Hospitality: practical cake craft. BrightRed study Guide. Pam Thomas. BrightRed study Guides. National 5 Hospitality: practical cake craft

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1 BrightRed BrightRed study Guides Curriulum for Exellene Pam Thomas This BrightRED Study Guide is just the thing you need to takle your ourse and gain the skills essential to sueed at National 5 Pratial Cake Craft. Written by trusted author and experiened teaher Pam Thomas, this book is paked with brilliant reipes, examples, tasks and advie. It is the ultimate ompanion to your studies. ontains all of the essential ourse information, arranged in easily digestible topis. Designed in full olour, highly illustrated, aessible and engaging to make sure all that study stiks! a dediated hapter of useful reipes to pratise and perfet your baking skills. Don t forget! pointers offer advie on key fats and on how to avoid ommon mistakes. Things to do and think about setions at the end of eah topi allow for further pratie and researh. top tips on tehnique will give you expert knowledge to apply to your own ake reations. a glossary of key terms helps you really learn and revise important ourse onepts. htred ur Let Brig ss in yo e u s u to s and lead yo 5 studie l a n o i t Na! beyond Thomas stationers ompany innovation exellene award 2014 Highly ommended Bookseller industry awards 2014 Be BRigHt Be ReaDy Bright Red publishing s easy to use, high-quality eduational resoures are trusted by teahers and ustom designed to improve students study experiene to help them to ahieve their potential. To see more of what we do and stay up to date with all things Bright Red: follow us on Chek out the BrightRED Digital Zone for a world of tests, games, links and more at like us on faebook at visit us at or all us on we d be delighted to hear from you! Bright Red publishing 1 Torphihen Street Edinburgh EH3 8HX Hospitality-Pratial Cake Craft.indd 1 National 5 Hospitality: pratial ake Raft Hospitality: pratial ake Raft National 5 HospitaLity: pratial ake Raft BrightRed study Guide Curriulum for Exellene Hospitality: pratial ake Raft ISBN Don t forget to hek out the BrightReD Digital Zone 18/12/ :21

2 Introduing National 5 Pratial Cake Craft BRIGHT RED STUDY GUIDE: NATIONAL 5 HOSPITALITY: PRACTICAL CAKE CRAFT IntroduIng national 5 PratIal ake raft Hospitality: Pratial Cake Craft sits within the Soial Studies urriulum area of the Curriulum for Exellene. The ourse fouses on the development of pratial, tehnial and reative skills in ake baking and ake finishing. It will enable you to develop an understanding of the sientifi nature of ake prodution, how to adapt basi reipes and reate new flavour ombinations, as well as develop and demonstrate highly imaginative tehniques in the design and prodution of a range of akes and other baked items. It is a predominantly pratial ourse that links to the growth industry of artisan bakery and onfetionary. During the ourse, you will develop a range of artisti tehniques and, drawing on all aspets of design suh as shape, olour, texture, balane and preision, you will be given the opportunity to reate and produe a variety of individualised produts and to reatively interpret a design brief. This book fouses on the ore ontent of the National 5 syllabus for Pratial Cake Craft. There are two mandatory units: Cake Baking and Cake Finishing. In addition, there is a setion on the ourse assessment whih must be passed to gain the ourse award. external assessment At the end of the ourse, you will be assessed externally by one omponent: Component 1 Pratial Ativity 100 % of total mark The purpose of the ourse assessment is to assess added value. The pratial ativity draws on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed aross the ourse. The assessment requires you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of ake baking, finishing and evaluating in response to a given design brief. PratIal ativity The purpose of the pratial ativity is to assess your ability to apply the skills required to bake and finish a ake to a given design brief. It has three stages: Designing 15 marks (inludes produing a design illustration and a plan of work). Implementing 75 marks (inludes baking and finishing the ake aording to the plan). Evaluating 10 marks (inludes refletion on the quality of the finished result). A ake design brief will be provided by SQA. The pratial ativity will be arried out under supervised onditions to ensure that the work presented is your own work, and will be quality assured by SQA (Sottish Qualifiations Authority). internal assessment During the ourse, you will be assessed on a wide range of skills, inluding the ability to: bake a range of different akes and baked produts use speialist tools and equipment with dexterity and flair reatively apply finishing tehniques to akes and other baked items demonstrate reativity and resourefulness in the overall presentation of the finished ake demonstrate effetive organisation and time management skills interpret and arry out a pratial ativity to meet the requirements of a design brief work safely and hygienially evaluate both the produt and the proess. CoUrse Content The ourse has two mandatory units: Cake Baking and Cake Finishing. Cake Baking The aim of this unit is to enable you to develop the ability to bake a range of akes and other items safely and hygienially, while demonstrating speialist skills, tehniques and proesses. You will also learn about the value of aurate weighing and measuring, the funtion of different ingredients and how to ombine these using different methods of ake prodution. This unit will develop your ability to prepare equipment and ingredients effetively and effiiently, whih in turn will help your final produt to be suessful. To promote personalisation and hoie, this unit provides opportunities to investigate baking trends and allows you to apply this knowledge in a range of pratial ontexts. Cake Finishing The aim of this unit is to develop your ability to finish a range of akes and other baked items safely and hygienially. During the finishing proesses, you will produe and apply a range of different oatings and fillings, plus apply speialised skills and reative tehniques inluding piping, modelling, stenilling, rimping and embossing. To promote personalisation and hoie, this unit allows opportunities to investigate trends in ake finishing and allows you to apply this knowledge in a range of pratial ontexts. This book has been developed using an interative, ontemporary approah whih aknowledges the fast-paed tehnologial soiety we live in. Its broad range of ativities and visual appeal have been devised to offer you lots of hoie, enabling you to engage with a range of abilities and learning styles. It is also an effetive tool for independent study. This book is supported by the Bright Red Digital Zone. Visit net/pcc and register to unlok extra ontent, tests, videos and more. 4 5

3 Cake Baking Chemistry of ooking CAKE BAKING CHEMIstry of CooKING Wath the lip at www. to find out more about ooking in a water bath or bain-marie. Even when the pan is removed from the heat soure, ondution ontinues, so the food will ontinue to ook. It s important not to overload an oven as there needs to be spae between the baking trays for hot air to irulate and ook the baked goods evenly. Never open the oven door before the ake is ready beause ool air will rush in and may ause the ake to sink. the IMPortANCE of temperature You an do everything perfetly selet the orret ingredients, arefully weigh and measure, and prepare and deposit your ake into the tin but if the baking temperature isn t ontrolled orretly then there is still a hane that your ake might fail. Many ingredients hange their properties with temperature: think about what happens when fat melts, or when you add egg to a hot melted gingerbread mixture if it s too hot, the egg ooks straight away. HEAt transfer Heat is transferred from its soure to food in three main ways: ondution, onvetion and radiation. CoNDUCtIoN Condution is when heat passes from one hot area of an objet to another. As the moleules in the food absorb heat, they vibrate and pass heat along to the next moleule and so on. Diret ontat is needed for heat transfer by ondution for example, ooking a panake on a hot griddle. Some baked goods are baked in a water bath for example, heeseake. Water is slow to ondut heat so using a water bath helps the heeseake to bake slowly and evenly. It s worth remembering that heat ondution an be fast or slow depending upon the material that the ake tin or baking tray is made of, and how thik it is. For example, a sturdy, heavy ake tin will ondut heat more slowly, but it is often more effetive beause it transfers heat more evenly. Aluminium is a good ondutor of heat, and is low in ost, so it is often used to make baking trays and ake tins. However, a word of warning: it s easy to burn akes baked in aluminium ake tins, so it s a good idea to line them with greaseproof paper. Silione is not a good ondutor of heat. Beause of this, akes bake more slowly and brown more evenly. Silione produts are non-stik and have the ability to be used in both the oven and freezer so are extremely versatile. Just wath out when removing a silione tin from the oven beause it s flexible and bendy, it s a good idea to keep it stable by putting it on a baking tray. CoNVECtIoN Convetion is all about heat transfer through liquids and gases. It works beause warmer liquids and gases are less dense and therefore rise, while older liquids and gases are more dense and therefore sink. This results in a onstant movement that is, a onvetion urrent. In an oven, the hot air rises to the top, but with a fan-assisted oven the hot air is fored to irulate, whih should mean more even ooking in all shelves of the oven. If you are using a fan oven, it s important to remember that they often ook hotter than onventional ovens, so take this into aount when setting the temperature. Pre-heating the oven is vital when baking akes as the oven needs to be at the orret temperature so it an start ooking straight away. Pre-heating an take between five and 15 minutes, depending upon the temperature to be reahed. Sunken ake Use the following onversion guide if your reipe doesn t give you the oven temperature for the oven you re using: C (CELSIUS) F (FAHRENHEIT) GAS MARK 140 C 275 F C 300 F C 325 F C 335 F 3/4 180 C 350 F C 375 F C 400 F C 410 F 6/7 220 C 425 F C 450 F C 475 F 9 radiation Radiation is the rapid transfer of heat through spae from a warm heat soure to the surfae of a ooler one. One the moleules on the surfae of the food absorb the heat rays, they vibrate rapidly, whih generates more heat within the objet. In radiation, the food doesn t usually ome into ontat with the heat soure for example, as when bread is grilled. In an oven, heat is radiated off hot oven walls, reating hot spots along the oven walls. To prevent uneven baking, it s a good idea to plae tins/trays in the entre of the oven away from the walls. In a gas oven, it s really important not to plae the tray too lose to the flame at the bak. Radiation is also the way heat is transferred in a mirowave. When mirowaving food, heat is generated when the food partiles heat up and the moleules move about frantially. Heating with mirowaves is fast beause the radiant waves penetrate into the entre of the food. Just remember that you need to use mirowave-safe ontainers to bake akes silione is fine. To ensure that you get a suessful outome, it s a good idea to ook on 80 per ent of full power. Remember that the ake will still be ooking after it omes out of the oven. A standard mirowave will not brown the top of the ake, so hoolate akes are usually more suessful than other types of sponges made in mirowaves. 1 If you are going to be using the same oven for a regular period, it s a good idea to know whether it has any hot spots. To find out, you will need to make a bath of ookie dough. Why not try this simple shortbread? Put 100 g plain flour, 75 g butter and 25 g aster sugar into a food proessor. Blitz until a dough is formed. Set the oven to 180 C/Gas mark 4. Cut the ookie dough into even-sized piees and spae out around two greased and lined baking trays. Bake for approximately 10 minutes. Carefully remove from the oven, remembering whih tray was plaed in whih position in the oven. Note down any differenes in olour between the ookies nearest the oven walls and those farthest from the walls. What do these results tell you about whether there are hot spots in your oven or not? 2 Why not produe a poster that explains ooking in a bain-marie or water bath. top tip If you are baking a bath of ookies and you need to divide them between two or more baking trays, try to put the same number of ookies on eah tray so that they ook at the same rate. Ideally, swith the trays around half way through the ooking time. If you need to ook a seond bath straight away, do not put the raw ookie dough onto the hot tray let it ool down first. A hot baking tray might make the raw ookies spread, whih will result in thin, irregular-sized ookies. Wath the lip on how to make a really quik sponge ake in the mirowave at PCC How well have you learned this topi? Take the Chemistry of ooking test at PCC 18 19

4 Cake Baking Storage and preparation of essential ingredients CAKE BAKING AND of EssENtIAl INGrEDIENts Effetive baking atually begins long before a ake reahes the oven. Taking are of, and paying attention to, the preparation stages an make all the differene to the end result. And remember the final produt is only as good as the omponent parts used to make it, so if you an, always try to buy good quality ingredients. Chek out the lip at www. whih shows how to store flour. Low-fat spreads ontain a high water ontent and are generally not suitable for baking. flour Flour needs to be sieved before use. This will remove any lumps and add air. To maximise the shelf life of your flour, plae the bag of flour into a sturdy plasti bag. You an atually freeze for 48 hours whih will kill off any weevils in the flour. Store in a sturdy plasti ontainer with a tight fitting lid. Keep in a ool, dark plae. By doing so, the flour should have a shelf life of around six months. fat Fat adds moisture, flavour and keeping qualities to baked goods, but also add alories and an be bad for health. However, some baked goods just annot be made without fat. Ideally, use unsalted butter in your reipes where possible. If the fat is to be used in a reamed mixture, take it out of the fridge and allow it to ome to room temperature to soften first. For rubbed-in mixtures, it s better to use the fat straight from the fridge and ut into small piees with a knife to avoid handling with hot hands. Fats and oils an develop off (or ranid) flavours when exposed to heat, light and air mostly from oxidation. To prevent oxidation/ranidity, keep out moisture and light by overing the fat tightly. Store butter in a fridge at 0 5 C. If wrapped in a plasti bag, butter an atually be stored in the freezer for six to nine months. EGGs Reipes usually ask for eggs to be at room temperature before using. Cold eggs straight from the fridge do not whisk as well as eggs at room temperature, and therefore do not trap as muh air. Eggs at room temperature also whisk up more quikly, as the protein in the whites is less elasti when old. You may find that a old egg will not bind as well with other ingredients, so a batter an urdle, resulting in a flat ake. Eggs tend to be easier to separate when old, so use straight from the fridge if you plan to whisk egg white to make meringue. Remember, there must be no yolk in with the egg white, beause the fat will inhibit the egg s ability to trap air. Older egg white is thinner and will whip more easily to a greater volume than thiker, fresher white. However, one whipped, the foam from the older, thinner white is less stable, due to the liquid draining more easily from the bubbles. The rule of thumb is to use the freshest eggs possible for meringue. Eggs should be kept at a onstant temperature of below 20 C. Refrigerated, they will keep for approximately three to five weeks. Eggs an also be frozen, but never freeze whole eggs in their shells. Piere the yolk and add a sprinkle of sugar (if it is to be used for sweet dishes) or salt (if it is to be used for savoury dishes). sugar Sugar needs very little preparation before it is used in baked goods. You might need to sieve it to remove any lumps. It an be stirred into mixtures, reamed with fat to inorporate air, whisked with egg to trap air or melted and stirred into a mixture. Sugar should ideally be stored in an airtight ontainer. This not only helps to prevent the sugar piking up odours, but it also redues the risk of the sugar absorbing moisture. This is partiularly important with brown sugar, whih tends to lump. To de-lump brown sugar, warm it gently in a mirowave before passing it through a sieve. Syrups with a high moisture ontent, suh as maple syrup, should be stored in a fridge to prevent yeast and mould growth. It s best not to refrigerate other syrups as it an ause them to rystallise. 1 To find out if your egg is fresh or stale, plae the whole egg into a glass of water. If the egg is stale, it will float, and if it sinks, it is fresh. Use to find out why this is the ase. 2 Do some researh into the proper proedures for handling and storing honey. Display your results in a poster. Remove eggs from the fridge 30 minutes before using. If egg white needs to be warmed to reah room temperature, warm very gently over a hot water bath, stirring onstantly. If overheated, the protein will oagulate and will not whip. All sugars are hygrosopi that is, they pik up water from moist air, so they must be stored in a ool, dry plae. Head to www. and wath the video lip on how to ream together butter and sugar. How well have you learned this topi? Take the Storage and preparation of essential ingredients test at www. 28 29

5 Sample reipes reipes 1 BlaK FOreST GaTeaU (ServeS 6) (approximate ost per reipe = 2.00) Sample Reipes Reipes 1 arrot UBeS (ServeS 8) (approximate ost per reipe = 2.90) 86 ONTeNTS CAKE RECIPE CATEGORY PAGE CAKE RECIPE CATEGORY PAGE Battenburg Madeira-type Cake 86 Lemon Drizzle Cake Traybake 91 Blak Forest Gateau Light Sponge 87 Madeira Cake Madeira-type Cake 91 Carrot Cubes Medium Sponge 87 Marbled Choolate & Orange Loaf Madeira-type Cake 92 Cherry Cake Lightly Fruited Cake 87 Minemeat Tea Loaf Lightly Fruited Cake 92 Coonut Mallow Jam Squares Traybake 88 Pound Cake Medium Sponge 92 Custard Creams Bisuit 88 Rih Fruit Cake Heavily Fruited Cake 93 Dundee Cake Heavily Fruited Cake 88 Sponge Drops Light Sponge 93 Easy Fruit Slie Lightly Fruited Cake 89 Sultana Cake Lightly Fruited Cake 94 Eggless Fruit Cake Lightly Fruited Cake 89 Swiss Roll Light Sponge 94 Empire Bisuits Bisuit 89 Vitoria Sandwih Medium Sponge 95 Ginger and Treale Spied Traybake Traybake 90 Viennese Fingers Bisuit 95 Ied Lime Traybake Traybake 90 TOp Tip If your marzipan has beome a little hard, it will beome soft and pliable if heated in the mirowave for a few seonds on HIGH. BaTTeNBUrG ake (ServeS 8) (approximate ost per reipe = 3.30) 175 g margarine Filling and oating 225 g self-raising flour 2 15 ml spoons lemon urd 1 lemon grated rind and juie 450 g marzipan 175 g aster sugar Caster sugar for dredging 3 eggs few drops pink food olouring 1) Preheat oven to 180 C/Gas mark 4. Grease and line two 450 g loaf tins. 2) Wash the lemon, zest, then squeeze the juie. 3) Cream the margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs. Add the lemon juie. Fold in the sieved flour. 4) Divide the mixture into two portions. Add the lemon zest to one portion and pink food olouring to the other. Deposit the mixtures separately into the two prepared tins. 5) Bake for approx 30 minutes or until a skewer omes out lean. Cool on a wire rak. 6) Trim the edges. Cut eah piee of ake in half lengthways, giving four strips. 7) Sandwih alternate olours together with the lemon urd in two layers. 8) Sprinkle some aster sugar onto the work surfae and roll the marzipan to a 20 m 37 m oblong. Spread the outside of the ake with lemon urd. Plae the ake in the middle of the marzipan. Ease the marzipan around the ake. 9) With the join underneath, pinh the edges and dust with aster sugar before serving. 75 g plain flour 50 g hoolate 15 ml spoon ooa 2.5 ml spoon baking powder 75 g aster sugar 3 eggs 150 ml whipping ream 3 15 ml spoons herry pie filling 1) Preheat oven to 220 C/Gas mark 7. Thoroughly grease and line two 15 m sandwih tins. 2) Sieve flour, baking powder and ooa into a small mixing bowl. 3) In a large glass bowl, whisk the eggs and aster sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy and leaves a ribbon trail on the surfae. 4) Gently fold in the flour mixture with a metal spoon. 5) Divide the mixture equally between the two prepared sponge tins and bake for approximately 10 minutes until risen and springy to touh. 6) Turn out, remove the paper and ool on a wire tray. 7) Whisk up the ream and spoon into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle. 8) Gently melt the hoolate. It an either be spread onto greaseproof paper and ut into small triangles when set, or an be plaed into a greaseproof piping bag and made into hoolate run-outs. There is also the option of doing a hoolate ollar around the outside of the ake (remember a hilled board is needed to be suessful here). 9) Sandwih the sponges together with half the herry pie filling. Spread the remainder on the top of the sponge. 10) Pipe small rosettes of ream around the edge of the ake and deorate with the hoolate triangles/runouts/hoolate ollar. HerrY ake (ServeS 8) (approximate ost per reipe = 1.95) 200 g self-raising flour 3 eggs 125 g aster sugar 100 g glaé herries 125 g margarine 2 5 ml vanilla or almond essene 2 arrots, grated 2 5 ml innamon 2 eggs 200 g ream heese 200 g self-raising flour 20 g iing sugar 150 g aster sugar 1 g angelia 150 ml oil 50 g fondant iing 50 g walnuts Orange food olouring 1) Preheat oven to 180 C/Gas mark 4. Grease and line an 18 m round ake tin (or a 2 lb/900 g loaf tin ould be used). 2) Cream the margarine and sugar. Add the beaten eggs with a little of the flour. Add the vanilla or almond essene. 3) Fold in the remaining flour. 4) Wash, half and oat the herries in a little flour (to prevent them from sinking) and add to the mixture. 5) Plae the mixture into the prepared tin. Bake for approximately an hour. 6) The ake is ready when well risen, golden brown on top and a skewer inserted omes out lean. 1) Preheat oven to 160 C/gas mark 3. Grease and line a 20 m square tin. 2) Wash and oarsely grate the arrot. 3) Plae the oil and sugar in a large bowl. Add the beaten egg and whisk with a balloon whisk. 4) Sieve the flour into the bowl, along with the innamon and grated arrot. Chop and add the walnuts. Mix together. Add to the prepared tin. 5) Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until risen, and a skewer omes out lean after being inserted into ake. 6) Remove from oven and leave to ool in the tin for 5 10 minutes, before transferring to a wire rak to ool ompletely. 7) To make the topping, beat together the ream heese and iing sugar and spread over the top of the ake. Colour the fondant iing orange and make eight small arrots. Use a small piee of angelia for a leaf. 8) Cut the ake into nine squares and deorate eah with a sugarpaste arrot. The ake will keep in an airtight ontainer in a ool plae for up to three days. There is the option to add a mixture of dried glaé fruits instead of just herries. The addition of some grated lemon/orange zest will add to the flavour. TOp Tip The herries will be very easy to ut up if you use a pair of sharp kithen sissors that have had their blades dipped in boiling water. 87

6 BrightRed BrightRed study Guides Curriulum for Exellene Pam Thomas This BrightRED Study Guide is just the thing you need to takle your ourse and gain the skills essential to sueed at National 5 Pratial Cake Craft. Written by trusted author and experiened teaher Pam Thomas, this book is paked with brilliant reipes, examples, tasks and advie. It is the ultimate ompanion to your studies. ontains all of the essential ourse information, arranged in easily digestible topis. Designed in full olour, highly illustrated, aessible and engaging to make sure all that study stiks! a dediated hapter of useful reipes to pratise and perfet your baking skills. Don t forget! pointers offer advie on key fats and on how to avoid ommon mistakes. Things to do and think about setions at the end of eah topi allow for further pratie and researh. top tips on tehnique will give you expert knowledge to apply to your own ake reations. a glossary of key terms helps you really learn and revise important ourse onepts. htred ur Let Brig ss in yo e u s u to s and lead yo 5 studie l a n o i t Na! beyond Thomas stationers ompany innovation exellene award 2014 Highly ommended Bookseller industry awards 2014 Be BRigHt Be ReaDy Bright Red publishing s easy to use, high-quality eduational resoures are trusted by teahers and ustom designed to improve students study experiene to help them to ahieve their potential. To see more of what we do and stay up to date with all things Bright Red: follow us on Chek out the BrightRED Digital Zone for a world of tests, games, links and more at like us on faebook at visit us at or all us on we d be delighted to hear from you! Bright Red publishing 1 Torphihen Street Edinburgh EH3 8HX Hospitality-Pratial Cake Craft.indd 1 National 5 Hospitality: pratial ake Raft Hospitality: pratial ake Raft National 5 HospitaLity: pratial ake Raft BrightRed study Guide Curriulum for Exellene Hospitality: pratial ake Raft ISBN Don t forget to hek out the BrightReD Digital Zone 18/12/ :21

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