Trainer s Guide for Tea small grower training

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1 Trainer s Guide for Tea small grower training

2 Table of content Module Soil management Preparation prior to the training... Page no. Program of the day... Materials to bring... Activity Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Introduction... Group observation and discussion... Photo presentation... Weed identification exercise Activity 5 Shade trees discussion... Activity 6 Poster distribution... 0 Activity 7 Feedback from the participants... Module 2 Pest management Page no. Preparation prior to the training... 2 Program of the day... Materials to bring Activity Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Introduction... Pest identification exercise... Story-telling... Predator identification exercise Activity 5 Group discussion... Activity 6 Poster distribution Activity 7 Feedback from the participants... 20

3 Module Soil management Preparation prior to the training Visit several farms in advance to select one where you will conduct the training. Select a farm based on the following criteria. Choose a farm where you can observe various evidences of soil erosion, as they serve as the starting point of the discussion of the day. The farm should have enough open space somewhere on the premise whereby the trainer and the participants can gather and discuss. The farm should be located at a place where the participants can easily reach, and should not be too away from the participants homes. Talk with the farm owner in advance so that he/she agrees to receive the participants on the day of training at his/her farm, and inform the farm owner in advance that the trainer and the participants will be discussing about the problems of soil erosion that can be observed in the farm. Program of the day Activity Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Topics Introduction of the trainer and the objectives of the training Observation of the soil condition of the farm and discussion of the findings Presentation with the photos on the good practices of soil management Weed identification exercise Observation of shade trees and discussion of their benefits Distribution of the poster and recap of the day using the poster Duration 5 minutes 45 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes Activity 7 Feedback from the participants 5 minutes Materials to bring Photo package for the soil management module Poster Soil Life Transformation, enough quantity to give one to each participant

4 Activity Introduction mqyqkqj mj;ajk ia:dkh myiqfjka f;a bvula ksrsëkh l, yels ia:dkhla jkafka kï iqÿiqh' yels ieu wjia:djlosu mqyqkq jkakka fë;%hg ref.k hkak. (The venue should be a place to observe a tea field) f;a j.dfõ moku ksfrda.s yd idrj;a mils, th ;sridr N+ñ l,ukdlrkfha jeo.;au wx.hls. ;sridr mdxy= l,ukdlrkh f.dúfmdf,a mrsirh, c, uq,dy% iy ffcj úúo;ajh mj;ajd.k hdug Woõ lrñka f;a j.dfõ M,odhS;djh kxjd,hs. wo idlépd lrk my; i yka lrekq ish,a, mdxy= l,ukdlrkh yd iïnkao nj fmkajd fokak. mi fidaodhdu mi ;o ùu mfia ldnksl ;;ajh j,a l,ukdlrkh Mulching Cover crops Shade trees Climate change resilience Activity 2 Group observation and discussion Tmqyqkqjkakk a fë;%fha mia ia:dk ksrsëkhg fhdojkak. mi ia:dkhla yuqjq miq tu ia:dkh ksrsëkh lrñka my; i yka m%yak wikak fuys isÿù we;af;a l=ulao? (Wod-mi fidaodhu ksid ldkq bjqr lvdjegu) fufia ùug fya;= fudkjdo? (Wod-wêl j,akdyl fhosu) fufia mej;=fkd;a isÿjkafka l=ulao? (Wod-f;a m r ldkqjg lvd jeàu) fuh j,lajd.kafka flfiao? (Wod-lkq bjqrg yrs;wdjrkhla fhosu) jeo.;a m%yakh fhduqlr W;a;rh mqyqkqjkakf.kau,nd.kak W;a;rh úia;r fldg m%yakh fkdwikak. 2

5 mqyqkqjkakka my; i yka mi ia:dk ksrsëkh lrkq we; Drldkq lvd jeàu 2 Ewêl j,a kdyl Ndú;fhka mi ksrdjrkh ùu. 3 fiaoshk mia j,ska ldkq f.dvùu fuu ;;ajh mj;ajd.k hefuka mia ldkqjg fiaos hdfuka w.kd u;=msg mi wysñfõ. u;=msg mi fidaod hdfuka f;a bvfï M,odhS;djh yskfõ. bjqf¾ we;s f;a.ia.e,ú hhs. ldkqj miska msrsfuka tys wjyh;djh ke;sj hkq we;. 4 ldkq bjqr yrs; wdjrkhlska wdrëd lr.; hq;=h. yrs; wdjrkfha uq,a moao;sh mi fiaos hdfuka wdrëd lrhs. bjqre wjyh uügulg l,ukdlrkh lr.; yel. fijk.ia yd f;a m re j,ska.s,sfyk fld," lmk,o j,a me,eá, wdos ish,a, osrdm;a ùug mi u;=msg fhosfuka mi wdrëd lr.; yel. miaj,ska ldkqj f.dvù we;. mi u;=msg fhÿ yrs; wdjrk ldkqjg fidaod hdu. 3 2

6 bjqre fidaod hdfuka f;a m re j, uqq,a ksrdjrkh ùu 2 jeäfhka j,akdyl fhosfuka mi jeiaig yd iq,õg fidaod.k hdu. 3 l%u l%ufhka mi fidaod.k hdu kdh hdu olajd j¾okh úh yel. 4 bjqrej,g j,akdyl fkdfhdod yrs; wdjrkhlska md,kh lrkak. w ; isgjq f;a bvul my; i yka o¾yk oelsh yelsjkq we;. 2 mi ksrdjrkhù we; mi fidaod hdfuka yd ;o.;sfhka hqla;h. wêl j,a kdyl fhosfuka mi ksrdjrkhù we;. 3 w ;ska isgjq fka bvul mi ksrdjrkh ù we;súg úf,damlhskag wdydrh i yd j,a me,eá fkdue;s neúka Tjqka m,sfndaolhska njg m;afõ. Tjqka w ;a f;a o wdydrhg.ks. fuh f;a.fia jeãug n,mdhs. 3 f;a me, l=vd wjosfha fma,s w;r lõms uqxweg fidahd jeks rks, fnda.hla j.d lsrsfuka,, 4

7 chdrem fmka ùu mqyqkqjkakka újd; ia:dkhl ljdldrj isg.eksug i,iajd mia ixrëk cdhdrem tlska tl jmkajkak. Fuu cdhdrem mia ixrëkfha fyd Wodyrkfõ.fËa;%fha ÿgq m%yak wkqj idlépd lrkak fuu cdhdrem j,ska fyd mqreÿj, jeo.;alu ;yjqre l, yel. Photo package on soil management bjqr yrs; wdjrkhlska wdrlaidj ldkq bjqre yrs; wdjrkhlska wrëd ùu bjqr isgqjk,o ;k j,ska wrëd ùu Mi lmk,o j,a j,ska wdjrkh ùu l=vd me, fma,s w;r rks, fnda. nejqug tfrysj isgq ùu 5

8 j,a me, y kd.eksfï ls%hdldrlï mqyqkqjkakka yg fëa;%fha weúo úúo j,a me,eá ref.k taug úkdä oyhl ld,hla,ndfokak. Tjqkag ljdldrj isg.eksug i,iajd my; i yka Wmfoia,ndfokak : j,a fowdldrhlg j¾. l, yel. ydkslr j,a me,eá tl j¾.hls. tajd blaukska jefjk w;r f;a.i iu. fmdaikh i yd lrhs. wks;a j¾.h udÿ j,a me,eáh. tu j¾.fha jeãu t;rï blauka ke;. tu me,eá j,g f;a iu. mej;sh m,uqjekakd bosrsm;a jqúg Tyqf.a wf;a we;s j,a me,eáh y kd.kakd f,i mqyqkqjkakka f.ka b,a,kak. miqj tu j,a m,eá fmkajd fuu XXX me,h ydkslro ke;ao? úuikak. ish,a,f.a tl.;ajfhka ydkslr j,a me,eá uf.a ol=kq mig;a udÿ j,a me,eá jï mig;a oukak ish,qfokd w; we;s j,a j¾. lrkak iuyr j,a me, ydkslro ke;ao hkqfjka tl. ùug wmyiq jkq we; tu me, fjku f.dvlg oukak. tu me, idudkhfhka ydkslr fkdjk kuq;a blaukska jefâ. 6

9 f;a bvfï olakg,efnk fmdÿ ydkslr j,a me,eá my; rem j,ska y kajd fokak. Mimosa pudica Polygonum chinensis Cyperus pilosus Digitaria sanguinalis Cynodon dactylon (Murwa grass) Eupotarium odoratum (Siam weed) Ferns Setaria palmifolia Imperata cylindrica (Thatch) Mikania f;a bvfï olakg,efnk fmdÿ ydkslr fkdjknj,a me,eá my; rem j,ska y kajd fokak. Glechoma hederacea (Ground Ivy, Creeping Charlie) Parthenium hysterophorus (Parthenium weed, Carrot grass) Oxalis Axonopus compressus (Flat grass) Borreria hispida (Bagracot) Ageratum 7

10 j,a me, y kd.;a miq tajdfha.;s,ëk idlépd lrkak. 2 j,a kdyl fhÿ úg iuyr j,a me, blaukska me,jkjd oel ;sfío? tu j,ame, wh;a l=uk ldkavhgo? iuyr j,a me, j,a kdyl j,g yqre jkjd oel ;sfío? tu j,ame, wh;a l=uk ldkavhgo? 3 tlu j,a kdylh fhosfuka isÿjkafka l=ulao? Key point of training Here again, make sure you DO NOT say the answers, until the participants share their opinions and experiences. mqyqkqjkakka woyia oelajq miq my; i yka lrekq úia;r lrkak. Tjqka fuu lrekq l,ska m%yak lr we;akï Tjqkaf.a woyia Yla;su;a lrïka fuyhjkak. j,a kdyl fhÿúg ydkslr j,ame, udÿ j,a me, j,g jvd blaukska kej; me,fõ. udÿ j,a ke;sõg ydkslr j,ame, j,g me;srsug we;s bvlv jeäh. tu ksid j,a kdyl fhdok úg ydkslr j,ame, fndaùfï m%jk;djh jeäfõ. ydkslr j,ame, l,los j,a kdylhg yqrefõ. túg fjk;a j,ame, ke;s neúka ydkslr j,ame, fndaùfï m%jk;djh jeäfõ. aa,hsfmdfiaü.a fhÿ bvul ydkslr j,ame, jhdma;sh 8

11 j,a kdyl nyq,j Ndú;d lsrsfï wdoskj wjfndao ù we;akï my; i yka m%yak fhduq lrkak. 4 ydkslr j,a wvqlr.eksug l,hq;af;a l=ulao? mqyqkqjkakkaf.ka woyia,nd.kak. bkamiq my; i yka lrekq úia;r lrñka ;j ;j;a m%yk wikak. ydkslr j,a uq,ska Wÿrd j.dfjkaa msg;g f.k hdhq;=h ke;fyd;a kej; me,úh yel. 5 ydkslr j,a uq,ska Wÿrd j.dfjkaa msg;g f.k hdhq;= ld,h u,a yd weg yg.eksug fmr.,jd bj;a l, hq;=h ke;fyd;a jefgk weg kej; me,jkq we;. 6 ydkslr j,aj,g l=ula l, hq;=o.,jk,o?.,jk,o ydkslr j,a ;=, oeóu kqiqÿiqh tajd csj fldgqjlg oeófuka osrdm;ajk úg we;sjk wêl WIak;ajfhka wegj, me,ùfï Yla;sh nd, lrhs 7 8 udÿ j,aj,g ydkslr j,a wvql, yelso? md,j ksrdjrkh jqúg ydkslr j,a jhdma; úh yel. udÿ j,a wdjrkhla we;s úg ydkslr j,a me;srsu md,kh fõ. udÿ j,aj, fjk;a m%fhdack fudkjdo? udÿ j,a fiñka yd me;srek iajndjhlska jefâ. thska mi wdjrkh fõ. tu j,a hñlsis uügulg md,kh lsrsfuka ;rõldrs nj wvqfõ. udÿ j,a lemqúg blaukska osrdm;afõ. kej; jeùug l,a.;fõ. lmk,o udÿ j,a mi u;=msg we;srsfuka fmdfydr njg m;afõ. 9 udÿ j,a úf,damlhskag iqÿiq kjd;ekls. f.dúfmdf,a m,sfndao u¾okh lrk úf,damlhska.ykh jeälr.; yel. 9

12 9 udÿ j,a lemsug iqÿiq l=uk ld,hlo? u,a yd weg yg.kakd f;la bjikak. túg udÿ j,a jhdma; fõ.fkdlvjd fuu ls%hdj,sh mej;aùfuka ydkslr j,a.ykh wvqlr.; yel. fijk.ia wjg we;s fijk.ia ksrslëkh lrk f,i b,a,kak. oeka m%yak wikak. fijk.iaj, m%dhdackh l=ulao? W;a;r,enqk miq my; i yka lrekq úia;r lrkak. fijk.iska jeqfgk fld, mfia ldnksl ;;ajh j¾okh lrhs. fijk.iska jeqfgk fld, mi wdjrkh lrñk,a fidaod hdu j,lajhs. fijk.i mfia f;;ukh wdrëd lrhs. 2 fjk;a m%fhdack fudkjdo? fijk.i ;o ysre ryañfhka wdrëd lrñka M,odhS;djh kxjhs. fijk.ia l=re,a,kaf.a jdiia:dkhs. l=re,a,ka m,sfndao wdydrhg.ks.,;=re.ia j,ska fijk,ndosfuka wu;r wdodhula,nd.; yel. 0

13 fmdaiagr fnod osu Give one Soil Life Transformation poster to each participant. tu.ska mqyqkqj iudf,dapkh lrkak. mqyqkqjkakkaf.a m%;spdr ia;=;s lr m%;spdr úuikak mqyqkqfõ leu;s fldgia? wæ;ska hula bf.k.;a;do? W.;a hula ls%hd;aul lrkdjdo? mqyqkqj oshqkq l, yels wdldrh? m%;spdr igyka lr.kak.

14 fojk mdvu m,sfndao l,ukdlrkh Preparation prior to the training Visit several farms in advance to select one where you will conduct the training. Select a farm based on the following criteria. Choose a farm where you can observe various predators. Do not choose a farm which has been repeatedly sprayed with insecticides and where the predators have been wiped out. Choose a farm that has been less sprayed. The farm should have enough open space somewhere on the premise whereby the trainer and the participants can gather and discuss. The farm should be located at a place where the participants can easily reach, and should not be too away from the participants homes. Talk with the farm owner in advance so that he/she agrees to receive the participants on the day of training at his/her farm. On the day of the training, spend some time at a farm before the training to collect tea leaves with pest damages. (See the next page for the leaves to look for.) It is important to collect as many leaf samples as possible in order to have an enriching exercise, so allocate sufficient time to collect damaged leaves. Program of the day Activity Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6 Topics Introduction of the trainer and the objectives of the training Pest damage identification exercise Story-telling and group discussion on the impacts of spraying Photo presentation and predator identification exercise Group discussion on how to increase predator population Distribution of the poster and recap of the day using the poster Duration 5 minutes 60 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes Activity 7 Feedback from the participants 5 minutes Note: The Activity 4 Predator identification exercise needs to be conducted early morning or after 3pm in the afternoon. If it is close to mid-day, the predators are hiding and cannot be easily found. Therefore, you may need to adjust the order of these activities to ensure that this exercise is conducted at an appropriate timing. 2

15 Materials to bring Photo package for the pest management module Poster The World of Predators, enough quantity to give one to each participant Activity Introduction Explain that today s topic is pest management, and tell the participants that the training will not just look at the pests, but will put pests in the context of the whole ecosystem on a tea farm. When one understands the issue of pests in the perspective of landscape, the way to address the pest problem becomes different. Communicate the objectives of the training. By the end of the training, the participants should be able to: Identify pests and understand how each of them affect tea leaves Identify predators for the pests and understand how each of them control pests Understand the ecosystem of pests, predators and their habitats on the farm Learn different ways to increase predator population on a farm Learn sustainable management of pests through maintaining the natural predator-pest balance Activity 2 Pest identification exercise Take out the leaves that have been damaged by pests, which you have collected in advance. Take them out one by one, and ask: Which pest has attacked this leaf? How did that pest make this damage? The following types of damaged leaves should be presented for discussion:. Looper damage After any participant says that these leaves have been attacked by loopers, ask them the next question: 2 What made the difference between these small holes and these big bites of the leaf edges? After the participants express their opinions, explain to them that these small holes on succulent leaves have been made by small young loopers. As they grow, they start to eat maintenance foliage and are capable of eating the whole leaf. By looking at the leaves, you can tell whether there are more small loopers or more grown-up loopers on the farm. 3

16 2. Helopeltis damage After any participant says that these leaves have been attacked by helopeltis, ask them the next question: 3 What made the difference between these black spots and these semi-transparent spots? Explain that helopeltis is a sucking insect like a mosquito. When it sucks a leaf, it leaves these black spots. When a leaf is recently attacked, the spots look rather transparent. These semi-transparent spots can be observed in early morning. As the day progresses, they turn black. Helopeltis is an insect that moves very fast. If you only observe black spots, they mean that helpeltis was there before, but it does not mean that they are still around. They may have moved to another location of your farm. If you decide to spray based on the level of black spots you observe, you may be spraying where helopeltis is no longer around and are spraying in vain. That is why it is very important to look for semi-transparnt spots, which is a signal of fresh attack, and it means that helopeltis is still around the area. Your decision of pest control should be based on the level of fresh helopeltis attack you can observe on the particular spot of the farm. 3. ;%sma ydksh mqyqkqjkakkaf.ka úuikak 4 fujeks ydkshla lrkafka flfiao? 6;%sma hqi Wrd fndkakl= nj meyeos,s lrkak. Tjqka oæj,ska hqi Wrd fndhs. tuksid, tu oæ jefvk úg, brs iys;j úld;j jefõ. Fuu fld,j,g ksis f,i m%ndixyaf,aik l%shdj l, fkdyel, fuh M,odhs;djhg n,mdhs. 4

17 4. Empoasca (green fly) damage After any participant says that these leaves have been attacked by green flies, ask them the next question: 5 How did green flies make this kind of damage? Explain that green flies are also sucking insects, and they suck the edges of young leaves. When the attacked leaves grow, the edges do not grow properly, so the leaves start to curl. 5. r;= ul=æ uhsghd úf,damlhska fuka r;= ul=æ uhsghska f;a m re uügfï csj;a fkdfõ Tjqkf.a fld,ks f;a m re j,g hg msysgd we;. tuksid r;= ul=æ uhsghska u¾okhg ridhk Ndú;h t;rï id¾:l úi ula fkdfõ. I fuu mdvu f;areï.eksu myiq lsrsu msksi mqyqkqjkakka yg fë;%fha weúo yuqjk m,sfndao ydkshla fyda m,sfndaolhska /f.k taug úkdä oyhl muk ld,hla,ndfokak. ljdldrj /iù /f.k wd tla tla whg ;udf.a bosrsm;a lsrsug bvfokak y kd.eksug ish,a,g iynd.s úh yel. l:dj fë;%fha ljdldrj isg.k l:djla mrsos bosrsm;a lrkak. úf,damlhska idudkhfhka f;a m re uügug by,ska csj;a jkafka wdydr,nd.sksughs m,sfndao idudkhfhka f;a m re hg fyda w;r csj;a jkafka úf,damlhskaf.ka fírs isàughs Wodyrk jyfhka r;= ul=æ uhsghska f;a m re uügfï csj;a fkdfõ Tjqkf.a fld,ks f;a m re j,g hg msysgd we;. mqyqkqjkakkaf.ka úuikak: fnfy;a biq úg l=ula isÿfõo? 5

18 mqyqkqjkakkka m%;spdr oelajq miq. fnfy;a biai úg f;a m re uügug by,ska iersirk úf,damlhska m%:ufhka ñhhhs.f;a m re hg fyda w;r csj;a jk r;= ul=æ uhsghskaf.a ÿ¾j, yd l=vd uhsghka mukla ñhhhs. mqyqkqjkakkaf.ka úuikak: 2 Bg miq isÿjkafka l=ulao? mqyqkqjkakka m%;spdr oelajq miq úia;r lrkak. Yla;su;a uhsghska b;=refõ. oeka Tjqkag fld,ksfhka msg; iersiersfï ndodjla ke; Tjqka mrmqr fnda lsrsu wruhs. Tjqkag. úf,damlhska ke;súg fmrg jvd ;=ka.=khlska j¾.hd fnda l, yel. tuksid fnfy;a bisug fmrg jvd uhsghka fëa;%fha ydks lrkq we;. Imqyqkqjkakkaf.ka úuikak: 3 tfiakï ridhk bisu fjkqjg l,hq;= l=ulao? mqyqkqjkakka m%;spdr oelajq miq úia;r lrkak.. m,sfndao jeäjk õg úf,daml.ykh;a jeäfõ. úf,damlhka m%udkj;a kï ;;ajh md,kh lr.; yel. mrsirh fuu iu;=,s; ndjh wdrëd lrhs. ffcj pl%j,g ndod fldg úf,damlhska ke;sl,úg úyd, ldó jix.; yg.ks.. ldó jix.;hla ÿgq úg úf,daml.ykh.ek ie,ls,su;ajkak. úf,damlhka we;akï ;;ajh iajdndúlj md,kh jkq we;. fuu ;Srkh.ekSug kï úf,damlhka y kd.eksug yelshdj ;sìh hq;=h. 6

19 úf,damlhka y kd.eksu mdvug qod, msx;+r fmkajkak. tlska tl fmkajñka úuikak fuu ldñka y kkjdo? ku okakjdo? ld¾hh l=ulao? mqyqkqjkakka m%;spdr oelajq miq úf,damlhkaf.a kï bosrsm;a f,aän.a l=reñkshd wdmsâia ;%sma yd uhsghka wdydrhg.ks. ìï l=reñkshd o,nqjka jeks mfia yeisfrk i;=kawdydrhg.ks. Spined soldier bug They kill your pests by drilling them with their spine. Green lacewing They eat thrips, mealybugs, aphids, mites and other insects. Minute pirate bugs They eat thrips, mites, aphids and small caterpillars. Mealybug destroyer They eat all stages of mealybugs. Hover fly They eat aphids, small caterpillars and sometimes even thrips. 7

20 ul=æjka j¾. lsmhla we; fndfyda m,sfndao wdydrhg.ks jkaod fndfyda m,sfndao wdydrhg.ks ueys j¾. They lay eggs into a caterpillar, which will later hatch inside the caterpillar and the larvae will feed on it. n;a l+rd fndfyda m,sfndao wdydrhg.ks. msx;+r úia;rhg miq, mqyqkqjkakka yg fëa;%fha weúo úúo ldóka ref.k taug úkdä oyhl muk ld,hla,ndfokak. úf,damlhska fiùug jeä wjodkh fhduq lrkak. Tjqkag ljdldrj isg.eksug i,iajd ref.k wd ldóka tlska tl fmkaùug i,iajkak. mqyqkqjkakka woyia Yla;su;a lsrsfï wruqkska úf,damlhska yd m,sfndao y kd.eksug fuyhjkak. Ground beetle = pest Moth = pest Spider = predator Ladybug beetle = predator 8

21 lkavdhñ idlépdj TiajdNdúl m,sfndao l,ukdlrkhla i yd úf,damlhska.ykh jeälr.kakd wkaou idlépd lrk nj lshkak úf,daml.ykh jeälr.eksug Tjqkag csj;a jkakg iqÿiq mrsirhla ;sìh hq;=h mqyqkqjkakkaf.ka úuikak úf,daml jdin+ó mqyqkqjkakka m%;spdr oelajq miq úia;r lrkak. úf,damlhka csj;a jkafka flfiao fudkjdo?? úf,damlhskag Tjqkaf.a úf,damlhkaf.ka ieõù isàug yd ì;a;r /l.eksug iqÿiq ia:dk wjyhfõ. iajdndúl mrsirh fuu wjyh;djh imqrd,hs. úf,damlhskag ffokslj Yla;sh,nd.ekSug;aj¾.hd fnda lsrsug;a u,a meks yd f¾kq wjyhfõ. iajdndúl mrsirhfuu wjyh;djh imqrd,k jeo.;au ia:dkhhs. 2 iajdndúl mrsirh jeälr.kafka flfiao? iqÿiq ia:dk fudkjdo? fuu.ykh jeäùug kï iajdndúl mrsirh ;eka ;eka j, ;sìh hq;=h. Wodyrk jyfhka ldkq bjqre, mdrj,a yd f;a jeùug kqiqÿiq ia:dkj, iajdndúl mrsirh we;sùug bvosh yel. c, moao;s wi,o iajdndúl mrsirh we;sùug bvosfuka, c,h ixrëkh l, yel. mqyqkqjkakkaf.ka úuikak. 3 úf,damlhska isào wms ldóka.ek l:d l,d ta yer fjk;a? mqyqkajkakl= l=re,a,ka i yka lf,d;a th w.hkak l=re,a,ka jeo.;a úf,damlhska nj fmkajd fokak. 4 f.dúmf,a l=re,a,ka jeälr.kafka flfiao? 9

22 lre,a,kag Tjqkaf.a úf,damlhkaf.ka ieõù isàug yd ì;a;r /l.eksug l+vq idod.eksug iqÿiq ia:dk wjyhfõ. l=re,a,kag iqÿiq ia:dk.iah.ia lmk úg l=re,a,ka bj;aj hhs. rgg wdfõksl Ydl fï i yd iqÿiqh ;ekska ;ek fijk.ia we;slsrsfuka fuu mrsirh,ndosh yelsh. l=re,a,ka wdl¾ykh jk YdL fijkg, f;a jeùug kqiqÿiq ia:dk, mdrj,a yd c, moao;s j,.ia isgqúh yel. úf,damlhkag csj;ajkakg mrsirh,ndosfuka Tjqkaf.a.ykh jeälr.; yel fuhska Tn f.dúmf,a úf,daml m,sfndao iu;=,s;;djh we;s ksrsfuka m,sfndao l,ukdlrkh lr.; yel. fmdaiagr fnodosu tu.ska mqyqkqj iudf,dapkh lrkak. Activity 7 Feedback from the participants Thank the participants for their participation, and ask them for feedback. What did you like about the training? What new did you learn today? Do you plan on changing any practice on your farm? Any recommendation for improvement for the next training? As much as possible, note down their feedback so that these can be used to understand some results of the training and areas of improvement for the future training. 20


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