The Legumes - Fabaceae

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1 The Legumes - Fabaceae

2 Legume Introduction Second only to the grasses in their importance to humans and our domestic animals. Every major civilization has been based on a legume as well as a cereal grain. Legumes are by definition all members of the Fabaceae or Leguminosae (old name for this group). This is a large family with perhaps 18,000 species.

3 Foods peas peanuts soybeans kidney & pinto beans green beans fava beans lima beans chick-peas (Garbanzo beans) black-eyed peas lentils Legume examples Forage alfalfa red clover white clover sweet clovers vetches cowpeas Trees carob mesquite locust (honey & black) mimosa

4 What is a legume? Dicots Distinctive flowers and pods Flowers are usually bilaterally symmetrical, papilionoid like a butterfly with wings Fruit is a legume (dry dehiscent fruit - two lines of dehiscence) with one row of seeds Seeds rich in oil (up to ca. 50%) and protein (e.g., 15-50%)

5 Legume Fruits

6 Legume seeds Important food staple worldwide Rich in both oil and protein Higher in protein than any other food plants Close to animal meat in protein quality Often called "poor man's meat" What is a Pulse? Pulse: from the Latin puls meaning thick soup or potage, pulses are the edible seeds of plants in the legume family.

7 Three groups of Legumes Faboideae Flowers zygomorphic and papilionoid, with standard (banner), 2 wings, 2 fused keel petals. Stamens 10, diadelphous, 9 united + 1 free

8 Three groups of Legumes Caesalpinoideae Flowers winged, but somewhat irregular Banner is usually located interior to the wings 10 stamens that are free and often unalike Cercis (Redbud), Caesalpinia

9 Three groups of Legumes Mimosoideae Inflorescence a ball of stamens Flowers actinomorphic Mimosa, Acacia stamens corolla calyx an individual flower

10 Nitrogen Nitrogen essential elements for all living organisms major component of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids Nitrogen gas (N 2 ) about 79% of the air most living organisms cannot use this form of nitrogen. N2 gas has triple bond, hard to break Most flowering plants must absorb nitrate or ammonium nitrogen through the roots.

11 Non-legume plants Can not fix nitrogen Must rely on the nitrogen compounds present in the soil During decomposition microorganisms break down proteins and other nitrogen-containing molecules into ammonium NH 4 +

12 Nitrogen Cycle (without legumes) Non-legume plants bacteria NO 3 NH 4 bacteria NO 2 bacteria

13 Nitrogen-fixing bacteria Certain bacteria and cyanobacteria have ability to reduce nitrogen (N 2 ) gas to ammonium NH 4 + cells can convert NH 4 + to compounds called Nitrogen-fixation organisms are called nitrogen-fixing have special enzyme Nitrogenase that can break the triple bond of N2

14 Nitrogen Fixation in Legumes The roots of most legumes form associations with bacteria that can fix atmospheric nitrogen. These Rhizobium species live in nodules on the roots. They provide free fertilizer.

15 Root Nodules Rhizobium bacteria form symbiotic relationships with roots Legume produce nodules with Rhizobium inside, site of nitrogen fixation

16 Formation of Root Nodule


18 Soil Innoculent

19 Legumes as fertilizer Because of nitrogen fixation in root nodules, legumes enrich the soil Farmers often rotate legumes with crops that deplete soil nitrogen (soybean & corn) "Green manure" crops plowed sometimes Reduces need for fertilizers - even in poor soils Azolla water-fern also has a symbiotic association with a nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, used to fertilize rice paddies.

20 Nutritional Aspects

21 Nutritional value of legumes Legumes rich in protein (nitrogen). Many are in the 20-30% range. Legumes also contain some fats but usually less starches than cereal grains. Split Peas

22 Nutritional value of legumes Amino acid composition different from that of cereal grains. Legume seeds have more of some amino acids than cereal grains. Need to combine with grains to get complete protein Seeds of almost all legumes are toxic if eaten uncooked because of proteins or peptides that inhibit digestive enzymes.

23 Important points Legumes fix nitrogen Legumes rich in protein Legumes easily stored and harvested

24 Maize and Beans - Complementary Traditional staples in Central and South America Nutritionally complementary Beans rich in amino acids deficient in corn and vitamin niacin Corn rich in amino acids deficient in beans Ecologically complementary Poly-cropping Crop rotations Well adapted to low inputs

25 Essential amino acids Not manufactured by body Must be consumed in diet Red: low in grain, high in beans Green: high in grain, low in beans isoleucine leucine tryptophan lysine methionine phenyalanine threonine valine histidine

26 Companion Planting the 3 Sisters corn, beans, squash

27 A Poisonous Legume Abrus precatorius Precatory Bean Abrin toxin, one of most toxic substances known 1 crushed seed can be fatal if ingested

28 Domestication of legumes At first, wild small-seeded legumes consumed. Lentils are one of oldest domesticated legumes By 6000 B.C., lentils, peas, vetch (Vicia sp.), bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia), and garbanzos were already cultivated. In Africa Vigna by 2000 B.C. In the Americas, Phaseolus coccineus in Tamps., Mexico, by 5000 B.C. wild harvested.

29 Domestication of legumes By 4000 B.C., P. vulgaris and P. lunatus were cultivated in Peru. Many domesticated legumes have lost the ability to reseed themselves. Pods of cultivars are indehiscent (hold their seeds).

30 Domestication of legumes centers of origin Near East and Europe: peas, broad beans, lentils, and garbanzos. New World: common beans, lima beans, and peanuts South East Asia and China: soy beans, mung beans (Vigna aureus) and adjuki bean (Vigna mungo). Africa: black-eyed pea, pigeon pea.

31 Legumes Changes Under Domestication 1. Annual habit, selfing breeding system 2. Less seed scattering 3. Greater seed size 4. Synchronous fruiting 5. Loss of dormancy - question: which came first, domestication or loss of dormancy? Recent studies no common set of domesticated genes

32 Beans Black Turtle Beans, Cannellini Beans, Flageolet Beans, French Navy Beans, Great Northern, Green Split Peas, light Red Kidney Beans, Pinto Beans, Cranberry Beans, and Yellow Split Peas.

33 Beans and peas -- Pulses Some of the oldest and most common food crops Good source of protein average about 25% for beans and 21% for peas Traditionally cultivated for dry seeds Some varieties today have edible pods Beans warm season annuals Peas grown during the cooler seasons

34 Common Edible Beans & Peas Black-eyed peas Butter beans Chick peas Fava (broad) beans Green beans Green peas Kidney bean Lentils Lima beans Mung beans Navy bean Pinto beans Snow peas Split peas Wax bean

35 Beans, Beans, Beans Selection for the variations in the seed in color and size have produced a bewildering number of variants, several of which have widespread use in our country. Kidney bean Black bean Pinto bean

36 Common beans - Phaseolus vulgaris Kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, green beans, wax beans, and snap beans are all Phaseolus vulgaris. Domesticated in Mexico and South America. Domesticated several times. Fossil cultivated beans go back 7000 years in Mexico and almost as far in Peru.

37 Navy Beans Phaseolus vulgaris Frequently served to sailors at sea Small in size and compatible in flavor and texture. Baked beans, soups, salads, casseroles, or ethnic dishes

38 Pinto Beans Phaseolus vulgaris Pinto means painted in Spanish Get their name from their mottled beige and brown skin Staple in the diets of Mexico and the American Southwest. Found in stews, chili, refried beans, and dips

39 Black Turtle Beans Phaseolus vulgaris Medium to small, with a shiny black coat or skin, small white eye or spot, a creamy white interior, Pleasant earthy flavor Color retained when cooked. Native to South and Central America Popular in southern U.S. Served with rice, in salads, dips, stews, and thick soups, especially in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Spain.

40 Kidney beans Phaseolus vulgaris Common in chili Most consumed legume in the U.S.

41 Butter beans, Lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus Usually tropical perennials Independently domesticated in Mexico and South America Oldest cultivated from Peru ( ,000 years old). Cultivated from Canada to Argentina in 1492 Some varieties with toxic cyanide unless cooked properly (not in the U.S. and Europe)

42 Peas (Pisum sativum) Peas actually a variety of different kinds. Green peas, lentils, black-eyed peas, chick peas, snow peas. An extremely old crop from the Near Eastern center. Go back at least 9000 years. They may have also come from Ethiopia and Central Asia.

43 Peas - Pisum sativum In the Middle Ages in Europe, dried peas made up a major part of the diet of peasants. Still very important there, especially in Eastern Europe. People didn't eat "green peas" until about the 1700's. Peas are the fourth most important legume crop world wide.


45 Lentils - Lens Lens culinaris genus name refers to shape of seeds

46 Lentils - Lens culinaris Among the most ancient of cultivated crops years in the Near East. Lentils found in archaeological sites before that, but as is the case for cereal grains, it is difficult to sort out what is cultivated and what is not. By 2200 B.C., they appear in Egyptian tombs.

47 Lentils - Lens culinaris Lentils especially high in protein. Lentils drought resistant. Lentils particularly important in India today. Many different kinds of "dhal". In the U.S. mostly cultivated in Washington and Idaho in the Palouse Prairies.

48 Broad Beans Vicia faba Native to North Africa, southwest and south Asia, Extensively cultivated elsewhere. Among the most ancient plants in cultivation, 8,800 years. Major food of old Mediterranean civilizations, particularly for the Romans and Ancient Greeks Favism type of anemia, common in Mediterranean people, aggravated in susceptible individual by Vicia alkaloids

49 Fava Beans with tomato, bacon, in salads

50 Garbonzos, Chick-Peas Cicer arietinum Hummus Falafel

51 Peanuts

52 Peanut Arachis hypogaea peanut, ground nut, goober central South America

53 Peanut - Arachis hypogea Also called goobers and groundnuts Unusual plant After pollination the flower stalk grows downward pushing the developing fruit into the soil Fruit matures underground - typically with two seeds (peanuts)

54 The Underground Crop

55 Peanut - Arachis hypogaea Originated in Peru; > 15,000 varieties Flowers above ground, after pollination the flower stalk pushes the fruit into the soil, fruit matures underground into a pod. Seed has two large cotyledons. Seed contains 45%-50% oil, 25%-35% protein. 50% of U.S. crop used for peanut butter. Promoted by George Washington Carver to reinvigorate southern agriculture after the Civil war.

56 George Washington Carver - ( ) American botanist, chemist, and inventor. Born into slavery in SW Missouri College professor, Tuskegee, Alabama Revolutionized Southern Agriculture crop rotation methods agricultural products Philanthropist and Role model

57 George Washington Carver MBG

58 G.W. Carver "Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." "There is no short cut to achievement. Life requires thorough preparation - veneer isn't worth anything."

59 Versatility of the peanut George Washington Carver ( ) Developed over 300 food and industrial uses for the peanut Encouraged its cultivation in the South Revitalized Southern agriculture exhausted by years of cotton cultivation Also introduced other soil-enriching legumes like soybean

60 Peanut oil Found in margarine, shortening, salad dressing, and cooking oil Soaps, cosmetics, and shaving cream Industrial products such as plastics and paints Pressed cake that remains after the extraction of oil is used as a high protein livestock feed

61 Peanut Production US is the world s third largest producer, after China and India. The US is one of the world s leading peanut exporters In 2012, 49% of US peanuts production, in pounds, occurred in Georgia. In 2012, the US produced over 6.7 billion pounds of peanuts

62 Soybeans Glycine max

63 Soybean - Glycine max Relatively new to the West but used in the Orient for centuries Domesticated in northern China at least 3000 years ago Although soybeans were introduced to Europe quite early, they never became popular. In Pennsylvania by Benjamin Franklin was sent a sample of seeds and both he and Thomas Jefferson grew them. Until 1940's never common in the United States.

64 Soybean harvest

65 soybeans

66 Soybeans - Glycine max About 38% protein and 18% fats and oils. Higher protein content than beef The amino acid content is especially good. Serve as a source of edible oils. In the Orient, soybeans are eaten in many different ways. Converted to miso, tofu, soy milk, soy sauce, curd, cheeses, and greens (sprouts).

67 Soybean Products Oriental Foodstuffs: Miso, Tofu, Tempeh, Soy Milk, Soy Sauce Soybean Oil widely used Soy proteins added to many products Soy lecithin widely used in chocolate products Non-food uses - inks, plastics, cleaners

68 32 mg DHA Omega-3 per serving 7 grams of heart-healthy soy protein Excellent source of calcium 100% cholesterol-free Low in saturated fat Free of dairy, lactose, gluten, casein, egg and MSG Verified Non-GMO No artificial colors, flavors or funny business Soymilk

69 Soy milk raw soy beans soaked overnight then drained. beans pulverized as boiling water poured over them. resultant mash will have the consistency of mashed potatoes. mash is ladled into boiling water, like dumplings, and allowed to boil gently for about 10 minutes. CRUCIAL STEP: certain enzyme in the bean is broken down during this time. If the enzyme is not destroyed, the Soy protein will not be humanly digestible. resulting slurry is filtered. The liquid is Soy Milk, and the pulp is called Okara. Okara is good for mixing with flour to make bread, feeding to the pigs, or fertilizer.

70 Tofu Excellent source of protein Low in calories and sodium Cholesterol-free Great source of calcium and iron

71 Tofu - soy curd Boil soymilk for 5 to 10 minutes. Cool down to about 170 to 180 degree F. Prepare coagulant Calcium sulfate or magnesium chloride Pour the prepared coagulant solution slowly into the soymilk while gently stirring the soymilk. Transfer coagulated dispersion into a mold lined with cheesecloth. Store in cold water, change soaking water daily.

72 Other soybean foods Miso - (from Japan) prepared from soybeans, salt, and rice; fermented by fungi for a several months and then ground into a paste and used as a spread, in soups, etc Tempeh- (from Indonesia) fermented soybean cakes made by inoculating parboiled soybeans with a fungus and allowing it to grow for a few days. The fungal mycelium binds the soybeans together into a cake which can be sliced and cooked in various ways

73 More Soy Products Textured vegetable protein (TVP) Produced by spinning the soy protein into long slender fibers Picks up flavors from other substances Made into imitation meats and used as meat extenders Lecithin - common food additive Lipid extracted from soybeans Stabilizes and extends the shelf life Added to packaged foods - cake mixes, instant beverages, whipped toppings, and salad dressings

74 Food uses Soybean oil Cooking oil, salad oil, margarine, shortening, and prepared salad dressings Americans consume almost 6 gallons per year Industrial uses Paints, inks, soaps, cosmetics, biodiesel fuel Soybean-based "plastic" car body built by Henry Ford in 1940 Are GMOs 100% natural?


76 Carob Ceratonia siliqua Cultivated in the Near East for thousands of years. Fruits have long been used to feed livestock. Carob currently used as a chocolate substitute and as a source of "locust gum". Used as cocoa substitute, a natural sweetener, caffeine free, low in calories and fats.

77 Tamarind Tamarinds (Tamarindus indica) have been used in tropical Africa and Asia for thousands of years. The sticky pulp surrounding the seeds has a sour taste and is the part used. Used in many types of sauces, drinks, candy Bentley and Trimen, Medicinal Plants

78 Tamarind

79 Lead tree - Leucaena leucocephala Mimosoid tree native to Mexico and Central America Fast-growing, 30 ft/year Widely planted around world for forestation Highly invasive in many countries Forms dense thickets These trees less than 2 years old

80 Alfalfa Medicago sativa

81 Alfalfa Medicago sativa Perennial forage legume Native to Persia The most cultivated forage legume in the world, Mostly northern and western US, 29 million acres in US alone Used as grazing, hay, silage Deep root system, resistant to drought Primary use is as feed for high-producing dairy cows GMO Round-up Ready approved by USDA


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