Section 2 Standards-Based Instruction

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1 Section 2 Ghana H-SS Analyze the importance of family, labor specialization, and regional commerce in the development of states and cities in West Africa. E-LA Reading Analyze text that uses the compare-and-contrast organizational pattern. Reading Preview Reading Skill Identify Comparisons Finding comparisons can help you determine ways in which cultures are similar to one another. They can also help you understand similarities between parts of a single culture, such as the culture of Ghana discussed in this section. Signal words can help you identify comparisons. Background Information North African traders crossed the vast Sahara seeking goods from West Africa. In time, empires grew rich from this trade. In this section, you will read about Ghana, the earliest African trading empire. The Rise of Ghana Because ancient West Africans left no written records, the region s historians have had to rely mainly on archaeology and oral history. Oral history is an account of something passed down by word of mouth from one generation to another. Ironworking Technology Learning to work with metals was an important step in the development of West African societies. People with metalworking skills had an advantage over their neighbors. Metal tools and weapons were sharper and stronger than those made of stone, wood, or bone. Archaeologists believe that the first Africans to develop ironworking skills were the people of Kush, or Nubia. This ancient civilization was located south of Egypt on the Nile River. The ability to work iron may have spread from there to other parts of Africa. High-Use Words currency (KUHR uhn see), p. 135 process (PRAH sehs), p. 135 Key Terms and People oral history (OR uhl HIHS tuh ree), p. 133 labor specialization (LAY buhr spehsh uhl ih ZAY shuhn), p. 135 revenue (REHV uh noo), p. 136 The development of metalworking and better weapons led to the rise of Ghana. Section 2 Standards-Based Instruction Standards at a Glance Students have read about the environment of West Africa. In this section, they will focus on the rise of Ghana as a powerful civilization in this region. Students will learn about the central role of trade in gold and salt in the emergence of this great empire. Section Focus Question How did the people of Ghana use their resources and skills to build a wealthy empire? Before you begin the lesson, write the Section Focus Question on the board. (Lesson focus: They used their metals and skills to make iron tools, resulting in greater food production, freeing some people to become experts in different kinds of jobs. Ghana became a trading center.) Prepare to Read Build Background Knowledge Ask students how they think early peoples from other regions used their resources and skills to build wealthy empires. (Possible answers: They grew crops or raised livestock, made tools of local or traded resources, or formed towns and sometimes empires.) Ask students to preview the headings and visuals in this section and make predictions about how the people of Ghana used their skills and resources. Have students engage in a Think-Write-Pair-Share strategy (TE p. T39) to generate a list. Write their predictions on the board. History Background Iron Making in West Africa The discovery of iron making in West Africa helped make possible the development of iron tools. In turn, these superior tools helped increase the food supply, freeing up workers for other trades. Whereas in most ancient cultures, metalworkers began using copper and bronze before iron, the Nok seem to have skipped these stages Section 2 Ghana 133 and progressed directly from using stone to making iron weapons and tools. Iron, a metal found in rocks, is very easy to mold into a variety of tools, as it conducts heat well. The Nok discovered that by heating certain rocks, they could melt and extract the bits of iron in them. After separating the melted iron from the rock, they could then shape it as they wished into tools. Set a Purpose Read each statement in the Reading Readiness Guide aloud. Ask students to mark the statements true or false. Reading Readiness Guide, p. 15 Have students discuss the statements in pairs or in groups of four, then mark their worksheets again. Use the Numbered Heads strategy (TE p. T38) to call on students to share their group s perspectives. Students will return to these worksheets later. Chapter 5 Section 2 133

2 Teach The Rise of Ghana H-SS Instruction High-Use Words Before teaching this section, preteach the high-use words currency and process, using the strategy on TE p Key Terms Following the instructions on p. 127, have students continue to preview key terms. Read The Rise of Ghana using the Oral Cloze Reading strategy (TE p. T36). Ask: What were some of the effects of the development of iron tools on the people of West Africa? (It allowed them to grow more food, which led to increases in population and food production. It also gave them superior weapons, allowing people to better protect themselves.) Ask: How does having superior tools give a group an advantage over those with inferior tools? (Superior tools allow more food production, which allows labor specializaion, which helps develop a richer, more diverse economy.) Ask: How did the family structure in Ghana contribute to the development of labor specialization? (Clans promoted specialization.) Independent Practice Have students begin to fill in the Interactive Reading and Notetaking Study Guide. Interactive Reading and Notetaking Study Guide, Chapter 5, Section 2 (Adapted version also available.) Monitor Progress As students fill in the Notetaking Study Guide, circulate to make sure individuals understand the connections among resources, iron-working skills, the growth of ancient Ghana, labor specialization, and a family-based society and economy. Provide assistance as needed. North; it is located on several major trade routes. ATLANTIC OCEAN 30 N Tropic of Cancer 15 N Gold W Universal Access Trade Routes of Ghana 15 W 0 15 E 30 E 45 E N S Senegal R. L1 English Language Learners L1 Less Proficient Readers L1 Special Needs Currency Help students understand the meaning of currency and its importance in the economies of nations and civilizations. Explain that using currency is an alternative to barter, or the direct exchange of goods. Have students brainstorm for some advantages and disadvantages of using E Taghaza Timbuktu Kumbi Gao Saleh Djenné S A H A R A Niger R. Gulf of Guinea 0 Equator Mediterranean Sea Ivory Salt A network of trade routes connected Ghana with North Africa and with resource-rich areas to the south. Interpret Maps Where is Taghaza located in relation to Timbuktu? How can you tell that Taghaza was an important trade center? 134 Chapter 5 The Rise of West African Empires 0 km Ghana, c. 300s 1200s Major trade routes City KEY currency rather than bartering. (Possible answers: An advantage of currency is that it allows trade when one party has no item suitable for barter. Currency also represents something with a generally agreed upon value. Disadvantages of currency are that it may not be recognized everywhere.) 0 miles Mercator Projection Archaeologists have found that West Africans were making iron tools by 350 B.C. in a place called Nok. With iron tools, the people of West Africa could grow more food. Populations and food supplies increased. Ancient Ghana As the population of West Africa grew, people needed to organize governments to keep order. Oral histories tell of the rise of a strong kingdom. The kingdom was founded by the Soninke people between the Niger and Senegal rivers around A.D The Soninke based their power on their superior weapons. They had iron swords and spears, while their neighbors still used wooden clubs. Their kingdom grew to be the empire known as Ghana. (The modern African nation of Ghana is named after this ancient empire, but it is in a different part of West Africa.) 1,000 For: Interactive map Visit: Web Code: mxp , Chapter 5

3 As food supplies increased, not everyone in Ghana had to work at growing food. Instead, some people could become experts in other kinds of jobs. The division of jobs and skills in a society is known as labor specialization. In Ghana, family relationships were very important. Each clan, or group of related families, specialized in a certain craft or trade. The Sisse clan, for example, focused on government. Its members became Ghana s emperors and officials. Other clans specialized in fishing or cloth making or cattle raising. How did increased food supplies benefit Ghana? The Gold and Salt Trade The peoples who settled Africa s deserts, savannah, and forests had different resources. They also had different needs. Such differences encouraged trade among these regions. Trans-Sahara Trade Even though the journey across the Sahara was difficult, trans-sahara trade began in ancient times. By the 700s, North African merchants were leaving written records about West Africa and its people. The trans-sahara trade was based on two main products: gold and salt. People north of the Sahara needed gold. It was the basis of the currency of most countries. West Africans were rich in gold, but they needed salt. Not only does salt add flavor to food, it is also essential for good health. Mines in the Sahara produced lots of salt. North African traders brought large cakes of salt to West Africa to exchange for gold. While gold and salt were the most important trade goods, other items were traded as well. The North Africans brought steel swords, copper, and silks to West Africa. They returned with ivory, local crafts, precious woods, and enslaved people. North African merchants also brought the new religion of Islam to West Africa. Islam spread south along African trade routes, changing West African history and culture. The trade in gold and salt maintained the wealth of Ghana for centuries. currency (KUHR uhn see) n. system or type of money E-LA Identify Comparisons How was trade in gold similar to trade in salt? The Gold and Salt Trade H-SS Instruction Read The Gold and Salt Trade with students. Remind students to look for comparisons and contrasts. Ask: How did the gold and salt trade help the people of Ghana build a wealthy empire? (They used their resources of gold to trade for the salt they needed. They also taxed the traders passing through their lands, exacting payment in either gold or salt.) How did the differences among the regions encourage trade? (Because different regions had different resources, it was natural for regions to exchange goods they had in abundance for those they lacked or needed more of.) To help students understand the content of this section, discuss the concept of commerce. Distribute the concept lesson on this concept. Concept Lesson, p. 21; Concept Organizer, p. 5 Independent Practice Have students complete the Interactive Reading and Notetaking Study Guide. (Adapted version available.) Silent Barter Merchants from Ghana kept the source of Ghana s gold a secret from North African traders. The North Africans were not allowed to visit the gold mines or communicate with miners that traded with Ghana. Gold and salt were exchanged between Ghana and the miners through a process known as silent barter. process (PRAH sehs) n. series of actions taken to achieve a particular result Section 2 Ghana 135 History Background The Importance of Salt to Commerce As valuable as gold was, the thriving trade of Africa depended heavily on salt as well. So valued was salt that it was sometimes used as a medium of exchange. Salt cakes were used as currency in ancient Ethiopia and Tibet. In fact, the term salary was derived from salarium, the Latin term for the salt allotment of soldiers in the Roman army. Beyond its monetary value, salt was important for life. It helped prevent dehydration in hot African climates. It was also used as a flavoring and as a food preservative. Phrases attesting to the value of salt include the Arab saying There is salt between us, the Hebrew phrase to eat the salt of the palace, and the English term the salt of the earth. s Increased food supplies led to increases in population and allowed people to engage in work other than food production. Reading Skill Like gold, salt was used as a currency in some places. Both gold and salt were in high demand. Chapter 5 Section 2 135

4 Seeing the Main Idea A Wealthy Capital This picture can be used to suggest the wealth and grandeur of Ghana s capital. The ruins represent a small part of what was once a grand complex. Ask students what they are able to tell about the structure from the small part that is visible. (Possible answers: It was made of stone, it had pillars.) Monitor Progress As students fill in the Interactive Reading and Notetaking Study Guide, circulate and make sure individuals understand the connections between the gold-and-salt trade and the wealth of the empire. Provide assistance as needed. Tell students to fill in the last column of the Reading Readiness Guide. Probe for what they learned that confirms or invalidates each statement. Reading Readiness Guide, p. 15 Assess and Reteach Assess Progress Have students complete Check Your Progress. Administer the Section Quiz. Section Quiz, p. 23 To further assess student understanding, use the Progress Monitoring Transparency. Progress Monitoring Transparencies, Chapter 5, Section 2 Reteach L1 If students need more instruction, have them read this section in the Interactive Reading and Notetaking Study Guide and complete the accompanying question. (Adapted version available.) Kumbi Saleh Archaeologists believe these ruins are the remains of a mosque from Kumbi Saleh, the capital of Ghana. Critical Thinking: Evaluate Information What evidence in this photograph suggests that a great city once stood in this place? 136 Chapter 5 The Rise of West African Empires Silent barter was a way of trading without words. Traders from Ghana piled goods at a trading place and then left. Miners came and left gold next to the goods. The traders later returned. If they were happy with the amount of gold, they took the gold and left. If they wanted more gold, they left without touching the gold or the goods. The miners then returned to offer more gold. When both sides were satisfied, the traders left with their gold and the miners with their goods. The traders from Ghana then used the gold to purchase salt from North African traders. Wealthy Rulers The kings of Ghana grew rich from the gold-salt trade. It created two sources of revenue, or income to run the government. The first source was taxes on trade. The other source of revenue was the king s control of the gold supply. Ghana s rulers knew that if the supply of gold grew too large, its price would fall. To prevent that, they ordered that only the king could own nuggets, or chunks, of gold. This order took gold off the market and kept its price high. The order also made the king incredibly rich. One king supposedly had a nugget of gold that weighed 30 pounds. In 1067, the Spanish Muslim scholar Al-Bakri described the wealth of the king s court: He sits in a pavilion around which stand ten horses with gold-embroidered trappings. Behind the king stand ten pages holding shields and gold-mounted swords; on his right are the sons of princes... with gold plaited [braided] in their hair. Al-Bakri Universal Access L3 Advanced Readers L3 Gifted and Talented Research the Almoravids Have students use library and Internet resources to learn more about and prepare a written report on the Almoravids. Students should focus their research on the role of the Almoravids in the spread of Islam. Evaluate Information The ruins suggest that the buildings were strong and well built. 136 Chapter 5

5 Islam in Ghana For centuries, Ghana prospered. Its rulers welcomed North African traders but did not adopt their Muslim faith. According to Al-Bakri, the capital of Ghana, Kumbi Saleh, was actually twin cities. One was the commercial capital, where Muslim traders and scholars lived. A few miles away was the royal capital, where the king and his court lived and practiced Ghana s traditional religion. In about 1050, a new Muslim religious movement arose in North Africa. Its members were known as Almoravids. The Almoravids preached holy war against all non-muslims. In 1076, an Almoravid army invaded Ghana and captured the capital. The leaders of Ghana converted to Islam. Ghana never reestablished its prosperity after the Almoravids fierce invasion. Why did the ruler of Ghana limit the gold supply? Looking Back and Ahead In this section, you have read about Ghana, the first trading empire in West Africa. You learned how Ghana prospered from the gold and salt trade. In the next section, you will read about Mali, the second empire to appear in West Africa. Section 2 Check Your Progress Comprehension and Critical Thinking 1. (a) Explain Why was ironworking an important skill in ancient times? (b) Analyze Cause and Effect How did ironworking help the Soninke establish their empire? 2. (a) Recall Why was salt so important to West Africans? (b) Draw Conclusions How did the various resources and needs of people in different zones influence trade in Africa? H-SS: 7.4.2; E-LA: Reading Reading Skill 3. Identify Comparisons Reread the last paragraph under the heading Ancient Ghana. How were all of Ghana s clans similar? the following questions in complete sentences that show your understanding of the highlighted words. 4. Why is oral history important to historians of Africa? For: Self-test with instant help Visit: Web Code: mxa How did labor specialization change people s work? 6. How did Ghana s rulers earn revenue? Writing 7. Review the information in this section. Make a list, in note form, of at least ten of the most important features of Ghana s society. Save this list for use at the end of the next section. Extend L3 Ask students to use library and Internet resources to research some of the reasons why silent trade was used. (Possible answer: It was used as a way of bypassing communication difficulties.) Have students give a short oral presentation and then have several students perform a visual and auditory presentation showing how silent trade was conducted. Section 2 Check Your Progress 1. (a) The spread of ironworking skills in West Africa increased the food supply and population and allowed people to become experts in different kinds of jobs. (b) The Soninke had superior iron weapons. Ironworking advancements continued to increase the food supply and population and led to labor specialization. 2. (a) It was necessary for good health, and it was used to flavor and preserve food and as currency. (b) Traders traveled long distances, exporting what people had and importing what they needed. 3. Clans specialized in a particular craft or trade. 4. West Africans had no writing system, so information could only be passed orally. 5. People became experts in a particular job. 6. They taxed incoming and outgoing trade goods. 7. s may vary but should include facts about Ghana s society, including trade, metalworking, labor specialization, silent barter, clans, gold, salt, oral tradition, empires, mixes of Islam and traditional religions. Section 2 Ghana 137 Writing Rubrics Share this rubric with students before they write their lists. Score 1 List is incomplete and largely inaccurate. Score 2 List is complete but with some inaccuracies. Score 3 List is complete and accurate. Score 4 List is complete with most important features included. to prevent the price of gold from falling and to increase his wealth Chapter 5 Section 2 137

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