riċetti minn għawdex vol. 3 gozitan recipes

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1 riċetti minn vol. 3 għawdex gozitan recipes

2 Id-dedikazzjoni tagħna għall-ikel, ir-rispett lejn l-antenati tagħna u t-tradizzjonijiet tagħhom u d-determinazzjoni li nipproduċu ikel li hu bnin u tajjeb, jagħmluna dak li aħna illum Home cooking is not a science lesson... it is an art! It requires instinct, taste and love not exact measurements! go Natural! Limit packaged, takeaway & fast foods, which tend to contain high amounts of saturated and/or trans-fatty acids. forget Frying......whether it be shallow, deep or otherwise! Roast, poach, steam or grill instead! shed Skin Scrap the skin from chicken & excess fat from meat but keep the peel on your apples & potatoes. use Good Oils Use olive or canola oil wherever possible instead of butter or margarine. A Healthier Diet... love Low Fat Reach for low-fat, light or skimmed milk, sour cream or yogurt rather than the full fat versions. buy Brown Pick up brown rice and wholemeal pasta rather than the white, processed varieties Wholegrain Choose seeded, whole-grain breads over those that are over-processed and like sponge. Downsize Cut down on your portion sizes but always remember - have more of the good stuff and less of the bad! merħba welcome Grazzi tal-interess li wrejtu għal-ewwel u t-tieni volum tal-ktieb tar-riċetti, qed nistednukom għat tielet volum ta riċetti Għawdxin mill- Magro Food Village. Għand Magro Brothers, aħna nemmnu bissħiħ fil-folklor u l-wirt gastronomiku tagħna. Għal ħafna snin stinkajna biex nibnu sensiela ta` prodotti li jagħmluna kburin għax joffru kwalità għolja u togħmiet bnini u differenti. Ir-riċetti li jinsabu f dan il-ktieb jinkludu wkoll informazzjoni dwar il-valuri ta nutrizzjoni, pass ieħor fl-impenn tagħna li noħolqu prodotti li huma tajbin għas-saħħa u sustanzjuzi. L-informazzjoni mogħtija hija applikabbli għallingredjenti u użin mogħti fir-riċetti bidla flingredjenti bla dubju ġġib tibdil fit-tabella tassustanzi f kull porzjon. Nittamaw illi tieħdu gost tużaw dan il-ktieb u taqsmu it-togħma bnina ta dawn ir-riċetti malgħeżież tagħkom. This guide shows low, medium and high nutritional levels for an average meal Fat kj Carbohydrates Protein Welcome to the third edition of the Magro Food Village recipe book of Gozitan recipes. At Magro Brothers, we strongly believe in the folklore of our gastronomic inheritance. For years we have strived to build up a basket of products that not only make us proud but also ensure quality and diversification. The recipes enclosed in this book also include nutritional information values, another step towards our commitment to creating products that are healthy and nutritious. The information given is applicable to the ingredients and weights given in the recipes - a change in the ingredients will obviously change the nutrition table per serving. We hope that you will enjoy using this book and share the great taste of these recipes with your loved ones. LOW MEDIUM HIGH 0-15g g 0-20g 15-30g g 20-40g 30+g g 40+g All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. Text and design copyright: Magro Brothers (Foods) Limited, The Magro Food Village, Xewkija - Gozo Malta

3 F Malta, il-qargħa ħamra nsibuha s-sena kollha, imma xejn ma jiżboq id-dehra tal-qargħa ħamra waħda ħdejn l-oħra, biex tkompli ssir fixxemx fuq ħafna bjut fil-kampanja. Pumpkins are on offer all year round in Malta, but nothing beats the sight of pumpkins picturesquely lined up, ripening in the sun on many a rooftop in the countryside! Iservi 4 soppa tal-qargħa ħamra pumpkin soup 25g butir Basla mqatta fin 500g qargħa ħamra, imqatta biċċiet ftit kbar u bla żerriegħa 750ml stokk tal-ħaxix magħmul b magħrfa u nofs Pinto s Pride Vegetable Spoon Stock Melħ u bżar Nofs qoxra ta larinġa, biċċa sħiħa Werqa tar-rand 160ml Ħanini Creamylight Original Żerriegħa tal-qargħa ħamra nkaljata, biex iżżejjen Il-qargħa ħamra hija versatili ħafna u żżomm tajba għal xhur. Minħabba t-togħma tagħha, il-qargħa hija tajba biex tintuża ma ingredjenti, ħelwin u mhumiex, f ħafna platti diversi. Ħoll il-butir ġo kazzola u sajjar il-basla sakemm tirtab imma tibqa bajda. Żid il-qargħa ħamra u sajjar għal madwar 10 minuti sa xħin tieħu kulur dehbi. Itfa magħha l-pinto s Pride Vegetable Spoon Stock, il-qoxra tal-larinġa u l-werqa tar-randa. Ħalliha tiftaħ tagħli, imbagħad baxxi n-nar u ħalliha ttektek għal 30 minuta jew sakemm il-qargħa tirtab. Neħħi r-randa u l-qoxra tallarinġa, żid il-ħanini Creamylight u mbagħad agħmilha puree bil- hand blender. Biex isservi żejjinha bi ftit żerriegħa nkaljata talqargħa ħamra. Serves 4 Pumpkin are very versatile vegetables and can be stored for months. Its taste makes the pumpkin an excellent choice to mix with both savoury & sweet ingredients to produce an array of dishes. 25g butter 1 onion, finely chopped 500gr peeled pumpkin, roughly chopped & deseeded 750ml Vegetable Stock made with 1½ spoons of Pinto s Pride Vegetable Spoon Stock Salt & Pepper ½ rind of an orange, left in one piece 1 bay leaf 160ml Ħanini Creamylight Original Pumpkin seeds to garnish, toasted Melt the butter in a pan and cook the onion until soft but not coloured. Add the pumpkin and cook for around 10 minutes until it starts to turn golden. Add the Pinto s Pride Vegetable Spoon Stock, the orange rind and the bay leaf. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes or until pumpkin is soft. Remove the bay leaf and the orange rind, add the Ħanini Creamylight and puree with a hand blender. To serve, garnish with some toasted pumpkin seeds. 142kcal Fat 10.5g Carbohydrate 11.2g Sugars 7.1g

4 F Malta, is-sopop ma kinux jiġu servuti bħala starters imma weħidhom bħala ikla sustanzjuża u spiss ħafna s-soppa kienet terġa tittiekel filgħaxija. In Malta, soups were not always meant to be a starter they were intended to form a nutritious meal by themselves and very often the soup would be eaten again for supper. soppa tal-għazz lentil soup Iservi 4 2 mgħaref żejt tażżebbuġa Basla mqatta fin 2 karrotti mqattgħin dadi 2 zkuk tal-karfus imqattgħin slajsis 2 sinniet tewm mgħaffġin Mgħarfa ħabaq niexef 400g Mayor Polpa L-għazz fih ħafna proteini u fibra u ftit xaħam, għalhekk tajjeb biex jittiekel flok il-laħam. 2 kikkri għazz oranġjo, imlaħalħin u xxuttati 300ml stokk tal-ħaxix magħmul b mgħarfa u nofs Pinto s Pride Chicken Spoon Stock Lumija ta daqs medju, magħsura Tursin imqatta fin biex iżżejjen Ġo taġen kbir, fuq nar medju, saħħan iż-żejt u aqli l-basal, il-karrotti u l-karfus, sakemm il-basla tirtab u ssir trasparenti. Żid it-tewm u l-ħabaq u ħawwad għal madwar minuta. Itfa magħhom l-għazz u żid il-pinto s Pride Chicken Spoon Stock u l-mayor Polpa. Ħawwar bilmelħ u l-bżar kemm tiggosta. Ħallih jagħli, imbagħad baxxi n-nar u ħallih itektek għal millanqas siegħa jew sakemm l-għazz jirtab. Itfa miegħu l-meraq tallumija u ħawdu. Żejjen bit-tursin u servi. Serves 4 2 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 carrots, diced 2 celery stalks, sliced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 tbsp dried basil 400g Mayor Polpa 2 cups orange lentils, rinsed and dried 300ml Vegetable Stock made with 1½ spoons of Pinto s Pride Chicken Spoon Stock 1 medium lemon, squeezed Parsley, finely chopped to garnish In a large pan, heat the oil over medium heat and fry the onions, carrots & celery until the onion has softened and turned transluscent. Add the garlic and herbs and stir for about one minute. Pour in the lentils and add Pinto s Pride Chicken Spoon Stock and the Mayor Polpa. Season to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat & simmer for at least 1 hour or until lentils are tender. Stir in the juice of the lemon, garnish with parsley & serve. Lentils are high in protein and fiber and low in fat, which makes them a healthy substitute for meat. 475kcal Fat 7.9g Carbohydrate 69.7g Sugars 7.9g

5 Il-ful aħdar huwa eċċellenti għall-proteini u l-fibra li fih. Huwa ingredjent versatili u jintuża f ħafna platti Għawdxin. Broad beans are an excellent vegetable source of protein and fibre. They are a very versatile ingredient and are used in many Gozitan dishes. Iservi 4 għaġin bil-ful u l-piżelli pasta with broad beans & peas 400g għaġin 300g ful aħdar frisk imqaxxar miż-żewġ qoxriet 300g piżelli friska 5 sinniet tewm imqatta sliced 4 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 200ml Ħanini Creamylight Original 100g Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin, maħkukin Tursin frisk, imqatta fin Melħ u bżar Il-ful aħdar jista jiġi ffriżat billi tneħħilu l-ewwel qoxra u mbagħad titfgħu fil-misħun jagħli għal 3 minuti. Sajjar l-għaġin skont kif hemm fuq il-pakkett. F kazzola oħra, għalli l-ful u l-piżelli fl-ilma għal madwar 3 minuti. Waqt li dawn qed isiru, saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen u aqli t-tewm għal minuta. Saffi l-ful u l-piżelli u itfagħhom fittaġen. Sajjarhom għal 5 minuti. Itfa u ħawwad magħhom il-ħanini Creamylight u sajjar għal minuta oħra. Saffi l-għaġin u żidu mat-taħlita, waqt li tħawwad sew flimkien. Żejjen bittursin u l-ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkukin. Serves 4 400g dried pasta 300g fresh broad beans, peeled from both skins 300g fresh peas 5 garlic cloves, sliced 4 tbsp olive oil 200ml Ħanini Creamylight Original 100g Ħanini Dried Cheeselets, grated Fresh parsley, finely chopped Salt & Pepper Broad beans can be frozen by shelling them from their first shell and blanching them for 3 minutes before freezing. Cook the pasta according to the packet s instructions. In another pot, boil the broad beans and peas in some water for around 3 minutes. Whilst the pulses are cooking, heat the oil and cook garlic for 1 minute in a frying pan. Drain the beans and peas and add to the frying pan. Cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the Ħanini Creamylight and cook for another minute. Drain the pasta and add to the mixture, mixing well together. Garnish with parsley and grated Ħanini s Dried Cheeselets. MADE WITH PASTEURISED SHEEP S MIL K FOR FOOD SAFETY SHEEP S MILK GOZIT AN DRIED CHEESELETS 769kcal Fat 28.3g Carbohydrate 95.4g Sugars 11.8g

6 Meta tkessaħ it-tadam jitlef mit-togħma tiegħu, għalhekk ħlief meta jkun misjur ħafna, għandek iżżommu barra mill-friġġ (f temperatura tal-kamra). Chilling tomatoes mutes their flavour so, unless they are very ripe, they should be stored at room temperature. tadam mimli stuffed tomatoes Iservi 6 6 tadamiet kbar 250g Irkotta Ħanini Nofs basla mqatta fina 3 mgħaref Mayor Mayonnaise Melħ u bżar Kurrat irqiq biex iżżejjen It-tadam beef hu tadam kbir u jkun imlaħħam u b togħma ħelwa. Tajjeb għall-insalati, għax-xiwi u biex timlieh. Aqta l-parti ta fuq tat-tadam u ħawwaħ ilqalba. Ġo skutella, għaffeġ l-irkotta Ħanini u żid magħha l-basla, il-mayor Mayonnaise u l-bżar u l-melħ. Imla t-tadam b din it-taħlita u żejjen bi ftit kurrat irqiq. Żommhom fil-friġġ għal mill-anqas siegħa. Servi magħhom xi nsalata friska. Serves6 6 beef tomatoes 250g Ħanini Irkotta ½ onion finely chopped 3 tbsp Mayor Mayonnaise Salt & pepper Chives to garnish Beef tomatoes are the biggest tomatoes, and have a meaty texture with a sweet, mellow flavour. They are good for salads, grilling or stuffing. Slice the top of the tomatoes and scoop out the inner part. In a bowl, mash the Ħanini Irkotta and add the onion, Mayor Mayonnaise and seasoning. Fill in the tomatoes and garnish with some chives. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Serve with fresh salad. 143kcal Fat 10.1g Carbohydrate 7.8g Sugars 5.8g

7 Il-patata Maltija għandha togħma unika li tagħmilha perfetta għattisjir, biex tgħalliha u tixwija. Matul is-snin kienet sors ta nutrijenti fi żmien ta faqar, gwerra u ġlied. Maltese potatoes have a unique taste which make them perfect for cooking, boiling or roasting. Over the years they have been a main source of nutrients in times of poverty, Iservi 4 war, and strife. 360ml Ħanini Creamylight Original 3 werqiet tar-rand Nofs kuċċarina sagħtar 2 sinniet tewm, imqattgħin Nofs kuċċarina noċemuskata Melħ u bżar 900g patata, imqaxxra u mqatta slajsis irqaq 50g Ħanini Pekorin Mature, maħkuk Tursin, imqatta rqiq biex iżżejjen Riċetta ħafifa biex tipprepara u li timpressjona. Delizzjuża hekk kif toħroġha mill-forn u daqshekk ieħor jekk jibqagħlek għallgħada. Saħħan il-forn b temperatura ta 180 C / 350 F / Gas 4. F tagħġen żgħir, itfa l-ħanini Creamylight, il-weraq tar-rand, is-sagħtar, it-tewm, melħ u bżar u ħallih itektek fuq nar baxx għal 10 minuti. Neħħi r-rand mit-taħlita. Sadattant, idlek ħafif dixx tal-forn u agħmel saff ġo fih b nofs il-patata. Itfa nofs it-taħlita taz-zalza fuq il-patata ta ġod-dixx u roxx fuqha nofs il-ġobon Ħanini Pekorin, maħkuk. Irrepeti saff ieħor patata, saff zalza u saff ġobon maħkuk. Aħmih mikxuf għal madwar siegħa b temperatura ta 350 F /180 C/Gas Mark 4 (forn moderat). Żejjen bi ftit tursin frisk u servi. Serves 4 360ml Ħanini Creamylight Original 3 bay leaves ½ tsp thyme 2 garlic cloves, chopped ½ tsp nutmeg Salt & pepper 900g potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced 50g Ħanini Pekorin Mature, grated Parsley, finely chopped to garnish An easy recipe to prepare and impress. Delicious just out of the oven and just as tasty if you have leftovers the next day! Preheat the oven to 180 C / 350 F / Gas 4. In a small pan, add the Ħanini Creamylight, bay leaves, thyme, garlic, salt and pepper, and simmer for 10 minutes on a low flame. Afterwards remove the bay leaves from the mixture. In the meantime, lightly grease a low oven dish and layer half the potatoes. Pour half the sauce mixture over the potatoes in the dish and sprinkle half the Ħanini Pekorin grated cheese. Repeat the second layer of potatoes, sauce and grated cheese. Bake uncovered for about 1 hour or until potatoes turn golden. Garnish with parsley. patata l-forn bil-krema scalloped potatoes 375kcal Fat 15.1g Carbohydrate 45.6g Sugars 6.1g

8 Meta l-ispinaċi tissajjar, jiżdiedu s-sustanżi u l benefiċċji tagħha! Nofs kikkra spinaċi msajra jkun fiha nutrienti daqs kikkra spinaċi nejja. Cooking spinach actually increases its health benefits! Just half a cup of cooked spinach will give you thrice as much nutrition as one cup of raw spinach. torta tal-ispinaċi spinach pie Iservi 6 250g spinaċi friska Mgħarfa żejt Basla mdaqqsa mqatta fin 2 sinniet tewm, mgħaffġin 2 bajdiet 250g Irkotta Ħanini, mgħaffga 500g għaġina short crust Meta tiffriża l-ispinaċi, tnaqqas mill-benefiċċji tagħħa. Il-mod li tieħu l-aqwa mill-weraq tagħha, ħu li tixtriha friska u tikolha fl-istess ġurnata. Sajjar l-ispinaċi fil-misħun jagħli għal minuta waħda sakemm jirtab ftit. Saffiha u agħsarha biex tneħħi l-ilma żejjed u mbagħad qattagħħa fin. Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen kbir u aqli l-basla. Żid it-tewm, l-ispinaċi u sajjar sakemm l-ingredjenti kollha jirtabu. Ġo skutella, ħallat l-irkotta Ħanini mal-bajd, itfa t-taħlita tal-ispinaċi u ħawwad. Idlek dixx tal-forn u iksiħ b nofs l-għaġina. Itfa fiħ ittaħlita u għatti bil-bqija tal-għaġina. Aħmi ġo forn jaħraq b temperatura ta 200 C għal 45 minuta. Serves 6 250g fresh spinach 1 tbsp oil 1 medium onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 eggs 250g Ħanini Irkotta, mashed 500g short crust pastry Freezing spinach diminishes its health benefits. The way to get the best from the leaf is to buy it fresh and eat it the same day. Cooking the spinach in boiling water for 1 minute until it slightly wilts. Drain and squeeze to remove excess water and finely chop it. In a large frying pan heat the oil and fry the onion. Add the garlic and spinach and cook until all ingredients are tender. In a bowl, mix the Ħanini Irkotta with the eggs and add the spinach mix. Halve the pastry and line a greased oven dish. Pour the mixture into the dish and cover with the rest of the pastry. Bake in hot oven for 45 minutes in a 200 C hot oven. 540kcal Fat 34.4g Carbohydrate 44.3g Sugars 3.8g

9 Il-fjuretti tal-pastard huma l-parti li l-aktar tittiekel. Imma z-zokk u l-weraq huma tajbin ukoll għall-ikel speċjalment biex iżżidhom fl-istokk tas-soppa. Cauliflower florets are the part of the plant that most people eat. However, the stem and leaves are edible too and are especially good for adding to soup stocks. Iservi 4 Pastarda, ta daqs medju Kikkra frak tal-ħobż Kwart ta kikkra Ħanini Mature Cheeselets Meta tixtri maħkukin l-pastard ara li jkun kulur abjad Melħ u bżar fil-krema, nadif u Nofs kikkra dqiq plain bil-fjuretti marsusin 100g Irkotta Ħanini 2 bajdiet, imħabbtin 2 mgħaref Żejt taż-żebbuġa Qatta l-pastarda fi fjuretti żgħar u sajjarhom fil-misħun jagħli għal 15-il minuta. Saffihom u ħallihom jibirdu. Għaffiġhom flimkien mal-irkotta Ħanini, mal-ġbejniet maħkukin, mal-bajd imħabbat u mad-dqiq. Ħawwarhom sew bil-melħ u l-bżar. Ifforma blalen mit-taħlita u ċċatjahom ftit. Gerbibhom fil-frak tal-ħobż u mbagħad daħħalhom fil-friġġ għal madwar 30 minuta. Saħħan ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa ġo taġen u sajjar il-pulpetti fuq iż-żewġ naħat sa xħin jieħdu kulur kannella dehbi. Servi bil-mayor Mayonnaise jew Mayor Salad Cream jew Mayor Burger Sauce. Serves 4 1 medium cauliflower head 1 cup breadcrumbs ¼ cup Ħanini Mature Cheeselets, grated Salt & pepper ½ cup plain flour 100g Ħanini Irkotta 2 eggs, beaten 2 tbsp Olive oil Cut the cauliflower in small florets and cook in boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain and cool. Mash the cauliflower together with the Ħanini Irkotta, beaten eggs, grated cheese and flour. Season well. Form into balls and flatten. Roll around in breadcrumbs and chill for around 30 minutes. Heat a little olive oil in a pan and cook the patties on both sides until they turn golden brown. Serve with Mayor Mayonnaise or Mayor Salad Cream or Mayor Burger Sauce When purchasing cauliflower, look for a clean, creamy white, compact curd in which the bud clusters are not separated. 296kcal Fat 14.7g Carbohydrate 27.2g Sugars 5.0g pulpetti tal-pastard cauliflower patties

10 Bil-ġilda tagħha tleqq u stirata u l-kulur regali vjola skur, il-brinġiela hija tassew waħda mill-isbaħ ħxejjex li għandna u nsibuha f ħafna platti tradizzjonali fil-mediterran. With its taut, glossy skin and regal, deep purple colour, this is surely one of the most beautiful vegetables around, and autographs many a traditional dish in the Mediterranean. brinġiel mimli baked aubergines Iservi 2 Brinġiela kbira 2 mgħaref żejt 200g laħam taċ-ċanga kkapuljat Basla żgħira 200g Polpa Mayor Mgħarfa Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce 2 mgħaref Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce Ħanini Mature Cheeselet sħiħa, maħkuka Bajda mħabbta Tursin imqatta fin Agħżel brinġiel li jkun sod, lixx u jleqq u b zokk aħdar sabiħ. Brinġiela friska tkun tinħass xi ftit tqila. Aqsam il-brinġiela min-nofs għat-tul. Ħawwaħ ilqalba taż-żewġ nofsijiet u żommhom għall-ġenb. Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen jew kazzola, u sajjar il-basla sakemm tirtab. Żid l-ikkapuljat u l-qalba li qlajt mill-brinġiel u sajjar sakemm il-laħam isir kannella. Żid il-pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce u l-garlic Sauce u l-mayor Polpa. Kompli sajjar fuq nar baxx għal 5 minuti. Itfa l-ġobon maħkuk u l-bajda mħabbta sewwa. Imla n-nofsijiet tal-brinġiela bit-taħlita u aħmi għal madwar 40 minuta f forn b temperatura ta 200 C. Serves 2 1 large aubergine 2 tbsp oil 200g minced beef 1 small onion 200g Mayor Polpa 1 tbsp Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce 2 tbsp Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce 1 whole Ħanini Mature Cheeselet, grated 1 egg, beaten Parsley, finely chopped Choose firm, smooth, glossy aubergines, with bright green stalks. A fresh aubergine should feel fairly heavy. Slice the aubergine in 2 halves. Scoop out the inside of the aubergine and place aside. In a pan heat the oil and cook the onion until softened. Add the minced beef and the aubergines that were scooped out, and cook until the meat is browned. Add Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce & Garlic Sauce and the Mayor Polpa. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Add the grated cheese and the beaten egg and mix well. Fill the aubergine halves with the cooked mixture and bake for around 40 minutes in oven of 200 C. 593kcal Fat 39.4g Carbohydrate 18.8g Sugars 14.8g

11 L-ikel fenkata tradizzjonali importanti tas-sena, isir fil-buskett fid-29 ta Ġunju, L-Imnarja, festa folkloristika meta l-familji jinġabru, isajru l-fenek, jixorbu u jiddevertu. The most important fenkata of the year traditionally takes place in Buskett on the 29th June, l-imnarja, a folk feast where families gather, cook rabbit, drink and make merry. fenek fil-gravy rabbit stew Iservi 4 L-aħjar li jisserva 3 mgħaref żejt tażżebbuġa ħobż Malti frisk biċ- chips u ħafna Fenek sħiħ imqatta biex tiġbor biħ ilbiċċiet gravy delizzjuż. 500ml inbid aħmar 2 basliet, imqattgħin fini Mgħarfa ħwawar tal-fenek Mgħarfa mixed spice 3 werqiet tar-rand 2 mgħaref Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce 4 mgħaref Kunserva Three Hills 200g Polpa Mayor Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen u sajjar fih il-fenek, u ħallih jieħu kulur ħamrani fuq iż-żewġ naħat. Itfa l-biċċiet tal-fenek ġo kazzola fonda, żid nofs l-inbid u ħallih itektek sa xħin l-inbid jinxtorob. Itfa miegħu l-basal, spajsis u l-pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce u sajjar sakemm il-basal jirtab. Żid il-kunserva Three Hills, il-polpa Mayor u l-bqija tal-inbid. Ħallih itektek fuq nar baxx għal madwar siegħa jew sakemm il-fenek isir tari. Serves 4 3 tbsp vegetable oil 1 whole rabbit cut into pieces 500ml red wine 2 onions, finely chopped 1 tbsp rabbit seasoning 1 tbsp mixed spice 3 bay leaves 2 tbsp Pinto s Garlic Sauce 4 tbsp Three Hills Kunserva 200g Mayor Polpa Best served with chips and lots of crusty Maltese bread to mop up the delicious gravy! In a frying pan heat the oil and cook the rabbit, browning each piece on both sides. Transfer the rabbit pieces to a deep pot, add half of the wine and simmer until wine is reduced. Add the onions, spices and Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce and cook until onion is soft. Add the Three Hills Kunserva, Mayor Polpa and rest of red wine. Simmer on low flame for around 1 hour or until rabbit is tender. 377kcal Fat 20.3g Carbohydrate 13.6g Sugars 9.0g

12 Fl-ikel tradizzjonali, it-tisjir bil-mod kien jintuża fil-biċċa l-kbira talikel Malti. Kienu jsajru f borom tal-fuħħar fuq fuklar żgħir tal-ġebel li kien jissejjaħ kenur u jħallu l-ikel itektek bil-mod. Traditionally a slow cooking method was used to prepare most Maltese dishes. Food was placed in earthenware pots over a little stone hearth called kenur and slowly simmered Iservi 4 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 4 xikel tal-ħaruf 125ml inbid aħmar 2 basliet, imqattgħin irqaq 8 sinniet tewm, imqattgħin Mgħarfa klin frisk, imqatta rqiq Kuċċarina paprika 3 werqiet tar-rand Litru stock tat-tiġieġ magħmul b żewġ mgħaref Pinto s Pride Chicken Spoon Stock 400g Mayor Polpa Mgħarfa Kunserva Three Hills 400g Mayor Whole Mushrooms, imsaffijin Melħ u bżar Meta x-xikel tal-ħaruf jissajjar sakemm jiġi artab u tari biżżejjed li jinqala f biċċiet, ikun fih ikla xitwija delizzjuża ħafna. Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen u ħammar ix-xikel tal-ħaruf. Żid l-inbid u ħallih itektek għal 20 minuta. Itfa miegħu l-basla, tewm, klin, paprika u l-weraq tar-rand. Żid nofs l-istock taċ-chicken u ħallih jiftaħ jagħli. Xħin jinxtorob il-biċċa l-kbira tal-istock, itfa l-polpa Mayor, il-kunserva Three Hills u l-bqija taċ-chicken stock. Ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar u ħallih ikompli jsir fuq nar medju għal siegħa. Żid il-mayor Mushrooms u sajjar għal 30 minuta oħra sa xħin il-laħam isir artab. Serves 4 2tbsp olive oil 4 lamb shanks 125ml red wine 2 onions, finely chopped 8 garlic cloves, sliced 1 tbsp fresh Rosemary, finely chopped 1tsp paprika 3 bay leaves 1ltr chicken stock made with 2 tablespoons Pinto s Pride Chicken Spoon Stock 400g Mayor Polpa 1 tbsp Three Hills Kunserva 400g Mayor Whole Mushrooms, drained Salt & pepper Heat the oil in a large pan and brown the lamb shanks. Add the wine and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the onion, garlic, rosemary, paprika and bay leaves. Add half of the chicken stock and bring to a boil. When most of the stock is absorbed, add the Mayor Polpa, Three Hills Kunserva and the rest of the chicken stock. Season well and let cook on medium flame for 1hour. Add the Mayor Mushrooms and cook for a further 30 minutes or until meat is tender. Cooked until they are fall-apart tender, lamb shanks make a delicious and comforting winter meal. 535kcal Fat 24.2g Carbohydrate 10.7g Sugars 10.4g ħaruf il-forn lamb shanks stew

13 Skond it-tradizzjoni, il-muntun kien jintuża f din ir-riċetta għax kien ikun aktar ħafif li ssibu, kien ikun irħas mill-ħaruf u kellu togħma tajba ħafna. Kien jissajjar stuffat għaliex il laħam tiegħu hu xi fit iebes u b hekk aktar jirtab. Traditionally mutton was used for this recipe as it was easier to find, it cost less than lamb and was full of flavour. Simmering it in a stew helped reduce the tough, sinewy texture of the meat. Iservi 5 Nofs kikkra dqiq Nofs kuċċarina melħ Nofs kuċċarina bżar iswed 2.5kg laħam tal-muntun F din ir-riċetta tista imqatta f dadi tuża l-ħaruf minflok il-muntun. 2 mgħaref żejt 3 sinniet tewm 2 basliet kbar, imqattgħin nofs kikkra ilma 4 kikkri Pinto s Pride Beef Spoon Stock 4 kikkri karrotti, mqattgħin dadi 3 patatiet, tan-nofs daqs Kuċċarina sagħtar niexef 2 werqiet rand Kikkra nbid abjad 3 mgħaref Kunserva Three Hills Għarbel id-dqiq bil-melħ u l-bżar ġo skutella kbira u qalleb id-dadi tal-muntun ġo fih biex jinksew sewwa. Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen kbir u aqli l-laħam sakemm jiħmar. Żid it-tewm u l-basal u sajjar sakemm jirtab. Żid il-kunserva Three Hills, l-inbid u 3 kikkri millbeef stock. Ħallih jiftaħ jagħli u mbagħad ħallih itektek għal 60 minuta. Itfa miegħu l-karrotti, ilpatata, is-sagħtar, ir-rand u l-bqija tal-beef Stock. Kompli sajjar sakemm il-ħaxix isir sewwa. Qabel isservi, neħħi l-weraq tar-rand. Serves 5 ½ cup flour ½ tsp salt ½ tsp black pepper 2.5kg mutton cut into cubes 2 tbsp oil 3 garlic cloves 2 large onions, chopped ½ cup water 4 cups Pinto s Pride Beef Spoon Stock 4 cups carrots, diced 3 potatoes, medium sized 1 tsp dried thyme 2 bay leaves 1 cup white wine 3 tbsp Three Hills Kunserva In a large mixing box sift the flour with the salt & pepper and toss the mutton cubes to coat evenly. In a large pan, heat the oil and brown the mutton. Add the garlic and onions and cook until soft. Add the Three Hills Kunserva, wine and 3 cups of beef stock. Bring to a boil and simmer for 60 minutes. Add the carrots, potatoes, thyme, bay leaves and the rest of the beef stock. Cook until vegetables are well cooked. Remove bay leaves before serving. Lamb may be used to replace the mutton in this recipe. 1472kcal Fat 61.5g Carbohydrate 48.7g Sugars 11.7g stuffat tal-muntun mutton casserole

14 Iz-zalza Worcester ħija zalza li normalment tiżdied ma l-ikel biex tagħti togħma itjeb bħall-istuffat, gravies u speċjalment mal-laħam. Worcester sauce is a classic fermented sauce which is used to enrich flavouring in stews, gravies and meat dishes. kustilji bil-bbq sauce ribs with bbq sauce Iservi 4 Mgħarfa żejt Basla kbira, mqatta 2 mgħaref Pinto s Pride Din ir-riċetta tigi tajba ħafna anke jekk Garlic Sauce il-laħam jissajjar fuq 2 mgħaref għasel il-bbq 2 mgħaref Mayor Tomato Ketchup 4 mgħaref Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce 2 mgħaref Mayor BBQ Sauce 2 mgħaref mustarda 900g kustilji tal-majjal (bl-għadam) 2 mgħaref dqiq bi ftit bżar u melħ Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen u aqli l-basla ħafif flimkien mal-pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce. Żid l-għasel, il- Mayor Tomato Ketchup, Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce, Mayor BBQ Sauce u l-mustarda. Sajjar fuq nar baxx għal madwar 2 minuti. Iksi l-kustilji bid-dqiq u idlek il-laħam biz-zalza miż-żewġ naħħiet. Sajjar f forn għal madwar 30 minuta f temperatura medja ta 180 Ċ. Dawwar il-laħam fuq in-naħa l-oħra f nofs sajrien. Nota: Jekk tħobbu l-ikel jaħraq xi ftit, tista żżid 2 kuċċarini Pinto s Pride Red Pepper Sauce maz-zalza! Serves 4 This recipes also 1 tbsp vegetable oil tastes delicious when 1 large onion, chopped cooked on the BBQ 2 tbsp Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce 2 tbsp Honey 2 tbsp Mayor Tomato Ketchup 4 tbsp Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce 2 tbsp Mayor BBQ Sauce 2 tsp English mustard 900g pork ribs, with bones 2 tbsp seasoned flour In a pan, heat the oil and cook onion and Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce. Stir in the honey, Mayor Tomato Ketchup, Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce, Mayor BBQ Sauce and mustard. Simmer gently for 2 minutes. Dust the ribs with flour and brush meat with the sauce on both sides. Roast in oven for 30 minutes in a 180 C moderate oven, turning over once half way through cooking. Note: if you like spicy food, you may add 2 teaspoons of Pinto s Pride Red Pepper Sauce to the sauce! 455kcal Fat 21.8g Carbohydrate 31.1g Sugars 15.8g

15 It-torta tal-ikkapuljat hija ħafifa ħafna biex tagħmilha delizzjuża fixxhur tax-xitwa u tajba biex tħajjar lil uliedek jieklu l-ħxejjex. Shepherd s pie is an easy-to -prepare comfort food - delicious in the winter months and a great way to get your children to eat vegetables Iservi 4 1 kg patata, imqaxxra u mgħollija 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 500g ikkapuljat taċ-ċanga 300g basal imqatta Mgħarfa Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce Mgħarfa Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce Kuċċarina mixed spice 3 mgħaref Kunserva Three Hills 400g Polpa Mayor 200g karrotti mqattgħin dadi 100g Mayor Processed Peas 200ml inbid aħmar Kuċċarina oregano Melħ u bżar Din ir-riċetta huja versatili ħafna u tista ssir bi ħxejjex differenti. Tiġi wkoll delizzjuża bil-kapuljat tal-ħaruf. Ġo kazzola kbira, saħħan iżżejt u sajjar il-basla sa xħin tirtab. Żid il-laħam u ħawwad sakemm jiħmar. Żid l- ispices, il-pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce u Garlic Sauce, l-inbid u ħallih itektek għal 10 minuti. Itfa l-karrotti, ilpiżelli Mayor, il-kunserva Three Hills u l-mayor Polpa. Ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar u ħallih isir fuq in-nar baxx għal 45 minuta. Sadattant, għaffeġ il-patata mgħollija. Poġġi l-laħam ġo dixx u ferrex fuqu l-patata maxx. Aħmi fil-forn għal 40 minuta f temperatura medja ta 180 C jew sakemm ilpatata tieħu kulur dehbi. Serves 4 1kg potatoes, peeled & boiled 2 tbsp olive oil 500g minced beef 300g chopped onions 1 tbsp Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce 1 tbsp Pinto s Pride Worcester sauce 1 tsp mixed spice 3 tbsp Three Hills Kunserva 400g Mayor Polpa 200g carrots, diced 100g Mayor Processed Peas 200ml red wine 1 tsp oregano Salt & pepper This recipe is very versatile and may be made with different vegetables. Also delicious with lamb mince! In a large saucepan, heat the oil and cook the onion until softened. Add the meat and stir until it turns brown. Add the spices, the Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce & Garlic Sauce, and wine and simmer for around 10 minutes. Add the carrots, Mayor Peas, Three HIlls Kunserva and Mayor Polpa. Season well and cook on low flame for around 45 minutes. In the meantime, mash the boiled potatoes. Place the meat in a dish and top with the mashed potatoes. Cook in oven for around 40 minutes in a 180 C moderate oven, or until potato peaks turn golden. torta tal-ikkapuljat shepherd s pie 595kcal Fat 20.6g Carbohydrate 64.0g Sugars 13.8g

16 Il-mili li jintuża jista jvarja skont l-istaġun. Dan jista jkun fih fwied tat-tiġieġ, bajd mgħolli iebes, perżut, bacon, ġobon, frott niexef jew dak li jogħġob lilek. The stuffing used may vary depending on the season. Variations include chicken liver, hardboiled eggs, ham, bacon, cheese, dried fruits or whatever you like. Iservi 6 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa Basla, imqatta fin Mgħarfa oregano 250g zalzett Malti 3 zkuk tal-karfus 200g Mayor Sliced Mushrooms Mgħarfa Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce Mgħarfa Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce Melħ u bżar 250g patatiet żgħar bil-qoxra 500ml Chicken Stock magħmul b mgħarfa Pinto s Pride Chicken Spoon Stock 1.6Kg falda tal-majjal Il-falda hija għażla tajba ta laħam billi ma tinxifx waqt it-tisjir. Il-falda hija mingħajr għadma, il-parti mxaħħma taż-żaqq tal-majjal, u tinsab bejn il-kustilji u s-saqajn. Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen u aqli l-basla ħafif. Imbagħad itfagħha ġo skutella kbira u żid magħha l-oregano, izzalzett Malti, il-karfus, il-mayor Mushrooms, il-pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce u l-garlic Sauce u niskata melħ u bżar. Ħallat tajjeb b imgħarfa tal-injam. Sadattant, poġġi l-laħam ċatt u bil-mod aqta bħal but fil-ġenb tiegħu. Daħħal fih it-taħlita tal-mili u agħlaq bit-toothpicks jew ħitu bl-ispag tat-tisjir u poġġih ġo dixx kbir tal-forn. Itfa miegħu l-patata u ċ-chicken stock, għattih bil-foil u sajjar ġo forn jaħraq, 200 C, għal madwar siegħa. Ikxfu għall-aħħar 30 minuta. Serves 6 2 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 1 tbsp oregano 250g Maltese sausage 3 stalks of celery 200g Mayor Sliced Mushrooms 1 tbsp Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce 1 tbsp Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce Salt & pepper 250g baby potatoes with skin on 500ml chicken stock made with 1 tbsp Pinto s Pride Chicken Spoon Stock 1.6Kg flank of pork Flank is a good choice of meat since it doesn t become dry during cooking. Flank is a boneless, fatty part of the pork belly, it lies between the ribs and legs. In a pan, heat the oil and lightly fry the onion. When ready place in a large bowl and add the oregano, Maltese sausages, celery, Mayor Mushrooms, Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce and Garlic Sauce, and a pinch of salt & pepper. Mix well using a wooden spoon. In the meantime, place the meat flat and carefully cut a pocket on its side. Insert the mixture and close with toothpicks, or sew it with cooking thread, and put in a large oven dish. Add the baby potatoes and chicken stock to the dish, cover with foil and cook in hot oven. 200 C, for around 1 hour and uncovered for the last 30 minutes. falda mimlija stuffed flank 779kcal Fat 55.8g Carbohydrate 10.3g Sugars 2.3g

17 Mhux biżżejjed li taqbad u titfa ftit zalzett fuq il-barbecue. Immarinar sempliċi u li tista tagħmel int, biddel it-togħma anki ta l-aktar biċċiet irħas tal-laħam. Don t just throw a few boring sausages on the barbecue - a simple home-made marinade can transform even the cheapest cuts of meat. Immarinar għall-bbq (300g) 250g Mayor Tomato Ketchup 4 mgħaref zokkor ismar 4 mgħaref Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce 2 mgħaref meraq tal-lumi Biex ikollok l-aħjar riżultat, daħħal il-laħam immarinat fil-friġġ għal matul il-lejl biex jieħu togħma aktar bnina. Itfa l-ingredjenti kollha ġo taġen fuq nar baxx u ħawwad sakemm iz-zokkor jinħall. Ħallih jiksaħ. Idlek sewwa bih il-laħam fuq iż-żewġ naħat u ixwi fuq il-gradilja. Immarinar bit-tewm (300g) Mgħarfa Pinto s Pride Worcester Sauce Kikkra Mayor Mayonnaise Kuċċarina Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce Kuċċarina kurrat irqiq frisk imqatta fin Basla żgħira maħkuka Itfa l-ingredjenti kollha ġo skutella u ħawwad tajjeb flimkien. Idlek sewwa bih il-laħam fuq iż-żewġ naħat u ixwi fuq gradilja. BBQ Marinade (300g) 250g Mayor Tomato Ketchup 4 tbsp soft brown sugar 4 tbsp Pinto s Pride Worcester sauce 2 tbsp squeezed lemon juice For best results it is always good to refrigerate the marinated meats overnight in the fridge to enhance their flavours Put all ingredients in a pan on low heat and stir until sugar is dissolved. Leave to cool. Brush meat well from both sides and grill. GARLIC Marinade (300g) 1 tbsp Pinto s Pride Worcester sauce 1 cup Mayor Mayonnaise 1 tsp Pinto s Pride Garlic sauce 1 tsp fresh chives, finely chopped 1 small onion, grated Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix well together. Brush meat well from both sides and grill. immarinar għall-bbq marinades for bbq per 15g BBQ MARINADE 27kcal Fat 0.01g Carbohydrate 6.4g Sugars 6.1g GARLIC MARINADE 82kcal 8.3g 1.8g 1.5g

18 Lampuki għall-bejgħ jgħajtu l-bejjiegħa minn ġol-vannijiet tagħhom huma u jduru fit-toroq tal-bliet u rħula, waqt li jbiegħu l-lampuki għadhom kemm inqabdu friski bejn Awissu u Diċembru. Iservi 4 Lampuki għall-bejgħ - Lampuki for Sale! Is the call of the street vendor vans as they stroll through the streets of towns and villages, selling freshly caught lampuki between August and December. 4 mgħaref żejt 400g fletti tal-lampuki 500g għaġina sfiljorata 200g patata msajra mqatta dadi Meta tixtri l-lampuki, agħżel dawk Basla mqatta b għajnejn ċari u 400g Mayor Polpa jleqqu u bil-garġi 4 mgħaref Three Hills ta kulur aħmar ċar. Dejjem ixtri l-ħuta Kunserva sħiħa u mbagħad 2 mgħaref Pinto s Pride wara itlob lillbejjiegħ tal-ħut biex Garlic Sauce iqattagħha fletti u 300g Mayor Processed Peas jneħħilha x-xewk, 80g żebbuġ imqatta Ħxejjex aromatiċi friski (ħabaq, nagħniegħ, merqtux u tursin) Melħ u bżar Saħħan iż-żejt ġo taġen u aqli l-lampuki, neħħihom u żommhom għall-ġenb. Ġol-istess taġen, aqli l-basla sakemm tieħu l-kulur u żid magħha l-kunserva Three Hills u l-polpa Mayor. Żid ukoll Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce, il- Piżelli Mayor, iż-żebbuġ u l-ħxejjex aromatiċi u ħalli t-taħlita ttektek għal 15-il minuta. Sadattant, iftaħ nofs l-għaġina u iksi biha dixx tal-forn. Qatta l-ħut f biċċiet żgħar, ħalltu mazzalza tat-tadam u ħawru bil-melħ u l-bżar. Itfa t-taħlita fl-għaġina u għattiha bl-għaġina li baqa. Aħmi għal 40 minuta ġo forn jaħraq b temperatura ta 200 C. Serves 4 4 tbsp oil 400g lampuki fillets 500g puff pastry 200g cooked potatoes, cubed 1 onion, chopped 400g Mayor Polpa 4 tbsp Three Hills Kunserva 2 tbsp Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce 300g Mayor Processed Peas 80g chopped olives Fresh mixed herbs (basil, mint, marjoram and parsley) Salt & pepper When buying Lampuki, choose those with clear, shiny eyes and bright red gills. Always buy the whole fish and then have it filletted and deboned by the fishmonger! Heat the oil in a pan and fry the lampuki fish and place apart. In the same pan, fry the onion until brown and add the Three Hills Kunserva and the Mayor Polpa. Add Pinto s Pride Garlic Sauce, Mayor Peas, olives and herbs and simmer for 15 minutes. In the meantime, roll half the pastry and line an oven dish. Cut the fish into small pieces and mix with the tomato sauce and season well. Pour into the pastry and cover with the rest of the pastry. Bake for 40 minutes in a 200 C hot oven. 1164kcal Fat 67.6g Carbohydrate 77.8g Sugars 10.1g torta tal-lampuki lampuki pie

19 Numru sewwa ta deżerti tradizzjonali Maltin jinkludu l-irkotta friska, prodott tal-ħalib li fil-gżejjer ta Malta u Għawdex writna minn ġenerazzjoni għal oħra. A good number of traditional Maltese desserts include fresh ricotta - a dairy heritage that the Islands of Malta and Gozo have handed down over the generations. Iservi 12 muffins bl-irkotta u sultana ricotta & sultana muffins 75g butir, imrattab 1/3 (terz) ta kikkra zokkor fin (caster) 175g Irkotta Ħanini Kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilla 2 bajdiet Kikkra u nofs dqiq self raising 1/3 (terz) ta kikkra ħalib 150g (sultana) passolina Ara li tqattar l-irkotta sewwa qabel tużaha f din ir-riċetta. Saħħan il-forn għal 180 C. Poġġi 12-il forma tal-karti ġol-ħofor ta landa tal-muffins. Ħabbat sewwa flimkien il-butir u z-zokkor b mixer tal-elettriku. Żid l-irkotta Ħanini u l-essenza tal-vanilla u erġa ħawwad sakemm ikollok taħlita ħafifa u kremuża. Żid il-bajd waħda waħda u ħawwad. Għarbel id-dqiq u daħħal nofsu fittaħlita billi tħawwad minn taħt għal fuq b imgħarfa. Itfa l-ħalib ftit ftit kif ukoll il-bqija tad-dqiq. Żid il-passolina, ħawwad u imla l-forom tal-karti bit-taħlita. Aħmi għal 20 minuta. Serves 12 75g butter, softened 1/3 cup caster sugar 175g Ħanini Irkotta 1 tsp vanilla essence 2 eggs 1 ½ cup self raising flour 1/3 cup whole milk 150g sultana Make sure the ricotta is drained well when using it in this recipe Preheat oven to 180 C. Line a muffin tray with 12 muffin paper cases. Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer. Add the Ħanini Irkotta and vanilla essence and mix until light and creamy. Add the eggs one at a time. Sift the flour and fold half of it in the mixture. Add the milk and the rest of the flour. Add the sultanas and spoon in cases. Bake for 20 minutes. per Muffin 196kcal Fat 8.0g Carbohydrate 25.9g Sugars 11.7g

20 Il-yogurt light bla xaħmijiet jista jgħin ibaxxi r-riskju ta pressjoni għolja fid-demm, jillixxa l-ġilda u jserraħlek l-istonku. Consuming fat-free and light yogurt may help lower your risk of developing high blood pressure, smooths the skin and soothes your stomach. frawli bil-yogurt strawberry yogurt tarts Iservi 8 500g għaġina ħelwa 2 x 160g Ħanini Strawberry Light Yogurt Pakkett 200ml krema biex tħabbatha 2 folji ġelatina, maħlula 250g frawli Meta taħmi bake blind, l-għaġina tiġi tqarmeċ u ma tixrobx likwidu mill-mili li jkollha. Iksi landa tal-muffins bl-għaġina. Aħmiha bil-metodu bake blind (l-għaġina bla mili) għal 30 minuta u ħalliha tiksaħ. Ħabbat il-krema sa xħin titla wieqfa u ħallat l-ħanini Strawberry Yogurt. Żid il-ġelatina maħlula u ħawwad sewwa. Imla l-forom talmuffins tal-għaġina li ħmejt, bit-taħlita. Daħħalhom fil-friġġ sa xħin joqgħod il-mili u żejjen bil-biċċiet tal-frawli friska. Serves 8 500g sweet shortcrust pastry 2 x 160g Ħanini Strawberry Light Yogurt 200ml whipping cream 2 sheets gelatin, dissolved 250g strawberries When blind baking the pastry will be crunchy and will not absorb the liquid from the content of the filling Prepare the pasty in muffin tray. Bake blind for 30 minutes and cool. Whip the whipping cream and mix with Ħanini Strawberry Yogurt. Add the dissolved gelatin to the yogurt mixture and mix well. Fill the tartlets. Refrigerate until set and decorate with roughly cut fresh strawberries. 417kcal Fat 23.8g Carbohydrate 43.9g Sugars 12.7g

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