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2 WHY YOU NEED A HEALTHY GUT WELCOME TO THE 30 DAY HEALMYGUT PROGRAM! Before we begin, let s discuss why you need a healthy gut. Your digestive tract is often referred to as your gut, home to about 70 trillion good bacteria, also called flora or gut microbiome. We like to think of these good bacteria as your inner garden, a landscape filled with hundreds of different species of colorful flowers. The names of some of these good bacteria may sound familiar, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, and they are commonly found in yogurt and other cultured dairy products. HEALTH BENEFITS OF GOOD GUT FLORA Helps prevent digestive symptoms like reflux, gas and bloating, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea. Aids in the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Without enough good bacteria, you may become vitamin deficient even if you are eating healthy food. Protects against dysbiosis, an overgrowth of bad bacteria, yeast and parasites. Dysbiosis can cause leaky gut syndrome, food sensitivities, irritable bowel syndrome and other chronic inflammatory disorders like autoimmune disease and arthritis. Keeps your immune system strong and balanced. Lowers inflammation both in your gut and in the rest of your body. Supports a good mood and prevents depression and anxiety. Helps with blood sugar balance and a healthy weight. 2

3 DYSBIOSIS AND LEAKY GUT SYNDROME Now you can see why it s so important to have healthy gut flora. However, just like in any garden, there are problems that can develop that cause weeds to grow or the flowers to become sick and lose their vitality. Common weeds that can grow in your gut are bad bacteria, yeast and parasites. When you don t have enough good flora, or have an overgrowth of any of these harmful microbes, it is called dysbiosis. Dysbiosis, in turn, leads to a loss of the barrier function in your gut, leading to a condition called leaky gut syndrome. THE CONDITIONS THAT CAN CAUSE DYSBIOSIS AND LEAKY GUT INCLUDE The standard American diet, which is very low in the fiber and vegetables needed to feed the good bacteria The standard American diet, which is filled with sugar that feeds the yeast and bad bacteria Frequent use of antibiotics Chronic use of antacids and proton pump inhibitors (PPI s) Severe or continuous stress or trauma Overuse of medication, especially pain killers Alcohol and other drug use 3

4 HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOUR FLORA IS HEALTHY? If you have no digestive symptoms, your immune system is strong, you don t have an autoimmune condition and you rarely get sick, your gut is probably okay. HOWEVER, YOU PROBABLY HAVE DYSBIOSIS IF YOU HAVE Reflux or GERD Burping after meals Gas and bloating after meals Abdominal pain or discomfort Chronic constipation, diarrhea, or both A diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome YOU LIKELY HAVE A LEAKY GUT AS WELL IF YOU HAVE An autoimmune disease Arthritis Fibromyalgia Frequent colds or illnesses Chronic sinusitis Multiple food sensitivities 4

5 THE 30-DAY HEALMYGUT PROGRAM The goal of the 30 Day Blum HealMyGut program is to restore your intestinal flora to a state of robust health and diversity. Once your gut microbiome is strong and functioning well, your immune system will be balanced and working well, too, and this will help you to live the healthiest life possible. THE HEALMYGUT PROGRAM Fixing your gut flora involves 3 steps. The first 2 steps we will do together as part of the 30-Day Blum HealMyGut Program, and then in step 3 you will continue with the Gut Essentials Program to promote deeper healing and a well balanced microbiome. 3 STEPS TO A HEALTHY GUT STEP 1: HEALMYGUT FOOD PLAN You will focus on eating delicious food that supports your gut and reduces inflammation. At the same time, you will remove foods that commonly trigger digestive symptoms and promote dysbiosis and leaky gut. We will tell you exactly what to eat and what to avoid. STEP 2: HEALMYGUT SUPPLEMENTS Treat dysbiosis and leaky gut with an easy to follow supplement program. We will tell you exactly what to take and when. STEP 3: GUT ESSENTIALS PROGRAM After the 30 Day HealMyGut Program, transition into the Gut Essentials Food Plan and Supplements. We will give you complete instructions for how to do this. 5

6 STEP 1 HEALMYGUT FOOD PLAN The HealMyGut Food Plan was created to help you repair your gut by changing what you are eating. Some of the symptoms you are experiencing might be from food, and we need to identify and remove these problem foods so that you feel better. This plan was designed to help you figure this out. FOODS TO FOCUS ON First we want you to focus on the best foods to eat. These suggestions are lifelong recommendations that you should begin now: Eat a rainbow of colorful vegetables and fruit every day. These foods are filled with antioxidants that support your immune system, and fiber that feeds your healthy flora. Include coconut products like coconut oil, milk, yogurt and kefir. Coconut is filled with medium chain triglycerides which feed the cells lining your intestines, and has yeast-killing properties. It is also an easy to burn source of fuel that feeds your brain and muscles. Include Ghee, which is clarified butter. People with dairy sensitivities can eat ghee because all the milk proteins are removed and it is pure fat. Ghee is filled with butyrate, a critically important fatty acid for the care and feeding of cells in your colon. Organic, non-gmo: These foods are low in pesticides, which can alter your flora and damage you intestinal lining, causing leaky gut. Include healthy anti-inflammatory oils like fish, flax, olive oil. Choose grass-fed, pasture raised, or free range organic animals when possible. This will limit the hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides that you are exposed to when eating animals raised in typical feed lots. Also, the meat from grass fed animals have higher quality, anti-inflammatory fats than corn fed animals. 6

7 FOODS TO REMOVE For 30 days you will follow what is called an elimination diet. The goal of the elimination diet is to help you identify hidden food sensitivities. The best way to figure this out is to remove a list of foods from your diet and then reintroduce them one at a time to see if you have a reaction. HERE IS A LIST OF THE FOODS YOU WILL REMOVE FOR 30 DAYS Processed food high in sugar, white flour, food dyes and preservatives. These foods and chemicals promote dysbiosis, and this should be a permanent change. For the next 30 days, we also remove alcohol, fruit juices, high sugar fruit, dried frit, and all added sugar or artificial sweeteners except stevia. Gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs and peanuts These foods are the most common triggers for reflux, constipation and abdominal discomfort, as well as other non-gut related symptoms. Shellfish, processed or smoked meats and sausages, wine. These foods are high in histamines and can trigger allergic reactions, including nasal congestion as well as headaches, dizziness and digestive discomfort. A select list of high FODMAP foods that we have found trigger the worst digestive symptoms in people with a type of IBS called Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth, or SIBO. FODMAP is an acronym for foods that contain Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Monosaccharides, and Polyols Artichoke, apples, onions, garlic, cauliflower, cashews, and fermented vegetables like sauerkraut. Legumes (except mung and adzuki beans) All grains (except quinoa and wild rice) 7

8 YOUR FOOD PLAN Here is the table showing you all the foods you should remove, and more importantly, the foods you can and should be eating. You will see that there are plenty of foods to choose from and you will not go hungry! CATEGORY FOOD TO INCLUDE FOOD TO EXCLUDE FRUITS Choose deeply colored, in season, organic and locally grown All fresh or unsweetened frozen fruits, unless otherwise indicated Apples Dried fruit and fruit juices NON-STARCHY VEGETABLES Choose deeply colored, in season, organic and locally grown All fresh raw, steamed, sautéed, juiced or roasted vegetables, unless otherwise indicated. Artichoke, cauliflower, garlic, onions, sauerkraut or fermented vegetables If you have arthritis: avoid nightshades: tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, paprika, salsa, chili peppers, cayenne, chili powder, goji berries STARCHY VEGETABLES Beets, butternut squash, parsnip, sweet potatoes Corn, creamed vegetables GRAINS Gluten free and low FODMAP Lowest FODMAP: Quinoa and Wild Rice No other grains or gluten containing products like wheat, oat, rye, kamut, spelt, barley white and brown rice 8

9 YOUR FOOD PLAN CONTINUED CATEGORY FOOD TO INCLUDE FOOD TO EXCLUDE LEGUMES Lowest FODMAP: Mung and adzuki beans Black beans, chickpeas, hummus, kidney beans, lentils, peas. Soy products including edamame, soybeans, soy milk, soy sauce, tofu, tempeh. NUTS AND SEEDS All nuts and seeds, unless otherwise indicated Cashews, peanuts, peanut butter, pistachio MEAT AND FISH Choose low mercury fish (list included at the end of this guide) 100% grass-fed meats, hormone and antibiotic free poultry All canned (water-packed), frozen, or fresh, low mercury fish; beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, wild game (Overly-processed) cold cuts, canned meats, eggs, frankfurters, pork, sausage, shellfish, smoked fish DAIRY PRODUCTS AND MILK SUBSTITUTES Choose unsweetened Milk substitutes such as almond, cashew, coconut, hemp, rice milk Also, ghee is allowed because it has no milk proteins Butter, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, frozen yogurt, ice cream, milk, non-dairy creamers, yogurt 9

10 YOUR FOOD PLAN CONTINUED CATEGORY FOOD TO INCLUDE FOOD TO EXCLUDE FATS AND OILS For cooking: avocado, coconut, and macadamia oils and ghee Low or no heat: olive, sesame No heat: flax, pumpkin Butter, margarine, mayonnaise, shortening, processed (hydrogenated) oils such as canola, vegetable; spreads BEVERAGES Choose unsweetened: Filtered or distilled water, all teas, seltzer or mineral water Coffee (organic) one cupper day Alcoholic beverages, soda, soft drinks HERBS & SPICES AND CONDIMENTS All spices unless otherwise indicated. For example, use: cinnamon, cumin, dill, ginger, carob, oregano, parsley, rosemary, tarragon, thyme, turmeric. Mustard (with apple cider vinegar), vinegar, umeboshi vinegar Chocolate, chutney, ketchup, MSG, relish, soy sauce, teriyaki, tamari, other condiments, alcoholic beverages, soda, soft drinks SWEETENERS Small amounts of: Stevia, Honey Agave, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and Splenda; brown sugar, corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, high fructose corn syrup, sugar 10

11 SHOPPING LIST VEGETABLES (NON-STARCHY) Arugula Asparagus Bamboo shoots Bok choy Broccoli, Broccoli rabe Brussels sprouts Cabbage all types Carrots Celeriac root Celery Chard/Swiss chard Chives Cilantro Cucumber Eggplant Endive Fennel Greens (beet, collard, chicory, dandelion, escarole, kale, mustard, purslane, radicchio) Green beans Horseradish Jicama Kohlrabi Leek Lettuce, all varieties Mushrooms Microgreens Okra Parsley Peppers, all Radish, daikon Sea vegetables- seaweed, kelp, nori, dulse, hiziki Snap peas/snow peas Sprouts, all Spinach Squash Tomato Turnip Watercress Water chestnuts VEGETABLES (STARCHY) Beets Butternut squash Sweet Potato/Yam Root vegetables Fruits FRUITS Apricots, fresh Blackberries Blueberries Cherries Grapefruit Grapes Kiwi Melon, all Nectarine Orange Persimmon Plums Pomegranate Prunes (if needed) Raspberries Strawberries Tangerines MEAT & FISH Free-range, grass-fed, organically grown meats; wild-caught fish; non-gmo plant proteins preferred Animal Proteins: Fish: (Omega-3 rich) cod, mackerel, sardines, Alaskan salmon, halibut, herring, tuna, see the Safe Fish List Meat: Beef, buffalo, elk, lamb, venison, wild game Poultry: Chicken (skinless), Cornish hen, turkey Plant Proteins: burger alternatives: mushroom, veggie Protein powder: hemp, pea - check label for # grams/scoop (1 protein serving = 7 g protein) GLUTEN-FREE GRAINS Quinoa Wild rice 11

12 SHOPPING LIST CONTINUED FATS AND OILS Minimally refined, cold-pressed, organic, non-gmo preferred Coconut milk, regular (canned) Coconut milk, light (canned) Olives, black or green Oils, cooking: Coconut Ghee/clarified butter Safflower, cold pressed Macadamia Ghee Oils, Salad: Flaxseed Hemp seed Olive oil, cold pressed Pumpkin seed Sesame Walnut DAIRY AND MILK SUBSTITUTES Non-Dairy milk, yogurt, kefir: Almond, coconut, rice, hazelnut, cashew, hemp, - (unsweetened) LEGUMES Adzuki Mung NUTS & SEEDS Almonds Brazil nuts Coconut flakes, unsweetened Hazelnuts Pecan halves Pine nuts Walnut halves Chia seeds Hemp seeds Flaxseed, ground Pumpkin seeds Sesame seeds Sunflower seeds All of the above can be consumed as nut butters and spreads (e.g., Tahini) BEVERAGES Coffee (organic), decaffeinated Herbal tea (non-caffeinated) Distilled water Mineral, sparkling water Spring water HERBS, SPICES, AND CONDIMENTS Apple cider vinegar Carob Cinnamon Clove Coconut aminos Cumin Dill Ginger Mustard (apple cider vinegar) Oregano Parsley Rosemary Tarragon Thyme Turmeric Umeboshi vinegar Vinegar SWEETENERS Stevia Honey 12

13 STEP 2 HEALMYGUT SUPPLEMENTS Now it is time to treat dysbiosis and leaky gut by taking the HealMyGut Supplements. 30-DAY HEALMYGUT PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS 1. GUT CLEANSE PACKETS 1 Box with 60 Packets. Take this twice a day, in the morning and evening, with or without meals. This is an herbal, anti-bacterial and anti-yeast formula that also has some anti-parasite activity. This is the core part of your treatment and one box will last you 30 days. Each packet includes 2 capsules of herbs, and 2 capsules of oregano to treat dysbiosis; 1 enzyme capsule to improve digestion; and 1 glutamine capsule to treat leaky gut. First and second day: Take 1 packet in the morning only, before or with breakfast. Beginning day 3: Take 1 packet twice each day, AM and PM. The first packet before or with breakfast; the second packet before or with dinner. Take all the packets in the box. You should notice a reduction in digestion and gut related symptoms by the end of the first week, especially if you are following the Blum HealMyGut Food Plan. However, for some people this can take longer. Potential side effects from herbs: If you have lots of bad bacteria or yeast (moderate to severe dysbiosis) you might have what s called a die-off reaction. This means that as the bad microbes are killed with the Gut Cleanse supplements, you might feel more fatigue, brain fog, possibly a headache or GI symptoms such as nausea. If the side effects are uncomfortable, cut back the dose for a day or two. Herbs can reduce the effect of birth control pills. While on the program we suggest using another form of contraception. Herbs can interact with antibiotics. If you need to take antibiotics, stop the Gut Cleanse Packets until you are done. 13

14 Rarely, herbs can irritate the liver, causing nausea and vomiting. If that happens to you, stop taking the supplements and this should go away within 1-2 days. If it continues, contact your doctor. 2. PROBIOTICS 1 bottle with 30 capsules. This is a multiple strain formula that does not need refrigeration We recommend taking 1 capsule at bedtime during your month of treatment because you should not take Probiotics within 2 hours of taking your Gut Cleanse Packets. 3. SOOTHE PROTEIN POWDER WITH ANTIOXIDANTS FOR GUT INTEGRITY 1 canister of protein powder has 28 scoops of powder and makes a delicious and filling breakfast protein shake. This protein drink contains high doses of herbs and supplements to reduce inflammation, support the growth of friendly flora and heal a leaky gut. Be sure to loosen up the powder in the canister. Use 1 scoop of powder each day, mix with water, juice, almond, rice or coconut milk, or put in a blender and add your favorite fruit. We have several smoothie recipes for you to try in the Blum HealMyGut Food Plan and Dr. Blum s book, The Immune System Recovery Plan. If you like this protein shake, you can continue it as long as you like. In fact, it is a terrific option to have this breakfast shake for the full 6 months that you are working on healing your gut. 4. STRENGTHEN POWDER Concentrated L-Glutamine for enhanced treatment of leaky gut. Add 1 tsp of Strengthen powder to your shake every morning. 14

15 SUMMARY AT-A-GLANCE 30-DAY HEALMYGUT PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS DAY 1-2 Follow the foods from the HealMyGut food plan 1 Gut Cleanse packet in the morning only. 1 capsule of Probiotic at bedtime DAY 3-30 Follow the foods from the HealMyGut food plan 1 scoop of Soothe Protein Powder once a day. (see recipes for ideas) ½ tsp Strengthen 1 Gut Cleanse packet twice each day, AM and PM. The first packet before or with breakfast; the second packet before or with dinner. 1 capsule of Probiotic at bedtime BEGINNING DAY 31 If you have packets or Protein Powder left over, keep taking them along with your Probiotics while you start to introduce foods. Follow the Gut Essentials Program 15

16 ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT STEP? Repairing and improving your gut microbiome and intestinal barrier takes time. The focus of your 30-Day HealMyGut Program has been on removing harmful microbes from your gut, and this is the critical first step on the path toward improved gut and immune health. For most people, this 30 day cleanse is all you need and you are ready to shift your focus to mending your intestinal lining and supporting your beneficial bacteria with probiotics, while eating the best gut supporting food. This is Step 3: The Gut Essentials Program. But there might be some of you that need another 30 days of Gut Cleanse before moving on. In our experience seeing patients at Blum Center for Health, and also during several years of coaching our online HealMyGut program, we have found that many people need 2 months of treatment before moving on. THESE ARE THE MOST COMMON REASONS TO DO ANOTHER 30 DAYS OF HEALMYGUT SUPPLEMENTS After you finish the packets in the Gut Cleanse Box, your symptoms are much improved, but not completely gone. You moved onto Step 3 and after a few weeks, your symptoms returned. This might have happened because you reintroduced problem foods, and the food is now triggering your symptoms, or because you really still need a longer, month long Gut Cleanse. Our suggestion is to first remove the food again and see if your symptoms resolve, and if they don t, do the 30-Day Program. If you have an inflammatory health condition, like Rheumatoid or Psoriatic arthritis, or another autoimmune disease, like Hashimoto s thyroiditis or Lupus, you should plan to follow your 30-Day program with the 30-Day program. Treating dysbiosis for at least 1 month is our standard practice at Blum Center for Health for most people with these conditions. Once you are finished with Step 2: HealMyGut Supplements, whether you did 1 month or 2, it is time to move onto the next step. 16

17 STEP 3 GUT ESSENTIALS PROGRAM GUT ESSENTIALS FOOD PLAN AND SUPPLEMENTS After you finish the 30-day strict elimination diet as part the 30-Day HealMyGut Food Plan, we will help you create a personalized nutrition plan that emphasizes all the important gut health supportive foods you need for long term health and vitality, and minimizes those foods that you have come to realize are not good for you. We call this the Gut Essentials Food Plan, and recommend you eat this way as your healthy home base every day. We believe using food as medicine is the best core strategy for staying healthy, but as you transition out of your HealMyGut Program, you will need a few basic gut supplements to deepen your healing and create resiliency so that your digestive symptoms are resolved for good. First, we will review the Gut Essentials Food Plan, and then our recommendations for Gut Essentials Supplements. GUT ESSENTIALS FOOD PLAN FOOD SENSITIVITIES To get started, we need to know if you have any food sensitivities. You will figure this out by slowly adding back the foods you have been avoiding, one at a time, waiting for 3 full days before introducing a new food on day 4. We suggest you reintroduce foods very slowly this way so that you can notice any kind of reaction you might have to each food. If you do, this is called a food sensitivity. And the only way to know which food triggered the reaction is by following our suggestion to add one at a time. For example, if you eat pizza the first day after your 30-Day program, and you feel bloated and become constipated, you won t know if it was the gluten or the dairy that caused the problem. It is better to introduce these foods separately. A food sensitivity may be immediate or delayed up to 72 hours, which is why it is important to wait the full 3 days before adding in the next food. Food reactions can be any kind of symptom, ranging from digestive distress (gas, bloating, constipation, reflux, abdominal pain, nausea), joint pain (or other 17

18 inflammation at places other than the gut), rash, brain fog, fatigue, mood changes, headache, really just about any kind of reaction is possible. You should wait to reintroduce the next food until after the reaction goes away, which should be about 1-2 days. Once the reaction is gone, let the immune system rest for another 2 days and then move on to introduce the next food. To keep track of your progress with the food reintroduction, we have included a Food Reintroduction Chart for you to use at the end of this guide. We suggest that If you do have a reaction, write it down in the chart so that you can look back and remember what happened during this experiment. If you have a food reaction, we recommend removing that food again for 6 months to give your immune system a chance to calm down. Now that you know which you shouldn t be eating, let s focus on what you should eat. We call this our Gut Essentials Food Plan, a gut-supportive, antiinflammatory way of living and eating which we hope will be a permanent change for you. In the long run, it will help you grow healthy gut flora, and keep you full of energy and vitality. FOOD FOCUS The Gut Essentials Food Plan follows the same general anti-inflammatory Food Focus as the HealMyGut Food Plan, but now includes most of the foods that you removed during the elimination phase, while also continuing to avoid any food that you discovered you are sensitive to. In this way, Gut Essentials is a personalized food plan, because it will be different for each person based on their food sensitivities. The goal of the Gut Essentials Food Plan is to teach you how to eat an antiinflammatory, gut supportive diet. We will introduce more foods that support the liver detox pathways so that your body can be more efficient at excreting unwanted environmental toxins. We will explain to you the best foods to eat, and these suggestions are life-long recommendations that you should try to follow 90% of the time. No one is perfect 100% of the time, and it is unrealistic to think 100% is possible in the long run. We have found that if you can build your daily routine around these guidelines and eat this way at home, you can eat the foods that are more inflammatory as treats when you go out or go on vacation. 18

19 BASIC ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DIET Eat a rainbow of colorful vegetables and fruit every day. These foods are filled with antioxidants that support your immune system, and fiber that feeds your healthy flora. Include coconut products like coconut oil, milk, yogurt and kefir. Coconut is filled with medium chain triglycerides which feed the cells lining your intestines, and has yeast-killing properties. It is also an easy to burn source of fuel that feeds your brain and muscles. Include Ghee, which is clarified butter. People with dairy sensitivities can eat ghee because all the milk proteins are removed and it is pure fat. Ghee is filled with butyrate, a critically important fatty acid for the care and feeding of cells in your colon. Organic, non-gmo: These foods are low in pesticides, which can alter your flora and damage you intestinal lining, causing leaky gut. Include healthy anti-inflammatory oils and fats like fish, flax, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, seeds and avocado. Choose grass-fed, pasture raised, or free range organic animals when possible. This will limit the hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides that you are exposed to when eating animals raised in typical feed lots. Also, the meat from grass fed animals have higher quality, anti-inflammatory fats than corn fed animals. In addition to the anti-inflammatory basics above, your healthy gut should be able to tolerate the following microbiome friendly foods and they should now be emphasized in your daily diet whenever possible. Cruciferous vegetables: Arugula Brussels sprouts Mustard greens Bok choy Broccoli Kale Broccoli rabe Cabbage Rutabaga Cauliflower Radish Chinese cabbage (napa) Collard greens Daikon (a type of radish) Kohlrabi Turnips Fruits and vegetables high in flavonoids like berries, mung and adzuki beans, flax seeds, apples and pears. 19

20 Cultured and fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh and kefir from coconut or goat s milk if tolerated. Prebiotic foods to help good bacteria grow, like asparagus, cabbage, chicory, garlic, leeks, and jerusalem artichokes. These foods are high in FODMAP s, so if you have SIBO reintroduce them carefully. FOODS TO LIMIT After reintroducing all the foods you had eliminated as part of the 30-Day Program, you should now know which, if any, foods you are sensitive to. If you discovered you were sensitive to grains (other than quinoa or wild rice), dairy, legumes (other than mung and adzuki), soy, corn, eggs, cashews, peanuts, pistachio, onions, garlic, artichoke, cauliflower, apples, fermented vegetables, dried fruit, or shellfish, you should continue to limit these foods. If you reintroduced gluten and dairy and they seemed ok, we recommend continuing to restrict gluten and dairy (cow) products because for most people they are inflammatory and do not promote good gut health. 20

21 GUT ESSENTIALS SUPPLEMENTS We have created a very simple plan for you to follow to treat leaky gut and heal your intestinal lining. We recommend taking these products for 3-6 months, the length of time depending on your health condition. If your symptoms were mild to begin with and you felt better quickly after the 30- Day HealMyGut Program, then 3 months should be enough. However, if you needed a second month of Gut Cleanse, have autoimmune disease or other inflammatory condition, then you probably need to take the Gut Essentials supplements for 6 months to treat your leaky gut. SUPPLEMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1. MEND BOX SUPPLEMENT PACKETS 1 box with 60 packets. Take 1 packet in the morning, and one in the evening. If the 30-Day program was the perfect reboot that you needed, we suggest taking Mend Packets for only 2-3 months. You should take these supplements on an empty stomach, which means when you wake up, minutes before a meal or snack, or 2 hours after a meal. I often tell people to take these when they wake up and when they go to sleep. Each packet is filled with soothing nutrients to increase the mucous layer in your stomach and intestines, and to treat leaky gut syndrome, and include: Glutamine N acetyl glucosamine Citrus pectin DGL licorice Aloe Slippery Elm Mucin Marshmallow Zinc carnosine 2. PROBIOTICS 1 bottle with 30 capsules. This is a multiple strain formula that does not need refrigeration. We recommend taking 1 capsule daily with or without food for 3-6 months. 21

22 RECIPE BLUEBERRY SHAKE INGREDIENTS (1 SERVING) 1 scoop Soothe Protein powder ½ cup frozen wild blueberries 1 kale leaf (can be frozen), or small handful of spinach (can be frozen) 2 tsp cinnamon 2 tbsp flax seeds, ground 12 oz filtered water DIRECTIONS: 1. Place all ingredients, except the protein powder, in a blender and blend until smooth. 2. Add the protein powder to the blender and blend until all ingredients are combined. Add more water if the shake is too thick. Do not over blend. 22

23 RECIPE BLUEBERRY BANANA SHAKE INGREDIENTS (1 SERVING) 1 scoop Soothe Protein powder ½ cup water ½ cup almond milk or organic yogurt ½ frozen blueberries ½ banana 1 tbsp ground flax seeds 1 scoop protein powder 1-2 small handfuls of spinach (optional) DIRECTIONS 1. Place all ingredients, except the protein powder, in a blender and blend until smooth. 2. Add the protein powder to the blender and blend until all ingredients are combined. Add more water if the shake is too thick. Do not over blend. 23

24 RECIPE BERRY KALE SHAKE INGREDIENTS (1 SERVING) 1 scoop Soothe Protein powder ½ cup frozen wild blueberries 1 medium size carrot 1 kale leaf (can be frozen) ½ medium beet, raw peeled 1 tbsp flax seeds, ground 1 tbsp hemp seeds ¼ avocado ½ cup unsweetened almond milk ½ cup water DIRECTIONS 1. Place all ingredients, except the protein powder, in a blender and blend until smooth. 2. Add the protein powder to the blender and blend until all ingredients are combined. Add more water if the shake is too thick. Do not over blend. 24

25 RECIPE BERRY NUTTY SHAKE INGREDIENTS (1 SERVING) 1 scoops Opti-metabolix protein powder ½ cup mixed frozen wild blueberries and raspberries 1 kale leaf (can be frozen) 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds 1 tbsp hemp seeds 2 Brazil nuts ¼ avocado ½ tbsp flax oil ½ cup unsweetened almond milk ½ cup water DIRECTIONS 1. Place all ingredients, except the protein powder, in a blender and blend until smooth. 2. Add the protein powder to the blender and blend until all ingredients are combined. Add more water if the shake is too thick. Do not over blend. 25

26 RECIPE SOCKEYE SALMON SALAD SIMPLE PRESSED SALAD (4 SERVINGS) WITH 4 OZ OF SOCKEYE SALMON (1 SERVING) INGREDIENTS 3 cups green cabbage, shaved very thin 5-6 red radishes with green tops 1 tbsp Umeboshi vinegar 4 oz sockeye salmon, canned DIRECTIONS 1. Wash the radishes well; remove the tops and slice into very thin ½ moons. 2. Combine the radish with the cabbage in a mixing bowl, pour in the vinegar and massage gently. 3. Julienne the radish tops and toss into the veggies. 4. Place the mixture into a pickle press (if you own one) or a glass or ceramic bowl, cover with plate and place something heavy on top to press (a tea kettle filled with water works well). 5. Let the veggies press for about ½ hour, checking every so often to see how much liquid is being released. If it releases too fast, the weight is too much. 6. Pour off the liquid, add salmon and serve. 26

27 RECIPE ARUGULA & SARDINE SALAD ARUGULA SALAD WITH ORANGES, FENNEL AND GOLDEN BEETS (6 SERVINGS) WITH A 3.75 OZ CAN OF SARDINES (1 SERVING) SALAD 2 fennel bulbs, cored and thinly sliced on a mandolin 3 small golden beets, peeled, halved and thinly sliced on a mandolin 3 oranges, segmented 3 cups arugula VINAIGRETTE 1 ½ tbsp apple cider vinegar ¼ cup lemon juice ⅓ cup olive oil 1 tsp ground cumin 2 tbsp minced mint ¼ tsp sea salt Freshly ground pepper to taste 27

28 RECIPE (CONTINUED) ARUGULA & SARDINES SALAD DIRECTIONS 1. Combine the shaved fennel, beets, and oranges in a medium bowl. 2. In a small bowl whisk the vinaigrette ingredients together until well combined. 3. Pour over the shaved vegetables and taste for salt and lemon. 4. Stir again and marinate in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. 5. Stir in arugula and can of sardines and serve. 28

29 RECIPE CHICKEN CABBAGE ROLLS INGREDIENTS (4 SERVINGS) Makes 12 rolls; 4 rolls = 1 serving FOR THE CABBAGE SLAW 2 tbsp brown rice vinegar 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp toasted sesame oil 1 tsp maple syrup 1 tbsp freshly grated ginger ½ tsp salt 1 tbsp sesame oil 2 large chicken breast, cubed 2 cups shredded Napa cabbage 1 cup shredded red cabbage 1 cup shredded carrots ¼ cup chopped cilantro TO ASSEMBLE THE ROLLS 12 lettuce or cabbage leaves/cups 24 fresh mint leaves 29

30 RECIPE (CONTINUED) CHICKEN CABBAGE ROLLS MAKE THE SLAW 1. Whisk the first six slaw ingredients together and set aside. 2. Heat the sesame oil in a large pan on medium heat, add the cubed chicken and cook thoroughly. 3. Add the shredded cabbages and carrots, sauteéing until the cabbage is slightly wilted, about 2 minutes. 4. Stir in the vinegar mixture and cook until the liquid is reduced by half and coats the vegetables. 5. Remove from the heat, portion into lettuce/cabbage cups. 6. Top each with a few mint leaves 2 is good. 30

31 RECIPE FENNEL, GOLDEN BEET & ARUGULA SALAD FENNEL, GOLDEN BEET & ARUGULA SALAD (6-8 SERVINGS) AND 4 OZ. TURKEY BREAST (1 SERVING) SALAD 2 fennel bulbs, cored and thinly sliced on a mandolin 3 small golden beets, peeled, quartered and thinly sliced on a mandolin 3 cups baby arugula VINAIGRETTE ⅓ cup olive oil ¼ cup lemon juice 1 tbsp minced mint 1 tsp honey 1 tsp ground cumin ¼ tsp sea salt (with iodine) Freshly ground black pepper (to taste) DIRECTIONS 1. Combine the shaved fennel and beets in a medium bowl. 2. In a small bowl whisk the vinaigrette ingredients until well combined. 3. Pour over the shaved vegetables and taste for salt and lemon. Stir again and marinate in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. 4. Toss in the arugula and sliced turkey breast and serve chilled. 31

32 RECIPE ROASTED BUTTERNUT SQUASH INGREDIENTS (8 SERVINGS) Serving size = ¼ cup PREHEAT OVEN TO cups butternut squash, trimmed and cut into 1 ½ inch cubes 2 tbsp cold pressed extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS 1. Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl and toss well to coat. 2. Pour out onto an unlined sheet pan and bake for 20 minutes. 3. Remove from oven and let rest for 5 minutes before removing from sheet pan. 32

33 RECIPE FISH EN PAPILLOTE & COCONUT CARROT SOUP FISH EN PAPILLOTE (6 SERVINGS) 2 lbs wild cod (or other mild white fish) 2 tsp minced fresh thyme 6 sprigs thyme 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil 2 lemons, thinly sliced 2 carrots, peeled and cut into julienne ½ fennel bulb, very thinly sliced (preferably on a mandolin) 2 tsp mirin, or dry white wine Salt and freshly ground pepper Parchment paper PREHEAT OVEN TO 350 F 33

34 RECIPE (CONTINUED) FISH EN PAPILLOTE & COCONUT CARROT SOUP DIRECTIONS 1. Portion the fish into six fillets. Lightly coat each fillet with oil and sprinkle with chopped thyme, salt and pepper. 2. Cut 6 sheets of parchment paper into the approximate size of a standard piece of paper. Fold each paper in half, cut a heart shape, and then open the paper to the heart is flat. 3. Place a fillet along the right side of the crease of each heart-shaped paper. 4. Top with a slice of lemon, a sprig of thyme, carrots, fennel, and a drizzle of mirin or wine. 5. Fold the heart shape in half, left to right, to cover the fish and press the edges together to seal. 6. Make a series of short folds around the edges, starting at the bottom, to enforce the packet. You can brush the edges with egg whites, if desired, to help seal as you fold. 7. Place the packets on a baking tray in the oven and cook for minutes until the packet puffs up and the fish is cooked through. 34

35 RECIPE (CONTINUED) FISH EN PAPILLOTE & COCONUT CARROT SOUP COCONUT CARROT SOUP (10 SERVINGS) 2 tbsp coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil 1 large yellow onion, chopped 3 lbs carrots, peeled and cut into ½ inch pieces 2 tsp grated fresh ginger ½ tsp curry powder ½ tsp ground cumin ¼ tsp ground coriander ⅛ tsp ground cinnamon Small pinch red pepper flakes (omit for arthritis) 1 tsp kosher salt 6 cups vegetable or chicken broth 1 can coconut milk ⅛ tsp honey (optional) 35

36 RECIPE (CONTINUED) FISH EN PAPILLOTE & COCONUT CARROT SOUP DIRECTIONS 1. Warm the oil in a pot on medium high heat. 2. Add the onions and a pinch of salt and sauteé until golden, about 15 minutes. 3. Add the carrots, ginger, curry, cumin, coriander, cinnamon and pepper flakes and stir to combine. 4. De-glaze the pan with 1 cup of stock and let reduce by half. Add the remaining stock, salt and coconut milk and cook uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes until the carrots are tender. 5. Using a hand blender, puree the soup. 6. If necessary, add water to make the soup consistency that you like. It should be thick and lightly sweet. Add the maple syrup if you would like it sweeter. Check seasoning and add salt and pepper if desired. 7. Serve hot. 36

37 RECIPE POACHED SALMON & PESTO SAUCE INGREDIENTS (4 SERVINGS) Juice of 1 lemon ½ tsp sea salt 4 4oz boned Alaskan Wild Salmon fillets 4 cups vegetable stock (Organic) DIRECTIONS 1. Stir the lemon juice and salt together, then add the salmon and turn to coat. 2. Marinate the salmon in the refrigerator for a least 20 minutes. 3. In a pot or straight-sided wide sauteé pan, bring the stock to a slow boil over medium heat. 4. Slide the salmon in to the broth and poach for 7-9 minutes, just until the fish is tender. 37

38 RECIPE (CONTINUED) POACHED SALMON & PESTO SAUCE PESTO SAUCE 1 cup parsley ½ cup basil or cilantro 6 mint leaves ½ tsp ground cumin ½ tsp paprika ¼ cup olive oil 3 tbsp lemon juice ¼ tsp sea salt DIRECTIONS 1. Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. 2. Check for salt or lemon. 3. If you want a thinner consistency, add 2 tbsp water. 38

39 RECIPE GINGER CHICKEN & VEGETABLES PAPILLOTE INGREDIENTS (8 SERVINGS) You will need 2 hours for marinating chicken for best flavor. CHICKEN 8 boneless chicken breasts trimmed 4 cups zucchini - thin julienne, 4 inch pieces 4 cups bok choy, trimmed and sliced MARINADE 2 cups coconut aminos ½ cup fresh ginger minced ¼ cup toasted sesame oil 8 scallions green tops only, sliced thin (discard white ends) 2 tbsp Black & white sesame seeds (optional) 8 full sheets of parchment paper folded in half PREHEAT OVEN TO

40 RECIPE (CONTINUED) GINGER CHICKEN & VEGETABLES PAPILLOTTE DIRECTIONS 1. Have a sheet pan set aside to place parchment wrapped chicken. 2. In a medium size mixing bowl combine all marinade ingredients and mix well with a fork or whisk. Set aside. 3. In a medium size mixing bowl place trimmed chicken breasts and 1 cup of the marinade. Toss well to coat. Marinade for at least 2 hrs or overnight. 4. In another large mixing bowl place all prepared vegetables and toss well. Place 8 equal portions in the center of each parchment sheet and place a marinated chicken breast on top of vegetables. Top with an additional 2 tbso of marinade and seal/fold parchment paper to close. 5. Place envelopes on sheet pan and bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let rest for 5 minutes. 6. Place each envelope on a serving plate and open carefully, steam will escape. Enjoy! 40

41 RECIPE BUDDHA BOWL & LEMON TAHINI SAUCE INGREDIENTS (6 SERVINGS) 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed 1 pint mushrooms, washed and trimmed 2 medium beets, peeled and cubed Extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper 1 cup quinoa, rinsed and drained 1 ¾ cup water 1 onion, thinly sliced 1 ½ tbsp sesame seeds 1 ½ tbsp roasted walnuts Optional: sprouts, minced avocado, cilantro, toasted nori strips PREHEAT OVEN TO 375 F 41

42 RECIPE (CONTINUED) BUDDHA BOWL & LEMON TAHINI SAUCE DIRECTIONS 1. Toss the asparagus with 1-2 tbso of olive oil, salt and pepper and lay out on a parchment lined baking sheet. Repeat with mushrooms and beets, keeping them separate. Roasting in the oven until fork tender (time will vary for each vegetable). 2. Add the quinoa, water and a pinch of salt to a small pot. Lower the heat, cover the pot and simmer for about minutes or until the water is absorbed. When the quinoa is done, fluff with a fork and recover for minutes. 3. In a large bowl, whisk together Lemon Tahini Sauce (recipe follows) ingredients. 4. To serve, place ½ cup quinoa in a bowl and add vegetables around the quinoa. 5. Garnish with your desired toppings and drizzle the tahini sauce on top. 42

43 RECIPE (CONTINUED) BUDDHA BOWL & LEMON TAHINI SAUCE LEMON TAHINI SAUCE Makes 1 ½ cups ¾ cup hot water ½ cup tahini ¼ cup lemon juice 2 tsp grated ginger 2 tsp honey ¼ tsp salt DIRECTIONS 1. In a small saucepan, heat the water. Add the tahini, lemon, ginger, honey and salt, and whisk until smooth and pourable. 43

44 RECIPE COCONUT CARROT SOUP INGREDIENTS (8 SERVINGS) 2 tbsp coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil 1 large yellow onion, chopped 3 lbs carrots, peeled and cut into ½ inch pieces 2 tsp grated fresh ginger ½ tsp curry powder ½ tsp ground cumin ¼ tsp ground coriander ⅛ tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp kosher salt 6 cups vegetable or chicken broth 1 can coconut milk ⅛ tsp honey (optional) 44

45 RECIPE (CONTINUED) COCONUT CARROT SOUP DIRECTIONS 1. Warm the oil in a pot on medium high heat. 2. Add the onions and a pinch of salt and sauteé until golden, about 15 minutes. 3. Add the carrots, ginger, curry, cumin, coriander and cinnamon and stir to combine. 4. De-glaze the pan with 1 cup of stock and let reduce by half. Add the remaining stock, salt and coconut milk and cook uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes until the carrots are tender. 5. Using a hand blender, puree the soup. 6. If necessary, add water to make the soup consistency that you like. It should be thick and lightly sweet. Add the maple syrup if you would like it sweeter. Check seasoning and add salt and pepper if desired. 7. Serve hot. 45

46 RECIPE ADZUKI BEAN BURGERS INGREDIENTS (6-8 SERVINGS) 1 ¼ cups dried sprouted adzuki beans, cooked until soft to the bite about 40 minutes. Follow package cooking directions. Yields about 2 ½ Cups cooked beans. ¼ cup Scallions, green tops only finely chopped. 2 flax eggs, 2 tbsp finely ground golden flax meal mixed with 6 tbs water ½ cup carrot finely shredded/grated ½ cup zucchini finely shredded /grated. Excess water squeezed out. ¼ cup toasted sunflower seeds, finely ground 1 cup cooked quinoa 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground turmeric 1-2 tbsp nutritional yeast ½ tsp sea salt & ground pepper to taste ¼ to ½ cup fresh cilantro finely chopped PREHEAT OVEN TO 375 F 46

47 RECIPE (CONTINUED) ADZUKI BEAN BURGERS DIRECTIONS 1. In a food processor puree half of the cooked Adzuki beans. 2. Add all spices, scallions, nutritional yeast, sunflower seed meal, flax eggs, salt & pepper pulse until well combined. 3. Scrape mixture out of processor into a large mixing bowl. 4. Add cilantro, quinoa, whole cooked Adzuki beans, and carrots. Mix well to combine and place in refrigerator for 2 hours to set before forming into burgers. 5. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and lightly grease with cooking spray or oil of choice. Using an ice cream scoop or rounded 1/3 Cup measuring cup, scoop out a portion of burger mix and form with your hands into a patty place on prepared pan. If mixture is sticky wet your hands with a little water to prevent sticking. Continue until all mixture is used. 6. Lightly coat each burger with your oil of choice or use spray oil to help with browning while baking. 47

48 CHOOSING CLEAN & HEALTHY SEAFOOD Below you will find a list of seafood that is low in mercury and PCBs, and high in healthy omega-3 fats. In some cases their origin has been noted to help you know where they come from. Be careful, the same type of fish from two different origins may have drastically different contamination levels. HIGH OMEGA 3S, LOW MERCURY FISH Anchovy (canned) Arctic Char, Farmed Butterfish Clams Cod, Pacific, Atlantic note: over-fished species pacific Crab (not Blue) Crayfish Flounder Haddock (U.S., Canada, Iceland, Norway) note: over-fished species Hake Halibut, Pacific moderate mercury, limit to 3 times per month Herring, Atlantic (not Baltic or Chub) Lobster Mackerel, Atlantic (not King or Spanish) Oysters, farmed Pollock Salmon (canned pink sockeye), Wild Alaskan Sardines Scallops Shrimp, Pink, Spot Prawns Sole Tilapia (USA) Trout (fresh water) Tuna, SkipJack, canned light (not solid white albacore), once a month Whitefish, whiting 48

49 CHOOSING CLEAN & HEALTHY SEAFOOD CONTINUED WORST FISH CHOICES The list below contains seafood with the highest amount of mercury levels: Chilean sea bass Bluefish Grouper Eel Marlin Orange roughy Rockfish/rock cod Striped bass Salmon, Atlantic farmed Shark Wahoo Sturgeon Swordfish Red snapper Tilefish Mackerel (King, Spanish, Gulf) Tuna, albacore, yellowfin, Ahi, Bigeye, Bluefin, canned 49

50 FOOD REACTION CHART After 30-days on the elimination diet, reintroduce each food one at a time and list all foods that gave you a reaction, with as much information as possible. Date & Time Food Digestion Bowel Function Joint & Muscle Aches Headache Pressure Brain Fog Nasal or Chest Congestion Energy Level Mood Other Example Soy Bloating Gas None Brain Fog None Anxious Itchy Eyes 50

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