Beef Olive with Potatoes

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2 Index 1. Beef Olives with Potatoes Braġjoli biz- Zalza u l-patata 2. Octopus Stew Stuffat tal-qarnit 3. Fish Soup- Aljotta 4. Baked Rice- Ross il- Forn 5. Gozo Pizza Pizza Għawdxija 6. Beef Stew Stuffat Taċ-Ċanga 7. Macoronelli with Ircotta Makaronelli bl-irkotta 8. Rabbit Stew with Spaghetti Stuffat bil-fenek bl-ispaghetti 9. Bread Pudding Pudina tal-ħobż 10. Maltese Easter Sweet- Figolla ta L-Għid 11. Prickly Pear Sorbet Bajtar Sorbet

3 For the Beef Olive Beef Olive with Potatoes 6 thin slices of lean beef 3 sliced hardboiled eggs 6 slices of bacon 1 maltese sausage Edam cheese Chopped ham For the sauce 2 onions 1 carrot 200g frozen peas Tomato paste White wine For the potatoes 4 large potatoes Olive oil Worchester sauce Mixed herbs Method Beat each slice of meat flat with a kitchen mallet and spread them out on your work surface. Prepare the stuffing by mixing the chopped bacon, Maltese sausage, chopped edam cheese, chopped ham, sliced boiled egg. Heap a tablespoon or two of the stuffing onto each beef slice. Roll the meat slices lengthwise over the stuffing, and fasten together with wooden toothpicks. For the sauce, chop thinly the onions and fry them in a little oil. When the onion browns add the carrots and peas and leave to fry. Add the tomato paste and a little white wine and leave to simmer. Transfer the beef olives to the sauce and simmer for 45 minutes. Chop the potatoes into dice and boil them in some water until tender. When ready, lay the potatoes on a try and drizzle with olive oil, worchester sauce and mixed. Put the tray under the grill until the potatoes become golden brown. When the beef olives are ready, remove and serve with the sauce and potatoes. Season with chopped parsley.

4 Għall-bragjoli Bragjoli biz-zalza u l-patata 6 biċċiet ċanga 3 bajdiet mgħollijin 6 biċċiet bacon 1 zalzett tal-malti Ġobon edam Perżut imqatta Għaz-zalza Żewġ basliet Karrottu 200g piżelli Polpa tat-tadam Inbid abjad Għall-patata 4 patatiet kbar Żejt taż-żebbuġa Worchester sauce Mixed herbs Metodu Iftaħ il-biċċiet tal-laħam u b martell tal-kċina sabbat biex tiċċatja l-laħam u iftaħhom fuq platt. Ipprepara il-mili għal ġol-braġjoli billi tqatta l-bacon, izzalzett tal-malti, il-ġobon edam, il-perżut u il-bajd mgħolli, u ħallat kollox f daqqa ġo reċipjent. F kull biċċa laħam, itfa żewġ mgħaref mili, dawwar il-laħam malmili u aqfilhom b żewġ toothpicks. Meta niġu għaz-zalza, qaxxar u qatta l-basal irqiq, u ġo tagħġen aqlihom ġo ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa. Meta il-basal jieħu il-kulur, itfa il-karrotti mqattgħin u il- piżelli u ħallihom jinqlew mal-basal. X ħin tarahom isiru u jieħdu l-kulur itfagħlhom iz-zalza tat-tadam u ftit inbid abjad, u ħalli z- zalza ttektek fuq nar baxx. Kif tibda ttektek iz-zalza, poġġi l- braġjoli fuq iz-zalza u ħallihom itektku maz-zalza għal 45 minuta u mat-taħlita itfa ftit inbid oħra, u ħalli kollox itektek fuq nar baxx. Qaxxar il-patata u aqtagħha roti roti u għallihom ġo ftit ilma. Meta jkunu saru, poġġihom ġo tray, u roxx fuqhom ftit żejt tażżebbuġa, worchester sauce, u ftit mixed herbs biex tagħtihom aktar togħma. Kif tlesti, poġġi t-tray tal-patata taħt il-grill sakemm jieħdu kulur dehbi. Meta l- braġjoli jsiru, servihom fuq platt bil-patata u z-zalza u ftit tursin imqatta fil- wiċċ.

5 Octopus Stew Ingredients: 800g octopus 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 large onions 2 cloves garlic 10 olives Fresh mint 4 potatoes 2 green peppers 400g tomato puree 250ml red wine Small lemon 250g peas Salt & pepper Mint and marjoram Method: Clean and wash the octopus and cut in small portions. Boil the octopus in salted water until tender. Meanwhile saute the onions, garlic and green peppers for several minutes until soft. Add the tomato puree and keep cooking for another 2 minutes. Pour in the red wine, olives, potatoes, mint and the cooked octopus. Squeeze in the lemon and season with salt and pepper. Simmer very slowly for about 1 hour stirring occasionally so as not to allow the stew to dry out. Should this happen, always add a little hot water. Towards the end of the cooking time, add the peas. When ready serve on an oval plate and garnish with mint, marjoram and a slice of lemon.

6 Stuffat tal-qarnit Ingredjenti: 800g qarnit 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 2 basliet kbar 2 sinniet tewm 10 żebbuġiet Ħabaq frisk 4 patatiet 2 bżar aħdar 400g puree tat-tadam 250ml inbid aħmar Lumija żgħira 250g piżelli Bżar u melħ Metodu Naddaf u aħsel il-qarnit u qattagħha f biċċiet żgħar. Għalli l-qarnit ġo ilma mielaħ sakemm issir tarija. Wara aqli l-basal, tewm u bżar aħdar għal ftit minuti. Żid ilpuree tat-tadam u kompli sajjar għal żewġ minuti. Żid l-inbid aħmar, żebbuġ, patata, ħabaq u l-qarnit. Għasar il-lumi u żid il-bżar u l-melħ. Ħallieh itektek għal siegħa filwaqt li tħawwad minn ħin għall-ieħor biex ma jixxuttax. Jekk jixxotta, żid ftit misħun. X ħin ikun kważi sar żid il-piżelli. Servi fuq platt ovali u żejjen bi ftit merqtux, nagħnieh u biċċa lumija.

7 Fish Soup Ingredients 800g small fish 2 onions 2 cloves crushed garlic 2 tablespoons oil 5 tomatoes 1 bay leaf 4 potatoes Some fresh mint 1 tablespoon tomato puree Half a cup rice 2 litres fish stock Salt & pepper 1 lemon Method Fry the onions and garlic until tender. Add the peeled tomatoes with seeds removed and cut into small pieces. Then, add the tomato puree and all the herbs. Pour in the fish stock and allow the mixture to simmer gently for 30 to 45 minutes. Remove from heat and pass everything through a sieve. Return the soup to the pan, add the rice and cook until the rice is tender. Squeeze some lemon juice and serve.

8 Aljotta Ingredjenti: 800g ħut żgħir 2 basliet 2 sinniet tewm imfarrka 2 mgħaref żejt 5 tadamiet 1 werqa randa 4 patatiet Ftit ħabaq frisk Mgħarfa puree tat-tadam Nofs kikkra ross 2 litri stokk tal-ħut Bżar u melħ lumija Metodu: Aqli l-basal u t-tewm fiż-żejt. Żid it-tadam imqaxxar, mingħajr żerriegħa u imqatta f bicciet żgħar. Żid il-puree tat-tadam u l-ħwawar. Itfa l-istokk tal-ħut u ħalliha ttektek għal 30 jew 45 minuta. Neħħi minn fuq in-nar u għaddi kollox minn ġo passatur. Erġa poġġi kollox fil-borma, żid ir-ross u sajjar sakemm isir irross. Għasar ftit lumi u servi.

9 Ingredients: (For the Sauce) 2 tablspoons olive oil 2 onions peeled and chopped 250g minced chicken or beef 6 garlic cloves peeled and chopped 400g tomatoes chopped 2 tablespoons tomato paste 200g peas fresh or frozen 1 tablespoon fresh basil chopped Baked Rice (For the baked rice) 400g rice medium grain 2 eggs beaten 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese 1 litre of water Method: Pre-heat the oven to 230c/Gass Mark 8. (To prepare the sauce) Heat the olive oil in a deep non-stick frying pan and saute the onion until golden. Add the meat and garlic and cook until the meat is well browned. Blend in the tomatoes, tomato paste, peas and basil and simmer covered for about 15 minutes or until the sauce begins to thicken. (To prepare the baked rice) Put the rice in the baking pan, add the eggs, sauce, half of the cheese and the water, and mix well. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top. Put the baking dish in the oven and cook for about 20 minutes. Take the dish out of the oven and stir all the ingredients together. Put back in the oven and cook for another 45 minutes or until the top is golden and all the water has been absorbed.

10 Ingredjenti: (għaz-zalza) 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 2 basliet imqaxxrin u mqatta 250g ikkapuljat tat-tiġieġ jew ċanga 6 sinniet tewm inqaxxra u mqatta 400g tadam imqatta roti roti 2 imgħaref kunserva 200g piżelli friski jew iffriżati Mgħarfa ħabaq frisk mqatta (għar-ross) 400g ross 2 bajdiet imħabbta 2 imgħaref ġobon maħkuk Litru ilma Ross il-forn Metodu: Il-forn irid ikun 230c/Gass Mark 8 (Biex tħejji z-zalza) Saħħan iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa ġo taġen u aqli l-basla sakemm issir. Żid il-laħam u t-tewm, u saħħan sew. Ħallat it-tadam, kunserva, piżelli u ħabaq u ħallieħ isir għal madwar kwarta jew sakemm iz-zalza ssir. (Biex tipprepara r-ross) Itfa r-ross fid-dixx u żid il-bajd, iz-zalza, nofs ilġobon u l-ilma u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Raxxax il-bqija tal-ġobon fuq it-taħlita. Poġġi d-dixx ġol-forn u ħallieħ għal madwar 20 minuta. Oħroġ id-dixx mill-forn u ħawwad ittaħlita. Poġġi lura fil-forn id-dixx bit-taħlita u sajjar għal madwar 45 minuta sakemm isir u l- ilma jkun inxtorob.

11 Gozo Pizza Ingredients: For the Dough: 1 kg flour 50 g yeast Pinch of salt 600ml water 2 tbs oil Filling for each pizza: 1 medium potato (sliced thinly) 1 medium tomato (sliced thinly) 5 fillets of anchovy ½ medium size onion (sliced thinly) 1 clove of garlic (crushed) Pinch of marjoram Method for the Dough: Preheat the oven at 240 ºC. Place all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix. Add water and oil and kneed slowly to a soft dough. Set aside for 15 minutes. Roll into balls of 280g and set aside. Method for the Filling: Open the dough balls into circular disks. Place the sliced potatoes on the dough. Add the rest of the ingredients on top of the potatoes. Fold the sides of the dough towards the centre (refer to picture for a clearer idea). Place into the oven and bake until golden brown.

12 Pizza Għawdxija Ingredjenti: Għaġina: 1 kg dqiq 50g ħmira Niskata melħ 600ml ilma 2 mgħaref żejt Mili għal kull pizza: 1 patata daqs medju (imqatta rqiq) 1 tadama daqs medju (imqatta rqiq) 5 biċċiet inċova ½ basla medja (imqatta rqiq) 1 sinna tat-tewm (mgħaffġa) Niskata marjoram Metodu għall-għaġina: Saħħan il-forn sakemm it-temperatura tilħaq 240 C. Qiegħed l-ingredjenti xotti kollha fi skutella u ħallat kollox. Żid l-ilma u ż-żejt u agħġen sa ma jkollok għaġina ratba. Warrab għal 15 il-minuta. Wara, agħġen fi blalen ta 280g u warrab. Metodu għall-mili: Iftaħ il-blalen ta l-għaġina forma ta ċirku. Qiegħed il-patata imqatta madwar l-għaġina. Żid il-bqija ta l-ingredjenti fuq il-patata. Itwi l-ġnub ta' l-għaġina lejn iċ-ċentru mingħajr ma taghtti il-pizza kollha. Qiegħed fil-forn u sajjar sa ma l-pizza issir ta lewn kannella dehbi.

13 Beef Stew Ingredients: 2 cloves garlic (crushed) 1 onion (grated) 1 carrot (grated) 2 large potatoes (Par Boiled) 1 bell pepper (Chopped) 1 tbsp tomato concentrate Bay leaves Olive oil Butter Red wine 500ml lamb stock Cup chopped parsley 500g beef rump or sirloin (cubed) Worcestershire sauce/red wine vinegar Method: In a large frying pan, add a splash of olive oil and wait till the pan is very hot. Add the beef and brown for 2 minutes. Add a knob of butter and allow to melt. Using a spoon, pour melted butter over the beef. Avoid cooking the meat too much, just brown it. Add a splash of the red wine to de-glaze the pan and set aside. In a separate medium sized pot, on a (medium-low heat) add a little olive oil. Add the garlic, onions and carrots. Make a well in the centre of the pot and add the tomato concentrate, cook a little and mix with the onions, carrots and garlic. Once again make a well in the centre of the pan. Add the beef and the contents of the pan. Pour in the rest of the wine and cook off the alcohol. Add the potatoes, beef stock, half the parsley and the bay leaves. Season with salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, or Vinegar. Bring to the boil and simmer until potatoes are cooked and stew has thoroughly reduced to a syrupy consistency. Add the bell pepper 2-3 minutes before serving and mix well. Add the rest of the parsley. (Serves 4)

14 Stuffat taċ-ċanga Ingredjenti: 2 sinniet tewm (mgħaffġa) 1 basla (maħkuka) 1 karrotta (maħkuka) 2 patata kbar (mgħolija) 1 bżaru (imqatta ) 500ml stokk tal-ħaruf Tazza tursin imqatta Inbid aħmar Weraq tar-rand Żejt taż-żebbuġa Butir 1 imgħarfa kunserva Worcestershire sauce/ħall Inbid aħmar 500g ċanga ramp jew filett taċ-ċanga (imqatta bicciet) Metodu: Saħħan ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa f taġen kbir. Stenna sa ma t-taġen ikun sħun ħafna. Żid iċ-ċanga għal 2 minuti jew sakemm isir kannella. Żid il-butir u ħallieh idub. Uża mgħarfa biex taqleb il-butir imdewweb fuq il-laħam. Sajjar illaħam sakemm ikompli jsir kannella. Żid l-inbid aħmar ġot-taġen u neħħi minn fuq in-nar. Uża borma oħra ta daqs medju. Fuq nar baxx, żid ftit żejt tażżebbuġa. Ladarba sħun biżżejjed żid it-tewm, il-basal u l-karrotti. Agħmel ħofra fiċ-ċentru tal-bor ma u żid il-kunserva. Żid u ħallat fil-borma il-basal, karrotti u t- tewm. Għal darb'oħra erġa għamel ħofra fiċ-ċentru tal-borma u żid il-laħam taċċanga u l-kontenut tat-taġen diġa imsajjar. Itfa il-bqija ta' l-inbid. Żid il-patata, l- istokk taċ-ċanga, nofs il-tursin u l-weraq tar-rand. Roxx bil-melħ, bżar u Worcestershire sauce. Ħallieh itektek sakemm issir il-patata u jgħaqad kollox. Żid il-bżar 2-3 minuti qabel isservi u ħawwad sewwa. Żid il-bqija tattursin.

15 Macaronelli with Ricotta Ingredients: 300g macaronelli 2 eggs 200g ricotta 20g butter Chopped parsley Salt and Pepper Grated cheese Method: Boil the pasta in salted water. When cooked, drain and put into a clean pan. Mix ricotta, eggs, chopped parsley and seasoning. Add butter to the pasta and cook for a few minutes on a very low heat. Add ricotta mixture and continue cooking for about 5minutes. Serve hot and garnish with grated cheese and parsley. (Serves 2)

16 Makaronelli bl-irkotta Ingredjenti: 300g makaronelli 2 bajdiet 200g irkotta 20g butir Tursin imqatta Melħ u bżar Ġobon maħkuk Metodu: Għalli l-makaronelli fl-ilma bil-melħ. Meta jsir, saffi l-għaġin mill-passatur u poġġieh f kazzola. Ħawwad l-irkotta, il-bajd, it-tursin u l-bżar u l-melħ flimkien. Żid il-butir mal-makaronelli u sajjar għal ftit minuti fuq nar baxx. Żid it-taħlita ta l-irkotta u kompli sajjar għal 5 minuti fuq nar baxx. Servi jaħraq u żejjen bilġobon u werqa tursina. (Għal-tnejn minn nies)

17 Rabbit Stew with Spaghetti Ingredients for the rabbit: 1 whole rabbit 4 garlic cloves & 2 large onions 200g peas Rabbit herbs & 4 bay leaves 2 tins tomato pulp 4 tablespoons tomato paste Pinch of sugar 6 bay leaves & sage 500ml red wine Worchester sauce Tabasco chili 2 oxo (beef) cubes Ingredients for the spaghetti: 2 litres water 400g spaghetti Grated cheese Oil & Salt Method for the rabbit: Fry the rabbit in oil, salt and some garlic. Remove it from heat and continue frying the onions, garlic and sage. Stir and add the rabbit herbs and if necessary add some water. Add and stir the tomato pulp, bay leaves, tomato paste, oxo cubes, sugar, red wine, Worchester sauce and Tabasco chili. Add the fried rabbit and the peas. Leave it on a low heat for about 45 minutes and stir occasionally. When cooked, leave the stew to stand for a few minutes. Remove the bay leaves and sage. Serve the stew as a main course after the spaghetti. The spaghetti may be served by using some of the rabbit sauce.

18 Stuffat Tal-Fenek bl-ispagetti Ingredjenti għal-fenek: 1 fenek imqatta 4 sinniet tewm kbar 2 basliet kbar 200g piżelli friska jew bott kbir Ħwawar tal-fenek 2 bottijiet polpa tat-tadam Nofs bott kunserva zgħir Ftit zokkor 6 werqiet salvja 4 weraq rand Melħ 500ml inbid aħmar Worchester Sauce Bżar 2 oxo (beef) Ingredjenti għall-ispagetti: 2 litri ilma 400g spagetti Ġobon maħkuk Żejt Melħ Metodu għall-fenek Qalli l-fenek miż-żewġ naħat ġo ftit żejt, melħ u ftit tewm ġo kazzola. X ħin ikun lest neħħieh minn fuq in-nar u fl-istess kazzola aqli l-basal, tewm u s-salvja. Ħawwad u żid il-ħwawar tal-fenek u jekk hemm bżonn żid ftit ilma. Żid il-polpa, rand, kunserva, oxo, ftit zokkor, inbid, worchester, bżar u ħawwad. Itfa l-fenek li diġa qlejt u żid il-piżelli u ħallihom itektku għal madwar 45 minuta. X ħin tara li l-fenek sar itfi u ħalli l istuffat joqgħod ftit. Neħħi r-rand u salvja minn malfenek. Servi l-istuffat tal-fenek bħala t-tieni platt wara l-ispagetti. L-ispagetti jista jigi servut billi tuża z-zalza tal-fenek.

19 Pudina tal-ħobż Ingredjenti: Ħobża xotta 800grams 1 litru ħalib xkumat Mgħarfa kokkodina morra Mgħarfa tqiq (self-raising) 150g yoghurt tal-frott 70g konfettura Mgħarfa u nofs jam jew għasel Kwart ta kuċċarina nutmeg Kwart ta kuċċarina mixed spice Kwart ta kuċċarina cinnamon (Kannella) 300g passolina Tuffieħa 100g lewż imfarrak Metodu: Qatta l-ħobż f biċċiet żgħar. Saħħan ftit il-ħalib ġo borma sakemm jiġi fietel. Xarrab il-ħobż fil-ħalib. Agħaffeg tajjeb il-ħobż mal-ħalib. Ixgħel il-forn 190c/Gas Mark 4. Mat-taħlita tal-ħobż u l-ħalib żid l-ingredjenti kollha u ħawwad tajjeb. Iksi d-dixx tal-forn bil-karti strazzi. Poġġi t-taħlita tal-pudina fid-dixx u ara li l-wiċċ ikun ċatt. Aħmi fl-ixkaffa tan-nofs tal-forn għal madwar siegħa u nofs sakemm tagħqad. Oħroġ il-pudina mill-forn u ħalliha tiksaħ fuq gradilja.

20 Ingredients: 800g stale loaf 1 litre skimmed-milk 1 tablespoon cocoa 1 tablespoon self-raising flour 150g fruit yoghurt Bread Pudding 70g candied peel (fine chopped cherries) 1 spoon and a half jam or honey ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg ¼ teaspoon of mixed spice ¼ teaspoon of brown cinnamon 300g dried raisins 1 apple 100g crushed almonds Method: Slice the bread in small pieces. Warm slightly the milk in a cooking pot till the milk becomes lukewarm. Put the bread into the milk. With a food mixer, crush well the bread and milk together. Switch on the oven to 190c/Gas Mark 4. Mix all the remaining ingredients with the bread and milk mixture. Cover the oven dish with baking paper. Put the pudding mixture into the dish, and smoothen the surface. Bake the pudding in the oven centre for around 1½ hour. Take the pudding out of the oven and leave it to cool.

21 Ingredients Maltese Easter Sweet - Figolli For the sweet pastry: 400g plain flour (sifted) 150g sugar 150g margarine Grated rind of 1 lemon 2 eggs (beaten) 1 tsp vanilla essence For the almond paste: 200g ground almonds 100g sugar Grated rind of 1 orange 4 tsp water For decorations: Milk chocolate or dark chocolate Coloured vermicelli A small chocolate egg Method Make the pastry by mixing the sugar with the flour. Rub in the butter until the mixture is crumbled. Add the grated lemon rind, eggs and the vanilla essence and form a dough. Knead lightly and leave to set. Leave to chill in the fridge for 30 minutes. Melt the sugar using a little water until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat, add ground almonds and the orange rind. Roll out the pastry and cut 2 identical shapes using the pastry cutters. Put one shape on a greased and floured baking tray. Spread some of the almond filling on the dough leaving a margin free of filling all round the shape. Brush this margin with water and make sure to seal the edges well by laying the second shape over the top and press the edges together. Bake in a moderate oven (Gas mark ) for about 30 minutes until golden. Then cool on tray. Melt the chocolate and brush it over the figolla with a pastry brush. Spread out the vermicelli and place the small chocolate egg in the middle.

22 Figolla tal-għid Ingredjenti Għall-għaġina tal-ħelu: 400 g self-raising 150g zokkor 150g marġerina 2 bajdiet Ftit essenza tal-vanilla Qoxra maħkuka ta lumija Għall-mili: 200g lewż midħun 100g zokkor Ftit essenza tal-vanilla Qoxra maħkuka ta larinġa 4 kuċċarini ilma Għad-dekorazzjoni: Ċikkulata bajda jew sewda tal-kisi Vermiċelli kuluriti Bajda żgħira taċ-ċikkulata Metodu Ħallat id-dqiq u l-marġerina flimkien, sakemm it-taħlita tigi qisha frak tal-ħobż. Żid iz-zokkor. Ħabbat il-bajd u l-qoxra tal-lumija u żidhom mat-taħlita. Żid l- essenza tal-vanilla u ħawwad sakemm ikollok għaġina ftit iebsa. Ħalliha toqgħod għal xi nofs siegħa fil-friġġ. Għall-mili ħallat flimkien il-lewż midħun u z-zokkor. Itfa l-essenza tal-lewż u jekk ikun hemm bżonn żid ftit ilma (ħalli jkollok taħlita ftit ratba). Qabel tiftaħ l-għaġina roxx id-dqiq fuq il-mejda u fuq illembuba biex l-għaġina ma teħilx. Lesti l-forom tal-figolli, iftaħ l-għaġina u aqta żewġ figuri ta l-għaġina bl-istess forma u poġġi waħda mill-figuri u iksiha bittaħlita tal-mili. Imbagħad poġġi t-tieni figura tal-għaġina fuqha u qis li tagħlaq sewwa minn kull naħa biex il-mili ma joħroġx. Aħmi l-figolli ġo forn moderat għal xi nofs siegħa f forn moderat, gas mark sakemm l-għagina tiħmar. Dewweb iċ-ċikkulata tal-kisi fuq in-nar u idlika fuq il-figolla. Xerred il-vermiċelli fuq il-figolla u qiegħed il-bajda taċ-ċikullata fuqha.

23 Prickly Pear Sorbet Ingredients: 600ml Prickly Pear juice Juice of half a lemon 50ml Bajtra Liqueur Sugar Honey Method: Using a fork and knife, peel your prickly pears and add them to a blender. Juice until the flesh is separate from the seeds. Strain this mixture twice, making sure there are no seeds in the resulting liquid. Add the juice of half a large lemon, the liqueur and a drizzle of honey. Add as much sugar as you like, but add in small amounts while constantly tasting. Put the mixture into the fridge over night and add to an ice cream machine until formed (usually, 20 minutes). If you don't own an ice cream machine, put the mixture into a shallow dish and place in the freezer for 1 hour. Add this to a food processor and keep repeating this process until a smoother mixture forms. This may take 3 or 4 repetitions.

24 Bajtar Sorbet Ingredjenti: 600ml bajtar tax-xewk Meraq ta nofs lumija 50ml Bajtra Liquer Zokkor Għasel Metodu: Bl-użu ta furketta u sikkina qaxxar il-bajtar tax- xewk u poġġi ġewwa il-blender. Ibqa għaffeġ sakemm il-laħam tal-frotta tissepara miż-żerriegħa. Issepara din it-taħlita sewwa sakemm ma jibqa l-ebda żerriegħa fil-likwidu li jirriżulta. Żid ilmeraq tal-lumija, il-liquer u żid l-għasel. Żid iz-zokkor ftit ftit għall-gosti tiegħek u sakemm ma jibqax morr. Poġġi it-taħlita fil-friġġ matul il-lejl. Uża magna talġelat (Ġeneralment, 20 minuta). Jekk m għandikx din il-magna, poġġi it-taħlita ġo dixx baxx u qiegħed fil-friża għal siegħa. Poġġi t-taħlita f mixer u iproċessa sakemm it-taħlita issir likwida. Dan il-proċess jaf ikollu jirrepeti ruħu għal 3 jew 4 darbiet.


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