The KetoGenius Diet Plan

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1 The KetoGenius Diet Plan By Sherry L. Granader, CNC for Carb Manager

2 Table Of Contents Introduction 3 Getting Started On A Low Carb Diet 6 Low Carbohydrate Vs. Low Fat Diet 11 Learn To Embrace FAT On A Low Carb Diet 15 The Benefits Of A Low Carb Diet For Diabetics 19 6 Myths About Low Carb Diets 22 How A Low Carb Diet Works 25 What To Eat On A Low Carb Diet 29 A Low Carb Meal Plan For Life 32 Low Carb Grocery Shopping List 33 7 Day Meal Plan 35 2

3 Introduction Have you dieted but still struggle to lose weight? Do you often feel hungry or unsatisfied, even after you ve eaten? Do you get the munchies and search your kitchen for a quick dose of sugar or carbs? Are you trying to find a way that you can eat and maintain a stable weight? You may have wondered about low carb diets: are they the answer? Are they good for you? Do carbohydrates make you fat? This guide will give you the facts about low carb diets. If you are confused about carbohydrates, you are not alone. Let s get some facts straight first. Carbohydrates are important because they are the main source of fuel for the body and can be quickly used by the body for energy. They provide many vitamins, minerals and fiber and help your body function properly without feeling tired or fatigued. The confusion comes in part because there are different types of carbohydrates. Some contribute to weight loss while others contribute to weight gain. If you ve ever experienced eating a meal, only to find yourself ready to eat again within a few hours, you ve experienced the effect of quick acting carbohydrates. In this guide, you will learn to choose carbohydrates that offer more vitamins, minerals and fiber. A diet that is low in carbohydrates, high in fiber, and rich in healthy fats and proteins will give your body long acting energy and increase your metabolism. As a result, weight loss can be easier to achieve. 3

4 Simple Carbohydrates Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and immediately used for energy. Examples of simple carbohydrates include soft drinks, juice, and candy. The problem is they spike blood sugar levels that lead to a blood sugar drop, leaving you feeling tired and hungry. Complex Carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. They are slowly released into the body and therefore blood sugar is not spiked. All carbohydrates are broken down into sugars during digestion. Complex carbohydrates break down more slowly. Eating a low carbohydrate diet allows you to eat some complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber and provide plenty of vitamins and minerals. The reason why a low carbohydrate diet works for improving health and losing weight is because a high carbohydrate eating plan can lead to overeating, being overweight and developing insulin resistance. Foods that are high in carbohydrates cause a rapid rise in blood sugar and this causes the body to produce insulin that carries nutrients to the cells. The cells use this sugar for energy but if there is too much sugar, it is stored as fat. When you eat too many carbohydrates, insulin becomes less effective at transporting sugar to the cells. This results in more sugar being stored as body fat and leads to insulin 4

5 resistance. This sets the body up for obesity and Type 2 diabetes. More details about the relationship between carbohydrates and insulin can be found in the section below, Benefits of a Low Carb Diet for DIABETES. What Is A Low Carb Diet? A low carbohydrate diet limits consumption of carbohydrates to less than 45% of total daily calories. For many people, this puts your carb limit at around 30 grams, which is the setting that comes preset with the Carb Manager app. Of course, you can adjust your target limit to make it higher or lower. Studies continue to show that a low carbohydrate diet can keep both obesity and diabetes at bay. In fact, people eating a low carbohydrate diet lose more weight than those on a low fat diet. Plus, HDL (good) cholesterol increases while risk factors for heart disease decrease. Low carbohydrate diets focus on nutritious, healthy, whole foods instead of highly processed foods that are full of artificial flavorings and preservatives, chemicals and sugar. Reducing carbohydrates shows positive results, from weight loss to improved outcomes with chronic disease. What do you have to lose? 5

6 Getting Started On A Low Carb Diet Most people have spent years trying to lose weight by reducing their calories and cutting back on fat. When you start on a low carb diet, you are going to increase your intake of saturated fats. You will find that your meals are more satisfying and leave you feeling fuller. However, in the beginning, you might still crave some carbohydrates as your body shifts from burning carbohydrates to burning fat known as ketosis. Keep with the plan! After a few days of lowering your carbohydrate intake, blood sugar stabilizes, insulin levels are reduced and cravings for carbohydrates will drop. Plus, you will notice that you are losing weight. As you get used to your new way of eating, you will also notice that you are not as hungry, and will feel content and satisfied. You may recall always feeling hungry on a low fat or low calorie eating plan but that is not the case with a low carbohydrate diet. Before you begin: Clear out the junk food from your refrigerator, freezer and pantry Know what to eat and what to avoid Take your before weight and measurements Take a before picture of yourself and measure your weight, BMI, blood pressure, blood lipids, body measurements, and body fat. This will allow you to compare your success without simply relying on the scale alone. Knowing where you stand with all your 6

7 numbers can demonstrate the effectiveness of a low carbohydrate diet without worrying about your blood pressure and cholesterol levels going up when increasing your fat intake in a scientific manner. Add your measurements to Carb Manager and watch as they change over time. If you commit to a regular logging of the data, you will be encouraged by the graphs provided with the app. You can also share this data with your healthcare professional during visits. Being prepared can help you avoid any challenges or difficulties on the road ahead. You will know what to do to adjust your diet and give your body a chance to adjust to a low carbohydrate eating plan. The first week is usually the hardest because your body is used to carbohydrates for energy and now it has to shift to using the body fat that is on you for fuel. It can be helpful to invite friends and ask for support during your first week. Here are some tips that will help you get started on a successful low carbohydrate eating plan: Think Protein, Fat And Fiber For Every Meal Avocado, nuts and seeds, as well as vegetables and good quality protein (pastured chicken, grass fed beef, free range eggs, wild caught fish) will keep you full and satisfied. Ground flaxseeds are high in fiber and omega 3 essential fatty acids and are easy to sprinkle on a salad. You Can Still Eat Fruits And Vegetables Eating low carb means staying away from 7

8 processed foods. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients. For example, one stalk of broccoli has about 8 grams of carbohydrate, but 5 grams of that is fiber. When calculating your daily carb intake, remember that the grams of carbs = total carbs fiber. Therefore, one stalk of broccoli has only 3 grams of carbohydrate making it perfectly acceptable to eat on a low carbohydrate diet. Carb Manager will do the math for you, but embrace vegetables for a diverse and delicious diet. Learn To Read Labels Properly When reading labels for carbohydrate content, do not forget to subtract the fiber. The net carbs are the total carbohydrates minus the fiber content. Fiber doesn t count it is a carbohydrate, but you can t digest it. Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate. It does not put sugar into your bloodstream or have an effect on insulin levels. Fiber keeps you healthy. Make Gradual Changes As you learn to eat a low carbohydrate diet, you can make gradual changes by replacing a processed, unhealthy carbohydrate food with a whole, unprocessed food such as a fruit or vegetable at each meal. For instance, if you are used to eating instant mashed potatoes with a meal, try roasted cauliflower instead. Start With Eliminating Foods With Sugar And Flour Pasta, breads, cakes, cookies, donuts and anything highly processed should be eliminated on a low carbohydrate diet. This will cut your carbohydrate intake significantly and replace them with whole, unprocessed foods. 8

9 Keep It Simple If you are used to eating the same lunch or dinner or do not want to alter your meals very much, substitute vegetables for the starch. Commit To Working Through Any Difficulties Any time you make a change in your eating habits, it can be difficult. You must accept that there will be unexpected challenges that will you need to work through for success. Invite people to support you on your path. Try planning your meals ahead for the week if you find yourself struggling. Build your meals around high quality protein, vegetables, and dairy. Avoid artificial sweeteners and get your carbohydrates from leafy greens, and vegetables such as green beans, broccoli and cauliflower. Roast vegetables with olive oil and herbs for added flavor. They will go a long way in filling you up with less calories, lots of fiber and nutrients that you need for successful weight loss without feeling hungry. 9

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11 Low Carbohydrate Vs. Low Fat Diets Studies continue to show those who eat a low carbohydrate, higher fat diet lose more weight, and reduce more cardiovascular risk factors than those who strictly follow a low fat diet. For decades, many health professionals advocated the low fat diet, which caused the production of endless food products labeled fat free or low fat to attract those wanting to lose weight. Obesity levels rose at the same time. Clearly something was not working. Though the theory of cutting calories by cutting fat seemed like a good idea, years of people attempting to diet by doing so has only led to an obesity epidemic. It is time for a new way. You can quickly reduce your risk for heart disease and lose weight in the process by eating fewer carbohydrates and more of the good fats such as avocado, olive oil and nuts. Eating this way not only helps you lose weight but also reduces body fat. Cutting processed carbohydrates can help you lose weight without counting calories. It is easier to change what you eat and see results with a low carbohydrate diet. A low carbohydrate diet was made popular in the 1970 s by Dr. Atkins that promoted a diet low in carbohydrates, and high in protein and fat. Critics of this eating plan claimed that even though people would lose weight on this diet, cholesterol and other heart disease factors would increase by eating more dairy and meat. In other words, if you are going to eat more fat, your cholesterol levels will go up, leading to other health problems. However, this is not the case. A paper published in 2006 using information from the 11

12 Nurses Health Study, tracking the health and diets of more than 80,000 women over the course of twenty years found no increase in coronary heart disease in people who ate diets lower in carbohydrates and higher in fat and protein. New studies continue to show that eating a low carbohydrate diet allows you to lose more weight than a low fat diet. In addition, lean muscle mass improves with greater loss in body fat. Those eating a low fat diet will still lose weight but they also tend to lose more muscle than body fat, something you do not want to do. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day, even at rest. Perhaps you have wondered why people who have dieted a lot seem to be able to eat less food than people who have never dieted to maintain the same weight. As you lose muscle, your metabolism is lowered, meaning that calories must also be reduced. If you can build muscle while losing fat, your metabolism will increase, causing you to look better, feel better, and be able to eat more. Focusing on keeping lean muscle mass as opposed to focusing on what the scale says is an important factor. Eating a diet with high quality protein and unsaturated fats such as fish, olive oil and nuts with fresh vegetables and salad works well for successful weight loss. A typical day of meals for a low carbohydrates might look like this: Breakfast Spinach, bacon, and cheese omelet Lunch Tuna salad with sliced tomato and pickles Snack Sliced apple with 1½ tablespoons of fresh ground almond butter 12

13 Dinner Grilled sesame chicken with asparagus sautéed in garlic and olive oil Dessert Dark chocolate pudding A low fat meal plan would include more grains, cereals and starches while reducing total fat intake to less than 30% of daily calories. This is what you often see in the Food Pyramid diagrams that follow the federal government guidelines for diet. But having carbohydrates as the backbone of your diet leads to all of the problems outlined above. However, when all is said and done, people on a low carbohydrate diet, not only lose more weight, but their inflammation markers and triglycerides (a type of fat that circulates in the blood) are reduced. HDL (good) cholesterol also increases significantly with a low carbohydrate diet as opposed to a low fat diet. LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood pressure tend to stay the same. Eating refined, highly processed carbohydrates tend to increase the number of LDL (bad) cholesterol particles and makes them denser and that is what contributes to heart disease and atherosclerosis. Eating more saturated fat makes LDL particles larger and lighter and less likely to clog arteries, as long as carbohydrate intake is not high. Dense, small LDL particles are often found in those with abdominal fat, high triglycerides, and heart disease, also known as metabolic syndrome. The bottom line is to embrace the concept of eating fewer processed foods, especially 13

14 refined carbohydrates. Enjoy good fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds and olive or coconut oil. Stay away from fat free foods such as fat free salad dressings that are loaded with sugar. The verdict is in low carbohydrate diets work for weight loss and better health in more ways than one. 14

15 Learn To Embrace Good Fats On A Low Carb Diet For years, you may have chosen fat free or low fat food products to keep your fat intake down to lose weight. However, there are many good fats that are healthy and good for. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are part of a low carbohydrate diet and include: Nuts Nut Butters (almond, peanut butter, cashew nut, etc.) Salmon (fatty fish) Olive Oil Olives Coconut Oil These fats contain essential fatty acids that can help keep your brain healthy and reduce pain in the body, especially in your joints. In order to keep your brain and body healthy, you actually need to include healthy fats in your diet every day. Take a look at the following tips to incorporate good fats into your low carbohydrate eating plan: Keep Nuts On Hand Nuts are filling, portable, and make a great snack any time of day. Nuts are full of fiber and are a great way to get in some good fats, especially when you are hungry. You can enjoy them with an apple or pear for the perfect snack. Try Walnuts Walnuts are loaded with alpha linolenic acid that is needed for good 15

16 health and cannot be produced in the body. Toast walnuts in the oven for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees and toss them into salads or sprinkle over roasted vegetables. Alpha linolenic acid helps support heart health and reduces inflammation in the body. Enjoy Nut Butters Look for health food stores and markets that offer the opportunity to grind your own nut butter. You can spread it on an apple or celery for a quick snack. Many stores sell single serving packages of nut butter that make convenient and portable for meals at work or on the go. Make Olive Oil A Staple You can use it for cooking and creating homemade salad dressing to enjoy at home or on the go. Experiment with different vinegars or use fresh lemon juice. Bringing salads to work with high quality protein thrown in is a great way to stay on track with your low carbohydrate diet. Add Coconut Oil To The Mix There is a misconception about coconut oil not being good for the heart because of its high saturated fat content. The reality is it is beneficial to the heart and can prevent high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. It can reduce the incidence of damage to the arteries and prevent atherosclerosis. Browse The Oil Aisle For Avocado Oil Rich in vitamin E, avocado oil is filled with healthy fats and antioxidants that help prevent free radicals (toxins, chemicals and pollutants) from attacking healthy cells. 16

17 Or Eat Avocadoes Avocadoes are a miracle food that is high in fiber, very filling and can support energy levels for the whole day. They contain oleic acid that can help fight cancer. Enjoy ¼ of an avocado with some carrot sticks for a healthy afternoon snack or top slices on your salad for extra nutrition. Avocadoes can be made into edible bowls filled with shrimp or other salads. Eat Salmon This fatty fish will help keep your brain in tip top shape and is an excellent choice for a protein source. Look for wild caught Alaskan salmon. Have Some Seeds Hemp and flax seeds are full of protein and essential fatty acids and make a great choice for vegetarians. Stir them into guacamole or hummus for an extra dose of healthy fats. Enjoy A Glass Of Almond Milk it has all the benefits of almonds including health promoting fats. One up has 2.5 grams of healthy fat and makes an excellent base for a protein packed smoothie in a blender. Make sure to look for almond milk without added sugars. These tips can help you incorporate healthy fats into your lunches and snacks throughout the week. Your memory and brain will be sharper and will help you stay focused during a busy day. Plus, foods rich in healthy fats are filling and satisfying. You will feel better 17

18 and stay full longer if you include healthy fat in your diet. Say no to the munchies! 18

19 Benefits Of A Low Carb Diet For DIABETES Basically, Type 2 diabetes is a disease of intolerance to carbohydrates. Eating a low carbohydrate diet is an effective way to reduce high blood sugar and help prevent cardiovascular disease when dealing with diabetes. High blood sugar can be caused by a high intake of processed carbohydrates, therefore, reducing carbohydrate intake is the most effective way to decrease blood glucose levels on a consistent basis. It turns out that an increase in caloric intake is primarily due to an increase in carbohydrates when it comes to type 2 diabetes and obesity. However, the benefit of restricting carbohydrates goes far beyond weight loss alone. Replacing carbohydrates with high quality protein is generally beneficial to those with diabetes. Blood sugar levels stay stable without the spikes associated with carbohydrates. Plus, the increase of good fats such as those found in nuts, avocado and olive oil does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but instead, keeps you full longer and enables you to eat fewer calories. The best predictor of cardiovascular disease in people with Type 2 diabetes is glycemic control. Having frequent blood sugar spikes is not healthy. Eating a low carbohydrate diet is the most effective way to increase HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce serum triglycerides. The good news is when people with Type 2 diabetes eat a low carbohydrate diet, they frequently reduce or eliminate their medication or require 19

20 less insulin. Eating a low carbohydrate diet does not the side effects that prescription medications that often do. The low fat mentality of yesterday does not work, especially for those dealing with diabetes. Diabetes is a serious disease and we should not hold onto an eating plan that does not work. Eating too many carbohydrates makes it more difficult to find an appropriate dose of insulin. Those with Type 2 diabetes are capable of producing insulin but the body does not respond sufficiently. This is known as insulin resistance with a deterioration of functioning of the pancreas. In other words, the pancreas cannot keep up with the demands by the body for insulin. Low carbohydrate eating plans work well for those with diabetes. Many find they no longer need drugs or even have symptoms. Blood glucose levels become normal and successful weight loss is achieved. Millions of Americans have prediabetes, diabetes and/or metabolic syndrome. Converting to a low carbohydrate diet will go a long way in improving, reversing and preventing all of the above. If you are on insulin or taking medication, it is important to check with your physician, registered dietician or nutritionist for guidance, as insulin doses may need to be adjusted to avoid low blood sugar levels or hypoglycemia. The best way to keep blood sugar and insulin levels stable is to reduce your consumption of carbohydrate. It is a very effective way to treat and perhaps reverse Type 2 diabetes. 20

21 Learning to eat a low carbohydrate diet does not have to be complicated or confusing. In fact, many people notice how much better they feel simply by eliminating highly processed foods. Frankly, if a food product has more than 5 ingredients and an expiration date, you probably do NOT want to eat it, whether you have diabetes or not. It is actually quite easy to eat a low carbohydrate diet whether you are at home, in a restaurant or traveling. Living with diabetes does not have to mean feeling deprived. You can still enjoy amazing meals and snacks with healthy food choices that are low in carbohydrate and will keep you full and satisfied. 21

22 6 Myths About Low Carb Diets There are many misconceptions about low carbohydrate diets. Some people have an image of eating only bacon and eggs for breakfast or guzzling down cream and butter. The misconception is that a low carb diet promotes heart disease and puts you down a dangerous road to poor health and chronic disease. It is time for a reality check. Low carbohydrate diets focus on healthy, nutritious foods that help you get away from highly processed foods. Weight loss is achieved and positive outcomes in cholesterol and other risk factors improve. Here are the myths that you need to know about and the truth behind them: Myth #1: A Low Carb Diet Means NO Carbohydrates No one is advocating for no carbohydrates altogether. Eating a low carbohydrate diet involves eliminating processed foods that are high in sugar, preservatives and artificial flavorings. You can eat good carbohydrates such as whole fruits and vegetables, some whole grains such as brown rice and oatmeal, nuts and seeds, as well as good fats like that found in avocado. Carbohydrates can be balanced by fiber intake, which is important to keep full and healthy. Myth #2: You Can t Eat Fruits And Vegetables Fruits and vegetables are mainly made up of carbohydrates, but are also rich in fiber. Non starchy vegetables are at the bottom of the low carbohydrate pyramid meaning they 22

23 replace grains, cereals, breads, and pasta, and provide the backbone of the diet. Following the low carbohydrate way of life means eating more whole fruits and vegetables that are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Myth #3: A Low Carbohydrate Diet Is Low In Fiber Nothing could be further from the truth. Fiber is undigested and lessens the impact of other carbohydrates on blood sugar. Many low carbohydrate foods are high in fiber. As a result of eating a low carbohydrate diet, many people eat more fruits and vegetables while increasing their fiber intake in the process a winning combination. Myth #4: All Low Carbohydrate Diets Involve Eating Red Meat And Increase The Risk For Heart Disease Eating a low carbohydrate diet does not mean you have to eat a lot of red meat. You can enjoy chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, tuna and salmon as protein choices. It is even possible to be vegetarian and enjoy a low carbohydrate diet. Low carbohydrate diets continue to show improvement in cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and other risk factors for heart disease in those eating a low carbohydrate diet. Myth #5: A Low Carbohydrate Diet Will Cause Kidney Damage A low protein diet is encouraged for those with kidney disease, however a diet that is higher in protein will not cause kidney damage or disease. It is important to note the health of your kidneys when you begin a low carbohydrate eating plan. A 23

24 low carbohydrate diet may be a bit higher in protein, however it will not cause kidney problems. Myth #6: Low Carbohydrate Diets Cause Bone Loss This myth is based on the assumption that low carbohydrate diets are always high in protein and that leads to more calcium in the urine. However, this is not true. Low carbohydrate diets actually support bone health with plenty of calcium from vegetables such as celery and dark leafy greens. The best part about a low carbohydrate diet is that it makes you aware of how many processed foods you may be consuming and steers you away from them to make better choices. Studies continue to show the health benefits of a low carbohydrate diet that include weight loss and reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. 24

25 How A Low Carb Diet Works Low carbohydrate diets can produce 2 3 times more weight loss than low fat diets that many have bought into for years. In addition, a low carb diet can create major improvements in many important risk factors such as cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Studies continue to show that low carb diets can cause HDL (good) cholesterol to go up and triglycerides (fat in the blood) to go down. Plus, blood sugar levels and blood pressure decrease significantly. Most of the weight lost comes from the liver and belly area when eating a low carb diet. The body fat in the belly area is known as visceral fat that builds up in and around the organs, causing disease and inflammation. Those dealing with diabetes and metabolic syndrome find a low carb diet particularly effective in controlling both health conditions. With that said, there is still a lot of controversy about why the low carbohydrate diet works so well. The truth is there are many factors going on when it comes to reasons why this way of eating is so effective. Here are some of the explanations about why low carbohydrate diets work: Lowers Insulin Levels insulin is the main hormone in the body that regulates blood sugar levels. It tells the fat cells to produce and store fat, and keep the fat that is already there. Insulin also tells other cells to pick up blood sugar from the bloodstream and burn it instead of fat. Therefore, insulin stimulates the burning of fat and the production of fat. 25

26 A low carb diet works because when carbohydrates are restricted, insulin levels go down. Body fat becomes more accessible for the body to burn for energy and that leads to reduced need to eat. Weight Loss Is Quick the real reason for quick weight loss on a low carb diet is due to a reduction in water weight. When insulin is reduced, the kidneys shed excess sodium in the body hence blood pressure is lowered. When carbohydrate intake goes down, glycogen levels go down and water goes with it. This does NOT happen if just calories are reduced. Quick weight loss can be encouraging and help people stick with a diet. In addition to water weight loss, low carbohydrate diets help the body get rid of the dangerous visceral fat in the belly. Grains And Sugars Are Replaced With High Protein Foods good quality protein can help increase muscle mass, give your metabolism a boost and reduce appetite. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. A traditional low fat diet can lead to reduced muscle mass, which slows the metabolism. Eating good quality protein with a low carbohydrate diet is the main reason for its effectiveness. Low Carb Diets Increase Your Energy eating a low carbohydrate diet actually 26

27 increases energy expenditure more than a low fat or reduced calorie diet hence, it makes it easier to lose weight. When carbohydrate intake is low, most of the protein is transformed into glucose at first. Eventually, ketones start to replace some of that glucose as fuel for the brain within a few days. As you settle into a low carbohydrate diet, energy and weight loss increases significantly. Junk Food Consumption Is Reduced and that includes sugary soft drinks, unhealthy snacks, French fries, sugar, pizza and fruit juices. As a result, both calories and fat are reduced significantly. By eliminating junk foods and replacing them with high quality protein, good fats and vegetables, more nutrients are ingested and good health results. Low Carb Diets Reduce Appetite Significantly and that leads to an automatic reduction in calorie consumption. Eating a low carbohydrate diet allows you to eat until full and still allows weight loss. Increased protein intake is a significant factor and you simply don t feel as hungry throughout the day. 27

28 Low carbohydrate diets have a beneficial effect on the appetite regulating hormones, leptin and ghrelin. They also have a major influence on energy balance. Leptin is the hormone that regulates energy, suppresses food intake and induces weight loss. Ghrelin is a fast acting hormone that plays a role in meal initiation. When you understand how low carbohydrate diets work, you realize that they work on both sides of the equation when it comes to caloric intake. A low carbohydrate diet boosts your metabolism and lowers your appetite and as a result, calories are reduced naturally. Calories count, however low carbohydrate diets do not make you feel like you are being restricted or hungry. On top of that, it s possible to, as a person gains muscle mass and increases their metabolism, actually be able to eat more while still losing weight. 28

29 What To Eat On A Low Carb Diet When you first start eating a low carbohydrate diet, you may be thrilled to know that you can eat steak, bacon, fish and chicken and still lose weight. However, a low carb diet is not just about eating protein. It includes a variety of other foods that are full of good fats such as avocado and nuts, but also lots of vegetables that loaded with fiber and will keep you full and satiated. General Guidelines Welcome foods that are high in fat include coconut and olive oil, butter, cheese and cream. You still want to keep your protein intake about the size of a deck of cards at every meal. Avoid breads, pastas, crackers, sugar, soft drinks and juice. Limit your fruit intake to one serving per day at first. Here are some options for breakfast, lunch and dinner to stay on your low carb eating plan: Low Carb Breakfast Ideas Vegetable omelet Eggs and Bacon Eggs and avocado Baked quiche made with coconut or almond flour Pancakes made with almond flour and eggs Steak and eggs Ham and cheese omelet Cottage cheese pancakes Frittatas Chia seed pudding 29

30 Low Carb Lunch And Dinner Ideas Turkey or Beef Meatballs with roasted cauliflower and green beans Chicken wrapped in bacon with asparagus Stuffed Red Peppers Chicken and Avocado Salad With Lemon or Lime Vinaigrette Chicken or Beef Fajitas with Low Carb Tortillas Chicken Parmesan Sausage and sauerkraut Stir fried shrimp with zucchini Pork or Beef Ribs without the sauce Lobster, Salmon or scallops Ham Duck or lamb Greek salad Even though we call it a low carb diet, it is more like a new way of eating. As you can see by the list, there are plenty of options for you on a low carb diet. Get creative there are many side dishes you can create with cauliflower. Place it in a blender or food processor and then cook in water or in a skillet to create mashed potatoes or rice like side dish. Snacks, Side Dishes And Appetizers Deviled eggs make a batch and keep them in the fridge Bacon wrapped sausages or jalapenos Shrimp or chicken kabobs Smoked salmon and cream cheese roll ups Mashed cauliflower tastes like mashed potatoes Roasted vegetables 30

31 Cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes and feta Mushrooms and Artichokes Broccoli Cheese Bake Tamari almonds Celery sticks with peanut butter These are all delicious options that can be made ahead of time or stored in the refrigerator or freezer. All of these foods would work well for entertaining. Plan ahead and you can stay on your low carb eating plan without worry. And Yes You Can Have Dessert On Low Carb Diet For dessert, you can enjoy chocolate, ice cream, pies made with coconut or almond flour for the crust, fruit, peanut butter or butter cookies, pudding, and chocolate truffles. How does that sound? You will find that desserts can still fit into a low carb eating plan. It is time to head to the grocery store and stock up on these foods for a successful low carb diet that your whole family will love. There are plenty of options to choose from let s get cooking, the low carb way. 31

32 A Low Carb MEAL Plan For Life There are many types of low carbohydrate diets and studies continue to show they can improve your health and lead to successful weight loss. A low carb diet consists of high quality protein (no deli meats), good fats and lots of vegetables. This is a meal plan that is designed for life with sample menu ideas and snacks and what foods to avoid. Here are the basics: Focus on chicken, fish, meat, tuna, eggs, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, high fat dairy, good fats such as avocado and healthy oils including olive and coconut oil. Avoid processed foods that include high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), sugar, wheat, low fat food products, and hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils known as trans fats. Stay away from fruit juices, soft drinks, ice cream and candy. Eliminate breads, crackers, cereals and pastas. Clean OUT your pantry of all of the above. You also need to avoid diet products, and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, saccharin, and acesulfame potassium. If a food has more than five ingredients, looks like it is made in a factory, and has an expiration date, you do not want to eat it. When foods are full of preservatives they do a wonderful job of preserving the shelf life of the product, but they do nothing for your shelf life. 32

33 Low Carb Diet Grocery Shopping List Protein Grass Fed, Organic, or Pastured is best Chicken Fish wild caught is best Beef Lamb Pork Eggs enriched with Omega 3 s Vegetables Almost all allowed! Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Cauliflower Carrots Spinach Zucchini Dairy White cheese Greek Yogurt Butter Almond milk (unsweetened) Fruit Apples Blueberries Strawberries Pears Oranges Nuts And Seeds Almonds Walnuts Cashew Nuts Ground Flaxseed Fat And Oils Olive oil Coconut oil If you are not overweight and do not need to lose weight, you can have the following carbohydrates: Sweet potatoes Potatoes Brown rice Quinoa Oats Black beans Pinto beans Lentils In Moderation Dark chocolate 1 ounce Beverages Coffee 33

34 Tea Herbal tea Water, water water 34

35 7 Day Sample Menu For A Low Carb Diet Take a look at the following meal plan. You will see that each meal consists of whole foods that make it easy to throw together a quick meal that is low in carbohydrate. Pick and choose your favorite meals that will help you get started on your eating plan for life. Make sure you spend some time in the produce section of your local market and include a variety of vegetables in your meals. If you are healthy, lean and active, you can include a sweet potato and healthy grains like oats and brown rice. Monday Breakfast: Vegetable Omelet (Cook your favorite vegetables in coconut or olive oil) Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad with Peanut Butter Vinaigrette Snack: Apple with 1½ tablespoons of almond butter Dinner: Buffalo or hamburger patty, asparagus and toasted slivered almonds Tuesday Breakfast: One fried egg with turkey bacon and one sliced tomato Lunch: Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad NO croutons Snack: Pear and handful of almonds Dinner : Grilled Salmon with Diced Pineapple And Mango Steamed broccoli with fresh lemon Baked sweet potato with cinnamon Wednesday Breakfast: Turkey Bacon and Eggs with Sliced Avocado Lunch : Shrimp Salad tossed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar 35

36 Snack: ½ cup of Greek Yogurt with Blueberries Dinner: Roasted Chicken with Vegetables Thursday Breakfast: Smoothie made with almond or coconut milk, berries, almonds and plant based protein Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad Tossed With Walnuts, Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Snack : Red pepper slices and hummus Dinner: Steak With Your Favorite Vegetables Friday Breakfast: Oatmeal with Cinnamon And Toasted Walnuts Lunch: Chicken or Beef Fajitas with beans, peppers and onions Snack: Mozzarella cheese stick and handful of almonds Dinner: Pork Chop With Roasted Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Saturday Breakfast: Vegetable Egg Frittata (use leftover roasted vegetables) Lunch: Cobb Salad with a vinaigrette salad dressing Snack: ½ cup of Greek yogurt with 4 strawberries, coconut flakes and walnuts Dinner: Baked Chicken Wings With Spinach Salad Tossed With Walnuts Sunday Breakfast: Chocolate Berry Smoothie made with a bit of heavy cream, coconut or almond milk, chocolate protein powder and berries Lunch: Tossed salad with red pepper slices, cashew nuts and hummus for dipping Snack: Two hard boiled eggs with baby carrots 36

37 Dinner: Turkey Meatballs Tossed With Tomatoes and Your Favorite Vegetable Healthy Low Carb Snacks To Keep On Hand Handful of nuts Red pepper slices and hummus Greek yogurt and berries Nut butter and apple Cheese and Turkey or other meat slices Hard boiled eggs Eating Out At Restaurants The Low Carb Way You can stick with your low carbohydrate meal plan even when eating out at restaurants by following these simple rules: Order fish, chicken or meat based main dish Ask for extra vegetables as your side dish instead of potatoes You can always ask if food is cooked in real butter or olive oil Remember to shop on the perimeter of the grocery store where more whole foods are found. Most of the highly processed foods are found in the center aisles. Grass fed, pastured and organic foods are best when and where available. Think WHOLE foods and the least processed options and you are on your way to a successful low carb way of eating. Here s to your success! 37

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KETOGENIC DIET FAMILY. Beginners Guide and FAQ s. For the. ketonutritioneveryday. The wherever tastier healthier lifestyle!

KETOGENIC DIET FAMILY. Beginners Guide and FAQ s. For the. ketonutritioneveryday. The wherever tastier healthier lifestyle! KETOGENIC DIET Beginners Guide and FAQ s For the FAMILY The wherever tastier healthier lifestyle! ketonutritioneveryday The ketogenic diet is a way of eating that is very low in dietary

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