Units: 1. Foundation pinyin, tone, writing. 2. Greeting, Self. 3. Time, Date & Numbers. 4. Country. 5. Family. 6. Color

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1 Units: 1. Foundation pinyin, tone, writing 2. Greeting, Self 3. Time, Date & Numbers 4. Country 5. Family 6. Color Art Components: 1.Paper cutting 2.Chinese Painting 3.Chinese Calligraphy 4.Dragons/ Lions making 5.Beijing Opera 6.Terra-cotta Warriors Songs: Zodiac Animals 2. Poetry ( 静夜思 ) 3. Chinese Pop Songs Holidays: 1.Mid-Autumn Festival 2.Chinese New Year

2 Units: 1. 基本 - Foundation a. Pinyin and Tone b. Chinese Characters c. Chinese name d. Class Expressions e. Geo/ History 2. 问候 / 自己 Greeting, self and Classroom Expressions a. basic greeting b. What s your name c. How are you? / Hello, thank you, sorry 3. 时间 / 日期 & 数字 Time, date (calendar) & Numbers a. day, month, and the day of the week b. number c. today, yesterday and tomorrow 4. 国家 - Country a. Where you come from? b. I am an America. c. How to addressing people in polite way 5. 家庭 Family (members, hobby) a. Family members b. Family Members what did they like to do c. Phone number- making an emergency call Assessment: Presentation Topic: Introduce yourself Requirements: 1. Greeting 2. Name 3. Country 4. B-day 5. School- what school, grade and how you go to school 6. What do you like to do (leisure time) 6. 颜色 Color (colors and clothes) a. Learn 12 color b. Describe objects by using color c. Learn different kind of clothes with color d. Describe a stranger/ Friends by using color

3 shàng kè xià kè 上课 (class begin) 下课 (Class dismiss) qǐ lì jìng lǐ 起立, 敬礼 nǐ hǎo,lín lǎo shī 你好, 林老师 (Hi, Teacher Lin) zài jiàn,lín lǎo shī 再见, 林老师 (Bye, Teacher Lin)

4 jiàn shēn gē 健身歌 Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu 拍拍手, 拍拍手 Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu, 摇摇脑袋, 点点头, Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān 扭扭身子, 耸耸肩, Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo. 摇摇屁股, 跺跺脚, Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái. 弯弯腰呀, 坐下来

5 10/1 1. 9/10 Listening Comprehension - Greeting 2. 9/12 Voca. Quiz 3. 9/17 Introduce self I 4. 9/19 Recite Poetry Quiet Night Thought 日 rì - Day Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 1. 你的生日是几月几号? (what day and what month is your birthday?) Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 Example: 我的生日是三月二十八号 号 hào - number 生日 shēng rì - B-Day

6 Culture Notes: #3 EuZn5JUvM&list=PLCFDD3F76245D00A9 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese Culture word a Day 1. Sun- 太阳 2. Moon- 月亮 3. Confucius- 孔子 4. SunTzu- 孙子 5. Lao Tzu- 老子

7 ( 静夜思 ) A Quiet Night Thought Lǐ bái - 李白 AM4I chuáng qián míng yuè guāng 床前明月光 (Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) yí shì dì shàng shuāng 疑是地上霜 (So that it seems like frost on the ground) jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè dī tóu sī gù xiāng 举头望明月 低头思故乡 (Lifting my head I watch the bright moon) (Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

8 复习 :Watch Pinyin Symbols with Vocabulary Learn Chinese Online Pinyin Some hard to articulate Initials b p m f d t n l (bay) (pay) (may) (fair) (day) (take) (nay) (lay) g k h j q x (go) (king) (happy) (jeep) (cheap) (sheep) y = i w = u z c s zh ch sh r (lads) (cats) (son) (germ) (church) (shirt) (leisure) Finals a o e i u ü

9 活动 1: 练习声调 liàn xí shēng diào tone exercise 一去二三里 yī qù èr sān lǐ 一去二三里, yān cūn sì wǔ jiā 烟村四五家 tíng tái liù qī zuò 亭台六七座, bā jiǔ shí zhī huā 八九十枝花 I strolled for two or three miles, Saw four or five villages in the fog. Viewed six or seven pavilions, And enjoyed many flower

10 你 nǐ - you 我 Wǒ I, me, my 不 bù - not 好 hǎo - good 他 Tā he,him,his 没 méi not have 吗 ma - question 是 shì- is, are, am, was, were 们 men plural 叫 jiào to call, yell 岁 Suì years old 比 Bǐ to compare 名字 míngzì - Name 有 yǒu - have 什么 shénme - what yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十 Unit 1 - Greeting

11 (Character only)


13 yuè yuè yuè yuè yuè yuè yuè yuè

14 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 (Month) 月 (Date) 号

15 yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí shíyī shíèr 一二三四五六七八九十十一十二 nián 年 yuè hào 月 号 (1-31)

16 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? Example: Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是三月二十八号


18 Example: Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是三月二十八号 Wǒ shí suì, wǒ bǐ nǐ xiao 我十岁, 我比你小

19 nǐ jǐ suì : 你几岁! 2 Wǒ shí èr suì Nǐ ne : 我十二岁, 你呢? Wǒ shí suì : 我十岁 (how about you?) Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī hào : 你的生日是几号? Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào nǐ ne : 我的生日是 月 号, 你呢? Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè rì : 我的生日是 月 日. 生日

20 日 rì - Day 月 - yuè - month 号 - hào - number

21 日 rì - Day 月 - yuè - month 号 - hào - number

22 yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí shíyī shíèr 一二三四五六七八九十十一十二 nián 年 yuè hào 月 号 (1-31)

23 shàng kè xià kè 上课 (class begin) 下课 (Class dismiss) qǐ lì jìng lǐ 起立, 敬礼 nǐ hǎo,lín lǎo shī 你好, 林老师 (Hi, Teacher Lin) zài jiàn,lín lǎo shī 再见, 林老师 (Bye, Teacher Lin)

24 jiàn shēn gē 健身歌 Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu 拍拍手, 拍拍手 Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu, 摇摇脑袋, 点点头, Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān 扭扭身子, 耸耸肩, Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo. 摇摇屁股, 跺跺脚, Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái. 弯弯腰呀, 坐下来

25 10/3 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 1. 10/12 Voca. Quiz 2. 10/15 Recite Poetry Quiet Night Thought 3. 10/31 Introduce self I 1. 你的生日是几月几号? (what day and what month is your birthday?) Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 Example: 我的生日是三月二十八号 生日 shēng rì - B-Day

26 Culture Notes: #3 EuZn5JUvM&list=PLCFDD3F76245D00A9 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese Culture word a Day 1. Sun- 太阳 2. Moon- 月亮 3. Confucius- 孔子 4. SunTzu- 孙子 5. Lao Tzu- 老子

27 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese culture word a Day 1. China 中国 2. Hello- 你好 3. Confucius- 孔子 4. SunTzu- 孙子 5. Lao Tzu- 老子 6. Sun- 太阳 7. Moon- 月亮 8. Chinese Lunar Calendar- 中国农历年 9. Compass 指南针 10. Gun Powder- 火药 11. Paper- 纸 12. Printing- 印刷 13. Beijing Opera- 北京京剧 14. Traditional Chinese Painting- 国画 15. Fresco 壁画 16. Dance- 舞蹈 17. Music- 音乐 18. Chime Bells- 编钟 19. Gu Qin- 古琴 20. Calligraphy- 书法 21. Writing Brush- 毛笔 22. Journey to the West- 西游记 23. Bamboo- 竹 24. Dragon 龙 25. Phoenix- 凤 26. Kung Fu- 功夫 27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳 28. Sword- 剑 29. Traditional Chinese Medicine- 中药 30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion- 针灸 31. Spring Festival- 春节 32. Qingming Festival 清明 33. Dragon Boat Festival- 端午 QiXi Festival 七夕 35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节 36. Water- Splashing Festival- 拨水节 37. Animal Signs of the Chinese Zodiac 38. Feng Shui- 风水 39. Lion Dance 舞狮 40. Door God 门神 41. Wedding- 婚礼 42. Matchmaker- 红娘 43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花 44. Etiquette- 礼 45. Number One Scholar- 状元 46. Beijing- 北京 47. Great Wall 长城 48. Imperial Palace 故宫 ( 紫禁城 ) 49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛 50. Xi an- 西安 ( 长安 ) 51. Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑 52. Yellow river 黄河 53. West Lake- 西湖 54 Garden 庭院 55 Three Gorges 三峡 56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam 都江堰 57 Taishan Mountain 太山 58 Dunhuang 敦煌 () 59 Shaolin Monastery 少林寺 60 Dumpling 饺子 61 Roast Duck 烤鸭 62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦 63 Hotpot- 火锅 64 Tofu- 豆腐 65 Alcoholic Drinks 酒 66. Noodles- 面 67. Fish- 鱼 68 Ethnic Group- 民族 69. Name- 姓名 70. Family- 家 71 Courtyard- 四合院 72 Alleyway- 胡同 73 Tulou Building- 土楼 74 Tea- 茶 75 Chopsticks- 筷子 76 Paper cutting- 剪纸 77 Silk- 丝 78 Porcelain Ware- 瓷器 79 Jade- 玉 80. Money 钱 81. Lantern- 灯笼 82. Kite- 风筝 83. Shadow Puppet- 皮影 84. Wax Printing- 蜡染 85. Brocade- 云锦 86. Cheongsam- 旗袍 87. Tang Suit- 唐装 88. Fan- 扇子 89. Abacus- 算盘 90. Panda- 熊猫 91. Magpie- 喜鹊 92. Chinese Characters 93. Contradiction- 矛盾 94. Careless 95. Jealous- 吃醋 96. Bosom Buddy 知音 97. Things 东西 98. Baby- 宝贝 99. Numerals 数字 100. Ru Yi- 如意

28 ( 静夜思 ) A Quiet Night Thought Lǐ bái - 李白 AM4I chuáng qián míng yuè guāng 床前明月光 (Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) yí shì dì shàng shuāng 疑是地上霜 (So that it seems like frost on the ground) jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè dī tóu sī gù xiāng 举头望明月 低头思故乡 (Lifting my head I watch the bright moon) (Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

29 你 nǐ - you 我 Wǒ I, me, my 不 bù - not 好 hǎo - good 他 Tā he,him,his 没 méi not have 吗 ma - question 是 shì- is, are, am, was, were 们 men plural 叫 jiào to call, yell 岁 Suì years old 比 Bǐ to compare 名字 míngzì - Name 有 yǒu - have 什么 shénme - what yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十 Unit 1 - Greeting

30 (Character only)

31 yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十 ( ) shí yī shí èr shí sān shí sì shí wǔ shí liù shí qī shí bā shí jiǔ èr shí 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 èr shí yī èr shí jiǔ sān shí 二十一 二十九 三十 sān shí yī sān shí jiǔ sì shí 三十一 三十九 四十 sì shí yī sì shí jiǔ wǔ shí 四十一 四十九 五十 wǔ shí yī wǔ shí jiǔ liù shí 五十一 五十九 六十 liù shí yī liù shí jiǔ qī shí 六十一 六十九 七十 qī shí yī qī shí jiǔ bā shí 七十一 七十九 八十 bā shí yī bā shí jiǔ jiǔ shí 八十一 八十九 九十 jiǔ shí yī jiǔ shí jiǔ yī bǎi 九十一 九十九 一百 两百, 三百, 四百, 五百

32 jīn tiān jī yuè jī hào? jīn tiān yuè hào A. 今天 月 号. Q. 今天几月几号? (MM) (DD)

33 8

34 yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí shíyī shíèr 一二三四五六七八九十十一十二 nián 年 yuè hào 月 号 (1-31)

35 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? Example: Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是三月二十八号

36 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 (Month) 月 (Date) 号


38 nǐ jǐ suì : 你几岁! 2 Wǒ shí èr suì Nǐ ne : 我十二岁, 你呢? Wǒ shí suì : 我十岁 (how about you?) Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī hào : 你的生日是几号? Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào nǐ ne : 我的生日是 月 号, 你呢? Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè rì : 我的生日是 月 日. 生日

39 (Please fill in the blanks and practice. You will present to the class tomorrow.) Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì xuéshēng 我叫, 我是学生 Wǒ (Number) (your name) suì 我 岁 Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào (month) (student) (date) 我的生日是 月 号

40 shàng kè xià kè 上课 (class begin) 下课 (Class dismiss) qǐ lì jìng lǐ 起立, 敬礼 nǐ hǎo,lín lǎo shī 你好, 林老师 (Hi, Teacher Lin) zài jiàn,lín lǎo shī 再见, 林老师 (Bye, Teacher Lin)

41 jiàn shēn gē 健身歌 Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu 拍拍手, 拍拍手 Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu, 摇摇脑袋, 点点头, Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān 扭扭身子, 耸耸肩, Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo. 摇摇屁股, 跺跺脚, Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái. 弯弯腰呀, 坐下来

42 10/ /10 Voca. Quiz 2. 10/15 Recite Poetry Quiet Night Thought 3. 10/31 Introduce self I Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào? 1. 我的生日是 月 号 2. 拼音 - Pinyin (spelling sound) 生日 shēng rì - B-Day

43 Culture Notes: #3 EuZn5JUvM&list=PLCFDD3F76245D00A9 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese Culture word a Day 1. Sun- 太阳 2. Moon- 月亮 3. Confucius- 孔子 4. SunTzu- 孙子 5. Lao Tzu- 老子

44 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese culture word a Day 1. China 中国 2. Hello- 你好 3. Confucius- 孔子 4. SunTzu- 孙子 5. Lao Tzu- 老子 6. Sun- 太阳 7. Moon- 月亮 8. Chinese Lunar Calendar- 中国农历年 9. Compass 指南针 10. Gun Powder- 火药 11. Paper- 纸 12. Printing- 印刷 13. Beijing Opera- 北京京剧 14. Traditional Chinese Painting- 国画 15. Fresco 壁画 16. Dance- 舞蹈 17. Music- 音乐 18. Chime Bells- 编钟 19. Gu Qin- 古琴 20. Calligraphy- 书法 21. Writing Brush- 毛笔 22. Journey to the West- 西游记 23. Bamboo- 竹 24. Dragon 龙 25. Phoenix- 凤 26. Kung Fu- 功夫 27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳 28. Sword- 剑 29. Traditional Chinese Medicine- 中药 30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion- 针灸 31. Spring Festival- 春节 32. Qingming Festival 清明 33. Dragon Boat Festival- 端午 QiXi Festival 七夕 35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节 36. Water- Splashing Festival- 拨水节 37. Animal Signs of the Chinese Zodiac 38. Feng Shui- 风水 39. Lion Dance 舞狮 40. Door God 门神 41. Wedding- 婚礼 42. Matchmaker- 红娘 43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花 44. Etiquette- 礼 45. Number One Scholar- 状元 46. Beijing- 北京 47. Great Wall 长城 48. Imperial Palace 故宫 ( 紫禁城 ) 49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛 50. Xi an- 西安 ( 长安 ) 51. Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑 52. Yellow river 黄河 53. West Lake- 西湖 54 Garden 庭院 55 Three Gorges 三峡 56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam 都江堰 57 Taishan Mountain 太山 58 Dunhuang 敦煌 () 59 Shaolin Monastery 少林寺 60 Dumpling 饺子 61 Roast Duck 烤鸭 62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦 63 Hotpot- 火锅 64 Tofu- 豆腐 65 Alcoholic Drinks 酒 66. Noodles- 面 67. Fish- 鱼 68 Ethnic Group- 民族 69. Name- 姓名 70. Family- 家 71 Courtyard- 四合院 72 Alleyway- 胡同 73 Tulou Building- 土楼 74 Tea- 茶 75 Chopsticks- 筷子 76 Paper cutting- 剪纸 77 Silk- 丝 78 Porcelain Ware- 瓷器 79 Jade- 玉 80. Money 钱 81. Lantern- 灯笼 82. Kite- 风筝 83. Shadow Puppet- 皮影 84. Wax Printing- 蜡染 85. Brocade- 云锦 86. Cheongsam- 旗袍 87. Tang Suit- 唐装 88. Fan- 扇子 89. Abacus- 算盘 90. Panda- 熊猫 91. Magpie- 喜鹊 92. Chinese Characters 93. Contradiction- 矛盾 94. Careless 95. Jealous- 吃醋 96. Bosom Buddy 知音 97. Things 东西 98. Baby- 宝贝 99. Numerals 数字 100. Ru Yi- 如意

45 ( 静夜思 ) A Quiet Night Thought Lǐ bái - 李白 chuáng qián míng yuè guāng 床前明月光 (Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) yí shì dì shàng shuāng 疑是地上霜 (So that it seems like frost on the ground) jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè dī tóu sī gù xiāng 举头望明月 低头思故乡 (Lifting my head I watch the bright moon) (Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

46 Nǐ hǎo! 你好! (hi) Nǐ hǎo ma 你好吗? (How are you?) Nǐ hǎo! 你好! (hi) wǒ hěn hǎo 我很好 -good bù tài hǎo 不太好 -not too good mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ zài jiàn 再见! (Bye) zài jiàn 再见! 马马虎虎 -ok duì bù qǐ méi guān xì Handout-Unit-1-1 yī huì ér jiàn 一会儿见! (see you later) 对不起 (sorry) xiè xiè 谢谢! (thanks) 没关系! (It is OK!) bù kè qì 不客气! (you are welcome)

47 你 nǐ - you 我 Wǒ I, me, my 不 bù - not 好 hǎo - good 他 Tā he,him,his 没 méi not have 吗 ma - question 是 shì- is, are, am, was, were 们 men plural 叫 jiào to call, yell 岁 Suì years old 比 Bǐ to compare 名字 míngzì - Name 有 yǒu - have 什么 shénme - what yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十 Unit 1 - Greeting

48 你 nǐ - you 我 Wǒ I, me, my 不 bù - not 好 hǎo - good 他 Tā he,him,his 没 méi not have 吗 ma - question 是 shì- is, are, am, was, were 们 men plural 叫 jiào to call, yell 岁 Suì years old 比 Bǐ to compare 名字 míngzì - Name 有 yǒu - have 什么 shénme - what yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十 Unit 1 - Greeting

49 (Character only)

50 你好吗叫 我他是 比 不没们有 Unit 1 - Greeting 岁 名字 什么 一二三四五六七八九十

51 yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十 ( ) shí yī shí èr shí sān shí sì shí wǔ shí liù shí qī shí bā shí jiǔ èr shí 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 èr shí yī èr shí jiǔ sān shí 二十一 二十九三十 sān shí yī sān shí jiǔ sì shí 三十一 三十九四十 sì shí yī sì shí jiǔ wǔ shí 四十一 四十九五十 wǔ shí yī wǔ shí jiǔ liù shí 五十一 五十九六十 liù shí yī liù shí jiǔ qī shí 六十一 六十九七十 qī shí yī qī shí jiǔ bā shí 七十一 七十九八十 bā shí yī bā shí jiǔ jiǔ shí 八十一 八十九九十 jiǔ shí yī jiǔ shí jiǔ yī bǎi 九十一 九十九一百两百, 三百, 四百, 五百 bǎi qiān 百千

52 活动 1: 练习声调 liàn xí shēng diào tone exercise 一去二三里 yī qù èr sān lǐ 一去二三里, yān cūn sì wǔ jiā 烟村四五家 tíng tái liù qī zuò 亭台六七座, bā jiǔ shí zhī huā 八九十枝花 I strolled for two or three miles, Saw four or five villages in the fog. Viewed six or seven pavilions, And enjoyed many flower

53 yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí shíyī shíèr 一二三四五六七八九十十一十二 nián yuè hào/ rì 年 月 号 / 日 (month) (date)

54 (Moon) (Month)

55 8

56 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? 六 月 星期天 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 shēng rì 生日 yuè 月 rì / hào 日 / 号

57 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号

58 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? Example: Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是三月二十八号

59 nǐ jǐ suì : 你几岁! 2 Wǒ shí èr suì Nǐ ne : 我十二岁, 你呢? Wǒ shí suì : 我十岁 (how about you?) Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī hào : 你的生日是几号? Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào nǐ ne : 我的生日是 月 号, 你呢? Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè rì : 我的生日是 月 日. 生日

60 zuò yè 作业 (Please fill in the blanks and practice. You will present to the class tomorrow.) Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì xuéshēng 我叫, 我是学生 Wǒ (your name) (Number) suì 我 岁 Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào (month) (student) (date) 我的生日是 月 号

61 shàng kè xià kè 上课 (class begin) 下课 (Class dismiss) qǐ lì jìng lǐ 起立, 敬礼 nǐ hǎo,lín lǎo shī 你好, 林老师 (Hi, Teacher Lin) zài jiàn,lín lǎo shī 再见, 林老师 (Bye, Teacher Lin)

62 jiàn shēn gē 健身歌 Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu 拍拍手, 拍拍手 Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu, 摇摇脑袋, 点点头, Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān 扭扭身子, 耸耸肩, Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo. 摇摇屁股, 跺跺脚, Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái. 弯弯腰呀, 坐下来

63 10/ /10 Voca. Quiz 2. 10/15 Recite Poetry Quiet Night Thought 3. 10/31 Introduce self I (Holiday/ shì jī yuè jī hào 是几月几号? events) (month in Chinese)

64 Culture Notes: #3 EuZn5JUvM&list=PLCFDD3F76245D00A9 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese Culture word a Day 1. Sun- 太阳 2. Moon- 月亮 3. Confucius- 孔子 4. SunTzu- 孙子 5. Lao Tzu- 老子

65 ( 静夜思 ) A Quiet Night Thought Lǐ bái - 李白 chuáng qián míng yuè guāng 床前明月光 (Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) yí shì dì shàng shuāng 疑是地上霜 (So that it seems like frost on the ground) jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè dī tóu sī gù xiāng 举头望明月 低头思故乡 (Lifting my head I watch the bright moon) (Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

66 活动 1: 练习声调 liàn xí shēng diào tone exercise 一去二三里 yī qù èr sān lǐ 一去二三里, yān cūn sì wǔ jiā 烟村四五家 tíng tái liù qī zuò 亭台六七座, bā jiǔ shí zhī huā 八九十枝花 I strolled for two or three miles, Saw four or five villages in the fog. Viewed six or seven pavilions, And enjoyed many flower

67 你 nǐ - you 我 Wǒ I, me, my 不 bù - not 好 hǎo - good 他 Tā he,him,his 没 méi not have 吗 ma - question 是 shì- is, are, am, was, were 们 men plural 叫 jiào to call, yell 岁 Suì years old 比 Bǐ to compare 名字 míngzì - Name 有 yǒu - have 什么 shénme - what yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十 Unit 1 - Greeting

68 (Character only)

69 Chinese Exp U- 1- voca. quiz - 1 Name: Chinese Exp U- 1- voca. quiz - 1 Name: I. Please match the following words with pinyin and English I. Please match the following words with pinyin and English 你 nǐ 有 yǒu 好 hǎo 吗 ma 我 wǒ A. have B. plural C. you D. have E. good 你 nǐ 有 yǒu 好 hǎo 吗 ma 我 wǒ A. have B. plural C. you D. have E. good 叫 jiào F. question 叫 jiào F. question 他 tā G. I, me, my 他 tā G. I, me, my 是 shì H. to call, yell 是 shì H. to call, yell 没 méi I. he,him,his 没 méi I. he,him,his 们 men J. to be verb 们 men J. to be verb

70 数字 shù zì numbers: yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十

71 Wǒ de shì 我的 ID 是 Wǒ de shì 我的 ID 是 36487

72 7


74 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 (#) 月 (#) 号 (Month) (Date) 生日 shēng rì - B-Day

75 Direction: Please fill in the blanks in Chinese and put pinyin on the top and practice. You will present to the class on 10/31. Name: 10/22 WI-WS - #1 Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì 我叫, 我是 Wǒ (your name) suì 我 岁 (Number) Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 (month) (the person that you want to be) (day of your B-day)

76 shàng kè xià kè 上课 (class begin) 下课 (Class dismiss) qǐ lì yī èr sān 起立, 1, 2, 3 nǐ hǎo,lín lǎo shī 你好, 林老师 (Hi, Teacher Lin) zài jiàn,lín lǎo shī 再见, 林老师 (Bye, Teacher Lin)

77 jiàn shēn gē 健身歌 Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu 拍拍手, 拍拍手 Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu, 摇摇脑袋, 点点头, Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān 扭扭身子, 耸耸肩, Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo. 摇摇屁股, 跺跺脚, Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái. 弯弯腰呀, 坐下来

78 10/ /12 Voca. Quiz 2. 10/15 Recite Poetry Quiet Night Thought 3. 10/31 Introduce self I (Holiday/ shì jī yuè jī hào 是几月几号? events) (month in Chinese)

79 ( 静夜思 ) A Quiet Night Thought Lǐ bái - 李白 chuáng qián míng yuè guāng 床前明月光 (Before my bed here is bright-lit moonlight) yí shì dì shàng shuāng 疑是地上霜 (So that it seems like frost on the ground) jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè dī tóu sī gù xiāng 举头望明月 低头思故乡 (Lifting my head I watch the bright moon) (Lowering my head I dream that I'm home)

80 你 nǐ - you 我 Wǒ I, me, my 不 bù - not 好 hǎo - good 他 Tā he,him,his 没 méi not have 吗 ma - question 是 shì- is, are, am, was, were 们 men plural 叫 jiào to call, yell 岁 Suì years old 比 Bǐ to compare 名字 míngzì - Name 有 yǒu - have 什么 shénme - what yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十 Unit 1 - Greeting

81 (Character only)

82 Chinese Exp U- 1- voca. quiz V2 Name: Chinese Exp U- 1- voca. quiz - 1 Name: I. Please match the following words with pinyin and English I. Please match the following words with pinyin and English 没 méi 他 tā 有 yǒu 吗 ma 我 wǒ 叫 jiào 你 nǐ 好 hǎo 是 shì 们 men A. have B. plural C. you D. not have E. good F. question G. I, me, my H. to call, yell I. he,him,his J. to be verb 没 méi 他 tā 有 yǒu 吗 ma 我 wǒ 叫 jiào 你 nǐ 好 hǎo 是 shì 们 men A. have B. plural C. you D. not have E. good F. question G. I, me, my H. to call, yell I. he,him,his J. to be verb

83 数字 shù zì numbers: yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ shí 一二三四五六七八九十


85 昨天 Zuó tiān (yesterday) 今天 Jīn tiān (today) 明天 Míng tiān (tomorrow)

86 (The day before yesterday) qián tiān 前天 zuó tiān 昨天 jīn tiān 今天 (today) (The day after tomorrow) míng tiān 明天 hòu tiān 后天

87 Direction: Please fill in the blanks in Chinese and put pinyin on the top and practice. You will present to the class on 10/31. Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì 我叫, 我是 Wǒ suì 我 岁 (Number) (your name) Introduce yourself Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 (month) (the person that you want to be) (day of your B-day) Name: 10/22 WI-WS - #1

88 Pattern Background (contrast color with your dress, cool ---warm) Color of your hair, eyes, headdress Skin with color Lips with color Dress/ cloth Your Chinese Name 黄思琪 (Allison Harris) English Name

89 1/3 1/3 1/3



92 Fall Break 10/17 10/21

93 林家仪 (Jah-yi Pettus) 10/ /31 Introduce self I

94 Direction: Please fill in the blanks in Chinese and put pinyin on the top and practice. You will present to the class on 10/31. Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì 我叫, 我是 Wǒ suì 我 岁 (Number) (your name) Introduce yourself Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 (month) (the person that you want to be) (day of your B-day) Name: 10/22 WI-WS - #1

95 Direction: Please use 12 X 19 paper to draw your self portrait. Notes: 1. You will use pencil to draw first and then use marker or color pencil 2. See example on the right side, do as much detail as you can about yourself. 3. Make sure your paper is clean with no pencil lines. Color should be rich without marks or stripes. 4. You must put your Chinese name and English name on the bottom, see example on the right. 5. Once you down please leave your drawing on the shell at the back of the classroom. Find your HOME room teacher s name. 6. Make sure you write your name on the back of the paper. 7. You do not take home! You will have two days to do it. You must finish it. 林 林家仪 (Jah-yi Pettus)

96 Pattern Background (contrast color with your dress, cool ---warm) Color of your hair, eyes, headdress Skin with color Lips with color Dress/ cloth Your Chinese Name 黄思琪 (Allison Harris) English Name

97 1/3 1/3 1/3





102 Direction: Please fill in the blanks in Chinese and put pinyin on the top and practice. You will present to the class on 10/31. Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì 我叫, 我是 Wǒ suì 我 岁 (Number) (your name) Introduce yourself Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 (month) (the person that you want to be) (day of your B-day) Name: 10/22 WI-WS - #1

103 Direction: Please fill in the blanks in Chinese and put pinyin on the top and practice. You will present to the class on 10/31. Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì 我叫, 我是 Wǒ suì 我 岁 (Number) (your name) Introduce yourself Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 (month) (the person that you want to be) (day of your B-day) Name: 10/22 WI-WS - #1

104 10/ /31 Introduce self I Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì 我叫, 我是 Wǒ (your name) suì 我 (Number) 岁 Introduce yourself (A person who you want to be) Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 (month) (date)

105 Direction: Please use 12 X 19 paper to draw your self portrait. Notes: 1. You will use pencil to draw first and then use marker or color pencil 2. See example on the right side, do as much detail as you can about yourself. 3. Make sure your paper is clean with no pencil lines. Color should be rich without marks or stripes. 4. You must put your Chinese name and English name on the bottom, see example on the right. 5. Once you down please leave your drawing on the shell at the back of the classroom. Find your HOME room teacher s name. 6. Make sure you write your name on the back of the paper. 7. You do not take home! You will have two days to do it. You must finish it. 林 林家仪 (Jah-yi Pettus)



108 Direction: Please fill in the blanks in Chinese and put pinyin on the top and practice. You will present to the class on 10/31. Nǐ hǎo 你好, Wǒ jiào wǒ shì 我叫, 我是 Wǒ suì 我 岁 (Number) (your name) Introduce yourself Wǒ de shēngrì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 号 (month) (the person that you want to be) (day of your B-day) Name: 10/22 WI-WS - #1

109 shàng kè xià kè 上课 (class begin) 下课 (Class dismiss) qǐ lì yī èr sān 起立, 1, 2, 3 nǐ hǎo,lín lǎo shī 你好, 林老师 (Hi, Teacher Lin) zài jiàn,lín lǎo shī 再见, 林老师 (Bye, Teacher Lin)

110 jiàn shēn gē 健身歌 Pāi pāi shǒu, pāi pāi shǒu 拍拍手, 拍拍手 Yáo yáo nǎo dài, diǎn diǎn tóu, 摇摇脑袋, 点点头, Niǔ niǔ shēn zǐ, sǒng sǒng jiān 扭扭身子, 耸耸肩, Yáo yáo pì gǔ, duò duò jiǎo. 摇摇屁股, 跺跺脚, Wān wān yāo yā, zuò xià lái. 弯弯腰呀, 坐下来

111 10/ /11 Voca. writing 2. 10/11 Voca. Quiz 3. 10/31 Introduce self I 4. 10/16 Recite Poetry Quiet Night Thought Q: Jīn tiān xīng qī jī xīng qī 今天星期几? (What day of the week today?) 星期 (day of the week) A: Jīn tiān xīng qī 今天星期 (Number) yī èr sān sì wǔ liù tiān 一二三四五六天

112 Culture Notes: #4 EuZn5JUvM&list=PLCFDD3F76245D00A9 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese Culture word a Day 1. Compass 2. Gun Powder 3. Paper 4. Printing 5. Beijing Opera

113 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese culture word a Day 1. China 中国 2. Hello- 你好 3. Confucius- 孔子 4. SunTzu- 孙子 5. Lao Tzu- 老子 6. Sun- 太阳 7. Moon- 月亮 8. Chinese Lunar Calendar- 中国农历年 9. Compass 指南针 10. Gun Powder- 火药 11. Paper- 纸 12. Printing- 印刷 13. Beijing Opera- 北京京剧 14. Traditional Chinese Painting- 国画 15. Fresco 壁画 16. Dance- 舞蹈 17. Music- 音乐 18. Chime Bells- 编钟 19. Gu Qin- 古琴 20. Calligraphy- 书法 21. Writing Brush- 毛笔 22. Journey to the West- 西游记 23. Bamboo- 竹 24. Dragon 龙 25. Phoenix- 凤 26. Kung Fu- 功夫 27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳 28. Sword- 剑 29. Traditional Chinese Medicine- 中药 30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion- 针灸 31. Spring Festival- 春节 32. Qingming Festival 清明 33. Dragon Boat Festival- 端午 QiXi Festival 七夕 35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节 36. Water- Splashing Festival- 拨水节 37. Animal Signs of the Chinese Zodiac 38. Feng Shui- 风水 39. Lion Dance 舞狮 40. Door God 门神 41. Wedding- 婚礼 42. Matchmaker- 红娘 43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花 44. Etiquette- 礼 45. Number One Scholar- 状元 46. Beijing- 北京 47. Great Wall 长城 48. Imperial Palace 故宫 ( 紫禁城 ) 49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛 50. Xi an- 西安 ( 长安 ) 51. Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑 52. Yellow river 黄河 53. West Lake- 西湖 54 Garden 庭院 55 Three Gorges 三峡 56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam 都江堰 57 Taishan Mountain 太山 58 Dunhuang 敦煌 () 59 Shaolin Monastery 少林寺 60 Dumpling 饺子 61 Roast Duck 烤鸭 62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦 63 Hotpot- 火锅 64 Tofu- 豆腐 65 Alcoholic Drinks 酒 66. Noodles- 面 67. Fish- 鱼 68 Ethnic Group- 民族 69. Name- 姓名 70. Family- 家 71 Courtyard- 四合院 72 Alleyway- 胡同 73 Tulou Building- 土楼 74 Tea- 茶 75 Chopsticks- 筷子 76 Paper cutting- 剪纸 77 Silk- 丝 78 Porcelain Ware- 瓷器 79 Jade- 玉 80. Money 钱 81. Lantern- 灯笼 82. Kite- 风筝 83. Shadow Puppet- 皮影 84. Wax Printing- 蜡染 85. Brocade- 云锦 86. Cheongsam- 旗袍 87. Tang Suit- 唐装 88. Fan- 扇子 89. Abacus- 算盘 90. Panda- 熊猫 91. Magpie- 喜鹊 92. Chinese Characters 93. Contradiction- 矛盾 94. Careless 95. Jealous- 吃醋 96. Bosom Buddy 知音 97. Things 东西 98. Baby- 宝贝 99. Numerals 数字 100. Ru Yi- 如意

114 Xīngqí yī 星期一 Xīngqí'èr 星期二 Jīn tiān shì jī yuè jī hào 今天是几月几号? Xīngqí sān 星期三 Xīngqí sì 星期四 Xīngqí wǔ 星期五 Xīngqí liù 星期六 Xīngqí tiān 星期天 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 今天 Jīn tiān 明天 Míng tiān 昨天 Zuó tiān Jīn tiān shì yuè hào 今天是 月 号?

115 活动 1: 练习声调 liàn xí shēng diào tone exercise 一去二三里 yī qù èr sān lǐ 一去二三里, yān cūn sì wǔ jiā 烟村四五家 tíng tái liù qī zuò 亭台六七座, bā jiǔ shí zhī huā 八九十枝花 I strolled for two or three miles, Saw four or five villages in the fog. Viewed six or seven pavilions, And enjoyed many flower

116 哪 nǎ - which 几 jī how many 生日 shēng rì - B-Day 国 Guó- country 月 yuè - month 人 rén- people 日 rì - day 明天 míng tiān-tomorrow zuó tiān 昨天 - yesterday 号 hào - number 星期一 - Monday 星期二 - Tuesday 星期三 - Wednesday 星期四 - Thursday 星期五 - Friday 星期六 - Saturday 星期天 - Sunday 今天 jīn tiān -today 哪国? 哪国人? 星期 xīng qī -(week) jī yuè jī hào 几月几号? Unit 1 - Calendar


118 Nǐ de shēng rì shì jī yuè jī hào 你的生日是几月几号? Wǒ de shēng rì shì yuè hào 我的生日是 月 (Month) (Date) 号 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

119 昨天 Zuó tiān (yesterday) 今天 Jīn tiān (today) 明天 Míng tiān (tomorrow)

120 (The day before yesterday) qián tiān 前天 zuó tiān 昨天 jīn tiān 今天 (today) (The day after tomorrow) míng tiān 明天 hòu tiān 后天

121 shì wǒ de shēngrì 是我的生日 zuó tiān 昨天 jīn tiān 今天 míng tiān 明天

122 jīn tiān jī yuè jī hào? Q. 今天几月几号? jīn tiān yuè hào A. 今天 月 号

123 zuó tiān jī yuè jī hào Q. 昨天几月几号? zuó tiān yuè hào A. 昨天 月 号.

124 míng tiān jī yuè jī hào? Q. 明天几月几号? míng tiān yuè hào A. 明天 月 号.

125 jīn tiān jī yuè jī hào Q. 今天几月几号? zuò yè 作业 (if) 今天是九月二十五号. zuó tiān jī yuè jī hào? Q. 昨天几月几号? A: míng tiān jī yuè jī hào? Q. 明天几月几号? A:

126 (Holiday/ shì jī yuè jī hào 是几月几号? events) 是 (Month) 月 (Date) 号

127 10/ /31 Introduce self I xīng qī Q: Jīn tiān xīng qī jī 今天星期几? (What day of the week today?) 星期 (day of the week) A: Jīn tiān xīng qī 今天星期 (Number) yī èr sān sì wǔ liù tiān 一二三四五六天

128 Culture Notes: #4 EuZn5JUvM&list=PLCFDD3F76245D00A9 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese Culture word a Day 1. Compass 2. Gun Powder 3. Paper 4. Printing 5. Beijing Opera

129 Video Hello China Learning one Chinese culture word a Day 1. China 中国 2. Hello- 你好 3. Confucius- 孔子 4. SunTzu- 孙子 5. Lao Tzu- 老子 6. Sun- 太阳 7. Moon- 月亮 8. Chinese Lunar Calendar- 中国农历年 9. Compass 指南针 10. Gun Powder- 火药 11. Paper- 纸 12. Printing- 印刷 13. Beijing Opera- 北京京剧 14. Traditional Chinese Painting- 国画 15. Fresco 壁画 16. Dance- 舞蹈 17. Music- 音乐 18. Chime Bells- 编钟 19. Gu Qin- 古琴 20. Calligraphy- 书法 21. Writing Brush- 毛笔 22. Journey to the West- 西游记 23. Bamboo- 竹 24. Dragon 龙 25. Phoenix- 凤 26. Kung Fu- 功夫 27. Tai Chi Chuan- 太极拳 28. Sword- 剑 29. Traditional Chinese Medicine- 中药 30. Acupuncture and Moxibustion- 针灸 31. Spring Festival- 春节 32. Qingming Festival 清明 33. Dragon Boat Festival- 端午 QiXi Festival 七夕 35. Mid-Autumn Festival- 中秋节 36. Water- Splashing Festival- 拨水节 37. Animal Signs of the Chinese Zodiac 38. Feng Shui- 风水 39. Lion Dance 舞狮 40. Door God 门神 41. Wedding- 婚礼 42. Matchmaker- 红娘 43. Chrysanthemum- 菊花 44. Etiquette- 礼 45. Number One Scholar- 状元 46. Beijing- 北京 47. Great Wall 长城 48. Imperial Palace 故宫 ( 紫禁城 ) 49. Temple of Heaven- 天坛 50. Xi an- 西安 ( 长安 ) 51. Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑 52. Yellow river 黄河 53. West Lake- 西湖 54 Garden 庭院 55 Three Gorges 三峡 56 Dujianyan Irrigation Dam 都江堰 57 Taishan Mountain 太山 58 Dunhuang 敦煌 () 59 Shaolin Monastery 少林寺 60 Dumpling 饺子 61 Roast Duck 烤鸭 62 Tang hu lu- 糖葫芦 63 Hotpot- 火锅 64 Tofu- 豆腐 65 Alcoholic Drinks 酒 66. Noodles- 面 67. Fish- 鱼 68 Ethnic Group- 民族 69. Name- 姓名 70. Family- 家 71 Courtyard- 四合院 72 Alleyway- 胡同 73 Tulou Building- 土楼 74 Tea- 茶 75 Chopsticks- 筷子 76 Paper cutting- 剪纸 77 Silk- 丝 78 Porcelain Ware- 瓷器 79 Jade- 玉 80. Money 钱 81. Lantern- 灯笼 82. Kite- 风筝 83. Shadow Puppet- 皮影 84. Wax Printing- 蜡染 85. Brocade- 云锦 86. Cheongsam- 旗袍 87. Tang Suit- 唐装 88. Fan- 扇子 89. Abacus- 算盘 90. Panda- 熊猫 91. Magpie- 喜鹊 92. Chinese Characters 93. Contradiction- 矛盾 94. Careless 95. Jealous- 吃醋 96. Bosom Buddy 知音 97. Things 东西 98. Baby- 宝贝 99. Numerals 数字 100. Ru Yi- 如意


131 Quiz Unit - Greeting A. 不太好 B. 再见 c. 一会儿见 duì bù qǐ Nǐ hǎo méi guān xì xiè xiè Name: I. Listen to your instruction and choice an appropriate answer. bù tài hǎo zài jiàn yī huì ér jiàn A. 对不起 B. 谢谢! c. 一会儿见 méi guān xì bù kè qì wǒ hěn hǎo A. 没关系 B. 不客气 c. 我很好 mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ A. 你好! B. 没关系 c. 马马虎虎 bù kè qì zài jiàn A. 不客气! B. 不太好 c. 再见! duì bù qǐ A. 对不起 B. 马马虎虎 c. 一会儿见 A. 没关系 B. 谢谢 c. 一会儿见 duì bù qǐ A. 对不起 B. 谢谢 c. 你好 bù tài hǎo A. 不太好 B. 谢谢 c. 再见 bù kè qì méi guān xì bù tài hǎo mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè yī huì ér jiàn yī huì ér jiàn yī huì ér jiàn Nǐ hǎo zài jiàn mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ A. 不客气 B. 谢谢! c. 马马虎虎 Quiz Unit - Greeting A. 不太好 B. 再见 c. 一会儿见 duì bù qǐ méi guān xì Nǐ hǎo Name: I. Listen to your instruction and choice an appropriate answer. bù tài hǎo zài jiàn yī huì ér jiàn xiè xiè A. 对不起 B. 谢谢! c. 一会儿见 bù kè qì wǒ hěn hǎo A. 没关系 B. 不客气 c. 我很好 mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ A. 你好! B. 没关系 c. 马马虎虎 bù kè qì zài jiàn A. 不客气! B. 不太好 c. 再见! duì bù qǐ yī huì ér jiàn A. 对不起 B. 马马虎虎 c. 一会儿见 méi guān xì A. 没关系 B. 谢谢 c. 一会儿见 duì bù qǐ A. 对不起 B. 谢谢 c. 你好 bù tài hǎo A. 不太好 B. 谢谢 c. 再见 bù kè qì méi guān xì bù tài hǎo mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè xiè yī huì ér jiàn yī huì ér jiàn Nǐ hǎo zài jiàn mǎ mǎ hǔ hǔ A. 不客气 B. 谢谢! c. 马马虎虎

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