Early Summer Wildflowers Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden

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1 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Yarrow lack ugbane Garlic Mustard Garlic Mustard ild Leek Achillea millefolium Actaea racemosa (Cimicifuga racemosa) Alliaria petiolata Leaves with heart-shaped base, coarse teeth Allium tricoccum ild Leek Canada Anemone Canada Anemone Spreading Dogbane Spreading Dogbane Leaves disappear before flowers open Anemone canadensis pper stem leaves stalkless, basal look the same but long stalks. Apocynum androsaemifolium Leaves opposite, stems and stalks reddish in sun. Flowers resemble a bell. Indian Hemp Indian Hemp American Spikenard American Spikenard American Spikenard Apocynum cannabinum (AKA American Dogbane) Flowers at top of tall stem, branching only at top Aralia racemosa Flowers whitish-green. Leaves are twice compound, 2+ feet long and wide. Leaflets oval, heart-shape base, abrupt tip Great Indian Plantain Great Indian Plantain Poke Milkweed horled Milkweed hite False Indigo Arnoglossum reniforme Leaves palmate, large lobes, stem angled & purplish Asclepias exaltata Asclepias verticillata aptisia alba var. macrophylla (AKA ild hite Indigo) 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 1

2 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Hoary Alyssum Smooth Rockcress New Jersey Tea* uttonbush* Mouse-ear Chickweed erteroa incana oechera laevigata Ceanothus americanus Cephalanthus occidentalis Cerastium fontanum ssp. vulgare Chicory - hite type Enchanter s Nightshade Virgin's ower astard Toadflax Lily of Valley Cichorium intybus Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis (roadleaf Enchanter s N) Clematis virginiana (A sprawling vine) Comandra umbellata Convallaria majalis Dogwood - Gray* Dogwood - Red Osier* hite Prairie Clover hite Prairie Clover ild Yamroot Cornus racemosa (Prefers less moist areas) Cornus sericea (Stems red Fall to Spring.) Dalea candida Leaves pinnate, 5-9 short leaflets, gland dots on underside Dioscorea villosa (Very tiny flowers) Fleabane - Annual Daisy Fleabane - Annual Daisy Fleabane - Annual Daisy Fleabane - Philadelphia Fleabane - Philadelphia Erigeron annuus (AKA Eastern Daisy Fleabane) Leaf toothed, not clasping, stem hair standing out Phyllaries in 2 to 3 series, sparsely hairy, sometimes glandular Erigeron philadelphicus (AKA Common Fleabane) pper leaves clasping stem, stem hairy 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 2

3 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Fleabane - Philadelphia Fleabane - Lesser Daisy Fleabane - Lesser Daisy Fleabane - Lesser Daisy Fringed lack indweed Phyllaries - 2 to 3 series, with or without fine hair, sometimes glandular Erigeron strigosus (AKA Prairie Fleabane) Phyllaries in 2 to 4 series with or without fine hair leaf- few teeth, not clasping, stem hair close to stem Fallopia cilinodis (Polygonum cilinoide) Fringed lack indweed Queen of the Meadow Queen of the Meadow Strawberry - oodland Strawberry - oodland Leaf well spaced, heartshape base, underside fine hair, long slender stalk Filipendula ulmaria Leaf pair of lateral leaflets, terminal leaflet has 3-7 lobes Fragaria vesca Flower stalk above leaves. Leaflets often stalkless. Tip tooth broad Strawberry - oodland Strawberry - Virginia Strawberry - Virginia Strawberry - Virginia Galax Fragaria vesca (Seeds raised on the surface) Fragaria virginiana Virginia: Flower stalk shorter than leaves. Leaflets stalked. Tip tooth shorter Fragaria virginiana (Seeds embedded in pits) Galax urceolata (AKA eetleweed) Cleavers Cleavers edstraw - Rough edstraw - Rough edstraw - Northern Galium aparine (AKA Stickywilly) eak stems, few branches, fine hooks, flowers in leaf axils. Leaves whorl of 6 Galium asprellum Stem prickly on angles. Leaves whorl of 6, rough. Flw. cluster branched Galium boreale 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 3

4 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas edstraw - Northern edstraw - Shining edstraw - Shining edstraw - Threepetal edstraw - Fragrant Many branches, flowers in showy branched terminal cluster. Leaves whorls of 4 Galium concinnum Leaves whorls of 6, rough edged, sharply pointed, many branches, sprawling Galium trifidum Galium triflorum edstraw - Fragrant hite Avens hite Avens Cow Parsnip Cow Parsnip Leaves whorls of 6, vanilla odor, 3-flowered clusters. Stem nodes smooth Geum canadense Lower leaf 3 to 5 toothed leaflets. pper smaller, 3 leaflets or just 3 lobes Heracleum maximum Leaf 3-parted, toothed leaflets, forming a sheath at the base Dame s Rocket - hite interberry* Cream Pea Cream Pea Oxeye Daisy Hesperis matronalis (AKA Sweet Rocket) Ilex verticillata (AKA lack Alder) Lathyrus ochroleucus Leaf- 3 to 5+ pairs leaflets, tendril at tip, green before flowering Leucanthemum vulgare ater Horehound ugleweed ugleweed hite Sweet Clover hite Sweet Clover Lycopus americanus Lycopus sp. Top of Plant Melilotus alba Plants can be 1 to 5 feet tall, much branched 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 4

5 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Canada Moonseed Canada Moonseed ild Mint Partridge erry Partridge erry Menispermum canadense (AKA Common Moonseed) Leaf large, broad, ovate, shallowly lobed. Flowers small, bell-shaped. Mentha arvensis Mitchella repens Mitchella repens (Low growing plant. hite flowers seldom seen) Twoleaf Miterwort Twoleaf Miterwort lunt-leaved Sandwort lunt-leaved Sandwort Glade Mallow Mitella diphylla (AKA ishop's Cap) Leaves mid-stem, 1 pair, almost stalkless, 3 to 5 lobes Moehringia lateriflora Leaf - oblong, blunt tip, no stalk, < 1 long, fine hair Napaea dioica Glade Mallow land Sweet Cicely land Sweet Cicely Anise Root Anise Root Lower leaves have deeply cut lobes Osmorhiza claytonii (AKA Hairy Sweet Cicely) Leaf 2x divided, plant hairy, 4-7 flowers per umbel, styles shorter than petals Osmorhiza longistylis (AKA Long-styled Sweet Cicely) Leaf 2x pinnately divided, minor hair, 6-16 flowers per umbel, styles > petals Grass of Parnassus Grass of Parnassus ild Quinine ild Quinine Foxglove eardtongue Parnassia glauca Leaves all basal. Petals with green veins, sepals small and hidden Parthenium integrifolium (AKA American Feverfew) Tall plant, leaves lanceshaped, flowers in flattopped clusters Penstemon digitalis (AKA Talus Slope Penstemon) 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 5

6 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Foxglove eardtongue Dotted Smartweed Ninebark* Ninebark* Virginia Mountain Mint Leaf lance-shaped, fine teeth, shiny, stalkless; outer corolla and calyx with hair. Persicaria punctata (Polygonum punctatum) Physocarpus opulifolius (AKA Prairie Ninebark) Leaf resembles maple leaf; lower ones have 3-5 lobes, upper more rounded Pycnanthemum virginianum Virginia Mountain Mint Allegheny lackberry* Allegheny lackberry* Dewberry* lack Raspberry* Plant is 1-3 feet tall, small opposite lance-shaped leaves, sweetly aromatic Rubus allegheniensis Lower leaves - 5 longstalked leaflets. Glandular hair on leaf & flower stalks Rubus flagellaris (AKA Northern Dewberry) short plant, upland Rubus occidentalis lack Raspberry* Dwarf Red Raspberry Dwarf Red Raspberry Swamp lackberry Canada Elderberry* Leaf 3-parted on flowering stems, 5-part on new canes. No glandular hair anywhere Rubus pubescens Leaf with 3 parts, sharp teeth, long stalk. Short plant in moist areas Rubus semisetosus Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis (AKA American lack Elderberry) Canada Elderberry* ouncing et - hite ouncing et lack Nightshade lack Nightshade Leaf - 5 to 9 leaflets, serrate edge; flower cluster flattopped Saponaria officinalis (AKA Soapwort) Leaves opposite, elongated ovals, smooth, wavy, 3-5 prominent veins Solanum nigrum Leaves ovate to diamond shape, dull, a few teeth that resemble lobes 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 6

7 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Meadowsweet* Meadowsweet* Long-leaved Chickweed Long-leaved Chickweed olfberry* Spiraea alba (AKA Narrow-leaf Meadowsweet) Top section of shrub, leaves lanceolate, toothed Stellaria longifolia (AKA ater Chickweed) Leaf and plant section Symphoricarpos occidentalis olfberry* Foamflower Foamflower hite Clover hite Clover Leaf smooth, wavy edge, short green stalk, underside blue-green Tiarella cordifolia (AKA Heartleaf Foamflower) Leaves all basal, heartshape base, 5 to 7 lobes, stalks have glandular hair Trifolium repens Leaves 3-parted on long stalks. Light-color chevron may not be always visible Garden Valerian Garden Valerian hite Vervain hite Vervain Culver's Root Valeriana officinalis Leaves opposite, 7 to 25 leaflets, aromatic Verbena urticifolia Flowers tiny on spreading branches. Leaf lance-like, toothed, fine vein pattern Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's Root Southern Arrowwood* Southern Arrowwood* Swamp eggartick Swamp eggartick Leaves in a whorl of 3 to 7, widely spaced, usually hairless. Viburnum dentatum Leaves opposite, sharp coarse teeth, stalked, tips pointed to rounded. idens connata (AKA Purple-stem eggartick) Leaf toothed, lance like some with winged stalks; lower may be 3-cleft 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 7

8 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Devil s eggartick Devil s eggartick Stiff Tickseed Stiff Tickseed -leaf Narrowleaf Hawksbeard idens frondosa Leaf in 3 to 5 lance-like leaflets, coarsely toothed; upper may be undivided Coreopsis palmata (AKA Stiff Coreopsis) Stem stiff; leaves opposite, stalkless, 3 elongated lobes that divide above the base Crepis tectorum Narrowleaf Hawksbeard ush Honeysuckle* Yellow Avens Yellow Avens Stiff Sunflower Stems angled, leaves narrow with auricles Diervilla lonicera (AKA Northern ush Honeysuckle) Geum aleppicum Lower leaf with 2-6 pairs leaflets, sparsely hairy; upper smaller, fewer leaflets Helianthus pauciflorus Stiff Sunflower Stiff Sunflower Smooth Oxeye Smooth Oxeye Smooth Oxeye Leaves opposite, lanceolate, ascending, widely spaced on stem. Disc florets reddish Phyllaries 25-35, pointed, not spreading, margins with fine hair Heliopsis helianthoides var. scraba Stalked flowers from axils of stalked toothed leaves having rough surface hair Phyllaries - 2 series, outer longer, inner broader, usually with fine hair Yellow Day Lily St. Johnswort - Common St. Johnswort - Common St. Johnswort - Great St. Johnswort - Great Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus Hypericum perforatum Shrubby branching stems, narrow leaves with dots, flower with 3 styles Hypericum pyramidatum Erect, 2-5 tall, flowers 1.5 to 2.3 wide, long stalked and usually solitary 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 8

9 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Yellow Flag Iris ild Lettuce ild Lettuce Prickly Lettuce Prickly Lettuce Iris pseudacorus (AKA Pale Yellow Iris) Lactuca canadensis Leaves vary from entire, toothed, to pinnately divided, but edges NOT spiny Lactuca serriola Leaf -prickles on edge and under on midrib, auricles clasping to stem Canada Lily Fringed Loosestrife Fringed Loosestrife Moneywort Moneywort Lilium canadense Lysimachia ciliata Leaves opposite - not in a whorl, lanceolate, fine hair on stem leaf node Lysimachia nummularia (AKA Creeping Jenny) Creeping plant. Flowers solitary from leaf axil. Leaves like twopence, horled Loosestrife horled Loosestrife Swamp Candles Swamp Candles Tufted Loosestrife Lysimachia quadrifolia Leaves in a whorl of 4 or 5. Fleshy red nectary in corolla Lysmachia terrestis (AKA Yellow Loosestrife) Leaf mostly stalkless, smooth, dotted Lysmachia thyrsiflora Tufted Loosestrife Garden Loosestrife lack Medic Yellow Sweet Clover Yellow Sweet Clover Flowers in thyrses, leaves opposite, surfaces dotted. etland plant. Lysmachia vulgaris Medicago lupulina Meliotus officinalis Leaf 3 parted, middle leaflet on longer stalk. Same leaf as hite Sweet Clover 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 9

10 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Prairie Sundrops Prairie Sundrops Yellow ood Sorrel Common Yellow Oxalis Prairie Ragwort Oenothera pilosella (AKA Meadow Evening Primrose) Leaves opposite, short stalks, hairy both sides and margins Oxalis dillenii Oxalis stricta Packera plattensis Clammy Ground Cherry Cinquefoil - Silver Cinquefoil - Silver Cinquefoil - Rough-fruited Cinquefoil - Rough-fruited Physalis heterophylla Potentilla argentea Flower petals same size as sepals. Leaf underside silvery from fine hairs. Potentilla recta ase leaves of 5-7 leaflets, upper 3 leaflets Cinquefoil - Common Cinquefoil - Common Tall uttercup Tall uttercup Swamp uttercup Potentilla simplex asal leaf. Short plant, with decumbent stems Ranunculus acris Lower leaves divided into 3 to 7 parts with deep clefts Ranunculus hispidus var. nitidus (AKA Hispid uttercup) Swamp uttercup Long-headed Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower lack-eyed Susan lack-eyed Susan asal leaf the largest, 3 parts, each part divided. pper leaves more simple Ratibida columnifera (AKA Prairie Coneflower) Leaves alternate, stalked, 3 to 14 lobes, gland dotted. pper smaller. Rudbeckia hirta Leaf linear to spatula shape, rough white bristly hair, stalkless near top of stem 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 10

11 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas lack-eyed Susan Rosinweed Rosinweed Common Dandelion Common Dandelion Phyllaries - 2 series, linear, quite long, very hairy, outer ones reflex Silphium integrifolium (AKA holeleaf Rosinweed) Leaves opposite, not surrounding the stem, upper & lower same size Taraxacum officinale Leaves all basal, long, pinnately divided, terminal lobe larger, stalk with wings Yellow Salsify Meadow Goatsbeard Meadow Goatsbeard Common Mullein Golden Alexanders Tragopogon dubius The distinctive Tragopogon seed cluster Tragopogon pratensis (Tragopogon lamottei) (AKA Yellow Goatsbeard) Verbascum thapsus Zizia aurea (AKA Golden Zizia) Thimbleweed Thimbleweed Thimbleweed -Tall Thimbleweed -Tall ild Sarsaparilla Anemone cylindrica (No secondary bracts on flower stalk) oth Thimbleweeds has similar basal and stem leaves. Anemone virginiana (Secondary bracts on flower stalk) Tall Thimbleweed has secondary bracts midway up on flower stalk Aralia nudicaulis ild Sarsaparilla Canadian Milk Vetch Canadian Milk Vetch Climbing ittersweet* Climbing ittersweet* sually 3 leaves of 3-5 leaflets each, flower stem separate from base Astragalus canadensis Leaf compound, leaflets, smooth edges, pointed tips on leaflets. Celastrus scandens (AKA American ittersweet) Leaves oval, smooth, sharp teeth 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 11

12 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Common Dodder ater Horsetail ater Horsetail Leafy Spurge Leafy Spurge Cuscuta gronovii (Parasitic - no leaves) Equisetum fluviatile Ancient plant - sporeproducing strobilus atop an unbranched stem Euphorbia esula Leaves mostly linear to lanecolate; whorl of leaves under flower head Alumroot Alumroot Sumac - Fragrant* Sumac - Fragrant* Sumac - Smooth* Heuchera americana var. hirsuticaulius Tall plant. Stalked basal leaves only. Garden plant is a cross with H. richardsonii. Rhus aromatica Leaf has 3 stalked leaflets, variable in shape, aromatic when crushed Rhus glabra Sumac - Smooth* Sumac - Staghorn* Sumac - Staghorn* Thimbleberry Thimbleberry Twigs smooth & spotted. Leaf - 11 to 31 leaflets; leaf rachis without hair Rhus hirta Twigs with dense fine hair. Leaf leaflets, leaf rachis with hair Rubus parviflorus (AKA Flowering Raspberry) No prickles, leaves large and maple-like Tall Meadow Rue Tall Meadow Rue estern Poison Ivy estern Poison Ivy Jack-in-the-pulpit Thalictrum dasycarpum (AKA Purple Meadow Rue) 3 to 5 tall, stem leaves sparse, stalkless, hairy beneath, longer than wide Toxicodendron rydbergii (AKA Poison Ivy) Leaf -3 leaflets, shiny dark green, bronze when new, leaves of 3, leave them be Arisaema triphyllum 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 12

13 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas ood Nettle ood Nettle Common Plantain Great Solomon s Seal Great Solomon s Seal Laportea canadensis (AKA Canadian ood Nettle) Leaf alternate, long stalk, oval, coarse teeth, upper surface crinkled dark grn Plantago major Polygonatum biflorum (AKA Smooth Solomon s Seal) Stems arching, unbranched, flowers pendant, leaves stalkless. Curly Dock Curly Dock roadleaf urweed Hyssop - lue Giant Hyssop - lue Giant Rumex crispus Leaves lance-shape, curly but smooth edge, dull green. Sparganium eurycarpum Agastache foeniculum (AKA Anise Hyssop) Leaf opposite, triangular; upper leaves more narrow. Anise scent when crushed Eastern luestar Eastern luestar False lue Indigo False lue Indigo ristly ellflower Amsonia tabernaemontana (AKA illow Amsonia) Leaves narrow and pointed, deep green. aptisia australis (AKA lue ild Indigo) Leaf tri-foliate, leaflets with blunt tip, smooth edges. Campanula cervicaria (AKA ristly luebells) ristly ellflower Tall ellflower Chicory - lue Type Virginia aterleaf lue Flag Iris Flowers in separated clusters, stem hairy; leaf narrow, wavy, hairy Campanulastrum americanum (AKA American ellflower) Cichorium intybus Hydrophyllum virginianum (AKA Eastern aterleaf) Iris versicolor 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 13

14 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas ild Lupine ild Lupine True Forget-me-not Silvery Scurf Pea Silvery Scurf Pea Lupinus perennis Leaves divided into 7-11 leaflets, smooth edges, fine hair Myosotis scorpioides Pediomelum argophyllum Leaf -3 to 5 leaflets with whitish appressed hair ild lue Phlox Jacob's-ladder Jacob's-ladder Marsh Skullcap Marsh Skullcap Phlox divaricata Polemonium reptans (AKA Greek Valerian) Plant under 20 inches high, frequently reclining. Leaf: 7-17 leaflets, smooth edges Scutellaria galericulata Flowers mostly solidary from leaf axils. Leaves barely stalked Mad-dog Skullcap luejacket luejacket lue Vervain lue Vervain Scutellaria lateriflora Tradescantia ohiensis (AKA Ohio Spiderwort) Plant erect, usually branched, leaves flat, sheath at stem Verbena hastata (AKA Swamp Vervain) Leaf lance-like, coarse teeth, underside with hair; lower have basal lobes Prairie irdsfoot Violet Prairie irdsfoot Violet Leadplant Downy ood Mint Downy ood Mint Viola pedatifida Leaf pinnately divided. Flower has white patch in throat of lower petal Amorpha canescens lephilia cilata Leaf -upper lance-like, lower ovate, coarse teeth, hair on edge & under, aromatic 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 14

15 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Hairy ood Mint Hairy ood Mint European ellflower Northern illowherb illowherb lephilia hirsuta (AKA Hoary ood Mint) Leaf - More egg-shaped, few coarse teeth, hairy, long hair on stem Campanula rapunculoides (AKA Rampion ellflower) Epilobium ciliatum ssp. glandulosum (American illowherb) Epilobium coloratum Climbing Nightshade Climbing Nightshade ild Garlic ild Ginger ild Ginger Solanum dulcamara (AKA ittersweet Nightshade) Leaf: 1 large terminal lobe and 2 to 4 smaller lobes. Stalk forms a small wing Allium canadense Asarum canadense (AKA Canadian ild Ginger) Leaves - 2 per plant, up to 6 wide, hairy stalks and underside; stem prostrate Swamp Milkweed Common Milkweed Common Milkweed Fireweed Fireweed Asclepias incarnata Asclepias syriaca Leaves opposite, ovate, hairy under, prominent yellow center rib Chamerion angustifolium Leaf -lateral veins join a loop vein on leaf margin Thistle - Canada Thistle - Canada Showy Lady's Slipper Purple Prairie Clover Purple Prairie Clover Cirsium arvense (Flower head to 1/2 wide) Deep indentations on leaf, hard needle-like prickles on margins Cypripedium reginae Dalea purpurea Leaves compound, odd # of leaflets, 3 to 9, smooth, gland dots Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 15

16 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Ticktrefoil-Point d-leaved Ticktrefoil-Point d-leaved Grecian Foxglove Eastern ahoo* Eastern ahoo* Desmodium glutinosum Leaves basal, 3-parted, center leaflet with pointed tip Digitalis lanata Euonymus atropurpurea Leggy shrub, flower clusters tiny, rising from the leaf axils; leaf oblong, fine teeth Queen of the Prairie Queen of the Prairie ild Geranium Dame's Rocket -pink Veiny Pea Filipendula rubra p to 7 separated lobed leaflets, reddish stem, tip leaflet with 7-9 lobes Geranium maculatum (AKA Spotted Geranium) Hesperis matronalis (AKA Sweet Rocket) Lathyrus venosus (AKA Veiny Vetchling) Veiny Pea Motherwort Motherwort ild Four O'clock ild Four O'clock Leaf leaflets with tendril; 2-lobed arrowshaped stipule clasps stem Leonurus cardiaca Top section of plant, leaves lobed lower on plant Mirabilis nyctaginea (AKA Heart-leaved Four O'clock) Leaves paired, oval, heartshape base; flowers above a star-shaped cup Purple ergamot Showy eardtongue Showy eardtongue Downy Phlox Downy Phlox Monarda media Penstemon grandiflorus (AKA Large-flowered eardtongue) Leaves opposite, stalkless to clasping, thick, fleshy, bluishgreen waxy look. Phlox pilosa Leaves less than 1/2 wide, stems with fine whitish hair, flowers in branched clusters 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 16

17 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Prickly Rose* Prickly Rose* Prairie ild Rose* Prairie ild Rose* Smooth Rose* Rosa acicularlis Stems branched, densely prickled near base, leaflets 5-9, flowers solitary Rosa arkansana (Flower buds in clusters of 2 to 3) 9-11 leaflets, many lower stem prickles, little branching Rosa blanda (Flower buds usually in clusters) Smooth Rose* Pasture Rose* Pasture Rose* Climbing Rose* Climbing Rose* 5-7 leaflets, few stem prickles, short plant, branched Rosa carolina (AKA Carolina Rose) Glandular hair on sepals and flower stalks. Leaflets 5 to 7 (or 9), flowers solitary Rosa setigera (AKA Illinois Rose) Leaf of 3 leaflets, stems arching, vine-like, flower buds in clusters ood s Rose* ood s Rose* ouncing et - Pink ouncing et Lanceleaf Figwort Rosa woodsii (Flowers buds single or cluster of up to 3) Tallest wild rose, stems reddish, curved prickles (not dense), leaflets 5-9 Saponaria officinalis (AKA Soapwort- Pink Flower) Leaves opposite, elongated ovals, smooth, wavy, 3-5 prominent veins Scrophularia lanceolata Lanceleaf Figwort Snowberry* Snowberry* racted Spiderwort racted Spiderwort Stems with flat sides; stalked lance-shaped leaves, double-tooth margins Symphoricarpos albus Leaves opposite, simple, oval, blunt ends; flowers in cluster at twig tip Tradescantia bracteata 2 long green leaf-like bracts spread horizontal under flowers Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 17

18 Early Summer ildflowers Eloise utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Red clover Red clover Hoary Vervain Hoary Vervain American Vetch Trifolium pratense Leaf 3-parted, blunt oval shape, hairy edges, lighter color chevron, large stipule Verbena stricta Leaf: sharp coarse teeth, short stalk, underside with fine whitish hair Vicia americana American Vetch Peppermint Spotted Knapweed ush Honeysuckle* ild Columbine Leaf: 8-16 leaflets, tendrils; stipule pairs pointed with 3 sharp teeth in middle of each Mentha aquatica-spicata (Mentha x piperita L.) Centaurea stoebe Diervilla lonicera (Pink flowers occassionally) Aquilegia canadensis (AKA Red Columbine) ood Lily Lilium philadelphicum ild Red Raspberry* (American Red Raspberry) Leaf on new canes 5-7 lobed, on old canes 3-5 lobes. New stems with fine glandular prickles. Horse Gentian Triosteum perfoliatum (AKA Late Horse Gentian) Horse Gentian Leaves egg shape, appear connected at stem. Flowers in leaf axils. Orange Day Lily Hemerocallis fulva Orange Hawkweed Orange Hawkweed Flame Azalea* Hieracium aurantiacum Leaves all basal, elongated, no lobes or teeth, very hairy. Rhododendron calendulaceum 2018 Friends of the ild Flower Garden, Inc. Page 18

Early Summer Wildflowers Elosie Butler Wildflower Garden

Early Summer Wildflowers Elosie Butler Wildflower Garden Early Summer ildflowers Elosie utler ildflower Garden for plants are shown in ( ). oody plants have an *. = pland, = oodland, = oth areas Allegheny lackberry* Rubus allegheniensis Anise Root (Smooth Sweet

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