Cacti (Opuntia sps.) as forage in Argentina dry lands

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1 Rev. Cti FCA (Opunti UNCUYO. sps.) s 47(1): forge in Argentin ISSN impreso dry lnds ISSN (en líne) Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds Ctus (Opunti sps.) omo forrje en ls tierrs ses de Argentin Josefin Mrí Grünwldt, Jun Crlos Guevr, Edurdo Guillermo Grünwldt, Edurdo Mrtínez Crretero Originles: Reepión: 22/05/ Aeptión: 06/11/2014 Index Astrt nd keywords 264 Resumen y plrs lve 264 Introdution Approprited ples for plnting tus in Argentin Nutrient ontent, produtivity nd old hrdiness of Opunti lones nd Opunti ellisin Griffiths Assessment of progenies of Opunti sps Eonomi view 274 Conlusions 278 Referenes 279 Argentine Institute for Arid Lnd Reserh (IADIZA-CONICET) Avd. Adrián Ruiz Lel s/n, Prque Grl. Sn Mrtín, 5500 Mendoz, Argentin jguevr@mendoz-oniet.go.r Tomo 47 N

2 J. M. Grünwldt et l. Astrt Studies on tus rried out minly in Mendoz plin, Argentin, nd in other ountry res were reported. Vritions in nutrient ontents with three ldode ge lsses were exmined for seven Opunti forge lones. For ll ge lsses omined, lones showed high orgni mtter: 84.4%, in vitro orgni mtter digestiility: 78.9% nd low rude protein (CP) ontent: 4.0%. High doses of fertilizer lmost douled the men CP ontent of the ldodes from O. fius-indi (L.) Mill. x O. lindheimerii Engelm. ross when it ws ompred with the tretment in whih no fertilizer ws dded (7.8 nd 4.3%, respetively). The response to fertiliztion t the highest pplition rte ws ner 4-fold inrese over the iomss of the zero fertiliztion tretment, 3.2 to 12.7 kg DM plnt -1. Of this ross, lone 42 produed dry mtter (DM) iomss of 40 t DM h -1 in 4 yers with totl of 625 mm rinfll whih is the gretest DM prodution reorded to dte for suh low rinfll. O. spinulifer Slm-Dyk f. nunin Le Houér. ppers to e the most promising speies for forge prodution in res with extremely old winters. Clones 46, 80, 83, 89 nd 94 hd zero frost dmge. Eonomi nlysis of Opunti plnttions nd the use of tus for repling orn in smll ruminnt diet were inluded. The ost-enefit reltionship of using pre-emergent heriides on iomss prodution nd fertilizer pplition on iomss prodution nd protein levels were nlyzed. The tus/orn ost reltionship indited the possiility of repling orn y tus in smll ruminnt diet. Keywords Opunti sps. forge produtivity nutrient ontent old hrdiness eonomi fesiility dry lnds Argentin Resumen Se informn ls onlusiones de los estudios relizdos priniplmente en l llnur de Mendoz, Argentin, y en otrs áres del pís. Ls vriiones en los ontenidos de nutrientes en tres lses de edd de ldodios se exminron pr siete lones forrjeros de Opunti. Pr tods ls lses de edd ominds, los lones mostrron ltos vlores de mteri orgáni: 84,4% y digestiilidd in vitro de mteri se: 78,9% y jo ontenido de proteín rut (PB): 4,0%. Alts dosis de fertiliznte si dupliron el ontenido medio de PB de los ldodios del ruzmiento entre O. fius-indi (L.) Mill. y O. lindheimerii Engelm, undo el mismo fue omprdo on el trtmiento en que no se gregron fertilizntes (7,8 y 4,3%, respetivmente), mientrs que l ioms se inrementó en proximdmente 4 vees respeto del ontrol no fertilizdo (3,2 12,7 kg MS plnt -1 ). El lon 42 de este ruzmiento produjo un ioms de 40 t de MS h -1 en 4 ños on un totl de 625 mm de preipitión, l ul es l produión de MS más lt registrd hst el presente pr tl j lluvi. O. spinulifer Slm-Dyk f. nunin Le Houér. Pree ser l espeie más promisori pr l produión de forrje en áres on inviernos extremdmente fríos. Los lones 46, 80, 83, 89 y 94 no tuvieron dño por 264 Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

3 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds helds. Se inluyeron los nálisis eonómios de ls plntiones de Opunti y el uso de tus pr reemplzr l míz en l diet de pequeños rumintes. Se nlizó l relión osto-enefiio del uso de heriids pre-emergentes sore l produión de ioms y de l pliión de fertilizntes sore l produión de ioms y niveles de proteíns. L relión de ostos tus/míz indió l posiilidd de reemplzr l míz por tus en l diet de pequeños rumintes. Plrs lve Opunti sps. produtividd de forrje ontenido de nutrientes resisteni l frío ftiilidd eonómi tierrs ses Argentin Introdution Some 2.6 million hetres re ultivting in the world, where the gretest use of tus for forge or fodder ours in Tunisi: 600,000 h, Algeri: 150,000 h, Mexio: 230,000 h (39), South Afri: 525,000 h nd Ethiopi: 355,000 h (46), Brzil: > 600,000 h (50) nd Southern Moroo regions: 90,000 h (1). For Argentin there is informtion on re ultivted with Opunti only for fruit prodution: 2,000 h in 2003 (44). The mjor limittion to ultivtion of tus in some res of Argentin is old winter tempertures. Similr situtions our in northern Mexio (6), the Mediterrnen Bsin (32), the rid highlnd steppes of western Asi (33) nd the south-western United Sttes (45). Under different limti onditions, the therml limit for frost sensitive speies suh s Opunti fius-indi (L.) Mill. is indited y men dily minimum temperture of the oldest month (m) of 1.5 to 2.0 C (31). Ctus nd other drought-tolernt nd wter-effiient fodder shrus n survive under rinfll s low s 50 mm in prtiulr yer, ut with neither growth nor prodution. Men nnul rinfll of mm orresponds to the minimum required to suessfully estlish rinfed plnttions (30), provided soils re sndy nd deep (32). Plnttions of drought-tolernt nd wter-effiient fodder shrus, espeilly Opunti speies, hve een estlished s uffer feed reserves s strtegy to mitigte the effets of drought in niml prodution systems of vrious rid nd semirid res of the world (29). Cti hve greter wter-use effiieny due to the Crssulen Aid Metolism (CAM) photosyntheti pthwy (28, 41, 42) nd this mkes them espeilly suited for forge prodution in rid lnds. Opunti speies hve the ility to withstnd prolonged drought, high tempertures, s well s wind nd wter erosion. This review reports the findings of the studies on tus rried out minly in the north entrl Mendoz plin of mid-western Argentin (33 29'26" S, 67 58'27" W, 520 m sl) nd in other res of the ountry. Eonomi nlysis of oth Opunti plnttions nd the use of tus for repling onventionl forges in smll ruminnt diets re lso inluded. Tomo 47 N

4 J. M. Grünwldt et l. Approprited ples for plnting tus in rgentin Aout two thirds of ontinentl Argentin is ssoited with rid nd semi-rid rngelnd eosystems (13). The iolimti lssifition of those regions (19) llowed determining 13 sites of the ountry, loted in nine Provines in whih it is possile to ultivte O. fiusindi. At Mendoz study site, dily men nnul minimum nd mximum tempertures rnge respetively from -3.8 to 15.6 C nd 14.2 to 33.0 C. Men nnul rinfll is mm (SD=112.8) with nerly 80% ourring during the growing seson: Otoer-Mrh (reords of IADIZA, not pulished). Those limte onditions re similr in the severity of winters nd rinfll to other world sites (12). Slinity is onern in Argentin, whih rnks third fter Russi nd Austrli in lnd re ffeted y this ondition (48). The soils in the rid nd semirid regions of Argentin, pproximtely 210 million hetres, re generlly hrterized y the presene of slts in the profile, euse rins re insuffiient for their lehing (R. Css, pers. omm.). Opunti sps. re not very tolernt to the presene of dissolved slts in their root zone. Sodium is not redily trnsferred from the roots to the shoot or from sl ldodes to new dughter ldodes (5). As is the se for nerly ll plnt prts, the N ontent of the ldodes of O. fius-indi does not meet the nutritionl needs of ttle for this element (43). Slt tolerne of two Opunti forge speies, Opunti spinulifer Slm-Dyk f. nunin Le Houér. nd Opunti roust Wendl. were evluted when they were irrigted with sline wter with high ontent of sodium hloride (7). From this ssy, oth Opunti speies my e onsidered s mid tolernt of slt stress. O. spinulifer my e onsidered less tolernt to soil slinity thn O. roust. Nutrient ontent, produtivity nd old hrdiness of opunti lones nd opunti ellisin griffiths Nutrient ontent of Opunti sps. depends on the geneti hrteristis of the speies or lones, ldode ge, ldode smpling lotion, pd hrvest seson nd growing onditions, suh s soil fertility nd limte (27, 38). Opunti is not lned feed. It is firly rih in energy, minerls, et rotene nd wter, ut poor in fier nd nitrogen (30). Vritions in orgni mtter (OM), in vitro orgni mtter digestiility (IVOMD), rude protein (CP), neutrl detergent fier (NDF), id detergent fier (ADF), nd dry mtter (DM) with ldode ge were exmined for seven Opunti forge lones (22). These lones were hosen to represent diverse origins nd growth forms. Nutritionl prmeters were mesured for three ge lsses. For ll ge lsses omined (22), lones showed high OM (81.6 to 86.8%) nd IVOMD (69.5 to 82%) nd low CP ontent (3.2 to 5.0%). Clones hd NDF from 22.7 to 27.1%, nd ADF from 12.0 to 16.0%; DM rnged from 7.3 to 11.5%. Men vlues for ll lones were DM 9.1, OM 84.4, IVOMD 78.9, CP 4.0, ADF 14.7 nd NDF 23.8%, with signifint (p<0.05) or lose to e signifint (p=0.08) liner reltionship etween eh nutritionl prmeter nd ge lsses ws found for ll lones, exept for OM 266 Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

5 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds tht showed signifint (p<0.05) liner reltionship only for two lones. Aording to qulity stndrds for legume, grss, nd legume-grss mixed hys (49), the onditions of qulity Prime forge re CP >19%, ADF <31%, NDF <40% nd digestiility dry mtter (DDM) 65%. Aording to this, ll the Opunti forge studied hve high DDM, pproprite ADF nd NDF ontents, ut low ontent of CP. Nutrient ontent for 1 to 2 yer-old ldodes from 21 Opunti sps. essions ws determined in Sntigo del Estero Provine, Argentin (2). This study inluded seven essions of O. fius-indi. Mens nd stndrd error were: CP = 3.66 ± 0.14; NDF = ± 0.97; ADF = ± 0.83 nd IVDMD = ± 0.81 %. Our determintions, in Mendoz plin, for the three essions of O. fius indi (men of 1 nd 2 yer-old ldodes) were higher for CP (4.85 ± 0.32) nd lower for NDF (24.47 ± 0.70) nd ADF (14.45 ± 0.48) thn those reported for Sntigo del Estero. One-yer-old ldodes of O. ellisin exhiited CP, OM, sh nd IVDMD of 5.8, 82.7, 17.3 nd 78.3 %, respetively (21). Regrding the smpling proedure for determining ldode nitrogen ontent, it ws determined whih prt of the non-fruiting ldodes of O. fius-indi would represent the verge nitrogen ontent of the entire ldode in order to tke minimlly destrutive smples. It ws found tht 40 smpling lotions tht re grouped in retngulr fshion in the entrl-sl re of the ldodes fithfully represent the verge N-onentrtion of the entire ldode (men ± 95%, onfidene intervl = 8.12 ± 0.60 mg g -1 DM). However this study did not determine the optimum numer of ldodes nd ores to smple from this middle setion for determining differenes mong genotypes or tretments (23). Biomss ws sed on totl oveground hrvest of typil plnts of eh Opunti lones. The 3-yer iomss prodution, kg DM plnt -1, of O. spinulifer (1.98) nd O. fius-indi 'Sn Jun' ession (2.05) estlished in dune ws higher (p<0.05) thn tht of O. prguyensis (1) (0.76) nd O. roust (0.98). 'Sn Rfel' (1.84) nd 'Cuen' (1.68) essions yielded higher iomss (p<0.05) thn O. prguyensis. 'Sn Jun', Sn Rfel, Cuen nd O. spinulifer do not differ sttistilly etween them. At 3 x 1 m sping, nnul iomss prodution (kg DM h -1 yer -1 ) in unweed plots would e 2,200 for O. spinulifer; 2,060 s the men for the three O. fius-indi essions; 1,090 for O. roust, nd 840 for O. prguyensis, under men nnul rinfll of 294 mm (18). This trnsltes into rin-use effiieny (RUE) of 7.5, 7.0, 3.7, nd 2.9 kg DM h -1 yer -1 mm -1, respetively. The RUE from O. fius-indi essions ws twie s high s rngelnds (15). Sine unweeded tus plots were shown to hve 300% less iomss prodution thn weeded plots (11), proly the gretest single ftor ffeting produtivity of Opunti sps. in forge plnttions is the presene of ompeting vegettion (9). Conurrently, hs een shown tht eliminting ompetition with ntive rnge speies for wter nd nutrients inreses prodution nd RUE y ftor of 2-3 (30). Consequently, it n ssume tht if the plots in this experiment hd een weeded, the yields would hve een t lest twie s high, i.e. 4,120 kg for O. fius-indi essions, equivlent to RUE of These yield nd RUE vlues re lose to those otinle in rid regions under 1 At present O. elt Slm-Dyk. Tomo 47 N

6 J. M. Grünwldt et l. men nnul rinflls of 200 to 400 mm, i. e. 3 to 9 t DM h -1 yer -1 nd 15 to 22.5 kg DM h -1 yer -1 mm -1, respetively (32). In the se of using pre-emergent heriide (ost of heriide + pplition = U$S h -1 ), would hve hieved n inrese of iomss in the three essions of O. fius-indi of 2,060 kg DM h -1, t prie of U$S The enefit-ost reltionship would e 2.1 (140.08/66.15). This implies tht it is pproprite to pply heriides to duplite the tus iomss. Men iomss of O. ellisin from plnts otined y miropropgtion rehed only 170 kg DM h -1 fter the 2-yer growth period (21). This low prodution ould e explined minly y the smll size of the plnt mteril used for estlishing the plnttion nd the low stem-re index (0.03). Cold hrdiness is diffiult issue to quntify sine speies survivl depends on limtiztion prior to freezes nd vrious omintions of the durtion nd solute minimum temperture of the freeze (52) tht is required to reh the ore ritil temperture for tissue mortlity (40). Monitoring of the rtifiilly estlished plnttions of Opunti forge lones in the Mendoz plins showed tht the mjor limittion to its ultivtion is old winter tempertures. Frost resistne of these lones ws ssessed for different plnt ges fter freezes of -16 C nd -17 C. Frost dmge ws visully estimted, integrting the individul ldode dmge over the entire plnt (figure 1). Young ldodes from 9-month-old plnts hd dmge higher thn 85% Estlishment ple plin dune verge Men frost dmge (%) O. prguyensis 3 2 detil 1 0 O. prguyensis O. roust O. spinulifer O. ius-indi O. roust O. ius-indi (Sn Rfel) Opunti forge lones nd speies (Cuen) O. ius-indi (Sn Jun) Different letters indite signifint differenes (Tukey's HSD test, p< 0.05). Diferentes letrs indin diferenis signifitivs (Tukey's HSD test, p<0,05). Figure 1. Men frost dmge for Opunti forge lones in the Mendoz plin nd dune. Figur 1. Dño medio por helds pr lones forrjeros de Opunti en l llnur y en l dun de Mendoz. 268 Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

7 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds The 3-yer-old plnts exhiited men frost dmge tht rnged from 0.3% in O. prguyensis to 34.4% in 'Sn Jun' ession of O. fius-indi, with men vlues of 17.4 nd 9.7% for plin nd dune, respetively (18). Opunti ellisin is the only spineless Opunti fodder speies tht is ompletely old hrdy in Texs (28) nd ws ompletely tolernt to 20 hours elow -7 C, with minimum of -16 C (9). Cold dmge of O. ellisin plnts otined y miropropgtion ws estimted visully fter 1- nd 2-yer growth periods in field onditions. One-yer-growth plnts suffered no frost dmge when tempertures dropped to -15 C on two osions in the winter of yer Frost dmge rehed only 0.9% in 2-yer-growth plnts fter freezes of C nd C in the winter of yer Plnts of O. ellisin otined y miropropgtion pper to e tolernt to freezing tempertures ourred in res with extremely old winters (21). With only 3 yers growth, onlusions on the most promising Opunti forge lones for the plin of Mendoz must e onsidered with ution. However, some trends emerged from this study (18) in whih O. fius-indi ppers to e less tolernt to frost thn others Opunti speies (figure 1, pge 268). Assessment of progenies of opunti sps. Bsed on produtivity nd disese resistne, it ws seleted ten thornless progenies O. fius-indi x O. lindheimerii to ompre their iomss, CP ontent nd old hrdiness. The evlution site ws seleted in the Mendoz plins where O. fius-indi nnot survive due to frost dmge (25). Progenies of the interspeifi ross etween two wild, spiny Texs ntive O. lindheimerii Texs A&M University Kingsville (TAMUK) ession 1250 mle prents (old hrdy, red fruits, luish pds) nd spineless ommeril O. fius-indi fruit type TAMUK ession 1281 (low old hrdy, spineless, fst growing, red fruits, greenish pds) were trnsferred from Texs A&M to the University of Sntigo del Estero, Argentin nd then to the reserh site in Mendoz (25). Ten of the segregnts tht hd hrteristis of the old hrdy, spiny mle prent (smll fruits nd luish ldodes) ut without spines (24) were exmined for forge prodution nd freeze hrdiness in trils desried in (25). Three trils were estlished with different ojetives. Tril 1 rnked 10 lones (lon 42, 46, 64, 80, 83, 85, 89, 94, 97 nd 150), O. fiusindi nd O. ellisin for determining iomss produtivity, CP ontent nd frost hrdiness. An initil fertiliztion of 100 g of 15N 15P 15K per plnt to redue possile differenes in soil fertility ws pplied t the eginning of the riny seson. There were signifint differenes mong lones for iomss prodution. Results showed tht there ws group of lones (lon 85, 89, nd 97) tht ws no signifintly different from O. ellisin (figure 2, pge 270). A seond group (lones 64, 83, 94, nd 80) did not differ from O. fius-indi. The third group ontined 3 lones (42, 46, nd 150) tht were different from oth O. fius-indi nd O. ellisin (p=0.041). At 5 x 3 m sping (667 plnts h -1 ), lone 150 produed out 6.7 t DM h -1 t the end of the four yer of growth. In this tril, the prodution rtio of O. ellisin to O. fius-indi ws out 0.38, similr to the findings of other uthors (3, 28) who reported prodution rtio from 0.30 to Tomo 47 N

8 J. M. Grünwldt et l. Men vlues of iomss per plnt (kg DM plnt -1 ) d d d d O. iusindi O. llisin Clones nd speies Different letters indite signifint differenes (LSD Fisher test, p< 0.05). Diferentes letrs indin diferenis signifitivs (LSD Fisher test, p< 0,05). Figure 2. Men vlues nd stndrd errors of dry mtter (kg DM plnt -1 ) for lones nd speies fter four growing sesons in the Mendoz plin. Figur 2. Vlores medios y errores estándr de mteri se (kg MS plnt -1 ) pr lones y espeies después de utro estiones de reimiento en l llnur de Mendoz. The rnge of the CP ontent of lones nd speies onsidered ws 4.95 nd 7.92% for lones 42 nd 97, respetively. Two lones (97 nd 89) hd the sme CP ontent thn O. fius-indi (figure 3, pge 271). The men CP onentrtion of lones 97, 89 nd O. fius-indi ould stisfy (37) the CP requirements of ow of 400-kg live weight during the lst third of the pregnny ut not for ltting ow of the sme live weight (8.0 nd 10% CP, respetively). There is evidene tht the protein ontent of tus n e inrese to meet the minimum requirement of ltting ow with N fertiliztion (P. Felker, pers. omm.). Indeed (14), ited y Felker (2001) found tht CP ontent in O. lindheimerii inrese from 4.5% from the zero fertility tretment to 10.5% for the tretment ontining 224 kg N nd 112 kg P h -1. This uthor exmined eight fertiliztion tretments on the ntive O. lindheimerii over four-yer periods in zone with 430 mm yr -1 rinfll. The dry iomss produtivity in this tril inresed from 7 to 62 t DM h -1 yer -1 for these doses of fertilizers nd reommended fertilizing tus with 224 kg N h -1 every two yers to mintin CP levels t out 10%, with produtivity in the 50 t DM h -1 yer -1 rnge. If in tht experiene (14) we onsider n investment of U$$ (1.33 U$S kg N -1 ) per hetre for pplying 224 kg N every two yers, would e otined 5000 kg CP h -1 t ost of 0.06 U$S CP kg -1. In this wy would not e dvisle to reple the protein from the tus for protein sustitute s expeller soyen osting 0.73 U$S CP kg Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

9 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds 9 Men rude protein ontent (%) d d d d d d 0 97 O. iusindi 89 O. ellisin Clones nd speies Different letters indite signifint differenes (LSD Fisher test, p< 0.05). Diferentes letrs indin diferenis signifitivs (LSD Fisher test, p<0,05). Figure 3. Men rude protein ontent (%) nd stndrd errors for lones nd speies fter four growing sesons in the Mendoz plin. Figur 3. Contenido medio de proteín rud (%) y errores estándr pr lones y espeies después de utro estiones de reimiento en l llnur de Mendoz. During the period My-Septemer 2009 with 320 hours with tempertures elow 0 C, there were sttistil differenes in the frost dmge mong lones nd speies oth in the perentge of ldodes (P<0.0001) nd plnts (P=0.0153) tht were dmged (figure 4, pge 272). Frost dmge in the ldodes of lones 64, 150 nd 42 ws signifintly lower thn in those of O. fius-indi. Clones 46, 80, 83, 89, 94 nd O. ellisin hd zero frost dmge during the onsidered period. This result is in greement with the frost dmge estimtes in the winter of 2007, when the minimum tempertures dropped to -9 C on two osions (12) in whih the frost dmge in O. fius-indi rehed 15.7% nd ws higher thn in the other lones. These results re oinident lso with those found y Vldez-Ceped, R. (2001) who reported tht the most resistnt vrieties of Opunti sps. hd 0 to 10% of ded ldodes, ut with lower tempertures thn those in other study (25). The plnts ffeted y frost (figure 4, pge 272) in Mendoz plin in the winter months, when plnts were dormnt, were signifintly fewer in lones 97, 85, 42, 150, nd 64 thn in those of O. fius-indi. The other lones suffered no frost dmge (25). In ontrst, others uthors reported tht frost dmge only ourred in spring (lte-sesonl frost: August to Otoer) fter omintion of frequent suessive nights of freezing tempertures (etween nd -9.6 C) when the plnts hd lredy strted sprouting. In winter, during dormny, no plnts suffered ny frost dmge t freezing tempertures s low s -8 C (47). Tomo 47 N

10 J. M. Grünwldt et l. Averge perentge A: Plnts dmged B: Cldodes dmged C: Totl dmge (plnt + ldode) ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC O. iusindi O. ellisin Plnts nd ldodes ffeted y frost Different letters indite signifint differenes (LSD Fisher test, p< 0.05). Diferentes letrs indin diferenis signifitivs (LSD Fisher test, p<0,05). Figure 4. Averge perentge nd stndrd errors of plnts nd ldodes ffeted y frost in the Mendoz plin. Figur 4. Porentjes medios y errores estándr de plnts y ldodios fetdos por helds en l llnur de Mendoz. The seond tril ws estlished with lone 42 to determine the iomss prodution per hetre nd CP ontent. It hd 3 replitions with eh of them hving 6 rows of 8 plnts per row on 1.5 x 1.5 m sping (4,444 plnts h -1 ) nd n nnul fertiliztion of 100 kg N, 50 kg P, nd 50 kg K h -1 with the purpose to otin mximum produtivity. Biomss prodution ws determined devoid of order effets. Clone 42 produed in 4 yers with totl of 625 mm rinfll men of 9.0 kg DM plnt -1, 40 t DM h -1 with CP ontent for 1-yer-old ldodes of 4.12 %. This is the gretest DM prodution reorded to dte for suh low rinfll (25). The men N ontent (0.66 g 100 g DM -1 ) of lone 42 ws muh lower thn the vlue of 0.97 g 100 g DM -1 reommended y Mgllnes-Quintnr, R. (2004) for mximum prodution in 'noplitos' nd thus this prodution ould e N limited. Assy 3 ws estlished to mesure the influene of N fertiliztion on growth nd CP ontent of the ten progenies mentioned in Tril 1. The three fertilizer tretments were: ) ontrol without fertiliztion; ) pplition low quntity of fertilizer: 30 kg N, 30 kg P, nd 30 kg K h -1 every two yers; nd ) nnul pplition of 100 kg N, 50 kg P nd 100 kg K h -1. The sping used ws 5 x 3 m (out 667 plnts h -1 ). Fertilizers were pplied s ws desried for Tril 1. In figure 5 (pge 273) it is shown tht there were signifint differenes mong the mens of fertilizer tretments. 272 Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

11 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds H : high dose of fertilizer L : low dose of fertilizer C : ontrol (no fertilizer dded) Men yield of dry mtter (kg) C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H Fertilizer dose in lones H: high dose of fertilizer (nnul pplition of 100 kg N, 50 kg P nd 100 kg K h -1 ); L: low dose of fertilizer (pplition de 30 kg N, 30 kg P nd 30 kg K h -1 every two yers); C: ontrol (no fertilizer dded). Different letters indite signifint differenes (LSD Fisher test, p< 0.05). H: lt dosis de fertiliznte (pliión nul de 100 kg N, 50 kg P nd 100 kg K h -1 ); L: j dosis de fertiliznte (pliión de 30 kg N, 30 kg P nd 30 kg K h -1 d dos ños); C: ontrol (sin fertiliznte). Diferentes letrs indin diferenis signifitivs (LSD Fisher test, p<0,05). Figure 5. Men yield of dry mtter plnt -1 nd stndrd errors for lones ording to fertilizer doses fter four growing sesons in the Mendoz plin. Figur 5. Rendimiento medio de mteri se plnt -1 y errores estándr de lones de uerdo on ls dosis de fertiliznte después de utro estiones de reimiento en l llnur de Mendoz. Men yield of DM per plnt ws signifintly higher t the highest doses of fertilizer thn for low doses nd ontrol, exept for lone 89 tht showed no differenes mong the three tretments. Clone 85 ws the most produtive under high fertiliztion (11.2 t DM h -1 ). Other produtive lones were 83 (9.9 t DM h -1 ), 94 (9.8 t DM h -1 ) nd 150 (9.5 t DM h -1 ). The response to fertiliztion t the highest pplition rte ws ner 4-fold inrese over the iomss of the zero fertiliztion tretment, 3.2 to 12.7 kg DM plnt -1. The lone CP ontent depends on the fertilizer doses. A signifint intertion etween lones nd fertilizer tretments ws oserved. With high doses of fertilizer, lone 150 hd higher CP ontent thn those of lones 89, 85, 94, nd 46 (figure 6, pge 274) wheres with low doses of fertilizer there ws no signifint differenes mong lones. In the tretment with no ddition of fertilizer (ontrol), the lone 85 hd signifint high CP ontent thn the lone 64 (25). The high doses of fertilizer pplied lmost douled the men CP ontent of the ldodes when it ws ompred with the tretment in whih no fertilizer ws dded (7.8 nd 4.3%, respetively). Tomo 47 N

12 J. M. Grünwldt et l. H : high dose of fertilizer L : low dose of fertilizer C : ontrol (no fertilizer dded) Men rude protein (%) d 42 d d d d d d d d d C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H C L H Fertilizer dose in lones H: high dose of fertilizer (nnul pplition of 100 kg N, 50 kg P nd 100 kg K h -1 ); L: low dose of fertilizer (pplition de 30 kg N, 30 kg P nd 30 kg K h -1 every two yers); C: ontrol (no fertilizer dded). Different letters indite signifint differenes (LSD Fisher test, p< 0.05). H: lt dosis de fertiliznte (pliión nul de 100 kg N, 50 kg P nd 100 kg K h -1 ); L: j dosis de fertiliznte (pliión de 30 kg N, 30 kg P nd 30 kg K h -1 d dos ños); C: ontrol (sin fertiliznte). Diferentes letrs indin diferenis signifitivs (LSD Fisher test, p<0,05). Figure 6. Men rude protein ontent (%) nd stndrd errors for lones ording to fertilizer doses fter four growing sesons in the Mendoz plin. Figur 6. Contenido medio de proteín rud (%) y errores estándr de lones de uerdo on ls dosis de fertiliznte después de utro estiones de reimiento en l llnur de Mendoz. The use of nurse plnts is n lterntive to the pplition of fertilizers for inresing CP. In Mendoz, preliminry results (J. Grünwldt, pers. omm.) showed n inrese of 45% in CP ontent when the ldodes were plnted under the nopy of Prosopis sps. As onsequene of oth, iomss nd protein rise, the protein inreses would e kg CP h -1, t ost of US$ per fertilized with N during 4 yers t vlue of 2.39 US$ CP kg -1. Considering tht the prie of soyens is 0.73 U$S CP kg -1 the pplition of N fertilizer is not eonomilly onvenient under these onditions. Eonomi view The eonomi fesiility of h tus plnttions for drought forge nd fodder prodution ws exmined y simultion models (16). Models were run with mm nnul rinfll nd two mngement systems: ut nd rry (CAC) nd diret rowsing (DB). Ctus prodution ws estimted from RUE ftors: 15 kg DM h -1 yer -1 mm -1 rinfll for 200 mm of rin, 18.8 kg DM h -1 yer -1 mm -1 rinfll for 300 mm nd 22.5 kg DM h -1 yer -1 mm -1 rinfll for 400 mm. 274 Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

13 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds The vlue of the prodution ws estimted using shdow pries: ) the ost of energy nd protein derived from those of onentrtes; nd ) the prie of steer met on the hoof. Ctus prodution ws found to e fesile in DB system with 300 mm rinfll on 100 h plnttion nd with 400 mm rinfll on 50 h plnttion. With 400 mm rinfll, h plnttions would e needed if the CAC system ws dopted. The profitility lultions did not tke into ount the seondry enefits suh s runoff nd erosion ontrol, limte uffering, inresed lnd fertility, lndsping nd menities, stiliztion of niml prodution or redution of the mount of wter drunk y livestok, nd this resulted in very lrge underestimtion of the eonomi impt of tus plnttions. The size of tus plnttions neessry to supplement rnge grzing to 1,576 nd 2,273 niml unit yer (AUY) in 37,500 h ow-lf rnh were estimted to e 123 nd 111 h t 300 nd 400 mm rinfll, respetively. The estlishment ost of these plnttions would inrese the rnh investment y 7.4 to 10%, respetively. The eonomi nlysis of the introdution of tus prodution into gotprodution systems in the northestern plin of Mendoz were exmined y simultion model (17). The model ws run with 50, 100, 150, nd 200 does nd nnul rinfll proilities (p) from 0.1 to 0.9. Investments nd osts were derived from dt reorded through estlishment nd monitoring of experimentl tus plnttions (17). Ctus prodution ws sed on RUE ftor of 12.5 kg DM h -1 yer -1 mm -1 nd the nnul rinfll proilities in the re. The CAC mngement method ws onsidered for pen feeding during 110 dys (lst third of pregnny nd 60-dy lttion) with 3.6 kg fresh mteril got -1 dy -1. A derese in got nnul mortlity from 10% to 2% nd n dditionl nnul mount of kids per got were onsidered s diret enefits derived from supplementing gots with spineless tus in the fll-winter period. As onsequene of this prtie, n dditionl 0.2 kids ppers to e otinle in field onditions. A seondry enefit ws the redution of wter onsumption y gots. The Internl Rte of Return (IRR) orresponding to 0.2 dditionl kids, nd the nnul dditionl mount of kids per got neessry to reh n IRR of 12% were determined for four got herds (50, 100, 150, nd 200 does) nd nine nnul rinfll proilities (p=0.1 - p=0.9). The estlishment ost of tus plnttions rnged from US$ 525 h -1 (50-hed got herd; p=0.1) to US$ 242 h -1 (200-hed got herd; p=0.9). Cost of fene instlltion ws the min item of estlishment ost in most the nlyzed senrios. This ost my e redued if fene mde of spiny tus is estlished. If dependle rins (p=0.8) re onsidered, the IRR would e lower thn 12% for ll got-herd sizes, nd the dditionl kids per got required to reh 12% IRR would rnge from 0.21 to 0.29 for 200 nd 50 does, respetively. The eonomi fesiility of spineless tus (Opunti sps.) nd sltush (Atriplex nummulri Lindl.) plnttions for supplementing gots in the north-estern plin of Mendoz (men nnul rinfll = 175 mm) during the fll-winter period ws exmined y simultion model (20). It ws run with gots nd nnul rinfll proility (p= ). Tomo 47 N

14 J. M. Grünwldt et l. Ctus prodution ws estimted from RUE ftor of 12.5 kg DM h -1 yer -1 mm -1 nd the nnul rinfll proilities in the re. Sltush prodution (1.88 t DM h -1 yer -1 ) ws ssumed not to e ffeted y nnul rinfll thnks to the presene of 5 10 m deep, modertely sline wter tle ( dsm -1 ). A derese in got mortlity nd n dditionl numer of kids per got were onsidered s nnul enefits derived from supplementing the got diet. The estlishment ost (US$ h -1 ) rnged from 812 (50 gots; p=0.1) to 317 (200 gots; p=0.9) for tus plnttions nd from 691 (50 gots) to 378 (200 gots) for sltush plnttions, mounts tht not ll stokmen ould fford. The ost of instlling metl fene ws the min item of estlishment ost for oth shrus. Nutrient osts for shru prodution were lower thn those for lflf hy, the onventionl feed used y stokmen. A derese in doe mortlity from 10% to 2% nd n inrese in nnul kid rop rnges from 0.17 to 0.32 would eonomilly justify shru plnttions for stokmen hving more thn 50 gots t nnul rinfll proilities from p=0.1 to p=0.8. The performne nd nutrient digestiility of feedlot Snt Inês sheep fed with inresing levels (0, 25, 50, 75, 100% DM sis) of O. fiusindi s replement for orn ws evluted. It ws found tht the replement of orn y tus per does not ffet the onversion of the feed. Overll, inresed levels of tus per in the sheep's diet fvor high digestiility of nutrients, improve the qulity of forge, redue the voluntry intke of wter, nd thus represent n importnt soure of fodder nd wter reserves for use in semirid regions. With n inlusion of 28% of Opunti in the diet, no digestive disturnes using redutions in DM intke or in nutrient digestiility were oserved. Neither there were no liquid fees or inresed dominl distension in the nimls, proly due to tht diet hd 29.5 % DM -1 (8). Others feeding trils reported dirrhoe when tus fed s n exlusive diet (32), though this disorder tht n prevented y dding to the diet pproximtely 1% dry roughge (31). High mount of oxltes (38) nd moisture ontent (35) my lso explin the lxtive effet of tus ldodes. Ctus in the diet not ltered ruminl ph (4, 36). The possile enefits of this prtie (8) were nlyzed using lol dt on prodution nd osts of tus nd orn (26). Estlishment ost of tus for 200 gots nd the dependle rin (p=0.8) in the Experimentl field of the Centro Científio Tenológio CONICET- Mendoz (32 53' W, 68 52' S), in July 2012 urreny, ws lulted for three lterntives referred to two fene types -metl nd eletrified wire- nd without fene (26). Metl fene: U$S 855 h -1 (the ost of fene instlltion represents 60% of the totl estlishment ost). Eletrified fene: U$S 547 h -1 (the eletrified wire ost ws equivlent to 40% of tht of metl wire). Without fene: U$S 342 h -1. Corn prodution ost in Mendoz under irrigtion (12 t MS h -1 ): U$S kg -1. Cost of purhsed orn: U$S kg -1. Produtivity of O. fius-indi in 7-yer-old plnttion in Mendoz Provine ws 12,594 kg DM h -1, omposed of the ontriution of 3,351, 5,380, 3,863 kg DM h -1, from of 1-, 2- nd 3-yer-old ldodes, respetively (26). Rinfll in the three lst growing periods: , nd ws 57.8; nd mm, respetively (dt from the 276 Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

15 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds Wether Sttion CCT CONICET Mendoz). The RUE for totl produtivity nd rinfll ws 33.6 kg DM h -1 yer -1 mm -1. The tus/orn ost reltionship ws determined on the sis of the use of fene or lk of it t the site of tus implnttion, the ontriution of iomss ording to the ge of the ldodes hrvested, nd the different prie of orn depending on whether it ws produed or purhsed in the mrket (tle 1). A tus/orn ost reltionship less thn 1 indites the possiility of repling the orn y tus in diet, euse of the lower reltive prie of the ltter. So in this sitution, replement of orn y tus would e pproprite in 11 out of the 18 lterntives. Figure 7 (pge 278) shows the eonomi fesiility of repling orn y tus in different perentges, tking into ount the prie of purhsed orn nd the ost of tus for the situtions previously desried. In ll the lterntives, exept for metl fene nd 1 yer-old ldodes, replement of orn y tus implies derese in the diet ost when the replement level of tus inresed. The sitution without fene nd using yer old ldodes to reple the 25, 50, 75 nd 100% of orn in the diet, would result in svings of U$S 1.04, 2.07, 3.11 nd 4.14, respetively, for every 100 kg of rtion (26). Tle 1. Reltionship tus/orn osts ording to fene type, orn pries nd ldodes ges. Tl 1. Relión de ostos tus/míz de uerdo on el tipo de lmrdo, preios del míz y eddes de los ldodios. Ctus ost Corn ost Fene (U$S kg DM -1 ) Ctus/orn ost (U$S h -1 ) (U$S kg DM -1 ) Produed Purhsed Produed Purhsed Metl yer yer yer Eletrified yer yer yer Without fene yer yer yer Tomo 47 N

16 J. M. Grünwldt et l. Ctus nd orn ost (U$S) % orn dry mtter 21% orn dry mtter nd 7% tus dry mtter 14% orn dry mtter nd 7% tus dry mtter 1 7% orn dry mtter nd 21% tus dry mtter Metl fene Eletri ied fene Without fene Cldodes ge nd three fene lterntives 28% tus dry mtter Figure 7. Cost of tus plus orn (U$S) for the purhsed orn prie, tus ost of 1-yer, 1+2 yer nd yer-old ldodes nd the three fene lterntives. Figur 7. Costo de tus más míz (U$S) pr el preio de míz omprdo. Costo del tus de 1-ño, 1+2 ños y ños de edd de los ldodios y ls tres lterntivs de lmrdo. Conlusions The future of rid nd semirid regions depends on the development of sustinle gronomi systems nd the implementtion of suitle rops. Ctus n meet these requirements nd t s strtegi food reserves to mitigte the effets of drought on livestok prodution systems of the ove regions. Ctus plnttions ould e suessfully developed in most of the rid nd semi-rid regions of Argentin, provided frost-tolernt speies or lones were used. O. spinulifer emerges s one promising speies for forge prodution in Mendoz plin, not only y its frost hrdiness in res with extremely old winters: -5<(m)<3 C, ut lso high iomss prodution nd CP ontent (2.0 kg plnt -1 nd 6.5%, respetively). However, due to the high frequeny of solute minimum tempertures in the study site, it ppers to e neessry to protet the plnts in winter for 1 or 2 yers fter plnting. The studies done so fr, suh s, identifition of Opunti lones nd progenies of high produtivity nd old hrdiness, nd lso eonomi fesiility of tus plnttions, re strting point for further 278 Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

17 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds reserhes. These should ddress niml performne in oth rngelnd nd feedlot in response to supplementtion of their diet with tus, inluding it in different forms suh s fresh, dehydrted, silge, multi-nutrient loks. Other efforts ould e direted to provide propitious ioti environment for tus to hieve higher iomss produtivity nd improved protein levels y interting with nurse plnts, suh s Prosopis sps. Another interesting lterntive to try for reduing the use of N-fertilizer ould e testing whether endophyti nitrogenfixing teri suh s Gluonetoter dizotrophius fix N in Opunti. The reltionship tus/orn ost indites the possiility of repling the orn y tus in diet, y the lower reltive prie of the ltter. The estlishment ost of tus plnttions ppers to e high nd out of reh for most rnhers nd grziers. Intensive reserh nd extension efforts re needed to mke tus plnttions more ttrtive to them in terms of feed vlue, to highlight their role s "drought insurne" nd eonomi enefits, nd in prtiulr to redue their ost of estlishment. At the sme time, government should onsider pproprite inentives for estlishing fodder tus plnttions nd legl tools fvoring seurity of lnd tenure in some res. Referenes 1. Anegy, K.; Bouto, A Prikly per tus in Southern Moroo regions from historil ptrimony to tehnologil future. The VII th Interntionl Congress on Ctus Per & Cohinel. Aville online t: o1-%20prikly%20per%20ctus%20in%20southern%20moron%20regions. pdf (essed: June 2012). 2. Arroquy, J. I.; Oho, J Estudio explortorio del vlor nutritivo de espeies de Opunti en Sntigo del Estero (Argentin). Aprovehmiento integrl de l tun. CACTUSNET Número Espeil N 10: Brrientos-Pérez, F.; Borrego Eslnte, F.; Felker, P Collortive Mexio/United Sttes inititive to reed freeze tolernt fruit nd forge Opunti vrieties, in: Felker, P. (Ed.), Third Annul Prikly Per Counil, Texs A&M University, Kingsville, Texs, p Ben Slem, H.; Smith, T Feeding strtegies to inrese smll ruminnt prodution in dry environments. Smll Ruminnt Reserh. 77: Berry, W. L.; Noel, P. S Influene of soil nd minerl stresses on ti. Journl of Plnt Nutrition. 8: Borrego-Eslnte, F.; Murillo-Soto, M. M.; Prg-Torres, V. M Potenil de produión en el norte de Méxio de vrieddes de nopl (Opunti spp.) tolerntes l frío, in: Felker, P. (Ed.), Proeedings of the First Annul Texs Prikly Per Counil, Cesr Kleerg Wildlife Reserh Institute, Kingsville, Texs. p Cony, M. A.; Trione, S. O.; Guevr, J. C Mrophisiologil responses of two forge Opunti speies to slt stress. Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development. 8: Cost, R. G.; Treviño, I. H.; de Medeiros, G. R.; Medeiros, A. N.; Pinto, T. F.; de Oliveir, R. L Effets of repling orn with tus (Opunti fius-indi Mill) on the performne of Snt Inês lms. Smll Ruminnt Reserh. 102: Felker, P Forge nd fodder prodution nd utiliztion, in: Brer, G.; Inglese, P.; Pimient- Brrios, E. (Eds.), Agro-eology, ultivtion nd uses of tus per. FAO, Rome, Itly Felker, P Utiliztion of Opunti for forge in the United Sttes of Ameri, in: Mondrgón- Joo, C.; Pérez-González, S. (Eds.), Ctus (Opunti spp.) s forge. FAO, Rome, Itly Tomo 47 N

18 J. M. Grünwldt et l. 11. Felker, P.; Russell, C. E Influene of heriides nd ultivtion on the growth of Opunti in plnttions. Journl of Hortiulturl Siene. 63: Felker, P.; Bunh, R. A.; Borhert, D. M.; Guevr, J. C Potentil glol dptvity of spineless, progeny of Opunti fius-indi 1281 x O. lindheimerii 1250 s forge ultivrs dpted to USDA old hrdiness zones 7 nd 8. At Hortiulture. 811: Fernández, O. A.; Busso, C. A Arid nd semirid rngelnds: two thirds of Argentin. Rl Report. 200: González, C. L Potentil of fertiliztion to improve nutritive vlue of prikly per tus (Opunti lindheimerii Engelm.). Journl of Arid Environments. 16: Guevr, J. C.; Cvgnro, J. B.; Estevez, O. R.; Le Houérou, H. N.; Stsi, C. R Produtivity, mngement nd development prolems in the rid rngelnds of the entrl Mendoz plins (Argentin). Journl of Arid Environments. 35: Guevr, J. C.; Estevez, O. R.; Stsi, C. R Eonomi fesiility of tus plnttions for forge nd fodder prodution in the Mendoz plins (Argentin). Journl of Arid Environments. 43: Guevr, J. C.; Estevez, O. R.; Stsi, C. R Cost-enefit nlysis of tus fodder rops for got prodution in Mendoz, Argentin. Smll Ruminnt Reserh. 34: Guevr, J. C.; Gonnet, J. M.; Estevez, O. R Frost hrdiness nd prodution of Opunti forge lones in the Mendoz plin, Argentin. Journl of Arid Environments. 46: Guevr, J. C.; Estevez, O. R Opunti spp. for fodder nd forge prodution in Argentin: experienes nd prospets, in: Mondrgón-Joo, C.; Pérez-González, S. (Eds.), Ctus (Opunti spp.) s forge. FAO, Rome, Itly Guevr, J. C.; Silv Colomer, J. H.; Estevez, O. R.; Pez, J. A Simultion of the eonomi fesiility of fodder shru plnttion s supplement for got prodution in the northestern plin of Mendoz, Argentin. Journl of Arid Environments. 53: Guevr, J. C.; Silv Colomer, J. H.; Juárez, M. C.; Estevez, O. R Opunti ellisin: old hrdiness, ove-ground iomss prodution nd nutritionl qulity in the Mendoz plin, Argentin. Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development 5: Guevr, J. C.; Silv Colomer, J. H.; Estevez, O. R Nutrient ontent of Opunti forge lones in the Mendoz plin, Argentin. Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development. 6: Guevr, J. C.; Trione, S. O.; Estevez, O. R.; Cony, M. A A smpling proedure to determine the nitrogen ontent in Opunti fius-indi ldodes. Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development. 8: Guevr, J. C.; Sussun, P.; Felker, P Opunti forge prodution systems: sttus nd prospets for rngelnd pplition. Rngelnd Eology nd Mngement. 62: Guevr, J. C.; Felker, P.; Blzrini, M. G.; Pez, S. A.; Estevez, O. R.; Pez, M. N.; Antúnez, J. C Produtivity, old hrdiness nd forge qulity of spineless progeny of the Opunti fius-indi 1281 x O. lindheimerii 1250 ross in Mendoz plin, Argentin. Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development. 13: Guevr, J. C.; Grünwldt, E. G.; Grünwldt, J. M.; Pez, M. N Produtivity, nutrient ontent nd old hrdiness of forge lones nd progenies of Opunti in Mendoz, Argentin nd eonomi nlysis of tus inlusion in ruminnt diets. Ctusnet Newsletter, Speil Issue. 13: Gugliuzz, G.; L Mnti, T.; Inglese, P Fruit lod nd ldode nutrient onentrtions in tus per. At Hortiulture. 581: Hn, H.; Felker. P Field vlidtion of wter-use effiieny of the CAM plnt Opunti ellisin in south Texs. Journl of Arid Environments. 36: Le Houérou, H. N Feeding shrus to sheep in the Mediterrnen rid zone: intke performne nd feed vlue, in: Gston, A.; Kernik, M.; Le Houérou, H. N. (Eds.), Proeedings of the Fourth Interntionl Rngelnd Congress CIRAD (SCIST), Montpellier, Frne Le Houérou, H. N Drought-tolernt nd wter-effiient fodder shrus (DTFS), their role s "drought insurne" in the griulturl development of rid nd semi-rid zones in southern Afri. WRC, Pretori, South Afri. Report N KV p. 280 Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

19 Cti (Opunti sps.) s forge in Argentin dry lnds 31. Le Houérou, H. N Biolimtologie et iogéogrphie des steppes rides du Nord de l Afrique. Diversité iologique, développement durle et désertistion. Options Méditerrnéennes, Serie B: Etudes et Reherhes N p. 32. Le Houérou, H. N The role of ti (Opunti spp.) in erosion ontrol, lnd relmtion, rehilittion nd griulturl development in the Mediterrnen Bsin. Journl of Arid Environments. 33: Le Houérou, H. N., Utiliztion of fodder trees nd shrus (TRUBS) in the rid nd semirid zones of western Asi nd northern Afri (WANA): history nd perspetives. A review. ICARDA/CIHEAM, Hmmmet, Tunisi. 51 p. 34. Mgllnes-Quintnr, R.; Vldez-Ceped, R. D.; Blno-Mís, F.; Márquez-Mdrid, M.; Ruíz- Grduño, R. R.; Pérez-Veyn, O.; Grí-Hernández, J. L.; Murillo-Amdor, B.; López- Mrtínez, J. D.; Mrtínez-Ruín de Celis, E Compositionl nutrient dignosis in nopl (Opunti fius-indi). Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development. 6: Mltserger, W. A Feeding nd supplementing prikly per tus to eef ttle. Proeedings of the Seond Annul Texs Prikly Per Counil Meeting. Texs A&M University, Kingsville, Texs Misr, A. K.; Mishr, A. S.; Tripthi, M. K.; Chturvedi, O. H.; Vithiynthn, S.; Prsd, R.; Jkhmol, R. C Intke, digestion nd miroil protein synthesis in sheep on hy supplemented with prikly per tus [Opunti fius-indi (L.) Mill.] with or without groundnut mel. Smll Ruminnt Reserh. 63: Ntionl Reserh Counil (NRC) Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cttle. 7th revised ed., Ntionl Reserh Counil, Wshington DC, USA. 248 p. 38. Nefzoui, A.; Ben Slem, H Opunti - A strtegi fodder nd effiient tool to omt desertifition in the WANA Region, in: Mondrgón-Joo, C.; Pérez-González, S. (Eds.), Ctus (Opunti spp.) s forge. FAO, Rome, Itly Nefzoui, A.; Ben Slem, H Ctus: un no de limento pr gndo en entornos áridos y semiáridos. CACTUSNET Número Espeil 10: Noel, P. S Low temperture tolerne nd CO 2 uptke for plty Opuntis- lortory ssessment. Journl of Arid Environments. 18: Noel, P. S Tnsley Review N 32. Ahievle produtivities of ertin CAM plnts: sis for high vlues ompred with C 3 nd C 4 plnts. New Phytologist. 119: Noel, P. S Remrkle gves nd ti. Oxford University Press, New York. 43. Noel, P. S Eophysiology of Opunti fius-indi, in: Mondrgón-Joo, C.; Pérez- González, S. (Eds.), Ctus (Opunti spp.) s forge. FAO, Rome, Itly Oho, M. J Mnejo de los tunles hi un sistem de provehmiento integrl. Aprovehmiento integrl de l tun. CACTUSNET Número Espeil 10: Prish, J.; Felker, P Fruit qulity nd prodution of tus per (Opunti spp.) fruit lones seleted for inresed frost hrdiness. Jornl of Arid Environments 37: Reveles-Hernández, M.; Flores-Ortiz, M. A.; Blno-Mís, F.; Vldez-Ceped, R. D El mnejo del nopl forrjero en l produión de gndo ovino. VIII Simposium-Tller Nionl y 1 er Internionl "Produión y Aprovehmiento del Nopl". RESPYN Ediión Espeil No. 5: Snymn, H. A.; Fouhé, H.J.; Avennt, P. L.; Rtsele, C Frost sensitivity of Opunti fiusindi nd O. roust in semirid limte of South Afri. Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development. 9: Tleisnik, E.; López Lunestein, D Leñoss perennes pr mientes fetdos por slinidd. Un sinopsis de l ontriuión rgentin este tem. Eologí Austrl. 21: Tylor, R. W Hy Smpling nd Grding. Coopertive Extension University of Delwre. Aville online t: (essed: Septemer 2012). 50. Torres Sles, A Sistems de produión de nopl forrjero en Brsil. VIII Simposium- Tller Nionl y 1 er Internionl "Produión y Aprovehmiento del Nopl". RESPYN, Ediión Espeil N 5: Tomo 47 N

20 J. M. Grünwldt et l. 51. Vldez-Ceped, R. D.; Blno-Mís, F.; Gllegos-Vázquez, C.; Slins-Grí, G. E.; Vázquez Alvrdo, R. E Freezing tolerne of Opunti spp. Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development. 4: Wng, X.; Felker, P.; Pterson, A Environmentl influenes on tus per fruit yield, qulity nd old hrdiness nd development of hyrids with improved old hrdiness. Journl of the Professionl Assoition for Ctus Development. 2: Revist de l Fultd de Cienis Agrris

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