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1 Where to situate your vegetable garden Your vegetable garden should be located in well drained soils in a sunny area. Your soil should be raked, weeded and any stones removed beforehand. A good compost can be added to the soil about two weeks before planting. Which vegetables to choose Spring onions and radishes make easy vegetables to grow outside throughout the summer for a succession of crunchy, colourful crops. Lettuce leaves have a fantastic range of textures and flavours. Sow seeds throughout the summer months, and you ll be enjoying fresh leaves just 3 weeks later! Better still, they will continue growing so you can harvest them again and again. Plant potatoes during late February and March in potato bags that are only part filled with compost. When the green shoots begin to appear above the soil, simply cover them with more compost. Repeat this until the bag is full, and then you only need remember to water them. 10 to 20 weeks later, when the foliage starts to yellow and die back, tip the bag out and rummage around in the soil to collect up your own home grown potatoes. Peas are a trouble free crop that enjoy cooler weather. Sow them directly into the ground from March to June and look forward to the sweet flavour of freshly picked peas from June to August. All they require is support for their stems. Runner beans are climbers so give them plenty of space and train them onto wires or a plant support frame. Keep them well watered and they will reward you with a constant supply in summer. Regular picking is essential. Onions and garlic are virtually maintenance free and easy vegetables to grow. Simply plant onion bulbs and individual garlic cloves on well drained soil in spring or autumn. In late summer when the foliage yellows and dies back, you enjoy harvesting them. For an easy to grow root vegetable try beetroot. Often used in salads but equally tasty eaten warm and freshly boiled as a vegetable. Beetroot can be sown directly into moist ground from March to July. As they grow, thin the seedlings to about 5cm apart. From May to September you can look forward to harvesting your own colourful, succulent beetroot. Scroll down for Vegetable Information Cards See Outdoor Development/ Site Development Ideas/ Vegetable Garden for further information and resources. Looking after your vegetable garden Vegetables need to be watered and weeded regularly. When growing from seed, it is often beneficial to cover them with a netting to prevent birds from eating the shoots. If your soil is prone to slugs or snails, it may be worth sowing your vegetable seeds in protected pots until the shoots are big enough to withstand such attacks. Peas and beans will require stem supports made from canes.

2 Annual or Biennial Vegetables Perennial Vegetables Radish Potato Lettuce beetroot (biennial) onion spring onion garlic runner beans Peas Always follow the instructions and guidance on individual seed packets.

3 Beetroot Sowing Seeds Beetroot performs best in a sunny spot, grown in welldrained soil that is high in nitrogen and plenty of organic matter. Therefore, ensure that soils are prepared two weeks before sowing by adding a high nitrogen plant feed. Grow beetroot plants in rows spaced 30cm apart, spacing plants up to 10cm within their row. Seeds can be sown every few weeks from March onwards for a regular and continuous supply. Young roots are usually ready around 7 weeks later, but can be left for around 12 weeks for larger roots. The last sowing time for beetroot is usually some point in August for UK growers, in order to avoid the first frosts. Roots can be harvested at any time from June to October once they have reached a minimum of around 2.5cm diameter. Beetroot can be grown on for around 12 weeks, but left much longer, the roots can turn coarse. Roots should pull easily from the soil by hand, but a trowel may be needed in clay soils. Geographical Origins Beetroot is herbaceous plant that belongs to the family Amaranthaceae. This plant is thought to originate from India, Mediterranean areas and Atlantic coast of Europe, but it can be found worldwide today. Assyrians were using beetroot in Hanging Gardens of Babylon 800 years BC. Ancient Greeks used beetroot leaves to bind wounds.. Beetroot was popular mouth freshener, used to eliminate the smell of garlic. During the 19th century, women used beetroot for dyeing of hair. Beetroot is recognised as a superfood as it is packed with antioxidants, carbohydrates, potassium and folic acid. It is very popular to add to health juices and for boosting stamina, lower blood pressure and preventing liver disease. Beetroot has high nutritional value. Besides high content of sugar, beetroot is rich source of vitamins B6 and B9 and minerals such as iron, magnesium and potassium. Boiling beetroot to form a solution can be used to treat dandruff. Juice made from beetroot can be used instead of litmus paper to determine acidity or alkalinity of a solution. One drop of beetroot juice changes its colour to pink in acid solutions and to yellow in alkaline solutions.

4 Onions Sowing Seeds Onions prefer a sunny position in well draining soil. Onion seeds can be sown outdoors in the spring as the soil begins to warm up. Sow seeds in rows 1cm deep and 30cm apart. When large enough to handle, onion seedlings can be thinned to allow more growing space. It is a good idea to cover crops with a protective netting. You will need to hoe between the rows to keep on top of weeds, and flowers that appear should be removed immediately to prevent onions from bolting (seeding early). Onions can be harvested from late June or early July, a week or two after the leaves begin to turn yellow and fully dried before enjoying. Geographical Origins Onion is a type of vegetable that belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae. This plant originates from central Asia, but it can be found worldwide today. Onion was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. These plants were part of burial rituals and the tombs of most rulers were covered with pictures of onion. Egyptians believed that onion possessed magical powers and that it ensured success in the afterlife. Onion was also used as currency along with parsley and garlic. Onion was used to improve digestion, and to ensure good health of heart, eyes, and joints in the 6th century BC in India. Onion was used as strength-booster during the Olympic Games in Greece in the 1st century AD. Onion is rich source of vitamin C, manganese, potassium and phosphorus. It has a high content of dietary fibres. Sliced onion can sooth insect bites and burns on the skin. When combined with crushed aspirin and little water, slices of onion can be also used in the treatment of warts. Chemicals from onion have anti-microbial and anti-cancer properties. They also show beneficial effects in the treatment of cataract and cardiovascular diseases. Crushed onion can be used to polish silverware and other metal objects. Interesting Fact Cutting onions is always associated with crying. When sliced, onion releases sulphur which causes a painful sensation when it comes into contact with the eyes. Therefore, the eyes produce tears to eliminate the acid. If you place bread half-in-half-out of your mouth when slicing an onion, this prevents your eyes from crying since it absorbs some of the sulphur.

5 LEARNING SITE IDEAS Garlic Sowing bulbs Garlic bulbs are best planted between November and April. Garlic prefers a very sunny position with a well drained, light soil. Prepare your soil with plenty of organic matter such as compost. Carefully split the bulb into individual cloves and plant each clove 2.5cm deep with the pointed end facing up. Plant each clove 10cm apart and in rows 30cm apart. Cover the area with netting after planting and weed regularly. Autumn-planted garlic will be ready to harvest in June and July and spring-planted garlic will be ready slightly later in late-summer. Simply wait until the leaves have started to wither and turn yellow. Geographical Origin Garlic is a type of bulbous plant that belongs to the family of lilies. The plant originates from central Asia. Cultivation of garlic started 4000 years ago. Ancient Egyptians enjoyed garlic on bread. Ancient Greeks used garlic to treatment intestinal parasites, respiratory disorders, indigestion and lack of energy. The Ancient Greeks also used garlic and other herbs in wedding bouquets (instead of floral bouquets). Garlic was used against evil spirits, demons and vampires in the Europe in the past. Garlic is rich source of vitamin C and Vitamin B. It also contains dietary fibres and minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, calcium and zinc. Latest medical studies show that garlic acts beneficially on the cardiovascular system of humans. It prevents accumulation of fats on the arterial walls and lowers blood cholesterol level. Chemicals from garlic possess antibacterial properties. If your rose garden is being attacked by aphids, an excellent home remedy to get rid of them is to spritz the leaves and blooms with a mixture of crushed garlic and water. Interesting Fact The smell of garlic on hands can be removed by running your hands under cold water while rubbing a stainless steel object.

6 LEARNING SITE IDEAS Runner Beans Sowing seeds Grow Runner Beans in a sunny or semi shaded spot with shelter from strong winds. You can sow Runner Bean seeds directly in the ground outdoors from May to July. Sow them 5cm deep and 30cm apart in adjacent rows that are 45cm apart. Runner Beans require regular watering and support by an A-frame of two garden canes tied together at the top. A supporting cane run along the top of the framework will help to hold the structure rigid. The tips of the plants can be pinched off once the stems reach the tops of their canes to divert their energy onto producing beans rather than growing tall. Runner Beans can be harvested from July when the pods reach around 20cm long. Geographical Origin Green/ runner bean is herbaceous plant that belongs to legume family (Fabiaceae). It originates from Peru, but it can be found worldwide today. People have been cultivating and eating runner beans for at least 7000 years. Runner beans are a rich source of proteins, carbohydrates and fibre. It also contains vitamins B, C and K and minerals such as magnesium, iron and manganese. Raw runner beans contain a high content of lectins which can be harmful for human health. Cooking at high temperatures by steaming, boiling, frying and baking destroys these lectins and makes them safe for human consumption.

7 Peas Sowing seeds Choose between shelling peas (grown for the peas inside the pods), or edible podded peas such as sugar snap or mage-tout. Grow peas in an open, weed-free site in full sun and fertile, well drained soil. Peas can be direct sown outdoors from March to June once the soil has warmed to about 10C. It is important to protect seed from birds with netting; provide supports; water them regularly; and not over feeding them with nitrogen rich fertilisers. Peas should be harvested regularly from low down to the top of the plant, to encourage more pods to be produced. They can be harvested weeks from sowing depending on the variety. Geographical Origins Pea is a plant that belongs to the group of legumes. Exact origin of the pea is unknown, although it is thought to have originated in Italy, China, Malta or Sri Lanka. Fossil evidences indicate that people consumed peas as early as the Bronze Age. Until the 16th century, people were eating only dry peas. Fresh and raw peas didn't become popular until modern European times. Pea is excellent source of dietary fibres, proteins, vitamins C, B3, B9 and beta-carotene, and minerals such as zinc and iron. Pea can be consumed raw (in the form of salads) or cooked in the form of soups, curries, omelettes, porridges and casseroles. The scent of sweet pea is often used in the perfume industry. Flowers of sweet pea are used in the manufacture of soaps and lotions. Starch extracted from the pea can be used for the manufacture of bioplastics (biodegradable and eco-friendly type of plastics). Interesting Fact Peas are legumes, which take in nitrogen from the air and store it in small nodules along their roots. At the end of the growing season, their leaves and stems can be cut off at ground level and added to the compost heap, whilst the roots can be left to break down and release nitrogen into the soil.

8 Potatoes Planting in potato bags Potatoes are normally planted in March for harvesting throughout summer and autumn. Seed potatoes benefit from chitting. Set them out in egg boxes with the shoots facing upwards. Fill an potato bag with good quality multipurpose compost and carefully plunge the chitted potato into the compost with the shoots pointing upwards, to a depth of 12cm from the surface. Water them and place the potato bag in a bright, frost free position and wait for them to grow. You may feed the potato plants every other week with potato fertiliser and water the bags when the compost begins to dry out. Start to harvest early varieties when the plants begin to flower, approximately 10 weeks from planting. Have a gentle dig below the surface to check the potato sizes and leave longer if too small. Geographical Origins Potato is herbaceous plant of the nightshade family. There are 200 species of wild potato and over 4000 varieties that were produced via selective breeding. Potato originates from South America. Historical uses Potatoes were introduced to Europe in the 16th century, when people started to cultivate it widely. The Great Irish Famine in 19th century was a consequence of fungal disease of potato (known as potato blight). The fast spreading disease and lack of potatoes led to nearly million human deaths. Benefits and current Uses The edible part of the potato is the underground stem, better known as the tuber. Potatoes are rich source of carbohydrates (starch), vitamin C and vitamin B. They also have high content of fibres and important minerals. Potatoes need to be cooked before consumption. Most popular dishes include mashed potato, fried potato, boiled and baked potato. Green parts of potato contain a substance called solanine which has a toxic effects in humans and should be avoided. The main purpose of solanine production by the plant is to protect it from the predators. Potatoes are prone to viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. They are also often targeted by various insects and worms that lay eggs and eat various parts of the potato. Scientists have developed several genetically modified potatoes in the last couple of decades. New types of potatoes are resistant to pests, able to survive in various climates and are enriched in proteins. Interesting Fact Potato is the first plant that was launched and successfully grown inside a space shuttle in 1995.

9 Lettuce Planting Seeds There are numerous varieties to choose from. Seeds are normally sown outside from March onwards. Draw a shallow line in the soil to a depth of about 1.5cm Lightly sprinkle the seeds into the soil line at the rate of about 1 seed per centimetre. Cover the seeds gently with soil and then water in using a watering can with a fine rose. If your soil is prone to slugs and snails, it might be worth sowing the seeds in protected pots. Depending on the variety, lettuce should be ready to harvest 6-14 weeks after sowing. Geographical Origin Lettuce is leafy vegetable that belongs to the sunflower family. It originates from Mediterranean region, but it can be found worldwide today. Ancient Egyptians cultivated lettuce years ago. It was important part of their diet, evidenced by the paintings in the tombs of many Egyptian rulers. Lettuce was also very important for the ancient Romans and ancient Greeks who believed that lettuce induce sleeping. Name Origin The name Iceberg' originates from the preservation method that was used at the beginning of the 20th century in California. When refrigerators were not available, large quantities of ice were used to keep lettuce fresh in the trains on their way to market. Containers of lettuce were filled with ice and water, the ice floating on top of the containers like icebergs, hence the name - iceberg lettuce. Lettuce provides dietary fibres, vitamins A, B9 and C and minerals such as calcium, iron and copper. Darker varieties provide more nutrients than light green varieties.

10 Radish Planting Seeds Radishes are incredibly easy to grow and they tolerate most soil types. They can be grown in Spring or Autumn. Sow the seeds about 1cm deep and 2cm apart in rows 30 cm apart. You can thin the radishes when they have grown about 2cm by cutting off their heads with a small pair of scissors, all the way down to the soil. Radishes are ready to harvest after about 4 weeks. Geographical History Radish is a type of herbaceous plant that belongs to the mustard family. It originates from Southeastern Asia, where cultivation started 2700 years BC. Ancient Egyptians used radish oil in their diet before olive oil was discovered. Radish was used in treatment of kidney stones, intestinal parasites and bad skin in the Britain in the past. Radish is rich source of vitamin C and vitamin B. It also contains dietary fibres and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and manganese. Radish can be used to relieve stomach ache, to help digestion, to get rid of excess body water and to regulate blood pressure. It contains a substance, known as sulphoraphane, which has potential to prevent cancer development. Radish has mild to hot peppery flavour and crunchy texture. It is often consumed raw in salads, but it also can be pickled, boiled and fried.

11 Spring Onion Planting Seeds Make rows 1.5cm deep and 15cm apart and sow thinly. Keep the soil moist but never waterlogged and try to keep weed free. Seedlings may also benefit from being protecting from bird with a netting. You should be harvesting them after about 6-8 weeks. Spring onions contain antioxidants, Vitamin C, helps to lower high cholesterol and blood pressure and helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases. They are also thought to help to maintain healthy eyes, a healthy digestive system, and to protect against infections. Their flavour isn t as strong as normal onions, so it doesn t need to be cooked to be eaten. Plus, it doesn t make your eyes water when it is sliced. Interesting Fact Spring onions can be planted in amongst lots of other vegetables and herbs because it lets of a scent that masks the smell of the other plants. This scent confuses insects who hey tend to fly off elsewhere instead of nibbling on the crops. This is called Companion Planting.

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