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3 -4. JAR SEP J984 -,... TREES AND SHRUBS FOR THE WESTERN REGION OF SYDNEY By P.N. Gowland Technical Memorandum 76/17 September 1976 '! CSIRO Division of Land Use Research Canberra ISBN




7 1. INTRODUCTION This compilation was prepared at the request of the then Cities Connnission to form part of a larger project of the former Department of Urban and Regional Development for the amelioration of living conditions in the Western Region of Sydney. For the purpose of this study the Western Region of Sydney includes the following local government areas; City of Auburn, Shire of Baulkham Hills, City of Blacktown, City of Blue Mountains, Municipality of Fairfield, Municipality of Holroyd, City of Parramatta, City of Penrith, Shire of Windsor and the Shire of Colo. The region includes the Cumberland Plain in the south-east, part. of the Hornsby Plateau in the north-east, and the Blue Mountains Plateau in the west; the boundaries of these topographic units are shown in Fig. 1. This publication contains descriptions, soil preferences and other attributes of a wide range of trees and shrubs, both native and introduced, suitable for planting for shade, shelter and ornamentation in various parts of the Western Region. Species have been put into si:x: growth-form categories, large trees over 10 m in height, small trees - tall shrubs 4-10 m, large shrubs 2-4 m, medium shrubs 1-2 m, small shrubs less than 1 m tall and ground covers and climbers. Within each category there are evergreen and deciduous species, ornamental species with attractive flowers or foliage, and species useful for shade or for screening purposes. The intention of this publication is to provide gardeners and planners with information about a wide range of species and to enable them to select those most likely to be successful for the purposes required and for the conditions in which they will have to grow. No attempt has been made to illustrate species pho.tographically as plates of most species can be found in the several excellent texts available. Some of these have been listed for suggested reading in a section at the end of this text. The reading list also includes texts describing techniques of horticulture and landscaping. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank the following for providing information used in the compilation of this report: Auburn City Council, Baulkham Hills Shire Council, Blackto'WD. City Council, Colo Shire Council, Department of Main Roads, N. S. W., Department of Public Works,. N. S. W.., Epping Civic Trust, Fairfield Municipal Council, Forestry ColllIIl.ission of N.s.w., The Gould League of N.S.W., Holroyd Municipal Council, Hornsby Wildlife Conservation Society, N.S.W. Transport, Michael Kartzoff, Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board, N.S.W. Department of Agriculture, N.S.W. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Parramatta City Council, Penrith City Council, and Swanes Nursery. The assistance and criticism received from members of the Woodland Ecology Unit of the Division of Land Use Research is also gratefully acknowledged.

8 2. I I Blue Mountains Plateau ~~ Cumberland Plains V//':12 Hornsby Plateau Fig. 1. The Western Region of Sydney showing topographic units (shaded) and local government areas.

9 3. LARGE TREES (OVER 10 METRES) Acacia dealbata A. decurrens A. elata A. floribunda A. melanoxylon Acer negundo Acmena smithii Agathis robusta Angophora costata A. floribunda Araucaria bidwillii! cunninghamii A. heterophylla Betula pendula Brachychiton acerifolium! populneum Callitris columellaris c. rhomboidea Calodendrum capense Castanea sativa Castanospermum australe Casuarina cristata C. cunninghamiana C. equisetifolia C. glauca c. 1ittoralis C. stricta Cedrus atlantica C. deodara Celtis australis Ceratonia siliqua Ceratopetalum apetulum Cryptomeria japonica Cupressus glabra _g_. sempervirens var. stricta Elaeocarpus reticulatus Eucalyptus amplifolia E. botryoides E. bridgesiana E. calophylla E. caesia E. camaldulensis E. cinerea E. citriodora E. cloeziana E. crebra E. dalrympleana E. dawsonii E. dealbata Ē. deanei E. dives E. elata E. e:x:imia E. fibrosa ssp. fibrosa E. globulus E. grandis E. gunnnifera E. gunni E. haemastoma E. leuco:xylon E. macarthurii E. maculata E. maiden.ii E. mannifera ssp. maculosa E. melliodora E. microcorys E. moluccana E. nicholii E. oreades E. paniculata E. parramattensis E. pauciflora E. pilularis E. piperita E. punctata E. radiata E. robusta E. saligna E. sideroxylon E. st. _johnii E. tereticornis E. viminalis Fagus sylvatica Ficus macrophylla F. microcarpa var. hillii Fraxinus americana F. oxycarpa F. raywoodii Ginkgo biloba Grevillea robusta Harpophyllum caffrum Hymenosporum flavum Jacaranda mimosifolia Liquidamber orientalis L. styracifh1a Magnolia grandiflora Metrosideros excelsa Pinus canariensis P. elliotti P. halepensis P. patula P. pinaster P. pinea P. radiata.

10 LARGE TREES (OVER 10 METRES) CONT. 4. Platanus hybrida Platanus orientalis Podocarpus elatus Populus deltoides P. x euramericana var. serotina aurea R_. nigra var. italica R_. yunnanensis quercus coccinea.q. ilex.q. palustris Salix babylonica Schinus molle Stenocarpus salignus S. sinuatus Syncarpia glomulifera Taxodium distichum Thuja plicata Toona australis Tristania laurina

11 5. Acacia dealbata Silver wattle An ornamental species with bipinnate, silver-grey leaves resembling! baileyana, but differing in having more than four pairs of pinnae. It produces masses of light yellow flower heads in long clusters and is very attractive in spring. Silver wattle is grown primarily for shade and as an ornamental. It tends to sucker freely and is suited only for e:x:tensive landscapes. May be propagated from seed or cuttings. Native to: N.S.W., Vic., Tas. Flowers: Early spring. Soils: Loams and clays. Planting Areas: Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Hornsby Plateclu. Acacia decurrens Green wattle or black wattle A widely distributed species that occurs nclturally in the Western Region of Sydney. It is similar in appearance to A. baileyana but differs in having angulclr stems and dark green foliage. The flowers are fragrant and bright yellow. Green W<lttle is short lived but rapidly grows to 10 to 15 m and for this reason it is popular in newly landscaped areas. It grows well in clay soils and prefers an open aspect protected from strong winds. Regular light prunings will encourage flower production and help prolong the life of the tree. May be propagated readily from treated seed sown in spring. Native to: N.S.W., Qld., Vic. Flowers: Late winter. Soils: Well-drained loams and clays. Planting Areas: Highly recol!itll.ended - Cumberland Plain. Recotn:ll1ended - Blue Mountains Plateau, Acacia elata Mountain cedar wattle A tall shade tree often growing to 20 m. It has large bipinnate leaves dark to reddish green in colour. The leaflets are 3-5 cm long. Light yellow globular flowers appear in late December and may persist until March.

12 6. A quick-growing, long-lived species which when young is slightly frost-sensitive. It has an attractive growth form and is suitable for street and avenue plantings. It is native to the Western Region of Sydney where it occurs in moist but well drained situatiorts. Requires a freely drained sunny site and regular watering. Can be propagated readily from treated seed. Native to: N.S.W. Flowers: Sununer. Soils: A wide range of well-drained soils. Acacia floribunda White wattle or gossamer wattle A large bushy shrub with linear to almost oval phyllodes 5-12 cm long and bright yellow flower heads in cylindrical spikes. It is native to the Western Region of Sydney. Grows best in sands and loams in moist sheltered positions. Can be propagated from seed. Native to: Vic., N.s.w. Qld. Flowers: Late winter - early spring. soils: Moist sands and loams. Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood A tall attractive species which under favourable conditions may reach 30 m. It has dense sickle-shaped phyllodes and is a suitable species for shade purposes. Juvenile leaves are bipinnate. Cream-coloured flowers are produced in globular heads and flowering is stimulated by regular light pruning. Blackwood is native to the higher parts of the Blue Motintains Plateau. It grows rapidly in rich, moist soils and is usually long lived. It is propagated from seed. Native to: Coastal regions of S.A., Vic., N.S.W., Qld. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain, Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau,

13 7. Acer negundo Box elder A symmetrical evergreen tree rarely exceeding 15 m in height, suitable for shade or for planting as a feature tree. The common type"produces bright green pinnate leaves cm long with three, five or sometimes seven leaflets which turn gold in autumn. Produces. clusters of greenish yellow flowers in spring. Box elder prefers rich alkaline soils with plenty of moisture. In cool climates it needs full sunlight but in. hot climate s requires protection from wind and direct sunlight. In variegated forms there is a tendency to. revert to the plain green-leaved type. The common type is propagated from seed but variegated forms are budded in spring. Native to: North America. Flowers: Early spring. Soils: Well-drained deep loams. Planting Areas: Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau, Acmena smithii Lillypilly A bu.shy tl;'ee with smooth, opposite, shining green oval leaves and greyish bark. It produces white fluffy flowers in December and January and white or purplti and white fruit which is acid tasting but edible. This species prefers deep well-drained loams with plenty of moisture. Its foliage is frost-sensitive. Suitable as an ornamental and shade tree and as a host for epiphytic orchids. Sometimes grows to 20 m. The seed germinates readily but seedlings are sometimes slow to establish. It occurs naturally in very tall closed rain forests in the Western Region of Sydney. Native to: Vic., N.s.w., Qld. Flowers: Summer. Soils: Well-drained deep loams. Agathis robusta Queensland kauri A magnificent subtropical conifer native to the Mary River, in southeast Queensland. It has thick glossy green oval leaves, 5-10 cm long, which have marked parallel venation. Kauri cones closely resemble those of red cedar and are 8-12 cm long. Its bark is slightly rough, dark brown and deciduous.

14 8. This species may be grown in containers for several years if it is protected from frosts. When planted out in open positions it will grow to heights of 40 m in a wide range of deep well-drained soils, including clays. Kauri is recommended for planting as an ornamental in parks and avenues but not in streets or home gardens. Native to: South-east Queensland. Soils: Wide range of deep soils including clays. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain. Angophora costata Smooth-barked apple or rusty gum This is a large handsome tree, native to the Western Region of Sydney. It tolerates exacting soil conditions, often flourishing on what appears to be bare sandstone with only small pockets of soil. When planted in deep soils it is fast growing. The leaves of rusty gum are dark green, lance shaped, 10 cm long and pendulous. When bark is shed in spring the white trunk has pink or rusty patches. Masses of white flowers are produced in spring and early summer. Smooth-barked apple is a handsome species useful for exposed situations and for large landscape projects. I~ grows 60 cm per year if sit;:ed in_ full sun and regularly watered. Germinates readily from seed. Native to: N.S.W., Qld. Flowers: Spring, early sunnner. Soils: Wide range, including poorly drained shallow stony sands and clays. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Hornsby Plateau, Blue Mountains Plateau. Angophora f loribunda Rough-barked apple A tall, usually gnarled but attractive spreading tree widespread in the Western Region of Sydney. It has rough reddish brown furrowed bark and often crooked branches. The foliage is green and lance-shaped and the flowers are white. Rough barked apple is suitable for shade or ornament on alluvial soils and well-drained sandy loams. It will withstand lopping without detriment and requires full sunlight or partial shade and regular watering in summer. It is easily propagated from seed. Native to: Vic., N.s.w., Qld. Flowers: Spring, early sunnner. Soils: Deep well-drained sand and loams. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain.

15 9. Araucaria bidwillii Bunya pine A large majestic tree once frequently planted in formal landscapes on the east coast of Australia. When mature bunya pine may reach 40 m. It has a dome-shaped crown, rough brownish bark, and shiny, lance-shaped and sharply pointed leaves. The cones are very large (up to 30 cm) and contain edible seeds. Bunya pine is an attractive ornamental tree suited to a wide range of soils and warm exposed positions. It is intolerant of severe frosts when young but will survive in dry conditions. It can be raised from fresh seed which germinates rapidly. Early growth is slow. Native to: Qld. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain. Araucaria cunninghamii Hoop pine A tall symmetrical conifer, native to very tall closed forests. It grows to 40 m in suitable conditions. The mature foliage is dark green and scale-like and unlike the related Norfolk Island pine (A. heterophylla) the leaves are bunched towards the ends of the main branches. With plenty of water hoop pine will grow in a wide range of soils including poor sands, although growth is best in fertile loams. Although recommended primarily pine can be grown in containers indoors. seed. Early growth is slow. as a large ornamental, hoop It is propagated from fresh Native to: North-eastern N.S.W., Qld., New Guinea. Soils: Wide range, including well-drained shallow sands. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain, Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island pine A very tall, symmetrical conifer which may grow to a height of 60 m. Horizontal branches bear tiny dark green overlapping needles. It is one of the few species that tolerates salt-bearing coastal winds and can be grown in almost pure sand. It does well inland if protected from heavy frosts when young and if winters are not too severe. Norfolk Island pine is suitable as a large ornamental in parks and recreation areas and in containers as an indoor. plant. Seed loses viability rapidly and early growth is slow.

16 10. Native to: Norfolk Island. Soils: Well-drained sand and loams. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain. Betula pendula Silver birch A beautiful and graceful tree with striking silvery white bark which peels as growth advances leaving the bark of the base rough and dark. Branches are slender, pendulous, silvery white in colour and bear heartshaped, serrated leaves on long fine stalks. In autumn leaves change from soft pale green to clear yellow. There are a number of varieties differing in foliage hues available from nurseries. A tree suitable for cool climates where there is a plentiful supply of water in summer. It is conttnonly grown as an avenue and a feature tree. At maturity it may reach 15 m. It can be grown from seed and can be transplanted safely up to 12 m in height, if firmly staked. Native to: Europe, N. Asia. Soils: Well-drained deep loams. Planting Areas: Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau, Brachychiton acerifolium Illawarra flame tree An attractive native tree, producing red bell-shaped flowers just after leaf fall in sunnner. Leaves are a shiny dark green and five to seven lobed. Boat-like fruit pods, 10 cm in length are produced after flowering. Flowering is erratic; some trees flower early but others may take many years and a few never flower. Flame trees are propagated from seed and cuttings. When young they need regular watering, mulching, and protection from frost. They are comparatively slow growing (0.75 m per year) and reach 15 mat maturity. The flame tree is native to the Western Region of Sydney. Native to: N.s.w., Qld. Flowers: Sunnner. Soils: Deep well-drained loams. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain. Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau, Brachychiton populneum Kurrajong tree A tree valued for stock feed during droughts in inland Australia and an attractive ornamental or shade tree in streets and parks. It is bushy and compact with a variety of leaf forms, some lobed while others are a

17 11. simple oval. In full bloom it has masses of creamy-coloured bell-shaped flowers flecked inside with red. When young kurrajong is frost-susceptible but tolerant of drought. It is normally a slow grower but when well watered will increase in height by 0.75 m per year. At maturity it may attain 14 m. Kurrajong is propagated from seed and cuttings. It occurs naturally in the Western Region on the Cumberland Plain and Blue Mountains Plateau. Native to: Qld., N.s.w., Vic. Flowers: Summer. Soils: Wide range of well-drained soils, including shallow stony soils. Planting Areas: Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Hornsby Plateau. Callitris columellaris White cypress pine or Murray cypress A feature tree which has ultimately an ornamental pyramidal shape with finely divided branches. There is an attractive contrast between its blue green foliage and dark brown furrowed bark. The species is frost resistant, drought-tolerant and grows best in exposed sunny positions. It has a widely spreading root system and is not suited for planting in closely settled areas. Germinates readily from seed. Native to: W.A., S.A., Vic., N.S.W., Qld. Soils: Sands and loams. Planting Area.s: Recommended, - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Callitris rhomboidea Port Jackson cypress pine or dune cypress pine A rapid-growing conifer which under good conditions will grow 1.5 m per year to about 15 m at maturity. It has bluish green needle-like fine leaves, 2-4 mm long and small cones. Port Jackson cypress pines are handsome columnar trees suitable for planting as hedges or windbreaks in light-te~tured soils. In the Western Region of Sydney it is native to the northern Blue Mountains. It is propagated from seed. Native to: S.A., Tas., Vic., N.S.W., Qld. Soils: Rocky soils, sands and loams.

18 12. Calodendrum capense Cape chestnut A beautiful evergreen flowering tree with large shiny dark-green oval shaped leaves, cm long, marked with parallel veins. It has mauve to pink orchid-like flowers 12 cm across, with prominent central stamens. Cape chestnut can be raised from seed but it takes some time before such plants flower. Grafted plants flower much sooner. Best growth occurs in well-drained fertile soils, in full sunlight and in sites protected from cold southerly and westerly winds. It will not tolerate frosts when young and requires frequent waterings in summer. At maturity it may reach 15 m. Native to: South Africa. Flowers: Early summer. Soils: Wide range of well-drained soils. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain, Castanea sativa Spanish chestnut or sweet chestnut A widely grown, deciduous tree highly prized in Europe for planting in parks. It has lance-shaped foliage, cm long, which is coarsely serrated. It has male and female flowers and produces large brown edible nuts enclosed in a prickly green case. The tree grows best in cool climates with a good supply of water. It can be propagated easily from nuts and variegated foliage forms may be budded or grafted on common stock. Transplanting of advanced stock is possible if trees are staked. A magnificent feature and shade tree which at maturity may reach a height of 30 m and have a trunk girth of 4.5 m or more. Native to: Mediterranean. Soils: Deep well-drained loams. Planting Areas: Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau. Castanospermum australe Black bean or Moreton Bay chestnut A beautiful evergreen tree, m in height with large glossy dark green pinnate leaves cm long, each leaflet of which is about 10 cm in length and pointed oval in shape. Produces bright orange-red peashaped flowers and fruit pods containing large seeds which are edible when roasted.

19 13. A very attractive feature, shade or avenue tree suitable for fertile soils where it can be sheltered from severe frosts and heavy winds when young. It can be propagated from seed sown in spring. Shaping early growth assists the development of a broad domed head and clean trunk. Native to: Closed forests in northern N.S.W. and Qld. Flowers: Summer. Soils: Deep well-drained fertile loams. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain. Casuarina cristata Belah A large native tree which often attains 20 m when mature. It has a high degree of resistance to both drought and frost. It is found naturally on heavy alkaline poorly drained soils and consequently is an excellent tree for difficult and arid environments. Its leaves are reduced to small scales on needle-like branches. Flowers are inconspicuous and male and female. The cylindrical fruit cones are about 2.5 cm long. Can be grown from seed and sometimes suckers from exposed roots. It makes an excellent windbreak, shad~ or feature tree, especially on sandy and heavy clay soils and requires very little maintenance. Native ~o: Qld., N.$.W., Vic., S.A., W.A. Soils: Wide range. Casuarina cunninghamiana River she-oak or fire oak An attractive tree which will attain 20 m in a wide range of poorly drained soils in areas of low rainfall. Like the last species its leaves are reduced to small scales on needle-like branchlets and its flowers are small and unisexual. The bark is ridged and grey-black in colour. An excellent species for stabilizing banks of freshwater rivers and for planting in groups in large landscape projects, or for windbreaks or shade. The bark is excellent for epiphytic orchids. It can be grown from seed sown in spring. Occasional loppings will help to shape and thicken the canopy. River she-oak occurs occasionally in the Western Region of Sydney. Native to: N.s.w., Qld. Soils: Wide range of shallow, poorly drained and swampy soils. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain. Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau,

20 14. Casuarina equisetifolia Coast oak or shingle-oak A rapidly growing subtropical tree with pendulous silvery branchlets close together at the ends of the branches which reaches 15 m at maturity. It is suitable for planting in sands or swamps in reclaimed areas. Round cones are 1 cm in diameter. Coast oak is an interesting feature tree and an ideal host for epiphytic orchids. It is propagated from seed and prefers a sunny position and regularly watering. Native to: N.s.w., Qld., N.T., Indonesia. Soils: A wide range of swampy soils and sands. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plateau, Blue Mountains Plateau, Casuarina glauca Swamp oak A connnon species native to swampy areas on the Cumberland Plain. The foliage is a rich glaucous green and its cylindrical fruit cones are usually 12 mm in diameter. Like the other Ca~uarinas its leaves are reduced to small scales or teeth held close to the branchlets. Cones are cylindrical and about 1.0 cm in diameter. An adaptable species useful on poorly drained or swampy sites and areas subject to salt spray. It will thrive equally well in dry well-drained sites and is a useful ornamental for roadside or park plantings. It is propagated from seed sown in spring and may reach 20 m in height. Native to: N.S.W., Vic., Qld. Soils: Wide range, but mainly swampy to poorly drained sites. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain Recommended - Casuarina littoralis Black she-oak A small tree rarely exceeding 12 m with dark green foliage and slender branchlets. The flowers are small and the cones are cylindrical and 2-4 cm in diameter. The bark is rough, deeply grooved and corky. Black she-oak is suitable for use as a compact feature tree in small landscape projects. It is readily propagated from seed. It occurs naturally in the Western Region of Sydney. Native to: Tas., Vic., N.S.W., Qld. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain,

21 15. Casuarina stricta Drooping she-oak or hill oak A handsome dense shrub or small tree. It has graceful dark green pendulous foliage and unisexual flowers which are borne on separate trees. Male flowers are showy, 5-10 cm, pinkish brown and consist of catkin-like spikes which present a striking display in spring. The female flowers are less conspicuous. The globular cones are mm in diameter. Drooping she-oak is a rapid growing species, reaching 5 m in three years and 15 m at maturity. It prefers exposed or only partially sheltered sites. It occurs as a native in the Sydney region and can be grown from seed. shelter. A beautiful feature tree which is useful also for shade and Native to: All states except N.T. Soils: Wide range. Cedrus atlantica Atlas cedar A ~idely.planted evergreen conifer native.to the'atlas Mountains in North Africa, it has large spreading branches and is broadly conical in form. Leaves are t)rpically stiff and less than 2.5 cm long. A number of forms with differe~t foliage are available, including a silvery blue form.f_. atlantica var. glauca; and a type with gold-tipped leaves,.f. atlantica var. aurea. Cedar prefers fertile soils in exposed positions and needs regular waterings. It is a magnificent feature tree and attains a height of m at maturity. It is widely grown as a container plant. It is usually propagated from seed but where a special foliage form is desired it can be grafted to potted seedlings. Native to: North Africa. Soils: Deep well-drained loams. Cedrus deodara Himalayan cedar This species attains a height of 20 m at maturity and is ideally suited for feature planting and windbreaks. The leaves are needle-like, more than 4 cm in length and are arranged in drooping clusters, at the ends

22 16. of the branches. There is a range of varieties with different foliage forms to choose from. Himalayan cedar is fairly drought tolerant but does best with regular supplies of water. It prefers a sunny position. It is usually propagated from freshly matured seed but coloured foliage varieties are raised by grafting seedlings. Like the Atlas cedar it is an excellent container plant. Native to: The Himalayan Mountains of North-west India. Soils: Deep well-drained loams. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau. Recommended - Celtis australis European nettle tree A hardy deciduous species of 15 m which closely resembles the elms to which it is related. It has a large spreading leafy crown which turns golden yellow in autumn. The leaves are oval to lance-shaped, serrated, light green in summer and 6-12 cm long. A round sweet edible brown fruit, 1 cm in diameter, is produced following flowering. The trunk is smooth and greyish. Plants may be propagated from seed or'cuttings. Advanced specimens can be transplanted in winter. It grows best in full sunlight and is a suitable species for street, avenue, and large hedges. Native to: South Europe, Middle East and North Africa. Soils: Wide range of deep well-drained soils. Ceratonia siliqua Carob bean A tree of considerable economic importance in the Middle East because of the high sugar and protein content of its fruit pods which are reuch valued for animal fodder. It grows rapidly in cultivation and tolerates hot dry conditions. Carob bean is an evergreen with a large round canopy and grows to a height of 9-15 m. It has a stout trunk covered with dark brown bark, and deep green pinnate leaves cm long. The leaflets are usually 5-8 cm long. Flowers are reddish and borne in clusters. Carob bean is propagated from seed and is grown widely in Australia. It grows in a wide range of conditions but thrives best in rich alkaline soils and with regular summer waterings. An excellent shade and hedge species.

23 17. Native to: Mediterranean Region. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain. Ceratopetalum apetulum Coachwood A tall elegant tree of 20 m which is best suited to deep rich soils with an abundant supply of water in summer. Leaves are a deep glossy green, simple, narrow and oval; the flowers are without petals but the sepals turn reddish-purple after flowering. The bark is smooth and grey. This species has a deep root system and although it does best in sheltered positions it will tolerate sunny positions. Propagation is from seed and cuttings. Coachwood makes a very attractive feature tree. It occurs naturally in very tall closed forests amd in gullies of the Western Region of Sydney. Native to: N.S.W., Qld. Soils: Deep well-drained sands and loams. Cryptomeria japonica Japanese cedar A very useful tub or rock garden plant. It has a pyramidal form with a tapering trunk supporting spreading branches, and small dark green prickly leaves. Japanese cedar is highly valued in Japan for its fragrant wood. It does best with regular watering in cool sunny positions and in fertile soils. A number of different forms are cultivated; all are excellent ornamentals in gardens. Native to: Japan. Soils: Deep well-drained fertile loams. Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona cypress This tree resembles and is often confused with C. arizona. attractive pyramidal growth form and silver grey foliage. Both have an The bark of

24 18. _g_. glabra is thin and each season breaks away in scale-like plates, leaving the trunk smooth. Its foliage is odourless. The bark of C. arizona is fibrous and heavily furrowed, and its leaves emit a pungent odour. _g_. glabra is an excellent shelter tree in dry areas. Both species are useful for planting in windbreaks and hedges and can be propagated by seed and by carefully treated cuttings. Plants up to 1.0 m in height can be transplanted without difficulty. Native to: Southern Arizona. Soils: Wide range. Cupressus sempervirens var. stricta Upright Italian cypress One of the most popular ornamental cypresses. The branches of this variety are ascendig or upright and those of the closely related C. sempervirens. var. horizontalis are spreading and horizontal. Both species have red-brown bark, woody nut-like fruits, and deep green foliage. The species is generally regarded as one of the best ornamental cypresses. c. sempervirens. var. stricta is an excellent tree for avenues and streets, and wherever formal architectural lines are needed. The two varieties can be produced from seed from the one tree so plants should first be sown in pots to enable the form to be distinguished early. To obtain near identical types for avenues plants should be raised from cuttings. Both varieties have strong root systems and tolerate warm dry situations and exposure to frosts. Native to: South Europe, West Asia. Soils: Wide range of deep soils. Elaeocarpus reticulatus Blueberry ash A handsome widespread native species found in gullies and sheltered sites in the Western Region of Sydney. It has smooth greyish bark and long, lance-shaped, shiny dark green, serrated leaves. Masses of delicately fringed pendulous white flowers are produced in October and November. These are followed by attractive blue berries in autumn and winter. It is a small tree rarely exceeding 10 m in height.

25 19. Blueberry ash is frost-sensitive and does best in a sheltered site. It requires regular watering and like most Australian natives it prefers acid soils. Propagation is from seed and cuttings in autumn. This tree makes an attractive specimen in protected areas but is rather slow-growing when young. Native to: East coast of Australia. Soils: Loams. Eucalyptus amplifolia Cabbage gum This tree occurs naturally in the Western Region of Sydney in low poorly drained sites and swamps. It has smooth deciduous bark, a stout trunk and at maturity can reach a height of 20 m. Leaves are long, narrow lance-shaped, and prominently veined. Cabbage gum is excellent for planting in difficult clay soils or poorly drained damp sites. This species and all other eucalypts are propagated from seed. Seedlings are transferred to tubes or jiffy pots and planted when cm tall. N.s.w., Qld. Native to: Flowers: Summer. Soils: Poorly drained and swampy clay soils. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Eucalyptus botryoides Bangalay or bastard mahogany A magnificent shade or shelter tr.ee which under natural conditions grows to 30 m. Its bark is dark, fibrous and grooved. Leaves vary from lance-shaped to oval and are up to 14 cm in length and deep green in colour. Flowers are white. Under cultivation it is a hardy fast grower, increasing in height by 1.2 m per year. It grows best with abundant moisture but will tolerate dry conditions. It also tolerates saline soils. Native to: East coasts of Vic. and N.S.W. Flowers: Summer. Soils: Wide range of deep soils. Planting Areas: Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau. Highly reconnnended - Cumberland Plain,

26 20. Eucalyptus bridgesiana Apple box A native tree, characterised by its grey-brown rough bark and a spreading crown of drooping branches. The trunk is short and the adult leaves are lance-shaped, cm long and dull green in colour. They present a striking contrast to the wax-coated juvenile leaves which are heartshaped with wavy edges. White flowers 2 cm long appear regularly each year from pointed buds which are grouped in clusters of seven. Apple box is for planting as an ornamental or for shade and shelter. At maturity it may reach a height of 25 m. Native to: Vic., N.s.w. Flowers: Early summer. Soils: Deep loams and clays. Planting Areas: Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau. Eucalyptus calophylla Marri A native species of the bloodwood group of eucalypts renowned for its beautiful red flowers. After flowering large woody capsules are produced which vary between 2.4 and 4 cm in diameter. The.leaves are broadly lance-shaped and 8-18 cm long. Marri is tolerant of a range of environmental conditions. Under favourable conditions it grows 1 m per year and reaches 30 m at maturity. shade. Marri trees are useful as ornamentals and for shelter and Native to: W.A. Flowers: Summer and autumn. Soils: Deep well-drained sands and loams. Eucalyptus caesia Gungurru A smooth barked tree which bears beautiful pendulous white tubular flowers topped with pink stamens. Adult leaves are shiny and lanceshaped, 5-9 cm long. It is a medium-sized tree which grows at the rate of about 1 m per year and reaches a height of 15 m at maturity. It looks best as an ornamental in shrubberies and is resistant to both frost and dry conditions.

27 Native to: W.A. Soils: Well-drained loams. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau. Recommended - Cumberland Plain, 21. Eucalyptus camaldulensis River red gum River red gum is a natural tree with a wide distribution in Australia. It occurs naturally along the Australian river system, along or near water courses including those of the Western Region of Sydney. It is a widely spreading woodland tree with spreading branches and commonly, a short trunk. The bark is mostly smooth and grey-white in colour. Adult leaves are narrow and lance shaped, cm in length, and pale greengrey in colour on both sides. It bears a profusion of white flowers. tolerant. River red gum tolerates both wet and dry soils and is frost It is a species for parklands and large landscape projects. Native to: All Territories and States except Tas. Flowers: Mainly spring. Soils: Wide range of deep soils. Eucalyptus cinerea Argyle apple, mealy stringybark A striking tree which is distinguished by round silvery or bluish grey leaves partially encircling the stems. The inner adult leaves are lance-shaped, and the bark is brown and fibrous. The colour contrast of bark and leaves is attractive in planted landscapes. Clusters of small white flowers are produced in early summer. This tree is suitable for ornamental and avenue planting where sufficient space is available. It grows to a height of about 15 m and tolerates a range of environmental conditions; it is frost-hardy and moderately drought-resistant. Native to: N.S.W., Vic. Flowers: Early summer. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Highly reconnnended - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, EucalyPtus citriodora Lemon-scented gum This is one of the most beautiful eucalypts, has a graceful crown and a clean straight trunk, white in colour with a powdery surface. It grows

28 m per year to reach a mature height of 30 m. At this age the lowest branch may be as much as 6 m from the ground. Adult leaves are a narrow, lance-shaped (4-12 x.1-25 cm) and light green on both sides. When crushed the leaves smell strongly of citronella. Flowers are small and white. Lemon-scented gum requires regular but not excessive watering and when young needs protection from frost. This species has been planted extensively overseas and in Australia is popular as an ornamental on sites where space is not limiting. Native to: Qld. Flowers: Sunnner. Soils: Wide range of well-drained soils. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain, Eucalyptus cloeziana Gympie messmate A large rapidly growing tree, attaining a height in excess of 40 m in suitable conditions. It has a well-developed compact crown surmounting a straight trunk with persistent grey~brown fibrous bark. Leaves are dark green on the upper surf ace and paler below and when mature are either lance or sickle-shaped and 8-12 cm long. Gympie messmate is drought-tolerant and suitable for shade, or in groups for windbreaks. Native to: Qld. Flowers: Sunnner. Soils: Deep stony soils, sands and loams. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain. Eucalyptus crebra Narrow-leaved ironbark A rapidly growing eucalypt with deeply furrowed bark typical of the ironbark group of eucalypts. In areas of regular rainfall it grows 1.2 m per year and at maturity can be 30 m high. The trunk is tall and slim and the crown is open and spreading. The leaves are greyish green, long and narrow (7-12 x 1-2 cm). Narrow-leaved ironbark grows best on sandy soils with good drainage. The species is drought-tolerant and moderately frostresistant. It is recommended for planting in shelter belts and windbreaks where space is not limiting. Narrow-leaved ironbark occurs naturally in the Western Region of Sydney.

29 23. Native to: Qld., N.S.W. Flowers Winter and early summer. Soils: Well-drained sands and loams. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain. Eucalyptus dalrympleana Mountain gum This magnificent eucalypt occurs native to the Blue Mountains Plateau. It is tall, typically attaining heights in excess of 40 m, and has a straight trunk with a large open-branched crown. The bark is mainly smooth with irregular blotches of light and dark grey, and white or salmon-pink patches. The shiny green adult leaves are narrow, lanceshaped and cm long. Under cultivation mountain gum is frost-resistant but requires regular watering. It is reconnnended as a shelter or feature tree in large open spaces. Native to: N.S.W., Vic., Tas. Flowers: Summer and autumn. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Recommended - Blue Mountains-Plateau. Eucelyptus dawsonii Slaty gum A native species distinguished by its ash-coloured leaves, buds and branchlets. It is a medium sized tree and grows to about 20 m. Small delicate flowers are borne in clusters at the ends of branches. Leaves are lance-shaped, 7-12 cm long, and the bark is smooth with irregular patches flaking off in short strips. Slaty gum will grow in a range of soils including those with a shallow stoney layer. It is moderately drought and frost-resistant. groups. Sydney. As an ornamental slaty gum is most attractive when planted in It is native to the western part of the Western Region of Native to: N.S.W. Flowers: Early summer. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Reconnnended - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau,

30 24. Eucalyptus dealbata Tumble down gum This tree connnonly has a straggly canopy on a short trunk. It is a hardy species with an attractive smooth upper bark. Adult leaves are dusky green, lance-shaped and 8-16 cm long. It makes a useful shade or shelter tree for dry sites and sandy, gravelly soils. It is a native to the western Blue Mountains and is widely distributed on hills throughout the drier woodland zones of N.S.W. and southern Queensland. Native to: Qld., N.S.W. Flowers: Spring and summer. Soils: Well-drained shallow stony soils, sands and loams. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau. Recommended - Cumberland Plain, Eucalyptus deanei Round-leaved gum or Deane's gum This tree occurs naturally in the Western Region of Sydney, on the slopes of the Blue Mountains. On good sites it will grow to about 60 m but connnonly it attains a height of m. The trunk is straight and smooth and is topped by a straggly crown. Adult leaves are lance-shaped and_ cm long. Flowers are borne in small ciusters at the ends of branches. Round-leaved gum is resistant to both insect damage and drought and under cultivation it makes a good shade tree or windbreak when planted in groups. Native to: N.S.W., Qld. Flowers: Late summer. Soils: Well-drained loams and clays. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Eucalyptus dives Broad-leaved peppermint A tree which is valuable for shelter and shade because of its large crown and drooping branches. It also makes an attractive feature tree for parks and home gardens. It is relatively small for a eucalypt and grows only to m. The bark is finely fibrous on the trunk and main branches and adult leaves are broadly lance-shaped (10-15 cm long) and shiny green in colour. It is not frost-sensitive nor does it have specific soil preferences....

31 25. Native to: Vic., N.S.W. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Recommended - Blue Mountains Plateau. Eucalyp.tus elata River peppermint An attractive ornamental tree which under suitable conditions will grow to 40 m. The bark is smooth and white above and rough near the base of the trunk. It has grey-green lance-shaped leaves cm long. River peppermint is a rapid grower, increasing in height 1.2 m per year with regular watering. It is native to the Western Region of Sydney. Native to: N.S.W., Vic. Soils: Well-drained loams. Eucalyptus exim.ia Yellow bloodwood.a: beautiful small tree distinguished by rough scaly yellow-brown bark. A layer of dark old outer bark overlies yellowish and more recently formed bark. It is a moderately common native species on the lower Blue Mountains area where it reaches heights of 8-20 m. Leaves are lanceshaped and cm long. Clusters of creamy flo~ers which sometimes have bright yellow stamens appear in spring. Yellow bloodwood is an excellent ornamental, especially oh poor sandstone sites. Native to: N.s.w. Soils: Shallow stony soils and sands. ~ ' Eucalyptus fibrosa ssp. fibrosa Broad-leaved ironbark The bark of this tree is very dark and deeply furrowed. When mature it reaches 30 m and has an open spreading crown. Adult leaves are lanceshaped and 8-18 cm long.

32 26. It is moderately resistant to both drought and frost. native to the Western Region of Sydney. It is Native to: Qld., N.S.W. Flowers: Summer. Soils: Wide range. Eucalyptus globulus Tasmania blue gum or southern blue gum A fast-growing eucalypt which can attain heights in excess of 30 m when mature. The trunk is tall and straight. The bark is rough and grey at the base but on the upper trunk is shed in long strips revealing a smooth bluish grey under surface. Adult.leaves are lance-shaped, glossy green and 4-30 cm long. In contrast the young foliage is much rounder and blue-grey in colour. Under cultivation it requires fertile soils, regular watering and an open position. Native to: Tas., Vic. Flowers: Winter and spring. Soils: Deep well-drained loams and clays. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Eucalyptus grandis Flooded gum or rose gum A giant, handsome eucalypt for large public gardens, parks, and recreation areas. Its trunk is straight, unbranched to a great height, and covered with smooth white bark except for a small rough area at the base. The crown is spreading and rather open. Commonly attains a height of 40 m. Adult leaves are lance-shaped and cm long. Clusters of pearshaped fruit are borne after winter flowering. Flooded gum is frost-sensitive and requires regular watering or high natural rainfall. It needs fertile soils and open sunny sites. It closely resembles and is often confused with the Sydney blue gum, E. saligna. - Native to: N.S.W., Qld. Flowers: Winter. Soils: Deep well-drained loams. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain ~

33 27. Eucalyptus gummifera Red bloodwood A handsome feature or shade tree for recreation areas. It occurs in the Western Region of Sydney where on good sites it grows to 20 m, but on poor soils the maximum height attained rarely exceeds 15 m. Red bloodwood has rough bark with conspicuous red markings beneath the brown flaky outer layers. Adult leaves are a shiny dark green, lance-shaped and cm long. Clusters of white flowers appear from January to March and are followed by urn-shaped fruits. It is susceptible to frost damage. Sites for planting should be in full sunlight and abundantly supplied with moisture. It will grow on a range of soils but the best development is on fertile moist loams. Native to: East coast of Vic., N.S.W. Qld. Flowers: Sum:til.er.. Soils: Wide range. Planting Areas: Recommended - Cumberland Plain, Eucalyptus gunni Cider gum This hardy species has been grown successfully in Great Britain. Its native distribution is in the rugged mountainous. terrain of Tasmania. It has smooth greenish white bark which is rough at the base. Adult leaves are pointed and oval and up to 8 cm long. White flowers appear in January and February. Cider gum grows to a height of 25 m. It may require regular summer waterings in the Western Region of Sydney. Native to: Tas. Flowers: Summer. Soils: Wide range including swampy soils. Eucalyptus haemastoma Scribbly gum A useful native tree for planting in urban areas. It is attractive in appearance with a twisted somewhat irregular shape and white, cream or pale grey bark. The bark is commonly marked with "scribbles" by insect larvae. The foliage is light, and forms an open crown of dark glossy green lance-shaped, sometimes sickle-shaped leaves. The height of a mature tree varies from 10 to 15 m.

34 ----~ ~ 28. Sites for planting should be open to the sun and supplied regularly with water. It will grow on a range of soils and is suited especially to the shallow sands of the Hawkesbury Sandstones. Scribbly gum is widespread naturally in the Region on the ridge tops of the Blue Mountains Plateau. Native to: N.S.W. Flowers: Autumn-spring. Soils: Well-drained shallow sands. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Eucalyptus leucoxylon Yellow gum An ornamental or shade tree, which grows to a height of m. It is resistant to both drought and insect damage. It is closely related to the ironbarks but its bark on the main trunk is regularly shed leaving a smooth mottled yellow or white and blue-grey surface. The crown can be open or dense depending on the site. Adult leaves are dull green, lance-shaped and 6-15 cm long. The variety E. leucoxylon var. macrocarpa has attractive coloured flowers and is frost-hardy. The flowers are crimson, pink or cream and appear in profusion in autumn and winter and sometimes spring. soils. Yellow gum requires a sunny position and grows best in acid Native to: S.A., Vic. Flowers: Autumn and winter. Soils: Clays and loams. Planting Areas: Reconnnended - Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Eucalyptus macarthurii Camden woollybutt or Paddy's river box A beautiful spreading tree which is ideal for shade and shelter belts. It has rough box-like bark on the bole but the upper branches are smooth. The foliage is dense, dark green and lance-shaped. The adult leaves vary in length from 9 to 13 cm. On poor soils the tree may grow to only 20 m but on moist well-drained learns it may attain a height of 40 m. The leaves 0f this tree have a high percentage of geranyl acetate and free geraniol which is commercially distilled for use in perfumery.

35 29. It is scattered naturally throughout the Blue Mountains, usually on flats and near swamps and streams. On suitable sites it will grow 1-2 m in height per year. It grows best in exposed sunny positions and is both frost-tolerant and drought-resistant. Native to: N.S.W. Soils: Poorly drained deep sand, loams and clays. Planting Areas: Highly recommended. Cumberland Plain, Blue Mountains Plateau, Eucalyptus maculata Coastal spotted gum A magnificent tree which grows to 45 m on good sites but on drier, poorer sites the maximum height attained may be only 25 m. The trunk is tall and clean, the bark is smooth and shed in small patches, creating a white mottled or spotted effect. Adult leaves are lance-shaped, olive green and cm long. Spotted gum may be grown in situ from seed in sunny sites. It requires regular summer waterings. The growth rate is very rapid, and it attains 8 min five years under suitable-conditions. Despite its size, this eucalypt is an e~cellent garden tree providing both shade and shelter. In large parks, it is attractive in group plantings. In the Western Region of Sydney spotted gum occurs naturally on the Cumberland Plain and the Native to: Vic., N.S.W., Qld. Flowers: Winter. Soils: Wide range, but best on well-drained loams and clays. Planting Areas: Highly recommended - Cumberland Plain. Recommended - Eucalyptus maidenii Maiden's Gum The natural distribution of this species is eastern Victoria and southeastern New South Wales where it grows to heights in excess of 60 m. In urban environments the maximum height attained is considerably less. The crown shape is rounded. Adult leaves are dark glossy green on both sides, lance-shaped, leathery and up to 20 cm long. Maiden's gum is a relatively slow growing tree, moderately drought-resistant and frost-hardy. It is suitable for planting in avenues and for shelter belts.

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