每日多蔬果, 健康屬於我! Eat Fruits & Vegetables Every Day, Stay Healthy All The Way!

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1 每日多蔬果, 健康屬於我! Eat Fruits & Vegetables Every Day, Stay Healthy All The Way! Photography by: Rosa To Highlighting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 特別推介 2005 年美國飲食指引 健康蔬果美食 Healthy Chinese Cuisine Using Fruits and Vegetables

2 Foreword Being overweight and obese has become a major health problem in California, including our Chinese community. According to the California Behavioral Risk Factor Survey 1, over forty percent of Asian American males, and thirty percent of females in California are overweight!*. This has led to an increase in such diet-related disorders as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Eighty percent of Asian American children and fifty-six percent of Asian American adults are not eating enough fruits and vegetables 2, 3. Eating at least 2 to 6½ cups of fruits and vegetables (depending on your age, gender and activity level), and getting 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity every day, may help to lower our risk of becoming overweight and our risk of cancer, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity 4. This is the first booklet available in Chinese to help increase fruit and vegetable consumption and provide helpful tips on staying active. This easy method to improve intake of fruits and vegetables is enhanced by celebrity chef Martin Yan and nutritionist Catherine Wong from Chinatown Public Health Center, who share their secrets for healthy eating and cooking using authentic Chinese recipes. I am pleased to recommend this well written and illustrated booklet that will help keep you healthy. Sincerely, Edward A. Chow, MD San Francisco Health Commissioner Executive Director, Chinese Community Health Care Association (1) California Department of Health Services, Cancer Surveillance Section, California Behavioral Risk Factor Survey, 2004 (2) California Department of Health Services, Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Section, California Children s Eating & Exercise Practices, 2003 (3) California Department of Health Services, Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Section, the California Dietary Survey, 2003 (4) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, accessed 8/22/05 * Asian American adult and child survey samples also include a small number of Pacific Islanders, American Indians, and people of mixed racial/ethnic background 1

3 序言 在加州, 包括華人社區, 身體過重與肥胖症已成為主要的健康問題 加州生活習慣與患病因素調查顯示 : 百份之四十亞裔 * 男士和百份之三十亞裔 * 女士都屬身體過重 1 身體過重可導致患上與飲食有關連的症狀例如 : 糖尿病 肥胖症 和高血壓 研究亦指出百份之八十亞裔兒童及百份之五十六亞裔成年人的水果蔬菜進食量都不足夠 2, 3 如果每天最少進食 2 杯至 6 杯半的水果蔬菜, 加上 30 至 60 分鐘的體力活動, 便能減少身體過重 患癌 心臟病 第二型糖尿病和肥胖症的危機 4 這是第一本提供實用心得協助讀者多吃蔬果, 並保持身體活躍的中文手冊 由名廚甄文達和營養師黃嘉慧向讀者分享他們的健康飲食與烹飪心得 提供中式食譜, 多吃蔬果實在不難 本人十分樂意推薦這本圖文並茂的手冊, 祝您健康長壽 三藩市健康委員會華美醫師協會行政總監周兆年醫生 (1) California Department of Health Services, Cancer Surveillance Section, California Behavioral Risk Factor Survey, 2004 (2) California Department of Health Services, Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Section, California Children s Eating & Exercise Practices, 2003 (3) California Department of Health Services, Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Section, the California Dietary Survey, 2003 (4) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, accessed 8/22/05 * 亞裔包括亞洲及太平洋島嶼各族裔與及美國印第安人 2

4 Foreword Through the Network for a Healthy California, we have worked to promote fruit and vegetable intake and increased physical activity for over 15 years. That is because eating nutritious foods, like fruits and vegetables, and being physically active, lowers the risk of cancer, Type 2 diabetes, stroke and unhealthy body weight. In addition, when you eat fruits and vegetables, like those found in the traditional Chinese diet, and stay active, you not only improve your physical health, but your mental and emotional health as well. Use this cookbook to help you prepare healthy and traditional home-cooked Chinese meals for you and your family. Look to the meal planning guide to see if your family is eating enough fruits and vegetables to promote good health. Refer to the physical activity suggestions to see how you and your family can include the daily physical activity that is so important in maintaining whole body wellness. The traditional Chinese diet is a wonderful example of how fresh ingredients, like fruits and vegetables, can be combined for a flavorful and healthful meal. Use this cookbook to help you preserve those benefits and to reduce the risk of chronic disease. Look for more dietary information in the future specifically designed for the Asian American Pacific Islander community. Your health is worth preserving! Sincerely, Susan B. Foerster, MPH, RD, Chief, Policy, Planning and Evaluation Section Network for a Healthy California California Department of Public Health 3

5 序言 十五年來, 透過 Network for a Healthy California( 健康加州網絡 ) 計劃, 我們致力提倡大眾多吃蔬果 多做體力活動 因為營養飲食方式, 例如吃水果蔬菜 保持多做體力活動, 能減低患癌 第二型糖尿病 中風 與及不適當的體重之可能性 此外, 當您吃華人傳統飲食裡的各式蔬果 又保持多做體力活動, 您不但能改善自己的身體, 更能關顧到精神與及心理方面的健康 請您使用本書作參考, 為自己與家庭煮製健康的中式餐點 採取如何每日多吃蔬果的提示, 確實您一家吃得到足夠的蔬果以保健康 參閱體力活動方面的建議, 選擇合宜您一家每天做的體力活動, 以確保各人整體的健康 華人的傳統飲食完善地示範到如何以新鮮用料, 如蔬果, 配合調製出健康美味的餐膳 希望您善用本書, 助您保留這些優點 減少患慢性疾病危機 注意日後將推出的專為亞太裔社區設計的飲食資訊 您的健康誠然值得保留 加州公共衛生部 Network for a Healthy California( 健康加州網絡 ) 總綱 政策 規劃和評估部門 Susan B. Foerster 公共衛生營養碩士 註冊營養師 4

6 目錄 Table of Contents 序言... 2 目錄... 5 健康加州網絡 華人計劃... 7 我的飲食金字塔... 9 我每天應該吃什麼? 蔬果和體力活動的好處 成年人每天應吃多少蔬果? 兒童或少年每天應吃多少蔬果? 何謂一杯? 如何每日多吃蔬果 多吃蔬果心得 體力活動心得 食譜彩虹錦繡盒 蘋果胡蘿蔔湯 雞肉蓮藕餅 上湯冰豆腐 上湯豆苗 糖酒芥蘭 焗薯條 雞肉鮮蔬水餃 五福炒麵 蘋果蛋糕 鳴謝 Foreword... 1 Table of Contents... 5 Network for a Healthy California Chinese Project... 6 My Food Pyramid... 8 What Should I Eat Every Day? Benefits of Fruits, Vegetables & Physical Activity How Many Cups of Fruits & Vegetables Should an Adult Eat? How Many Cups of Fruits & Vegetables Should a Child or Youth Eat?. 16 What Counts as a Cup? How to Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Every Day Tips for Eating More Fruits & Vegetables Tips for Physical Activity Recipes Rainbow Cups Apple Carrot Soup Chicken Lotus Root Patties Frozen Tofu in Supreme Stock Pea Shoots in Supreme Stock Chinese Broccoli with Wine & Sugar Baked French Fries Vegetable & Chicken Dumplings Five Happiness Fried Noodles Apple Chunk Cake Acknowledgements

7 Network for a Healthy California Chinese Project The Network for a Healthy California Chinese Project would like to present to you a colorful and flavorful way of healthy eating incorporated into Chinese cooking. Healthy eating and active lifestyles are the primary ways to prevent major causes of chronic disease and death in the United States. Research shows that eating 2 to 6½ cups of fruits and vegetables (depending on your age, gender, and activity level), and getting at least 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity every day may reduce the risk of many diseases such as certain cancers, heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes 5. This booklet informs you of the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans, health benefits of fruits and vegetables, the amount that you need to eat, and the healthier ways of cooking with fruits and vegetables. We have chosen the galloping horse for our project logo because it symbolizes health, strength and vitality for the Chinese. Enjoy eating a variety of colors and flavors of fruits and vegetables, be active and change your family s lifestyle to lower the risk of many chronic diseases. We wish you and your family an energetic and healthy life! Sincerely, Catherine Wong R.D., M.P.H. Nutrition Manager Chinatown Public Health Center San Francisco Department of Public Health (5) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, accessed 8/22/05 6

8 健康加州網絡 華人計劃 健康加州網絡 華人計劃為您介紹色彩繽紛 味道鮮美 有益健康的飲食方式, 融入中式烹飪當中 在美國, 健康飲食和活躍的生活方式是預防慢性疾病主因之首要渠道 研究顯示每日吃 2 杯至 6 杯半蔬果 加上做 30 至 60 分鐘體力活動, 可能有助於減低許多疾病的患病危機如 : 肥胖症 某些癌症 心臟病 中風 和糖尿病 5 這本手冊為您介紹美國衛生人文服務署和美國農業部最新推出的飲食指引 多吃蔬果的好處 每天應該吃多少 與及用蔬果入饌的健康烹調心得 我們選了駿馬作為本計劃的標誌, 因它代表健康 體力和活力 希望您享用蔬果的色彩鮮美 多做體力活動 改進您家庭的生活習慣 減低許多可預防的疾病之危機 希望您和您的親人都享用色味鮮美的蔬果, 活得健康, 活得長壽! 三藩市公共衛生署華埠公共衛生局營養主任黃嘉慧 (5) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, accessed 8/22/05 7

9 My Food Pyramid The new food pyramid is designed to help us make smart food choices, find balance between foods and physical activity and get the most nutrition out of our calories. This food pyramid offers healthy intake patterns. If you have access to the Internet, you can find out your own pyramid according to your age, gender and physical activity level. The web address is MyPyramid.gov GRAINS VEGETABLES FRUITS MILK MEAT & BEANS Source: My Food Pyramid, USDA,

10 我的食物金字塔 美國農業部最新推出的食物金字塔幫助我們明智地選擇飲食, 並保持飲食體力活動之間的平衡, 從而在熱量範圍內攝取最多營養 這個食物金字塔提供健康的進食量模式 您可上網到 按您的年齡 性別 及體力活動量, 查出適合您個人的食物金字塔 MyPyramid.gov GRAINS VEGETABLES FRUITS MILK MEAT & BEANS 資料來源 :My Food Pyramid, USDA,

11 What Should I Eat Every Day? This is the recommendation for food intake and physical activity according to the new food pyramid and the dietary guidelines by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in GRAINS Make half of your grains whole VEGETABLES Vary your veggies FRUITS Focus on fruits MILK Get your calcium-rich foods MEAT & BEANS Go lean with protein Eat at least 3 oz. of whole grain cereals, breads, crackers, rice, or pasta every day. 1 oz. is about: 1 slice of bread, or 1 cup of breakfast cereal, or ½ cup of cooked rice, cereal, or pasta Eat more dark-green veggies like broccoli, spinach, and other dark leafy greens. Eat more orange vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes. Eat more dry beans and peas like pinto beans, kidney beans, and lentils. Eat a variety of fruit. Choose fresh, frozen, canned, or dried fruit. Go easy on fruit juices. Go low-fat or fat-free when you choose milk, yogurt, and other milk products. If you don t or can t consume milk, choose lactose-free products or other calcium sources such as fortified foods and beverages. Choose low-fat or lean meats, poultry, and fish. Bake it, broil it, or grill it. Vary your protein routine choose more beans, peas, nuts and seeds. 1 oz = a piece of meat, fish, or skinless chicken the size of a mahjong tile, or 1 egg, or ¼ cup tofu, or ¼ cooked dry beans For a 2,000-calorie diet, you need the amounts below from each food group. To find the amounts that are right for you, go to MyPyramid.gov. Eat 6 oz. every day Eat 2½ cups every day Eat 2 cups every day Get 3 cups every day Eat 5½ oz. every day Find your balance between food and physical activity Stay within your daily calorie needs. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. About 60 minutes a day of physical activity may be needed to prevent weight gain in adults. For sustaining weight loss, at least 60 to 90 minutes a day of physical activity may be required. Children and teenagers should be physically active for 60 minutes every day, or most days. Know the limits on fats, sugar, cholesterol and salt (sodium) Make most of your fat sources from fish, nuts, and vegetable oils. Limit solid fats like butter, stick margarine, shortening, and lard, as well as foods that contain these. Check the Nutrition Facts label to keep saturated fats, trans-fats, cholesterol, and sodium low. Choose food and beverages low in added sugar. Added sugar contributes calories with few, if any, nutrients. Source: My Food Pyramid, USDA,

12 我每天應該吃什麼? 以下是美國農業部與美國衛生人文服務署 2005 推出的飲食指引和食物金字塔提議的日常進食量 穀類一半應屬全穀類 蔬果吃多種蔬菜 水果注重吃水果 奶類進食鈣質食品 肉類和豆類吃低脂肪蛋白質食物 每天至少吃 3 安士穀類五穀片 麵包 餅乾 米飯 或麵條 1 安士等於 : 1 片麵包 1 杯五穀片 半杯飯 麥片 或麵條 多吃深綠葉青菜如 : 綠菜花 ( 西蘭花 ) 菠菜和其他綠葉青菜 多吃橙色蔬菜如胡蘿蔔和甜薯 多吃乾豆類如黃豆 腰豆 黑豆... 吃多種類水果 選擇新鮮 冰凍 罐頭或乾果 若喝果汁, 應酌量 選擇低脂肪牛奶 酸乳酪 和其他奶製品 若不能吃奶製品, 可選用無奶糖製品, 或其他加鈣食品和飲品 選瘦肉 雞 或魚 用焗 烤 或燒的煮法 吃不同類的蛋白質 - 多吃乾豆 豆仁 硬殼果 種子 與果仁 1 安士大約是 : 麻將牌大小的肉片 雞肉 或魚 或 1 隻蛋 或 ¼ 杯豆腐 或 ¼ 杯熟乾豆 每天需要 2000 卡路里 ( 熱量 ) 的人士, 宜採用下列的進食量 請往 MyPyramid.gov 找出適合您個人的進食量 每天 6 安士 每天 2 杯半 每天 2 杯 每天 3 杯 每天 5 安士半 飲食與體力活動應互相平衡 每天攝取自己需要範圍內的卡路里 每星期儘量天天都做 30 分鐘以上的體力活動 成年人若要避免增加體重, 每天需要做 60 分鐘的體力活動 若要減輕體重或維持已減輕的體重, 每天需要做 60 至 90 分鐘的體力活動 兒童和青少年應儘量天天做 60 分鐘的體力活動 認識脂肪 糖 膽固醇 和鹽 ( 鈉質 ) 的進食限度 每天飲食的脂肪宜來自魚 硬殼果和菜油 限制食用固體脂肪如牛油 人造牛油 豬油 人造豬油 與及含有這些脂肪的食物 參閱食品標籤, 減少進食飽和脂肪 凝固脂酸 膽固醇 和鈉質 選擇少加糖的食物和飲品 額外加添的糖只增卡路里, 營養素甚微 資料來源 :My Food Pyramid, USDA,

13 Benefits of Fruits, Vegetables & Physical Activity Benefits of fruits and vegetables Provides us with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals to help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, obesity and diabetes Slows the negative signs of aging such as weakening vision and memory loss Enhances our immunity Benefits of physical activity Lowers the risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer Builds and maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints Helps to lower the risk of overweight problems in children and adults Reduces anxiety, depression and stress Helps us to feel more energetic 12

14 蔬果和體力活動的好處 水果蔬菜的好處 提供維他命 礦物質 抗氧化物 植物元素 和纖維素, 幫助減低許多疾病的患病率如 : 癌症 心臟病 中風 身體過重 和糖尿病 緩慢衰老的一些癥狀如視力變弱 記憶力減退 增強身體免疫力 體力活動的好處 減輕高血壓 心臟病 中風 糖尿病和某些癌症的患病危機 強健骨骼 肌肉 及關節 幫助減低兒童和成人身體過重的可能性 減輕精神緊張 抑鬱感 和壓力 使精力充沛 13

15 How Many Cups of Fruits & Vegetables Should an Adult Eat? The amount of fruits and vegetables an adult needs every day depends on his/her gender, age, and activity level. The following daily amounts are recommended for individuals who get less than 30 minutes per day of physical activity beyond regular daily activities. If you get more physical activity, you would need to eat an additional ½ cup to 1 cup of vegetables and up to ½ cup additional fruit 6. Gender Age *Sedentary Fruit Vegetable Female years 2 cups 2½ cups years 1½ cups 2½ cups 51+ years 1½ cups 2 cups Male years 2 cups 3½ cups years 2 cups 3 cups 61+ years 2 cups 2½ cups *Sedentary: less than 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity in addition to daily activities. * Moderately Active: at least 30 minutes, up to 60 minutes a day of moderate physical activity in addition to daily activities. *Active: 60 or more minutes a day of moderate physical activity in addition to daily activities. (*) See page 24 for more details (6) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, accessed 8/22/05 14

16 成年人每天應吃多少蔬果? 成年人每日應吃多少蔬果視乎個人年齡 性別 和體力活動量而定 * 以下的日常進食量適宜於少活動的成年人, 即每日只做 30 分鐘或以下的額外體力活動 若您每日的額外體力活動有 30 分鐘以上, 便需要加多半杯至一杯蔬菜和半杯水果 6 性別 年齡 * 少量體力活動 水果 蔬菜 女性 歲 2 杯 2 杯半 歲 1 杯半 2 杯半 51 或 51 歲以上 1 杯半 2 杯 男性 歲 2 杯 3 杯半 歲 2 杯 3 杯 61 或 61 歲以上 2 杯 2 杯半 * 少量體力活動 : 日常作息之外每日做 30 分鐘以下的體力活動 * 中量體力活動 : 日常作息之外每日做 30 分鐘至 60 分鐘的體力活動 * 大量體力活動 : 日常作息之外每日做 60 分鐘以上的體力活動 (*) 請參閱第 25 頁 (6) U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, accessed 8/22/05 15

17 How Many Cups of Fruits & Vegetables Should a Child or Youth Eat? The amount of fruits and vegetables a child or a teenager needs every day also depends on his/her gender, age, and activity level *. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 and the new Food Pyramid recommend the following daily amounts for children and youth who are sedentary (getting less than 30 minutes per day of physical activity beyond regular daily activities). Those who are more physically active may require more while staying within their calorie needs 7. Gender Age * Sedentary Fruit Vegetable Children (Boys and Girls) 2-3 years 1 cup 1 cup Girls 4-7 years 1 cup 1½ cups 8-10 years 1½ cups 1½ cups years 1½ cups 2 cups years 1½ cups 2½ cups Boys 4-5 years 1 cup 1½ cups 6-8 years 1½ cups 1½ cups 9-10 years 1½ cups 2 cups years 1½ cups 2½ cups years 2 cups 2½ cups years 2 cups 3 cups * Sedentary: less than 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity in addition to daily activities. * Moderately Active: at least 30 minutes, up to 60 minutes a day of moderate physical activity in addition to daily activities. * Active: 60 or more minutes a day of moderate physical activity in addition to daily activities. (*) See page 24 for more details (7) U.S. Department of Agriculture, MyPyramid Food Intake Pattern Calorie Levels, 2005, food intake.html, accessed 8/22/05 16

18 兒童或少年每天應吃多少蔬果? 兒童和少年每日應進食多少蔬果視乎個人年齡 性別 和體力活動量而定 2005 年的飲食指引及食物金字塔對少活動的兒童與少年推薦以下的日常進食量 ( 少活動指每日只做 30 分鐘或以下的額外體力活動 ) 每天較多體力活動的兒童與青少年, 可以在自己的熱量範圍內需要多些蔬果 7 性別 年齡 * 少量體力活動 水果 蔬菜 兒童 ( 男和女 ) 2-3 歲 1 杯 1 杯 女孩 4-7 歲 1 杯 1 杯半 8-10 歲 1 杯半 1 杯半 歲 1 杯半 2 杯 歲 1 杯半 2 杯半 男孩 4-5 歲 1 杯 1 杯半 6-8 歲 1 杯半 1 杯半 9-10 歲 1 杯半 2 杯 歲 1 杯半 2 杯半 歲 2 杯 2 杯半 歲 2 杯 3 杯 * 少量體力活動 : 日常作息之外每日做 30 分鐘或更少的體力活動 * 中量體力活動 : 日常作息之外每日做 30 分鐘至 60 分鐘的體力活動 * 大量體力活動 : 日常作息之外每日做 60 分鐘以上的體力活動 (*) 請參閱第 25 頁 (7) U.S. Department of Agriculture, MyPyramid Food Intake Pattern Calorie Levels, 2005, food intake.html, accessed 8/22/05 17

19 Fruits: What Counts as a Cup? 1 small apple 1 large banana 1 large orange 1 large peach 8 large strawberries 1 cup 100% fruit juice ½ cup dried fruit 1 medium pear Vegetables: 1 cup cooked greens 1 medium potato 1 large sweet potato 2 large celery stalks 1 large whole tomato 2 cups raw 1 cup chopped 1 cup cooked (uncooked) leafy greens vegetable carrot Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, accessed 8/22/05 18

20 水果 何謂一杯? 一個小蘋果一條大香蕉一個大橙一個大桃子 八顆大草莓一杯純果汁半杯乾果一個中型梨子 蔬菜 一杯煮熟青菜一個中型馬鈴薯一個大甜薯兩條大西芹 一個大蕃茄 ( 未煮 ) 兩杯未煮的綠葉青菜一杯切片瓜菜一杯胡蘿蔔 資料來源 :U.S. Department of Agriculture, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, accessed 8/22/05 19

21 How to Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Every Day The meal pattern below demonstrates how to eat 2 cups of fruit and 3 cups of vegetables, which is appropriate for a sedentary male age If you are an older male or female of any age, use page 14 to adjust this meal pattern to your recommended level of fruit and vegetable intake. Morning ½ a purple yam or ½ a sweet potato = ½ cup Mid-day 1 cup cooked greens 1 apple = 2 cups Snack 1 large banana = 1 cup Evening 1 cup carrot soup ½ cup cooked ½ cup cooked (½ cup of carrots) string beans Chinese broccoli Total: 3 cups vegetable + 2 cups fruit = 1½ cups = 5 cups 20

22 如何每日多吃蔬果 以下的進食舉例示範如何每日吃到 2 杯水果和 3 杯蔬菜, 適宜於 21 至 60 歲少活動量的成年人作參考 若您年齡較長, 請參閱 15 頁, 調整蔬果進食量, 以符合您個人需要 早上 半個紫薯或甜薯 = 半杯 中午 1 杯煮熟青菜 1 個蘋果 = 2 杯 小吃 1 條大香蕉 = 1 杯 晚上 1 碗胡蘿蔔湯 半杯豆角 半杯芥蘭 ( 半杯胡蘿蔔 ) 共 3 杯菜 + 2 杯水果 = 1 杯半 = 5 杯 21

23 Tips for Eating More Fruits & Vegetables Add fresh fruit or no more than 1 cup 100% fruit juice to breakfast Snack on fruits and vegetables Serve more vegetables and less rice at lunch and dinner Add more vegetables to the main dish and rice To enhance the flavor of vegetables, try using the Supreme Stock recipe below Use two or more different colored vegetables at meal times Serve fruit as a dessert Make a delicious smoothie with fresh or frozen fruit and low-fat or nonfat milk Add extra vegetable to sandwiches, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and sprouts... Banana Berry Smoothie Ingredients: ½ banana, peeled and sliced 1 cup unsweetened frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, and/or blackberries) ½ cup 1% lowfat or nonfat milk or soft tofu ½ cup 100% orange juice Preparation: 1. Place all ingredients in a blender container. Put lid on tightly. 2. Blend until smooth. If mixture is too thick, add ½ cup cold water and blend again. 3. Pour into 2 glasses and serve. Makes 2 servings. One serving equals 1 1 /3 cups. Preparation time: 5 minutes. Source: Network for a Healthy California Children s Power Play! Campaign. Kids...Get Cookin! California Department of Public Health, Make Supreme Stock to enhance flavor in cooking Supreme stock is used frequently in Chinese cooking; this kind of stock is often made in advance, and used for soup base. Supreme stock is usually made with meat and poultry and boiled for at least 3 hours until the flavor is intensified. You can make your own: (recipe makes 15 cups of stock) In a large stock pot, combine 2 pounds lean pork, 1 whole chicken, and enough water to cover at least 4 inches above the ingredients. Cook over high heat. When the water boils, reduce to medium-low heat and simmer for 3 hours. Add 1 teaspoon salt, remove from heat and let stand to cool. With a slotted spoon, remove the pork and chicken from the stock. Divide the stock into several smaller, shallow containers and refrigerate for at least 6 hours, or until fat becomes solid on surface of stock. Remove the fat from the stock. Use the stock as soup base, sauces and gravies, or to add flavor to vegetable dishes. Freeze the stock in ice cube trays or small containers and store in the freezer for future use. Frozen stock can be kept in freezer up to 2 months. Try the different recipes using the Supreme Stock on pages 32, 34, 36 and 40. To prevent food borne illness, the stock should be separated into smaller shallow containers and be refrigerated immediately. 22

24 多吃蔬果心得 早餐加水果或不超過 1 杯純果汁 用蔬果做小吃 正餐儘量多吃蔬菜, 可減少飯量 菜餚和飯裡多加蔬菜 用家製上湯煮製蔬菜加添味道, 請試以下的上湯食譜 每餐選兩種或以上不同顏色的蔬菜 用水果作甜品 可用新鮮或冷凍水果, 加入低脂或脫脂牛奶, 放入攪拌機, 攪拌成 奶昔 或果凍作飲品 做三文治加蔬菜如 : 青瓜 蕃茄 甜椒 豆芽 香蕉莓果果昔 材料 : 半隻香蕉, 剝皮 切片 1 杯未加糖的冰凍莓果 ( 草莓 藍莓和 / 或黑莓 ) 半杯 1% 低脂或脫脂奶或嫩豆腐 半杯 100% 橙汁 準備 : 1. 把所有材料放入攪拌器 蓋緊蓋子 2. 拌勻 如果混合物太稠, 可加半杯冷水再拌 3. 倒入 2 個杯中即可 可做 2 份 一份相當於 1 1 /3 杯 準備時間 :5 分鐘 資料來源 :Network for a Healthy California Children s Power Play! Campaign. Kids Get Cookin! ( 健康加州網絡 發揮孩子的力量! 活動 孩子們... 來下廚吧!) 2009 年加州公共衛生部 自製上湯為菜餚添味道 上湯或高湯常用於中式烹飪 : 上湯預先做好, 用作 湯底 或調味的汁料 上湯一般用肉或雞熬 3 小時以上, 濃化肉味 您可自己熬製上湯 ( 這食譜可造 15 杯上湯 ): 在大鍋裡放下 2 磅瘦豬肉 1 隻雞, 下水蓋過材料面上 4 吋 高溫煮沸, 水沸後轉慢火熬 3 小時 下 1 茶匙鹽, 關火待涼 用罩籬把肉料取出, 將上湯分盛在不同的盒子或容器裡, 置冰箱 6 小時後待油脂凝結浮在湯面上, 取出將凝結的油脂撇除 上湯可用來煮湯 做芡汁 肉汁 或給蔬菜調味 把上湯盛在冰盤或小容器裡, 放冰庫裡冰藏以後用 藏在冰庫的上湯可貯存達 2 個月 請試用本書裡各款採用上湯的食譜, 第 33,35,37, 和 41 頁 以防食物中毒, 煮好的上湯應分開盛在盒子或容器裡, 立刻置冰箱裡貯存 23

25 Tips for Physical Activity How much moderate to vigorous physical activity do we need every day? Adults 30 minutes or more to lower the risk of chronic diseases 60 minutes to prevent weight gain in adulthood 90 minutes to sustain weight loss Children and youth 60 minutes or more Moderate activities include: dancing, biking, tai-chi, gymnastics, stretching, light gardening, luk-tung kuen, walking (3.5 mph), yoga Vigorous activities include: aerobic dance, basket ball, brisk walking (4.5 mph), jogging, jumping rope, heavy yard work (chopping wood), swimming Enjoy physical activity every day with family and friends For beginners, start with 10 to 15 minutes of physical activity a day, and gradually work up to 30 minutes a day Schedule a regular time each week for the family to enjoy physical activity together Include physical activity in family vacations Strengthen muscles and improve flexibility by lifting weight, stretching arms and legs, doing push-ups, sit-ups, leg-lifts, and arm-curls Do household chores that include physical activity, such as walking the dog, emptying the garbage, mopping or vacuuming the floors, washing the car, and mowing the lawn Limit the time on TV, video games, and computer to no more than 2 hours a day Bike or walk to work, walk with a co-worker during breaks or after lunch, use the stairs Start a walking group with neighbors, friends and/or relatives 24

26 體力活動心得 我們每天需要多少緩和至劇烈的體力活動? 成年人 - 30 分鐘或以上減少患長期疾病 60 分鐘以防成人增加體重 90 分鐘以減輕體重及保持已減輕的體重 兒童和青少年 - 60 分鐘或以上 緩和體力活動包括 : 騎腳踏車 打太極 柔軟體操 步行 園藝 六通拳劇烈體力活動包括 : 健身舞 打籃球 緩步跑 跳繩 跑步 與親友每天同做體力活動 剛開始時, 每日做 10 至 15 分鐘, 漸漸加至每日 30 分鐘 每星期抽出時間與親人一同做體力活動, 例如 : 散步 在公園玩耍 一家人渡假時多做體力活動 做些強健肌肉及增進身體柔韌性的體力活動, 例如 : 舉重 伸張手臂及腿 掌上壓 做些需用體力的家務, 例如 : 放狗 倒垃圾 清洗地板 吸塵 洗車 及剪草 每天看電視 玩電子遊戲 用電腦的時間儘量不超過 2 小時 走路或騎腳踏車上班, 小休時或午餐後與同事散步, 多走樓梯 與鄰居 朋友 及 / 或親戚組織散步團 25

27 Nutrition tips: The combination of jicama, bell peppers, mushrooms, and fresh soybeans add interesting texture, flavor, color, phytochemicals, and fiber to this recipe. Green bell pepper and button mushrooms can replace red and orange bell pepper and shiitake mushrooms for lower cost. Fresh soybeans are kept in the freezer section of the supermarket. If fresh soybeans are not available, use other dried beans such as chickpeas or navy beans. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 161 Total fat: 2 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 3 mg Sodium: 241 mg Fiber: 4 g Carbohydrates: 26 g Protein: 8 g Rainbow Cups Makes 8 servings (1 serving = 1 cup) Ingredients: 1 orange bell pepper, seeded and diced 1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced 2 cups dried shiitake mushroom, soaked, stems trimmed and diced 1 cup diced jicama 1 cup fresh soybeans ½ teaspoon sesame seed oil 1 teaspoon sugar ¼ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon cornstarch ½ cup water or stock 8 spring roll wrappers (cut into round shape) nonstick vegetable oil spray Instruction: 1. Preheat oven to 325º F 2. Lightly coat large muffin cups with nonfat cooking spray. 3. Place a spring wrap in each muffin cup, and press firmly against the sides; bake in preheated oven until wrappers turn crispy and golden brown, about 1 minute. 4. Heat a large nonstick pan over high heat. Add vegetables and sesame seed oil and sauté until tender-crisp, about 3 to 5 minutes; season with sugar and salt. 5. In a large bowl mix cornstarch and water. Stir to eliminate lumps. Add to vegetables. Remove from heat. 6. Using a small spoon, scoop vegetables into spring roll cups and serve immediately. 7. Store unfilled spring roll cups in an airtight container and use within 3 days. 26

28 彩虹錦繡盒 做 8 份 ( 每份 = 1 杯 ) 用料 : 橙色燈籠椒, 去核切丁紅色燈籠椒, 去核切丁冬菇, 浸軟 去蒂 切丁沙葛, 切丁毛豆麻油糖鹽粟米粉水或上湯春捲皮 ( 修剪成圓形 ) 噴霧式菜油 1 隻 1 隻 2 杯 1 杯 1 杯半茶匙 1 茶匙 ¼ 茶匙 1 湯匙半杯 8 張 做法 : 營養貼士 : 沙葛 燈籠椒 冬菇 和毛豆混合令這食譜增添口感 味道 顏色 植物元素 及纖維素 用青燈籠椒與磨茹價錢比較便宜, 可代替橙紅燈籠椒與冬茹 毛豆存放於超級市場的冰庫裡 若沒有毛豆, 可用其他乾豆如雞豆或腰豆 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :161 脂肪總量 :2 克 飽和脂肪 :0 克 膽固醇 :3 毫克 鈉質 :241 毫克 纖維素 :4 克 碳水化合物 :26 克 蛋白質 :8 克 1. 烤爐先調至 325 度 2. 將大型鬆餅模噴上一層薄噴霧式菜油 3. 每個鬆餅模裡放一張春捲皮, 壓至緊貼鬆餅杯 ; 放烤爐 中烤至春捲皮金黃香脆成盒形, 約 1 分鐘 4. 燒熱大易潔鑊, 下麻油和各蔬菜炒至僅熱, 約 3 至 5 分 鐘 ; 下糖和鹽調味 5. 碗裡放粟米粉與水調勻, 開薄芡加進蔬菜裡, 略伴勻, 取出作餡用 6. 用小匙將餡分盛在盒中供吃 7. 用剩下的脆盒貯存在密封的罐裡, 可存放 3 天 27

29 Apple Carrot Soup Makes 8 servings (1 serving = 1 cup) Ingredients: 1 pound lean pork, cut into chunks 4 apples with skin, cored and quartered 4 large carrots, peeled, cut into chunks 1 piece dried orange peel (optional) 4 slices ginger ½ teaspoon salt 20 cups water Instruction: 1. In a large pot over high heat, combine all ingredients, bring to a boil. 2. Reduce heat to medium and simmer until soup reduces to about 8 cups of liquid, about 3 to 4 hours. 3. Skim fat from surface and serve. 4. Store leftover soup covered in refrigerator for up to 3 days 8. Nutrition tips: Adding fruit to soup enhances the flavor and nutritional value. Studies have shown that people with low intakes of fruits and vegetables experience twice the risk of cancer compared to those with high intakes. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 133 Total fat: 3 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Cholesterol: 35 mg Sodium: 20 mg Fiber: 3 g Carbohydrates: 13 g Protein: 13 g (8) Partnership for Food Safety Education, Chill: Refrigerate Properly and Promptly, accessed 8/23/05 28

30 蘋果胡蘿蔔湯 做 8 份 ( 每份 = 1 杯 ) 用料 : 瘦肉蘋果連皮, 去核 切塊胡蘿蔔, 切塊陳皮 ( 可免 ) 薑鹽水 1 磅 4 個 4 個 1 片 4 片半茶匙 20 杯 做法 : 1. 將所有用料置大鍋中, 大火煮沸 2. 轉中火煮熬 3 至 4 小時, 至剩下 8 杯湯水 3. 撇掉湯裡的油 4. 剩餘的湯蓋好, 貯存在冰箱裡, 可存 3 天 8 營養貼士 : 用水果做湯增加湯的味道和營養 研究顯示少吃蔬果的人患癌危機比多吃蔬果的人高出兩倍 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :133 脂肪總量 :3 克 飽和脂肪 :1 克 膽固醇 :35 毫克 鈉質 :20 毫克 纖維素 :3 克 碳水化合物 :13 克 蛋白質 :13 克 (8) Partnership for Food Safety Education, Chill: Refrigerate Properly and Promptly, accessed 8/23/05 29

31 Chicken Lotus Root Patties Makes 3 servings (1 serving = 2 patties) Ingredients: 6 ounces skinless, boneless chicken breast, minced 3 cups lotus root, chopped or ground 1 teaspoon vegetable or olive oil (or nonstick cooking spray) Marinade: 1 egg white, lightly beaten 2 teaspoons sugar ¼ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon cornstarch ½ teaspoon sesame seed oil Nutrition tips: Lotus root is a crunchy and nutritious vegetable that can be used to stretch a meat recipe and add fiber and vitamins at the same time! Lotus root is also a good source of thiamin and riboflavin, in addition to vitamin C and potassium (9). Instruction: 1. In a large bowl, combine marinade ingredients, whisk or stir. Add minced chicken, stir to coat. 2. Add ground lotus root and mix well. 3. Form chicken-lotus root mixture into 6 patties, each about 2 inches in diameter. 4. Heat a nonstick pan over medium heat, add 1 teaspoon oil, swirling to coat pan; or spray pan with non stick cooking spray. 5. Pan-fry patties on both sides until cooked and browned, about 5 minutes on each side, and serve. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 243 Total fat: 3 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 33 mg Sodium: 322 mg Fiber: 9 g Carbohydrates: 36 g Protein: 20 g (9) USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, accessed 8/22/05 30

32 雞肉蓮藕餅 做 3 份 ( 每份 = 2 個藕餅 ) 用料 : 去皮雞胸肉, 剁茸蓮藕, 磨茸菜油或橄欖油 ( 或噴霧式食油 ) 醃料蛋白, 略撥糖鹽粟米粉芝麻油 6 安士 3 杯 1 茶匙 1 個 2 茶匙 ¼ 茶匙 1 湯匙半茶匙 做法 : 營養貼士 : 蓮藕是脆口又有營養的蔬菜, 與肉類混合能令菜式增添纖維素和維他命 除了維他命 C 和鉀質, 蓮藕也含豐富硫胺素和核黃素, 即維他命 B 1 B 所有醃料置一大湯碗裡, 略拌 將雞茸加進醃料中拌勻 2. 加入蓮藕茸拌勻 3. 將蓮藕雞茸揉成 6 個 2 吋直徑的肉餅 4. 中火將易潔鑊燒熱, 下 1 茶匙油, 旋勻鑊面 ; 或用噴霧式 食油噴勻鑊面 5. 肉餅下鑊裡, 煎至兩面熟透呈金黃色, 大約每面五分鐘, 即可供吃 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :243 脂肪總量 :3 克 飽和脂肪 :0 克 膽固醇 :33 毫克 鈉質 :322 毫克 纖維素 :9 克 碳水化合物 :36 克 蛋白質 :20 克 (9) USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, accessed 8/22/05 31

33 Frozen Tofu in Supreme Stock Makes 4 servings (1 serving = 4 slices each of tofu & ham and 1 2 cup cooked broccoli) Ingredients: 4 pieces 2 inches x 2 inches firm tofu (frozen overnight or 8 hours ahead of time) 16 slices of ham, extra lean, 2 inches x 2 inches (approximately 5 oz total weight) 6 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked, stems removed 1 cup homemade supreme stock (see pg. 22), or low sodium chicken broth 2 cups broccoli florets 4 cups water (to boil the broccoli) Sauce 2 teaspoons cornstarch 1½ teaspoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoon sesame seed oil a pinch of white pepper Nutrition tips: Freezing the tofu produces a spongy and meaty texture. Stock can enhance the flavor of vegetables and low fat dishes (refer to page 22 for direction on making stock). For tofu, different brands may have different levels of calcium. Read the nutrition label to choose products with more calcium. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 183 Total fat: 8 g Saturated Fat: 2 g Cholesterol: 18 mg Sodium: 567 mg Fiber: 2 g Carbohydrates: 13 g Protein: 18 g Instruction: 1. Defrost frozen tofu under running tap water, squeeze out excess water. Cut each tofu square into 4 pieces, ½ inch thick for a total of 16 slices. 2. In a large bowl, arrange tofu and ham in an overlapping pattern around the side of the bowl. Place mushrooms in the center, and pour in the stock. 3. In a large pot or a wok, bring water to a boil. Put a steamer rack above the water, place the bowl with tofu, ham and mushrooms on the rack. Cover the pot and steam over high heat for 20 minutes, then remove from heat. 4. Drain the stock from the bowl into a medium sized saucepan. Cook the stock over medium heat, add the sauce ingredients and stir constantly to make light gravy. 5. Cover the bowl of steamed tofu with a large plate, invert bowl onto plate, and remove the bowl. 6. In a medium sized pot over high heat, bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Place steamer rack into pot. Add broccoli, cover and steam over medium heat for 4-5 minutes. 7. Garnish the tofu and ham arrangement with broccoli, pour gravy on top and serve. 32

34 上湯冰豆腐 做 4 份 ( 每份 = 豆腐 火腿各 4 片, 熟西蘭花半杯 ) 用料 : 硬豆腐,2 吋 X2 吋 4 塊 ( 硬豆腐先冰凍過夜或冰凍 8 小時 ) 特瘦火腿,2 吋 X2 吋 ( 總重量 5 安士 ) 16 片 冬菇, 浸軟 去蒂 6 隻 家製上湯 ( 見 23 頁 ) 或低鹽雞湯 1 杯 西蘭花 ( 綠菜花 ) 2 杯 水 ( 灼西蘭花用 ) 4 杯 芡汁粟米粉醬油糖芝麻油白胡椒粉 2 茶匙 1 茶匙半 1 茶匙半茶匙少許 做法 : 營養貼士 : 冰凍過的豆腐似肉類而且有彈性 有口感 上湯能給蔬菜和低脂肪的菜肴增添味道 ( 自製上湯請參見第 23 頁 ) 不同牌子的豆腐鈣質含量有別, 注意看食品標籤, 選擇比較高鈣質含量的產品 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :183 脂肪總量 :8 克 飽和脂肪 :2 克 膽固醇 :18 毫克 鈉質 :567 毫克 纖維素 :2 克 碳水化合物 :13 克 蛋白質 :18 克 1. 冰凍豆腐用水沖洗解凍, 擠乾水份 每塊切成 4 片, 每片 半吋厚, 共 16 片 2. 在一半碗內將豆腐 火腿沿碗邊間隔排放 中間放置冬茹, 灌注上湯進碗內 3. 大鍋裡將水燒沸, 置一蒸架在內, 盛豆腐 火腿和冬茹的 碗放架上, 蓋上鍋蓋大火蒸 20 分鐘後關火取出 4. 將上湯汁泌出, 放鍋中, 加芡汁料, 中火拌勻勾薄芡 5. 用一大碟蓋著盛豆腐的碗, 將碗反扣取去, 材料置碟中待用 6. 用鍋燒沸 4 杯水, 置蒸架在內, 放入西蘭花中火蒸 4 至 5 分鐘 7. 把西蘭花圍豆腐火腿圈伴碟, 澆上薄芡即可供吃 33

35 Pea Shoots in Supreme Stock Makes 4 servings (1 serving = ½ cup) Ingredients: 1 teaspoon vegetable or olive oil ½ teaspoon minced ginger 1 pound pea shoots 2 teaspoons cooking wine a pinch of sugar ¼ teaspoon salt ½ cup supreme stock or low sodium chicken broth 1 teaspoon cornstarch 1 red chili pepper, chopped for garnish (optional) Nutrition tips: Pea shoots are sweet, tender, and high in fiber. Using stock enhances the flavor of pea shoots. If pea shoots are not available, substitute with spinach or any tender green vegetable. Instruction: 1. Heat a nonstick wok or pan over high heat. Add oil, swirling to coat sides. 2. Add ginger. Stir until fragrant. Add pea shoots, wine, and sugar. Stir-fry until cooked but still bright green and crisp, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove to a serving plate. 3. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, add cornstarch, salt and stock, and stir constantly. Cook for about 1 minute or until hot to make a thin sauce. 4. Pour sauce over pea shoots and garnish with red pepper. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 58 Total fat: 3 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 180 mg Fiber: 2 g Carbohydrates: 8 g Protein: 5 g 34

36 上湯豆苗 做 4 份 ( 每份 = 半杯 ) 用料 : 菜油或橄欖油薑茸豆苗酒糖鹽上湯 ( 高湯 ) 或低鹽雞湯粟米粉紅辣椒, 切碎伴碟用 ( 可免 ) 1 茶匙半茶匙 1 磅 2 茶匙少許 ¼ 茶匙半杯 1 茶匙 1 隻 做法 : 營養貼士 : 豆苗鮮嫩, 含有大量纖維質 用上湯增添豆苗的鮮甜味 若沒有豆苗, 可用菠菜或其他青菜嫩葉代替 1. 高溫熱易潔鑊 下油, 旋勻鑊面 2. 下薑茸, 炒香, 下豆苗 酒和糖, 一起炒至豆苗僅熱, 約 3 至 5 分鐘 將豆苗放碟上 3. 把粟米粉 鹽和上湯調勻, 在鍋內用中火攪拌和勾薄芡, 約 1 分鐘 4. 把芡汁澆在豆苗上, 洒上紅辣椒裝飾即可供吃 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :58 脂肪總量 :3 克 飽和脂肪 :0 克 膽固醇 :0 毫克 鈉質 :180 毫克 纖維素 :2 克 碳水化合物 :8 克 蛋白質 :5 克 35

37 Nutrition tips: Chinese Broccoli with Wine and Sugar Stir-frying leafy green vegetables quickly helps to keep some of vitamins and color. Steaming is also a great way to maintain nutrient content and flavor of vegetables. Ginger, wine and sugar combined, make a great seasoning to help bring out the flavor of these leafy greens. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 77 Total fat: 2 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 371 mg Fiber: 2 g Carbohydrates: 13 g Protein: 4 g Makes 4 servings (1 serving = ¾ cup) Ingredients: 1 pound Chinese broccoli 1 teaspoon vegetable or olive oil ½ teaspoon minced ginger 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon cooking wine ½ cup supreme stock or low sodium chicken broth ½ teaspoon salt Instruction: 1. Separate Chinese broccoli stems from leaves, and cut stems into 2-inch sections. 2. Over medium to high heat, heat a large nonstick pan, add oil and swirl to coat sides of the pan. 3. Add stems into the pan first, sauté for a few seconds, and then add Chinese broccoli leaves. 4. Add ginger, sugar, and wine. Continue to stir-fry. 5. Add stock, cover pan and let Chinese broccoli cook until tender but crisp and bright green, about 1 minute. 6. Add salt, mix well and serve. 36

38 糖酒芥蘭 做 4 份 ( 每份 = ¾ 杯 ) 用料 : 芥蘭菜油或橄欖油薑茸糖酒上湯或低鹽雞湯鹽 1 磅 1 茶匙半茶匙 1 茶匙 1 湯匙半杯半茶匙 做法 : 1. 將芥蘭葉與莖分開, 切成 2 吋小段 2. 高溫燒熱易潔鑊, 下油, 旋勻鑊面 3. 先放芥蘭莖進鑊, 略炒, 再下芥蘭葉炒 4. 加薑茸 糖 和酒, 同炒 5. 放上湯, 加蓋, 焗 ( 烚 )1 分鐘至芥蘭熟而青脆 6. 加鹽炒拌均勻, 即可供吃 營養貼士 : 炒青菜能保留其中一些維他命和顏色 蒸的方法也可以保留營養素和味道 薑 酒和糖混合做調味能突出芥蘭獨有的味道 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :77 脂肪總量 :2 克 飽和脂肪 :0 克 膽固醇 :0 毫克 鈉質 :371 毫克 纖維素 :2 克 碳水化合物 :13 克 蛋白質 :4 克 37

39 Baked French Fries Makes 4 servings (1 serving = 1 cup) Ingredients: 5 potatoes cut into ¾ inch wide strips 1 tablespoon garlic powder Vegetable oil spray Instruction: 1. Preheat oven to 400º F. 2. Place potato strips in a large bowl and sprinkle with garlic powder. 3. Coat a baking pan with vegetable oil spray. 4. Put one layer of potato strips on baking pan, place in oven and bake for 40 to 50 minutes, turning about every 8 minutes, until potato strips become crisp and golden. Nutrition tips: Because the potatoes are baked, these French Fries contain less than one gram of fat per cup versus regular fries, which contain 15 grams of fat per cup; that is a saving of 3 teaspoons of added oil. Purple yams can be used for additional health benefits. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 212 Total fat: trace Saturated Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 0 mg Sodium: 17 mg Fiber: 7 g Carbohydrates: 48 g Protein: 5 g 38

40 烤薯條 做 4 份 ( 每份 = 1 杯 ) 用料 : 馬鈴薯 ( 薯仔 ) 切成 ¾ 吋闊條狀蒜粉噴霧式菜油 5 個 1 湯匙 做法 : 1. 烤爐 ( 焗爐 ) 先調至 400 度 2. 將薯條與蒜粉放大碗中, 拌勻 3. 用噴霧式菜油噴勻烤盆 4. 將薯絛平攤擺在烤盆上, 放烤爐中焗 40 至 45 分鐘, 或至薯條熟脆即可供吃, 烤焗期間每 8 分鐘把薯條翻轉一次 營養貼士 : 每杯焗薯絛的脂肪含量少過 1 克 每杯炸薯條有 15 克脂肪, 用焗的方法可省去 3 茶匙油 可用紫薯以增加對健康的好處 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :212 脂肪總量 : 微量 飽和脂肪 :0 克 膽固醇 :0 毫克 鈉質 :17 毫克 纖維素 :7 克 碳水化合物 :48 克 蛋白質 :5 克 39

41 Vegetable and Chicken Dumplings Makes 10 servings (1 serving = 6 dumplings) Ingredients: 60 thin wonton wrappers 2 pounds Chinese broccoli or 1½ pounds tender greens Filling ½ pound skinless, boneless chicken breast, finely chopped 1 cup finely chopped bok choy leaves ½ cup finely chopped jicama or bok choy stalks 4 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked, stems removed, and chopped ½ cup black fungus, soaked and chopped (optional) 1 teaspoon sesame seed oil ½ teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons cornstarch 1 egg white Nutrition tips: Unlike the traditional recipe, which is mostly meat filling, the combination of vegetables and chicken not only adds vitamins and fiber but also reduces the fat in this recipe. Add bok choy or Napa cabbage to the wonton filling to provide texture, vitamins and fiber. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 228 Total fat: 2 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Cholesterol: 19 mg Sodium: 457 mg Fiber: 3 g Carbohydrates: 42 g Protein: 15 g Instruction: 1. In a large bowl, combine filling ingredients, and mix well. 2. To make each dumpling, place 1 teaspoon filling in a wonton skin, fold in half, pinch edges to seal the dumpling. Repeat with remaining filling and wonton skins. 3. In a large pot bring 10 cups of water to boil, add dumplings and cook until dumplings float to the water surface, about 7 to 8 minutes. Remove dumplings from water, set aside. 4. Cook the Chinese broccoli in the boiling water until tender but crisp, about 10 minutes, remove from water. 5. For one serving, place 6 dumplings and ½ cup of the cooked broccoli in a small bowl and serve. Suggestions: Dumplings can be served in supreme stock or chicken broth and leafy green vegetable, garnish with carrots and string beans. Uncooked dumplings can be frozen for later use. Cook frozen dumplings in boiling water, thawing before cooking is not necessary. 40

42 鮮蔬雞肉水餃 做 10 份 ( 每份 = 6 隻水餃 ) 用料 : 薄雲吞皮芥蘭 ( 或油菜心 1½ 磅 ) 餡料去皮去骨雞胸肉, 剁茸小白菜葉, 切碎沙葛或白菜梗, 切碎冬菇, 泡軟 去蒂 切丁黑木耳或雲耳, 泡軟 切碎 ( 可免 ) 芝麻油鹽粟米粉蛋白 60 張 2 磅半磅 1 杯半杯 4 隻半杯 1 茶匙半茶匙 3 湯匙 1 個 營養貼士 : 傳統的餃子餡主要是肉, 這食譜加蔬菜進雞肉餡裡, 不但增添維他命與纖維質, 亦減少了用油量 餃子餡可加大白菜或小白菜, 都能增多口感 維他命 與纖維質 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :228 脂肪總量 :2 克 飽和脂肪 :0 克 膽固醇 :19 毫克 鈉質 :457 毫克 纖維素 :3 克 碳水化合物 :42 克 蛋白質 :15 克 做法 : 1. 將所有餡料放大碗中拌勻 2. 每張雲吞皮放 1 小匙餡料後, 摺疊揑緊, 成餃子 共做 60 隻餃子 3. 大鍋裡燒沸 10 杯水, 下餃子, 煮至餃子浮出水面, 約 7 至 8 分鐘, 取出待用 4. 把芥蘭放沸水中灼至熟而脆, 約 10 分鐘, 取出 5. 將 6 隻餃子配半杯芥蘭放小碗裡供吃 提議 : 餃子可配上湯或雞湯 青菜, 飾以胡蘿蔔和青豆供吃 包好的餃子可冰凍留後用, 煮時不須解凍, 可直接放沸水中煮熟 41

43 Five Happiness Fried Noodles Makes 5 servings (1 serving = 1½ cup) Ingredients: 10 cups of water 1 pound egg noodles 1 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil, divided 3 cups bean sprout 1 cup bamboo shoots, julienned (sliced thinly in strips) ½ cup shredded carrots ½ cup dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked, stems removed, and julienned 2 green onions, julienned ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon soy sauce Nutrition tips: The different vegetables used in this recipe bring in different colors, antioxidants and health benefits. The large amount of vegetables in this recipe adds vitamins, fiber, color and texture to the noodle. The vegetables also add moisture, which means less oil is needed. The term julienne means thin strips. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 425 Total fat: 6 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Cholesterol: 1 mg Sodium: 445 mg Fiber: 6 g Carbohydrates: 77 g Protein: 16 g Instruction: 1. In a large pot on high heat, bring 10 cups of water to boil. Cook noodles in boiling water until tender or al-dente, approximately 5-7 minutes, drain and set aside. 2. Heat a nonstick wok or pan over high heat. Add ½ tablespoon oil, swirling to coat the pan, add noodles and pan-fry until noodles are golden, about 7 to 10 minutes. Remove noodles from wok. 3. Add remaining ½ tablespoon oil to wok, add vegetables, and stir-fry until just cooked, about 5 to 7 minutes. 4. Return noodles to the wok, add salt, sugar and soy sauce. Stir to combine and serve. 42

44 五福炒麵 做 5 份 ( 每份 = 1 杯半 ) 用料 : 水鮮蛋麵菜油或橄欖油, 分開用豆芽菜竹筍, 切絲胡蘿蔔, 切絲冬菇, 泡軟 去蒂 切絲蔥, 切絲鹽糖醬油 10 杯 1 磅 1 湯匙 3 杯 1 杯半杯半杯 2 絛半茶匙 1 茶匙 1 湯匙 做法 : 營養貼士 : 食譜採用不同的蔬菜, 給予不同的顏色 抗氧化素, 為健康提供利益 食譜裡大量蔬菜給炒麵增添維他命 纖維素 顏色與質感 蔬菜亦加添水份, 因此可減少用油量 蔬菜切絲或切細條都可以 1. 大鍋燒沸 10 杯水, 放麵進內燙, 麵要保持爽口, 約 5 至 7 分鐘, 撈起瀝乾留後用 2. 易潔鑊裡燒熱半湯匙油, 將油旋勻鑊面, 下麵煎炒至呈 金黃色, 約 7 至 10 分鐘, 取出待用 3. 將剩餘的半湯匙油和蔬菜下鑊炒熟, 約 5 至 7 分鐘 4. 加入麵拌勻, 下鹽 糖 和醬油調味, 盛起供吃 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :425 脂肪總量 :6 克 飽和脂肪 :1 克 膽固醇 :1 毫克 鈉質 :445 毫克 纖維素 :6 克 碳水化合物 :77 克 蛋白質 :16 克 43

45 Apple Chunk Cake Makes 12 servings (1 serving = 1 piece 1½ x 2 ) Ingredients: 1¼ cups sugar ¼ cup vegetable oil 2 eggs 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda 4 cups diced apple chunks ¼ cup applesauce 2 cups sliced apple to place on cake top Nutrition tips: As a rule, half of the amount of fat in a dessert recipe can be replaced with applesauce or a puree of another fruit, such as prune puree. The result is a very moist, low-fat cake enhanced by the flavor of fresh and nutritious apples. The amount of sugar in this recipe has been reduced by one third, as compared to the original recipe. Use vegetable oil spray to prevent the cake from sticking to the pan. Instruction: 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. In a large bowl, mix sugar, oil and eggs together. Beat well. 3. In a separate bowl, combine flour, salt, cinnamon, and baking soda. Add to egg batter and mix well. 4. Add apple chunks and applesauce to the batter. Stir to combine. 5. Coat a baking pan with vegetable oil spray, and pour in batter. Bake until done, about 1 hour. 6. Place apple slices on top of apple cake and serve. Nutrition information per serving: Calories: 239 Total fat: 5 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Cholesterol: 35 mg Sodium: 308 mg Fiber: 1 g Carbohydrates: 44 g Protein: 3 g 44

46 蘋果蛋糕 做 12 份 ( 每份 = 1 片, 每片 1 吋半 x2 吋 ) 用料 : 糖菜油蛋麵粉鹽玉桂粉梳打粉蘋果, 切粒蘋果醬蘋果, 切塊 ( 裝飾糕面 ) 噴霧式菜油 1¼ 杯 ¼ 杯 2 隻 2 杯 1 茶匙 1 茶匙 1 茶匙 4 杯 ¼ 杯 2 杯 做法 : 營養貼士 : 做甜點時, 可用蘋果醬或其他果茸如西梅醬代替一半油量, 甜點或蛋糕同樣香滑, 好味道又較多營養素 與原本的食譜比較, 這個食譜的糖減少了三分之一 用噴霧式菜油噴在烤盆上以防蛋糕貼盆底 1. 烤爐先調至 350 度 2. 大碗裡將糖 油 和蛋一起拌勻 3. 另一大碗裡將麵粉 鹽 玉桂粉 和梳打粉混合, 加入蛋 糊裡拌勻 4. 再將蘋果粒和蘋果醬加入拌勻 5. 用噴霧式菜油噴勻烤盆, 把蛋糊倒入, 放烤爐焗至金黃熟 透, 約 1 小時 6. 取出蛋糕, 把蘋果塊擺放在蛋糕面作裝飾 每份營養含量 : 熱量 :239 脂肪總量 :6 克 飽和脂肪 :1 克 膽固醇 :35 毫克 鈉質 :308 毫克 纖維素 :1 克 碳水化合物 :44 克 蛋白質 :3 克 45

47 Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following dedicated individuals and community partners for their valuable contributions: Network for a Healthy California Chinese Project partners who assisted in the reviewing and/or field-testing: May Fong, RD, MPH, Chair of Consumer Education Department, City College of San Francisco Sok Leng Ho, BS, RD, Nutrition Consultant, Kai Ming Headstart Program Elizabeth Lam, BS, RD, Health Programs Manager, American Cancer Society, San Francisco Unit Kari Lee, Interim Executive Director, YMCA, San Francisco Donna Lew, American Heart Association, San Francisco Yvonne Liang, RD, MS, Nutritionist, Chinese Community Health Resource Center Magdalene Louie, RD, MPH, WIC Program Coordinator, San Francisco Gloria Tan, Director, Asian Women s Resource Center Lucy Tao, Asian Women s Resource Center Diana Wong, MA, Chinatown Child Development Center Esther Wong, BS, RD, Nutritionist, Self Help for the Elderly Wanda Wong, Instructor, Senior Civic Education Class, Self Help for the Elderly Helen Yuen, Director of the Department of Nutrition & Senior Centers, Self Help for the Elderly Wu Yee Children s Services Other Reviewers: Desiree Backman, DrPH, MS, RD, Network for a Healthy California Laura Brainin-Rodriguez, MPH, MS, RD, Coordinator, Feeling Good Project, San Francisco Department of Public Health Edward Chow, MD, San Francisco Health Commissioner, Executive Director, Chinese Community Health Care Association Alexander Li, MD, Center Director and Medical Director, Chinatown Public Health Center, San Francisco Dept. of Public Health Jackie Richardson, RD, MBA, Program Manager, Network for a Healthy California Photographer: Rosa To Translator: Grace Lam Yee Typesetters: Herman Ma & Grace Lam Yee Food Stylists: Stephanie Jan & Rosa To Chef: James Liou Recipes Contributors: Martin Yan, Chef Hing Moon Ching Design & Layout: Creative Services, Reproduction & Mail Services, City and County of San Francisco Physical Activity Photo Models: Nicole Chang, Kalyn Chang, William Hao, Chu Shing Lau, Kwok Ying Wong Lau, Master Shu Dong Li, and Michelle Lo I would like to thank Grace Lam Yee who wrote this booklet with me, nutritionist Sylvia Lau for her assistance in this project, and Martin Yan for allowing the reprint of recipes from Healthy & Delicious Simple Ways to Low Fat Chinese Cooking. I would especially like to thank Madeline Ritchie, Former Center Director, Chinatown Public Health Center, Maria LeClair, Director of Nutrition Services, Laura Brainin-Rodriguez, Coordinator of the Feeling Good Project of the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Jackie Richardson and Monica Perez, Program Managers, Network for a Healthy California, for their guidance and support in this project. Finally, we have to thank you, our readers, for the opportunity to share our new way of using fruits and vegetables in cooking and eating to improve health, and of being active. Catherine Wong, RD, MPH Network for a Healthy California Chinese Project Project Coordinator Chinatown Public Health Center, San Francisco Department of Public Health 46

48 致謝 本人誠意向以下各人及各機構代表敬謝諸般支持與協助 : 健康加州網絡 華人計劃的各同盟機構協助評議與測試這本食譜 : 三藩市市立大學消費者教育部主任 註冊營養師 公共衛生營養碩士 May Fong 啟明啟蒙班營養頧問 營養學士 註冊營養師何淑玲美國癌症協會防癌教育經理 營養學士 註冊營養師林慈明三藩市男青年會執行主席 Kari Lee 美國心臟協會三藩市辦事處亞裔服務計劃主任劉美群華人社區健康資源中心註冊營養師 營養學碩士梁丘伊文三藩市婦孺營養輔助計劃主任 註冊營養師 公共衛生營養碩士 Magdalene Louie 亞洲婦女服務中心主席陳榮光亞洲婦女服務中心教師陶倫健華埠兒童培育中心心理學碩士黃麗娥安老自助處註冊營養師 營養學士 Esther Wong 安老自助處耆英公民課程教師 Wanda Wong 安老自助處營養部及耆英中心主任阮劉凱寧護兒兒童服務 其他協助評議人士 : Network for a Healthy California( 健康加州網絡 ) 計劃經理 註冊營養師 碩士 公共衛生博士 Desiree Backman 三藩市公共衛生署 Feeling Good 計劃主任 公共衛生營養碩士 營養學碩士 註冊營養師 Laura Brainin-Rodriguez 三藩市健康委員 華美醫師協會行政總監周兆年醫生三藩市公共衛生署華埠公共衛生局局長 醫務主任 醫學博士李友恪 Network for a Healthy California( 健康加州網絡 ) 計劃經理 註冊營養師 經商管理碩士 Jackie Richardson 攝影 : 陶慧賢... 翻譯 : 余林圓圓.. 排字 : 馬文浩 余林圓圓.. 食物設計 :Stephanie Jan 陶慧賢廚師 :James Liou.. 食譜 : 甄文達 程慶滿設計排版 : 三藩市市政府美術 印刷 郵遞服務部體力活動示範模特兒 : 張文恩 張說恩 William Hao 劉柱成 劉黃幗英 Shu Dong Li 師傳 羅潔恩 本人感謝余林圓圓與我撰稿, 營養師劉小穎給予支持, 甄文達慷慨允准選用 營養美食 - 低脂防食譜 的食譜 本人特別感激華埠公共衛生局前任局長 Madeline Ritchie, 三藩市公共衛生署營養部主席 Maria LeClair, 三藩市公共衛生署 Feeling Good 計劃主任 Laura Brainin- Rodriguez, 及 Network for a Healthy California( 健康加州網絡 ) 計劃經理 Jackie Richardson 和 Monica Perez 對這計劃的引導和支持 最後, 本人要感謝各位讀者賜予機會向您們分享心得, 享用蔬果, 改善體康和增加活力 三藩市公共衛生署, 華埠公共衛生局健康加州網絡 - 華人計劃統籌註冊營養師公共衛生營養碩士黃嘉慧 47

49 食譜擇自註冊營養師 公共衛生營養碩士黃嘉慧與食物學碩士甄文達聯合著作的 營養美食 - 低脂肪食譜 甄文達是聞名國際的中式與亞洲廚藝大師,1978 始主持全球廣播的 甄能煮 電視烹飪節目 甄師傳亦著作了 25 本暢銷的食譜, 榮獲無數國內和國際獎項和榮銜 甄師傳十分注重改善社區大眾的營養 黃嘉慧現任三藩市衛生署華埠公共衛生局營養主任 她擅長向華人推動營養健康教育, 曾應聯合國邀請到中國培訓各省的醫生與營養師, 並曾任美國國家癌症學院顧問 黃嘉慧多次獲各獎項包括美國營養協會頒贈之 傑出青年營養師 獎銜, 和美國心臟協會的銀獎 本書由華埠公共衛生局 (Chinatown Public Health Center) 三藩市公共衛生署 加州公共衛生部 健康加州網絡 (Network for a Healthy California) 和美國農業部營養補充援助計劃 (USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)( 前食品券計劃 Food Stamp Program) 資助 這些機構是公平機會提供者和僱主 在加州, 食物券為低收入家庭提供援助, 並可幫助購買促進健康的營養食品 如需更多資訊, 請聯絡三藩市食品券計劃, 電話 : 有關加州食品券計劃詳情, 請致電 如有興趣了解更多重要營養資訊, 請瀏覽 Recipes are used with permission from Healthy & Delicious Simple Ways to Low Fat Chinese Cooking by Catherine Wong, RD, MPH, and Martin Yan, MS. Martin Yan is an internationally acclaimed culinary expert in Chinese and Asian cuisines. He has been the host of Yan Can Cook, the worldwide syndicated cooking program since Chef Yan is the author of 25 best-selling cookbooks and has received numerous national and international honors and awards. He is committed to improving the nutritional wellbeing of the community. Catherine Wong specializes in wellness programs for the Chinese, and currently works for the San Francisco Department of Public Health Chinatown Public Health Center as the Nutrition Manager. She was invited by the United Nations FAO to train doctors and health providers in the Nutrition Manpower Development Program for the People s Republic of China, and has consulted with National Cancer Institute. Catherine has received numerous awards including the prestigious Young Dietitian of the Year award from the American Dietetics Association, and the Silver Award from the American Heart Association. This material was funded by Chinatown Public Health Center, San Francisco Department of Public Health, the California Department of Public Health, Network for a Healthy California, and the USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly Food Stamp Program). These institutions are equal opportunity providers and employers. In California, food stamps provide assistance to low-income households, and can help buy nuturitious foods for better health. To find out more, contact the San Francisco Food Stamp Program For California Food Stamp information, call For important nutrition information, visit COOK-224/Rev. 07/09

在著所有美味的背後, 是我們擁有兩名超過 30 年烹飪經驗的粵菜大廚以及後廚超過 30 人的團隊一起合作, 給您帶來真正海鮮粵菜藝術

在著所有美味的背後, 是我們擁有兩名超過 30 年烹飪經驗的粵菜大廚以及後廚超過 30 人的團隊一起合作, 給您帶來真正海鮮粵菜藝術 最完美的食材要用最完美的態度與技術去對待, 正是我們漁膳房的大廚們所奉行的原則 料理對我們來說, 不單單隻是把食物做到美味, 更是一門精深的學問和藝術 從處理食材 烹飪到擺盤, 我們們都追求盡善盡美 除了調製出最美味的 符合華人飲食習慣的口味, 我們更是注重不破壞食材本身的美味之處, 並讓人從食中感悟養生之道 我們注重菜品的多樣化, 從早茶點心 午餐套餐到正餐, 應有盡有, 隻為了滿足消費者們不同的飲食需求

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