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1 Ħarġa No. 19 Kumitat EkoSkola APR ĠUN 2018 ATTIVITAJIET MILL-KUMITAT Din is-sena skolastika kienet sena li offriet ħafna memorji li żgur min kien involut fiha se jibqa; jiftakar għal ħafna snin. Din is-sena kellna diversi opportunitajiet li minhu membru setgħa jieħu sehem. Qed nirreferi għaż-żewġ safriet marbutin mal-ekoskola. Waħda ġewwa Praga u l-oħra ġewwa l-polonja. Iż-żewġ safriet offrew l-opportunita li l-istudenti ltaqgħu ma studenti u nies oħra bl-istess ideal, raw postijiet oħra u kellhom l-opportunita li jżuru postijiet sbieħ. Dawn l-esperjenzi tista issibhom ġewwa din il-ħarġa flimkien ma ritratti. Eko-Parlament Żriegħ taż-żerriegħa tan-naspli Riċetti bit-trab tal-ħarrub Smoothies fil-brejk tal-iskola Ġamm magħmul min-naspli Din is-sena l-impenn prinċipali tal-kumitat kien fuq il-proġett LEAF fejn ħdimna fuq in-naħal, u minħabba li kellna n-nuqqas tal-ġnien minħabba xogħlijiet fliskola, ħdimna fuq il-ġulepp, marmalata, u ġamm. Pjanat hemm ukoll il-kejk talħarrub u smoothies fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin. Is-sena d-dieħla se tkun sena li fiha nerġgħu naħsbu għall-bandiera l-ħadra, u magħha hemm pjanat xogħol li din is-sena ma laħħaqnix. Hawn isfel tista issib illink għall-video li sar dwar in-naħal, proġett li jekk ma jinqala xejn għandu jservi biex l-iskola terġa tingħata l-leaf award. Filwaqt li nawguralek vaganzi ta mistrieħ fis-sajf, żgur li dan is-sajf se jkun impenjattiv għall-kumitat fejn min ikun jrid jiġi l-iskola naħdmu u nirranġaw ilġnien biex jerġa jieħu s-sura li kien qabel. F DIN IL-HARĠA Health Well being: UV lens / UV index Nieklu b Responsabilta : Menu for Change Nieklu b Responsabilta : Kalendarju Agrikolu Nieklu b Responsabilta : The Watermelon E-Twinning Polonja Health Well being: Riċetti Bijodiversita : The Asian Cheetah Enerġija: Konsum ta Dawl: Frar - April Ritratti: Attivitajiet Varji Eco-News

2 Health and Well-Being UV lens/ UV index Updated: 3 November 2017 Exposure to sunlight s ultraviolet radiation (UV) can damage to your skin, cause sunburn and increase your risk of skin cancer. UVLens shows you when you need to take care and when you can safely enjoy the sun. Features: Plan out the best time to be outside See the UV index forecast for the day, see when it s safe to be outside and when to avoid the sun. Find your burn risk Find out how long you can spend in the sun without sunscreen by taking a personalised skin type assessment. Sunscreen Reminder Discover how your sunscreen protects you, and get reminded to reapply. Widget See the current UV and your burn risk right from your home screen.

3 Nieklu B Responsabilta Matthias Buttigieg - Form 4 Menu for Change (Prague Czech Republic) This was an unforgattable experience that St.Michael school together with Mrs. Cynthia Caruana offered me as I m part of the eco-school committee. Mr.Savona the teacher responsibile for the ecoschool and me where chosen among participating schools in Eating Responsible to participate in a forum in Prague. We travelled to Prague with a group of teachers and students to Prague on 25th January. The forum was held between 25th January and 29th January. Friday 26th January was the begining of the forum. We had an opening talk by Tereza and Michaela, the coordinators of this project. Through the day we discussed on various topics like sustainabilty in food, we had a hand s on activity and prepared salads. Various speakers from different countries led workshops and talks on various subjects. One interesting workshop was the history of chocolate and how choclate arrives to the consumer. This workshop fosuced on production of cocoa, people working and fair trade. At night we had an amazing tour in the city of Prague. Saturday 27th January we discussed about the good practices in the schools. The Maltese delegation prepared the session with a lesson and also prepared some carob syrup and carob cake to the participants. Our stand was full of educational material. Our school presented carob syrup and the calendars. There where various sessions that one could participate but I chose the worshop of Slovenia. It was an interesting workshop in which they prepared alot of different jams, food, and juices in which they used at their respective schools. The day ended by a party to celebrate the success of the forum. Sunday 28th January was the last day of the forum and was just one session in the morning. Me and Mr.Savona participated in the worshop about the seed bank as it will help us for next year as we are thinking as an ecoschool committee to work on a seed bank. In the afternoon we had a great excursion to the castle and the city of prague especially Charle s Bridge. To conclude, this was a positive and unforgettable expeirence that helped me understand more about the project Eating Responsible,met different persons working on same project and helped me to take future decisions for a better environment.

4 Nieklu B Responsabilta April Żrigħ Kalendarju tal-prodotti Agrikoli meħud mill-ktieb Il-Biedja f Malta (Stanley Farrugia Randon) alfalfa, bamja, bettieħ, brunġiel, bżar aħmar, dulliegħ, eruka, fażola li tixxeblek, ġidra, ġunġlien, ħabaq, ħelwa, ħjar, kaboċċi, karfus, karrotti, karrotta bajda, luċern, melissa, pastard, patata, pitravi, qaqoċċ, qamħirrun, qargħa bagħli, qargħa ħamra, qargħa tork, qargħa twil, qargħa tal-familja, qaraboċċ, ravanell, tadam u tursin. Taħwil brunġiel, bżar aħdar, bżar aħmar,ħabaq, pastard tas-sajf, qaqoċċ, tadam u nagħniegħ. Proverbji Xita ħruġ Marzu dħul April tiswa daqs karru deheb fin - ix-xita f dan iż-żmien tiswa daqs id-deheb Min jitlob għax-xita għal wara San Mark ikun qed jitlob in-nar fl-art - meta tagħmel xita wara l-25 t April tagħmel ħsara għax iżżid l-umdita. April jagħmel il-fjuri u Mejju jieħu l-unuri - f April joħorġu l-fjuri iżda l-frott jibda jsir f Mejju. Mejju Żrigħ Brokkli, bżar aħdar, fażola li tixxeblek, ġidra, ħass ikkabuċċjat, ħass twil, karrotti, karotti bajda, pastard, qamħirrun ħelu, qargħa bagħli, qargħa tork, qargħa tal-familja, tadam u xnien. Taħwil Bettiegħ, brokkoli, brunġiel, bżar aħdar, bżar aħmar, dulliegħ, eruka, ġidra, ħabaq, ħass, kaboċċi, qargħa bagħli, patata ħelwa, pastard, qamħirrun, qaraboċċ u tadam. Proverbji Mejju mirjieħ u deni stennieħ - ir-riħ ta Mejju jista jagħmel ħsara Mejju bir-riħ, il-biedja bla tifrigħ - ir-riħ ma tantx jagħmel tajjeb għall-biedja Mejju żmien il-għana u żmien id-dris u fis-sodda tħoss il-qris - Mejju huwa żmien id-dris tal-qamħ kif ukoll in-nemus Ġunju Żrigħ Bżar aħmar, eruka, fażola li tixxeblek, ħabaq, karrotti, qamħirun ħelu, qargħa bagħli Taħwil Alfalfa, bettieħ, brokkoli, brunġiel, bżar aħdar, dulliegħ, fażola, ġidra, ħass twil, kaboċċi taz-zokk, lucerne, nagħniegħ li jinferaq, pastard, qamħirrun, qaraboċċ, tadam



7 Proġett EkoSkola Malta-Polonja April 2018 L-Erbgħa, 11 ta April p.m. Disa studenti mit-tielet u r-raba sena tal-grupp EkoSkola ta St Michael, akkumpanjati mis-sur Joseph Savona, ko-ordinatur tal-proġett, u s-sur Robert Aloisio, bdejna vjaġġ bl-ajruplan lejn l- ajruport ta Krakovja, waħda mill-eqdem bliet tal- Polonja. Wasalna fis-6.15 p.m. fejn sibna jilqgħuna fl-ajruport 20 student Pollakk flimkien ma tliet għalliema tagħhom. Numru minn dawn l-istudenti ħadmu fuq l-istess proġett tal-ekoskola li ħadmu l-istudenti tagħna. Bla telf ta żmien irħejnielha lejn il-villaġġ żgħir ta Murzasichle qalb il-muntanja Tatra, finnofsinhar tal-polonja, madwar 80 kilometru l bogħod minn Krakovja, madwar siegħa u nofs bil-kowċ. Hemm, fid-dlam, wasalna fil-hostel fejn se nkunu alloġġjati biss għal jumejn. Kilna soppa u laħam tradizzjonali tal-post, għamilna team-building fejn tgħallimna l-ismijiet ta xulxin u fl-10 p.m. tlajna norqdu wara vjaġġ bl-ajruplan u bil-kowċ ta kważi 5 sigħat. Il-Ħamis, 12 ta April Dalgħodu, qomna bid-dehra meraviljuża tal-muntanji Tatras hekk kif ftaħna t-twieqi tal-kmamar tagħna. Ħadna breakfast tajjeb u fid -9am rħejnielha bil-kowċ lejn Zakopane, 7 kilometri biss il bogħod mill-hostel. Zakopane huwa magħruf bħala "il-belt kapitali taxxitwa tal-polonja. Jinsab filfruntiera mas-slovakkja u jinsab f wied. Fil-post hemm l-ogħla muntanja tal-polonja. Aħna mxejna 3 sigħat sal-lake Morskie Oko u kważi daqstant ieħor lura. Kien hike sabiħ ħafna li parti minnu għamilnieh fuq is-silġ, fejn il-pollakki ntebħu mill-ewwel kemm għalina l-maltin is-silġ huwa dehra rari! Anki l-lake kienet friżata. Fl-aħħar qattajna madwar siegħa fiċ-ċentru turistiku tal-belt.

8 Il-Ġimgħa, 13 ta April Filgħodu, wara l-breakfast tlaqna mill-villaġġ żgħir ta Murzasichle qalb il-muntanja Tatra, finnofsinhar tal-polonja, lejn Wieliczka, li tagħmel parti minn Krakovja madwar 80 km l bogħod minn, kważi sagħtejn kowċ. Wieliczka hija magħrufa għall-minjieri tal-melħ kbar li għandha li huma attrazzjoni kbira għat-turisti. Iżuruhom fuq miljun ruħ fis-sena. Ilhom jeżistu 800 sena u kienu għadhom jipproduċu l-melħ sal Fil-minjieri hemm ħafna statwi kbar tal-melħ u erba kappelli mnaqqxa fil-melħ millminaturi u tinqix ieħor minn skulturi oħra. Kienet esperjenza li ħalliet lill-istudenti tagħna mistagħġba. Wara nofsinhar morna fiċ-ċentru ta Krakovja, it-tieni l-ikbar belt fil-polonja, u l-eks belt kapitali, fejn dħalna fil-kastell Wawel, li kien ir-residenza tar-rejiet Pollakki u l-ikbar simbolu tal-istat Pollakk. Dħalna wkoll fil-katidral sabiħ ta Santa Marija, l-aqwa eżempju tal-arkitettura Gotika Pollakka. Filgħaxija tlaqna bil-kowċ lejn hostel ieħor fi Zembrzyce, 40 km il bogħod minn Krakovja, biex hekk inkunu qrib Auschwitz li rridu nżuru għada. Dan it-tieni hostel kien jismu Totus Tuus (Kollni Tiegħek), li kien il-motto tal-papa Pollakk San Ġwann Pawl II. Kienet ġurnata oħra mill-isbaħ. Is-Sibt, 14 ta April Filgħodu, wara l-breakfast tlaqna miċ-ċentru Totus Tuus li użajnieh biss għal lejl wieħed u tlaqna lejn Oświęcim magħruf l-iktar għax fih hemm il-kamp ta konċentrament ta Auschwitz. Qabel morna fil-kamp morna nżuru l-mużew tal-lhud li jinsab f din il-belt. Hemmhekk dħalna fl-unika sinagoga li għadha teżisti hemmhekk fejn kellna preżentazzjoni ħajja tal-ġudaiżmu, it-twemmin tal-lhud.

9 Wara mbagħad kellna l-iktar esperjenza qawwija taż-żjara tagħna fil-polonja: ilkamp ta konċentrament ta Auschwitz- Birkenau. Dan kien l-akbar kamp talmewt tan-nażisti, li b differenza milloħrajn uża l-gass li malajr kien iwassal għall-effett mixtieq. Hemm biss inqatlu miljun Lhudi, mis-sitt miljun Lhudi li nqatlu min-nażi. Il-vittmi ta Auschwitz kienu ġejjin mill-ewropa kollha. Ħafna priġunieri, Lhud u mhumiex, kienu jaħdmu bħala skjavi; xi priġunieri kienu jintużaw f esperimenti mediċi, b mod partikulari għall-isterilizzazzjonijiet. Għalkemm il-lhud u ż- żingari (gypsies) biss kienu jiġu ggassjati regolarment, mijiet ta eluf ta priġunieri oħra f Auschwitz mietu bil-ġuħ, bil-mard jew iffuċillati. Biex jgħattu dnubhom, inbnew krematorji kbar biex fihom jinħarqu l-iġsma ta dawk li ġew iffuċillati. Fi tmiem din iż-żjara qawwija, qbadna triqitna lejn Łódź, it-tielet l-ikbar belt fil-polonja. Hemmhekk morna noqogħdu f hotel b erba stilel li fih kellna nqattgħu tliet iljieli. Il-Ħadd, 15 ta April Filgħodu, qabel il-breakfast morna ħadna sehem fil-quddiesa tal-ħadd, bl-ilsien Pollakk, fil-knisja maġenb il-hotel, iddedikata lill-madonna tal- Vittorja. Wara tlaqna lejn il-muzeum Wlokiennictwa, il-mużew tat-tessuti f dik li hi magħrufa bħala l-white Factory ta Ludwik Geyer f Łódź, li fiha nnifisha hija wieħed mill-isbaħ eżempji ta arkitettura industrijali fil-polonja. Fi triqitna fost l-oħrajn għaddejna minn fejn il-katidral kbir u sabiħ iddedikat lil San Staniżlaw Kostka. F nofsinhar kilna żurek, soppa f ħobża, popolari ħafna fil-polonja. Wara nofsinhar morna naraw esebizzjoni bl-isem Leonardo, dwar iddiversi invenzjonijiet ta dan il-ġenju kbir tax-xjenza. Filgħaxija kull student qatta ħin ma familja ta student jew studenta Pollakka.

10 It-Tnejn, 16 ta April L-għodwa kollha qattajnieha fl-iskola żgħira sekondarja f Łódź li magħha ħdima l-proġett: Integracyjna Szkoła ta Łódź. L-istudenti tagħna ippreparaw tliet features, wieħed dwar Malta, l- ieħor dwar l-iskola tagħna u l-aħħar wieħed dwar l-ekoskola. Wara l-istudenti Pollakki ippreżentaw il-proġetti tagħhom u għallmuna wkoll ftit Pollakk. Wara nofsinhar, l-istudenti kellhom speċi ta treasure hunt fi Piotrkowska Street, waħda mill-itwal toroq kummerċjali fl-ewropa kollha. Fiha kważi 5 km. Din il-belt hija magħrufa wkoll għall-iskola Nazzjonali tal-film, il-benniena ta ħafna atturi u diretturi Pollakki, fosthom Andrzej Wajda andu Roman Polanski. Is-sena l-oħra ingħatat it-titlu ta UNESCO City of Film. Filgħaxija, qattajna ħin induru l- Manufaktura, ċentru kbir ta arti u xiri, blikbar pjazza pubblika fil-belt. Biċċa kbira mill-bini kienet fabbrika tat-tessuti. Infetaħ fl Wara morna l-aquapark sabiħ tal-post fejn ħadna ħafna gost. It-Tlieta, 17 ta April Filgħodu kmieni, irħejnielha lejn il-belt kapitali Varsavja, l-ikbar belt Pollakka. Din kienet inqerdet min-nażi fit-tieni Gwerra Dinjija u reġgħet inbniet wara. L-għodwa qattajnieha fil-copernicus Science Centre, post sabiħ u interattiv ħafna. Wara qattajna ħin fil-belt ta Varsavja sakemm qbadna l-kowċ għall-ajruport. Hemmhekk kellna laqgħa emozzjonanti mal-grupp tal-istudenti Pollakki fejn skambjajna l -aħħar rigali bit-tama li nerġgħu niltaqgħu magħhom fi żjara li huma mistidnin jagħmlu f Malta.

11 Health and Well-Being Timothy Grilled Strip Steak and Caesar Salad Summer Pasta Salad Ingredients Dressing: 1/2 cup 2 percent plain Greek yogurt 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 3 anchovies 1 small clove garlic, chopped Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Steak and Romaine: 1 tablespoon olive oil, plus more for oiling the grill grates and brushing the romaine Two 1-inch-thick strip steaks (about 1 1/2 pounds total), trimmed of excess fat Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Directions: For the dressing: Combine the yogurt, Parmesan, lemon juice, mustard, olive oil, oregano, anchovies, garlic, 3/4 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon pepper in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Cover and chill for at least 30 minutes. The dressing will keep for up to 3 days refrigerated. For the steak and romaine: Prepare a grill for medium heat. Lightly oil the grill grates. Sprinkle the steaks with salt and pepper and grill about 5 minutes per side for medium rare. Remove to a cutting board to rest for 8 minutes. Brush the cut sides of the romaine with the olive oil and season with a pinch of salt and pepper. Grill, without turning, until lightly charred and wilted, about 2 minutes. Transfer to a serving platter. Slice the steaks and place on top of the romaine. Drizzle the dressing over top and serve. Ingredients Kosher salt 8 ounces dry cavatappi Quarter of a red onion, minced 1/2 cup mayonnaise 3 tablespoons sour cream 1 1/2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar 3/4 teaspoons dry mustard Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper 1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes, halved or quartered if large 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill or fresh chives 1 ear of corn, husked and kernels cut from the cob (about 1 cup) Method Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the cavatappi and cook according to the package directions. Drain and rinse under cold water. Set aside. Meanwhile, soak the onion in cold water for 5 minutes and then drain. Whisk together the mayonnaise, sour cream, cider vinegar, sugar, mustard, drained red onion, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a few grinds of pepper until smooth. Add the cooked cavatappi, tomatoes, dill, corn and zucchini to the dressing and stir to coat.

12 Bijodiversita Matthias Theuma - Form 4 The Asiatic Cheetah The Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus), also known as Iranian cheetah, is a Critically Endangered cheetah subspecies surviving today only in Iran. It once occurred from the Arabian Peninsula and the Near East to the Kyzylkum Desert, Caspian region, Pakistan and India, but has been extirpated there during the 20th century. The Asiatic cheetah survives in protected areas in the eastern-central arid region of Iran, where the human population density is very low. Between December 2011 and November 2013, 84 individuals were sighted in 14 different protected areas, and 82 individuals were identified from camera trap photographs. As of December 2017, fewer than 50 individuals are thought to be remaining in three subpopulations that are scattered over 140,000 km2 (54,000 sq mi) in Iran s central plateau. In order to raise international awareness for the conservation of the Asiatic cheetah, an illustration was used on the jerseys of the Iran national football team at the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The Asiatic cheetah separated from its African relative between 32,000 and 67,000 years ago. During the British colonial times in India it was called hunting leopard, a name derived from the ones that were kept in captivity in large numbers by Indian royalty to use for hunting wild antelopes. These articles will be related to endangered animals. Information taken fromm WWF site and other related websites.

13 Energija Frar / April Energy Consumed (kwh) 26/02/ /03/ /03/ /03/ /03/ /11/ /02/ /03/ /03/ /03/ /03/ /11/ Energy Produced (kwh) /02/ /03/ /03/ /03/ /03/ /11/ /02/ /03/ /03/ /03/ /03/ /11/2018 Nkunu responsabbli fl-użu tal-enerġija. Taħlix dawl u ilma!!!

14 Nieklu b responsabilta (Menu for Change ġewwa Praga) Ritratti

15 Wardija (Organic Farming) Ritratti

16 Ritratti Marmallta tal-bakkaljaw Żieda ta tewm jew filfel maż-żebbuġ fis-salmura

17 E-twinning Polonja Ritratti

18 Il-Pestiċidi li jagħmlu ħsara lin-naħal ġew projbiti fuq livell Ewropew Eco-News Nolan Camilleri - Form 3 Fuq livell Ewropew il-politiċi iddeċidew illi jiġu pprojbiti l-pestiċidi li jagħmlu ħsara lin-naħal. Minn 28 pajjiż fl-unjoni Ewropea ivvutaw favur 16-il pajjiż, b 4 kontra u 8 illi astjenew. Pajjiżna kien wieħed mis-16-il pajjiż li vvutaw favur. Ir-reazzjoni dwar dan tal-organizzazzjoni mhux governattiva, Friends of Earth (FoE) qalet li din titqies bħala rebħa tremenda għan-naħal kif ukoll għall-ambjent. Il-vot ta Malta ġie mfaħħar minn Martin Galea de Giovanni u qal li l-friends of Earth tixtieq li l-gvern isensel qafas nazzjonali dwar anki d-dakkir b rabta mal-bijodiversità u anki l-bidla fil-klima. Din x-xewqa tal-foe għall-malta diġà qed issir f pajjiżi bħal Olanda, l-ingilterra, l-iskozja, Wales, l-irlanda, Franza u n-norveġja. Nispera illi fuq kull livell tas-soċjetà mill-bdiewa li jkunu responsabbli, sal- Gvern u anki fuq livell Ewropew inkomplu nħarsu l-ambjent li tant huwa għażiż għalina. Malta miexja l quddiem fejn jidħol it-tnaqqis tal-plastik Malta qed tieħu miżuri fid-direzzjoni t-tajba sabiex jitnaqqas il-plastik mill-oċeani. Dan qalu Karl Foerster li għandu rwol ta direttur eżekuttiv f Plastics Europe. Plastics Europe hija assoċjazzjoni li taħdem l-plastik u li hawn Malta tellgħet forum bl-isem ta Polytalk Il-forum maqsum fuq jumejn qiegħed jaħdem sabiex naġixxu dwar il-plastik li jispiċċa fl-oċeani jew fil-kas tagħna fl-ibħra. Fatt xokkanti li intqal f dan il-forum hu li bejn 5 milljun u 13-il miljun tomna ta plastik tispiċċa mormija fl-ibħra. B reazzjoni għal dan il-fatt il-ministru għall-ambjent Jose Herrera qal li dan huwa ammont inaċċettabbli. Qal ukoll li minn materjal utli qiegħed jirriżulta għal problema globali. Qal ukoll li dan l-iskart qed jispiċċa fil-baħar min persuni li jitfawħ. Allura aħna għadna inkunu responasabbli biex dan jieqaf. Fost il-miżuri li Malta ser tkun qed tintroduċi skema ta refund għal kontenituri tax-xorb li jiġu rritornati. Skont kif ippjanat illi din l-iskema tiġbor minimu ta 70% tal-fliexkem ipproduċuti hawn Malta.

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Easy & healthy. work lunches. Easy & healthy work lunches Index Three colour salad Insalata tat-tlett kuluri 1 3 Green pepper, beans and bulgar wheat salad Insalata tal-bżar aħdar, fażola u bulgar wheat Tuna pasta salad

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Hello hbieb. F isem il-kumitat nixtieq nawguralkom il-kumplament ta-sena tajba u nittamaw li narawkom fl-attiivitajet li jmiss. Grazzi bil-quddiem

Hello hbieb. F isem il-kumitat nixtieq nawguralkom il-kumplament ta-sena tajba u nittamaw li narawkom fl-attiivitajet li jmiss. Grazzi bil-quddiem Hello hbieb. Nispera li tinsabu tajbin u kellkom sajf tajjeb u gawdejtu il-bahar u hrug u li s-shana ma ghamlitx bikom. Issa dehlin fl-isbah zmie tas-sena fejn niccelebraw flimkien il-milied ul festi li

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