foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka

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1 foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka


3 foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka T n foúhkajykafia iu. l:d lrkafkao@ Tnf.a Wkajykafia iu. fnod.ksñka Wkajykafiaf.a Wmldr b,a,d isákafkao@ fndfyda fokd fuu ;;a;ajh fkdols;s' Tn foúhkajykafiaf.ka we;eï oe b,a,d" Wkajykafia m%;spdr fkdolajk wjia:djkays" foúhkajykafia úohdudk fkdjk nj fyda úohdudk jqjo Tn.ek ;elsula fkdlrk nj fyda we;eï úg Tn is;kjd jkakg mq jk' j ms<sn ju wr.,hl fhfok whf.a fndfyda hdé[d nhsn,fha wka;¾.; jk nj oek.;a úg Tn uú;hg m;aùug bv ;sfí' wdidma keue;a;d úiska rñ;.s;dj,sh 77 tjeks hdé[djls' foúhkajykafia wdidma.ek fkdi<ld yrsk nj fmks hdfuka Tyq l,lsíug m;aùug wdikakj isá nj wms olsuq' kuq;a hdé[dj wjidkfha l,lsrsfï isá foúhkajykafia flfrys oeä úyajdihla we;s lr.kakd ;;a;ajhlg Tyq m;ajkafkah' th flfia isÿjqfhao@ th oek.eksug wms hdé[dj mofhka moh ú.%y lr n,uq'

4 .s;dj,sh 77( udf.a yçka foúhkajykafiag" tfiah" udf.a yçka foúhkajykafiag fudr.ikafkñ' Wkajykafia ug lka fok fial' 2 ÿla we;s ojfiaos iajdóka fiùñ' rd;%sfhaos udf.a w; fkdkej;s os.=lr ;snqfkah' udf.a wd;auh iekfikag wlue;s úh' 3 uu foúhkajykafia isysfldg pxp,j isáñ' uu fufkys lrñ' udf.a wd;auho fydalfhka msrs.sfhah' 4 Tn udf.a weiaj,ska kskao j<lajk fial' l:dlrkag ners ;rï le<ö isáñ' 5 uu mqrdkfha ojiao mq¾j ld,j, wjqreÿo l,amkd flf<ñ' 6 rd;%sfha udf.a.s;sldj isysfldg" is; iu. l:d lrñ' udf.a wd;auho kelñka úuiqfõh' 7 iajdñkajykafia iodldf,agu mylrk fialao@ ;j;a lrekd fkdlrk fialao@ 8 Wkajykafiaf.a ohdj iyuq,skau myj.sfhao@ Wkajykafiaf.a fmdfrdkaÿj iodl,a biag fkdjkafkao@ 9 foúhkajykafia lrekdlrkag u;lke;s l< fialao@ fldamfhka iajlsh ohdj je<elajq fialao@ 10 túg uu l:d fldg ( fï udf.a ÿ¾j,luh' kquq;a ufyda;a;uhdkkaf.a ol=kf;a wjqreÿ isyslrkafkñ' 11 iajdñkaf.a l%shd i yka lrkafkñ ulaksido Tnf.a mqrdk wdyap¾hhka isyslrkafkñ' 12 Tnf.a l¾udka; ish,a,.ek Ndjkd lrkafkñ' Tnf.a l%shd.ek fufkys lrkafkñhs lsfhñ'.s;dj,sh 77(1-12 [4] foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka wehs@

5 wmfndfyda fokd foúhkajykafiag l:d lrk úg lrk mrsos wdidma ish wjyh;dj m%ldy lrñka ish hdé[dj wdrïn lrhs' Tyq ÿflka iekfikakg wlue;af;ka ^2jk moh& foúhkajykafia fj;g meñfkhs' we;eï úg ta" foúhkajykafia meñk Tyqf.a ;;a;ajh iu:hlg m;a lsíu Tyqg wjyh jq neúka jkakg mq jk' j l=ulaoehs wm fkdokakd kuq;a wdidma lkiai ù isá nj wmg meyeos<sh' wm ish fokdu ÿialr ld,j,a yd ;;a;ajhka ueoska.uka lrkafkuq' flfkl=g fõokdfjka f;dr csú;hla we;s nj is;su h:d¾:jdos fkdfõ' tfia jqj;a wmo wdidma fuka wmf.a lrorj,os fufia is;sh yel foúhkajykafia fj; hk úg wmg Wmldr,efíúo ke;skï wjidkfha th jvd;a ixls¾k jkq weoao@ ohdjka; yd lrekdjka; ùug foúhkajykafia u;l ke;s l< fialaoehs is;+ wdidma yg Tyqf.a ;;a;ajh ;j;a krl w;g yers ;sfnk nj fmks.sfhah ^8-9 mo&' foúhkajykafiaf.a ksy~ nj uohfha ;udg lsisÿ ms<s;=rla fyda ìh iel ÿre lsíula fkd,efnk nj wdidma oek.;af;ah' iajdñkaf.a l%shd i yka lrkafkñ ulaksido Tnf.a mqrdk wdyap¾hhka isyslrkafkñ.s;dj,sh 77:1-12 [5]

6 hdé[d lsrsfï wruqk wm Wkajykafiaf.a leue;a; f,i hula b,a jfyd;a ^Wkajykafiaf.a wruqkq iy prs;hg wkqj& Wkajykafia wfma b,a,su wik fial hhsa 1 fhdydka 5(14 ka wmj ffo¾hu;a lrk neúka wdidma ;udg wjyh oe b,a,su ksjerosh' tfiau fï olajd udf.a kdufhka kqu,d lsisjla b,a fõ ke;' kqu,df.a m%s;sh iïmq¾k jk msksi b,a,dm,a,d' túg kqu,dg,efnkafkah ^fhdydka 16(24& hhs fhaiqia jykafia iajlsh f.da,hskag mejiq fial' wmf.a ish u b,a,sï yd wjyh;d Wkajykafia fj;g /f.k tau Wkajykafia wfmaëd lrk fial' kquq;a hdé[dfõ uq,sl mrud¾:h th fkdfõ' hdé[dj ; úi kq we;s nj we;eï úg wdidma is;akg we;' tfia kuq;a hdé[d lrkak hhs foúhkajykafia wmg mjik úg" lsrsug wjyh foaj,a,ehsia;=jla Wkajykaafia wfmaëd fkdlrk fial ms<sfj;a l%uhla fyda O¾udkql+, ;dëk l%uhlao Wkajykafia wfmaëd fkdlrk fial' Wkajykafiag wjyh wm Wkajykafia iu. l:d lsrsu ^iene hdé[dj thhs& yd fjk;a iïnkao;dj,os fuka Wkajykafia oek ye sk.eksuhs' hdé[dj jüfgdarejla nj wms fndfydaa úg is;kafkuq' foúhkajykafiaf.ka Wmldr b,a,su úi kakdjq uú;lr úi ula [6] foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka wehs@ wm fjk;a iïnkao;dj,os fuka foúhkajykafia iu. l:d lsrsu" Wkajykafia y kd.eksu Wkajykafia wfmaëd lrk fial

7 ,eîug iudkh' tu woyi isf;a ordf.k wdidma foúhkajykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka hk m%yakh úuiñka wjika lrhs ^.S;dj,sh 77(7-9&' wmo ta m%yakhu úuikakg we;' wmf.a hdé[dfõ wruqk wmg wjyh ish foa,nd.eksu kï túg wm ieu úgu foúhkajykafia wm ms<sn ie<ls,su;a fkdjkafkaoehs is;ñka l,lsrsug m;ajkq we;' wmf.a b,a,sï ish,a,u foúhkajykafia bgq lrk nj ^wm is;k wdldrhg& is;kak' tfia kï f,dalh ËKhlska jhdl+, Ndjhg m;ajkq we;æ wka whf.a m%;súreoao hdé[d iu. wmf.a wjyh;d w;r.egqula yd >Ügkhla ùu we;s jkafkah' m%yak" ielh yd ksy~;dj wdidma yg wjidkfha fuu ks.ukhg meñksug u. fmkaùh ( foúhkajykafia lrekd lrkag u;l ke;s l< fialao@ ^9 jk moh&' fjk;a jpkhlska mjikafka kï" uu uq rd;%sh mqrd hdé[d lf<ñ' foúhkajykafia lsisjla fkdl< fial' we;af;a tl wjidkhhs' foúhkajykafia úyajdijka; ke;' ud /ln,d.kafka flfiaoehs Wkajykafiag wu;lù f.disks' Wkajykafia flfrys ug n,d isáh fkdyel hhs lsuls' tu is;sú,a, iu. iïmq¾kfhka foúhkajykafia flfrys jq n,dfmdfrd;a;=j w;a yersug we;s yelshdjg wdidma uqyqk ÿkafkah' úyajdih ;eìh fkdyels foú flfkla flfrys úyajdih ;eîfï w¾:h l=ulao@ hdé[d lsrsfï wruqk [7]

8 wdidma lrkafka y osisfhau" fkdis;+ mrsos wdidma ;u hdé[dfõ m%;sm;a;sh wdmiq yrjkafkah' 11 jk mofha fufia i yka fõ' iajdñkaf.a l%shd i yka lrkafkñ ' yosisfha Tyqf.a ìh iy ielh u;g foúhkajykafia flfrys we;s úyajdifha yeõsul fijke,s jefgkafkah' túg isÿjqfha l=ulao@ wms th meyeos,s lr.ksuq' wdidmaf.a ielh uú;lr f,i w;=reoyka jqfha ke;' Tyqg yosisfha woyila we;sjqfha fyda wd;añl úÿ,s nqnq,la oe,afjkq ÿgqfõ fyda ke;' wdidma b;d ir< kuq;a jeo.;a hula lr ;sfí Tyq ;udf.a b,lalh ;ud fj;ska foúhkajykafia fj;g tijqfhah' Tyq ;j;a ;u lror m%yak ms<sn j foúhkajykafia iu. l:d fkdlrhs" oeka Tyq foúhkajykafia.ek Wkajykafiag l:d lrhs' fï wdldrhg l:d lrñka foúhkajykafia ljqrekao" ;udf.a csú;h ;=< yd Y=oaO,shú,af,a msgq w;r Wkajykafia lr we;af;a fudkjdo hkak Tyq ;udgu isysm;a lr.kafkah' wm iel lrk oe ms<sn j ìh úh hq;= fkdfõ tajd foúhkajykafiaf.ka ieõúh hq;= fkdfõ' wmf.a iel iy wkdrës; nj foúhkajykafia f;areï.kakd fial' kquq;a wmg lror we;s wjia:djkays wmf.a ÿ¾j,;d flfrys fkdj Wkajykafia flfrys b,lal lr.eksu Wkajykafiag wjyhh' wdidma ;=< jq ielh Tyq ;=< n,dfmdfrd;a;= iqkaùu we;s lf<ah' kuq;a Tyq foúhkajykafia ms<sn j is;su wdrïn l< úg yd foúhkajykafia ljqrekao hkak isysm;a lsrsug yd Wkajykafia ms<sn j Y=oaO,shú,a, mjikafka l=ulao hkak foi ne,su wdrïn l< wjia:dfõ Tyq ffo¾hj;a úh' kejqï njla,enqfõh' wms wjxl fjuq' wmg lrorhla meñks wjia:dj, idudkhfhka wm wjidkhg lrkafka hdé[djhs' wms [8] foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka wehs@

9 hdé[d lrk úg wms wdidma l< oe lrñka Wkajykafia úi sh hq;= ldrkd ish,a, foúhkajykafiag bosrsm;a lruq' kuq;a 11 jk mofha i yka mrsos wm hdé[dj wdidma ÿgq wdldrfhka oelsh hq;=h' Wkajykafia fyd ska oek.eksu msksi th Wkajykafia iu. ixjdofha fhosuls' foúhkajykafia wm Wfoid lr we;af;a fudkjdo" wm Wfoid bosrsfhaos lrkafka fudkjdo" wmg os we;s fmdfrdkaÿ fudkjdo yd wm ljqreka jk msksi wmj ujd weoao hk lrekq wm isysm;a lrk úg" foúhkajykafia ljqrekao hkak ;=< wmf.a úyajdih j¾okh lr.eksug ld,h t<ö we;' b,lalh iïmq¾kfhkau Wkajykafia flfrysh' wm ms<sn j yd ms<sn j hdé[d lsíu wm wdrïn l<fyd;a hdé[dj hkq l=ulaoehs wms isud lrkafkuq' wmf.a o¾ykfha wm ms<sn j mukla jk f,i fldgq lrkafkuq' hdé[dj foúhkajykafia ms<sn j mukla kï" wms túg wmf.a lror.ek mukla l:d lsrsu wrukafka kï" ;jÿrg;a tajd wmf.a o¾ykfha uohia:dkh fkdjkafkah' tajd w;=reoyka jk nj fyda úif k nj fyda bka woyia fkdfõ' kuq;a wm.ek n,dfmdfrd;a;= ;nd fkdf.k foúhkajykafia flfrys n,dfmdfrd;a;= ;nd isák neúka wmg tajd iu..kqfokq lsrsfï yelshdj we;s nj bka woyia fõ' foúhkajykafia ms<s;=re kqÿkafka ukao@ foúhkajykafia ksy~j isákafka ukaoehs wm fndfyda úg fkdokafkuq' flfia fj;;a" wdidmaf.a l:dka;rfhka wmg bf.k.; yels tla fohla we;' ta Tyqf.a b,lalh Tyq fj;ska foúhkajykafia fj;g yerùug wjyhj ;snq ld,h foúhkajykafiaf.a ksyayío;dj ;=<ska,enqkq njh' wdidma yg th fõokdldrs jqjo" foúhkajykafia fj;g Tyq jvd;a ióm lr.eksug Wmldrhla úh' th wm Wfoid foúhkajykafiag wjyh m%:u yd m%uql ldrkh fõ' wm Wkajykafia oek.eksu yd Wkajykafiag ióm ùu Wkajykafiag wjyhh' j,g Wkajykafia ËKsl úi ï ÿkafka kï" wm Wkajykafia oek.eksug fidhkq weoao@ Wkajykafia iu. wm.; lrk ld,h flá jkq we;' wm ksrdlrkh lrkakdjq úl=kqï hka;%hla f,i mukla oek isákq we;' wdidma lrkafka l=ulao@ [9]

10 .S;dj,sh 77( foúhkajykai" Tnf.a ud¾.h Y=oaOia:dkfhysh' foúhkajykafia fuka W;=ï foú flfkla 14 mqÿu foa lrk foúhkajykafia kï Tnh' Tn ukqih j¾.hka w;f¾ Tnf.a Yla;sh oelajq fial' 15 Tn hdfldí mq;%hka jk Tnf.a fikõ Tnf.a ndyqfjka uqod.;a fial' 16 foúhkajykai" c,odrdfjda Tn ÿgqfjdah' c,odrdfjda Tn oel Nh jqfjdah'.euqre ;ekao fi,jqfkdah' 17 j,dl=,a osh je.sfrjqfjdah wyi Yíohla kslauùh' Tnf.a B.iao úyso.sfhah' 18 Tnf.a.¾ckd Yíoh iq,s iq<fõys úh úÿ,so f,dalh wdf,dal flf<ah' fmdf<dj fi<ù lïmd jqjdh' 19 Tnf.a ud¾.h uqyqfoa úh' Tnf.a udj;a uy;a c,odrdjkays úh' Tnf.a md i,l=kq m%ldy fkdùh' 20 Tn fudafiia yd wdfrdka,jd neg /<la fuka Tnf.a fikõ fial' wdidma ;udf.a is;sú,s rgdj fjkia l< úg yd foúhkajykafia ms<sn j foúhkajykafia iu. idlépd lsrsu wdrïn lsrsu;a iu. Tyq ms<sìuq lr.;af;a yd is;=fõ l=ulao@ foúhkajykafiaf.a.e<ùfï l%shd" foúhkajykafia w;s;fhaos Wkajykafiaf.a fikõ uqod.;a wdldrh ^15 jk moh& wdidma isysm;a lrhs' hï fohla.e<ùu hkq th wdmiq ñ<os.eksu fyda tys whs;sh h<s,nd.eksuh' foúhkajykafia Wkajykafiaf.a fikõ lrorj,ska fyda i;=rkaf.ka fírd f.k Wkajykafiaf.a wdrëdj hg;g /f.k wd wjia:dj wdidma isysm;a lrhs' ls;=kqjkago foúhkajykafiaf.ka we;aj yd úksyaph [10] foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka wehs@

11 ,eîug iqÿiq csú;hlska Tjqka ksoyia l< wkaou.ek isysm;a l< yelsh' foúhkajykafiaf.a mq;%hdkka jk fhaiqiajykafia wm foúhkajykafia m%;sfëam lsíu Wfoid ñ<la f.ùu msksi fuf,djg meñks wjia:dj isysm;a lsíug mq jk' wm ish fokdu" wmg rsis foa lrñka foúhkajykafia jeo.;a fkdjk wdlrfha csú;.; lruq' mdmh hkq thhs' wm Wkajykafia ;=< foúhkajykafiaf.a O¾ñIaGlu jk msksi mdmhla fkdo;a;djq Wkajykafia wm fjkqjg mdmh fjkag ^foúhkajykafia& ie<eiajq fial ^2 fldrska;s 5(21&' mdmh fkdo;a;djq Wkajykafia" tkï fhaiqiajykafiag wmf.a mdm Wfoid jq j.lsu mshjq foúhkajykafia mejre fial' wm ksoyia jk msksi ^kej; foúhkajykafia fj;g /f.k tñka& wm fjkqfjka Wkajykafia mdmh Wfoid jkaos f.jq fial' wm fjkqfjka ñh hk msksi fhaiqia jykafia l=reim;a lrkq,enq fial' fhaiqiajykafia wm fjkqfjka l=reim;aù ñh f.dia kj csú;hlg ke.sgjkq,enq fial' foúhkajykafia iu. fuu kj csú;hg tla ùug fhaiqiajykafia wm ish fokd yg wdrdokd lrk fial' wdidmaf.a hdé[djg foúhkajykafiaf.a ñosu iene yerjqï,ëh jq mrsos foúhkajykafia iu. wmf.a ixjdohkago th flakaøsh,ëhla jkafkah' Tnf.a fikõ Tnf.a ndyqfjka uqod.;a fial ^.s;dj,sh 77(15& hhs wm mjik úg wm foúhka jykafia flfrys fldmuk n,dfmfrd;a;= ;nd.kafkaoehs wmg isysm;a úh hq;=h' wmg h<s;a wmf.a Yla;sfhka fyda yelshdfjka Wkjykafiag whs;s úh fkdyelsh' wm Wkajykafiag wh;a jkafka fhaiqiajykafia lr we;af;a fudkjdo hkak u; n,dfmdfrd;a;= ;nd f.k yd Wkajykafia flfrys úyajdih ;nd.eksfuks' wm foúhkajykafia flfrys n,dfmdfrd;a;= ;nd.ksñka yd Wkajykafiag ióm fjñka ieu osklu mrsëdjkag uqyqk foñka wm csj;a úh hq;= jkafka ta wldrhgh' foúhkajykafiaf.a Wiia nj foúhkajykafiaf.a.e<ùfï l%shdjg noaoù we;s ;u csú;j, foúhkajykafia lr we;s fndfyda oe ms<sn j foúhkajykafiaf.a Wiia nj" n,h yd Yla;sh ls;=kqjka yg ms<sìuq lsrsug yelshdj ;sfí' Tjqkag fhaiqiajykafiaf.a csú;h" b.ekaùï yd l%shd.s;dj,sh 77:13-20 [11]

12 ms<sn j nhsn,h ;=<ska ne,sug yelshdj we;' Wkajykafia foúhkajykafiaf.a uq mq¾kluh ^fldf,diais 1(15" 19&' Wkajykafiaf.a Yla;sh yd fm%auh ms<sn jo lshùug mq jk' lsisjlg fhaiqiajykafia mrdch lsíug fyda hg;a lr.eksug kqmq jka úh' f,dalfhys kqu,dg msvd ;sfí' kquq;a ffo¾hj;a fjh,a,d' uu f,dalfhka ch.;sñ hs ^fhdydka 16(33&' fhaiqiajykafia f.da,hkag mejiq fial' wmj ìhg m;alrjk n,fõ. Yd n,hka foúhkajykafiaf.a wd{djkag hg;ah' Tn ìhg m;ajk oe Wkajykafiag Åh fj;s' kuq;a fhaiqiajykafia l=reish u; >d;kh flrekd' ta wkqj Wkajykafia hulska tkï urkh u.ska mrdch lrkq,enqjd hhs Tn is;sug mq jk' we;af;kau fhaiqiajykafiaf.a urkh" wm.<jk msksi jq foúhkajykafiaf.a ie<iqu úh' tmukla fkdj" osk ;=klska fhaiqiajykafia fidfydka f.hska msg;g meñks fial' fhaiqiajykafia urkh we;= ieu i;=frlau mrdch l< fial' wms l=uk lrorhla ;=<ska hkafkuq kuq;a ta ;=<ska wm msg;g f.fkk njg foúhkajykafia flfrys úyajdi lsrsug wmg yelshdj ;sfí' iajndj O¾uh mjd foúhkajykafiag wh;a nj wdidma jgyd.ks' j<dl=,a osh je.sfrõfjdah' wyi Yíohla kslauúh' Tnf.a B.iao úyso.sfhah' Tnf.a.¾ckd Yíoho iq,s iq<fõys úh' úÿ,so f,dalh wdf,dal flf<ah' fmdff<dj fi,ù lïmd jqjdh ^.S;dj,sh 77(17-18& hhs Tyq,shhs' foúhkajykafiag jvd úyd, lsisjla fï f,dalfha ke;' Wkajykafia ish,a, md,kh lrñka isák fial' n,dfmdfrd;a;= oshù hñka tajdhska ñosug uõla fkdue;s nj fmkk wjia:dj, wmf.a úyajdih foúhkajykafia flfrys ;nd.ksñka Wkajykafia flfrys b,lalh ;nd.; hq;=h' wm uqojd.eksu msksi Wkajykafia l< yels ish,a, l< fial' jlg jvd Wkajykafia n,j;ah' wm wfmaëd lrk wdldrhg fyda wm wfmaëd lrk ld,hg Wkajykafia ms<s;=re fkdosug mq jk' kuq;a Wkajykafiaf.a ie,eiau mrsmq¾k nj wm úyajdi l< hq;=h' foúhkajykafia l=ula lrkq [12] foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka wehs@

13 we;soehs wmg is;d.eksug fkdyelsh' kuq;a Wkajykafia l=uk fohla l<o ta wmf.a hym; Wfoid fyd u foh nj wmg úyajdi l< yelsh' wm flfrys jk foúhkajykafiaf.a prs;h iy wdl,amh wdidma wjidk jrg jgyd.;a i;hh" iajdñkajykafia Wkajykafiaf.a fikõf.a neg tfårdkka njh' Tn fudafiia iy wdfrdka,jd neg /<la fuka Tnf.a fikõ fial ^.S;dj,sh 77(20& hhs Tyq,shd we;' foúhkajykafia iajlsh fikõ ñirfha jy,alñka uqodf.k /<la fuka wjia:dj wdidma isysm;a lrkafkah' Wkajykafia fikõ msg;g f.k tk msksi yd wjidkfha Tjqkaag fjka lrk,o foayh fj; /f.k hk msksi Wkajykafia fudafiia iy wdfrdka neg tfåreka f,i Ndú;d l< fial' foúhkajykafia wmf.a neg tfårdkkah hk m%;sremh wm l,amkdjg.; hq;= fya%iag woyils' neg tfåreka ieuúgu neg jka iu.u isá;s' ;u neg jkag wjyh fudkjdoehs Tõyq oks;s' tfiau Tjqkag wdrëdjo imhkafkdah' Nhdkl ia:dkj,ska neg jka f.k hk úg tl neg fjl= fyda ke;s fkdùug Tõyq j.n,d.ks;s neg jka ishhg ishhla tfåreka flfrys úyajdih ;nd isákafkdah' wmo foúhkajykafia ms<sn j is;sh hq;af;a ta wdldrhgh' wms neg jka jkafkuq Wkajykafia wmf.a tfårdfkdah' wmf.a ÿialr;d uohfha jqjo ( iajdñkajykafia udf.a tfårdh ug ysõhla fkdjkafkah hs mejisug wmg mq jk ^.S;dj,sh 23(1&' ta ukao@ Wkajykafia lsisfia;a wmf.ka wylaj fkdhk w;r lsis wkaoulskaj;a wmj w;a fkdyrsk neúks ^fyfn%õ 13(5&' ;ud hym;a neg tfårdkka nj fhaiqiajykafiao mejiq fial Wkajykafiaf.a neg jka ^wm& iu. we;s iïnkao;dj fufia úia;r l< fial' uu hym;a neg tfårdh' mshdkkajykafia ud w kkakdla fukao ud mshdkkajykafia w kkakdla fukao uu udf.a neg jka w kñ udf.a neg fjdao ud w k;s' neg jka Wfoid udf.a m%dkh foñ'.s;dj,sh 77:13-20 [13]

14 Tõyq udf.a y~ wikafkdah' tfia tl /<lao tl tfåfrlao jkakdy' ud úiska kej;.kakd msksi udf.a m%dkh fok neúka udf.a mshdkkajykafia ug fm%au lrk fial' lsisfjla tal udf.ka Wÿrd.kakjd fkdj uuu tal foñ' tal fokag ug n,h ;sfí' kej;.kago ug n,h ;sfí' fï wd{dj udf.a mshdkkajykafiaf.ka,osñhs ls fial ^fhdydka 10(14-18&' foúhkajykafia ksyayío hhs isf;k keu wjia:djl" Wkajykafia wmf.a neg tfårdkka nj wm u;lhg k.d.; hq;=h' wm fkdoek isák kuq;a wm ksrka;rfhkau Wkajykafiaf.a /ljrkh hgf;a isákafkuq' foúhkajykafia ieuúgu Wkajykafiaf.a neg jka wdrëd lrk fial' wmj foúhkajykafiaf.a.d,g kej; f.k tk msksi fhaiqiajykafia jk hym;a neg tfårdfkda wm Wfoid uers ^fhdydka 10(14& kej; ke.sgqkq fial ^18 jk moh&' wm l=uk mrsëdjkag uqyqk ÿkako Wkajykafia wm w;a fkdyrsk fial' wms Wkajykafiag whs;s fjuq' Tn hdé[dfjka fyda úfyais; wnsfhda.hlg uqyqk foñka isà kï yd foúhkajykafia Tng ms<s;=re fkdfok nj yeõs hkafka kï ind kdhlfhl=g fyda fjk;a ls;=kqjl= iu. j mjikak' Tjqkag Tnj ffo¾hu;a lsíug yd Tn iu. foúhkajykafiag l:d lsrsug mq jkalu,efnkq we;' [14] foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka wehs@

15 Why Doesn t God Answer Me? - Sinhala Language Wmqgd.;a nhsn,a mdg( Y%S,xld nhsn,a iud.u" 1995 ixfydaê; mer wkqjdoh Translator : Chrishanthi Perera Editor : Kanthie 2017 Our Daily Bread Ministries, All rights reserved. foúhka jykafia ug ms<s;=re fkdfokafka wehs@ [15]

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