo, ukuze ngenye imini abukuqe iitafile za6aananisi 6eemali, a6a6ethe a6arwe6i ngenz,iniya (kutjhiwo ngomnye '!m6alisi). Y~ndaw?.ey~6a ~oloko isisazulu estraqwe ztzakhtwo eztntnzt. Ltlapha isango eli Hie (The Golden Gate) a wan gena ngalo u Yesu ngo6ugora ekhokele isihlwele sa6alandeli. Imbali yokubulwa kwenqholowa ikwizikronike zokuqala, isahluko sama 21 ; eyemithi eyasetyenziswa ng~solo~on. ikwincwadi yokuqala yookumkant, 5, uvest ~-10: Malunga ne6ali likamahomete, amaslamst atht igama lehaje lakhe lalingubarukhe ("Urn Bane") inka6i eyayinamaphiko okubaba, neyababa ngawo ukuze iye kutjho phezulu ezulwini l INCHWABA LENKOSI. IN chwa6a len Kosi yenye yezona ndawo zifunwa uku6onwa nga6antu a6ahambele ij erusalem; lona ligqunywe ngumthunzi we Cawa enkulu yamatjhetjhi egama lithi "ITyalike yenchwa6a elingcwele" (The Church of the Holy Sepulchre) emi phezu kwendulana yegologota, ikalvari, imelene nendawo awaxhonywa kuyo ekuthiwa linchwa Ba likajosefu wasearimateya. Phantsi kwayo, naphezulu nasemacaleni ziintunja ngeentunja

12 36 JERUSALEM zokuhamba kwa6antu emnyameni emiqolombeni eyenz'iwa kumaxefa ngamaxefa kwelithu6a leenkulungwane zimbini ekuthe kulo wafenxa umhla6a, kwadilizwa futhi ziimfazwe. Ama6andla ngama6andla aqhu6a iinkonzo zawo ngaxefa nye apha: elamafranciscans libedefa ngesilatin, elamagrike ngesigrike, elamakoptiki ngesijiphethe, aphamba-phambane amazwi a6o okucula nokuthetha ku6a 6onke 6agumbini linye, 6atfho ngesivu6e-vu6e. NamaAbyssinia alapha phezu kophahla nge6ango loku6a azalwa ngusolon1on nge Kumkanikazi yaseleba, yaye ityeya yoce6ano yamandulo yafihlwa ndaweni ithile ezweni lawo ekwathi mhla yafika eafrika wa6a uyehova uwalahlile amasirayeli wafaka ama Abyssinia endaweni yawp e6ukumkanini 6akhe. INTABA YEMINQUMA. Inta6a yeminquma nayo ineembali zayo: Kudala kwakukho ififini lokwenza amafutha akhanywa kule mithi. Iyodwa imithi esibozo emikhulu, imixanduva eziqu ngathi ngamatye, e6udala 6uziinkulungwane. U mntu walapha uyalatha ngomnwe indawo awathi kuyo uj udasi wayingcatfha inkosi ngokuyaanga, athi naantsi. Imithi le noku6a asiyiyo kanye leya u Yesu wayesakuphumla phantsi kwayo, yinzala yayo. Umhla6a wale minquma wayamene nehlathana legetsemane. " N gelo INTAEA YEMINQUMA 37 xeja ufika uyesu na6o kumhlatyana ekuthiwa yigetsemane; athi ku6afundi, Hlalani phantsi apha, ndikhe ndiye kuthandaza phaya." (Mat. 26 ivesi 36). Nathi siy'e egetsemane ngo6usuku bolwestne o6andulela ulwesihlanu olungcwele, saya kuthandaza ithu6a elide sicinga mhla u Yesu wathandaza u6usuku 6onke esezintlungwini zokulindela uku6ulawa kwakhe ngengomso. ljmhla6a walapha une- 6ala elimhlophe. Ndiwukhile ngenxhowana ndawugcina ndada ndagoduka nawo ; usekum unanamhla. Ukusuka egetsemane ukuya edolophini ejerusalem umntu uqala awele umfulana wekidrone okhankanywa futhi ebayibileni ku6a nguwo owahlula induli yemin quma kwidolophu le. Inkolo yamajuda namaslamsi ithi umgwe6o wokugqi6ela uya kusingathelwa kule ntlanjana 'yekidrone; amanzi ayo angenela kwisihlambo sikajehojafate. Enye indawo e6alulekileyo ludonga lwezijwili (The Wailing Wall), okanye ilongwe lezililo, olu6ude 6ungamanyathelo (yards) ama 50, umphakamo uzinyawo (feet) ezitra 60; lw'enziwa ngamatyekazi amakhulu ekuthe ezimfanteni zawo kwada kwamila incha, namara6e, notyuthu. Kuthiwa oludonga luyintsalela eyajiyeka kwitempile okuya yayidilizwe ngu Titus. AmaJuda ke eza apha ukuza kulilela ukubanga ko6ukumkani 6ukaSirayeli, nokutfha6alala ko6undanga-ndanga no6ukhazi-khazi 6a6o 6afamli6e. Isiko lokulila lisiko elidala

13 38 JERUSALEM emaj udeni, nelivakala futhi kwitestamente end ala: Funda kumika 1, ivesi yesi ~' "Ngoko ke ndiya kumbambazela, ndibomboloze; ndiya kuhamba ndibunyulwe, ndajiywa ndi-ze; ndiya kukhala njenge mpungutye. ndilile njenge ncini6a." (I will make a wailing like the dragons and mourning as the owls: Ndiya kwenza isimema esifana nesezinyo6olokondwane nesinqhala esifana nesezikhova). Funda kulsaya 59, iivesi 10-11: "Siyaphutha-phutha njengemfama eludongeni; siya phutha-phutha njenga 6angenamehlo; sikhu6eka emini enkulu ngathi kungonchwalazi, phakathi kwa6axhamla u6omi ngathi singa6afileyo. Siya vungama njengebere sonke siphela; sidumzela sidumzele njenga maho6e ka6uhlungu." Ngalo nyaka wohambelo lwam umlungiseleli wamatjhethi ejerusalem yayingu Bishop Macinnes ( osel' eswelekile namhla), umntu ono6u6ele, kakhulu, nowatha6atha inkxamleko ukusi 6onisa esi sixeko sakhe. Wasalathisa ichi6i lesiloam, esithi ikufuphi apho indawo awazalelwa kuyo usamu weli nenchwa6a lakhe; nentlambo eyihinome eyayinomlilo omkhulu wesikhohlakali sakudala umoloki ; nendawo apho wazixhoma khona emthini uj udasi; nendlu kadavide okanye inxowa layo ; nodonga luka U zziah noluka N ehemiya olunezi6akala ezisemi okoko ; nenkundla elathethwa kuyo ityala lika Y esu ngupilato ukuze agwetywe; nechi6i lebetesayida; nesango la6apostile IINTABA YEMINQUMA 39 ekuthiwa lelihle. Ngenye imini 'usihambise endleleni yamatye e6izwa ngoku6a yin dlela yosizi (Via Dolorosa) apho wanyathela khona umsindisi ngeentsuku zokumangalelwa kwakhe. NgeCawa yomhla 1 April usikhokele wasisa kwindlela ephuma ngasebetani sahamba singumkhoko, ngomkhondo awayekhwele ngawo etholeni lembongolo u Y esu, esandlalelwa amahlamvu ~sundu, uhambo olwaluyinkonzo, umntu allambe ethandaza, engancokoli nosecaleni lakhe. IBetani le izimayile ezintathu endleleni esinga ejeriko. Ukusuka khona sinyuk'e iqhina elide ngendlela eyenziwe phakathi kwamatye amhlophe aphantse ukungathi ngamaqhekeza ekalika; u6uso 6ethu 6ukhangele entjjionalanga ngecala le Jerusalem, inta6a yeminquma ikwingalo yasekunene. Ngenxa yo6unzima 6eqhina, sihambe si6eka iphika, kodwa kwakho mthuny\va uthile osel' eyindoda eqinileyo ino6u ~hathaka 6entliziyo, si,6on'e igileka isiwa tphelelwe ngamandla (fainting).!bange usizi le nto, kwemiswa, wathantanyiswa wada wa 6uya waxomoloza, kwahanjwa, yena etyhalwa emqolo yenye indoda ekwakhulile, mna ndancedisa ukutyhala loo ndoda sada saligqi6a iqhina. Kuthe xa sivela phezu komfula wekidrone kwisihlambo sikajehojafate, umkhoko wemiswa, wathi ubishop Macinnes kulapho u Y esu waqala khona ukukhwela embongolweni etfhayelelwa nga6antwana a6avuma ingoma engu "Hosana." Siqhu6ele D

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