第 4 季 翹楚匯 2013 經驗分享會 業界掠影 INDUSTRY EXPRESS 協會透視 QTSA PERSPECTIVE 會員透視 MEMBER PERSPECTIVE. 4 th Quarter. Sharing of Business Elites 2013 委員專訪 : 楊維先生

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1 2014 第 4 季 4 th Quarter 翹楚匯 2013 經驗分享會 Sharing of Business Elites 2013 協會透視 QTSA PERSPECTIVE 委員專訪 : 楊維先生 Meeting Governing Council Member: Mr Yeung Wai 卓越服務 致勝之道暨工業貿易署中小企業發展支援基金 - 提升旅遊服務業的電子學習平台發佈會暨研討會 SME Development Fund - Digitised Learning Platform for Service Enhancement in the Tourism Service Industry Launching Ceremony cum Seminar 全面擴大塑膠購物袋環保徵費計劃 簡介會 Briefing on the Full Extension of the Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags 業界掠影 INDUSTRY EXPRESS 美食之最大賞 The Best of the Best Culinary Awards 建行 ( 亞洲 ) 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 會員透視 MEMBER PERSPECTIVE 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶得主 2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Award (Online Voting) Winners

2 編者的話 Editor s Note 由工業貿易署中小企業發展支援基金撥款資助開發的 卓越服務 致勝之道 提升旅遊服務業水平的電子學習平台發佈會暨研討會已圓滿舉行 協會一直致力為會員及業界提供多元的學習平台, 項目正好為業界提供一個便捷 有效的學習模式, 讓大家隨時隨地透過網站或智能手機應用程式, 輕鬆自我增值 協會期望業界能積極善用此電子學習平台, 讓前線員工能夠透過有效的途徑學習, 提升旅遊服務水平, 迎接機遇 ( 有關詳情請見頁 2-5) The QTSA SME Development Fund Digitised Learning Platform for Service Enhancement in the Tourism Service Industry Launching Ceremony was successfully held in July. The QTSA has always strived to provide diversified learning platforms for the industry. The Digitised Learning Platform is a convenient and effective way for people to use their smartphone or the Internet for self-improvement. We hope that frontline staff will enhance their service skills by using this learning platform to further enhance the tourism services quality of Hong Kong (For more details, please read p2-5). 目錄 Contents 編者的話 Editor s Note 協會透視 QTSA Perspective 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight 全面推行塑膠購物袋收費 簡介會 Briefing on the Full Implementation on the Plastic Shopping Bags Charging 優質旅遊服務協會中小企業發展支援基金 卓越服務 致勝之道 提升旅遊服務業的電子學習平台發佈會暨研討會 QTSA SME Development Fund Digitised Learning Platform for Service Enhancement in the Tourism Service Industry Launching Ceremony 如何令高難度顧客變 長期粉絲? 研討會 Turning Difficult Customers into Loyal Customers Seminar 共贏鑰匙: 品牌價值與顧客關係鏈 研討會 The Keys to All-Win: Brand Values and Customer Bonding Seminar 委員專訪 : 楊維先生 Meeting Governing Council Member: Mr Yeung Wai 業界透視 Industry Perspective 業界掠影 Industry Express 2014 年 美食之最大賞 Best of the Best Culinary Awards 建行 ( 亞洲 ) 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 11 CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 睿智之言 The Insights 方剛議員, SBS, 太平紳士立法會批發及零售界議員之見 12 The Hon Vincent Fang, SBS, JP Comments from the Legislative Council Member, Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency 會員透視 Member Perspective 會員搜畫 Member s Profile 新會員登場 13 Brands Highlight 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶得主 Most Popular QTS Merchant Award (Online Voting) Winner QTSA 會訊 是一份季刊, 由優質旅遊服務協會出版 地址 : 香港北角威非路道 18 號萬國寶通中心 11 樓電話 : 傳真 : 電郵 :info@qtsa.com 網址 : 如欲索取多份 QTSA 會訊, 歡迎聯絡秘書處 QTSA News is published quarterly by Quality Tourism Services Association Address: 11th Floor, Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Rd., North Point, Hong Kong Tel: Fax: info@qtsa.com Website: If you want to receive more copies of QTSA News, please feel free to call the Secretariat for arrangement

3 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 全面推行塑膠購物袋收費 簡介會 Briefing on the Full Implementation on the Plastic Shopping Bags Charging 全面推行塑膠購物袋收費已訂定在二零一五年四月一日全面推行 為協助業界了解擴大計劃下的法例要求, 協會聯同環境保護署及香港生產力促進局合作於 2014 年 9 月 2 日假香港中央圖書館演講廳舉辦一場簡介會, 為參加者提供相關資訊, 讓業界在膠袋收費實施前能作出充分的預備 在膠袋收費的條例下, 任何以零售方式出售貨品的商戶如在出售貨品時 ; 推廣貨品 ; 或在其他與貨品的出售有關連的情況下, 向顧客提供的每個膠袋均需向顧客收取不少於港幣 5 角 下列各類袋將被視作塑膠購物袋及受膠袋收費規管 : 不論在其上是否有或附有手挽 手挽孔 用作撕開袋身而形成手挽孔的打孔虛線 作攜帶用途的繩索或帶條 或任何其他作攜帶用途的設計的塑膠購物袋 有塑膠薄面或塑膠成分的紙袋, 包括塑膠手挽及塑膠附件 以塑膠製造的不織布袋, 亦稱 環保袋 但仍有部份膠袋可獲豁免收費, 如因食品衞生而用的袋 預先密封的包裝袋 構成貨品一部分的膠袋 隨服務提供的袋等 簡介完結後更設問答環節, 大部份參加者的反應十分踴躍, 不斷就有關膠袋收費作出相關發問並由生產力促進局代表回答 有關問答將上載於協會網頁供會員參考 : 另如有關膠袋收費的查詢, 可致電環保署熱線 The Full Implementation on PSB Charging will come into effect on 1 April To help the industry have a better understanding of the PSB Charging, the QTSA has co-organised a Briefing on the Full Implementation on the Plastic Shopping Bags Charging with both the Environmental Protection Department and Hong Kong Productivity Council on 2 September 2014 at the Lecture Theatre at Hong Kong Central Library. Under the PSB Charging Bill, the seller will charge customers an amount of not less than 50 cents for each PSB at the time of sale; for promoting goods; or otherwise in connection with the sale. Under the PSB Charging, the following types of bags will be regarded as PSBs and be subject to the PSB Charge: PSBs whether or not there is a handle, handle hole, perforated line for tearing out handle hole, carrying string or strap, or any other carrying device on, or attached to, the bag. Paper bags with plastic lamination or plastic components including plastic handles and plastic accessories. Non-woven bags, commonly known as environmental bags, are made of plastic. However, under the PSB Charging Bill, the use of plastic bags for food hygiene will not be charged. Plastic bags used for pre-packaging or those forming part of the goods will also not be charged. Participants in the Q&A session asked many questions about PSB Charging. A summary of the Q&A session will be uploaded to the QTSA s website: For enquiries about the full implementation of plastic shopping bag charging, please contact the EPD at

4 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 優質旅遊服務協會中小企業發展支援基金 卓越服務 致勝之道 提升旅遊服務業的電子學習平台發佈會暨研討會 QTSA SME Development Fund Digitised Learning Platform for Service Enhancement in the Tourism Service Industry Launching Ceremony 優質旅遊服務協會於 2014 年獲工業貿易署 中小企業發展支援基金 撥款, 資助開發一個提升旅遊服務業前線員工服務水平的電子學習平台 項目發佈會暨研討會於 2014 年 7 月 25 日假九龍塘香港生產力促進局生產力大樓四樓會議廳舉行 為隆重其事, 協會邀得香港旅遊發展局主席林建岳博士聯同主席郭少明博士,BBS, 太平紳士, 中小企業發展支援基金項目委員會主席李應生先生, BBS, MH, 太平紳士及生產力促進局署理總裁老少聰先生任主禮嘉賓 另外, 協會亦邀請到香港中文大學行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任陳志輝教授及優質服務企業代表向會員及業界人士分享創新營銷概念及優質服務良策 香港中文大學行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任陳志輝教授表示 六聲 ( 了解聲 親切聲 多講聲 吸引聲 避免聲及讚賞聲 ) 能更貼應顧客, 不但能有助了解客人, 亦能令他們有賓至如歸的感覺, 增加再次光顧的機會 The QTSA has successfully applied for the SME Development Fund from the Trade and Industry Department for the "Digitised Learning Platform for Service Enhancement in the Tourism Service Industry" in This programme aims to improve the service quality of frontline staff and will help to further promote development in the travel industry. The launch was held at the HKPC Conference Hall on 25 July To mark this special occasion, Dr Peter Lam, Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, Dr Simon Kwok, BBS, JP, Chairman of the QTSA, Mr Tommy Li, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman of QTSA SME Fund Project Committee, and Mr Gordon Lo, Acting Executive Director of HKPC officiated at the launch of the programme. Also, the QTSA invited Prof Andrew Chan, Director of the EMBA Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and representatives from several quality service corporations to share their experience on quality services. Prof Andrew Chan, Director of the EMBA Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong indicated that "six voices" (learn sound, intimate sound, speak sound, attract sound, avoid sound, and sound appreciation) can help to gain a better understanding of customer needs and also increase the opportunities for repeat business. 2

5 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 莎莎國際控股有限公司人力資源 培訓及人才發展副總裁陳寶珍小姐認為要做到優質服務文化, 持續管理是必須的 先共同尋找方向, 繼而制定並推動計劃, 與團隊之間亦要有一定的溝通, 定時進行檢討和跟進 翠華餐廳 ( 集團 ) 有限公司集團總經理李楸夏小姐指現時員工工作前, 公司會提供職前簡介及培訓 實地在職培訓及公司與培訓機構合辦課程, 培育員工提供 五星級服務 六福集團高級中國業務經理張卓堅先生指卓越服務的核心要素包括最高管理層的全面支持及投入 全體員工的參與 全面的市場研究以界定顧客需要及精確的服務策略部署 Ms May Chan, Vice President Human Resources, Training & People Development of Sa Sa International Holdings Limited believes consistent management have the same vision; work as a team; regularly review and follow-up what is necessary for quality service improvement. Ms Jessica Li, General Manager of Tsui Wah Holdings Limited said they will provide on-job-training and co-operate with consultants for some training programmes in order to provide a "5-star service". Mr. Billy Cheung, Senior China Business Manager, Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited said the core elements of quality service are made up from the support and involvement of management, participation of staff, comprehensive market research, and having an accurate service strategy. 3

6 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 提升旅遊服務業的電子學習平台 Digitalise Learning Platform for Service Enhancement in Tourism Industry 電子學習平台項目內容包括服務培訓短片 優質服務網上學電子指南 研討會及培訓工作坊 ; 內容涵蓋服務 銷售 投訴處理及領導技巧四個範疇 於發佈會期間, 由協會中小企業發展支援基金項目委員會主席李應生先生, BBS, MH, 太平紳士及生產力促進局資訊科技業發展部高級顧問南嘉彥小姐簡介 提升旅遊服務業的電子學習平台項目 內容 The Digitalise Learning Platform includes training videos, an e-guidebook, seminars and workshops. This fully interactive e-learning platform features a scenario-based on customer management skills, ranging from servicing, marketing, complaint handling and leadership. During the launch, Mr Tommy Li, BBS, MH, JP, Chairman of QTSA SME Development Fund Project Committee and Ms Jessica Nam, Senior Consultant of Hong Kong Productivity Council IT Industry Development Division introduced the content of the "Digitalise Learning Platform for Service Enhancement in Tourism Industry". 優質服務網上學電子指南 e-guidebook 只要登入以下網址 : 4

7 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 學習短片 - YouTube 優質服務網上學 Facebook 專頁 Facebook Page 智能手機應用程式 Smartphone Apps ios Android details?id=com.qtsa.elearn1 5

8 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 如何令高難度顧客變 長期粉絲? 研討會 Turning Difficult Customers into Loyal Customers Seminar 由美國運通呈獻, 香港旅遊發展局及優質旅遊服務協會全力支持的 中小企優質服務致勝之道培訓系列, 第一場的主題為 如何令高難度顧客變 長期粉絲? 研討會, 於 2014 年 8 月 12 日假香港灣仔會議展覽中心演講廳 2 舉行, 並由培訓顧問及嘉賓分享成功的實戰經驗 Presented by American Express and supported by the Hong Kong Tourism Board and QTSA, the "Turning Difficult Customers into Loyal Customers" Seminar of the "Quality Services" Training Series was held on 12 August 2014 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Theatre 2. Guest speakers shared their successful experiences on how to turn difficult customers into loyal customers. Inno:vision Management Consulting Limited 資深管理顧問江燕來先生指要應付 高難度 顧客, 令其變成你的 長期粉絲 首先要學會 零售服務 六步曲 迎客 介客 問客 銷客 服客及跟客 繼而運用服務妙語, 從客人的角度出發, 了解他們的真正需要, 正面地為客人解決問題 Mr Daniel Kong, Corporate Consultant & Training Strategist of Inno:vision Management Consulting Limited pointed out there is a retail service process for turning difficult customers into loyal customers greeting, introducing, asking, selling, serving, and following up. After that, to understand what customers really need and help them to solve the problems. 美麗華旅遊總經理李振庭先生認為現今顧客投訴的主因是銷售員及購買者對貨品的想像有很大的差異 面對投訴的顧客, 應讓他們感受到意見被重視, 從處理投訴的過程中贏取顧客的忠心 李先生又指創新乃成功之道, 不斷創新才能擁有一班 忠實粉絲 Mr Alex Lee, General Manager of Miramar Travel Ltd believes the reason why customers complain is because their expectations are not met. When dealing with a complaint, a good way to win the customers loyalty is to handle the complaint process efficiently. Mr Lee also indicated that to have loyal customers, innovation is a must. 美國運通國際股份有限公司總監兼客戶服務部主管林瀚山先生指要令顧客成為 長期粉絲, 必須先向客人進行調查, 從而了解客戶對服務的滿意程度再進行調整 Mr Lim Han San, Director and Head of Hong Kong World Services (CEN), American Express International, Inc pointed out that caring about customers is a good way to understand the expectations of customers. Conducting surveys may help to increase the number of loyal customers. 研討會的壓軸討論環節由 Inno:vision Management Consulting Limited 資深管理顧問江燕來先生主持, 嘉賓亦就台下觀眾的題問一一進行解答, 給予在場人士很大的啟發 A discussion session hosted by Mr Daniel Kong, Corporate Consultant & Training Strategist of Inno:vision Management Consulting Limited closed the seminar. The guest speakers answered many questions from the floor. 6

9 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 共贏鑰匙 : 品牌價值與顧客關係鏈 研討會 The Keys to All-Win: Brand Values and Customer Bonding Seminar 協會及香港旅遊發展局全力支持的美國運通 中小企優質服務致勝之道培訓系列 第二場 共贏鑰匙 : 品牌價值與顧客關係鏈 研討會已於 2014 年 8 月 12 日下午假香港灣仔會議展覽中心演講廳 2 舉行, 當日邀得專業培訓顧問及業界翹楚向我們分享他們如何做到品牌價值與顧客關係的雙贏關係 Presented by American Express and supported by the Hong Kong Tourism Board and QTSA, the "The Keys to All-Win: Brand Values and Customer Bonding" Seminar of the "Quality Services" Training Series was held on 12 August 2014 afternoon at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Theatre 2. Guest speakers shared their knowledge on the relations of brand values and customer bonding. 通才顧問團董事總經理李思明博士提到消費者很多時是通過品牌價值的影響而堅定自己對某品牌的忠誠 因此, 透過提供適合的產品及服務, 打造品牌價值, 有助與顧客建立關係 Dr Jackia Lee, Managing Director of Holistic Consultants Ltd said that brand values will affect the loyalty of customers. Therefore, providing suitable products and services helped to create a better brand value and relationship with customers. 美心集團高級總監 ( 西餅 ) 蘇鴻基先生分享集團其中兩個品牌的實戰經驗, 指不同品牌應有不同的策略, 面對老化的品牌應衝出限制, 才會更易成功 Mr Patrick So, Director of Cakes & Bakery at Maxim s Group shared his successful experiences on two Maxim brands. He pointed out that different brands should have different marketing strategies. When it comes to an aging brand, exceed your target to reach a higher level, it will then be far easier to succeed. 瑞典歐化 ( 遠東 ) 有限公司行政總裁吳冠強先生認為顧客關係鏈及品牌價值有一個相互的關係, 所以凡事要多行一步, 想顧客所想, 從而建立一個強而有力及可持續的顧客服務文化, 提供優質服務, 為公司帶來更好的業務發展 Mr Ricky Ng, Chief Executive Officer of Ulferts of Sweden (Far East) Ltd believes there is a relationship between customer bonding and brand values. Therefore, keep a step ahead and think about what customers expect in order to build a strong and sustainable service culture and provide quality services to build a prosperous business. 7

10 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 委員專訪 : 楊維先生 Meet Governing Council Member: Mr Yeung Wai 繼上一期會訊訪問了新加入的零售界別委員, 今期, 協會很高興邀請到富臨集團總裁楊維先生接受會訊的專訪 由廚房學徒出身, 成為師傅, 以至創業, 楊先生只用了短短十年的時間 ; 而富臨集團更由昔日只有 19 張餐桌的火鍋店發展至今天近 70 間分店的連鎖式集團 被問及成功之道, 楊先生指 做生意就是我的人生目標, 要敢於投資, 有勇氣去面對任何困難和問題 簡單的一個宗旨造就了今天的富臨集團 教導師傅懂吃, 因為吃過才知色 香 味 楊先生告訴我們, 酒樓的營運主要分為 廳面 及 出品部 兩大部門, 而單單在香港員工的數目已超過 4000 名 集團眾多的員工, 楊先生對於人才培訓方面十分著重, 自 2004 年開始聘用顧問公司為每間分店的員工進行培訓, 為整個集團進行起動, 從廳面的服務員 部長 經理以至廚房內部的學徒 幫位 師傅等進行一系列的培訓, 可謂一絲不苟 It was a pleasure to have met Mr Yeung Wai, President of Fulum Group, also our new governing council member (restaurant category) for this this interview. In the past the Fulum Group was a mere nineteen-table hot pot store. But now, it has developed into a chain with over seventy stores. Starting out as an apprentice kitchen staff, Mr Yeung took only ten years to establish his career in the catering industry. On his path to success, Mr Yeung said to do good business has been my life-long aim, daring to invest and have the courage to face any difficulties and problems. "Let our chef know what fine dishes are through their colour, aroma and taste." Most Chinese restaurants can be divided into 2 parts frontline and production. With over 4,000 staff in the Fulum Group, Mr Yeung said he has placed great emphases on staff training. In 2004, they hired consultants to provide professional training for their staff to increase their knowledge and service skills. 8

11 焦點匯聚 In the Spotlight QTSA NEWS th Quarter 對食物不但要有要求, 更要一份尊重 一直以來, 富臨每一個月都會為食客提供創新的菜式, 以小炒為例, 我們著重海鮮的變化 ; 又會研發不同的燉湯, 湯水要 和, 調味只會以鹽為主, 堅持不加味精 另外, 明白到內地人成為香港的主要客源, 集團亦了解到內地顧客的口味及喜好, 所以於五年前便開始在菜式方面著手, 加入最少一至兩道 麻辣 的菜式, 而楊先生更指含有花椒的產品更是內地客人必須的, 可見對客人的細心 除了照顧客人的味蕾, 在運作模式方面亦十分完善, 如接受客人以銀聯卡付款 我們一向著重食品安全, 自 2013 年獲得 ISO 認證後, 食物更安全, 顧客吃得更加安心 富臨集團於 2005 年自設物流中心, 於 2011 年將原本位於新蒲崗的遷至佔地達 11 萬呎的荃灣新址, 能更有效將採購 食品加工及運輸統一, 提升食品的質素, 尤以食品安全更顯效果 另一方面, 在物流中心內亦建有一個以中式餐飲作為主題的展覽館, 館內介紹過去一百年的中式餐飲文化 歷史 轉變等, 不單有教育意義, 而且看得到楊先生對中式餐飲的熱忱 優質旅遊服務 加入協會將近一年, 楊先生認為協會在業界擔當著一個非常重要的角色, 令 優質旅遊服務 計劃不但能貫徹香港 購物天堂 的美譽, 更能令參與的會員商戶做到對顧客的承諾, 更有效推動香港的旅遊業 另外, 協會又致力進行不同的培訓項目, 楊先生認為協會所提供一系列的培訓這對業界加強員工的服務及溝通技巧有很大的幫助 "We have high expectations on the taste of our food." Mr Yeung indicated that "We have prioritised the taste of our food and drinks, no MSG is added to the soup so that it stays sweet." On the other hand, Mainland China has become a major source for tourists visiting Hong Kong, Fulum Group has made some adaptations to appeal to their taste, such as adding some spicy dishes to the menu. Not only for the dishes but also on operation side, we now accept UnionPay for payment. We can see just how caring the Fulum Group is. "We always pay close attention to food safety and we were awarded the ISO Certification in 2013." The Fulum Group has operated its own logistics centre since 2005 in Tsuen Wan, with an area of 11,000 sq.m. it has replaced the old one in San Po Kong. This helps to ensure food quality as the purchasing, processing of foods are centralised with the transportation. Moreover, Mr Yeung is enthusiastic on promoting the culture of Chinese restaurants. Thus, there is an exhibition about the development and history of Chinese restaurants inside the logistics centre. Quality Tourism Services Having been a governing council member for almost a year, Mr Yeung agrees that the QTSA plays an important role in the industry and promotes tourism to Hong Kong effectively. Because the QTS Scheme not only promotes Hong Kong as a major shopping and gourmet paradise, it also helps the QTS Scheme accredited merchants to provide better service quality. In addition, the QTSA has conducted various training programmes which provide great opportunities for the industry to improve both service and communication skills. 在飲食行業打滾二十多年的楊先生對餐飲業有一些抱負 : Despite having over 20 years experience in the catering industry, Mr Yeung is still passionate about it: 內心定必是要喜歡這個行業 Love the industry from your heart 對食物及員工要尊重, 亦要有要求 Have high expectations on food and staff in order to make progress 勇於拓展, 建立不同品牌 Create different brands through expanding 9

12 業界掠影 Industry Express QTSA NEWS th Quarter 年 美食之最大賞 2014 Best of the Best Culinary Awards 承蒙香港餐飲業界的積極參與 專業美食家的鼎力支持, 由香港旅遊發展局 ( 旅發局 ) 主辦 香港中華煤氣有限公司協辦的 2014 年 美食之最大賞 經已圓滿結束 今年, 賽事共分為 海鮮 - 蝦 點心 - 燒賣及流沙包 蔬菜 - 瓜類 和 主食 - 粉 麵 飯 四個組別, 共有逾百款菜式角逐殊榮 經過參賽廚師於初賽及決賽兩輪激烈的現場比試, 由 67 位著名食評家組成的一眾評審團最終選出了 9 個 至高榮譽金獎 10 個 金獎 和 18 個 銀獎, 得獎廚師及其得獎菜式絕對是實至名歸! 為推廣得獎菜式, 旅發局已邀請並安排所有得獎餐館於 建行 ( 亞洲 ) 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 期間送上特別優惠, 讓惠顧滿港幣 $350 或以上的顧客, 以七折優惠價一嚐餐館的得獎菜式一客! 優惠期由 11 月 1 日開始至 11 月 30 日結束, 得獎菜式 餐館名單及優惠詳情可參閱 除此之外, 旅發局亦正籌備推出 2014 年美食之最大賞指南, 詳盡介紹一眾得獎菜式及餐館, 為今屆得獎者作進一步推廣 旅發局在此再次恭賀所有得獎餐館, 亦衷心感謝業界的大力支持, 使 2014 年 美食之最大賞 順利舉行 同時, 敬請業界繼續期待, 並鼎力支持及參與 2015 年 美食之最大賞! With tremendous support from the restaurant trade and catering professionals, the 2014 Best of the Best Culinary Awards, organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) and co-organised by the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, concluded with great success. This year, contestants showcased their culinary skills in categories including Seafood (Prawns), Dim Sum (Shao Mai & Buns with Molten Filling), Vegetables (Gourd) and Chinese Classics (Rice Noodles, Noodles or Rice). More than 100 entry dishes were prepared onsite at both the preliminary and final cook-off, and after evaluation by panels of judges comprising a total of 67 renowned food critics, 9 Gold with Distinction Awards, 10 Gold Awards and 18 Silver Awards were presented. To promote these award-winning dishes, the HKTB has lined up winning restaurants of the 2014 Best of the Best Culinary Awards to host a special offer during the CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival: upon spending HK$350 or above, diners can enjoy a 30 per cent discount on the restaurant s winning dish once during the entire November. Check out for the winner lists and offer details. In addition, the HKTB is preparing to launch the 2014 Best of the Best Culinary Awards Guide, for further promotion of this year s winning dishes and restaurants in greater details. The HKTB would like to congratulate all winners again and thank the trade for their staunch support given to the 2014 Best of the Best Culinary Awards which makes it a success. Stay tuned for the 2015 Best of the Best Culinary Awards; and we look forward to the trade s continuous support and participation! 10

13 業界掠影 Industry Express QTSA NEWS th Quarter 建行 ( 亞洲 ) 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival 月在香港, 來一場喚醒五感的饗宴! 星級美饌, 觸動味蕾 ; 環球佳釀, 醇香醉人 ; 海濱景致及音樂, 奪目悅耳 ; 這一切盡在建行 ( 亞洲 ) 香港美酒佳餚巡禮 前啟德機場跑道的開幕派對 街頭嘉年華 酒店餐廳的餐飲優惠 國際美酒展 專題遊及工作坊, 將為您帶來一個月的豐富體驗 一起來沉醉在微醺的快感中, 嚐遍幸福好滋味! Calling all wine connoisseurs mark your calendars for a month-long gourmet celebration extraordinaire with the much anticipated CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival! A four-day party at Former Kai Tak Runway will get things started. Then tuck into plentiful food and drink promotions at street carnivals, sample the latest wine trends at international wine events enjoy exclusive dining offers and round an epicurean month off with wine appreciation seminars, master chef classes, themed tours and more! 建行 ( 亞洲 ) 前啟德機場跑道 CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival Former Kai Tak Runway 一連四天在前啟德機場跑道, 您的全新美味體驗將從這裡開始! 帶著高腳杯, 遊走在不同主題的環球美酒美食攤位之間, 您會發現跨一步便是新驚喜 寵愛味蕾之餘, 您還可以欣賞娛樂表演 亮點 : 國家展區 : 法國及其他國家的醇酒佳餚 美酒新發現 : 新產品 人氣美酒區 : 流行酒品 派對美酒區 : 香檳 氣泡葡萄酒 Riedel 尊尚名酒區 : 頂尖醇酒 品味館 : 名廚主理的美酒佳餚饗宴 專家主題講座 日期及時間 10 月 30 日晚上 8:00 至 11:30 10 月 31 日下午 4:00 至晚上 11:30 11 月 1 日中午 12:00 至晚上 11:30 11 月 2 日中午 12:00 至晚上 10:30 最後入場時間 : 活動結束前 45 分鐘 World class food and wine abound as gastronomic artists take over Former Kai Tak Runway for four palate-watering days. The best in wine, cuisine, live music and entertainment. Highlights: Country Pavilions - meet wine dealers from Bordeaux and other regions Discovery Zone - uncover new wine producers and chateaux Party Wine Zone - celebrate with sparkling wines and Champagne Everyday Wine Zone - enjoy the faithful favourites Riedel Grand Tasting Pavilion - sample premium wines Tasting Room - enjoy wine pairing meals with master chefs and wine classes from industry experts. Date & Time 30 Oct 8pm to 11:30pm 31 Oct 4pm to 11:30pm 1 Nov Noon to 11:30pm 2 Nov Noon to 10:30pm Admission ends 45 minutes prior to the festival s closing time. 地點前啟德機場跑道 Venue Former Kai Tak Runway 入場免費 Admission Free 有關票務及免費穿梭巴士時間表, 請瀏覽 For ticketing details and free shuttle schedule, please see 11

14 睿智之言 The Insights QTSA NEWS th Quarter 立法會批發及零售界議員之見 Comments from the Legislative Council Member, Wholesale and Retail Functional Constituency 方剛議員, SBS, 太平紳士 The Hon Vincent Fang, SBS, JP 遊客呈旺丁不旺財徵求疏導人流妙法 Visitation Increase Not Matched with Revenue Call for Suggestions to Divert Mainland Visitors 政府統計處數字顯示, 本港零售業銷售, 自今年二月份開始已連續下跌了 6 個月, 尤以高檔消費品跌幅較大, 反映過去一段時間對香港零售業貢獻甚大的內地遊客的消費力減退 雖然有分析均指這與內地的消費和送禮文化轉變有關, 但實際上, 也顯示香港一直看重的消費群日趨成熟, 香港旅遊業和零售業要持續發展的話, 就必須開拓新的客戶群, 包括內地和國際客源 現時獲開放來港 個人遊 的內地城市僅 49 個, 自 2007 年後就不曾擴大過 雖然這些城市的居民消費力較高, 但相信想來香港旅遊購物的都已經來過, 加上對中國公民開放的國家愈來愈多, 舊地重遊的自然會少些 因此, 要香港旅遊業和零售業持續發展的話, 實在有需要進一步擴大 個人遊 計劃 然而, 較早前因訪港內地遊客不斷上升, 對部分香港居民構成困擾, 遂出現針對專程來購物的內地遊客的偏激行動 儘管零售業放緩和商業旺區商舖湧現, 令有關的針對遊客行為稍微紓緩 ; 然而, 旅遊發展局的統計顯示, 訪港旅客人數 / 次仍然持續上升,7 月份就升了 11.2%, 在這環境下談擴大 個人遊, 分流遊客的措施還未見推出, 對北區居民的滋擾未見減少下, 提擴大個人遊也絕非時機! 最近, 本人聯同包括優質旅遊服務協會及幾個主要零售行業商會的首長 批發零售界的選舉委員, 委託了獨立經濟學者就零售業對香港經濟整體貢獻進行分析研究, 結果反映旅遊和零售行業在過去 10 年對香港貢獻良多, 從貿易量到就業率 人均收入以至內部消費都有相當大的裨益 因此, 因應壓力而尋求紓緩方法進行疏導, 乃香港旅遊消費行業持續發展的唯一的途徑, 而非從來源進行 截流 或 揀選 消費力高的遊客 我們應該對內地遊客的特徵進行分析, 然後按其旅遊路綫和消費模式進行規劃, 例如我們就曾建議 : 就專程來港購買日常用品的在接近口岸地區興建購物城 對於利用香港完善空運轉機的透過增加機場島的設施 研究邊境口岸直達市區的其他運輸工具去減輕東鐵的運載量等等 希望各同業能夠就疏導遊客提供更多建議, 然後共同促請特區政府推動措施, 這樣才會有利香港的持續發展 Latest Government statistics have shown that retail sales in Hong Kong have declined for six consecutive months and the impact on the high end sector being particularly significant. This is indicative of the purchasing power of mainland visitors in recent months. Although some would attribute the changing trend to the reversal of the gift giving practice in the Mainland but statistics also showed the consumer market in Hong Kong is reaching maturity. Any stimulant to further boost our trade would have to come from new consumers and new markets including those from the Mainland and overseas. Currently, only 49 Mainland cities have joined the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) and this has not expanded since Although the purchasing power of these cities are relatively high, those who are interested to come to Hong Kong have probably already done so. Meanwhile, the number of overseas countries that have opened their doors to mainlanders is on a steady increase. This means Hong Kong will have to consider ways to enhance the IVS in order to sustain our tourism sector and retail trade. The influx of mainland visitors to Hong Kong has triggered confrontational sentiments amongst some local residents lately though this has somewhat calmed down as visitations from the Mainland has slowed. However, the Tourism Board s data showed that both the number and frequency of mainland visitors have gone up. The rate of increase in July was 11.2%. But this is not the right time to suggest an increase in mainland visitors when the annoyances felt by those living in the northern New Territories have not been fully addressed nor has the Government come up with a solution to divert visitors away from our busiest and most crowded shopping districts. The Quality Tourism Services Association and several retail and wholesale associations recently commissioned an independent economist to conduct an analysis on the contribution made by the retail industry to the local economy. The findings showed that the positive value created by the tourism and retail sectors over the past 10 years were plenty ranging from import/ export trade to employment and from a boost in personal income to an increase in domestic consumption. Therefore the one and only correct approach to the problem of overcrowding by mainland visitors is to relieve the pressure points and spread the visitors across Hong Kong rather than simply cutting down on their numbers or by being selective on the type of high-spending visitors. Analysis is required to better our understanding of the unique characteristics of mainland visitors followed by careful planning of the preferred mode of travel and consumption targeting their needs. We have made a number of proposals in the past including expanding the facilities of the airport and taking full advantage of Hong Kong being an international entrepot; exploring the feasibility of providing direct transport links between our borders and the heart of the city to lessen the pressure on the East Rail Line etc. I hope everyone in the industry will put their heads together to come up with other ideas so that we can urge the Government to take some positive action to help sustain our trade. 12

15 會員透視 Member Perspective QTSA NEWS th Quarter 新會員登場 Brands Highlight 優質旅遊服務協會現時擁有超過 1300 名會員, 是本港主要商會之一 協會歡迎更多商戶加入我們的行列, 攜手提升本港的服務業質素 以下的公司簡介, 由最近加入本會的商戶提供 : With over 1300 members, the QTSA is one of the major trade associations in Hong Kong. We welcome merchants to join us to improve Hong Kong s service quality together. The following profiles have been provided by new members: 巧克力媽媽有限公司 Chocolate Mama Limited 公司提供高質及健康為主的產品, 主要從意大利及馬來西亞直接入口, 以滿足不同顧客需要 Chocolate Mama Limited mainly provides health products with high quality, which usually import from Italy and Malaysia in order to satisfy different customers needs. Studio A Studio A Technology Limited 在 2010 年 3 月於香港成立, 同時於銅鑼灣開設首間及最大規模之蘋果旗艦概念店, 現時全港已有 7 間分店 Studio A Technology Limited was established in March 2010 in Hong Kong. We opened the first and the biggest APR (Apple Premium Reseller) store in Causeway Bay and now we have seven stores in Hong Kong. 13

16 會員透視 Member Perspective QTSA NEWS th Quarter 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶得主 2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Award (Online Voting) Winners 由本港及全球各地的消費者投選的 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶, 最高票數的十家的零售 餐館得主經已誕生, 以下為部份得獎商戶的分享 : The 2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Award (Online Voting) received votes from consumers in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other overseas markets. Among the many quality shops and restaurants, the 10 shops and 10 restaurants that scored the highest numbers of votes received the award. Below are the sharings from some of the online voting winners: 零售商戶 Shop Bossini bossini 經過約二十年的迅速發展, 已建立了一個龐大的全球性營運平台及分銷網路, 並成功將業務拓展至全球約三十六個國家及地區, 以香港 中國大陸 臺灣 新加坡 中東 印度及泰國為核心市場 為推動積極樂觀的人生態度,bossini 以 be happy 作為其品牌理念, 透過色彩豐富的產品及店鋪陳列, 營造舒適輕鬆的購物環境, 為顧客帶來愉快的購物體驗, 希望將快樂感染每一位顧客 對於 bossini 成為 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶, 我們感到十分榮幸及高興 十分感謝顧客的支持, 證明我們的產品設計選擇多樣化, 極具吸引力, 成功引起市場的關注及得到認同 未來 bossini 團隊將會設計出更多別具創意的優質產品, 並繼續與各大品牌合作推出不同的聯乘系列, 為顧客帶來更多驚喜 同時, 獎項亦證明 bossini 在市場上已奠定良好的品牌形象及市場定位, 更確立我們的品牌理念, 有助推動團隊於產品設計及推廣上作更多嘗試, 為顧客帶來新鮮感及獨特的消費體驗 bossini 希望通過此認同能繼續獲得顧客的支持以及吸納更多的客戶群 Over the past two decades, bossini has established an extensive international operating platform and distribution network, covering around 36 countries and regions, with a major market presence in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Middle East, India and Thailand. We are working hard to become the preferred every day wear brand, and are striving to uphold the brand value of be happy with the promotion and delivery of positive energy and happiness to everyone. We aim to provide delightful shopping experiences for our customers with appealing displays of colourful products, which create a notably pleasant shopping environment. We are very honoured to have received the 2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Awards (Online Voting) award. The continued support of our loyal customers proves that the wide range of our apparel has been very successful, which creates extensive market awareness and brand recognition. This award will no doubt motivate our team to strive for even more appealing designs and quality products in the future and to work with more renowned brands for our co-brand licensing collection, in order to keep our customers happy. Receiving the 2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Awards (Online voting) is recognition for our outstanding brand building efforts and business results, which further reinforces our position as market leader in the casual wear apparel industry. The award will inevitably motivate our impeccable team to create even more appealing designs and creative promotions to continue offering new exciting products and provide a unique shopping experience for our customers. This award will also raise our profile and enable us to capture new customers from the mass market thereby expanding our customer base. 美心西餅 Maxim s Cakes 美心西餅由 1960 年代的咖啡廳餅店, 發展至全港最具規模的西餅麵包連鎖店, 分店超過 170 多家 我們用心為顧客在品質 服務 價值 創意及便利五方面追求卓越, 一直帶領香港蛋糕及麵包市場領導地位 美心西餅在產品研發方面屢創新猷, 為顧客帶來新鮮感 繼皇牌產品 脆脆系列, 亦推出城中大熱 天使魔鬼蛋糕 及 彩虹蛋糕 美心西餅很榮幸被香港市民及遊客投票選出為 2014 十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶 能夠獲得此獎項, 足以證明美心西餅多年來的用心服務表現及以客為先 誠信務實的服務態度獲得顧客和遊客的認同及肯定 美心西餅作為香港著名品牌, 能榮獲優質旅遊服務協會舉辦的 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶 獎項, 特別能加強遊客對美心西餅的信心及認識 Founded as a café in the 1960s, Maxim's Cakes has since developed into the largest cake and bakery chain store in Hong Kong, operating more then 170 outlets. Maxim's Cakes persistently strives for excellence in quality, service, value, creativity and convenience, being the market leader in the cake & bakery industry. Product innovation is at the heart of Maxim's Cakes, we continue to provide fresh and exciting new products to pamper our customers. In recent years we successfully developed our signature "Crispy Series", "Angel and Devil Cake" and "Rainbow Cake", which have been the talk of the town since their launch. 14

17 會員透視 Member Perspective QTSA NEWS th Quarter 百成堂 Pak Shing Tong 百成堂自 1920 年開始一直本著 以人為本, 用心造藥 的宗旨, 為顧客搜羅最正宗 最優質的中藥材, 並堅持正貨保證承諾 而且我們的前線人員服務以客為先, 殷勤親切, 顧客感受到熱情真摯的招待, 享受購物的樂趣, 讓每位顧客都有賓至如歸的感覺 我們關心客人的購物需要, 並詳盡介紹公司貨品的功效 特性及各種優惠予客人, 確保貨真價實, 令顧客安心購物 百成堂很榮幸能獲選成為由優質旅遊服務協會所舉辦的 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶, 這種認同和支持, 給我們很大的鼓舞 是次網選活動吸引近 150 間 優質旅遊服務 計劃認證商戶參與, 並接受本港 國內以及全球各地的消費者投選, 極具代表性 本公司同事對於今次獲得此項殊榮, 深深體會努力帶來的成果, 日後定更加努力讓公司向更高水平邁進, 致力推動香港的優質服務精神 Pak Shing Tong was founded in 1920, with our management philosophy of Be mankind oriented, manufacture medicine wholeheartedly, we offer the best quality and genuine products to our customers. Our frontline staff serve customers with a gracious hospitality in order to create an enjoyable shopping experience for them. In addition, our staff introduce products with detailed descriptions so that customers are confident the products meet their expectations and will visit one of our shops again. It is an honour for us to have won the 2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Award (Online Voting). We are inspired by this service award which represents acknowledgment and support. Near 150 QTS accredited merchants took part with the Online Voting, which received an enthusiastic response from consumers in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other overseas markets. Hence, the results are highly representative. Our colleagues will work harder to enhance the company and take it to a higher level. We will continue to develop in the future to carry forward the spirit of service in Hong Kong. 太子珠寶鐘錶公司 Prince Jewellery & Watch Co 太子珠寶鐘錶自 1984 年創立以來, 堅守從心出發的服務原則 以誠信為經營理念, 為顧客提供殷勤服務, 多年來於珠寶鐘錶界建立良好的品牌形象 太子珠寶鐘錶感激社會各界的支持, 顧客的認同是本公司的原動力 是次再度獲得權威機構的認同, 有感多年努力及求上進之心並無白費, 從而進一步推動公司上下團結一心 更進一步 優質旅遊服務協會是世界各地訪港旅客必然信賴的標誌, 公司獲得 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶 獎項嘉許, 既能激勵前線員工提高士氣, 又能提高訪港旅客對太子珠寶鐘錶的信心, 並證明公司貨真價實, 服務卓越 With sincerity and integrity, Prince Jewellery & Watch Co has dared to make a breakthrough with its management technique and embrace proficient knowledge. This is how our excellent brand image was built. Prince Jewellery & Watch Co is grateful for the long-term support it has received from the community; recognition from our customers is the motivating force that drives us towards the next level of preeminence. Being a winner of the "2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Award" again proves that our persistent efforts have been successful and it will unite us to strive for further progress. As an authoritative association, the QTSA s award "2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Award (Online Voting)" boosts our frontline morale, and also reaffirms our genuine service and attitude. 莎莎化粧品 Sa Sa Cosmetic 莎莎國際控股有限公司為亞洲區居領導地位的化粧品零售集團, 以 一站式化粧品專門店 概念, 於亞洲區內五個主要市場包括香港及澳門 中國大陸 新加坡 馬來西亞及台灣地區設有逾 270 個銷售點, 銷售逾 600 個品牌, 合共超過 17,000 種產品 莎莎一直堅守 以客為尊 的服務精神, 銳意為顧客提供 優質 物超所值的產品及專業的服務, 締造美麗人生 這次獲得顧客的認同, 集團上下均感鼓舞, 並感謝顧客長期以來的支持 能於網選中得到海外及本地消費者的肯定, 全靠顧客對我們的認同及口碑支持, 這次獲獎進一步幫助集團提升形象 展望將來, 莎莎將繼續致力提升服務質素, 加強產品組合以及貼心的服務, 為顧客創造非凡購物體驗 Sa Sa International Holdings Limited is a leading cosmetics retailing group in Asia, having over 270 retail stores and counters in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan offering its "one-stop cosmetics specialty store" concept, with over 600 brands covering 17,000 products. Sa Sa is committed to its customer-centric philosophy through providing "Quality, Best Value Products and Professional Service", and is dedicated to making life beautiful. The Group is delighted to have received recognition directly from our customers and would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for their long-term support. In this polling, we are honoured by the local and overseas customer accolades and positive word-of-mouth. This award helps to further enhance our corporate image. Looking forward, Sa Sa will continue to enhance its service standards, strengthen product offerings and offer a personalised service to create an extraordinary shopping experience for our customers. 15

18 會員透視 Member Perspective QTSA NEWS th Quarter 餐館 Restaurant Häagen-Dazs Häagen-Dazs 的品牌標誌代表尊貴不凡的雪糕美食, 敢於創新的精神, 往往為品味獨到的您帶來意想不到的驚喜 事實上,Häagen-Dazs 一直對品質控制一絲不苟, 致力以精湛的手藝 頂級的食材, 為世界呈獻純正的雪糕真味, 一直秉承著優良傳統, 以頂級的雪糕與甜品, 為顧客帶來回味無窮的享受 由創立至今,Häagen-Dazs 一直恪守天然純正的宗旨, 我們的雪糕均以新鮮牛奶製造, 絕不使用任何防腐劑 人造香料或人造色素, 開創無添加的滋味享受 Häagen-Dazs 非常榮幸獲得 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶 餐館 獎項, 感謝顧客及商業伙伴一直以來對我們的支持 Häagen-Dazs 將本著一貫的努力, 繼續用心提供專業優質服務, 務求令顧客獲得貼心的服務及舒適的環境 Ice cream lovers around the world have come to recognise the distinctive Häagen-Dazs brand logo as an icon for luxury ice cream crafted for the sophisticated palate, with indulgent flavours and unique creations setting us apart. From the very beginning, uncompromising product quality has been central to the Häagen- Dazs experience, making the brand synonymous with fine craftsmanship and only using the best quality ingredients available. Häagen-Dazs has maintained a timeless tradition of producing only the best quality ice cream and desserts, offering consumers an exceptional eating experience second to none Since its formation and to this today, purity, naturality and authenticity are cherished by Häagen-Dazs : We don t use any, preservatives, artificial flavourings, or artificial colourings. Our ice cream is only made from fresh dairy. It is a great honour for Häagen-Dazs to have received the 2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant Award (Online Voting) in the restaurant category. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and business partners for their continued support. In appreciation of this, Häagen-Dazs will continue to provide the optimum upscale experience and quality service you have come to expect. 麥當勞 有限公司 McDonald's Restaurants (HK) Ltd 麥當勞一直致力透過優質食品 (Good Food) 卓越人才 (Good People) 以及關心社區 (Good Neighbor) 這三大方向, 為顧客提供優質而多元化的產品, 並致力為顧客提供一個舒適的用餐場所及好像 Sunshine 一樣的摰誠服務, 令顧客享受到優質愉快的餐飲體驗 麥當勞非常榮幸能夠獲選為 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶! 我們十分感謝香港人 39 年來的鼎力支持, 亦衷心感謝大會對麥當勞優質服務的肯定, 確實為我們注入了強心針 未來, 麥當勞會繼續努力, 秉持 以客為先 的服務宗旨, 時刻聆聽顧客的意見, 提供優質貼心的服務和產品, 令每一位顧客都滿載歡笑聲而回, 使麥當勞繼續成為他們心目中的首選餐廳 McDonald's is committed to provide customers with a delightful dining experience through our three core values Good Food, Good People and Good Neighbor. We strive to serve customers with high-quality and diversified products, as well as provide a "Sunshine" service for their enjoyment in our restaurants. McDonald's is very honoured to have received the "Most Popular QTS Merchant Award 2014". We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our customers for their continuous support over the past 39 years, and our heartfelt thanks go to the QTSA for its recognition of McDonald s quality food and service which motivates us to achieve more in the future. Moving forward, McDonald's reiterates its commitment to uphold the "customer first" principle, always listening to customer feedback and ensuring excellent service and products to make every customer s experience memorable, so that McDonald's continues to be their first choice! 吉野家 Yoshinoya 香港吉野家一直以 良心品質 為經營宗旨, 為客人提供優質牛丼 自 1991 年開業以來, 香港吉野家牛丼銷售達兩億碗, 足以證明品牌一直深得香港人喜愛 我們感謝香港旅發局及客人的支持, 我們會繼續努力, 秉承日本老店百年智慧, 為客人提供質優價廉之美食 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶 是客人對香港吉野家的認同, 推動我們不斷努力向前, 為客人提供更優質之美食, 更貼心之服務 Yoshinoya Hong Kong always offers quality beef rice bowls based on the operation strategy of "quality of conscience". Since our opening in Year 1991, the brand has been serving 200-million of rice bowls in Hong Kong. Our rice bowls are highly favoured by Hong Kong customers. We would like to express our sincere thanks for Hong Kong Tourism Board and our customers. We will continue to follow Japan s hundred-year heritage to provide quality but value-for-money products for our customers. "2014 Most Popular QTS Merchant" is recognition of Yoshinoya Hong Kong. It will motivate our team to strive for product and service excellence for our customers. 16

19 會員透視 Member Perspective QTSA NEWS th Quarter 太興 Tai Hing 太興飲食集團於 1989 年創立, 憑藉揉合傳統與創新的經營理念, 帶領品牌從港式燒味快餐店拓展為譽滿華人社區的著名大型餐飲連鎖集團 太興非常榮幸能獲得 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶 殊榮, 感謝所有支持太興的朋友, 亦衷心感謝協會及業界對我們的肯定 25 年來太興一直秉持對品質的堅持及創新求變的經營理念, 並以優質食品 服務及環境為目標, 務求為顧客帶來最愉快的餐飲體驗 我們透過現代化的管理 自動化的生產系統及標準化的流程, 令全線分店食物質素維持在極高的水平, 同時集團更大力投放資源在人材培訓 顧客服務以至引入神秘顧客調查, 加上分店實施五常法管理, 更不時進行裝修粉飾, 令客人舒適之餘, 還感受到一份生活品味的昇華 未來, 我們會繼續努力秉持以 優質 為宗旨, 力求於出品及服務等各方面力臻完善, 讓 太興 這個香港土生的品牌, 發展成為港人引以自傲的國際美食名牌, 並將香港飲食文化宣揚至世界各地, 為香港 美食之都 的美譽出一分力 Tai Hing Catering Group was founded in Combining tradition and innovation, Tai Hing has developed from a small independent fast food eatery into the largest Hong Kong-styled chain restaurant group in the city. We are honoured to have received the Most Popular QTS Merchant Award (Online Voting) from the QTSA. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone that supports Tai Hing, and our heartfelt thanks go to the QTSA and other experts in the industry. For 25 years Tai Hing has been committed to improve and develop its delicacies and services to meet the highest standards. Thanks to modern management techniques, standardisation and automation, Tai Hing ensures that all its dishes are produced to the highest standards. In addition, the Group invests massively in training, customer services, mystery shopper schemes and shop renovations, and adopts 5S management at all branches to provide enjoyable dining experiences for all customers. Tai Hing is proud of its market position and being a well-established Hong Kong born-and-bred brand. For us to continue providing Hong Kong with a gourmet paradise, it is essential for us to maintain excellence in both products and services and to keep striving for perfection. 翠華餐廳 Tsui Wah Restaurant 翠華餐廳於 1967 年從旺角一家小小的冰室開始, 發展成今天高踞香港領導地位的連鎖餐飲集團, 是首間在香港聯交所主板上市 ( 股份代號 1314) 的茶餐廳 翠華積極拓展大中華市場, 除香港外, 於澳門 深圳 上海 杭州及武漢均設有分店 翠華餐廳致力弘揚香港飲食文化, 堅持一貫 快 靚 正 服務宗旨, 為顧客提供健康優質的地道特色食品 翠華餐廳堅守對食物品質 環境及服務質素的嚴格要求, 持續研發不同菜式, 融匯東西薈萃 多元化的食品, 讓不同國家 種族 年紀的客人都可享受優質的茶餐廳風味 翠華嚴選優質食材, 從主食至調味料皆一絲不苟 多年來, 翠華餐廳憑藉始終如一的堅持, 於品牌 食品 服務等方面均屢獲殊榮, 深受各界歡迎及肯定 感謝各界對翠華餐廳的支持, 投選翠華為 2014 網選十大最受歡迎香港優質商戶, 反映翠華是深受旅客歡迎的優質餐飲品牌 這項殊榮推動我們持續提供優質的食品 餐廳裝潢 衛生環境和顧客服務, 不斷與時並進, 精益求精 是次獲得 受歡迎香港優質商戶, 標誌著本地顧客及遊客對翠華餐廳的肯定, 以及認同翠華對食物品質 環境衛生和服務質素的嚴格堅持, 推動我們繼續弘揚 健康優質的香港地道特色飲食文化 Tsui Wah Restaurant began as a modest, Bing Sut in Mong Kok in the 1960s. These days, it has stamped its mark on the market as the largest and most successful Cha Chaan Teng restaurant chain in Hong Kong, and also the first to be listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 1314). Besides Hong Kong, Tsui Wah has expanded into the Greater China region, currently operating restaurants in Macau, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Wuhan. Tsui Wah upholds its core values of "Efficiency, Exquisiteness and Desirability" and is committed to promote healthy eating habits with a careful selection of ingredients. With the unflappable and creative spirit that marks Hong Kong, Tsui Wah continues to provide the highest food quality, hygiene and customer service. Tsui Wah offers a distinct, yet authentically Hong Kong-style cuisine that carries innovative interpretations of traditional Cantonese dishes blending with Western and Asian elements. Tsui Wah Restaurant insists on high standards of quality, and has been honoured with numerous awards for its branding, food and services, winning the support of people from all walks of life. Winning the this award is one our biggest honours as it is widely recognised within the industry ng that Tsui Wah is one of the most popular tourist culinary attractions. We would like to show our gratitude by continuing to provide quality cuisine, delicate restaurant decoration, hygienic dining environments and high level customer service to diners. Being the leading Cha Chaan Teng in Hong Kong for many years, our diners support is the greatest motivation that keeps us improving and staying abreast within the business. This award signifies Tsui Wah as one of the most eminent restaurant chains in the catering sector. With top-notch restaurant complexes providing high standards of food, customer services and dining environment being crucial to our popularity. We spare no effort sourcing healthy and wholesome ingredients for our dishes and do our very best to promote a healthy local food culture in Hong Kong. 17

20 會訊 NEWS 2014 第 4 季 4 th Quarter 活動 Event 日期 Date 地點 Venue 優質旅遊服務協會熱線 QTSA Hotline QTSA 會繼續為您呈獻更多精彩活動! 請密切留意本會網站 Please stay tuned for other activities brought to you by QTSA. For latest information, please visit * 本會保留活動最終更改權 QTSA reserves the right to update the event schedule.

在著所有美味的背後, 是我們擁有兩名超過 30 年烹飪經驗的粵菜大廚以及後廚超過 30 人的團隊一起合作, 給您帶來真正海鮮粵菜藝術

在著所有美味的背後, 是我們擁有兩名超過 30 年烹飪經驗的粵菜大廚以及後廚超過 30 人的團隊一起合作, 給您帶來真正海鮮粵菜藝術 最完美的食材要用最完美的態度與技術去對待, 正是我們漁膳房的大廚們所奉行的原則 料理對我們來說, 不單單隻是把食物做到美味, 更是一門精深的學問和藝術 從處理食材 烹飪到擺盤, 我們們都追求盡善盡美 除了調製出最美味的 符合華人飲食習慣的口味, 我們更是注重不破壞食材本身的美味之處, 並讓人從食中感悟養生之道 我們注重菜品的多樣化, 從早茶點心 午餐套餐到正餐, 應有盡有, 隻為了滿足消費者們不同的飲食需求

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