Maya, Inca, Aztec. Notes

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Maya, Inca, Aztec Notes

Directions Ok. This homework is on you. ANYTHING YOU ADD TO YOUR NOTES MUST BE DONE IN A DIFFERENT COLORED WRITING UTENSIL 1. Reread the text and compare it to the information powerpoints; making annotations of information not in the summaries. For example, add the geography and climate sections to your environment parts. a. Pay attention to the NOTES sections b. Draw pictures if you re a visual learner. *YOU MUST USE A DIFFERENT COLORED WRITING UTENSIL TO MAKE YOUR CORRECTIONS AND ANNOTATIONS. * 2. Compare YOUR notes to MY notes for the charts, diagrams and tables. YOU MUST USE A DIFFERENT COLORED WRITING UTENSIL TO MAKE YOUR CORRECTIONS AND ANNOTATIONS.

Maya Please see this presentation for your notes and annotate the chart. EtgFUdiouQoxwX3qq4xoGnc/edit?usp=sharing

Aztec 1. The Aztecs first worked for local rulers as soldiers for hire. For these nomadic people to succeed in the new region, they had to adapt to the warlike ways of the city-states that governed the area 2. The Aztecs joined two other city-state for form a Triple Alliance. They waged war to gain control of neighboring regions; to become more power.

Aztec 3. In Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital, the Aztecs built hundreds of temples and religious structures dedicated to the gods. The Aztecs worshiped many gods; religion played a major role in Aztec society 4. Aztec engineers built three causeways (raised roads) over water and marshland They needed to connect the island site of Tenochtitlan to the mainland

Aztec 5. Aztec priests sacrificed humans atop the Great temple. The Aztecs believed that without regular offerings of blood, the sun god would not make the sun rise and all life would perish. 6. The Aztecs built a calendar in the main ceremonial plaza of Tenochtitlan. They needed a way to keep track of when they had to perform varied religious rituals and public ceremonies honoring the many gods.

Aztec 7. Some of the conquered province rebelled against Aztec rule. The Aztecs had been demanding more and more tribute and sacrificial victims from the provinces under their control to meet the demands of Tenochtitlan s growing population. 8. Montezuma II reduced the number of public officials. He tried to reduce pressure on the provinces that had been forced to pay higher tributes

Aztec Check out additional notes here: 3hx8g-IdbJGPciqyxHt4/edit?usp=sharing

Inca What role did each of the following play in the building in the Incan empire? 1. Ancient cultures: The inca built their empire on cultural foundations thousands of years old 2. Inca Traditions and Beliefs: These traditions and beliefs helped to launch and unify the Incan Empire. ONe of these beliefs was that the Incan ruler was descended from the sun god, who would bring greatness to the empire. 3. Pachacuti: A powerful and ambitious ruler, he quickly expanded the Incan Empire through conquests and diplomacy.

Inca How did each of the following unify or support Incan Empire? 4. System of government: Conquered territories were divided into manageable community units governed by a central bureaucracy. 5. Language: Quechua was imposed as the single official language for the varied peoples ruled by the Incas (who spoke multiple languages) descended from the sun god, who would bring greatness to the empire. 6. Cities: All cities built in conquered lands had the SAME architecture and government buildings

Inca How did each of the following unify or support Incan Empire? 7. Road System: A 14,000-mile-long network of bridges and roads, with all roads leading to the capital, tied the empire together. 8. Economy: The state controlled most of the economic activity and regulated the production and distribution of goods; mita; allyu 9. Religions: Religion reinforces the power of the state; Cuzco was both the administrative and religious capital of the empire.

Inca Check out additional notes here: U4icnDNyDwIndmGAe7yaPM/edit?usp=sharing