riċetti minn għawdex vol. 2 gozitan recipes

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1 riċetti minn vol. 2 għawdex gozitan recipes

2 Id-dedikazzjoni tagħna għall-ikel, ir-rispett lejn l-antenati tagħna u t-tradizzjonijiet tagħhom u d-determinazzjoni li nipproduċu ikel li hu bnin u tajjeb, jagħmluna dak li aħna illum Our passion for good food, respect for tradition and our craving for great taste make us who we are today John Magro merħba welcome HANDY MEASURES CUP GRM TBSP TSP ML 1cup 237g 16tbsp 48tsp 250ml 3/4cup 177g 12tbsp 36tsp 180ml 1/2cup 118g 8tbsp 24tsp 125ml 1/4cup 59g 4tbsp 12tsp 60ml 1g = oz 1oz = 6tsp = 28.3g 1 cup flour = 120g (110g sifted) 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons 1 cup sugar = 200g 2 tbsp salt = 40g 1 lemon = 3tbsp lemon juice 1/2 cup grated cheese = 50g 2 cups ricotta = 500g 1 butter stick = 110g 1 tbsp fresh herbs = 1 tsp dried 1 slice bread = 1/2 cup crumbs 1cup rice + 2cups water = 3 cups cooked rice 450g dried pasta serves 4 as a main course Eggs: Hard boiled = 10mins, Creamy centre = 5mins Grazzi tal-interess li wrejtu għal-ewwel volum tal-ktieb tar-riċetti, qed nistednukom għat tieni volum ta riċetti Għawdxin mill-magro Food Village. Għand Magro Brothers, aħna nemmnu bissħiħ fil-folklor u l-wirt gastronomiku tagħna. Għal ħafna snin stinkajna biex nibnu sensiela ta` prodotti li jagħmluna kburin għax joffru kwalità għolja u togħmiet bnini u differenti. Eżempji bħall-kunserva THREE HILLS, prodotti friski tad-delì THREE HILLS, it-tadam tal-mayor u l-irkotta u l-ġibniet tal-ħanini, huma kollha xhieda tal-wirt kulinari ta` gżiritna. Ir-riċetti li jinsabu f dan il-ktieb jinkludu wkoll informazzjoni dwar il-valuri ta nutrizzjoni, pass ieħor fl-impenn tagħna li noħolqu prodotti li huma tajbin għas-saħħa u sustanzjuzi. L-informazzjoni mogħtija hija applikabbli għallingredjenti u użin mogħti fir-riċetti bidla flingredjenti bla dubju ġġib tibdil fit-tabella tassustanzi f kull porzjon. Nittamaw illi tieħu gost tuża dan il-ktieb u taqsam it-togħma bnina ta dawn ir-riċetti malgħeżież tiegħek. Welcome to the second edition of the Magro Food Village recipe book of Gozitan recipes. At Magro Brothers, we strongly believe in the folklore of our gastronomic inheritance. For years we have strived to build up a basket of products that not only make us proud but also ensure quality and diversification. Our products, such as THREE HILLS BRAND Kunserva and fresh Deli products, MAYOR Tomato Pulp and Juice, and ĦANINI S range of Ġibniet (we named them just the way we Gozitan pronounce the word!) are reminiscent of our island s culinary heritage. The recipes enclosed in this book also include nutritional information values, another step towards our commitment to creating products that are healthy and nutritious. The information given is applicable to the ingredients and weights given in the recipes - a change in the ingredients will obviously change the nutrition table per serving. We hope that you will enjoy using this book and share the great taste of these recipes with your loved ones. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. Text and design copyright: Magro Brothers (Foods) Limited, The Magro Food Village, Xewkija - Gozo Malta Maltese Specialities

3 Nofs kuċċarina melħ fl-ilma waqt li qed tgħalli l-bajd, jgħin mhux biss biex ma jinkisrux, iżda ukoll ikunu eħfef biex tqaxxarhom. When boiling eggs, add half a teaspoon of salt to the water. This prevents the eggs from cracking and also makes them easier to peel! bajd mimli bl-inċova anchovy stuffed eggs 4 bajdiet ta qies medju, mgħollijin iebsin u mqaxxrin 5 fletti tal-inċova, imsoffijin u mqattgħin fin 50g Ħanini Original Spreadable Cheese 25g Mayor Garlic Sauce Tursin frisk, imqatta fin Biex il-bajd jitqaxxru tajjeb, ħallihom ġo l-ilma li jkunu issajjru għal ħmistax-il minuta u wara poġġi ġo kontenitur b ilma kiesaħ u ħallihom jiksħu. Aqsam il-bajd iebes għat-tul, neħħi l-isfar u poġġih ġo skutella. Għaffeġ l-isfar u l-inċova b furketta flimkien mal-ġobon Ħanini Original Spreadable Cheese, il-mayor Garlic Sauce u t-tursin. Ħawwarhom sew bil-melħ u l-bżar. Imla n-nofsijiet tal-abjad tal-bajd b din ittaħlita u llixxaha. Kessaħ għal sagħtejn fil-friġġ u servi. 4 medium size eggs, hard boiled and peeled 5 anchovies, drained and finely chopped 50g Ħanini Original Spreadable Cheese 25g Mayor Garlic Sauce Fresh parsley, finely chopped Salt and Pepper For perfect hardboiled eggs, switch off the water after boiling, let the eggs stand for 15 mins. Drain the eggs and fill the pot with cold water. Set aside until the eggs are cold. Halve the eggs lengthwise; remove the yolks and place in a bowl with the anchovies. Mash the yolks and the anchovies with a fork. When blended together, add the Ħanini Original Spreadable Cheese, Mayor Garlic Sauce and parsley. Season to taste. Fill the egg whites evenly with the yolk mixture and chill for a couple of hours in the fridge. To serve, garnish with some chopped parsley and serve at room temperature. 141kcal Carbohydrate 4.7g Sugars 1.3g Fat 9.6g

4 Mhux bilfors li riċetta tiġi esegwita eżatt kif tkun miktuba. Jekk hemm xi ingredjent simili li tippreferi flok dak li jkollok miktub, użah! Jekk per eżempju jogħġbok l-oregano flok it-tursin, uża lilu. In general, recipes are only a guideline - one should feel comfortable replacing ingredients with similar ingredients of your preference. If you like oregano but not parsely, use oregano. brusketta bruschetta 8 biċċiet ħobż tal-malti mixwijin (160g) Kunserva Three Hills biex tidlek biha (150g) Stukku Basil, biex tidlek bih (135g) 250g Irkotta Ħanini Jeżistu ħafna alternattivi ta kif isservi l-brusketta. Din hija riċetta tajba u aktar sustanzjuża. Ixwi l-ħobż. Idilku b saff Kunserva Three Hills u b saff ieħor Stukku Basil (tal-ħabaq). Agħffeġ ħafif l-irkotta Ħanini u agħmel saff biha fil-wiċċ. Roxx ftit melħ u bżar u servi. 8 Maltese bread slices, toasted (160g) Three Hills Kunserva, for spreading (150g) Stukku Basil, for spreading (135g) 250g tub Hanini Irkotta There are many ways to serve Mediterranean bruschetta - this recipe is a new healthy option which is very appetising. Toast the bread. Spread with a layer of Three Hills Kunserva and another layer of Stukku Basil. Top with lightly mashed Hanini Irkotta. Season to taste and serve. 409kcal Carbohydrate 34.4g Sugars 15.2g Fat 24.4g

5 Biex patata mgħollija tibqagħlek bajda, żid kuċċarina ħall jew lumi magħsur mal-ilma. To get snowy white potatoes, add a teaspoon of vinegar or fresh lemon juice to the boiling water insalata bil-patata potato salad 6 patatiet kbar imqaxxrin (1200g) 250g Irkotta Ħanini 4 mgħaref Mayor Garlic Sauce Tursin frisk, imqatta fin Din ir-riċetta hija ideali għall-bbqs u pikniks. Tajba ħafna mal-laħam mixwi. Itfa l-patata f kazzola kbira u biżżejjed ilma hekk li tgħattiha. Ħalliha tiftaħ tagħli fuq nar qawwi. Baxxi n-nar għal moderat, għatti l-kazzola u ħalliha ttektek sakemm il-patata tirtab. Imbagħad saffiha u ħalliha tibred; qattagħha f kubetti ħxuna ta pulzier u itfagħha ġo skutella kbira. Fi skutella iżgħar, ħabbat flimkien l-irkotta Ħanini u l-mayor Garlic Sauce. Itfa dit-taħlita fuq il-patata, żid it-tursin imqatta u ħawwad bilmod. Ħawwarha bil-melħ u l-bżar. Għattiha u kessaħha fil-friġġ għal sagħtejn qabel isserviha. 6 large potatoes, peeled (1200g) 250g tub Hanini Irkotta 4 tablespoons Mayor Garlic Sauce fresh parsley, finely chopped This recipe is ideal for BBQ s and picnics or as an accompaniment to grilled meats Place potatoes in a large saucepan with enough water to cover, and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium low, cover and simmer until potatoes are tender. Drain and cool; cut into 1-inch cubes and transfer to a bowl. In a smaller bowl, combine the Hanini Irkotta with the Mayor Garlic Sauce. Pour mixture over potatoes, add chopped parsley and stir gently. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover and chill for 2 hours before serving. 240kcal Carbohydrate 24.5g Sugars 5.2g Fat 11.6g

6 Biex toħroġ kemm tista meraq minn lumija, gerbiba taħt il-pala ta idejk għal madwar minuta qabel tagħsarha. To optimize the juice you get from a lemon, roll it hard under your palm for a minute before juicing. apetajżer tal-gambli prawn appetiser Oħroġ il-gambli mill-lejl ta qabel sabiex iżommu aktar t-togħma tal-ħut. Mhux tajjeb terga tiffriża l-gambli wara li tkun ħriġthom mill-friża. 400g gambli żgħar imsajrin u ffriżati Vażett Ħanini Original Spreadable Cheese 3-4 mgħaref Mayor Garlic Sauce Madwar 8 werqiet tal-ħass, maħsulin u ttrimjati galletti (70g) Magħrfa meraq tal-lumi Iddefrostja l-gambli, aħsilhom u qattarhom sew. Fi skutella ħallat flimkien il-ħanini Original Spreadable Cheese, il-mayor Garlic Sauce u ftit melħ u bżar. Aħsel u qattar il-ħass, qattgħu u poġġi ftit fuq kull galletta. Itfa fuqu ftit mit-taħlita u spiċċa bilgambli fuq nett. Agħsar fuqhom ftit meraq tallumi frisk u servi. 400g pre-cooked frozen shrimps 1 tub Ħanini Original Spreadable Cheese 3-4 tablespoons Mayor Salad Cream Approx 8 lettuce leaves, washed, dried & trimmed water biscuits (Galletti) (70g) 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice To thaw precooked frozen shrimp, defrost overnight in a fridge, as placing them in water diminishes their taste. Never re-freeze thawed prawns. Defrost, wash and drain the prawns. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the prawns and allow to marinate for a few minutes. Remove the liquid and discard. In a bowl mix the Ħanini Original Spreadable Cheese with the Mayor Salad Cream and season well. Wash and drain well the lettuce. Place a small piece of lettuce on each biscuit. Add some of the mixture on the lettuce and top with the shrimps. Serve immediately. 256kcal Carbohydrate 19.2g Sugars 9.2g Fat 9.3g

7 Biex tneħħi r-rieħa tal-basal jew it-tewm minn idejk, għorok idejk sew mas-sink tal-platti, jew xi oġġett ieħor tal-istainless steel, u r-rieħa tmurlek. After working with garlic or onions, rub your hands vigorously on your stainless steel sink for 30 seconds before washing them. It will remove the odor. 8 weraq tal-ħass imqatta 4 tadam imqatta slajsis 200g bżar aħdar/isfar/ aħmar imqatta slajsis 200g ħjara mqatta slajsis Basla mqatta slajsis 16 żebbuġ iswed Ħanini Ġibniet tal-bżar/nixfin imqatta f dadi (80g+80g) Weraq tal-ħabaq Taħwir 2 partijiet żejt taż-żebbuġa (20g) 1 parti ħall abjad (10g) Kuċċarina mustarda (5g) Bżar iswed Artigjanali Aħsel il-ħaxix tajjeb qabel tqattgħu. Ħallat il-ħaxix kollu flimkien ġo skutella kbira tal-insalata. Ħawwar bil-bżar iswed mitħun frisk u ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa. Ħallat l-ingredjenti tat-taħwir flimkien u ferra fuq il-ħaxix qabel isservi. Artigjanali 8 lettuce leaves, roughly cut 4 tomatoes, sliced 200g peppers (green/ yellow / red), sliced 200g cucumber, sliced Onion, sliced 16 black olives Ħanini Ġibniet tal-bżar / Nixfin, (peppered & mature cheeselets) cut in squares (80g+80g) Basil leaves Dressing 2 parts olive oil (20g) 1 part white vinegar (10g) 1 teaspoon Mustard (5g) Black pepper Make sure salad vegetables are all washed well in running water Toss all the vegetables together in a large salad bowl. For the dressing, whisk the olive oil with the white wine vinegar. Fold in the mustard and add freshly grated pepper. Pour over the salad just before serving. insalata tal-ġbejniet cheeselets salad AGED, WHITE GO ZITAN CHE ESELETS AGED, PEPPERED GOZITAN CHEESELETS 206kcal Carbohydrate 13.3g Sugars 11.2g Fat 13.6g

8 Meta ssajjar il-fażola, itfa l-melħ fil-borma wara li l-fażola tkun saret biss għax inkella l-fażola ma ssirx u tibqgħalek iebsa! Add the salt and seasonings after the beans are tender and the consistency you want the finished recipe to represent, otherwise the beans will not cook well. soppa bil-fażola bajda white bean soup 250g fażola bajda, żgħira 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 1 basla kbira mqatta fin Ħalli l-fażola ġo kontenitur bl-ilma 4 sinniet tewm imqattgħin mil-lejl ta qabel. Ilma 2 karrotti mqattgħin f dadi uża it-tripplu l-għoli tal-fażola. L-ilma 200g Mayor Tomato Pulp għandu jinxtorob 100g Kunserva Three Hills kollu. 3 werqiet tar-rand 2 zkuk tal-karfus imqattgħin irqaq 2 litri ilma Mgħarfa tursin imqatta fin 150g Ħanini Pekorin Mature, maħkuk Ħalli l-fażola tixxarrab f ilma nadif għal matul il-lejl. Aqli l-basla u t-tewm fi ftit żejt. Żid magħhom ilkarrotti u sajjar għal madwar ħames minuti oħra. Żid magħhom il-mayor Tomato Pulp, il-kunserva Three Hills, il-weraq tar-rand u l-karfus. Ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar. Żid l-ilma, ħallih jiftaħ jagħli u mbagħad itfa l-fażola bajda. Kompli sajjar fuq nar moderat għal madwar sittin minuta. Servi s-soppa taħraq bil-ġobon Ħanini Pekorin u t-tursin 250g dried white pea beans 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large onion, finely chopped 4 garlic cloves, sliced 2 carrots, diced 200g Mayor Tomato Pulp 100g Three Hills Kunserva 3 bay leaves 2 celery sticks, cut in small 2 liters water 1 tablespoon parsley, finely chopped 150g Ħanini Pekorin Mature, grated To rehydrate the beans place in warm water, in three times the height of the beans in the pot. By the morning, most of the water would have been absorbed. Leave the white beans in clean water overnight. Rinse & drain the beans in clean running water until it runs clear. Shallow fry the onion, and garlic and add the carrots and cook for around 5 minutes. Add the Mayor Tomato Pulp and the Three Hills Kunserva, bay leaves and celery sticks. Add the water, bring to the boil and add the white beans. Cook on moderate flame for around 60 minutes. Once the beans are tender season the soup well. Serve piping hot with the Ħanini Pekorin and parsley kcal Carbohydrate 52.3g Sugars 17.3g Fat 17.5g

9 Meta tlaħlaħ jew tħalli r-ross jixxarrab għal ftit ħin tkun qed tneħħilu lega ta lamtu u b hekk jissajjar aħjar. When rice is washed or allowed to soak, a fine layer of starch is removed, allowing it to cook more consistently. brodu bir-ross u t-tiġieġ chicken & rice broth 900g tiġieġ bl-għadam 2 basliet, imqatta 2 karrotti mqaxxrin u slajsati Servi bħala starter 2 zkuk tal-karfus jew bħala l-platt imqattgħin biċċiet żgħar prinċipali. 1 tadama, imqatta biċċiet żgħar 2 patatiet ta daqs medju imqaxxrin u maqsumin min-nofs Mgħarfa u nofs Kunserva Three Hills Ġidra żgħira mqatta slajsis Madwar 2 litri ilma Madwar 200g ross Basmati Aħsel it-tigieg u poġġi f borma. Agħtti ittiġieġ b żewġ litri ilma u żid ftit melħ. Ħallih jiftaħ jagħli bil-mod. Żid miegħu il-ħaxix u l-kunserva Three Hills u ħalli l-brodu jtektek bil-mod għal madwar sagħtejn. Fl-aħħar kwarta, żid ir-ross. Qabel isservi, oħroġ it-tiġieġ u qatta f porzjonijiet żgħar. Erga itfa fil-borma u servi sħun. This dish may be 900g chicken breasts with served as a starter bone and main course 2 onions, chopped 2 carrots, peeled and sliced 2 celery sticks, cut in small pieces 1 tomato, cut into small pieces 2 medium potatoes, peeled and halved 1 ½ tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva A small kohlrabi (gidra), chopped Approximate 2ltrs of water Approx 200g basmati rice, soaked in water Place the chicken in a pot of cold water and cover with 2ltrs of water and a generous pinch of sea salt. Bring gently to the boil. Add the vegetables and Three Hills Kunserva and simmer very gently for about 2 hours. During the last 15 minutes add the rice. Before serving take out the chicken and break it down with a fork. Add it back to the soup or serve as a main course. Serve piping hot. 380kcal Carbohydrate 25.7g Sugars 8.5g Fat 4.8g

10 Wara li tfawwar il-ħxejjex, għamilhom ġo ilma kiesaħ biex iżommu l-kulur vivaċi tagħhom. Plunge vegetables in ice water after blanching (boiling) them so they maintain a bright color. għaġin bil-kapunata pasta with caponata 400g għaġin Rigatoni Mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa 3 mgħaref Kunserva Three Hills 2 bottijiet tal-200g Mayor Caponata 250g Ħanini Irkotta Ftit weraq tal-ħabaq 50g prinjoli nkaljati Tista sservi kiesaħ bħala pasta salad. 450g Rigatoni pasta 1 tablespoon Olive Oil 3 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva 2x200g Mayor Caponata 250g Ħanini Irkotta Some basil leaves 50g pine nuts, toasted This dish may also be served cold as a pasta salad Agħlli l-għaġin skont kif jgħidlek fuq il-pakkett. F taġen saħħan iż-żejt, żid il- Kunserva Three Hills u l-mayor Caponata sakemm jisħnu. Saffi l-għaġin u itfgħu maz-zalza. Ħawwad sewwa. Qatta l-ħanini Irkotta u żidha mal-għaġin. Itfa wkoll ilħabaq u l-prinjoli. Ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar u servi. Boil the pasta according to the packet s directions. In a pan, heat the oil; add the Three Hills Kunserva and Mayor Caponata until warm. Drain the pasta and add to the pan. Mix well. Roughly chop the Ħanini Irkotta and add to the pasta. Add the basil leaves and the pine nuts. Season well with salt and pepper and serve. 627kcal Carbohydrate 76.8g Sugars 12.7g Fat 24.9g

11 Risotto tajjeb u kremuz jsir mil-lamtu tar-ross u l-istokk li tuża. Waqt li qed isir ħawwad kontinwament bl-istess mod. Ir-ross għandu jkun ibaqbaq il-ħin kollu biex jassorbi l-likwidu li jkun fih. Risotto s richness comes from the starchy rice and the stock. As the risotto cooks, stir it with a wooden spoon in rhythmic movements. The rice should constantly be bubbling, drinking up the liquid as it cooks. Mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa Basla kbira mqatta Evita l-bacon jekk 500g qaraħamra trid tipprepara mqaxxra u mqatta platt veġetarjan. 550g ross Arborio Tazza nbid abjad (200ml) 1.5 litri stokk tal-ħaxix Noċemuskata biex tħokkha Weraq tas-salvja friski 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin, maħkukin Ħanini Creamylight for Cooking 6 strixxi bejken iggriljat Saħħan iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa u aqli flimkien ilbasla u l-qaraħamra sakemm jirtabu. Jekk tara li t-taħlita tkun xotta żżejjed, żidilha ftit ilma. Itfa r-ross magħha u ħawwad sewwa. Żid l-inbid u ħallih jevapora malajr. Itfa ftit melħ u bżar. Ibda itfa l-istokk sħun ftit ftit, ħawwdu u ħallih jinxtorob. Kompli żid l-istokk u ħawwad sa x ħin tużah kollu u jsir ir-ross. Ħokk ftit noċemuskata fuqu u itfa s-salvja. Spiċċa bil-ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkukin u bil-ħanini Creamylight for Cooking. Servi bil-bejken iggriljat. For a vegetarian 1 tablespoon olive oil recipe, remove 1 large onion, chopped the grilled bacon 500g peeled pumpkin, rashers. chopped 550g Arborio rice 1 glass dry white wine (200ml) 1.5liters vegetable stock Nutmeg to grate Fresh sage leaves 2 Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin, grated 1 tub Ħanini Creamylight for Cooking 6 rashers bacon, grilled and chopped Heat the olive oil and fry the onion and pumpkin together until soft. If the mixture is too dry add some water to moisten. Add the rice and mix well. Add the wine and reduce quickly. Season well. Add the warm stock gradually, mixing in and leaving it to be absorbed. Cook until rice is well cooked. Grace some nutmet and add sage. Finish off with the grated Ħanini Gibniet Nixfin and the Ħanini Creamylight for Cooking. Serve with the grilled bacon bits. 950kcal Carbohydrate 128.1g Sugars 7.7g Fat 33.6g ross bil-qaraħamra risotto with pumpkin sauce

12 Il-ħabaq iżomm aktar frisk u għal aktar żmien jekk iżżommu barra mill-fridge u tħallilhom z-zkuk f tazza bl-ilma. Fresh basil keeps much better and longer at room temperature with the stems in water. pinnen bil-qaqoċċ penne artichoke 5 qaqoċċiet imnaddfin Meraq ta nofs lumija 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 3 sinniet tewm mqattgħin slajsis 3 basliet ħodor imqattgħin 2 mgħaref Stukku Artichoke 6 fletti tal-inċova imsoffijin Ħanini Creamylight for Cooking 400g għaġin Penne Mgħarfa tursin frisk imqatta fin 150g Hanini Pekorin Mature, maħkuk Kulħadd liberu jżid l-ingredjenti li jiggosta. Neħħi l-weraq xieref ta barra mill-qaqoċċ u għallih fl-ilma u l-meraq tal-lumi għal madwar għaxar minuti. F kazzola oħra saħħan iż-żejt u aqli fih it-tewm u l-basal sakemm jirtabu. Żid magħhom l-istukku Artichoke u ftit misħun. Qatta l-qaqoċċ f biċċiet ta daqs medju u itfagħhom fil-kazzola mat-tewm u l-basal. Żid magħhom l-inċova u l-creamylight. Għalli l-għaġin skont kif jgħidlek fuq il-pakkett. Saffih u itfgħu fiz-zalza tal-qaqoċċ. Żid melħ u bżar għat-tomgħa u servih bi ftit tursin frisk imqatta fin u ġobon Ħanini Pekorin imqatta qxur irqaq. (NB.- Minflok fletti tal-inċova tista tuża tadam imqadded jew zalzett Malti.) 5 fresh artichokes, cleaned Half a lemon 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 fresh garlic, sliced 3 fresh spring onions, sliced 2 tablespoons Stukku Artichoke 6 anchovies, drained 1 tub Hanini Creamylight for Cooking 400g pasta Penne 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, finely chopped 150g Hanini Pekorin Mature, grated This is a very versatile recipe - feel free to add ingredients to make it more tasty and flavoursome! Clean the fresh artichokes by removing the outer parts and boil in water and lemon juice for approx 10 minutes. In a separate pan, heat the oil and fry the garlic and spring onions until soft. Add the Stukku Artichoke to the pan and some hot water. Cut the artichokes in medium sized chunks and add to the pan. Add the anchovies and the Creamylight. Boil the pasta according to the packet s directions. Drain and mix with the sauce. Season to taste and serve with fresh parsley and some Hanini Pekorin shavings. (NB you may substitute the anchovy fillets with sun-dried tomatoes or Maltese sausage) 742kcal Carbohydrate 82.0g Sugars 7.7g Fat 28.4g

13 Meta tkun qed tqatta t-tewm jew il-ħwawar, ferrex ftit melħ biex ilbiċċiet ma jeħlulekx mas-sikkina jew l-injama li qed tqatta fuqha. When mincing garlic or chopping herbs, sprinkle on a little salt so the pieces will not stick to your knife or cutting board. qarabagħli mimli stuffed marrows 4 qarabagħliet kbar (600g) 200g laħam ikkapuljat 300g Mayor Processed Peas, imsoffijin Ipprova din ir-ricetta 3 mgħaref Ħanini Ġibniet bil-brunġiel jew bilbżar aħdar! Nixfin (matured), maħkukin 2 basliet ta qies medju, imqattgħin fin 2 mgħaref Kunserva Three Hills 2 sinniet tewm 2 bajdiet imħabbtin 8 patatiet ta daqs medju, imqaxxrin (600g) 4 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa 500ml misħun jagħli Aqta l-biċċa ta fuq tal-qarabagħli; ħawħu b kuċċarina jew mgħarfa mhux kbira u warrbu għall-ġenb. Aqli nofs il-basal f taġen bi ftit żejt, żid il-kunserva Three Hills, l-ikkapuljat u nofs il-qalba li qlajt mill-qarabagħli. Itfa ftit melħ u bżar u kompli sajjar sa xħin il-laħam ikun sar sewwa. Niżżel it-taġen minn fuq in-nar, żid il-bajd imħabbat u żewġ mgħaref mill-ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin maħkukin. Imla l-aqarabagħli b din it-taħlita u itfa l-bqija tal-ġobon maħkuk fil-wiċċ tal-mili. Qatta l-patata fi slajsis u rranġaha fil-qiegħ ta dixx tal-forn. Itfa fuqha l-bqija tal-basal imqatta u t-tewm u poġġi fuqhom il-qarabagħli mimli. Roxx ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa, żid il-misħun jagħli u għatti d-dixx blaluminium foil. Sajjar fil-forn għal madwar siegħa u nofs. Wara ħamsa u erbgħin minuta, żid il-piżelli Mayor, neħħi l-foil u kompli sajjar. 4 large marrows (600g) 200g minced meat 300g Mayor Processed Peas, drained 3 tbsp Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin (matured), grated 2 medium onion, finely chopped 2 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva 2 garlic cloves 2 eggs, beaten 8 medium potatoes, peeled (600g) 4 tbsp olive oil 500ml boiling water Try this recipe with eggplant or sweet peppers - works for all these vegetables! Slice off the marrows top and scoop out the insides with a teaspoon and leave aside. In a pan, shallow fry half of the onions, add the Three Hills Kunserva, the minced meat and half of the scooped marrow pulp. Season and cook until meat is well cooked. Remove from heat; add the beaten eggs and 2 tablespoons of the grated Ħanini Ġibniet Nixfin. Fill the marrows with the mixture and top with the remaining grated cheese. Slice the potatoes and place in an oven proof dish. Add the remaining sliced onions and garlic and add to dish together with the stuffed marrows. Sprinkle some olive oil; add the boiling water and cover with foil. Cook in oven, covered, for around 1 ½ hours. Uncover after 45minutes, add the Mayor Processed Peas and continue cooking. 522kcal Carbohydrate 40.1g Sugars 11.1g Fat 28.4g

14 Żomm il-bajd barra mill-fridge mill-ġurnata ta qabel jekk tkun ħa tużaħhom biex taħmi fil-forn. For best results when you re baking, leave eggs at room temperature overnight. torta tal-laħam meat pie Iservi 6 500g għaġina short crust 400g kapuljat taċ-ċanga Mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa Tista tuża kemm 400g Mayor Processed Peas għaġina shortcrust imsoffija jew għaġina ta l-isfoll. 2 patatiet ta daqs medju imqaxxrin u mqattgħin dadi żgħar (150g) Basla kbira mqatta fin Karrotta maħkuka 3 mgħaref Kunserva Three Hills Mgħarfa Worcestershire Sauce Nofs kuċċarina mixed spice Saħħan iż-żejt u sajjar il-basla u l-ikkapuljat. Żid il-worcestershire Sauce u l-mixed spice, il-kunserva Three Hills u ħalliha ttektek għal għaxar minuti sakemm isir il-laħam. Ħalli t-taħlita tiksaħ u sadattant ifrex l-għaġina f dixx midluk bil-butir. Żid il-patata mqatta, il-karrotta maħkuka u l-mayor Processed Peas mal-laħam. Itfa din it-taħlita fid-dixx bl-għaġina. Agħlaq il-wiċċ b għaġina oħra u taqqabha b furketta. Aħmi t-torta fil-forn għal madwar ħamsa u erbgħin minuta. Serves 6 This recipe works well 500g short crust pastry with both short crust 400g minced beef pastry as well as filo 1 tablespoon olive oil pastry... use whatever 400g Mayor Processed Peas you have available! 2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut in small cubes (150g) 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 carrot, grated 3 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva 1 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce ½ teaspoon mixed spice Heat the oil and cook the onion and the minced meat. Add the Worchester Sauce and mixed spice, the Three Hills Kunserva and simmer for 10 minutes until meat is tender. Let the mixture to cool down and in the meantime prepare the pastry in a well greased dish. Add the finely cubed potato, the grated carrots and Mayor Processed Peas to the meat mixture and add in the pan. Close the pie and pierce with fork. Cook for around 45 minutes. 1474kcal Carbohydrate 132.3g Sugars 7.7g Fat 86.1g

15 Iz-zalzett Malti tradizzjonalment magħmul bil-majjal, melħ oħxon, bżar sħiħ, kosbor, tewm u tursin. Fl-antik kienu jnixxfuh biex joħorgulu aktar it-togħma u n-nisġa tiegħu. Maltese sausage, traditionally made with minced pork, sea salt, peppercorns, coriander, garlic and parsley, were airdried to enhance their flavour and texture. Mġħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa 2 basliet mqattgħin fin 3 sinniet tewm imqattgħin Jekk tuża z-zalzett Malti, għallih ftit Żewġ mgħaref Kunserva qabel tużah sabiex Three Hills tnaqqas il-melħ. Neħħi l-qoxra qabel 200g Mayor Tomato Pulp tużah. 8 patatiet imqaxxrin u mqattgħin dadi 200g Mayor Sliced Mushrooms, imsoffijin Bżaru aħdar, ikkubettat 2 karrotti mqattgħin 500g zalzett Malti 500ml misħun 300g Mayor Processed Peas imsoffijin Saħħan iż-żejt f taġen u aqli l-basal u t-tewm sakemm jirtabu. Żid il-kunserva Three Hills, il-mayor Tomato Pulp, il-karrotti, il-patata u l-bżar aħdar u sajjar għal madwar ħames minuti. Qatta z-zalzett f biċċiet kbar u żidhom fit-taġen. Kompli sajjar għal tliet minuti oħra. Żid nofs il-misħun, ħallih jiftaħ jagħli u ħalliħ itektek għal nofs siegħa. Jekk ikun hemm bżonn, żid iktar misħun u ħallih itektek għal ħmistax-il minuta oħra. Itfa l-mayor Processed Peas u l-mayor Mushrooms u l-melħ u l-bżar. Servih jaħraq. 1 tablespoon Olive Oil 2 onions, chopped 3 garlic cloves, sliced 2 tablespoons Three Hills Kunserva 200g Mayor Tomato Pulp 8 potatoes, peeled and cubed 200g Mayor Sliced Mushrooms, drained 1 large green pepper, cubed 2 carrots, sliced 500g Maltese sausage, 500ml hot water 300g Mayor Processed Peas, drained When using Maltese pork sausages, preboil them to reduce the salt content and remove the outer casing of the sausage before using. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion and garlic until soft. Add the Three Hills Kunserva the Mayor Tomato Pulp and add the potatoes, carrots and green peppers. Cook for around 5 minutes. Cut the Maltese sausages in large chunks and add to the pan. Cook for further 3 minutes. Add half of the hot water; bring to the boil and simmer for half an hour. If necessary add more hot water and simmer for further 15 minutes. Add the Mayor Processed Peas & Mayor Mushrooms and season well with salt and pepper. Serve hot. stuffat taz-zalzett sausage stew 299kcal Carbohydrate 25.8g Sugars 11.7g Fat 12.8g

16 L-użu ta skieken jaqtgħu u msinnin sew mhux biss huma aktar siguri iżda jgħinuk ħafna aktar waqt li tkun qed issajjar. Always use sharp knives. Not only is it safer but also it will make your work much more efficient. kustilji l-forn baked chops 4kustilji tal-majjal (800g) 2 mgħaref żejt tażżebbuġpatata, saffi u erġa Wara li ssajjar il- 2 basliet imqattgħin slajsis poġġi fuq nar baxx għal ftit minuti. 4 sinniet tewm Il-patata titgħaffeġ ½ mgħarfa ħxejjex aktar faċilment. Żid aromatiċi mħalltin ftit buttir u krema għal aktar tjubija. ½ mgħarfa mixed spice 400g Mayor Sliced Mushroom imsoffijin 2 mgħaref Kunserva Three Hills 200g Mayor Tomato Sauce 300g Mayor Processed Peas imsoffijin Kikkra ilma Ġewwa taġen, ħammar il-biċċiet tal-majjal. Imbagħad poġġihom ħdejn xulxin ġo dixx tal-forn. Aqli l-basla, it-tewm, il-ħxejjex aromatiċi, mixed spice, u l-mayor Sliced Mushrooms u imbagħad itfagħhom fuq il-laħam. Fl-istess taġen li tkun qlejt fih, saħħan il-kunserva Three Hills flimkien mal- Mayor Tomato Sauce u l-ilma u żidhom fid-dixx. Itfa biżżejjed melħ u bżar. Għatti d-dixx bil-foil u aħmi għal madwar sebgħin minuta f temperatura ta 200 C. F nofs sajran, żid il-mayor Processed Peas. Servi bil-patata maxx jew patata l-forn. 4 pork chops (800g) 2 tbsp olive oil 2 onions, sliced 4 garlic cloves ½ tablespoon mixed herbs ½ tablespoon mixed spice 400g Mayor Sliced Mushroom, drained 2 tbsp Three Hills Kunserva 200g Mayor Tomato Sauce 300g Mayor Processed Peas, drained 1 cup water After you drain the potatoes, return them to the hot pan, cover tightly and let steam for 5 minutes. This allows the potatoes to dry out so they ll mash to a beautiful texture and soak up the butter and cream more easily. Braise the pork chops in a frying pan until brown. Layer each piece next to each other in an oven dish. Fry the onion, garlic, mixed herbs, mixed spice and Mayor Sliced Mushrooms and top on the meat. In the same frying pan, heat the Three Hills kunserva together with the Tomato Sauce and the water and add to the dish. Season well. Cover with foil and cook for around 70 minutes on 200 C. Half way through the cooking, add the Mayor Processed Peas. Serve with mashed or baked potatoes 709kcal Carbohydrate 17.2g Sugars 8.6g Fat 49.7g

17 Lumija magħsura fuq ħut mixwi jew fil-forn huwa kull m għandek bżonn biex toħroġ it-togħma tajba tal-ħut. Season fish simply and treat it with respect. The flavour of the fish itself is all you really want - a squeeze of fresh lemon is all that is required after grilling or oven-baking it. pixxispad fiz-zalza swordfish in tomato sauce 4 biċċiet (800g) pixxispad frisk 3 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa Ftit meraq tal-lumi Għaz-zalza Mgħarfa żejt taż-żebbuġa Basla mqatta Żewġ sinniet tewm imqattgħin Mgħarfa Kunserva Three Hills 400g Mayor Tomato Pulp 100g żebbuġ iswed bl-għadma 30g kappar imsoffi Ħabaq u nagħniegħ frisk imqattgħin Laħlaħ tajjeb ilkappar qabel iżżidu mat-taħlita. Immarina l-ħut fil-meraq tal-lumi u ftit bżar u melħ. Saħħan iż-żejt fit-taġen u aqli għal madwar 3-4 minuti fuq kull naħa. Għaz-zalza, saħħan iżżejt u aqli l-basla u t-tewm. Żid il-kunserva Three Hills, il-mayor Tomato Pulp u ħalliha ttektek għal ħames minuti. Itfa magħha ż-żebbuġ, il-kappar, il-ħabaq u n-nagħniegħ. Servi z-zalza mal-ħut. 4 pieces fresh Swordfish (800g) 3 tablespoons Olive Oil A squeeze of lemon It is always a good idea to rinse the capers before using them in recipes as your dish may end up much saltier than expected. For the Sauce 1 tablespoon Olive Oil 1 onion, chopped 2 garlic cloves, sliced 1 tablespoon Three Hills Kunserva 400g Mayor Tomato Pulp 100g whole black olives, with stone 30g capers, drained Fresh basil & mint, chopped Season the swordfish fillets to taste and marinate them in the lemon juice. Heat the oil in a griddle pan, and cook the swordfish fillets for around 3-4 minutes on each side. For the sauce heat the olive oil and shallow fry the onion and garlic. Add the Three Hills Kunserva, the Mayor Tomato Pulp and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the olives, capers, basil and mint. Pour some sauce over the fish. 472kcal Carbohydrate 7.8g Sugars 7.2g Fat 32.4g

18 Biex il-qarnit tibqagħlek tenera, sajjarha wara li tkun iffriżata u mdewba mis-silġ. Jgħidu wkoll li jekk titfa tapp tas-sufra waqt li qed tagħli, din trattab il-laħam tal-qarnita. To cook tender octopus make sure that the octopus is first frozen and then thawed. Placing a wine cork in the water when boiling the octopus is also supposes to help tenderise its flesh 500g qarnita mnaddfa 2 magħref żejt taż-żebbuġa Basla kbira mqatta fin 4 sinniet tewm imqattgħin 50g Kunserva Three Hills 300ml inbid abjad 200ml ilma 400g Mayor Tomato Pulp 50g żebbuġ iswed mingħajr għadma Zokk ta karfusa imqatta rqiq 2 mgħaref tursin imqatta fin Meta tixtri l-qarnita dejjem agħżel qarnita ta qies żgħir sabiex il-laħam ikun aktar bnin. Agħlli l-ilma f kazzola kbira u sajjar fih il-qarnita għal madwar għoxrin minuta. Meta tkun lesta qattagħha biċċiet kbar. F kazzola oħra, saħħan iżżejt u sajjar il-basla mqatta u t-tewm. Żid il-biċċiet ta-qarnita u sajjar għal ħames minuti oħra. Itfa magħha l-kunserva Three Hills, l-inbid abjad, l-ilma, il-mayor Tomato Pulp, iż-żebbuġ u l-karfus. Ħawwar bil-melħ u l-bżar u ħalliha ssir għal madwar erbgħin minuta. Servi bi ftit tursin. 500g cleaned octopus 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large onion, finely chopped 4 garlic cloves, sliced 50g Three Hills Kunserva 300ml white wine 200ml water 400g Mayor Tomato Pulp 50g black olives, de stoned 1 Celery stick, cut in small 2 tablespoons parsley, finely chopped When buying octopus choose the smaller ones as they will be more tender. Make sure you remove the ink sac before cooking! Bring a large pan to the boil and cook the octopus for around 20 minutes. When ready cut in large chunks. In a separate pan, heat the olive oil and cook the chopped onions and the garlic. Add the octopus and cook for another further 5 minutes. Add the Three Hills Kunserva, the white wine, water, Mayor Tomato Pulp, olives and celery. Season well and cook for around 40 minutes. Serve with some parsley. stuffat tal-qarnit octopus stew 198kcal Carbohydrate 12.1g Sugars 10.5g Fat 7.6g

19 Qabel ma tagħsar l-lumi jew il-larinġ, ħokk il-qoxra tagħhom u ffriżaha biex issibha meta jkollok bżonnha. Don t throw away orange or lemon peels - before juicing, remove the zest with a grater and freeze the zest for when you need it. ravjul moqli fried ravioli Din ir-riċetta hija ideali għal meta jibqgħalek ftit ravjul 320g ravjul (madwar żejjed. 16-il waħda) 75g ċikkulata tal-ħalib imqatta dadi 75g Ħanini Creamylight For Desserts 2 mgħaref żejt taż-żebbuġa Mgħarfa zokkor Sajjar ir-ravjul skont kif miktub fuq il-pakkett. Itfa ċ-ċikkulata f kazzola żgħira fuq nar baxx u xħin tibda tinħall żid magħha l-ħanini Creamylight For Desserts. Saħħan iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa f taġen, iksi ż-żewġ naħat tar-ravjul biz-zokkor u aqlih. Ir-ravjul ikun sar meta jieħu kulur dehbi. Servih fuq platt biċ-ċikkulata maħlula. Jekk tixtieq, tista żżid miegħu ftit ġelat tal-vanilja. 320g ravioli (approx 16 ravioli) 75g milk chocolate, cut into cubes 75g Ħanini Creamylight for Desserts 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon sugar This recipe is great for left-over ravioli and is very typical of the Maltese Islands Cook the ravioli according to the packet s directions. Place the chocolate in a small pan, on low heat, and when the chocolate starts melting, add the Hanini Creamylight for Desserts. In the meantime, heat the olive oil in another pan, cover each side of the ravioli with sugar and fry. Ravioli are done when they change to a gold color. Place on a plate and serve with the melted chocolate. If one desires, one can also add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and orange wedges! 325kcal Carbohydrate 32.9g Sugars 15.2g Fat 17.3g

20 L-irkotta ingredjent versatili ta veru. It-togħma u l-kostitwenza tagħha hija ideali biex tużaha fiz-zlazi, mal-għaġin, għad-dips, għad-deżerti - jew sempliċement waħedha. Ricotta is a very versatile ingredient. Its light creamy texture makes it ideal to enrich sauces, pasta dishes, as a quick spread or dip and in baking and desserts - or simply enjoyed on its own. trajfil maltija maltese trifle Iservi 8 6 biċċiet pane di spagna (tista tixtriha jew tagħmilha int jekk se tagħmilha Meta issajjar l-sponge int ara li tħalli ħafna arja id-dar, importanti li tidħol fit-taħlita biex din tiġi tħalli ħafna arja tidħol xħin tkun tipprepara minsuġa ħafif) t-taħlita. 2-3 mgħaref ġamm li jogħġob lilek 250ml Sherry jew Rum 375ml custard 375ml custard taċ-ċikkulata 500g Ħanini Irkotta 5 kuċċarini zokkor 60g ċikkulata tal-ħalib imqatta 60g konfettura mqatta 400g Mayor Fruit Cocktail 100g karawett imfarrak Illesti ż-żewġ tipi ta custard skont kif jgħidlek il-pakkett. Itfa saff custard (mhux taċ-ċikkulata) fil-qiegħ ta dixx tal-ħġieġ. Agħmel saff biċċiet talpane di spagna fuqha u roxxhom bi ftit sherry jew rum. Idlikhom bil-ġamm. Ħabbat il-ħanini Irkotta sakemm tiġi lixxa. Ħawwad magħha z-zokkor, il-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata mfarrkin u l-konfettura mqatta. Ifrex nofs dit-taħlita fuq il-ġamm. Irrepeti s-saffi u spiċċa b saff custard taċ-ċikkulata fil-wiċċ. Żejjen bil- Mayor Fruit Cocktail u l-karawett imfarrak. Serves 8 6 ready made sponges or slices of homemade sponge 2-3 tablespoons jam of your choice 250ml sherry /rum 375ml custard 375ml chocolate custard 1 tub 500g Ħanini Irkotta 5 teaspoons sugar 60g milk chocolate, cubed 60g candied peel, cubed 400g Mayor Fruit Cocktail, drained 100g crushed peanuts Prepare the 2 custard as indicated on the packaging. In a glass dish, prepare a layer of custard. Lay a layer of sponges and spread some of the jam on top. Sprinkle some sherry/rum. Beat the Ħanini Irkotta until smooth. Stir in the sugar, the chocolate cubes and candied peel. Spread half of the mixture on top of the jam. Repeat the steps (this time using the chocolate custard). Leave the custard as the final layer. Decorate with the Mayor Fruit Cocktail and crushed peanuts. If making your own sponge make sure that you allow a lot of air into the mixture for a light fluffy texture. 583kcal Carbohydrate 76.8g Sugars 61.1g Fat 22.1g

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