Found MUJI Plants and Healthy Living. Found MUJI 植物與健康生活

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1 植物與健康生活

2 Found MUJI Plants and Healthy Living Spring used to be a season when cotton sacks were filled with Japanese mugwort, as it is plucked along paths between rice fields. This was then used in the bath, as it is replaced by dried mikan (mandarin orange) peel in the wintertime. The bitter steam that rose from decocting herbs; the weed juice that was used for bug bites. In the recollections of time spent with grandmother, we find wisdom in using the plants around us for maintaining our well beings. With four seasons and an abundance of water, Japan is a treasure trove of plants. Not merely for consumption or used as raw materials, making the best use of the plants that grow around us for healthier living, is a folk wisdom that has been with us since primitive times. About 5 to 10% of the plants growing in nature have functions that can be used in maintaining the body s condition. The body can experience this through the mouth from drinking teas, the skin while soaking in baths and through the nose with fragrances. Under the title Plants and Healthy Living, Found MUJI introduces teas, bath packs, essential oils and more, all made from plants grown naturally in Japan where any processing is kept to a minimal. Through the perspective of Found MUJI, we have rendered the forms of timeless wisdom for everyday living into ways that can blend smoothly into modern lifestyles. We invite you to embrace the bounty of plants as it is offered by nature. Found MUJI 植物與健康生活 每當春季來臨, 把棉布袋塞滿從田間小路採摘得來的艾草, 並放於熱水中浸泡 ; 冬天便用曬乾了的蜜柑皮浸浴 煎草藥時湧出的苦澀蒸氣味道 ; 或用草汁液塗抹被蚊蟲叮咬的位置等等, 這些與祖母一起生活的回憶裡, 充滿著以周邊植物調理身體的智慧 日本四季分明, 水源充足, 是栽種植物的好地方 生長於周邊的植物, 不單可作為食糧或生活用具, 更可令生活更健康, 也是自原始時代一直流傳至今的民間智慧 能調節身體機能的天然植物, 約佔整體的 5-10% 茂密生長的植物看似雜草, 若得到指導便可從中發現對身體有益的植物 這些植物可作為香草茶或用於浸浴, 透過飲用或皮膚吸收, 鼻子和身體也能感受其香氣 F o u n d M U J I 以 植物與健康生活 為題, 使用日本的天然植物, 盡量保持其天然形態, 直接做成浸浴包或天然香薰 油 承傳自古以來的生活智慧, 並依照 Found MUJI 的理念進行加工並融入現代生活中 一同來體驗來自天然植物的恩澤吧!

3 Straddling the prefectures of Gifu and Shiga, Mount Ibuki has provided a habitat for diverse types of plants since olden times. Even today, plants that are essential to daily living are dried under the eaves at homes in the region. 橫跨岐阜縣和滋賀縣的伊吹山, 自古以來孕育各種植物繁茂生長, 與當地生活息息相關, 至今依然能看見很多家庭在屋外晾曬植物

4 Hills and fields that nurture plants While one hears about the herb gardens and imagines the farm-like fields in the foothills of Mount Aso in Kumamoto prefecture, it is in fact a place where hills and fields are lined with wild paths wide enough just to squeeze past another person. Observing the saying Plants that compete with weeds for survival grow up with a certain strength, the very strength that mankind can partake of, every type of these hardy plants is picked at its own timing when it is growing at its strongest. But the land is not picked clean, ensuring that new shoots will appear the following year. Since olden times, people have built wisdom for maintaining the body s condition using naturally growing plants. One could say that people and plants have maintained a balance throughout this co-existence. 野生山林孕育植物熊本縣位於阿蘇山的山麓 香草園這名字令人聯想起一片田園, 抵達後卻發現是人煙稀少的野生山林, 沿途只有幽深小路 與雜草競爭下生存的植物特別頑強, 人類也可分享其生命力 每種茁壯成長的植物各自有能量最強的時節, 那就是採摘的最佳時機 為了確保植物來年也能勃發新芽, 絕不會把植物採摘至殆盡 人類自古以來就流傳著用天然植物調理身體的智慧, 這就是人類與植物互惠共生的好例子

5 Persimmon leaf 柿葉 Ramie 苧麻葉 Ground ivy 金錢薄荷葉 Japanese mugwort 艾草 Japanese mountain yam leaf 山芋葉

6 Living with Plants It was not so long ago when knowledge of the ideal seasons for plants and their functions was handed down to the next generation as a matter of course, and home-made teas and plant-infused baths, made with plants picked from the surroundings, were a part of people s lifestyles. Our Japanese-grown herb teas and bath packs contain naturally sun-dried plants picked by local residents of the Aso and Kirishima regions in Kyushu. Keeping an eye out while walking along rivers and through thickets, one would be able to notice that fishwort, Japanese mugwort, field horsetail and other plants actually thrive surprisingly well around the area. 植物生活有關植物生長季節及其各種功用的知識代代相傳, 從四周採摘的茶葉製成自家製茶, 或用植物浸浴, 這些一直是人們生活的一部份, 並非遠古時代的傳說 浸浴包 內包含了九州的阿蘇和霧島地區人民採摘和天然日曬的植物 在河邊或植物茂密生長之處散步時, 只要細心觀察, 也會發現魚腥草 艾草 問荊等植物, 原來就在身邊自然生長 A scene from the harvest in the Kirishima region of Miyazaki Prefecture. Senior citizens from the area pick and dry plants from around their homes for processing into tea. 於宮崎縣霧島地區收割的情景 當地的老人從住處附近採摘植物, 將其曬乾後加工製成香草茶 010

7 Japanese-grown Herb Bath Pack Bathing is an indispensable custom for Japanese people. Plants growing close at hand, peel left over after eating mikan (mandarin orange), and other ingredients are dried and added to baths where the aroma is savoured, while the body is warmed and the skin moisturised. Our bath packs blended Japanese-grown herbs in their natural state, emphasising aromatic plants such as hinoki cypress, mikan and peppermint. 日本產香草浸浴包浸浴是日本人生活中不可或缺的習慣 採摘身邊的天然植物, 或吃完蜜柑後將柑皮曬乾, 加進浸浴水裡, 不單可溫暖身體, 更有滋潤肌膚的作用 浸浴包以日本種植的天然草藥混合檜木, 蜜柑和薄荷等做成, 成分天然, 氣味清新 Aso Hinoki Cypress Bath Herb Scrap wood of hinoki cypress grown in the Aso region of Kumamoto Prefecture is finely ground and blended with Japanese mugwort from the Kirishima region of Miyazaki Prefecture, this essential oil, produced in the Kii Peninsula has a bracing, woody scent. 阿蘇檜木浸浴包熊本縣阿蘇地區種植的檜木廢材磨成碎屑, 加上宮崎縣霧島的艾草製成, 帶有紀伊半島產檜木的清新木香 Wakayama Mikan Bath Herb This bath pack blends ingredients including the peel from mikan (mandarin orange) harvested and hand-peeled in Arida, Wakayama Prefecture, and Japanese mugwort from the Kirishima region of Miyazaki Prefecture, resulting in an essential oil that has a hint of the sweet, tart fragrance from the Wakayama mikan. 和歌山蜜柑浸浴包和歌山縣有田市出產的手撕蜜柑皮, 混合宮崎縣霧島的艾草等調製而成, 帶有蜜柑的微微甜酸香氣 Hokkaido Peppermint Bath Herb This bath pack blends ingredients including organically grown peppermint from Hokkaido and Japanese mugwort from the Kirishima region of Miyazaki Prefecture. The peppermint essential oil creates a refreshing, clean fragrance. 北海道日本薄荷浸浴包以宮崎縣霧島的艾草配合北海道有機種植的日本薄荷, 帶有清涼香氣 Plants blended into the bath packs, and their origins Hinoki cypress (Aso region, Kumamoto Prefecture); mikan peel (Arida, Wakayama Prefecture); peppermint (Hokkaido); Japanese mugwort (Kirishima region, Miyazaki Prefecture); Job s tears (Toyama Prefecture); fishwort (Hyogo Prefecture); aloe (Shizuoka Prefecture) ; Amakusanoshio salt (Kumamoto Prefecture). 浸浴包所含植物及產地檜木 ( 熊本縣阿蘇地區 ) 蜜柑皮 ( 和歌山縣有田市 ) 日本薄荷 ( 北海道 ) 艾草 ( 宮崎縣霧島 ) 薏苡 ( 富山縣 ) 魚腥草 ( 兵庫縣 ) 木立蘆薈 ( 静岡縣 ) 天草鹽 ( 熊本縣 ) 012

8 Essential Oil from Japanese-grown Plants Distilling plants and squeezing fruit peels can yield traces of oils with condensed aromas. While essential oils have their origin in the perfume culture of the West and carry an image of opulence, the familiar aromas of Japanese plants including peppermint, hiba cedar, Japanese cedar and ponkan citrus can evoke a sense of nostalgia that calms the spirit. 日本產香薰油植物蒸餾過後得出的香薰油凝聚了濃郁香氣 香薰油源於西方的香水文化, 濃郁花香令人聯想起華麗的感覺 採用日本薄荷 柏樹 杉樹 椪柑等日本本土植物, 其香氣增添一份令人安心的熟識感 Shikoku-grown Ponkan The ponkan citrus fruit is said to have originated from India. Our ponkan has more sweetness and fuller flavour than the Satsuma mandarin, with a sweet fragrance that is somewhat redolent of tropical flowers. In Ehime Prefecture, a centre of citrus fruit production, mikan orchards extend across the face of a steep slope facing the sea. Once a year, ponkan are carefully harvested one by one, with blemished fruit shipped as general produce for processing into juice and other products. The rind of these is distilled to extract ponkan essential oil. 四國產椪柑據說椪柑原產於印度, 味道比温州蜜柑更香甜濃郁, 讓人享受猶如南方熱帶花香的甜蜜香氣 愛媛縣盛產柑橘類水果, 向海的一面陡峭斜坡上滿佈蜜柑田 每年一次的收成當中, 部份因碰撞受損而不能出售的椪柑, 便會被製成果汁等, 剩下的蜜柑皮便可經蒸餾抽取而成椪柑香薰油

9 Soy Candles Made with edible oil from soybeans, these soy candles have a lower melting point than paraffin (derived from petroleum) or beeswax, resulting in a longer burning time and a soft, relaxing illumination. They are said to help keep the air clean by burning airborne dust while lit and producing little soot when the flame goes out. The candles are packaged in aluminium canisters that were originally made for the commercial transport of perfumes. 大豆蠟燭利用取自大豆的油脂做成大豆蠟燭, 與石蠟 ( 石油製品 ) 或蜜蠟相比, 大豆蠟燭熔點較低, 因此燃燒時間較長, 並能釋放出柔和光線 蠟燭的火焰更可燃燒空氣中的塵埃, 有助淨化空氣, 燃燒完畢後煙灰也較少 以運送香料用的鋁製容器盛載, 方便蓋上蓋後攜帶

10 018 Sun-drying and Sieves Sunlight and natural breeze carry away moisture and lock in the power of plants. People spread leaves out on sieves in the garden and leisurely await for it to dry. The exposure to sunlight also enhances flavors. Since the old days, people have long held wisdom for drawing the most out of the nature s goodness. 天然曬乾和筲箕以天然日光及自然風吹乾水分, 鎖緊植物本身的能量, 還可增添植物的風味 人們將植物鋪在庭院裡的筲箕上, 靜待其晾乾收成 人們自古以來就有發揮天然植物到最大功效的智慧 Bamboo Tea Bag The village of Yamazoe in Nara Prefecture is where Yamato tea is produced. While the higher-grade sencha tea becomes a commercial product, local residents enjoy the coarser bancha tea, as those heading out to work in the farms would take along a kettle full of such tea. Our tea bag, crafted from bamboo, holds tea leaves for steeping and also serves as a tea strainer. The hands of local craftsmen carefully shape the roundness of each lovable, palm-sized bamboo tea bag. 竹茶袋奈良縣山添村是日本大和茶的產地 高級的煎茶會作為商品出售, 而一般平民喝的就是番茶 農民外出工作時都會帶著盛滿一整壺的茶 將茶葉放進竹製的 竹茶袋 中, 直接煮沸, 便成為天然的濾茶網 每個茶袋都是工匠巧手製造而成, 可放在手心的大小和小巧玲瓏的形狀惹人喜愛 019

11 Bath Herb 香草浸浴包 Wakayama Mikan 和歌山蜜柑 / Hokkaido Japanese Mint 北海道日本薄荷 / Aso Hinoki Cypress 阿蘇檜木 30g Bath Herb 香草浸浴包 Wakayama Mikan 和歌山蜜柑 / Hokkaido Japanese 北海道日本薄荷 / Aso Hinoki Cypress 阿蘇檜木 80g Pot Stand 鍋墊 Approx Dia 19x2cm Colander 竹筲箕 Approx Dia 39x9cm Approx Dia 27x7cm Tea Strainer 竹茶隔 L 大 / 19x8.5x10cm Essential Oil 香薰油 Japanese Lemon 廣島檸檬 / Iyokan 四國伊予柑 / Ponkan/ 四國椪柑 / Hokkaido Japanese Mint 北海道日本薄荷 / Japanese Cedar Leaf 紀伊半島雪松葉 / Aomori Hiba 青森絲柏 / Koyamaki Leaf 紀州金松藻 3ml Essential Oil 香氛油 Iyokan 四國伊予柑 / Ponkan 四國椪柑 / Hokkaido Japanese Mint 北海道日本薄荷 / Japanese Cedar Leaf 紀伊半島雪松葉 / Aomori Hiba 青森絲柏 / Koyamaki Leaf 紀州金松藻 100ml (Ratten sticks are sold separately 藤枝分開售賣 ) Tea Pot 小茶壺 Approx 15x11x11.5cm Aluminium Tub 鋁質盆 Approx Dia 36x14cm Approx 10L Aluminium Wash Bowl 鋁質洗臉盆 Approx Dia 32.5x9.5cm Approx 4L Aluminium Can 鋁質罐 XL 特大 / Approx Dia 12x23.5cm L 大 / Approx Dia 10x17.5cm M 中 / Approx Dia 9x11.5cm S 小 / Approx Dia 7.5x8.5cm Mini 迷你 / Approx Dia 6x5cm Soy Candle 大豆蠟燭大 (315cc) 小 (125cc) Soap 香皂 Iyokan 四國伊予柑 / Ponkan 四國椪柑 / Hokkaido Japanese Mint 北海道日本薄荷 100g

12 Found MUJI 植物與健康生活 Found MUJI Innovations of MUJI are not simply a process of creation, they are a review of living by Searching and Finding. Searching throughout the world for durable and long-lasting daily necessities, MUJI refines found items to suit our changing lifestyles, cultures and customs, reproducing them at reasonable prices. From 2003, Found MUJI started its journey with a keen eye for good products, exploring the underlying values of the makers, retaining the essence of their creations, and re-tailoring them into MUJI goods that fit the modern way of life. The Found MUJI journey began in Aoyama. Join us as we continue the Found MUJI journey together. Found MUJI 無印良品的研發概念不僅是創造, 而是透過 尋找 發現 的態度來檢視生活 從世界各地尋找可長久使用的日常用品, 配合當地生活 文化 習慣的變化而作出改良, 並以合理的價格發售 從 2003 年開始, 這個企劃便命名為 Found MUJI( 尋找無印良品 ), 展開了深入世界每個角落的尋找旅程 磨練尋找良品的眼光, 發現物件被遺忘或難以看見的真正價值, 保留物件的精髓, 再琢磨至能融入現代生活, 成為無印良品的商品 PMQ 元創方 All product information and selling prices are subject to in-store display. 所有商品資料及價格以店內陳列為準 Some items are not available in Hong Kong Stores. 部份商品於香港分店沒有出售 2016 MUJI (Hong Kong) Company Limited. All Rights Reserved 年 4 月版

13 植物與健康生活

在著所有美味的背後, 是我們擁有兩名超過 30 年烹飪經驗的粵菜大廚以及後廚超過 30 人的團隊一起合作, 給您帶來真正海鮮粵菜藝術

在著所有美味的背後, 是我們擁有兩名超過 30 年烹飪經驗的粵菜大廚以及後廚超過 30 人的團隊一起合作, 給您帶來真正海鮮粵菜藝術 最完美的食材要用最完美的態度與技術去對待, 正是我們漁膳房的大廚們所奉行的原則 料理對我們來說, 不單單隻是把食物做到美味, 更是一門精深的學問和藝術 從處理食材 烹飪到擺盤, 我們們都追求盡善盡美 除了調製出最美味的 符合華人飲食習慣的口味, 我們更是注重不破壞食材本身的美味之處, 並讓人從食中感悟養生之道 我們注重菜品的多樣化, 從早茶點心 午餐套餐到正餐, 應有盡有, 隻為了滿足消費者們不同的飲食需求

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Second Floor Chinese Cuisine

Second Floor Chinese Cuisine 貳樓 Second Floor Chinese Cuisine 中式料理 前菜 Entrees 春卷 Spring Rolls (8pcs) $7.00 炸雲吞 Deep Fried Wontons (6pcs) $8.00 豬肉白菜水餃 Dumplings with Pork & Chinese Cabbage (10pcs) $8.00 素菜餃 egetarian Dumplings (10pcs)

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Appetizers. Bubba s Far Out Dip 特色菠菜醬配墨西哥粟米脆片 Spinach, Roasted Red Bell Peppers, Artichokes and Monterey Jack Cheese with Tortilla Chips.

Appetizers. Bubba s Far Out Dip 特色菠菜醬配墨西哥粟米脆片 Spinach, Roasted Red Bell Peppers, Artichokes and Monterey Jack Cheese with Tortilla Chips. = Appetizers Mama Gump s Garlic Bread Basket 甘媽巧手蒜蓉包 Fresh baguette baked daily. $42 Best Ever Popcorn Shrimp 特色香炸爆谷蝦 Our popular Popcorn Shrimp plus Pepperoncini, Roasted Red Bell Peppers and great Dippin

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