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1 Ħarġa No. 12 Kumitat EkoSkola Jannar - Marzu 2016 ATTIVITAJIET MILL-KUMITAT Naħseb fuq fomm kulħadd u kif wieħed jista jinnota li dis-sena hija sena b nuqqas kbir ta xita. Tista tgħid li issa li l-egħqqel tal-istaġun tax-xita qed joqrob lejn tmimu ħallina b inqas minn 300mm. Għal dawk li jħobbu s-sajf u l-ġranet sbieħ din kienet xitwa tajba għalihom... imma mhux l-istess jista jgħid il-bidwi, saħansitra anke dawk li jgħidu li jħobbu s-sajf se jinqarsu minn dak li ġara din ix-xitwa. X inhuma l-konsegwenzi ta xitwa kemmxejn sħuna iktar mis-soltu għajr għal ftit ġranet li għamlu dan l-aħħar, u xotta ħafna iktar mis-soltu. Nuqqas ta ilma u inqas perjodu ta kesħa żgur li se twassal biex l-agrikoltura speċjalment il-frott tas-sajf se jonqos fil-produzzjoni. Siġra jekk ma torqodx fil-kesħa se twassal biex il-produzzjoni tagħha tal-frott tonqos ukoll. L-agrikoltura wkoll se tbati minħabba nuqqas ta ilma. Niktakru li s-sajf malti huwa kiefer u twil, nuqqas ta xita se tkompli żżid l-pressjoni fuq l-ilma tal-pjan li diġa affetwat b mod negattiv bl-ilma mielaħ. Sfortunatament ukoll, nuqqas ta xita jwassal biex anke l-arja ma titnaddafx, konsegwenza ta dan jiżdied ukoll il-mard. Ħafna qegħdin jitkelmu fuq l-effett ta El-Nino, li qed jaffetwa l-mediterran b anti-ċiklun u temp pjuttost sabiħ. Li huwa żgur lit-tibdil fil-klima qed jaffetwa kollox, għalhekk irridu nkunu responsabbli biex dak li jsir jħalli l-inqas effett fuq l-ambjent u kemm jista jkun sostenibbli Eat Responsabile Project Fire Drill Logħba Ekoskola vs Kunsill tal-istudenti Nisġa ta Folklor u Tradizzjonijiet Xiri ta Pjanti Aromatiċi Ħarġiet marbuta mal-proġett LEAF Ringrazzjament Audit ġewwa Supermarket F DIN IL-HARĠA Health Well being: Herbal Teas Nieklu b Responsabilta : Ikel Frisk u Staġjonali Nieklu b Responsabilta : Palm Oil Health Well being: L-Acne Health Well being: Health Nutrition Guide Health Well being: Riċetti Bijodiversita : The Saola Enerġija: Konsum ta Dawl: Nov/Diċ Ritratti: Attivitajiet Varji Eco-News

2 GRAZZI LIL-ISTUDENTI TAL-ĦAMES SENA F isem il-kumitat Ekoskola nawgurawlhom għall-futur kemm fl-istudju u fil-ħajja, kienu studenti eżemplari li minn eta żgħira ta Form 1 dejjem ħadmu u urew interess fil-kumitat sal-aħħar. Eżempju għall-membri oħra!!

3 Herbal Teas Health and Well-Being Herbal teas make for wonderful, low calorie and relaxing drinks. Apart from having a beneficial effect on health, herbal teas are fragrant and appealing. Chamomile Tea Chamomile is a popular herb that s used in teas worldwide. Chamomile soothes the stomach and relieves bloating and indigestion. Chamomile also calms the mind and helps people relax and deal better with their stresses. Some people are allergic to chamomile and should avoid taking the tea. People who find it hard to go to sleep should drink a cup of chamomile tea before going to bed. Chamomile is known to fight insomnia by relaxing the body and the mind, enabling the person to fall asleep naturally. Ginger Tea Ginger is an energizer and a stimulator. Drinking ginger tea both stimulates and soothes the digestive system. Ginger has been known to aid people experiencing nausea. Arthritic people have found ginger tea helpful since it has antiinflammatory properties. Peppermint Tea Peppermint is a fragrant herb that makes for a soothing drink. Peppermint helps you digest foods better and also reduces flatulence and digestive issues. Peppermint is prescribed to people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and gallstones in capsules. A cup of peppermint tea will ease nausea and vomiting, especially if you suffer motion sickness. If you have heartburn, don t drink peppermint tea as this might aggravate your condition. Peppermint tea brings down the severity of herpes outbreaks. The natural mint flavor of the herb helps to freshen your breath. Other health benefits of this tea are control of muscle aches and chronic pain, clearing of congestion and mild coughs, mild asthma and reduction of stress.

4 Rosemary Tea Rosemary is not only good for cooking but makes a healthful and highly beneficial tea. Rosemary can help your muscles to relax. Additionally, rosemary is an effective digestive aid as well. If you have gall bladder and liver complaints, drinking rosemary tea regularly will greatly help relieve your symptoms. Rosemary tea also relieves cough and mild asthma symptoms. Hibiscus Flower Tea (Sorrel) Dried Hibiscus flowers are made into a tea that offers very high health benefits. Hibiscus tea is known to lower blood pressure, reduce high cholesterol and strengthen the immune system (it s rich in Vitamin C). Hibiscus flower infusions have known to reduce hypertension as well, in people prone to this condition. A recent study reveals that hibiscus tea is rich in antioxidants, which protect the body against cell-damaging free radicals. Red zinger tea and sorrel tea contain hibiscus. Green Tea Green Tea comes with such a host of health benefits, that it s called the wonder herb by tea drinkers and medical practitioners alike. Drinking green tea lowers cancer risk and also inhibits carcinogenic in cigarettes and other compounds when imbibed. Green Tea contains potent antioxidants called polyphenols, which help suppress free radicals. Green tea also stops certain tumors from forming. Green tea lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels and thereby promotes heart health. Green tea also lowers blood pressure, prevents and fights tooth decay and dental issues, and inhibits different viruses from causing illnesses. Fennel Tea Fennel tea is prepared from crushed or ground mature fennel seeds. These seeds are rich in important volatile oil compounds like anethole, fenchone and estragole that are believed to be responsible for its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial/ antimicrobial properties.

5 Nieklu b Responsabilta Għalfejn għandek tagħżel prodott agrikolu, lokali, staġonali, frisk u organiku? llum il-ġurnata, meta naslu biex nagħżlu l-frott u l-ħaxix, kulħadd kullimkien jgħidlek li għandek tagħżel il-prodott agrikolu "lokali" u "tal-istaġun". Kelmiet bħal "frisk" u "organiku" ista' jfisser ħwejjeġ differenti għal nies differenti. B'hekk ta' min inħarsu ftit lejn id-definizzjonijiet ta' ċerta terminoloġija: * Il-lokali. Lokali jfisser li l-prodott tkabbar fl-inħawi minn fejn qiegħed tixtrih. Meta tqis id-daqs żgħir ta' pajjiżna, dan ifisser dak kollu li jikber f'malta u Għawdex. Dan jibqa' frisk iktar fit-tul peress li ma qasamx id-dinja biex wasal għandek. Ifisser ukoll li ma jkollux kimika żejda biex tippreservah u lanqas kien miżmum ġo xi friġġ għat-tul. Barra minn hekk, jintużaw inqas riżorsi u jkun hemm inqas tniġġis sabiex wasal għandek il-prodott. * Tal-istaġun. Illum tista' takkwista kull tip ta' ħaxix u frott f'kull żmien tas-sena, għax ikun waslilna minn postijiet fil-bogħod li jkunu qegħdin fl-istaġun. Jekk il-ħaxix mhux tal-istaġun li qegħdin fih jiġifieri li mhux lokali, b'dak kollu li semmejna. Ifisser ukoll li t-togħma ma tkunx tajba daqs tal-prodott lokali miġbur frisk. * Il-frisk. Għandna tendenza li naħsbu li l-frisk dejjem aħjar. Jekk ilprodott huwa lokali u tal-istaġun, il-frisk ħafna drabi huwa aħjar, iżda kultant tal-bott jew tal-friża jista' jkun aħjar, speċjalment jekk se tuża l- ħaxix u l-frott għat-tisjir. Ftakar li l-ħaxix u l-frott tal-bott jew tal-friża jiġi pproċessat meta jkun fl-aħjar tiegħu, u dan huwa ta' kwalità aħjar minn prodott impurtat, li ilu jivjaġġa ġranet sħaħ jew miżmum fil-friġġ għal xhur. * L-organiku. Skont id-definizzjoni, l-organiku għandu jitkabbar mingħajr l-użu ta' pestiċidi u fertilizzant. "Naturali", "mingħajr additivi" u "bla preservanti" mhumiex l-istess bħal "organiku". Staqsi u tkixxef sew qabel tixtri. Ftakar ukoll li ħafna mill-irziezet industrijali jimmodifikaw il-prodott agrikolu tagħhom b'tali mod sabiex jidher sabiħ, idum frisk u ma jismarx waqt it-trasport. Oqgħod ftit attent meta tara frotta jew ħaxixa b'forma perfetta, għax filwaqt li jkun jidher sabiħ, hemm possibbiltà kbira li t-togħma mhix se timpressjonak. Hemm bżonn li teduka ruħek fuq il-prodott agrikolu: kun af x'inhu l-prodott lokali, meta hu żmienu, u kif tiddetermina jekk il-prodott hux organiku jew le. Hekk tkun tista' verament tgawdi l-aħjar togħma u benefiċċju għas-saħħa mill-kċina tiegħek. L-informazzjoni meħuda mis-sit

6 Palm Oil Nieklu b Responsabilta Palm oil is a common ingredient of margarines, biscuits, breads, breakfast cereals, instant noodles, shampoos, lipsticks, candles, detergents, chocolates and ice creams.the list of products that rely on the unique properties of palm oil is long, with one estimate suggesting that about a half of all packaged items found in supermarkets contain it. In fact, palm oil is now the most widely used vegetable oil on the planet, accounting for 65 per cent of all vegetable oil traded internationally. By 2020, the use of palm oil is expected to double, as the world s population increases and as people especially in countries like China and India become more affluent and consume more manufactured goods containing palm oil. The impacts of palm oil Clearing land for oil palm plantations has led to widespread deforestationin Indonesia and Malaysia as well as other regions. This has pushed many species to the brink of extinction, such as rhinos, elephants, orang-utans and tigers. In some cases, forest clearance has forced indigenous peoples off their land, deprived them of their livelihoods and reduced essential ecosystem services such as clean water and fertile soil. Globally, the destruction of tropical forests is a major contributor to climate change, as felled and burned trees and vegetation release methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Moreover, because fire is often used as a cheap and quick means to clear land for oil palm plantations, the resulting air pollution can block out the sun and threaten human health both near and far. In recent years, almost a fifth of oil palm expansion in Indonesia and Malaysia has taken place on peat swamps. When these peat swamps are cleared and drained they release enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Up to 66 per cent of all climate change emissions from oil palm plantations come from the 17 per cent of plantations on carbon-rich peat soils. The benefits of palm oil Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil, high in saturated fats, derived from the fruit of the oil palm tree. It is grown commercially in several tropical countries but mainly in Indonesia and Malaysia, which account for 85% of global palm oil production. The palm fruit yields two distinct oils palm oil and palm kernel oil. Palm oil is extracted from the pulp of the fruit, is edible and used primarily in food products. Palm kernel oil is extracted from the seed of the fruit and is used mainly in the manufacture of soaps and cosmetics, while palm kernel expeller (PKE) is used as a feed for livestock and as biofuel for generating electricity. Oil palm is highly productive, capable of yielding more oil from less land than any other vegetable oil, with relatively modest inputs. As a result, palm oil production has become an important source of income and a major part of the economy in the regions where it is grown, providing livelihoods for local communities and helping to lift people out of poverty. Is there such a thing as sustainable palm oil Yes. Around 18 per cent of the world s palm oil production was certified sustainable in 2014, up from 10 per cent in Through WWF s Market Transformation Initiative we are working to shift palm oil markets away from unsustainable practices and ensure that the industry can grow and prosper without sacrificing any more tropical forests. Information taken from WWF site

7 Health and Well-Being L-ACNE - Mrs. Rosalie Muscat (Biology Teacher) L-ikel jista jghinek ifejjaq l-acne. L-Acne hija problema dermatologika, jiġifieri fil-ġilda li taffettwa kemm l-adoloxxenti, kif ukoll l-adult. Normalment tkun problema ormonali. Kemm fiż-żgħazagħ, kif ukoll fl-adulti, jinħoloq żbilanċ ormonali min ħabba żvilupp, stress jew anke ħabba mediċina, li tikkawża il-ġilda tipproduċi aktar żejt minn normali. B hekk il-pori tal-ġilda jinstaddu u jinġema il-ħmieġ ta l-arja. Il-batteri li jikbru fil-pori miżduda, jikkawżaw infjammazzjoni, jew ponta. Filwaqt li wieħed dejjem jissuġġerixxi viżta lit-tabib tal-ġilda, ċertu ikel li wieħed jikkonsma jista jew jgħin, jew jiggrava aktar l-acne. X tista taghmel: Naqqas ikel ta karboidrati sempliċi bħal gallettini, pasti u ġelu, ħobż abjad u għaġin abjad. Evita prodotti tal-ħalib bit-togħmiet miżjuda bħal ħalib tal-frawli, ċikkulata etc. L-istess jgħodd għall-jogart. Naddaf wiċċek bi prodotti tat-tea tree oil, li huwa disinfettant naturali. Naqqas ilkonsum ta prodotti mil-ħin. Sib ftit hin waħdek u ikkalma. EVITA LI TIFQA IL-PONOT JEW LI TMISS WIĊĊEK! Jekk il-materja ta ponta waħda tinxtered ma wiċċek, se tkun qed ixxerred l-infezzjoni.

8 Health and Well-Being Health Nutrition Guide Android Application / App Store Updated: 28 April, 2015 Health and Nutrition guide This application contains huge collection of *** Health tips *** Nutrition tips *** Nutrition calculators *** Home Remedies *** Health Recipies which helps to maintain and improve your health. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet and health practices.this application suggest you the right choice of food at the right time that your body needs. Health tips and nutrition tips guide you how your daily diet and health practices should be,in simple way. Nutrition calculator includes Calorie calculator and Protein calculator for your easy analysis.thus the application assist you as complete health and nutrition guide.

9 Health and Well-Being Spelt & Wild Mushroom Risotto Jethro Schembri - Form 5 Restaurant - Style Coleslaw Ingredients 200g pearled spelt 25g dried porcini mushrooms ½ tbsp olive oil 1 onion,finely diced 2 garlic clove, finely chopped 100g chestnut button mushroom, cut into quarters 100ml white wine 1l hot vegetable stock 1 tbsp low-fat crème fraîche bunch chives, finely chopped handful grated pecorino or Parmesan, to serve (optional) Method Cover the spelt with cold water and soak the dried mushrooms in 100ml boiling water in a separate bowl for 20 mins. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan. Tip in the onion and garlic, cook for 2 mins, then add the chestnut mushrooms and cook for a further 2 mins. Drain the spelt and add along with the wine. Simmer until almost all the liquid evaporates, stirring often. Ingredients 1 (16 ounce) package coleslaw mix 2 tablespoons minced onion 1/3 cup white sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/4 cup milk 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/4 cup buttermilk 1 1/2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 2 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice Method Combine the coleslaw and onion in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the sugar, salt, pepper, milk, mayonnaise, buttermilk, vinegar and lemon juice; mix until smooth. Pour mixture over the coleslaw and onion; stir well and chill for 1 hour. Drain the porcini mushrooms, add them to the pan and the soaking liquid to the vegetable stock. Stir in the stock 1 cup at a time and simmer, stirring often, until all liquid is absorbed and the spelt is just tender, about 20 mins in total. Stir in the crème fraîche and season with salt and pepper. Spoon onto plates and We need to thank Jethro Schembri for his contribution in the newsletter and we wish to him success in exams and life.

10 Bijodiversita Matthias Theuma - Form 2 The Saola Pseudoryx nghetinhensis The short coat is an overall dark brown in color (lighter on the neck and undersides), with a narrow black stripe which runs down the spine from the shoulders to the tail. The darker legs sport two white dots just above the hoofs. The face has striking white markings, including a stripe above each eye (resembling an eyebrow) and a variable pattern of spots and stripes on the cheeks beneath the eye. The chin and lips are also white. A white band crosses the rump; this band of color continues onto the short tail, where it creates three distinct regions of color: brown at the base, a white strip, and then ending with a black tassel. The heavy neck is relatively long, and the general appearance is antelope-like. The maxillary glands, located in front of the eyes on the cheeks, are very large and well-developed. The slightly curved, black horns are found in both sexes and grow cm long. They are round in cross-section and are usually smooth along their length. The main threats to the Saola are: Poaching / Hunting Development Habitat loss Transmission of cattle disease The population of the Saola is unknown in the wild. These articles will be related to endangered animals. Information taken fromm WWF site and other related websites.

11 Energija Novembru / Diċembru Units of Electricity Generated (kw) /11/ /11/ /11/ /12/ /12/2015 Series1 16/11/ /11/ /11/ /12/ /12/ Units of Electricity Used (kw) /11/ /11/ /11/ /12/ /12/2015 Series1 16/11/ /11/ /11/ /12/ /12/ /11 - Parent s Days 7/12 - Public Holiday Nkunu responsabbli fl-użu tal-enerġija. Taħlix dawl u ilma!!!

12 Ritratti CHOGM exhibtion The Europe Garden - Tree Planting Xrobb l-għaġin Bejgħ ta Logs Healthy u Tgħasir ta larinġ maqtugħ mill-ġnien tal-iskola

13 Ritratti Bike - hike Form 5 / staff Kompetizzjoni Presepji Xogħol ta volontarjat fil-ġnien fi żmien il-milied Bidu tax-xogħol fuq siġra ġdida tal-milied

14 Eco-News Andreas Lanzon (Form 5) California Farmers Now See Drought as the Rule, Not the Exception Farmers in California view the four-year long drought as the new normal, which means permanent adjustments to how they irrigate. In addition to more efficient and conservative use of water, decisions to plant different crops and aquifer replenishment are on farmers agendas, particularly for younger farmers looking to sustain their Entrepreneurs Turn Billion Dollar Seafood Waste into Profitable Products While strides are starting to be made in curbing food waste, the seafood industry has lagged behind in the US, fisherman throw out roughly two billion pounds of seafood annually in bycatch alone. However, a new wave of innovative startups are emerging to tackle seafood waste by creating products ranging from salmon skin wallets to crab-shell yarn to algae-powered water purifiers designed to reduce fish mortality in aquaculture systems. Water, Water Everywhere but Too Much or Too Little It s impossible to overstate the importance of water to life on Earth and humanity s well-being, considering that 90 percent of natural catastrophes are linked to water and 40 per cent of global population will face water scarcity from now to 2050, said the French Minister of Ecology. Since water is at the heart of human development, it s a matter of civil society and not simply This Is How Much Water You Waste When You Throw Away Food Need another reason to avoid waste food? When you waste food you waste all the water it took to produce that food from farm to table. The problem is particularly egregious in the United States where up to 40 percent of all food is wasted, which is like throwing out billions of gallons of virtual water every year. We need to thank Andreas Lanzon for his contribution in the newsletter and we wish to him success in exams and life.

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